. \" @(#)label.1 1.2 10/05/12 Copyright 1986-2010 J. Schilling . \" Manual page for label . \"
LABEL 1L "15. May 2010" "J\*org Schilling" "Schily\'s USER COMMANDS"
label - manipulate Sun disk labels
label [ options ]
The label command manipulates Sun disk labels. It shares the menu subroutines with the sformat (1) command and thus presents the same label and partition menu as sformat (1). The label however does not operate by sending SCSI commands to the drive but rather reads and writes files.
All boolean options can be abbreviated by their first letter.

-print Print the disk label and the partition table and exit.

-set Read the disk label and partition table, set the disk driver geometry and partition tables according to the data read from file and disk and exit.

lproto= " label-name

if= " label-name Set the name of the input file. This may be a plain file or a raw disk device name.

lname= " label-name

of= " label-name Set the name of the output file. This may be a plain file or a raw disk device name.

f= " label-name Set the name for both, the input and the output file. This may be a plain file or a raw disk device name.

-help Prints a short summary of the label (1) options and exists.

-version Prints the label (1) version number string and exists.


Label.prototype A file containing a Sun disk label that is read in case that no lproto= if= or f= option was specified.

Label A file containing a Sun disk label that is written in case that no lname= of= or f= option was specified.

sformat (1)