1 /** ADAMEm: Coleco ADAM emulator ********************************************/
2 /**                                                                        **/
3 /**                                Coleco.h                                **/
4 /**                                                                        **/
5 /** This file contains generic Coleco related definitions                  **/
6 /**                                                                        **/
7 /** Copyright (C) Marcel de Kogel 1996,1997,1998,1999                      **/
8 /**     You are not allowed to distribute this software commercially       **/
9 /**     Please, notify me, if you make any changes to this file            **/
10 /****************************************************************************/
12 #include "Z80.h"                      /* Z80 emulation declarations         */
14 #define BigSprites    (VDP.Reg[1]&0x01)   /* Magnified sprites              */
15 #define Sprites16x16  (VDP.Reg[1]&0x02)   /* Sprite size                    */
16 #define ScreenON      (VDP.Reg[1]&0x40)   /* Show screen                    */
18 typedef struct
19 {
20  int Reg[8];                          /* VDP registers                      */
21  int Status;                          /* VDP status register                */
22  int Addr;                            /* Current memory offset              */
23  int Mode;                            /* 0=Read VRAM, 1=Write VRAM          */
24  byte *VRAM;                          /* VRAM pointer                       */
25  int VRAMSize;                        /* Either 0x3FFF or 0x0FFF            */
26  int FGColour,BGColour;               /* Current colours                    */
27  int VKey;                            /* If 0, VDP is being accessed        */
28  int VR;                              /* Last value written to VDP          */
29  int ScreenChanged;                   /* 1 if VRAM or VDP regs are changed  */
30 } VDP_t;
32 extern VDP_t VDP;                     /* VDP parameters                     */
33 extern int  Verbose;                  /* Debug msgs ON/OFF                  */
34 extern int  EmuMode;                  /* 0=ColecoVision, 1=ADAM             */
35 extern int  IFreq;                    /* VDP interrupt frequency            */
36 extern int  UPeriod;                  /* Number of interrupts/screen update */
37 extern int  PrnType;                  /* Type of printer attached           */
38 extern int  DiskSpeed;                /* Time in ms it takes to read one... */
39 extern int  TapeSpeed;                /* ... block                          */
40 extern char *CartName;                /* Cartridge ROM file                 */
41 extern char *OS7File,*EOSFile,*WPFile;/* Main ROMs                          */
42 extern int  RAMPages;                 /* Number of 64K expansion RAM pages  */
43 extern char *DiskName[4];             /* Disk image file names              */
44 extern char *TapeName[4];             /* Tape image file names              */
45 extern char *PrnName;                 /* Printer log file                   */
46 extern char *LPTName;                 /* Parallel port log file             */
47 extern char *SoundName;               /* Sound log file                     */
48 extern int  JoyState[2];              /* Joystick status                    */
49 extern int  SpinnerPosition[2];       /* Spinner positions [0..500]         */
50 extern int  LastSprite[256];          /* Last sprite to be displayed        */
51 extern int  Support5thSprite;         /* Show only 4 sprites per row        */
52 #define NR_PALETTES     4
53 extern byte Palettes[NR_PALETTES][16*3];
54 extern int  PalNum;                   /* Palette number                     */
55 #define Coleco_Palette	Palettes[PalNum]
56 extern int  SaveSnapshot;             /* If 1, auto-save snapshot           */
57 extern char *SnapshotName;            /* Snapshot file name                 */
58 #define MAX_CHEATS      16            /* Maximum number of cheat codes      */
59                                       /* supported                          */
60 extern int  Cheats[16];               /* Cheats to patch into game ROM      */
61 extern int  CheatCount;               /* Number of cheats                   */
62 extern byte *AddrTabl[256];           /* Currently mapped in pages          */
63 extern byte *WriteAddrTabl[256];      /* Used to write protect ROM          */
65 /****************************************************************************/
66 /*** Save current emulation status to snapshot file                       ***/
67 /****************************************************************************/
68 int SaveSnapshotFile (char *filename);
70 /****************************************************************************/
71 /*** This function puts a character in the keyboard buffer                ***/
72 /****************************************************************************/
73 void AddToKeyboardBuffer (byte ch);
75 /****************************************************************************/
76 /*** Change disk and tape images, printer log file, etc.                  ***/
77 /****************************************************************************/
79 void OptionsDialogue (void);
80 #endif
82 /****************************************************************************/
83 /*** Reset the Coleco                                                     ***/
84 /*** If mode==0, EOS is booted. If mode==1, the cartridge is booted       ***/
85 /****************************************************************************/
86 void ResetColeco (int mode);
88 /****************************************************************************/
89 /*** This function allocates all resources necessary for the              ***/
90 /*** hardware-independent part of the code and starts the emulation. In   ***/
91 /*** case of a failure, this function returns 0                           ***/
92 /****************************************************************************/
93 int StartColeco(void);
95 /****************************************************************************/
96 /*** Free memory allocated by StartColeco()                               ***/
97 /****************************************************************************/
98 void TrashColeco(void);
100 /****************************************************************************/
101 /*** Allocate resources needed by the machine-dependent code              ***/
102 /************************************************** TO BE WRITTEN BY USER ***/
103 int InitMachine(void);
105 /****************************************************************************/
106 /*** Deallocate all resources taken by InitMachine()                      ***/
107 /************************************************** TO BE WRITTEN BY USER ***/
108 void TrashMachine(void);
110 /****************************************************************************/
111 /*** These functions are called to initialise the various screen modes    ***/
112 /*** and refresh the screen                                               ***/
113 /************************************************** TO BE WRITTEN BY USER ***/
114 void ColourScreen (void);
115 void RefreshScreen (int ScreenChanged);
117 /****************************************************************************/
118 /*** These functions are called when the modem I/O ports are accessed     ***/
119 /************************************************** TO BE WRITTEN BY USER ***/
120 void ModemOut (int reg,int value);
121 int  ModemIn  (int reg);
123 /****************************************************************************/
124 /*** This function is called to poll keyboard and joysticks               ***/
125 /************************************************** TO BE WRITTEN BY USER ***/
126 void Keyboard (void);
128 /****************************************************************************/
129 /*** This function is called on every VDP interrupt. It should return 0   ***/
130 /*** if the screen should not be refreshed, 1 if the screen should be     ***/
131 /*** refreshed, or 2 if the screen should be refreshed according to       ***/
132 /*** UPeriod setting                                                      ***/
133 /************************************************** TO BE WRITTEN BY USER ***/
134 int CheckScreenRefresh (void);
136 /****************************************************************************/
137 /*** Sound routines                                                       ***/
138 /****************************************************************************/
139 #include "Sound.h"