1 // Copyright 2017 Citra Emulator Project
2 // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
3 // Refer to the license.txt file included.
5 #pragma once
7 #include <array>
8 #include <functional>
9 #include <string>
10 #include <vector>
11 #include "common/common_types.h"
12 #include "common/web_result.h"
14 namespace AnnounceMultiplayerRoom {
16 using MacAddress = std::array<u8, 6>;
18 struct Room {
19     struct Member {
20         std::string username;
21         std::string nickname;
22         std::string avatar_url;
23         MacAddress mac_address;
24         std::string game_name;
25         u64 game_id;
26     };
27     std::string id;
28     std::string verify_UID; ///< UID used for verification
29     std::string name;
30     std::string description;
31     std::string owner;
32     std::string ip;
33     u16 port;
34     u32 max_player;
35     u32 net_version;
36     bool has_password;
37     std::string preferred_game;
38     u64 preferred_game_id;
40     std::vector<Member> members;
41 };
42 using RoomList = std::vector<Room>;
44 /**
45  * A AnnounceMultiplayerRoom interface class. A backend to submit/get to/from a web service should
46  * implement this interface.
47  */
48 class Backend : NonCopyable {
49 public:
50     virtual ~Backend() = default;
52     /**
53      * Sets the Information that gets used for the announce
54      * @param uid The Id of the room
55      * @param name The name of the room
56      * @param description The room description
57      * @param port The port of the room
58      * @param net_version The version of the libNetwork that gets used
59      * @param has_password True if the room is passowrd protected
60      * @param preferred_game The preferred game of the room
61      * @param preferred_game_id The title id of the preferred game
62      */
63     virtual void SetRoomInformation(const std::string& name, const std::string& description,
64                                     const u16 port, const u32 max_player, const u32 net_version,
65                                     const bool has_password, const std::string& preferred_game,
66                                     const u64 preferred_game_id) = 0;
67     /**
68      * Adds a player information to the data that gets announced
69      * @param nickname The nickname of the player
70      * @param mac_address The MAC Address of the player
71      * @param game_id The title id of the game the player plays
72      * @param game_name The name of the game the player plays
73      */
74     virtual void AddPlayer(const std::string& username, const std::string& nickname,
75                            const std::string& avatar_url, const MacAddress& mac_address,
76                            const u64 game_id, const std::string& game_name) = 0;
78     /**
79      * Updates the data in the announce service. Re-register the room when required.
80      * @result The result of the update attempt
81      */
82     virtual Common::WebResult Update() = 0;
84     /**
85      * Registers the data in the announce service
86      * @result The result of the register attempt. When the result code is Success, A global Guid of
87      * the room which may be used for verification will be in the result's returned_data.
88      */
89     virtual Common::WebResult Register() = 0;
91     /**
92      * Empties the stored players
93      */
94     virtual void ClearPlayers() = 0;
96     /**
97      * Get the room information from the announce service
98      * @result A list of all rooms the announce service has
99      */
100     virtual RoomList GetRoomList() = 0;
102     /**
103      * Sends a delete message to the announce service
104      */
105     virtual void Delete() = 0;
106 };
108 /**
109  * Empty implementation of AnnounceMultiplayerRoom interface that drops all data. Used when a
110  * functional backend implementation is not available.
111  */
112 class NullBackend : public Backend {
113 public:
114     ~NullBackend() = default;
SetRoomInformation(const std::string &,const std::string &,const u16,const u32,const u32,const bool,const std::string &,const u64)115     void SetRoomInformation(const std::string& /*name*/, const std::string& /*description*/,
116                             const u16 /*port*/, const u32 /*max_player*/, const u32 /*net_version*/,
117                             const bool /*has_password*/, const std::string& /*preferred_game*/,
118                             const u64 /*preferred_game_id*/) override {}
AddPlayer(const std::string &,const std::string &,const std::string &,const MacAddress &,const u64,const std::string &)119     void AddPlayer(const std::string& /*username*/, const std::string& /*nickname*/,
120                    const std::string& /*avatar_url*/, const MacAddress& /*mac_address*/,
121                    const u64 /*game_id*/, const std::string& /*game_name*/) override {}
Update()122     Common::WebResult Update() override {
123         return Common::WebResult{Common::WebResult::Code::NoWebservice, "WebService is missing"};
124     }
Register()125     Common::WebResult Register() override {
126         return Common::WebResult{Common::WebResult::Code::NoWebservice, "WebService is missing"};
127     }
ClearPlayers()128     void ClearPlayers() override {}
GetRoomList()129     RoomList GetRoomList() override {
130         return RoomList{};
131     }
Delete()133     void Delete() override {}
134 };
136 } // namespace AnnounceMultiplayerRoom