1 // license:BSD-3-Clause
2 // copyright-holders:Aaron Giles
3 /***************************************************************************
5     Sega System 16B hardware
7 ***************************************************************************/
11 #pragma once
13 #include "cpu/m68000/m68000.h"
14 #include "cpu/mcs51/mcs51.h"
15 #include "cpu/z80/z80.h"
16 #include "machine/315_5195.h"
17 #include "machine/cxd1095.h"
18 #include "machine/gen_latch.h"
19 #include "machine/nvram.h"
20 #include "machine/segaic16.h"
21 #include "machine/upd4701.h"
22 #include "sound/ym2151.h"
23 #include "sound/ym2413.h"
24 #include "sound/upd7759.h"
25 #include "sound/dac.h"
26 #include "video/segaic16.h"
27 #include "video/sega16sp.h"
28 #include "screen.h"
31 // ======================> segas16b_state
33 class segas16b_state : public sega_16bit_common_base
34 {
35 public:
36 	// construction/destruction
segas16b_state(const machine_config & mconfig,device_type type,const char * tag)37 	segas16b_state(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag)
38 		: sega_16bit_common_base(mconfig, type, tag)
39 		, m_mapper(*this, "mapper")
40 		, m_maincpu(*this, "maincpu")
41 		, m_soundcpu(*this, "soundcpu")
42 		, m_mcu(*this, "mcu")
43 		, m_ym2151(*this, "ym2151")
44 		, m_ym2413(*this, "ym2413")
45 		, m_upd7759(*this, "upd")
46 		, m_multiplier(*this, "multiplier")
47 		, m_cmptimer_1(*this, "cmptimer_1")
48 		, m_cmptimer_2(*this, "cmptimer_2")
49 		, m_nvram(*this, "nvram")
50 		, m_screen(*this, "screen")
51 		, m_sprites(*this, "sprites")
52 		, m_segaic16vid(*this, "segaic16vid")
53 		, m_soundlatch(*this, "soundlatch")
54 		, m_cxdio(*this, "cxdio")
55 		, m_upd4701a(*this, "upd4701a%u", 1U)
56 		, m_workram(*this, "workram")
57 		, m_romboard(ROM_BOARD_INVALID)
58 		, m_tilemap_type(segaic16_video_device::TILEMAP_16B)
59 		, m_custom_io_r(*this)
60 		, m_custom_io_w(*this)
61 		, m_disable_screen_blanking(false)
62 		, m_i8751_initial_config(nullptr)
63 		, m_atomicp_sound_divisor(0)
64 		, m_atomicp_sound_count(0)
65 		, m_hwc_input_value(0)
66 		, m_hwc_monitor(*this, "MONITOR")
67 		, m_hwc_left(*this, "LEFT")
68 		, m_hwc_right(*this, "RIGHT")
69 		, m_hwc_left_limit(*this, "LEFT_LIMIT")
70 		, m_hwc_right_limit(*this, "RIGHT_LIMIT")
71 		, m_mj_input_num(0)
72 		, m_mj_last_val(0)
73 		, m_mj_inputs(*this, "MJ%u", 0U)
74 		, m_spritepalbase(0x400)
75 		, m_gfxdecode(*this, "gfxdecode")
76 		, m_sound_decrypted_opcodes(*this, "sound_decrypted_opcodes")
77 		, m_decrypted_opcodes(*this, "decrypted_opcodes")
78 		, m_bootleg_scroll(*this, "bootleg_scroll")
79 		, m_bootleg_page(*this, "bootleg_page")
80 		, m_lamps(*this, "lamp%u", 0U)
81 	{ }
83 	void rom_5797_fragment(machine_config &config);
84 	void system16b_fd1094_5797(machine_config &config);
85 	void fpointbla(machine_config &config);
86 	void atomicp(machine_config &config);
87 	void aceattacb_fd1094(machine_config &config);
88 	void system16b_i8751(machine_config &config);
89 	void system16c(machine_config &config);
90 	void system16b_mc8123(machine_config &config);
91 	void system16b_i8751_5797(machine_config &config);
92 	void system16b_fd1089a(machine_config &config);
93 	void system16b_5797(machine_config &config);
94 	void system16b_split(machine_config &config);
95 	void system16b_fd1089b(machine_config &config);
96 	void system16b(machine_config &config);
97 	void system16b_fd1094(machine_config &config);
98 	void fpointbl(machine_config &config);
99 	void lockonph(machine_config &config);
101 	// ROM board-specific driver init
102 	void init_generic_5521();
103 	void init_generic_5358();
104 	void init_generic_5704();
105 	void init_generic_5358_small();
106 	void init_generic_5797();
107 	void init_generic_korean();
108 	void init_generic_bootleg();
109 	void init_lockonph();
110 	// game-specific driver init
111 	void init_isgsm();
112 	void init_tturf_5704();
113 	void init_wb3_5704();
114 	void init_hwchamp_5521();
115 	void init_sdi_5358_small();
116 	void init_fpointbla();
117 	void init_altbeasj_5521();
118 	void init_snapper();
119 	void init_shinobi4_5521();
120 	void init_defense_5358_small();
121 	void init_sjryuko_5358_small();
122 	void init_exctleag_5358();
123 	void init_tetrbx();
124 	void init_aceattac_5358();
125 	void init_passshtj_5358();
126 	void init_cencourt_5358();
127 	void init_shinfz();
128 	void init_dunkshot_5358_small();
129 	void init_timescan_5358_small();
130 	void init_shinobi3_5358();
131 	void init_altbeas4_5521();
132 	void init_aliensyn7_5358_small();
134 protected:
135 	// memory mapping
136 	void memory_mapper(sega_315_5195_mapper_device &mapper, uint8_t index);
138 	// main CPU read/write handlers
139 	void rom_5704_bank_w(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t data, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
140 	uint16_t rom_5797_bank_math_r(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
141 	void rom_5797_bank_math_w(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t data, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
142 	uint16_t unknown_rgn2_r(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
143 	void unknown_rgn2_w(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t data, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
144 	uint16_t standard_io_r(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
145 	void standard_io_w(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t data, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
146 	void atomicp_sound_w(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t data, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
148 	uint16_t bootleg_custom_io_r(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
149 	void bootleg_custom_io_w(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t data, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
151 	// sound CPU read/write handlers
152 	void upd7759_control_w(uint8_t data);
153 	uint8_t upd7759_status_r();
154 	void sound_w16(uint16_t data);
156 	// other callbacks
157 	DECLARE_WRITE_LINE_MEMBER(upd7759_generate_nmi);
158 	INTERRUPT_GEN_MEMBER( i8751_main_cpu_vblank );
159 	void spin_68k_w(uint8_t data);
161 	// video updates
162 	uint32_t screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect);
164 	void tileram_w(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t data, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0) { m_segaic16vid->tileram_w(offset,data,mem_mask); };
165 	void textram_w(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t data, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0) { m_segaic16vid->textram_w(offset,data,mem_mask); };
167 	// bootleg stuff
168 	void tilemap_16b_fpointbl_fill_latch(int i, uint16_t* latched_pageselect, uint16_t* latched_yscroll, uint16_t* latched_xscroll, uint16_t* textram);
170 	void decrypted_opcodes_map(address_map &map);
171 	void decrypted_opcodes_map_fpointbla(address_map &map);
172 	void decrypted_opcodes_map_x(address_map &map);
173 	void fpointbl_map(address_map &map);
174 	void fpointbl_sound_map(address_map &map);
175 	void lockonph_map(address_map &map);
176 	void lockonph_sound_iomap(address_map &map);
177 	void lockonph_sound_map(address_map &map);
178 	void map_fpointbla(address_map &map);
179 	void mcu_io_map(address_map &map);
180 	void sound_decrypted_opcodes_map(address_map &map);
181 	void sound_map(address_map &map);
182 	void sound_portmap(address_map &map);
183 	void bootleg_sound_map(address_map &map);
184 	void bootleg_sound_portmap(address_map &map);
185 	void system16b_bootleg_map(address_map &map);
186 	void system16b_map(address_map &map);
187 	void system16c_map(address_map &map);
189 	// internal types
190 	typedef delegate<void ()> i8751_sim_delegate;
192 	// timer IDs
193 	enum
194 	{
195 		TID_INIT_I8751,
197 	};
199 	// rom board types
200 	enum segas16b_rom_board
201 	{
203 		ROM_BOARD_171_5358_SMALL,       // 171-5358 with smaller ROMs
204 		ROM_BOARD_171_5358,             // 171-5358
205 		ROM_BOARD_171_5521,             // 171-5521
206 		ROM_BOARD_171_5704,             // 171-5704 - don't know any diff between this and 171-5521
207 		ROM_BOARD_171_5797,             // 171-5797
208 		ROM_BOARD_KOREAN                // (custom Korean)
209 	};
211 	// device overrides
212 	virtual void video_start() override;
machine_start()213 	virtual void machine_start() override { m_lamps.resolve(); }
214 	virtual void machine_reset() override;
215 	virtual void device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr) override;
217 	// internal helpers
218 	void init_generic(segas16b_rom_board rom_board);
220 	// i8751 simulations
221 	void altbeast_common_i8751_sim(offs_t soundoffs, offs_t inputoffs, int alt_bank);
222 	void altbeasj_i8751_sim();
223 	void tturf_i8751_sim();
224 	void wb3_i8751_sim();
226 	// custom I/O handlers
227 	uint16_t aceattac_custom_io_r(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
228 	void aceattac_custom_io_w(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t data, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
229 	uint16_t dunkshot_custom_io_r(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
230 	uint16_t hwchamp_custom_io_r(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
231 	void hwchamp_custom_io_w(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t data, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
232 	uint16_t passshtj_custom_io_r(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
233 	uint16_t sdi_custom_io_r(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
234 	uint16_t sjryuko_custom_io_r(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
235 	void sjryuko_custom_io_w(address_space &space, offs_t offset, uint16_t data, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
237 	// devices
238 	optional_device<sega_315_5195_mapper_device> m_mapper;
239 	required_device<m68000_device> m_maincpu;
240 	optional_device<z80_device> m_soundcpu;
241 	optional_device<i8751_device> m_mcu;
242 	optional_device<ym2151_device> m_ym2151;
243 	optional_device<ym2413_device> m_ym2413;
244 	optional_device<upd7759_device> m_upd7759;
245 	optional_device<sega_315_5248_multiplier_device> m_multiplier;
246 	optional_device<sega_315_5250_compare_timer_device> m_cmptimer_1;
247 	optional_device<sega_315_5250_compare_timer_device> m_cmptimer_2;
248 	required_device<nvram_device> m_nvram;
249 	required_device<screen_device> m_screen;
250 	optional_device<sega_sys16b_sprite_device> m_sprites;
251 	required_device<segaic16_video_device> m_segaic16vid;
252 	optional_device<generic_latch_8_device> m_soundlatch; // not for atomicp
253 	optional_device<cxd1095_device> m_cxdio; // for aceattac
254 	optional_device_array<upd4701_device, 2> m_upd4701a; // for aceattac
256 	// memory pointers
257 	required_shared_ptr<uint16_t> m_workram;
259 	// configuration
260 	segas16b_rom_board  m_romboard;
261 	int                 m_tilemap_type;
262 	read16_delegate   m_custom_io_r;
263 	write16_delegate    m_custom_io_w;
264 	bool                m_disable_screen_blanking;
265 	const uint8_t *       m_i8751_initial_config;
266 	i8751_sim_delegate  m_i8751_vblank_hook;
267 	uint8_t               m_atomicp_sound_divisor;
269 	// game-specific state
270 	uint8_t               m_atomicp_sound_count;
271 	uint8_t               m_hwc_input_value;
272 	optional_ioport     m_hwc_monitor;
273 	optional_ioport     m_hwc_left;
274 	optional_ioport     m_hwc_right;
275 	optional_ioport     m_hwc_left_limit;
276 	optional_ioport     m_hwc_right_limit;
277 	uint8_t               m_mj_input_num;
278 	uint8_t               m_mj_last_val;
279 	optional_ioport_array<6> m_mj_inputs;
280 	int                 m_spritepalbase;
282 	required_device<gfxdecode_device> m_gfxdecode;
283 	optional_shared_ptr<uint8_t> m_sound_decrypted_opcodes;
284 	optional_shared_ptr<uint16_t> m_decrypted_opcodes;
285 	optional_shared_ptr<uint16_t> m_bootleg_scroll;
286 	optional_shared_ptr<uint16_t> m_bootleg_page;
287 	output_finder<2> m_lamps;
288 };
290 class dfjail_state : public segas16b_state
291 {
292 public:
293 	// construction/destruction
dfjail_state(const machine_config & mconfig,device_type type,const char * tag)294 	dfjail_state(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag)
295 		: segas16b_state(mconfig, type, tag)
296 		, m_nmi_enable(false)
297 		, m_dac_data(0)
298 		, m_dac(*this, "dac")
299 	{ }
301 	void dfjail(machine_config &config);
303 protected:
304 	void sound_control_w(uint8_t data);
305 	void dac_data_w(uint8_t data);
306 	INTERRUPT_GEN_MEMBER( soundirq_cb );
307 	bool m_nmi_enable;
308 	uint16_t m_dac_data;
310 	void dfjail_map(address_map &map);
311 	void dfjail_sound_iomap(address_map &map);
313 	virtual void machine_start() override;
314 	virtual void machine_reset() override;
316 	required_device<dac_word_interface> m_dac;
317 };
319 class afighter_16b_analog_state : public segas16b_state
320 {
321 public:
322 	// construction/destruction
afighter_16b_analog_state(const machine_config & mconfig,device_type type,const char * tag)323 	afighter_16b_analog_state(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag)
324 		: segas16b_state(mconfig, type, tag)
325 		, m_accel(*this, "ACCEL")
326 		, m_steer(*this, "STEER")
327 	{ }
329 	DECLARE_CUSTOM_INPUT_MEMBER(afighter_accel_r);
330 	DECLARE_CUSTOM_INPUT_MEMBER(afighter_handl_left_r);
331 	DECLARE_CUSTOM_INPUT_MEMBER(afighter_handl_right_r);
333 private:
334 	required_ioport     m_accel;
335 	required_ioport     m_steer;
336 };
339 // ======================> isgsm_state
341 class isgsm_state : public segas16b_state
342 {
343 public:
344 	// construction/destruction
isgsm_state(const machine_config & mconfig,device_type type,const char * tag)345 	isgsm_state(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag)
346 		: segas16b_state(mconfig, type, tag)
347 		, m_read_xor(0)
348 		, m_cart_addrlatch(0)
349 		, m_cart_addr(0)
350 		, m_data_type(0)
351 		, m_data_addr(0)
352 		, m_data_mode(0)
353 		, m_addr_latch(0)
354 		, m_security_value(0)
355 		, m_security_latch(0)
356 		, m_rle_control_position(8)
357 		, m_rle_control_byte(0)
358 		, m_rle_latched(false)
359 		, m_rle_byte(0)
360 	{ }
362 	void isgsm(machine_config &config);
364 	// driver init
365 	void init_isgsm();
366 	void init_shinfz();
367 	void init_tetrbx();
369 private:
370 	// read/write handlers
371 	void cart_addr_high_w(uint16_t data);
372 	void cart_addr_low_w(uint16_t data);
373 	uint16_t cart_data_r();
374 	void data_w(uint16_t data);
375 	void datatype_w(offs_t offset, uint16_t data, uint16_t mem_mask = ~0);
376 	void addr_high_w(uint16_t data);
377 	void addr_low_w(uint16_t data);
378 	void cart_security_high_w(uint16_t data);
379 	void cart_security_low_w(uint16_t data);
380 	uint16_t cart_security_low_r();
381 	uint16_t cart_security_high_r();
382 	void sound_reset_w(uint16_t data);
383 	void main_bank_change_w(uint16_t data);
385 	// security callbacks
386 	uint32_t shinfz_security(uint32_t input);
387 	uint32_t tetrbx_security(uint32_t input);
389 	// driver overrides
390 	virtual void machine_start() override;
391 	virtual void machine_reset() override;
393 	// configuration
394 	uint8_t           m_read_xor;
395 	typedef delegate<uint32_t (uint32_t)> security_callback_delegate;
396 	security_callback_delegate m_security_callback;
398 	// internal state
399 	uint16_t          m_cart_addrlatch;
400 	uint32_t          m_cart_addr;
401 	uint8_t           m_data_type;
402 	uint32_t          m_data_addr;
403 	uint8_t           m_data_mode;
404 	uint16_t          m_addr_latch;
405 	uint32_t          m_security_value;
406 	uint16_t          m_security_latch;
407 	uint8_t           m_rle_control_position;
408 	uint8_t           m_rle_control_byte;
409 	bool            m_rle_latched;
410 	uint8_t           m_rle_byte;
411 	void isgsm_map(address_map &map);
412 };
414 #endif // MAME_INCLUDES_SEGAS16B_H