2ERROR: 0:8: 'component' : type overflows the available 4 components
3ERROR: 0:15: 'component' : component is too large
4ERROR: 0:23: 'location' : overlapping use of location 4
5ERROR: 0:26: 'location' : overlapping use of location 2
6ERROR: 0:31: 'location' : overlapping use of location 15
7ERROR: 0:32: 'location' : overlapping use of location 10
8ERROR: 0:37: 'location' : overlapping use of location 20
9ERROR: 0:39: 'component' : type overflows the available 4 components
10ERROR: 0:40: 'component' : type overflows the available 4 components
11ERROR: 0:42: 'component' : cannot apply to a matrix, structure, or block
12ERROR: 0:43: 'component' : cannot apply to a matrix, structure, or block
13ERROR: 0:44: 'component' : cannot apply to a matrix, structure, or block
14ERROR: 0:46: 'component' : must specify 'location' to use 'component'
15ERROR: 0:52: 'location' : overlapping use of location 40
16ERROR: 0:54: 'component' : type overflows the available 4 components
17ERROR: 0:55: 'component' : type overflows the available 4 components
18ERROR: 0:57: 'component' : cannot apply to a matrix, structure, or block
19ERROR: 0:58: 'component' : cannot apply to a matrix, structure, or block
20ERROR: 0:61: 'location/component/index' : cannot declare a default, use a full declaration
21ERROR: 0:66: 'component' : doubles cannot start on an odd-numbered component
22ERROR: 0:67: 'component' : type overflows the available 4 components
23ERROR: 0:71: 'location' : overlapping use of location 55
24ERROR: 0:75: 'location' : overlapping use of location 57
25ERROR: 0:78: 'location' : overlapping use of location 59
26ERROR: 0:95: 'xfb layout qualifier' : can only be used on an output
27ERROR: 0:101: 'xfb_offset' : cannot declare a default, use a full declaration
28ERROR: 0:111: 'xfb_buffer' : member cannot contradict block (or what block inherited from global)
29ERROR: 0:116: 'xfb_buffer' : member cannot contradict block (or what block inherited from global)
30ERROR: 0:116: 'xfb_offset' : overlapping offsets at offset 32 in buffer 3
31ERROR: 0:117: 'xfb_offset' : overlapping offsets at offset 0 in buffer 2
32ERROR: 0:119: 'xfb_offset' : overlapping offsets at offset 24 in buffer 2
33ERROR: 0:122: 'xfb_stride' : all stride settings must match for xfb buffer 15
34ERROR: 0:126: 'xfb_offset' : overlapping offsets at offset 4 in buffer 1
35ERROR: 0:128: 'xfb_stride' : all stride settings must match for xfb buffer 3
36ERROR: 0:129: 'xfb_stride' : all stride settings must match for xfb buffer 3
37ERROR: 0:133: 'xfb_stride' : all stride settings must match for xfb buffer 3
38ERROR: 0:131: 'xfb_stride' : all stride settings must match for xfb buffer 3
39ERROR: 0:152: 'xfb_offset' : overlapping offsets at offset 64 in buffer 0
40ERROR: 0:157: 'xfb_buffer' : buffer is too large: gl_MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers is 4
41ERROR: 0:158: 'xfb_offset' : must be a multiple of size of first component
42ERROR: 0:159: 'xfb_offset' : type contains double or 64-bit integer; xfb_offset must be a multiple of 8
43ERROR: 0:161: 'xfb_offset' : must be a multiple of size of first component
44ERROR: 0:162: 'xfb_offset' : type contains double or 64-bit integer; xfb_offset must be a multiple of 8
45ERROR: 0:166: 'xfb_buffer' : buffer is too large: gl_MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers is 4
46ERROR: 0:169: 'xfb_buffer' : buffer is too large: gl_MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers is 4
47ERROR: 0:169: 'xfb_stride' : 1/4 stride is too large: gl_MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents is 64
48ERROR: 0:171: 'xfb_buffer' : buffer is too large: gl_MaxTransformFeedbackBuffers is 4
49ERROR: 0:178: 'xfb_offset' : overlapping offsets at offset 36 in buffer 3
50ERROR: 0:179: 'xfb_buffer' : member cannot contradict block (or what block inherited from global)
51ERROR: 0:178: 'xfb_offset' : overlapping offsets at offset 32 in buffer 3
52ERROR: 0:185: 'gl_BaseVertexARB' : required extension not requested: GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters
53ERROR: 0:185: 'gl_BaseInstanceARB' : required extension not requested: GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters
54ERROR: 0:185: 'gl_DrawIDARB' : required extension not requested: GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters
55ERROR: 0:193: 'assign' :  l-value required "gl_BaseVertexARB" (can't modify shader input)
56ERROR: 0:194: 'assign' :  l-value required "gl_BaseInstanceARB" (can't modify shader input)
57ERROR: 0:195: 'assign' :  l-value required "gl_DrawIDARB" (can't modify shader input)
58ERROR: 0:196: 'glBaseInstanceARB' : undeclared identifier
59ERROR: 57 compilation errors.  No code generated.
62Shader version: 440
63Requested GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters
64in xfb mode
65ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
660:183  Function Definition: drawParamsBad( ( global int)
670:183    Function Parameters:
680:185    Sequence
690:185      Branch: Return with expression
700:185        add ( temp int)
710:185          add ( temp int)
720:185            'gl_BaseVertexARB' ( in int BaseVertex)
730:185            'gl_BaseInstanceARB' ( in int BaseInstance)
740:185          'gl_DrawIDARB' ( in int DrawId)
750:190  Function Definition: drawParams( ( global int)
760:190    Function Parameters:
770:192    Sequence
780:192      Branch: Return with expression
790:192        add ( temp int)
800:192          add ( temp int)
810:192            'gl_BaseVertexARB' ( in int BaseVertex)
820:192            'gl_BaseInstanceARB' ( in int BaseInstance)
830:192          'gl_DrawIDARB' ( in int DrawId)
840:193      move second child to first child ( temp int)
850:193        'gl_BaseVertexARB' ( in int BaseVertex)
860:193        Constant:
870:193          3 (const int)
880:194      move second child to first child ( temp int)
890:194        'gl_BaseInstanceARB' ( in int BaseInstance)
900:194        Constant:
910:194          3 (const int)
920:195      move second child to first child ( temp int)
930:195        'gl_DrawIDARB' ( in int DrawId)
940:195        Constant:
950:195          3 (const int)
960:196      'glBaseInstanceARB' ( temp float)
970:?   Linker Objects
980:?     'a' (layout( location=2 component=2) in 2-component vector of float)
990:?     'b' (layout( location=2 component=1) in float)
1000:?     'c' (layout( location=3 component=2) in 3-component vector of float)
1010:?     'd' (layout( location=0 component=3) in 4-element array of float)
1020:?     'e' (layout( location=4 component=0) in 5-element array of 3-component vector of float)
1030:?     'f' (layout( location=4 component=3) in 5-element array of float)
1040:?     'g' (layout( location=9) in 6-element array of float)
1050:?     'h' (layout( location=4 component=2) in 2-component vector of float)
1060:?     'i' (layout( location=3 component=2) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
1070:?     'j' (layout( location=3 component=0) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
1080:?     'k' (layout( location=4 component=2) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
1090:?     'm' (layout( location=4 component=2) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
1100:?     'n' (layout( location=2 component=2) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
1110:?     'p' (layout( location=2 component=0) smooth out 3-component vector of float)
1120:?     'q' (layout( location=10 component=3) smooth out 6-element array of float)
1130:?     'r' (layout( location=10 component=0) smooth out 6-element array of 3-component vector of float)
1140:?     's' (layout( location=15 component=3) smooth out float)
1150:?     't' (layout( location=10 component=1) smooth out float)
1160:?     'u' (layout( location=20 component=2) smooth out float)
1170:?     'v' (layout( location=20 component=0) smooth out float)
1180:?     'w' (layout( location=20 component=3) smooth out float)
1190:?     'x' (layout( location=20 component=1) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
1200:?     'y' (layout( location=30 component=3) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
1210:?     'z' (layout( location=31 component=1) smooth out 4-component vector of float)
1220:?     'ba' (layout( location=32 component=1) smooth out 4X4 matrix of float)
1230:?     'Ss' (layout( location=33 component=1) smooth out structure{ global int a})
1240:?     'bb' (layout( location=34 component=1) out block{ out int a})
1250:?     'bc' (layout( location=4095 component=1) smooth out float)
1260:?     'bd' ( out block{layout( location=40 component=2) out float u, layout( location=40 component=0) out float v, layout( location=40 component=3) out float w, layout( location=40 component=1) out 2-component vector of float x, layout( location=41 component=3) out 2-component vector of float y, layout( location=42 component=1) out 4-component vector of float z, layout( location=42 component=1) out 4X4 matrix of float ba, layout( location=43 component=1) out structure{ global int a} Ss})
1270:?     'be' (layout( location=50 component=3) smooth out int)
1280:?     'bf' (layout( location=50 component=0) smooth out 3-component vector of float)
1290:?     'dfo' (layout( location=51 component=1) smooth out double)
1300:?     'dvo' (layout( location=52 component=2) smooth out 2-component vector of double)
1310:?     'dfo2' (layout( location=53) smooth out double)
1320:?     'ffv2' (layout( location=53 component=2) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
1330:?     'dvec4out' (layout( location=54) smooth out 4-component vector of double)
1340:?     'overf' (layout( location=55) smooth out float)
1350:?     'df2o' (layout( location=56 component=1) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
1360:?     'sf2o' (layout( location=56 component=3) smooth out float)
1370:?     'dv3o' (layout( location=57 component=2) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
1380:?     'sf4o' (layout( location=57 component=3) smooth out float)
1390:?     'dv3o2' (layout( location=58) flat out 3-component vector of double)
1400:?     'dfo3' (layout( location=59 component=2) flat out double)
1410:?     'dfo4' (layout( location=59 component=0) flat out double)
1420:?     'bbinst1' ( out block{ out 4-component vector of float bbv})
1430:?     'bbinst2' ( out block{layout( xfb_buffer=0 xfb_offset=64) out 4-component vector of float bbv})
1440:?     'bbinst3' ( out block{layout( xfb_buffer=3 xfb_offset=16) out 4-component vector of float bbv})
1450:?     'ubbinst3' (layout( column_major shared) uniform block{layout( column_major shared xfb_offset=16) uniform 4-component vector of float bbv})
1460:?     'bg' (layout( xfb_buffer=2 xfb_offset=48 xfb_stride=80) smooth out 4-component vector of float)
1470:?     'bh' (layout( xfb_buffer=3 xfb_offset=32 xfb_stride=64) smooth out 4-component vector of float)
1480:?     'bbinst4' (layout( xfb_stride=80) out block{layout( xfb_buffer=2 xfb_offset=16) out 4-component vector of float bbv1, layout( xfb_buffer=2 xfb_offset=32) out 4-component vector of float bbv2})
1490:?     'bbinst5' ( out block{layout( xfb_buffer=3 xfb_offset=0) out 4-component vector of float bbv1, layout( xfb_buffer=3 xfb_offset=48 xfb_stride=64) out 4-component vector of float bbv2,  out 4-component vector of float bbv3})
1500:?     'bbinst6' ( out block{layout( xfb_buffer=2 xfb_offset=0) out 4-component vector of float bbv1, layout( xfb_buffer=3 xfb_offset=32 xfb_stride=64) out 4-component vector of float bbv2, layout( xfb_buffer=2 xfb_offset=0) out 4-component vector of float bbv3,  out 4-component vector of float bbv5, layout( xfb_buffer=2 xfb_offset=24) out float bbf6})
1510:?     'bj' (layout( xfb_buffer=1 xfb_offset=4) smooth out float)
1520:?     'bk' (layout( xfb_buffer=1 xfb_offset=0) smooth out 2-component vector of int)
1530:?     'bl' (layout( xfb_stride=48) smooth out float)
1540:?     'bbinst7' (layout( xfb_stride=48) out block{layout( xfb_stride=64) out 4-component vector of float bbv1, layout( xfb_stride=32) out 4-component vector of float bbv2})
1550:?     'bbinst8' (layout( xfb_stride=92) out block{layout( xfb_buffer=0 xfb_offset=0) out bool b, layout( xfb_buffer=0 xfb_offset=8) out structure{ global bool b,  global structure{ global int i,  global double d,  global float f} s,  global 2-component vector of float v2} t, layout( xfb_buffer=0 xfb_offset=48) out int i, layout( xfb_buffer=0 xfb_offset=52) out 3X3 matrix of float m3, layout( xfb_buffer=0 xfb_offset=88) out float f, layout( xfb_buffer=0 xfb_offset=92) out float g})
1560:?     'bbinst9' ( out block{layout( xfb_buffer=4 xfb_offset=1) out bool b, layout( xfb_buffer=4 xfb_offset=12) out structure{ global bool b,  global structure{ global int i,  global double d,  global float f} s,  global 2-component vector of float v2} t, layout( xfb_buffer=4 xfb_offset=52) out 3X3 matrix of float m3, layout( xfb_buffer=4 xfb_offset=90) out int i, layout( xfb_buffer=4 xfb_offset=98) out double d, layout( xfb_buffer=4 xfb_offset=108) out structure{ global int a} s})
1570:?     'bm' (layout( xfb_buffer=5 xfb_offset=0) smooth out float)
1580:?     'bbinst10' ( out block{layout( xfb_buffer=7 xfb_offset=0) out 4X4 matrix of double m1, layout( xfb_buffer=7 xfb_offset=128) out 4X4 matrix of double m2, layout( xfb_buffer=7 xfb_offset=256) out float f})
1590:?     'anon@0' ( out block{layout( xfb_buffer=3 xfb_offset=36) gl_Position 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position, layout( xfb_buffer=3 xfb_offset=32) gl_PointSize float PointSize gl_PointSize})
1600:?     'gl_VertexID' ( gl_VertexId int VertexId)
1610:?     'gl_InstanceID' ( gl_InstanceId int InstanceId)
164Linked vertex stage:
166ERROR: Linking vertex stage: Missing entry point: Each stage requires one entry point
167ERROR: Linking vertex stage: xfb_stride is too small to hold all buffer entries:
168ERROR:     xfb_buffer 0, xfb_stride 92, minimum stride needed: 96
169ERROR: Linking vertex stage: xfb_stride must be multiple of 8 for buffer holding a double or 64-bit integer:
170ERROR:     xfb_buffer 0, xfb_stride 92
171ERROR: Linking vertex stage: xfb_stride must be multiple of 4:
172ERROR:     xfb_buffer 5, xfb_stride 6
173ERROR: Linking vertex stage: xfb_stride is too large:
174ERROR:     xfb_buffer 6, components (1/4 stride) needed are 500, gl_MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents is 64
175ERROR: Linking vertex stage: xfb_stride is too large:
176ERROR:     xfb_buffer 7, components (1/4 stride) needed are 66, gl_MaxTransformFeedbackInterleavedComponents is 64
178Shader version: 440
179Requested GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters
180in xfb mode
181ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
1820:?   Linker Objects
1830:?     'a' (layout( location=2 component=2) in 2-component vector of float)
1840:?     'b' (layout( location=2 component=1) in float)
1850:?     'c' (layout( location=3 component=2) in 3-component vector of float)
1860:?     'd' (layout( location=0 component=3) in 4-element array of float)
1870:?     'e' (layout( location=4 component=0) in 5-element array of 3-component vector of float)
1880:?     'f' (layout( location=4 component=3) in 5-element array of float)
1890:?     'g' (layout( location=9) in 6-element array of float)
1900:?     'h' (layout( location=4 component=2) in 2-component vector of float)
1910:?     'i' (layout( location=3 component=2) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
1920:?     'j' (layout( location=3 component=0) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
1930:?     'k' (layout( location=4 component=2) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
1940:?     'm' (layout( location=4 component=2) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
1950:?     'n' (layout( location=2 component=2) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
1960:?     'p' (layout( location=2 component=0) smooth out 3-component vector of float)
1970:?     'q' (layout( location=10 component=3) smooth out 6-element array of float)
1980:?     'r' (layout( location=10 component=0) smooth out 6-element array of 3-component vector of float)
1990:?     's' (layout( location=15 component=3) smooth out float)
2000:?     't' (layout( location=10 component=1) smooth out float)
2010:?     'u' (layout( location=20 component=2) smooth out float)
2020:?     'v' (layout( location=20 component=0) smooth out float)
2030:?     'w' (layout( location=20 component=3) smooth out float)
2040:?     'x' (layout( location=20 component=1) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
2050:?     'y' (layout( location=30 component=3) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
2060:?     'z' (layout( location=31 component=1) smooth out 4-component vector of float)
2070:?     'ba' (layout( location=32 component=1) smooth out 4X4 matrix of float)
2080:?     'Ss' (layout( location=33 component=1) smooth out structure{ global int a})
2090:?     'bb' (layout( location=34 component=1) out block{ out int a})
2100:?     'bc' (layout( location=4095 component=1) smooth out float)
2110:?     'bd' ( out block{layout( location=40 component=2) out float u, layout( location=40 component=0) out float v, layout( location=40 component=3) out float w, layout( location=40 component=1) out 2-component vector of float x, layout( location=41 component=3) out 2-component vector of float y, layout( location=42 component=1) out 4-component vector of float z, layout( location=42 component=1) out 4X4 matrix of float ba, layout( location=43 component=1) out structure{ global int a} Ss})
2120:?     'be' (layout( location=50 component=3) smooth out int)
2130:?     'bf' (layout( location=50 component=0) smooth out 3-component vector of float)
2140:?     'dfo' (layout( location=51 component=1) smooth out double)
2150:?     'dvo' (layout( location=52 component=2) smooth out 2-component vector of double)
2160:?     'dfo2' (layout( location=53) smooth out double)
2170:?     'ffv2' (layout( location=53 component=2) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
2180:?     'dvec4out' (layout( location=54) smooth out 4-component vector of double)
2190:?     'overf' (layout( location=55) smooth out float)
2200:?     'df2o' (layout( location=56 component=1) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
2210:?     'sf2o' (layout( location=56 component=3) smooth out float)
2220:?     'dv3o' (layout( location=57 component=2) smooth out 2-component vector of float)
2230:?     'sf4o' (layout( location=57 component=3) smooth out float)
2240:?     'dv3o2' (layout( location=58) flat out 3-component vector of double)
2250:?     'dfo3' (layout( location=59 component=2) flat out double)
2260:?     'dfo4' (layout( location=59 component=0) flat out double)
2270:?     'bbinst1' ( out block{ out 4-component vector of float bbv})
2280:?     'bbinst2' ( out block{layout( xfb_buffer=0 xfb_offset=64) out 4-component vector of float bbv})
2290:?     'bbinst3' ( out block{layout( xfb_buffer=3 xfb_offset=16) out 4-component vector of float bbv})
2300:?     'ubbinst3' (layout( column_major shared) uniform block{layout( column_major shared xfb_offset=16) uniform 4-component vector of float bbv})
2310:?     'bg' (layout( xfb_buffer=2 xfb_offset=48 xfb_stride=80) smooth out 4-component vector of float)
2320:?     'bh' (layout( xfb_buffer=3 xfb_offset=32 xfb_stride=64) smooth out 4-component vector of float)
2330:?     'bbinst4' (layout( xfb_stride=80) out block{layout( xfb_buffer=2 xfb_offset=16) out 4-component vector of float bbv1, layout( xfb_buffer=2 xfb_offset=32) out 4-component vector of float bbv2})
2340:?     'bbinst5' ( out block{layout( xfb_buffer=3 xfb_offset=0) out 4-component vector of float bbv1, layout( xfb_buffer=3 xfb_offset=48 xfb_stride=64) out 4-component vector of float bbv2,  out 4-component vector of float bbv3})
2350:?     'bbinst6' ( out block{layout( xfb_buffer=2 xfb_offset=0) out 4-component vector of float bbv1, layout( xfb_buffer=3 xfb_offset=32 xfb_stride=64) out 4-component vector of float bbv2, layout( xfb_buffer=2 xfb_offset=0) out 4-component vector of float bbv3,  out 4-component vector of float bbv5, layout( xfb_buffer=2 xfb_offset=24) out float bbf6})
2360:?     'bj' (layout( xfb_buffer=1 xfb_offset=4) smooth out float)
2370:?     'bk' (layout( xfb_buffer=1 xfb_offset=0) smooth out 2-component vector of int)
2380:?     'bl' (layout( xfb_stride=48) smooth out float)
2390:?     'bbinst7' (layout( xfb_stride=48) out block{layout( xfb_stride=64) out 4-component vector of float bbv1, layout( xfb_stride=32) out 4-component vector of float bbv2})
2400:?     'bbinst8' (layout( xfb_stride=92) out block{layout( xfb_buffer=0 xfb_offset=0) out bool b, layout( xfb_buffer=0 xfb_offset=8) out structure{ global bool b,  global structure{ global int i,  global double d,  global float f} s,  global 2-component vector of float v2} t, layout( xfb_buffer=0 xfb_offset=48) out int i, layout( xfb_buffer=0 xfb_offset=52) out 3X3 matrix of float m3, layout( xfb_buffer=0 xfb_offset=88) out float f, layout( xfb_buffer=0 xfb_offset=92) out float g})
2410:?     'bbinst9' ( out block{layout( xfb_buffer=4 xfb_offset=1) out bool b, layout( xfb_buffer=4 xfb_offset=12) out structure{ global bool b,  global structure{ global int i,  global double d,  global float f} s,  global 2-component vector of float v2} t, layout( xfb_buffer=4 xfb_offset=52) out 3X3 matrix of float m3, layout( xfb_buffer=4 xfb_offset=90) out int i, layout( xfb_buffer=4 xfb_offset=98) out double d, layout( xfb_buffer=4 xfb_offset=108) out structure{ global int a} s})
2420:?     'bm' (layout( xfb_buffer=5 xfb_offset=0) smooth out float)
2430:?     'bbinst10' ( out block{layout( xfb_buffer=7 xfb_offset=0) out 4X4 matrix of double m1, layout( xfb_buffer=7 xfb_offset=128) out 4X4 matrix of double m2, layout( xfb_buffer=7 xfb_offset=256) out float f})
2440:?     'anon@0' ( out block{layout( xfb_buffer=3 xfb_offset=36) gl_Position 4-component vector of float Position gl_Position, layout( xfb_buffer=3 xfb_offset=32) gl_PointSize float PointSize gl_PointSize})
2450:?     'gl_VertexID' ( gl_VertexId int VertexId)
2460:?     'gl_InstanceID' ( gl_InstanceId int InstanceId)