1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Generate version information for a program
4# Copyright (C) 2015  Kevin O'Connor <kevin@koconnor.net>
6# This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.
7import sys, os, subprocess, shlex, time, socket, optparse, logging, traceback
10/* DO NOT EDIT!  This is an autogenerated file.  See scripts/buildversion.py. */
11#define BUILD_VERSION "%s"
12#define BUILD_TOOLS "%s"
15# Run program and return the specified output
16def check_output(prog):
17    logging.debug("Running %s" % (repr(prog),))
18    try:
19        process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(prog), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
20        output = process.communicate()[0]
21        retcode = process.poll()
22    except OSError:
23        logging.debug("Exception on run: %s" % (traceback.format_exc(),))
24        return ""
25    logging.debug("Got (code=%s): %s" % (retcode, repr(output)))
26    if retcode:
27        return ""
28    try:
29        return output.decode()
30    except UnicodeError:
31        logging.debug("Exception on decode: %s" % (traceback.format_exc(),))
32        return ""
34# Obtain version info from "git" program
35def git_version():
36    if not os.path.exists('.git'):
37        logging.debug("No '.git' file/directory found")
38        return ""
39    ver = check_output("git describe --always --tags --long --dirty").strip()
40    logging.debug("Got git version: %s" % (repr(ver),))
41    return ver
43# Look for version in a ".version" file.  Official release tarballs
44# have this file (see scripts/tarball.sh).
45def file_version():
46    if not os.path.isfile('.version'):
47        logging.debug("No '.version' file found")
48        return ""
49    try:
50        f = open('.version', 'r')
51        ver = f.readline().strip()
52        f.close()
53    except OSError:
54        logging.debug("Exception on read: %s" % (traceback.format_exc(),))
55        return ""
56    logging.debug("Got .version: %s" % (repr(ver),))
57    return ver
59# Generate an output file with the version information
60def write_version(outfile, version, toolstr):
61    logging.debug("Write file %s and %s" % (repr(version), repr(toolstr)))
62    sys.stdout.write("Version: %s\n" % (version,))
63    f = open(outfile, 'w')
64    f.write(VERSION_FORMAT % (version, toolstr))
65    f.close()
67# Run "tool --version" for each specified tool and extract versions
68def tool_versions(tools):
69    tools = [t.strip() for t in tools.split(';')]
70    versions = ['', '']
71    success = 0
72    for tool in tools:
73        # Extract first line from "tool --version" output
74        verstr = check_output("%s --version" % (tool,)).split('\n')[0]
75        # Check if this tool looks like a binutils program
76        isbinutils = 0
77        if verstr.startswith('GNU '):
78            isbinutils = 1
79            verstr = verstr[4:]
80        # Extract version information and exclude program name
81        if ' ' not in verstr:
82            continue
83        prog, ver = verstr.split(' ', 1)
84        if not prog or not ver:
85            continue
86        # Check for any version conflicts
87        if versions[isbinutils] and versions[isbinutils] != ver:
88            logging.debug("Mixed version %s vs %s" % (
89                repr(versions[isbinutils]), repr(ver)))
90            versions[isbinutils] = "mixed"
91            continue
92        versions[isbinutils] = ver
93        success += 1
94    cleanbuild = versions[0] and versions[1] and success == len(tools)
95    return cleanbuild, "gcc: %s binutils: %s" % (versions[0], versions[1])
97def main():
98    usage = "%prog [options] <outputheader.h>"
99    opts = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
100    opts.add_option("-e", "--extra", dest="extra", default="",
101                    help="extra version string to append to version")
102    opts.add_option("-t", "--tools", dest="tools", default="",
103                    help="list of build programs to extract version from")
104    opts.add_option("-v", action="store_true", dest="verbose",
105                    help="enable debug messages")
107    options, args = opts.parse_args()
108    if len(args) != 1:
109        opts.error("Incorrect arguments")
110    outfile = args[0]
111    if options.verbose:
112        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
114    cleanbuild, toolstr = tool_versions(options.tools)
116    ver = git_version()
117    cleanbuild = cleanbuild and 'dirty' not in ver
118    if not ver:
119        ver = file_version()
120        # We expect the "extra version" to contain information on the
121        # distributor and distribution package version (if
122        # applicable).  It is a "clean" build if this is a build from
123        # an official release tarball and the above info is present.
124        cleanbuild = cleanbuild and ver and options.extra != ""
125        if not ver:
126            ver = "?"
127    if not cleanbuild:
128        btime = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
129        hostname = socket.gethostname()
130        ver = "%s-%s-%s" % (ver, btime, hostname)
131    write_version(outfile, ver + options.extra, toolstr)
133if __name__ == '__main__':
134    main()