1# Copyright 2012-2017 The Meson development team
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15import os.path
16import re
17import subprocess
18import typing as T
20from ..mesonlib import (
21    EnvironmentException, MachineChoice, version_compare, OptionKey, is_windows
24from ..arglist import CompilerArgs
25from ..linkers import RSPFileSyntax
26from .compilers import (
27    d_dmd_buildtype_args,
28    d_gdc_buildtype_args,
29    d_ldc_buildtype_args,
30    clike_debug_args,
31    Compiler,
33from .mixins.gnu import GnuCompiler
36    from .compilers import Compiler as CompilerMixinBase
37    from ..programs import ExternalProgram
38    from ..envconfig import MachineInfo
39    from ..environment import Environment
40    from ..linkers import DynamicLinker
42    CompilerMixinBase = object
44d_feature_args = {'gcc':  {'unittest': '-funittest',
45                           'debug': '-fdebug',
46                           'version': '-fversion',
47                           'import_dir': '-J'
48                           },
49                  'llvm': {'unittest': '-unittest',
50                           'debug': '-d-debug',
51                           'version': '-d-version',
52                           'import_dir': '-J'
53                           },
54                  'dmd':  {'unittest': '-unittest',
55                           'debug': '-debug',
56                           'version': '-version',
57                           'import_dir': '-J'
58                           }
59                  }  # type: T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, str]]
61ldc_optimization_args = {'0': [],
62                         'g': [],
63                         '1': ['-O1'],
64                         '2': ['-O2'],
65                         '3': ['-O3'],
66                         's': ['-Os'],
67                         }  # type: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]
69dmd_optimization_args = {'0': [],
70                         'g': [],
71                         '1': ['-O'],
72                         '2': ['-O'],
73                         '3': ['-O'],
74                         's': ['-O'],
75                         }  # type: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]
78class DmdLikeCompilerMixin(CompilerMixinBase):
80    """Mixin class for DMD and LDC.
82    LDC has a number of DMD like arguments, and this class allows for code
83    sharing between them as makes sense.
84    """
86    def __init__(self, dmd_frontend_version: T.Optional[str]):
87        if dmd_frontend_version is None:
88            self._dmd_has_depfile = False
89        else:
90            # -makedeps switch introduced in 2.095 frontend
91            self._dmd_has_depfile = version_compare(dmd_frontend_version, ">=2.095.0")
94        mscrt_args = {}  # type: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]]
96        def _get_target_arch_args(self) -> T.List[str]: ...
98    LINKER_PREFIX = '-L='
100    def get_output_args(self, outputname: str) -> T.List[str]:
101        return ['-of=' + outputname]
103    def get_linker_output_args(self, outputname: str) -> T.List[str]:
104        return ['-of=' + outputname]
106    def get_include_args(self, path: str, is_system: bool) -> T.List[str]:
107        return ['-I=' + path]
109    def compute_parameters_with_absolute_paths(self, parameter_list: T.List[str],
110                                               build_dir: str) -> T.List[str]:
111        for idx, i in enumerate(parameter_list):
112            if i[:3] == '-I=':
113                parameter_list[idx] = i[:3] + os.path.normpath(os.path.join(build_dir, i[3:]))
114            if i[:4] == '-L-L':
115                parameter_list[idx] = i[:4] + os.path.normpath(os.path.join(build_dir, i[4:]))
116            if i[:5] == '-L=-L':
117                parameter_list[idx] = i[:5] + os.path.normpath(os.path.join(build_dir, i[5:]))
118            if i[:6] == '-Wl,-L':
119                parameter_list[idx] = i[:6] + os.path.normpath(os.path.join(build_dir, i[6:]))
121        return parameter_list
123    def get_warn_args(self, level: str) -> T.List[str]:
124        return ['-wi']
126    def get_werror_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
127        return ['-w']
129    def get_coverage_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
130        return ['-cov']
132    def get_coverage_link_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
133        return []
135    def get_preprocess_only_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
136        return ['-E']
138    def get_compile_only_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
139        return ['-c']
141    def get_depfile_suffix(self) -> str:
142        return 'deps'
144    def get_dependency_gen_args(self, outtarget: str, outfile: str) -> T.List[str]:
145        if self._dmd_has_depfile:
146            return [f'-makedeps={outfile}']
147        return []
149    def get_pic_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
150        if self.info.is_windows():
151            return []
152        return ['-fPIC']
154    def get_feature_args(self, kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any], build_to_src: str) -> T.List[str]:
155        # TODO: using a TypeDict here would improve this
156        res = []
157        # get_feature_args can be called multiple times for the same target when there is generated source
158        # so we have to copy the kwargs (target.d_features) dict before popping from it
159        kwargs = kwargs.copy()
160        if 'unittest' in kwargs:
161            unittest = kwargs.pop('unittest')
162            unittest_arg = d_feature_args[self.id]['unittest']
163            if not unittest_arg:
164                raise EnvironmentException('D compiler %s does not support the "unittest" feature.' % self.name_string())
165            if unittest:
166                res.append(unittest_arg)
168        if 'debug' in kwargs:
169            debug_level = -1
170            debugs = kwargs.pop('debug')
171            if not isinstance(debugs, list):
172                debugs = [debugs]
174            debug_arg = d_feature_args[self.id]['debug']
175            if not debug_arg:
176                raise EnvironmentException('D compiler %s does not support conditional debug identifiers.' % self.name_string())
178            # Parse all debug identifiers and the largest debug level identifier
179            for d in debugs:
180                if isinstance(d, int):
181                    if d > debug_level:
182                        debug_level = d
183                elif isinstance(d, str) and d.isdigit():
184                    if int(d) > debug_level:
185                        debug_level = int(d)
186                else:
187                    res.append(f'{debug_arg}={d}')
189            if debug_level >= 0:
190                res.append(f'{debug_arg}={debug_level}')
192        if 'versions' in kwargs:
193            version_level = -1
194            versions = kwargs.pop('versions')
195            if not isinstance(versions, list):
196                versions = [versions]
198            version_arg = d_feature_args[self.id]['version']
199            if not version_arg:
200                raise EnvironmentException('D compiler %s does not support conditional version identifiers.' % self.name_string())
202            # Parse all version identifiers and the largest version level identifier
203            for v in versions:
204                if isinstance(v, int):
205                    if v > version_level:
206                        version_level = v
207                elif isinstance(v, str) and v.isdigit():
208                    if int(v) > version_level:
209                        version_level = int(v)
210                else:
211                    res.append(f'{version_arg}={v}')
213            if version_level >= 0:
214                res.append(f'{version_arg}={version_level}')
216        if 'import_dirs' in kwargs:
217            import_dirs = kwargs.pop('import_dirs')
218            if not isinstance(import_dirs, list):
219                import_dirs = [import_dirs]
221            import_dir_arg = d_feature_args[self.id]['import_dir']
222            if not import_dir_arg:
223                raise EnvironmentException('D compiler %s does not support the "string import directories" feature.' % self.name_string())
224            for idir_obj in import_dirs:
225                basedir = idir_obj.get_curdir()
226                for idir in idir_obj.get_incdirs():
227                    bldtreedir = os.path.join(basedir, idir)
228                    # Avoid superfluous '/.' at the end of paths when d is '.'
229                    if idir not in ('', '.'):
230                        expdir = bldtreedir
231                    else:
232                        expdir = basedir
233                    srctreedir = os.path.join(build_to_src, expdir)
234                    res.append(f'{import_dir_arg}{srctreedir}')
235                    res.append(f'{import_dir_arg}{bldtreedir}')
237        if kwargs:
238            raise EnvironmentException('Unknown D compiler feature(s) selected: %s' % ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
240        return res
242    def get_buildtype_linker_args(self, buildtype: str) -> T.List[str]:
243        if buildtype != 'plain':
244            return self._get_target_arch_args()
245        return []
247    def gen_import_library_args(self, implibname: str) -> T.List[str]:
248        return self.linker.import_library_args(implibname)
250    def build_rpath_args(self, env: 'Environment', build_dir: str, from_dir: str,
251                         rpath_paths: str, build_rpath: str,
252                         install_rpath: str) -> T.Tuple[T.List[str], T.Set[bytes]]:
253        if self.info.is_windows():
254            return ([], set())
256        # GNU ld, solaris ld, and lld acting like GNU ld
257        if self.linker.id.startswith('ld'):
258            # The way that dmd and ldc pass rpath to gcc is different than we would
259            # do directly, each argument -rpath and the value to rpath, need to be
260            # split into two separate arguments both prefaced with the -L=.
261            args = []
262            (rpath_args, rpath_dirs_to_remove) = super().build_rpath_args(
263                    env, build_dir, from_dir, rpath_paths, build_rpath, install_rpath)
264            for r in rpath_args:
265                if ',' in r:
266                    a, b = r.split(',', maxsplit=1)
267                    args.append(a)
268                    args.append(self.LINKER_PREFIX + b)
269                else:
270                    args.append(r)
271            return (args, rpath_dirs_to_remove)
273        return super().build_rpath_args(
274            env, build_dir, from_dir, rpath_paths, build_rpath, install_rpath)
276    def _translate_args_to_nongnu(self, args: T.List[str]) -> T.List[str]:
277        # Translate common arguments to flags the LDC/DMD compilers
278        # can understand.
279        # The flags might have been added by pkg-config files,
280        # and are therefore out of the user's control.
281        dcargs = []
282        # whether we hit a linker argument that expect another arg
283        # see the comment in the "-L" section
284        link_expect_arg = False
285        link_flags_with_arg = [
286            '-rpath', '-soname', '-compatibility_version', '-current_version',
287        ]
288        for arg in args:
289            # Translate OS specific arguments first.
290            osargs = []  # type: T.List[str]
291            if self.info.is_windows():
292                osargs = self.translate_arg_to_windows(arg)
293            elif self.info.is_darwin():
294                osargs = self._translate_arg_to_osx(arg)
295            if osargs:
296                dcargs.extend(osargs)
297                continue
299            # Translate common D arguments here.
300            if arg == '-pthread':
301                continue
302            if arg.startswith('-fstack-protector'):
303                continue
304            if arg.startswith('-D'):
305                continue
306            if arg.startswith('-Wl,'):
307                # Translate linker arguments here.
308                linkargs = arg[arg.index(',') + 1:].split(',')
309                for la in linkargs:
310                    dcargs.append('-L=' + la.strip())
311                continue
312            elif arg.startswith(('-link-defaultlib', '-linker', '-link-internally', '-linkonce-templates', '-lib')):
313                # these are special arguments to the LDC linker call,
314                # arguments like "-link-defaultlib-shared" do *not*
315                # denote a library to be linked, but change the default
316                # Phobos/DRuntime linking behavior, while "-linker" sets the
317                # default linker.
318                dcargs.append(arg)
319                continue
320            elif arg.startswith('-l'):
321                # translate library link flag
322                dcargs.append('-L=' + arg)
323                continue
324            elif arg.startswith('-isystem'):
325                # translate -isystem system include path
326                # this flag might sometimes be added by C library Cflags via
327                # pkg-config.
328                # NOTE: -isystem and -I are not 100% equivalent, so this is just
329                # a workaround for the most common cases.
330                if arg.startswith('-isystem='):
331                    dcargs.append('-I=' + arg[9:])
332                else:
333                    dcargs.append('-I' + arg[8:])
334                continue
335            elif arg.startswith('-idirafter'):
336                # same as -isystem, but appends the path instead
337                if arg.startswith('-idirafter='):
338                    dcargs.append('-I=' + arg[11:])
339                else:
340                    dcargs.append('-I' + arg[10:])
341                continue
342            elif arg.startswith('-L'):
343                # The D linker expect library search paths in the form of -L=-L/path (the '=' is optional).
344                #
345                # This function receives a mix of arguments already prepended
346                # with -L for the D linker driver and other linker arguments.
347                # The arguments starting with -L can be:
348                #  - library search path (with or without a second -L)
349                #     - it can come from pkg-config (a single -L)
350                #     - or from the user passing linker flags (-L-L would be expected)
351                #  - arguments like "-L=-rpath" that expect a second argument (also prepended with -L)
352                #  - arguments like "-L=@rpath/xxx" without a second argument (on Apple platform)
353                #  - arguments like "-L=/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE (for Windows linker)
354                #
355                # The logic that follows trys to detect all these cases (some may be missing)
356                # in order to prepend a -L only for the library search paths with a single -L
358                if arg.startswith('-L='):
359                    suffix = arg[3:]
360                else:
361                    suffix = arg[2:]
363                if link_expect_arg:
364                    # flags like rpath and soname expect a path or filename respectively,
365                    # we must not alter it (i.e. prefixing with -L for a lib search path)
366                    dcargs.append(arg)
367                    link_expect_arg = False
368                    continue
370                if suffix in link_flags_with_arg:
371                    link_expect_arg = True
373                if suffix.startswith('-') or suffix.startswith('@'):
374                    # this is not search path
375                    dcargs.append(arg)
376                    continue
378                # linker flag such as -L=/DEBUG must pass through
379                if self.linker.id == 'link' and self.info.is_windows() and suffix.startswith('/'):
380                    dcargs.append(arg)
381                    continue
383                # Make sure static library files are passed properly to the linker.
384                if arg.endswith('.a') or arg.endswith('.lib'):
385                    if len(suffix) > 0 and not suffix.startswith('-'):
386                        dcargs.append('-L=' + suffix)
387                        continue
389                dcargs.append('-L=' + arg)
390                continue
391            elif not arg.startswith('-') and arg.endswith(('.a', '.lib')):
392                # ensure static libraries are passed through to the linker
393                dcargs.append('-L=' + arg)
394                continue
395            else:
396                dcargs.append(arg)
398        return dcargs
400    @classmethod
401    def translate_arg_to_windows(cls, arg: str) -> T.List[str]:
402        args = []
403        if arg.startswith('-Wl,'):
404            # Translate linker arguments here.
405            linkargs = arg[arg.index(',') + 1:].split(',')
406            for la in linkargs:
407                if la.startswith('--out-implib='):
408                    # Import library name
409                    args.append('-L=/IMPLIB:' + la[13:].strip())
410        elif arg.startswith('-mscrtlib='):
411            args.append(arg)
412            mscrtlib = arg[10:].lower()
413            if cls is LLVMDCompiler:
414                # Default crt libraries for LDC2 must be excluded for other
415                # selected crt options.
416                if mscrtlib != 'libcmt':
417                    args.append('-L=/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt')
418                    args.append('-L=/NODEFAULTLIB:libvcruntime')
420                # Fixes missing definitions for printf-functions in VS2017
421                if mscrtlib.startswith('msvcrt'):
422                    args.append('-L=/DEFAULTLIB:legacy_stdio_definitions.lib')
424        return args
426    @classmethod
427    def _translate_arg_to_osx(cls, arg: str) -> T.List[str]:
428        args = []
429        if arg.startswith('-install_name'):
430            args.append('-L=' + arg)
431        return args
433    def get_debug_args(self, is_debug: bool) -> T.List[str]:
434        ddebug_args = []
435        if is_debug:
436            ddebug_args = [d_feature_args[self.id]['debug']]
438        return clike_debug_args[is_debug] + ddebug_args
440    def _get_crt_args(self, crt_val: str, buildtype: str) -> T.List[str]:
441        if not self.info.is_windows():
442            return []
444        if crt_val in self.mscrt_args:
445            return self.mscrt_args[crt_val]
446        assert(crt_val in ['from_buildtype', 'static_from_buildtype'])
448        dbg = 'mdd'
449        rel = 'md'
450        if crt_val == 'static_from_buildtype':
451            dbg = 'mtd'
452            rel = 'mt'
454        # Match what build type flags used to do.
455        if buildtype == 'plain':
456            return []
457        elif buildtype == 'debug':
458            return self.mscrt_args[dbg]
459        elif buildtype == 'debugoptimized':
460            return self.mscrt_args[rel]
461        elif buildtype == 'release':
462            return self.mscrt_args[rel]
463        elif buildtype == 'minsize':
464            return self.mscrt_args[rel]
465        else:
466            assert(buildtype == 'custom')
467            raise EnvironmentException('Requested C runtime based on buildtype, but buildtype is "custom".')
469    def get_soname_args(self, env: 'Environment', prefix: str, shlib_name: str,
470                        suffix: str, soversion: str,
471                        darwin_versions: T.Tuple[str, str],
472                        is_shared_module: bool) -> T.List[str]:
473        sargs = super().get_soname_args(env, prefix, shlib_name, suffix,
474                                        soversion, darwin_versions, is_shared_module)
476        # LDC and DMD actually do use a linker, but they proxy all of that with
477        # their own arguments
478        if self.linker.id.startswith('ld.'):
479            soargs = []
480            for arg in sargs:
481                a, b = arg.split(',', maxsplit=1)
482                soargs.append(a)
483                soargs.append(self.LINKER_PREFIX + b)
484            return soargs
485        elif self.linker.id.startswith('ld64'):
486            soargs = []
487            for arg in sargs:
488                if not arg.startswith(self.LINKER_PREFIX):
489                    soargs.append(self.LINKER_PREFIX + arg)
490                else:
491                    soargs.append(arg)
492            return soargs
493        else:
494            return sargs
496    def get_allow_undefined_link_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
497        args = self.linker.get_allow_undefined_args()
498        if self.info.is_darwin():
499            # On macOS we're passing these options to the C compiler, but
500            # they're linker options and need -Wl, so clang/gcc knows what to
501            # do with them. I'm assuming, but don't know for certain, that
502            # ldc/dmd do some kind of mapping internally for arguments they
503            # understand, but pass arguments they don't understand directly.
504            args = [a.replace('-L=', '-Xcc=-Wl,') for a in args]
505        return args
508class DCompilerArgs(CompilerArgs):
509    prepend_prefixes = ('-I', '-L')
510    dedup2_prefixes = ('-I', )
513class DCompiler(Compiler):
514    mscrt_args = {
515        'none': ['-mscrtlib='],
516        'md': ['-mscrtlib=msvcrt'],
517        'mdd': ['-mscrtlib=msvcrtd'],
518        'mt': ['-mscrtlib=libcmt'],
519        'mtd': ['-mscrtlib=libcmtd'],
520    }
522    language = 'd'
524    def __init__(self, exelist: T.List[str], version: str, for_machine: MachineChoice,
525                 info: 'MachineInfo', arch: str, *,
526                 exe_wrapper: T.Optional['ExternalProgram'] = None,
527                 linker: T.Optional['DynamicLinker'] = None,
528                 full_version: T.Optional[str] = None,
529                 is_cross: bool = False):
530        super().__init__(exelist, version, for_machine, info, linker=linker,
531                         full_version=full_version, is_cross=is_cross)
532        self.arch = arch
533        self.exe_wrapper = exe_wrapper
535    def sanity_check(self, work_dir: str, environment: 'Environment') -> None:
536        source_name = os.path.join(work_dir, 'sanity.d')
537        output_name = os.path.join(work_dir, 'dtest')
538        with open(source_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile:
539            ofile.write('''void main() { }''')
540        pc = subprocess.Popen(self.exelist + self.get_output_args(output_name) + self._get_target_arch_args() + [source_name], cwd=work_dir)
541        pc.wait()
542        if pc.returncode != 0:
543            raise EnvironmentException('D compiler %s can not compile programs.' % self.name_string())
544        if self.is_cross:
545            if self.exe_wrapper is None:
546                # Can't check if the binaries run so we have to assume they do
547                return
548            cmdlist = self.exe_wrapper.get_command() + [output_name]
549        else:
550            cmdlist = [output_name]
551        if subprocess.call(cmdlist) != 0:
552            raise EnvironmentException('Executables created by D compiler %s are not runnable.' % self.name_string())
554    def needs_static_linker(self) -> bool:
555        return True
557    def get_depfile_suffix(self) -> str:
558        return 'deps'
560    def get_pic_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
561        if self.info.is_windows():
562            return []
563        return ['-fPIC']
565    def get_feature_args(self, kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any], build_to_src: str) -> T.List[str]:
566        # TODO: using a TypeDict here would improve this
567        res = []
568        # get_feature_args can be called multiple times for the same target when there is generated source
569        # so we have to copy the kwargs (target.d_features) dict before popping from it
570        kwargs = kwargs.copy()
571        if 'unittest' in kwargs:
572            unittest = kwargs.pop('unittest')
573            unittest_arg = d_feature_args[self.id]['unittest']
574            if not unittest_arg:
575                raise EnvironmentException('D compiler %s does not support the "unittest" feature.' % self.name_string())
576            if unittest:
577                res.append(unittest_arg)
579        if 'debug' in kwargs:
580            debug_level = -1
581            debugs = kwargs.pop('debug')
582            if not isinstance(debugs, list):
583                debugs = [debugs]
585            debug_arg = d_feature_args[self.id]['debug']
586            if not debug_arg:
587                raise EnvironmentException('D compiler %s does not support conditional debug identifiers.' % self.name_string())
589            # Parse all debug identifiers and the largest debug level identifier
590            for d in debugs:
591                if isinstance(d, int):
592                    if d > debug_level:
593                        debug_level = d
594                elif isinstance(d, str) and d.isdigit():
595                    if int(d) > debug_level:
596                        debug_level = int(d)
597                else:
598                    res.append(f'{debug_arg}={d}')
600            if debug_level >= 0:
601                res.append(f'{debug_arg}={debug_level}')
603        if 'versions' in kwargs:
604            version_level = -1
605            versions = kwargs.pop('versions')
606            if not isinstance(versions, list):
607                versions = [versions]
609            version_arg = d_feature_args[self.id]['version']
610            if not version_arg:
611                raise EnvironmentException('D compiler %s does not support conditional version identifiers.' % self.name_string())
613            # Parse all version identifiers and the largest version level identifier
614            for v in versions:
615                if isinstance(v, int):
616                    if v > version_level:
617                        version_level = v
618                elif isinstance(v, str) and v.isdigit():
619                    if int(v) > version_level:
620                        version_level = int(v)
621                else:
622                    res.append(f'{version_arg}={v}')
624            if version_level >= 0:
625                res.append(f'{version_arg}={version_level}')
627        if 'import_dirs' in kwargs:
628            import_dirs = kwargs.pop('import_dirs')
629            if not isinstance(import_dirs, list):
630                import_dirs = [import_dirs]
632            import_dir_arg = d_feature_args[self.id]['import_dir']
633            if not import_dir_arg:
634                raise EnvironmentException('D compiler %s does not support the "string import directories" feature.' % self.name_string())
635            for idir_obj in import_dirs:
636                basedir = idir_obj.get_curdir()
637                for idir in idir_obj.get_incdirs():
638                    bldtreedir = os.path.join(basedir, idir)
639                    # Avoid superfluous '/.' at the end of paths when d is '.'
640                    if idir not in ('', '.'):
641                        expdir = bldtreedir
642                    else:
643                        expdir = basedir
644                    srctreedir = os.path.join(build_to_src, expdir)
645                    res.append(f'{import_dir_arg}{srctreedir}')
646                    res.append(f'{import_dir_arg}{bldtreedir}')
648        if kwargs:
649            raise EnvironmentException('Unknown D compiler feature(s) selected: %s' % ', '.join(kwargs.keys()))
651        return res
653    def get_buildtype_linker_args(self, buildtype: str) -> T.List[str]:
654        if buildtype != 'plain':
655            return self._get_target_arch_args()
656        return []
658    def compiler_args(self, args: T.Optional[T.Iterable[str]] = None) -> DCompilerArgs:
659        return DCompilerArgs(self, args)
661    def has_multi_arguments(self, args: T.List[str], env: 'Environment') -> T.Tuple[bool, bool]:
662        return self.compiles('int i;\n', env, extra_args=args)
664    def _get_target_arch_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
665        # LDC2 on Windows targets to current OS architecture, but
666        # it should follow the target specified by the MSVC toolchain.
667        if self.info.is_windows():
668            if self.arch == 'x86_64':
669                return ['-m64']
670            return ['-m32']
671        return []
673    def get_crt_compile_args(self, crt_val: str, buildtype: str) -> T.List[str]:
674        return []
676    def get_crt_link_args(self, crt_val: str, buildtype: str) -> T.List[str]:
677        return []
680class GnuDCompiler(GnuCompiler, DCompiler):
682    # we mostly want DCompiler, but that gives us the Compiler.LINKER_PREFIX instead
685    def __init__(self, exelist: T.List[str], version: str, for_machine: MachineChoice,
686                 info: 'MachineInfo', arch: str, *,
687                 exe_wrapper: T.Optional['ExternalProgram'] = None,
688                 linker: T.Optional['DynamicLinker'] = None,
689                 full_version: T.Optional[str] = None,
690                 is_cross: bool = False):
691        DCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine, info, arch,
692                           exe_wrapper=exe_wrapper, linker=linker,
693                           full_version=full_version, is_cross=is_cross)
694        GnuCompiler.__init__(self, {})
695        self.id = 'gcc'
696        default_warn_args = ['-Wall', '-Wdeprecated']
697        self.warn_args = {'0': [],
698                          '1': default_warn_args,
699                          '2': default_warn_args + ['-Wextra'],
700                          '3': default_warn_args + ['-Wextra', '-Wpedantic']}
701        self.base_options = {
702            OptionKey(o) for o in [
703             'b_colorout', 'b_sanitize', 'b_staticpic', 'b_vscrt',
704             'b_coverage', 'b_pgo', 'b_ndebug']}
706        self._has_color_support = version_compare(self.version, '>=4.9')
707        # dependencies were implemented before, but broken - support was fixed in GCC 7.1+
708        # (and some backported versions)
709        self._has_deps_support = version_compare(self.version, '>=7.1')
711    def get_colorout_args(self, colortype: str) -> T.List[str]:
712        if self._has_color_support:
713            super().get_colorout_args(colortype)
714        return []
716    def get_dependency_gen_args(self, outtarget: str, outfile: str) -> T.List[str]:
717        if self._has_deps_support:
718            return super().get_dependency_gen_args(outtarget, outfile)
719        return []
721    def get_warn_args(self, level: str) -> T.List[str]:
722        return self.warn_args[level]
724    def get_buildtype_args(self, buildtype: str) -> T.List[str]:
725        return d_gdc_buildtype_args[buildtype]
727    def compute_parameters_with_absolute_paths(self, parameter_list: T.List[str],
728                                               build_dir: str) -> T.List[str]:
729        for idx, i in enumerate(parameter_list):
730            if i[:2] == '-I' or i[:2] == '-L':
731                parameter_list[idx] = i[:2] + os.path.normpath(os.path.join(build_dir, i[2:]))
733        return parameter_list
735    def get_allow_undefined_link_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
736        return self.linker.get_allow_undefined_args()
738    def get_linker_always_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
739        args = super().get_linker_always_args()
740        if self.info.is_windows():
741            return args
742        return args + ['-shared-libphobos']
744    def get_disable_assert_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
745        return ['-frelease']
747# LDC uses the DMD frontend code to parse and analyse the code.
748# It then uses LLVM for the binary code generation and optimizations.
749# This function retrieves the dmd frontend version, which determines
750# the common features between LDC and DMD.
751# We need the complete version text because the match is not on first line
752# of version_output
753def find_ldc_dmd_frontend_version(version_output: T.Optional[str]) -> T.Optional[str]:
754    if version_output is None:
755        return None
756    version_regex = re.search(r'DMD v(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', version_output)
757    if version_regex:
758        return version_regex.group(1)
759    return None
761class LLVMDCompiler(DmdLikeCompilerMixin, DCompiler):
763    def __init__(self, exelist: T.List[str], version: str, for_machine: MachineChoice,
764                 info: 'MachineInfo', arch: str, *,
765                 exe_wrapper: T.Optional['ExternalProgram'] = None,
766                 linker: T.Optional['DynamicLinker'] = None,
767                 full_version: T.Optional[str] = None,
768                 is_cross: bool = False, version_output: T.Optional[str] = None):
769        DCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine, info, arch,
770                           exe_wrapper=exe_wrapper, linker=linker,
771                           full_version=full_version, is_cross=is_cross)
772        DmdLikeCompilerMixin.__init__(self, dmd_frontend_version=find_ldc_dmd_frontend_version(version_output))
773        self.id = 'llvm'
774        self.base_options = {OptionKey(o) for o in ['b_coverage', 'b_colorout', 'b_vscrt', 'b_ndebug']}
776    def get_colorout_args(self, colortype: str) -> T.List[str]:
777        if colortype == 'always':
778            return ['-enable-color']
779        return []
781    def get_warn_args(self, level: str) -> T.List[str]:
782        if level in {'2', '3'}:
783            return ['-wi', '-dw']
784        elif level == '1':
785            return ['-wi']
786        return []
788    def get_buildtype_args(self, buildtype: str) -> T.List[str]:
789        if buildtype != 'plain':
790            return self._get_target_arch_args() + d_ldc_buildtype_args[buildtype]
791        return d_ldc_buildtype_args[buildtype]
793    def get_pic_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
794        return ['-relocation-model=pic']
796    def get_crt_link_args(self, crt_val: str, buildtype: str) -> T.List[str]:
797        return self._get_crt_args(crt_val, buildtype)
799    def unix_args_to_native(self, args: T.List[str]) -> T.List[str]:
800        return self._translate_args_to_nongnu(args)
802    def get_optimization_args(self, optimization_level: str) -> T.List[str]:
803        return ldc_optimization_args[optimization_level]
805    @classmethod
806    def use_linker_args(cls, linker: str) -> T.List[str]:
807        return [f'-linker={linker}']
809    def get_linker_always_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
810        args = super().get_linker_always_args()
811        if self.info.is_windows():
812            return args
813        return args + ['-link-defaultlib-shared']
815    def get_disable_assert_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
816        return ['--release']
818    def rsp_file_syntax(self) -> RSPFileSyntax:
819        # We use `mesonlib.is_windows` here because we want to konw what the
820        # build machine is, not the host machine. This really means whe whould
821        # have the Environment not the MachineInfo in the compiler.
822        return RSPFileSyntax.MSVC if is_windows() else RSPFileSyntax.GCC
825class DmdDCompiler(DmdLikeCompilerMixin, DCompiler):
827    def __init__(self, exelist: T.List[str], version: str, for_machine: MachineChoice,
828                 info: 'MachineInfo', arch: str, *,
829                 exe_wrapper: T.Optional['ExternalProgram'] = None,
830                 linker: T.Optional['DynamicLinker'] = None,
831                 full_version: T.Optional[str] = None,
832                 is_cross: bool = False):
833        DCompiler.__init__(self, exelist, version, for_machine, info, arch,
834                           exe_wrapper=exe_wrapper, linker=linker,
835                           full_version=full_version, is_cross=is_cross)
836        DmdLikeCompilerMixin.__init__(self, version)
837        self.id = 'dmd'
838        self.base_options = {OptionKey(o) for o in ['b_coverage', 'b_colorout', 'b_vscrt', 'b_ndebug']}
840    def get_colorout_args(self, colortype: str) -> T.List[str]:
841        if colortype == 'always':
842            return ['-color=on']
843        return []
845    def get_buildtype_args(self, buildtype: str) -> T.List[str]:
846        if buildtype != 'plain':
847            return self._get_target_arch_args() + d_dmd_buildtype_args[buildtype]
848        return d_dmd_buildtype_args[buildtype]
850    def get_std_exe_link_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
851        if self.info.is_windows():
852            # DMD links against D runtime only when main symbol is found,
853            # so these needs to be inserted when linking static D libraries.
854            if self.arch == 'x86_64':
855                return ['phobos64.lib']
856            elif self.arch == 'x86_mscoff':
857                return ['phobos32mscoff.lib']
858            return ['phobos.lib']
859        return []
861    def get_std_shared_lib_link_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
862        libname = 'libphobos2.so'
863        if self.info.is_windows():
864            if self.arch == 'x86_64':
865                libname = 'phobos64.lib'
866            elif self.arch == 'x86_mscoff':
867                libname = 'phobos32mscoff.lib'
868            else:
869                libname = 'phobos.lib'
870        return ['-shared', '-defaultlib=' + libname]
872    def _get_target_arch_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
873        # DMD32 and DMD64 on 64-bit Windows defaults to 32-bit (OMF).
874        # Force the target to 64-bit in order to stay consistent
875        # across the different platforms.
876        if self.info.is_windows():
877            if self.arch == 'x86_64':
878                return ['-m64']
879            elif self.arch == 'x86_mscoff':
880                return ['-m32mscoff']
881            return ['-m32']
882        return []
884    def get_crt_compile_args(self, crt_val: str, buildtype: str) -> T.List[str]:
885        return self._get_crt_args(crt_val, buildtype)
887    def unix_args_to_native(self, args: T.List[str]) -> T.List[str]:
888        return self._translate_args_to_nongnu(args)
890    def get_optimization_args(self, optimization_level: str) -> T.List[str]:
891        return dmd_optimization_args[optimization_level]
893    def can_linker_accept_rsp(self) -> bool:
894        return False
896    def get_linker_always_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
897        args = super().get_linker_always_args()
898        if self.info.is_windows():
899            return args
900        return args + ['-defaultlib=phobos2', '-debuglib=phobos2']
902    def get_disable_assert_args(self) -> T.List[str]:
903        return ['-release']
905    def rsp_file_syntax(self) -> RSPFileSyntax:
906        return RSPFileSyntax.MSVC