1 /** @file
2   BDS routines to handle capsules.
4 Copyright (c) 2004 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
7 **/
8 #include "Bds.h"
10 /**
12   This routine is called to see if there are any capsules we need to process.
13   If the boot mode is not UPDATE, then we do nothing. Otherwise find the
14   capsule HOBS and produce firmware volumes for them via the DXE service.
15   Then call the dispatcher to dispatch drivers from them. Finally, check
16   the status of the updates.
18   This function should be called by BDS in case we need to do some
19   sort of processing even if there is no capsule to process. We
20   need to do this if an earlier update went away and we need to
21   clear the capsule variable so on the next reset PEI does not see it and
22   think there is a capsule available.
24   @param BootMode                 the current boot mode
26   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   boot mode is not correct for an update
27   @retval EFI_SUCCESS             There is no error when processing capsule
29 **/
BdsProcessCapsules(EFI_BOOT_MODE BootMode)32 BdsProcessCapsules (
33   EFI_BOOT_MODE BootMode
34   )
35 {
36   EFI_STATUS                  Status;
37   EFI_PEI_HOB_POINTERS        HobPointer;
38   EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER          *CapsuleHeader;
39   UINT32                      Size;
40   UINT32                      CapsuleNumber;
41   UINT32                      CapsuleTotalNumber;
42   EFI_CAPSULE_TABLE           *CapsuleTable;
43   UINT32                      Index;
44   UINT32                      CacheIndex;
45   UINT32                      CacheNumber;
46   VOID                        **CapsulePtr;
47   VOID                        **CapsulePtrCache;
48   EFI_GUID                    *CapsuleGuidCache;
49   BOOLEAN                     NeedReset;
51   CapsuleNumber      = 0;
52   CapsuleTotalNumber = 0;
53   CacheIndex         = 0;
54   CacheNumber        = 0;
55   CapsulePtr         = NULL;
56   CapsulePtrCache    = NULL;
57   CapsuleGuidCache   = NULL;
58   NeedReset          = FALSE;
60   //
61   // We don't do anything else if the boot mode is not flash-update
62   //
63   if (BootMode != BOOT_ON_FLASH_UPDATE) {
64     DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Boot mode is not correct for capsule update.\n"));
66   }
68   Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
69   //
70   // Find all capsule images from hob
71   //
72   HobPointer.Raw = GetHobList ();
73   while ((HobPointer.Raw = GetNextHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_UEFI_CAPSULE, HobPointer.Raw)) != NULL) {
74     CapsuleTotalNumber ++;
75     HobPointer.Raw = GET_NEXT_HOB (HobPointer);
76   }
78   if (CapsuleTotalNumber == 0) {
79     //
80     // We didn't find a hob, so had no errors.
81     //
82     DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "We can not find capsule data in capsule update boot mode.\n"));
83     DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Please check the followings are correct if unexpected capsule update error happens.\n"));
84     DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "1. CapsuleX64 is built as X64 module when PEI is IA32 and DXE is X64\n"));
85     DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "2. Capsule data should persist in memory across a system reset.\n"));
86     PlatformBdsLockNonUpdatableFlash ();
87     return EFI_SUCCESS;
88   }
90   //
91   // Init temp Capsule Data table.
92   //
93   CapsulePtr       = (VOID **) AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (VOID *) * CapsuleTotalNumber);
94   ASSERT (CapsulePtr != NULL);
95   CapsulePtrCache  = (VOID **) AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (VOID *) * CapsuleTotalNumber);
96   ASSERT (CapsulePtrCache != NULL);
97   CapsuleGuidCache = (EFI_GUID *) AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (EFI_GUID) * CapsuleTotalNumber);
98   ASSERT (CapsuleGuidCache != NULL);
100   //
101   // Find all capsule images from hob
102   //
103   HobPointer.Raw = GetHobList ();
104   while ((HobPointer.Raw = GetNextHob (EFI_HOB_TYPE_UEFI_CAPSULE, HobPointer.Raw)) != NULL) {
105     CapsulePtr [CapsuleNumber++] = (VOID *) (UINTN) HobPointer.Capsule->BaseAddress;
106     HobPointer.Raw = GET_NEXT_HOB (HobPointer);
107   }
109   //
110   //Check the capsule flags,if contains CAPSULE_FLAGS_POPULATE_SYSTEM_TABLE, install
111   //capsuleTable to configure table with EFI_CAPSULE_GUID
112   //
114   //
115   // Capsules who have CAPSULE_FLAGS_POPULATE_SYSTEM_TABLE always are used for operating
116   // System to have information persist across a system reset. EFI System Table must
117   // point to an array of capsules that contains the same CapsuleGuid value. And agents
118   // searching for this type capsule will look in EFI System Table and search for the
119   // capsule's Guid and associated pointer to retrieve the data. Two steps below describes
120   // how to sorting the capsules by the unique guid and install the array to EFI System Table.
121   // Firstly, Loop for all coalesced capsules, record unique CapsuleGuids and cache them in an
122   // array for later sorting capsules by CapsuleGuid.
123   //
124   for (Index = 0; Index < CapsuleTotalNumber; Index++) {
125     CapsuleHeader = (EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER*) CapsulePtr [Index];
126     if ((CapsuleHeader->Flags & CAPSULE_FLAGS_POPULATE_SYSTEM_TABLE) != 0) {
127       //
128       // For each capsule, we compare it with known CapsuleGuid in the CacheArray.
129       // If already has the Guid, skip it. Whereas, record it in the CacheArray as
130       // an additional one.
131       //
132       CacheIndex = 0;
133       while (CacheIndex < CacheNumber) {
134         if (CompareGuid(&CapsuleGuidCache[CacheIndex],&CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid)) {
135           break;
136         }
137         CacheIndex++;
138       }
139       if (CacheIndex == CacheNumber) {
140         CopyMem(&CapsuleGuidCache[CacheNumber++],&CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid,sizeof(EFI_GUID));
141       }
142     }
143   }
145   //
146   // Secondly, for each unique CapsuleGuid in CacheArray, gather all coalesced capsules
147   // whose guid is the same as it, and malloc memory for an array which preceding
148   // with UINT32. The array fills with entry point of capsules that have the same
149   // CapsuleGuid, and UINT32 represents the size of the array of capsules. Then install
150   // this array into EFI System Table, so that agents searching for this type capsule
151   // will look in EFI System Table and search for the capsule's Guid and associated
152   // pointer to retrieve the data.
153   //
154   CacheIndex = 0;
155   while (CacheIndex < CacheNumber) {
156     CapsuleNumber = 0;
157     for (Index = 0; Index < CapsuleTotalNumber; Index++) {
158       CapsuleHeader = (EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER*) CapsulePtr [Index];
159       if ((CapsuleHeader->Flags & CAPSULE_FLAGS_POPULATE_SYSTEM_TABLE) != 0) {
160         if (CompareGuid (&CapsuleGuidCache[CacheIndex], &CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid)) {
161           //
162           // Cache Caspuleheader to the array, this array is uniqued with certain CapsuleGuid.
163           //
164           CapsulePtrCache[CapsuleNumber++] = (VOID*)CapsuleHeader;
165         }
166       }
167     }
168     if (CapsuleNumber != 0) {
169       Size = sizeof(EFI_CAPSULE_TABLE) + (CapsuleNumber - 1) * sizeof(VOID*);
170       CapsuleTable = AllocateRuntimePool (Size);
171       ASSERT (CapsuleTable != NULL);
172       CapsuleTable->CapsuleArrayNumber =  CapsuleNumber;
173       CopyMem(&CapsuleTable->CapsulePtr[0], CapsulePtrCache, CapsuleNumber * sizeof(VOID*));
174       Status = gBS->InstallConfigurationTable (&CapsuleGuidCache[CacheIndex], (VOID*)CapsuleTable);
175       ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
176     }
177     CacheIndex++;
178   }
180   //
181   // Besides ones with CAPSULE_FLAGS_POPULATE_SYSTEM_TABLE flag, all capsules left are
182   // recognized by platform with CapsuleGuid. For general platform driver, UpdateFlash
183   // type is commonly supported, so here only deal with encapsuled FVs capsule. Additional
184   // type capsule transaction could be extended. It depends on platform policy.
185   //
186   for (Index = 0; Index < CapsuleTotalNumber; Index++) {
187     CapsuleHeader = (EFI_CAPSULE_HEADER*) CapsulePtr [Index];
188     if ((CapsuleHeader->Flags & CAPSULE_FLAGS_POPULATE_SYSTEM_TABLE) == 0) {
189       //
190       // Always reset system after all capsule processed if FMP capsule exist
191       //
192       if (CompareGuid (&gEfiFmpCapsuleGuid, &CapsuleHeader->CapsuleGuid)){
193         NeedReset = TRUE;
194       }
196       //
197       // Call capsule library to process capsule image.
198       //
199       ProcessCapsuleImage (CapsuleHeader);
200     }
201   }
203   if (NeedReset) {
204     Print(L"Capsule Request Cold Reboot.\n");
206     for (Index = 5; Index > 0; Index--) {
207       Print(L"\rResetting system in %d seconds ...", Index);
208       gBS->Stall (1000000);
209     }
211     gRT->ResetSystem (EfiResetCold, EFI_SUCCESS, 0, NULL);
213     CpuDeadLoop ();
214   }
216   PlatformBdsLockNonUpdatableFlash ();
218   //
219   // Free the allocated temp memory space.
220   //
221   FreePool (CapsuleGuidCache);
222   FreePool (CapsulePtrCache);
223   FreePool (CapsulePtr);
225   return Status;
226 }