1#' Panel estimators for limited dependent variables
3#' Fixed and random effects estimators for truncated or censored
4#' limited dependent variable
6#' `pldv` computes two kinds of models: a LSQ/LAD estimator for the
7#' first-difference model (`model = "fd"`) and a maximum likelihood estimator
8#' with an assumed normal distribution for the individual effects
9#' (`model = "random"` or `"pooling"`).
11#' For maximum-likelihood estimations, `pldv` uses internally function
12#' [maxLik::maxLik()] (from package \CRANpkg{maxLik}).
14#' @aliases pldv
15#' @param formula a symbolic description for the model to be
16#'     estimated,
17#' @param data a `data.frame`,
18#' @param subset see `lm`,
19#' @param weights see `lm`,
20#' @param na.action see `lm`,
21#' @param model one of `"fd"`, `"random"`, or `"pooling"`,
22#' @param index the indexes, see [pdata.frame()],
23#' @param R the number of points for the gaussian quadrature,
24#' @param start a vector of starting values,
25#' @param lower the lower bound for the censored/truncated dependent
26#'     variable,
27#' @param upper the upper bound for the censored/truncated dependent
28#'     variable,
29#' @param objfun the objective function for the fixed effect model (`model = "fd"`,
30#'     irrelevant for other values of the `model` argument ):
31#'     one of `"lsq"` for least squares (minimise sum of squares of the residuals)
32#'     and `"lad"` for least absolute deviations (minimise sum of absolute values
33#'     of the residuals),
34#' @param sample `"cens"` for a censored (tobit-like) sample,
35#'     `"trunc"` for a truncated sample,
36#' @param \dots further arguments.
37#' @return For `model = "fd"`, an object of class `c("plm", "panelmodel")`, for
38#'  `model = "random"` and `model = "pooling"` an object of class `c("maxLik", "maxim")`.
40#' @export
41#' @importFrom maxLik maxLik
42#' @author Yves Croissant
43#' @references
45#' \insertRef{HONO:92}{plm}
47#' @keywords regression
48#' @examples
49#' ## as these examples take a bit of time, do not run them automatically
50#' \dontrun{
51#' data("Donors", package = "pder")
52#' library("plm")
53#' pDonors <- pdata.frame(Donors, index = "id")
55#' # replicate Landry/Lange/List/Price/Rupp (2010), online appendix, table 5a, models A and B
56#' modA <- pldv(donation ~ treatment +  prcontr, data = pDonors,
57#'             model = "random", method = "bfgs")
58#' summary(modA)
59#' modB <- pldv(donation ~ treatment * prcontr - prcontr, data = pDonors,
60#'             model = "random", method = "bfgs")
61#' summary(modB)
62#' }
65# TODO: check if argument method = "bfgs" is needed in example (and why)
66#   -> seems strange as it is no direct argument of pldv
68pldv <- function(formula, data, subset, weights, na.action,
69                 model = c("fd", "random", "pooling"), index = NULL,
70                 R = 20, start = NULL, lower = 0, upper = +Inf,
71                 objfun = c("lsq", "lad"), sample = c("cens", "trunc"), ...){
73## Due to the eval() construct with maxLik::maxLik we import maxLik::maxLik
74## and re-export it via NAMESPACE as plm::maxLik with a minimal documentation
75## pointing to the original documentation.
76## This way, we can keep the flexibility of eval() [evalutate in parent frame]
77## and can lessen the dependency burden by placing pkg maxLik in 'Imports'
78## rather than 'Depends' in DESCRIPTION.
80    # use the plm interface to compute the model.frame
81    sample <- match.arg(sample)
82    model <- match.arg(model)
83    cl <- match.call()
84    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
85    mf <- cl
86    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action", "index"), names(mf), 0)
87    mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
88    mf$model <- NA
89    mf[[1L]] <- as.name("plm")
90    mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
91    formula <- attr(mf, "formula")
93    # extract the relevant arguments for maxLik
94    maxl <- cl
95    m <- match(c("print.level", "ftol", "tol", "reltol",
96                 "gradtol", "steptol", "lambdatol", "qrtol",
97                 "iterlim", "fixed", "activePar", "method"), names(maxl), 0)
98    maxl <- maxl[c(1L, m)]
99    maxl[[1L]] <- as.name("maxLik")
101    # The within model -> Bo Honore (1992)
102    if (model == "fd"){
103        objfun <- match.arg(objfun)
104        # create a data.frame containing y_t and y_{t-1}
105        y <- as.character(formula[[2L]])
106        y <- mf[[y]]
107        ly <- c(NA, y[1:(length(y) - 1)])
108        id <- as.integer(index(mf, "id"))
109        lid <- c(NA, id[1:(nrow(mf) - 1)])
110        keep <- id == lid
111        keep[1L] <- FALSE
112        Y <- data.frame(y, ly)
113        Y <- Y[keep, ]
114        yt <- Y$y
115        ytm1 <- Y$ly
116        # create the matrix of first differenced covariates
117        X <- model.matrix(mf, model = "fd")
118        start <- rep(.1, ncol(X))
119        names(start) <- colnames(X)
120        if (sample == "trunc"){
121            if (objfun == "lad") fm <- function(x) abs(x)
122            if (objfun == "lsq") fm <- function(x) x ^ 2
123            psi <- function(a1, a2, b){
124                fm( (a2 <= b) * a1 +
125                    (b > - a1 & b < a2) * (a2 - a1 - b) +
126                    (a1 <= - b) * a2
127                   )
128            }
129        }
130        if (sample == "cens"){
131            if (objfun == "lad"){
132                psi <- function(a1, a2, b){
133                    (a1 <= pmax(0, - b) & a2 <= pmax(0, b)) * 0 +
134                        (! (a1 <= pmax(0, - b) & a2 <= pmax(0, b)) ) * abs(a2 - a1 - b)
135                }
136            }
137            if (objfun == "lsq"){
138                psi <- function(a1, a2, b){
139                    (a2 <= b) * (a1 ^ 2 - 2 * a1 * (a2 - b)) +
140                        (b > - a1 & b < a2) * (a2 - a1 - b) ^ 2 +
141                        (a1 <= - b) * (a2 ^ 2 - 2 * a2 * (b + a1))
142                }
143            }
144        }
145        BO <- function(param){
146            bdx <- as.numeric(X %*% param)
147            lnl <- - psi(ytm1, yt, bdx)
148            selobs <- (bdx > - ytm1 & bdx < yt)
149            if (objfun == "lsq" && sample == "cens"){
150                attr(lnl, "gradient") <- -
151                    ( (ytm1 > - bdx & yt > bdx) * (- 2 * (yt - ytm1 - bdx)) +
152                      (ytm1 > - bdx & yt < bdx) * (  2 * ytm1) +
153                      (ytm1 < - bdx & yt > bdx) * (- 2 * yt) ) * X
154                attr(lnl, "hessian") <-  - crossprod( (ytm1 > - bdx & yt > bdx) * X)
155            }
156            lnl
157        }
158        maxl[c("logLik", "start")] <- list(BO, start)
159        result <- eval(maxl, parent.frame())
160        if (objfun == "lsq" && sample == "cens"){
161            bdx <- as.numeric((crossprod(t(X), coef(result))))
162            V4 <- yt ^ 2 * (bdx <= - ytm1) + ytm1 ^ 2 * (yt <= bdx) +
163                (yt - ytm1 - bdx) ^ 2 * (bdx > - ytm1 & bdx < yt)
164            V4 <- crossprod(X, V4 * X) / length(V4)
165            T4 <- crossprod((bdx > - ytm1 & bdx < yt) * X, X) / length(V4)
166            solve_T4 <- solve(T4)
167            vcov <- solve_T4 %*% V4 %*% solve_T4
168            result$vcov <- V4
169        }
170        if (is.null(result$vcov)) result$vcov <- solve(- result$hessian)
171        resid <- yt - as.numeric(crossprod(t(X), coef(result)))
172        result <- list(coefficients = coef(result),
173                       vcov         = result$vcov,
174                       formula      = formula,
175                       model        = mf,
176                       df.residual  = nrow(X) - ncol(X),
177                       residuals    = resid,
178                       args         = list(model = "fd", effect = "individual"),
179                       call         = cl)
180        class(result) <- c("plm", "panelmodel")
181    }
182    else{ # model != "fd" => cases model = "random" / "pooling"
184        # old pglm stuff for the pooling and the random model, with
185        # update to allow upper and lower bonds
186        X <- model.matrix(mf, rhs = 1, model = "pooling", effect = "individual")
188        if (ncol(X) == 0L) stop("empty model")
189        y <- pmodel.response(mf, model = "pooling", effect = "individual")
190        id <- attr(mf, "index")[[1L]]
192          # The following is the only instance of statmod::gauss.quad, so check for
193          # the package's availability. (We placed 'statmod' in 'Suggests' rather
194          # than 'Imports' so that it is not an absolutely required dependency.)
195          ## Procedure for pkg check for pkg in 'Suggests' as recommended in
196          ## Wickham, R packages (http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/description.html).
197          if (!requireNamespace("statmod", quietly = TRUE)) {
198            stop(paste("Function 'gauss.quad' from package 'statmod' needed for this function to work.",
199                       "Please install it, e.g., with 'install.packages(\"statmod\")"),
200                 call. = FALSE)
201          }
202        # compute the nodes and the weights for the gaussian quadrature
203        rn <- statmod::gauss.quad(R, kind = 'hermite')
204        # compute the starting values
205        ls <- length(start)
206        if (model == "pooling"){
207            K <- ncol(X)
208            if (! ls %in% c(0, K + 1)) stop("irrelevant length for the start vector")
209            if (ls == 0L){
210                m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"), names(cl), 0)
211                lmcl <- cl[c(1,m)]
212                lmcl[[1L]] <- as.name("lm")
213                lmcl <- eval(lmcl, parent.frame()) # eval stats::lm()
214                sig2 <- deviance(lmcl) / df.residual(lmcl)
215                sigma <- sqrt(sig2)
216                start <- c(coef(lmcl), sd.nu = sigma)
217            }
218        }
219        else{ # case model != "pooling" and != "fd" => model ="random"
220            if (ls <= 1L){
221                startcl <- cl
222                startcl$model <- "pooling"
223                startcl$method <- "bfgs"
224                pglmest <- eval(startcl, parent.frame()) # eval pldv() with updated args
225                thestart <- coef(pglmest)
226                if (ls == 1L){
227                    start <- c(thestart, start)
228                }
229                else{
230                   # case ls = 0
231                    resid <- y -  as.numeric(tcrossprod(X, t(coef(pglmest)[1:ncol(X)])))
232                    eta <- tapply(resid, id, mean)[as.character(id)]
233                    nu <- resid - eta
234                    start <- c(thestart[1:ncol(X)], sd.nu = sd(nu), sd.eta = sd(eta))
235                }
236            }
237        }
238        # call to maxLik with the relevant arguments
239        argschar <- function(args){
240            paste(as.character(names(args)), as.character(args),
241                  sep= "=", collapse= ",")
242        }
243        args <- list(param = "start",
244                     y = "y", X = "X", id = "id", model = "model",
245                     rn = "rn", lower = lower, upper = upper)
246        thefunc <- paste("function(start) lnl.tobit", "(", argschar(args), ")", sep = "")
247        maxl$logLik <- eval(parse(text = thefunc))
248        maxl$start <- start
249        result <- eval(maxl, parent.frame())
250        result[c('call', 'args', 'model')] <- list(cl, args, data)
251    } # end cases model = "random" / "pooling"
252    result
256lnl.tobit <- function(param, y, X, id, lower = 0, upper = +Inf, model = "pooling", rn = NULL){
257    compute.gradient <- TRUE
258    compute.hessian <- FALSE
259    mills <- function(x) exp(dnorm(x, log = TRUE) - pnorm(x, log.p = TRUE))
260    O <- length(y)
261    K <- ncol(X)
262    beta <- param[1L:K]
263    sigma <- param[K + 1L]
264    Xb <- as.numeric(crossprod(t(X), beta))
265    YLO <- (y == lower)
266    YUT <- (y > lower) & (y < upper)
267    YUP <- y == upper
268    if (model == "random"){
269        R <- length(rn$nodes)
270        seta <- param[K + 2L]
271    }
272    else seta <- 0
274    f <- function(i = NA){
275        result <- numeric(length = length(y))
276        if (is.na(i)) z <- 0 else z <- rn$nodes[i]
277        e <- (y - Xb - sqrt(2) * seta * z) / sigma
278        result[YLO] <- pnorm(  e[YLO], log.p = TRUE)
279        result[YUT] <- dnorm(  e[YUT], log = TRUE) - log(sigma)
280        result[YUP] <- pnorm(- e[YUP], log.p = TRUE)
281        result
282    }
284    g <- function(i = NA){
285        if (is.na(i)) z <- 0 else z <- rn$nodes[i]
286        e <- (y - Xb - sqrt(2) * seta * z) / sigma
287        mz <-  mills(e)
288        mmz <- mills(- e)
289        gradi <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(X), ncol = ncol(X) + 1L)
290        gradi[YLO, 1L:K]   <- - mz[YLO] * X[YLO, , drop = FALSE]
291        gradi[YLO, K + 1L] <- -  e[YLO] * mz[YLO]
292        gradi[YUT, 1L:K]   <-    e[YUT] * X[YUT, , drop = FALSE]
293        gradi[YUT, K + 1L] <- - (1 - e[YUT] ^ 2)
294        gradi[YUP, 1L:K]   <-  mmz[YUP] *  X[YUP, , drop = FALSE]
295        gradi[YUP, K + 1L] <-    e[YUP] * mmz[YUP]
296        if (! is.na(i)){
297            gradi <- cbind(gradi, NA)
298            gradi[YLO, K + 2L] <- - mz[YLO] * sqrt(2) * z
299            gradi[YUT, K + 2L] <-    e[YUT] * sqrt(2) * z
300            gradi[YUP, K + 2L] < - mmz[YUP] * sqrt(2) * z
301        }
302        gradi / sigma
303    }
305    h <- function(i = NA, pwnt = NULL){
306        if (is.na(i)){
307            z <- 0
308            seta <- 0
309            pw <- 1
310        }
311        else{
312            z <- rn$nodes[i]
313            pw <- pwnt[[i]]
314        }
315        e <- (y - Xb - sqrt(2) * seta * z) / sigma
316        mz <-  mills(e)
317        mmz <- mills(- e)
318        hbb <- hbs <- hss <- numeric(length = nrow(X)) # pre-allocate
319        hbb[YLO] <- - (e[YLO] + mz[YLO]) * mz[YLO]
320        hbs[YLO] <-          mz[YLO] * (1 - (e[YLO] + mz[YLO]) * e[YLO])
321        hss[YLO] <- e[YLO] * mz[YLO] * (2 - (e[YLO] + mz[YLO]) * e[YLO])
322        hbb[YUT] <- - 1
323        hbs[YUT] <- - 2 * e[YUT]
324        hss[YUT] <- (1 - 3 * e[YUT] ^ 2)
325        hbb[YUP] <- - (- e[YUP] + mmz[YUP]) * mmz[YUP]
326        hbs[YUP] <-          - mmz[YUP] * (1 + (mmz[YUP] - e[YUP]) * e[YUP])
327        hss[YUP] <- - e[YUP] * mmz[YUP] * (2 + (mmz[YUP] - e[YUP]) * e[YUP])
328        hbb <- crossprod(hbb * X * pw, X)
329        hbs <- apply(hbs * X * pw, 2, sum) # TODO: can use colSums -> faster
330        hss <- sum(hss * pw)
331        H <- rbind(cbind(hbb, hbs), c(hbs, hss))
332        if (! is.na(i)){
333            hba <- hsa <- haa <- numeric(length = nrow(X))
334            hba[YLO] <- - (e[YLO] + mz[YLO]) * mz[YLO] * sqrt(2) * z
335            hsa[YLO] <-   mz[YLO] * sqrt(2) * z * (1 - (e[YLO] + mz[YLO]) * e[YLO])
336            haa[YLO] <- - (e[YLO] + mz[YLO]) * mz[YLO] * 2 * z ^ 2
337            hba[YUT] <- - sqrt(2) * z
338            hsa[YUT] <- - 2 * sqrt(2) * z * e[YUT]
339            haa[YUT] <- - 2 * z ^ 2
340            hba[YUP] <- - (- e[YUP] + mmz[YUP]) * mmz[YUP] * sqrt(2) * z
341            hsa[YUP] <- - mmz[YUP] * sqrt(2) * z * (1 + (- e[YUP] + mmz[YUP]) * e[YUP])
342            haa[YUP] <- - (- e[YUP] + mmz[YUP]) * mmz[YUP] * 2 * z ^ 2
343            hba <- apply(hba * X * pw, 2, sum) # TODO: can use colSums -> faster
344            haa <- sum(haa * pw)
345            hsa <- sum(hsa * pw)
346            H <- rbind(cbind(H, c(hba, hsa)), c(hba, hsa, haa))
347        }
348        H / sigma ^ 2
349    }
351    if (model == "pooling"){
352        lnL <- sum(f(i = NA))
353        if (compute.gradient) attr(lnL, "gradient") <- g(i = NA)
354        if (compute.hessian) attr(lnL, "hessian") <- h(i = NA)
355    }
356    if (model == "random"){
357        lnPntr <- lapply(1:R, function(i)  f(i = i))
358        lnPnr <- lapply(lnPntr, function(x){
359            result <- tapply(x, id, sum)
360            ids <- names(result)
361            result <- as.numeric(result)
362            names(result) <- ids
363            result
364        }
365        )
366        lnPn <- lapply(1:R, function(i) rn$weights[i] * exp(lnPnr[[i]]))
367        lnPn <- log(Reduce("+", lnPn)) - 0.5 * log(pi)
368        lnL <- sum(lnPn)
369        if (compute.gradient || compute.hessian){
370            glnPnr  <- lapply(1:R, function(i) g(i = i))
371            pwn     <- lapply(1:R, function(i) exp(lnPnr[[i]] - lnPn))
372            pwnt    <- lapply(1:R, function(i) pwn[[i]][as.character(id)])
373            glnPnr2 <- lapply(1:R, function(i) rn$weights[i] * pwnt[[i]]  * glnPnr[[i]])
374            gradi <- Reduce("+", glnPnr2) / sqrt(pi)
375            attr(lnL, "gradient") <- gradi
376        }
377        if (compute.hessian){
378            hlnPnr <- lapply(1:R, function(i) h(i = i, pwnt = pwnt))
379            daub <- lapply(1:R, function(i) apply(glnPnr[[i]], 2, tapply, id, sum) * pwn[[i]] * rn$weights[i])
380            daub <- Reduce("+", daub) / sqrt(pi)
381            DD1 <- - crossprod(daub)
382            DD2 <- lapply(1:R, function(i) rn$weights[i] * hlnPnr[[i]])
383            DD2 <- Reduce("+", DD2) / sqrt(pi)
384            DD3 <- lapply(1:R, function(i) rn$weights[i] * crossprod(sqrt(pwn[[i]]) * apply(glnPnr[[i]], 2, tapply, id, sum)))
385            DD3 <- Reduce("+", DD3) / sqrt(pi)
386            H <- (DD1 + DD2 + DD3)
387            attr(lnL, "hessian") <- H
388        }
389    }
390    lnL