1"irf.vec2var" <-
2function(x, impulse=NULL, response=NULL, n.ahead=10, ortho=TRUE, cumulative=FALSE, boot=TRUE, ci=0.95, runs=100, seed=NULL, ...){
3  if(!(class(x)=="vec2var")){
4    stop("\nPlease provide an object of class 'vec2var', generated by 'vec2var()'.\n")
5  }
6  y.names <- colnames(x$y)
7  if(is.null(impulse)){
8    impulse <- y.names
9  } else {
10    impulse <- as.vector(as.character(impulse))
11    if(any(!(impulse %in% y.names))) {
12      stop("\nPlease provide variables names in impulse\nthat are in the set of endogenous variables.\n")
13    }
14    impulse <- subset(y.names, subset = y.names %in% impulse)
15  }
16  if(is.null(response)){
17    response <- y.names
18  } else {
19    response <- as.vector(as.character(response))
20    if(any(!(response %in% y.names))){
21      stop("\nPlease provide variables names in response\nthat are in the set of endogenous variables.\n")
22    }
23    response <- subset(y.names, subset = y.names %in% response)
24  }
25  ## Getting the irf
26  irs <- .irf(x = x, impulse = impulse, response = response, y.names = y.names, n.ahead = n.ahead, ortho = ortho, cumulative = cumulative)
27  ## Bootstrapping
28  Lower <- NULL
29  Upper <- NULL
30  if(boot){
31    ci <- as.numeric(ci)
32    if((ci <= 0)|(ci >= 1)){
33      stop("\nPlease provide a number between 0 and 1 for the confidence interval.\n")
34    }
35    ci <- 1 - ci
36    if(!(is.null(seed))) set.seed(abs(as.integer(seed)))
37    BOOT <- .bootirfvec2var(x = x, n.ahead = n.ahead, runs = runs, ortho = ortho, cumulative = cumulative, impulse = impulse, response = response, ci = ci, seed = seed, y.names = y.names)
38    Lower <- BOOT$Lower
39    Upper <- BOOT$Upper
40    names(Lower) <- impulse
41    names(Upper) <- impulse
42  }
43  result <- list(irf=irs, Lower=Lower, Upper=Upper, response=response, impulse=impulse, ortho=ortho, cumulative=cumulative, runs=runs, ci=ci, boot=boot, model = class(x))
44  class(result) <- "varirf"
45  return(result)