1"""Getter functions that operate on lists of entries to return various lists of
2things that they reference, accounts, tags, links, currencies, etc.
4__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2013-2016  Martin Blais"
5__license__ = "GNU GPLv2"
7from collections import defaultdict
8from collections import OrderedDict
10from beancount.core.data import Transaction
11from beancount.core.data import Open
12from beancount.core.data import Close
13from beancount.core.data import Commodity
14from beancount.core import account
17class GetAccounts:
18    """Accounts gatherer.
19    """
20    def get_accounts_use_map(self, entries):
21        """Gather the list of accounts from the list of entries.
23        Args:
24          entries: A list of directive instances.
25        Returns:
26          A pair of dictionaries of account name to date, one for first date
27          used and one for last date used. The keys should be identical.
28        """
29        accounts_first = {}
30        accounts_last = {}
31        for entry in entries:
32            method = getattr(self, entry.__class__.__name__)
33            for account_ in method(entry):
34                if account_ not in accounts_first:
35                    accounts_first[account_] = entry.date
36                accounts_last[account_] = entry.date
37        return accounts_first, accounts_last
39    def get_entry_accounts(self, entry):
40        """Gather all the accounts references by a single directive.
42        Note: This should get replaced by a method on each directive eventually,
43        that would be the clean way to do this.
45        Args:
46          entry: A directive instance.
47        Returns:
48          A set of account name strings.
49        """
50        method = getattr(self, entry.__class__.__name__)
51        return set(method(entry))
53    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
55    def Transaction(_, entry):
56        """Process a Transaction directive.
58        Args:
59          entry: An instance of Transaction.
60        Yields:
61          The accounts of the legs of the transaction.
62        """
63        for posting in entry.postings:
64            yield posting.account
66    def Pad(_, entry):
67        """Process a Pad directive.
69        Args:
70          entry: An instance of Pad.
71        Returns:
72          The two accounts of the Pad directive.
73        """
74        return (entry.account, entry.source_account)
76    def _one(_, entry):
77        """Process directives with a single account attribute.
79        Args:
80          entry: An instance of a directive.
81        Returns:
82          The single account of this directive.
83        """
84        return (entry.account,)
86    def _zero(_, entry):
87        """Process directives with no accounts.
89        Args:
90          entry: An instance of a directive.
91        Returns:
92          An empty list
93        """
94        return ()
96    # Associate all the possible directives with their respective handlers.
97    Open = Close = Balance = Note = Document = _one
98    Commodity = Event = Query = Price = Custom = _zero
101# Global instance to share.
102_GetAccounts = GetAccounts()
105def get_accounts_use_map(entries):
106    """Gather all the accounts references by a list of directives.
108    Args:
109      entries: A list of directive instances.
110    Returns:
111      A pair of dictionaries of account name to date, one for first date
112      used and one for last date used. The keys should be identical.
113    """
114    return _GetAccounts.get_accounts_use_map(entries)
117def get_accounts(entries):
118    """Gather all the accounts references by a list of directives.
120    Args:
121      entries: A list of directive instances.
122    Returns:
123      A set of account strings.
124    """
125    _, accounts_last = _GetAccounts.get_accounts_use_map(entries)
126    return accounts_last.keys()
129def get_entry_accounts(entry):
130    """Gather all the accounts references by a single directive.
132    Note: This should get replaced by a method on each directive eventually,
133    that would be the clean way to do this.
135    Args:
136      entries: A directive instance.
137    Returns:
138      A set of account strings.
139    """
140    return _GetAccounts.get_entry_accounts(entry)
143def get_account_components(entries):
144    """Gather all the account components available in the given directives.
146    Args:
147      entries: A list of directive instances.
148    Returns:
149      A list of strings, the unique account components, including the root
150      account names.
151    """
152    accounts = get_accounts(entries)
153    components = set()
154    for account_name in accounts:
155        components.update(account.split(account_name))
156    return sorted(components)
159def get_all_tags(entries):
160    """Return a list of all the tags seen in the given entries.
162    Args:
163      entries: A list of directive instances.
164    Returns:
165      A set of tag strings.
166    """
167    all_tags = set()
168    for entry in entries:
169        if not isinstance(entry, Transaction):
170            continue
171        if entry.tags:
172            all_tags.update(entry.tags)
173    return sorted(all_tags)
176def get_all_payees(entries):
177    """Return a list of all the unique payees seen in the given entries.
179    Args:
180      entries: A list of directive instances.
181    Returns:
182      A set of payee strings.
183    """
184    all_payees = set()
185    for entry in entries:
186        if not isinstance(entry, Transaction):
187            continue
188        all_payees.add(entry.payee)
189    all_payees.discard(None)
190    return sorted(all_payees)
193def get_all_links(entries):
194    """Return a list of all the links seen in the given entries.
196    Args:
197      entries: A list of directive instances.
198    Returns:
199      A set of links strings.
200    """
201    all_links = set()
202    for entry in entries:
203        if not isinstance(entry, Transaction):
204            continue
205        if entry.links:
206            all_links.update(entry.links)
207    return sorted(all_links)
210def get_leveln_parent_accounts(account_names, level, nrepeats=0):
211    """Return a list of all the unique leaf names at level N in an account hierarchy.
213    Args:
214      account_names: A list of account names (strings)
215      level: The level to cross-cut. 0 is for root accounts.
216      nrepeats: A minimum number of times a leaf is required to be present in the
217        the list of unique account names in order to be returned by this function.
218    Returns:
219      A list of leaf node names.
220    """
221    leveldict = defaultdict(int)
222    for account_name in set(account_names):
223        components = account.split(account_name)
224        if level < len(components):
225            leveldict[components[level]] += 1
226    levels = {level_
227              for level_, count in leveldict.items()
228              if count > nrepeats}
229    return sorted(levels)
232def get_dict_accounts(account_names):
233    """Return a nested dict of all the unique leaf names.
234    account names are labelled with LABEL=True
236    Args:
237      account_names: An iterable of account names (strings)
238    Returns:
239      A nested OrderedDict of account leafs
240    """
241    leveldict = OrderedDict()
242    for account_name in account_names:
243        nested_dict = leveldict
244        for component in account.split(account_name):
245            nested_dict = nested_dict.setdefault(component, OrderedDict())
246        nested_dict[get_dict_accounts.ACCOUNT_LABEL] = True
247    return leveldict
248get_dict_accounts.ACCOUNT_LABEL = '__root__'
251def get_min_max_dates(entries, types=None):
252    """Return the minimum and maximum dates in the list of entries.
254    Args:
255      entries: A list of directive instances.
256      types: An optional tuple of types to restrict the entries to.
257    Returns:
258      A pair of datetime.date dates, the minimum and maximum dates seen in the
259      directives.
260    """
261    date_first = date_last = None
263    for entry in entries:
264        if types and not isinstance(entry, types):
265            continue
266        date_first = entry.date
267        break
269    for entry in reversed(entries):
270        if types and not isinstance(entry, types):
271            continue
272        date_last = entry.date
273        break
275    return (date_first, date_last)
278def get_active_years(entries):
279    """Yield all the years that have at least one entry in them.
281    Args:
282      entries: A list of directive instances.
283    Yields:
284      Unique dates see in the list of directives.
285    """
286    seen = set()
287    prev_year = None
288    for entry in entries:
289        year = entry.date.year
290        if year != prev_year:
291            prev_year = year
292            assert year not in seen
293            seen.add(year)
294            yield year
297def get_account_open_close(entries):
298    """Fetch the open/close entries for each of the accounts.
300    If an open or close entry happens to be duplicated, accept the earliest
301    entry (chronologically).
303    Args:
304      entries: A list of directive instances.
305    Returns:
306      A map of account name strings to pairs of (open-directive, close-directive)
307      tuples.
308    """
309    # A dict of account name to (open-entry, close-entry).
310    open_close_map = defaultdict(lambda: [None, None])
311    for entry in entries:
312        if not isinstance(entry, (Open, Close)):
313            continue
314        open_close = open_close_map[entry.account]
315        index = 0 if isinstance(entry, Open) else 1
316        previous_entry = open_close[index]
317        if previous_entry is not None:
318            if previous_entry.date <= entry.date:
319                entry = previous_entry
320        open_close[index] = entry
322    return dict(open_close_map)
325def get_commodity_directives(entries):
326    """Create map of commodity names to Commodity entries.
328    Args:
329      entries: A list of directive instances.
330    Returns:
331      A map of commodity name strings to Commodity directives.
332    """
333    return {entry.currency: entry for entry in entries if isinstance(entry, Commodity)}
336def get_values_meta(name_to_entries_map, *meta_keys, default=None):
337    """Get a map of the metadata from a map of entries values.
339    Given a dict of some key to a directive instance (or None), return a mapping
340    of the key to the metadata extracted from each directive, or a default
341    value. This can be used to gather a particular piece of metadata from an
342    accounts map or a commodities map.
344    Args:
345      name_to_entries_map: A dict of something to an entry or None.
346      meta_keys: A list of strings, the keys to fetch from the metadata.
347      default: The default value to use if the metadata is not available or if
348        the value/entry is None.
349    Returns:
350      A mapping of the keys of name_to_entries_map to the values of the 'meta_keys'
351      metadata. If there are multiple 'meta_keys', each value is a tuple of them.
352      On the other hand, if there is only a single one, the value itself is returned.
353    """
354    value_map = {}
355    for key, entry in name_to_entries_map.items():
356        value_list = []
357        for meta_key in meta_keys:
358            value_list.append(entry.meta.get(meta_key, default)
359                              if entry is not None
360                              else default)
361        value_map[key] = (value_list[0]
362                          if len(meta_keys) == 1
363                          else tuple(value_list))
364    return value_map