2# $Id: em.py 1299 2009-04-02 08:26:37Z vaclavslavik $ $Date: 2003/10/27 $
5A system for processing Python as markup embedded in text.
9__program__ = 'empy'
10__version__ = '3.3'
11__url__ = 'http://www.alcyone.com/software/empy/'
12__author__ = 'Erik Max Francis <max@alcyone.com>'
13__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Erik Max Francis'
14__license__ = 'LGPL'
17import copy
18import getopt
19import os
20import re
21import string
22import sys
23import types
26    # The equivalent of import cStringIO as StringIO.
27    import cStringIO
28    StringIO = cStringIO
29    del cStringIO
30except ImportError:
31    import StringIO
33# For backward compatibility, we can't assume these are defined.
34False, True = 0, 1
36# Some basic defaults.
41SIGNIFICATOR_RE_SUFFIX = r"%(\S+)\s*(.*)\s*$"
43BANGPATH = '#!'
45DEFAULT_ERRORS = 'strict'
47# Character information.
48IDENTIFIER_FIRST_CHARS = '_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' \
49                         'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
51ENDING_CHARS = {'(': ')', '[': ']', '{': '}'}
53# Environment variable names.
68# Interpreter options.
69BANGPATH_OPT = 'processBangpaths' # process bangpaths as comments?
70BUFFERED_OPT = 'bufferedOutput' # fully buffered output?
71RAW_OPT = 'rawErrors' # raw errors?
72EXIT_OPT = 'exitOnError' # exit on error?
73FLATTEN_OPT = 'flatten' # flatten pseudomodule namespace?
74OVERRIDE_OPT = 'override' # override sys.stdout with proxy?
75CALLBACK_OPT = 'noCallbackError' # is no custom callback an error?
77# Usage info.
79("-V --version", "Print version and exit"),
80("-h --help", "Print usage and exit"),
81("-H --extended-help", "Print extended usage and exit"),
82("-k --suppress-errors", "Do not exit on errors; go interactive"),
83("-p --prefix=<char>", "Change prefix to something other than @"),
84("   --no-prefix", "Do not do any markup processing at all"),
85("-m --module=<name>", "Change the internal pseudomodule name"),
86("-f --flatten", "Flatten the members of pseudmodule to start"),
87("-r --raw-errors", "Show raw Python errors"),
88("-i --interactive", "Go into interactive mode after processing"),
89("-n --no-override-stdout", "Do not override sys.stdout with proxy"),
90("-o --output=<filename>", "Specify file for output as write"),
91("-a --append=<filename>", "Specify file for output as append"),
92("-b --buffered-output", "Fully buffer output including open"),
93("   --binary", "Treat the file as a binary"),
94("   --chunk-size=<chunk>", "Use this chunk size for reading binaries"),
95("-P --preprocess=<filename>", "Interpret EmPy file before main processing"),
96("-I --import=<modules>", "Import Python modules before processing"),
97("-D --define=<definition>", "Execute Python assignment statement"),
98("-E --execute=<statement>", "Execute Python statement before processing"),
99("-F --execute-file=<filename>", "Execute Python file before processing"),
100("   --pause-at-end", "Prompt at the ending of processing"),
101("   --relative-path", "Add path of EmPy script to sys.path"),
102("   --no-callback-error", "Custom markup without callback is error"),
103("   --no-bangpath-processing", "Suppress bangpaths as comments"),
104("-u --unicode", "Enable Unicode subsystem (Python 2+ only)"),
105("   --unicode-encoding=<e>", "Set both input and output encodings"),
106("   --unicode-input-encoding=<e>", "Set input encoding"),
107("   --unicode-output-encoding=<e>", "Set output encoding"),
108("   --unicode-errors=<E>", "Set both input and output error handler"),
109("   --unicode-input-errors=<E>", "Set input error handler"),
110("   --unicode-output-errors=<E>", "Set output error handler"),
113USAGE_NOTES = """\
114Notes: Whitespace immediately inside parentheses of @(...) are
115ignored.  Whitespace immediately inside braces of @{...} are ignored,
116unless ... spans multiple lines.  Use @{ ... }@ to suppress newline
117following expansion.  Simple expressions ignore trailing dots; `@x.'
118means `@(x).'.  A #! at the start of a file is treated as a @#
122("@# ... NL", "Comment; remove everything up to newline"),
123("@? NAME NL", "Set the current context name"),
124("@! INTEGER NL", "Set the current context line number"),
125("@ WHITESPACE", "Remove following whitespace; line continuation"),
126("@\\ ESCAPE_CODE", "A C-style escape sequence"),
127("@@", "Literal @; @ is escaped (duplicated prefix)"),
128("@), @], @}", "Literal close parenthesis, bracket, brace"),
129("@ STRING_LITERAL", "Replace with string literal contents"),
130("@( EXPRESSION )", "Evaluate expression and substitute with str"),
131("@( TEST [? THEN [! ELSE]] )", "If test is true, evaluate then, otherwise else"),
132("@( TRY $ CATCH )", "Expand try expression, or catch if it raises"),
133("@ SIMPLE_EXPRESSION", "Evaluate simple expression and substitute;\n"
134                        "e.g., @x, @x.y, @f(a, b), @l[i], etc."),
135("@` EXPRESSION `", "Evaluate expression and substitute with repr"),
136("@: EXPRESSION : [DUMMY] :", "Evaluates to @:...:expansion:"),
137("@{ STATEMENTS }", "Statements are executed for side effects"),
138("@[ CONTROL ]", "Control markups: if E; elif E; for N in E;\n"
139                 "while E; try; except E, N; finally; continue;\n"
140                 "break; end X"),
141("@%% KEY WHITESPACE VALUE NL", "Significator form of __KEY__ = VALUE"),
142("@< CONTENTS >", "Custom markup; meaning provided by user"),
146("@\\0", "NUL, null"),
147("@\\a", "BEL, bell"),
148("@\\b", "BS, backspace"),
149("@\\dDDD", "three-digit decimal code DDD"),
150("@\\e", "ESC, escape"),
151("@\\f", "FF, form feed"),
152("@\\h", "DEL, delete"),
153("@\\n", "LF, linefeed, newline"),
154("@\\N{NAME}", "Unicode character named NAME"),
155("@\\oOOO", "three-digit octal code OOO"),
156("@\\qQQQQ", "four-digit quaternary code QQQQ"),
157("@\\r", "CR, carriage return"),
158("@\\s", "SP, space"),
159("@\\t", "HT, horizontal tab"),
160("@\\uHHHH", "16-bit hexadecimal Unicode HHHH"),
161("@\\UHHHHHHHH", "32-bit hexadecimal Unicode HHHHHHHH"),
162("@\\v", "VT, vertical tab"),
163("@\\xHH", "two-digit hexadecimal code HH"),
164("@\\z", "EOT, end of transmission"),
168("VERSION", "String representing EmPy version"),
169("SIGNIFICATOR_RE_STRING", "Regular expression matching significators"),
170("SIGNIFICATOR_RE_SUFFIX", "The above stub, lacking the prefix"),
171("interpreter", "Currently-executing interpreter instance"),
172("argv", "The EmPy script name and command line arguments"),
173("args", "The command line arguments only"),
174("identify()", "Identify top context as name, line"),
175("setContextName(name)", "Set the name of the current context"),
176("setContextLine(line)", "Set the line number of the current context"),
177("atExit(callable)", "Invoke no-argument function at shutdown"),
178("getGlobals()", "Retrieve this interpreter's globals"),
179("setGlobals(dict)", "Set this interpreter's globals"),
180("updateGlobals(dict)", "Merge dictionary into interpreter's globals"),
181("clearGlobals()", "Start globals over anew"),
182("saveGlobals([deep])", "Save a copy of the globals"),
183("restoreGlobals([pop])", "Restore the most recently saved globals"),
184("defined(name, [loc])", "Find if the name is defined"),
185("evaluate(expression, [loc])", "Evaluate the expression"),
186("serialize(expression, [loc])", "Evaluate and serialize the expression"),
187("execute(statements, [loc])", "Execute the statements"),
188("single(source, [loc])", "Execute the 'single' object"),
189("atomic(name, value, [loc])", "Perform an atomic assignment"),
190("assign(name, value, [loc])", "Perform an arbitrary assignment"),
191("significate(key, [value])", "Significate the given key, value pair"),
192("include(file, [loc])", "Include filename or file-like object"),
193("expand(string, [loc])", "Explicitly expand string and return"),
194("string(data, [name], [loc])", "Process string-like object"),
195("quote(string)", "Quote prefixes in provided string and return"),
196("flatten([keys])", "Flatten module contents into globals namespace"),
197("getPrefix()", "Get current prefix"),
198("setPrefix(char)", "Set new prefix"),
199("stopDiverting()", "Stop diverting; data sent directly to output"),
200("createDiversion(name)", "Create a diversion but do not divert to it"),
201("retrieveDiversion(name)", "Retrieve the actual named diversion object"),
202("startDiversion(name)", "Start diverting to given diversion"),
203("playDiversion(name)", "Recall diversion and then eliminate it"),
204("replayDiversion(name)", "Recall diversion but retain it"),
205("purgeDiversion(name)", "Erase diversion"),
206("playAllDiversions()", "Stop diverting and play all diversions in order"),
207("replayAllDiversions()", "Stop diverting and replay all diversions"),
208("purgeAllDiversions()", "Stop diverting and purge all diversions"),
209("getFilter()", "Get current filter"),
210("resetFilter()", "Reset filter; no filtering"),
211("nullFilter()", "Install null filter"),
212("setFilter(shortcut)", "Install new filter or filter chain"),
213("attachFilter(shortcut)", "Attach single filter to end of current chain"),
214("areHooksEnabled()", "Return whether or not hooks are enabled"),
215("enableHooks()", "Enable hooks (default)"),
216("disableHooks()", "Disable hook invocation"),
217("getHooks()", "Get all the hooks"),
218("clearHooks()", "Clear all hooks"),
219("addHook(hook, [i])", "Register the hook (optionally insert)"),
220("removeHook(hook)", "Remove an already-registered hook from name"),
221("invokeHook(name_, ...)", "Manually invoke hook"),
222("getCallback()", "Get interpreter callback"),
223("registerCallback(callback)", "Register callback with interpreter"),
224("deregisterCallback()", "Deregister callback from interpreter"),
225("invokeCallback(contents)", "Invoke the callback directly"),
226("Interpreter", "The interpreter class"),
230(OPTIONS_ENV, "Specified options will be included"),
231(PREFIX_ENV, "Specify the default prefix: -p <value>"),
232(PSEUDO_ENV, "Specify name of pseudomodule: -m <value>"),
233(FLATTEN_ENV, "Flatten empy pseudomodule if defined: -f"),
234(RAW_ENV, "Show raw errors if defined: -r"),
235(INTERACTIVE_ENV, "Enter interactive mode if defined: -i"),
236(BUFFERED_ENV, "Fully buffered output if defined: -b"),
237(NO_OVERRIDE_ENV, "Do not override sys.stdout if defined: -n"),
238(UNICODE_ENV, "Enable Unicode subsystem: -n"),
239(INPUT_ENCODING_ENV, "Unicode input encoding"),
240(OUTPUT_ENCODING_ENV, "Unicode output encoding"),
241(INPUT_ERRORS_ENV, "Unicode input error handler"),
242(OUTPUT_ERRORS_ENV, "Unicode output error handler"),
245class Error(Exception):
246    """The base class for all EmPy errors."""
247    pass
249EmpyError = EmPyError = Error # DEPRECATED
251class DiversionError(Error):
252    """An error related to diversions."""
253    pass
255class FilterError(Error):
256    """An error related to filters."""
257    pass
259class StackUnderflowError(Error):
260    """A stack underflow."""
261    pass
263class SubsystemError(Error):
264    """An error associated with the Unicode subsystem."""
265    pass
267class FlowError(Error):
268    """An exception related to control flow."""
269    pass
271class ContinueFlow(FlowError):
272    """A continue control flow."""
273    pass
275class BreakFlow(FlowError):
276    """A break control flow."""
277    pass
279class ParseError(Error):
280    """A parse error occurred."""
281    pass
283class TransientParseError(ParseError):
284    """A parse error occurred which may be resolved by feeding more data.
285    Such an error reaching the toplevel is an unexpected EOF error."""
286    pass
289class MetaError(Exception):
291    """A wrapper around a real Python exception for including a copy of
292    the context."""
294    def __init__(self, contexts, exc):
295        Exception.__init__(self, exc)
296        self.contexts = contexts
297        self.exc = exc
299    def __str__(self):
300        backtrace = map(lambda x: str(x), self.contexts)
301        return "%s: %s (%s)" % (self.exc.__class__, self.exc, \
302                                (string.join(backtrace, ', ')))
305class Subsystem:
307    """The subsystem class defers file creation so that it can create
308    Unicode-wrapped files if desired (and possible)."""
310    def __init__(self):
311        self.useUnicode = False
312        self.inputEncoding = None
313        self.outputEncoding = None
314        self.errors = None
316    def initialize(self, inputEncoding=None, outputEncoding=None, \
317                   inputErrors=None, outputErrors=None):
318        self.useUnicode = True
319        try:
320            unicode
321            import codecs
322        except (NameError, ImportError):
323            raise SubsystemError, "Unicode subsystem unavailable"
324        defaultEncoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
325        if inputEncoding is None:
326            inputEncoding = defaultEncoding
327        self.inputEncoding = inputEncoding
328        if outputEncoding is None:
329            outputEncoding = defaultEncoding
330        self.outputEncoding = outputEncoding
331        if inputErrors is None:
332            inputErrors = DEFAULT_ERRORS
333        self.inputErrors = inputErrors
334        if outputErrors is None:
335            outputErrors = DEFAULT_ERRORS
336        self.outputErrors = outputErrors
338    def assertUnicode(self):
339        if not self.useUnicode:
340            raise SubsystemError, "Unicode subsystem unavailable"
342    def open(self, name, mode=None):
343        if self.useUnicode:
344            return self.unicodeOpen(name, mode)
345        else:
346            return self.defaultOpen(name, mode)
348    def defaultOpen(self, name, mode=None):
349        if mode is None:
350            mode = 'r'
351        return open(name, mode)
353    def unicodeOpen(self, name, mode=None):
354        import codecs
355        if mode is None:
356            mode = 'rb'
357        if mode.find('w') >= 0 or mode.find('a') >= 0:
358            encoding = self.outputEncoding
359            errors = self.outputErrors
360        else:
361            encoding = self.inputEncoding
362            errors = self.inputErrors
363        return codecs.open(name, mode, encoding, errors)
365theSubsystem = Subsystem()
368class Stack:
370    """A simple stack that behaves as a sequence (with 0 being the top
371    of the stack, not the bottom)."""
373    def __init__(self, seq=None):
374        if seq is None:
375            seq = []
376        self.data = seq
378    def top(self):
379        """Access the top element on the stack."""
380        try:
381            return self.data[-1]
382        except IndexError:
383            raise StackUnderflowError, "stack is empty for top"
385    def pop(self):
386        """Pop the top element off the stack and return it."""
387        try:
388            return self.data.pop()
389        except IndexError:
390            raise StackUnderflowError, "stack is empty for pop"
392    def push(self, object):
393        """Push an element onto the top of the stack."""
394        self.data.append(object)
396    def filter(self, function):
397        """Filter the elements of the stack through the function."""
398        self.data = filter(function, self.data)
400    def purge(self):
401        """Purge the stack."""
402        self.data = []
404    def clone(self):
405        """Create a duplicate of this stack."""
406        return self.__class__(self.data[:])
408    def __nonzero__(self): return len(self.data) != 0
409    def __len__(self): return len(self.data)
410    def __getitem__(self, index): return self.data[-(index + 1)]
412    def __repr__(self):
413        return '<%s instance at 0x%x [%s]>' % \
414               (self.__class__, id(self), \
415                string.join(map(repr, self.data), ', '))
418class AbstractFile:
420    """An abstracted file that, when buffered, will totally buffer the
421    file, including even the file open."""
423    def __init__(self, filename, mode='w', buffered=False):
424        # The calls below might throw, so start off by marking this
425        # file as "done."  This way destruction of a not-completely-
426        # initialized AbstractFile will generate no further errors.
427        self.done = True
428        self.filename = filename
429        self.mode = mode
430        self.buffered = buffered
431        if buffered:
432            self.bufferFile = StringIO.StringIO()
433        else:
434            self.bufferFile = theSubsystem.open(filename, mode)
435        # Okay, we got this far, so the AbstractFile is initialized.
436        # Flag it as "not done."
437        self.done = False
439    def __del__(self):
440        self.close()
442    def write(self, data):
443        self.bufferFile.write(data)
445    def writelines(self, data):
446        self.bufferFile.writelines(data)
448    def flush(self):
449        self.bufferFile.flush()
451    def close(self):
452        if not self.done:
453            self.commit()
454            self.done = True
456    def commit(self):
457        if self.buffered:
458            file = theSubsystem.open(self.filename, self.mode)
459            file.write(self.bufferFile.getvalue())
460            file.close()
461        else:
462            self.bufferFile.close()
464    def abort(self):
465        if self.buffered:
466            self.bufferFile = None
467        else:
468            self.bufferFile.close()
469            self.bufferFile = None
470        self.done = True
473class Diversion:
475    """The representation of an active diversion.  Diversions act as
476    (writable) file objects, and then can be recalled either as pure
477    strings or (readable) file objects."""
479    def __init__(self):
480        self.file = StringIO.StringIO()
482    # These methods define the writable file-like interface for the
483    # diversion.
485    def write(self, data):
486        self.file.write(data)
488    def writelines(self, lines):
489        for line in lines:
490            self.write(line)
492    def flush(self):
493        self.file.flush()
495    def close(self):
496        self.file.close()
498    # These methods are specific to diversions.
500    def asString(self):
501        """Return the diversion as a string."""
502        return self.file.getvalue()
504    def asFile(self):
505        """Return the diversion as a file."""
506        return StringIO.StringIO(self.file.getvalue())
509class Stream:
511    """A wrapper around an (output) file object which supports
512    diversions and filtering."""
514    def __init__(self, file):
515        self.file = file
516        self.currentDiversion = None
517        self.diversions = {}
518        self.filter = file
519        self.done = False
521    def write(self, data):
522        if self.currentDiversion is None:
523            self.filter.write(data)
524        else:
525            self.diversions[self.currentDiversion].write(data)
527    def writelines(self, lines):
528        for line in lines:
529            self.write(line)
531    def flush(self):
532        self.filter.flush()
534    def close(self):
535        if not self.done:
536            self.undivertAll(True)
537            self.filter.close()
538            self.done = True
540    def shortcut(self, shortcut):
541        """Take a filter shortcut and translate it into a filter, returning
542        it.  Sequences don't count here; these should be detected
543        independently."""
544        if shortcut == 0:
545            return NullFilter()
546        elif type(shortcut) is types.FunctionType or \
547             type(shortcut) is types.BuiltinFunctionType or \
548             type(shortcut) is types.BuiltinMethodType or \
549             type(shortcut) is types.LambdaType:
550            return FunctionFilter(shortcut)
551        elif type(shortcut) is types.StringType:
552            return StringFilter(filter)
553        elif type(shortcut) is types.DictType:
554            raise NotImplementedError, "mapping filters not yet supported"
555        else:
556            # Presume it's a plain old filter.
557            return shortcut
559    def last(self):
560        """Find the last filter in the current filter chain, or None if
561        there are no filters installed."""
562        if self.filter is None:
563            return None
564        thisFilter, lastFilter = self.filter, None
565        while thisFilter is not None and thisFilter is not self.file:
566            lastFilter = thisFilter
567            thisFilter = thisFilter.next()
568        return lastFilter
570    def install(self, shortcut=None):
571        """Install a new filter; None means no filter.  Handle all the
572        special shortcuts for filters here."""
573        # Before starting, execute a flush.
574        self.filter.flush()
575        if shortcut is None or shortcut == [] or shortcut == ():
576            # Shortcuts for "no filter."
577            self.filter = self.file
578        else:
579            if type(shortcut) in (types.ListType, types.TupleType):
580                shortcuts = list(shortcut)
581            else:
582                shortcuts = [shortcut]
583            # Run through the shortcut filter names, replacing them with
584            # full-fledged instances of Filter.
585            filters = []
586            for shortcut in shortcuts:
587                filters.append(self.shortcut(shortcut))
588            if len(filters) > 1:
589                # If there's more than one filter provided, chain them
590                # together.
591                lastFilter = None
592                for filter in filters:
593                    if lastFilter is not None:
594                        lastFilter.attach(filter)
595                    lastFilter = filter
596                lastFilter.attach(self.file)
597                self.filter = filters[0]
598            else:
599                # If there's only one filter, assume that it's alone or it's
600                # part of a chain that has already been manually chained;
601                # just find the end.
602                filter = filters[0]
603                lastFilter = filter.last()
604                lastFilter.attach(self.file)
605                self.filter = filter
607    def attach(self, shortcut):
608        """Attached a solitary filter (no sequences allowed here) at the
609        end of the current filter chain."""
610        lastFilter = self.last()
611        if lastFilter is None:
612            # Just install it from scratch if there is no active filter.
613            self.install(shortcut)
614        else:
615            # Attach the last filter to this one, and this one to the file.
616            filter = self.shortcut(shortcut)
617            lastFilter.attach(filter)
618            filter.attach(self.file)
620    def revert(self):
621        """Reset any current diversions."""
622        self.currentDiversion = None
624    def create(self, name):
625        """Create a diversion if one does not already exist, but do not
626        divert to it yet."""
627        if name is None:
628            raise DiversionError, "diversion name must be non-None"
629        if not self.diversions.has_key(name):
630            self.diversions[name] = Diversion()
632    def retrieve(self, name):
633        """Retrieve the given diversion."""
634        if name is None:
635            raise DiversionError, "diversion name must be non-None"
636        if self.diversions.has_key(name):
637            return self.diversions[name]
638        else:
639            raise DiversionError, "nonexistent diversion: %s" % name
641    def divert(self, name):
642        """Start diverting."""
643        if name is None:
644            raise DiversionError, "diversion name must be non-None"
645        self.create(name)
646        self.currentDiversion = name
648    def undivert(self, name, purgeAfterwards=False):
649        """Undivert a particular diversion."""
650        if name is None:
651            raise DiversionError, "diversion name must be non-None"
652        if self.diversions.has_key(name):
653            diversion = self.diversions[name]
654            self.filter.write(diversion.asString())
655            if purgeAfterwards:
656                self.purge(name)
657        else:
658            raise DiversionError, "nonexistent diversion: %s" % name
660    def purge(self, name):
661        """Purge the specified diversion."""
662        if name is None:
663            raise DiversionError, "diversion name must be non-None"
664        if self.diversions.has_key(name):
665            del self.diversions[name]
666            if self.currentDiversion == name:
667                self.currentDiversion = None
669    def undivertAll(self, purgeAfterwards=True):
670        """Undivert all pending diversions."""
671        if self.diversions:
672            self.revert() # revert before undiverting!
673            names = self.diversions.keys()
674            names.sort()
675            for name in names:
676                self.undivert(name)
677                if purgeAfterwards:
678                    self.purge(name)
680    def purgeAll(self):
681        """Eliminate all existing diversions."""
682        if self.diversions:
683            self.diversions = {}
684        self.currentDiversion = None
687class NullFile:
689    """A simple class that supports all the file-like object methods
690    but simply does nothing at all."""
692    def __init__(self): pass
693    def write(self, data): pass
694    def writelines(self, lines): pass
695    def flush(self): pass
696    def close(self): pass
699class UncloseableFile:
701    """A simple class which wraps around a delegate file-like object
702    and lets everything through except close calls."""
704    def __init__(self, delegate):
705        self.delegate = delegate
707    def write(self, data):
708        self.delegate.write(data)
710    def writelines(self, lines):
711        self.delegate.writelines(data)
713    def flush(self):
714        self.delegate.flush()
716    def close(self):
717        """Eat this one."""
718        pass
721class ProxyFile:
723    """The proxy file object that is intended to take the place of
724    sys.stdout.  The proxy can manage a stack of file objects it is
725    writing to, and an underlying raw file object."""
727    def __init__(self, bottom):
728        self.stack = Stack()
729        self.bottom = bottom
731    def current(self):
732        """Get the current stream to write to."""
733        if self.stack:
734            return self.stack[-1][1]
735        else:
736            return self.bottom
738    def push(self, interpreter):
739        self.stack.push((interpreter, interpreter.stream()))
741    def pop(self, interpreter):
742        result = self.stack.pop()
743        assert interpreter is result[0]
745    def clear(self, interpreter):
746        self.stack.filter(lambda x, i=interpreter: x[0] is not i)
748    def write(self, data):
749        self.current().write(data)
751    def writelines(self, lines):
752        self.current().writelines(lines)
754    def flush(self):
755        self.current().flush()
757    def close(self):
758        """Close the current file.  If the current file is the bottom, then
759        close it and dispose of it."""
760        current = self.current()
761        if current is self.bottom:
762            self.bottom = None
763        current.close()
765    def _testProxy(self): pass
768class Filter:
770    """An abstract filter."""
772    def __init__(self):
773        if self.__class__ is Filter:
774            raise NotImplementedError
775        self.sink = None
777    def next(self):
778        """Return the next filter/file-like object in the sequence, or None."""
779        return self.sink
781    def write(self, data):
782        """The standard write method; this must be overridden in subclasses."""
783        raise NotImplementedError
785    def writelines(self, lines):
786        """Standard writelines wrapper."""
787        for line in lines:
788            self.write(line)
790    def _flush(self):
791        """The _flush method should always flush the sink and should not
792        be overridden."""
793        self.sink.flush()
795    def flush(self):
796        """The flush method can be overridden."""
797        self._flush()
799    def close(self):
800        """Close the filter.  Do an explicit flush first, then close the
801        sink."""
802        self.flush()
803        self.sink.close()
805    def attach(self, filter):
806        """Attach a filter to this one."""
807        if self.sink is not None:
808            # If it's already attached, detach it first.
809            self.detach()
810        self.sink = filter
812    def detach(self):
813        """Detach a filter from its sink."""
814        self.flush()
815        self._flush() # do a guaranteed flush to just to be safe
816        self.sink = None
818    def last(self):
819        """Find the last filter in this chain."""
820        this, last = self, self
821        while this is not None:
822            last = this
823            this = this.next()
824        return last
826class NullFilter(Filter):
828    """A filter that never sends any output to its sink."""
830    def write(self, data): pass
832class FunctionFilter(Filter):
834    """A filter that works simply by pumping its input through a
835    function which maps strings into strings."""
837    def __init__(self, function):
838        Filter.__init__(self)
839        self.function = function
841    def write(self, data):
842        self.sink.write(self.function(data))
844class StringFilter(Filter):
846    """A filter that takes a translation string (256 characters) and
847    filters any incoming data through it."""
849    def __init__(self, table):
850        if not (type(table) == types.StringType and len(table) == 256):
851            raise FilterError, "table must be 256-character string"
852        Filter.__init__(self)
853        self.table = table
855    def write(self, data):
856        self.sink.write(string.translate(data, self.table))
858class BufferedFilter(Filter):
860    """A buffered filter is one that doesn't modify the source data
861    sent to the sink, but instead holds it for a time.  The standard
862    variety only sends the data along when it receives a flush
863    command."""
865    def __init__(self):
866        Filter.__init__(self)
867        self.buffer = ''
869    def write(self, data):
870        self.buffer = self.buffer + data
872    def flush(self):
873        if self.buffer:
874            self.sink.write(self.buffer)
875        self._flush()
877class SizeBufferedFilter(BufferedFilter):
879    """A size-buffered filter only in fixed size chunks (excepting the
880    final chunk)."""
882    def __init__(self, bufferSize):
883        BufferedFilter.__init__(self)
884        self.bufferSize = bufferSize
886    def write(self, data):
887        BufferedFilter.write(self, data)
888        while len(self.buffer) > self.bufferSize:
889            chunk, self.buffer = \
890                self.buffer[:self.bufferSize], self.buffer[self.bufferSize:]
891            self.sink.write(chunk)
893class LineBufferedFilter(BufferedFilter):
895    """A line-buffered filter only lets data through when it sees
896    whole lines."""
898    def __init__(self):
899        BufferedFilter.__init__(self)
901    def write(self, data):
902        BufferedFilter.write(self, data)
903        chunks = string.split(self.buffer, '\n')
904        for chunk in chunks[:-1]:
905            self.sink.write(chunk + '\n')
906        self.buffer = chunks[-1]
908class MaximallyBufferedFilter(BufferedFilter):
910    """A maximally-buffered filter only lets its data through on the final
911    close.  It ignores flushes."""
913    def __init__(self):
914        BufferedFilter.__init__(self)
916    def flush(self): pass
918    def close(self):
919        if self.buffer:
920            BufferedFilter.flush(self)
921            self.sink.close()
924class Context:
926    """An interpreter context, which encapsulates a name, an input
927    file object, and a parser object."""
929    DEFAULT_UNIT = 'lines'
931    def __init__(self, name, line=0, units=DEFAULT_UNIT):
932        self.name = name
933        self.line = line
934        self.units = units
935        self.pause = False
937    def bump(self, quantity=1):
938        if self.pause:
939            self.pause = False
940        else:
941            self.line = self.line + quantity
943    def identify(self):
944        return self.name, self.line
946    def __str__(self):
947        if self.units == self.DEFAULT_UNIT:
948            return "%s:%s" % (self.name, self.line)
949        else:
950            return "%s:%s[%s]" % (self.name, self.line, self.units)
953class Hook:
955    """The base class for implementing hooks."""
957    def __init__(self):
958        self.interpreter = None
960    def register(self, interpreter):
961        self.interpreter = interpreter
963    def deregister(self, interpreter):
964        if interpreter is not self.interpreter:
965            raise Error, "hook not associated with this interpreter"
966        self.interpreter = None
968    def push(self):
969        self.interpreter.push()
971    def pop(self):
972        self.interpreter.pop()
974    def null(self): pass
976    def atStartup(self): pass
977    def atReady(self): pass
978    def atFinalize(self): pass
979    def atShutdown(self): pass
980    def atParse(self, scanner, locals): pass
981    def atToken(self, token): pass
982    def atHandle(self, meta): pass
983    def atInteract(self): pass
985    def beforeInclude(self, name, file, locals): pass
986    def afterInclude(self): pass
988    def beforeExpand(self, string, locals): pass
989    def afterExpand(self, result): pass
991    def beforeFile(self, name, file, locals): pass
992    def afterFile(self): pass
994    def beforeBinary(self, name, file, chunkSize, locals): pass
995    def afterBinary(self): pass
997    def beforeString(self, name, string, locals): pass
998    def afterString(self): pass
1000    def beforeQuote(self, string): pass
1001    def afterQuote(self, result): pass
1003    def beforeEscape(self, string, more): pass
1004    def afterEscape(self, result): pass
1006    def beforeControl(self, type, rest, locals): pass
1007    def afterControl(self): pass
1009    def beforeSignificate(self, key, value, locals): pass
1010    def afterSignificate(self): pass
1012    def beforeAtomic(self, name, value, locals): pass
1013    def afterAtomic(self): pass
1015    def beforeMulti(self, name, values, locals): pass
1016    def afterMulti(self): pass
1018    def beforeImport(self, name, locals): pass
1019    def afterImport(self): pass
1021    def beforeClause(self, catch, locals): pass
1022    def afterClause(self, exception, variable): pass
1024    def beforeSerialize(self, expression, locals): pass
1025    def afterSerialize(self): pass
1027    def beforeDefined(self, name, locals): pass
1028    def afterDefined(self, result): pass
1030    def beforeLiteral(self, text): pass
1031    def afterLiteral(self): pass
1033    def beforeEvaluate(self, expression, locals): pass
1034    def afterEvaluate(self, result): pass
1036    def beforeExecute(self, statements, locals): pass
1037    def afterExecute(self): pass
1039    def beforeSingle(self, source, locals): pass
1040    def afterSingle(self): pass
1042class VerboseHook(Hook):
1044    """A verbose hook that reports all information received by the
1045    hook interface.  This class dynamically scans the Hook base class
1046    to ensure that all hook methods are properly represented."""
1048    EXEMPT_ATTRIBUTES = ['register', 'deregister', 'push', 'pop']
1050    def __init__(self, output=sys.stderr):
1051        Hook.__init__(self)
1052        self.output = output
1053        self.indent = 0
1055        class FakeMethod:
1056            """This is a proxy method-like object."""
1057            def __init__(self, hook, name):
1058                self.hook = hook
1059                self.name = name
1061            def __call__(self, **keywords):
1062                self.hook.output.write("%s%s: %s\n" % \
1063                                       (' ' * self.hook.indent, \
1064                                        self.name, repr(keywords)))
1066        for attribute in dir(Hook):
1067            if attribute[:1] != '_' and \
1068                   attribute not in self.EXEMPT_ATTRIBUTES:
1069                self.__dict__[attribute] = FakeMethod(self, attribute)
1072class Token:
1074    """An element of expansion."""
1076    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1077        raise NotImplementedError
1079    def string(self):
1080        raise NotImplementedError
1082    def __str__(self): return self.string()
1084class NullToken(Token):
1085    """A chunk of data not containing markups."""
1086    def __init__(self, data):
1087        self.data = data
1089    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1090        interpreter.write(self.data)
1092    def string(self):
1093        return self.data
1095class ExpansionToken(Token):
1096    """A token that involves an expansion."""
1097    def __init__(self, prefix, first):
1098        self.prefix = prefix
1099        self.first = first
1101    def scan(self, scanner):
1102        pass
1104    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1105        pass
1107class WhitespaceToken(ExpansionToken):
1108    """A whitespace markup."""
1109    def string(self):
1110        return '%s%s' % (self.prefix, self.first)
1112class LiteralToken(ExpansionToken):
1113    """A literal markup."""
1114    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1115        interpreter.write(self.first)
1117    def string(self):
1118        return '%s%s' % (self.prefix, self.first)
1120class PrefixToken(ExpansionToken):
1121    """A prefix markup."""
1122    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1123        interpreter.write(interpreter.prefix)
1125    def string(self):
1126        return self.prefix * 2
1128class CommentToken(ExpansionToken):
1129    """A comment markup."""
1130    def scan(self, scanner):
1131        loc = scanner.find('\n')
1132        if loc >= 0:
1133            self.comment = scanner.chop(loc, 1)
1134        else:
1135            raise TransientParseError, "comment expects newline"
1137    def string(self):
1138        return '%s#%s\n' % (self.prefix, self.comment)
1140class ContextNameToken(ExpansionToken):
1141    """A context name change markup."""
1142    def scan(self, scanner):
1143        loc = scanner.find('\n')
1144        if loc >= 0:
1145            self.name = string.strip(scanner.chop(loc, 1))
1146        else:
1147            raise TransientParseError, "context name expects newline"
1149    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1150        context = interpreter.context()
1151        context.name = self.name
1153class ContextLineToken(ExpansionToken):
1154    """A context line change markup."""
1155    def scan(self, scanner):
1156        loc = scanner.find('\n')
1157        if loc >= 0:
1158            try:
1159                self.line = int(scanner.chop(loc, 1))
1160            except ValueError:
1161                raise ParseError, "context line requires integer"
1162        else:
1163            raise TransientParseError, "context line expects newline"
1165    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1166        context = interpreter.context()
1167        context.line = self.line
1168        context.pause = True
1170class EscapeToken(ExpansionToken):
1171    """An escape markup."""
1172    def scan(self, scanner):
1173        try:
1174            code = scanner.chop(1)
1175            result = None
1176            if code in '()[]{}\'\"\\': # literals
1177                result = code
1178            elif code == '0': # NUL
1179                result = '\x00'
1180            elif code == 'a': # BEL
1181                result = '\x07'
1182            elif code == 'b': # BS
1183                result = '\x08'
1184            elif code == 'd': # decimal code
1185                decimalCode = scanner.chop(3)
1186                result = chr(string.atoi(decimalCode, 10))
1187            elif code == 'e': # ESC
1188                result = '\x1b'
1189            elif code == 'f': # FF
1190                result = '\x0c'
1191            elif code == 'h': # DEL
1192                result = '\x7f'
1193            elif code == 'n': # LF (newline)
1194                result = '\x0a'
1195            elif code == 'N': # Unicode character name
1196                theSubsystem.assertUnicode()
1197                import unicodedata
1198                if scanner.chop(1) != '{':
1199                    raise ParseError, r"Unicode name escape should be \N{...}"
1200                i = scanner.find('}')
1201                name = scanner.chop(i, 1)
1202                try:
1203                    result = unicodedata.lookup(name)
1204                except KeyError:
1205                    raise SubsystemError, \
1206                          "unknown Unicode character name: %s" % name
1207            elif code == 'o': # octal code
1208                octalCode = scanner.chop(3)
1209                result = chr(string.atoi(octalCode, 8))
1210            elif code == 'q': # quaternary code
1211                quaternaryCode = scanner.chop(4)
1212                result = chr(string.atoi(quaternaryCode, 4))
1213            elif code == 'r': # CR
1214                result = '\x0d'
1215            elif code in 's ': # SP
1216                result = ' '
1217            elif code == 't': # HT
1218                result = '\x09'
1219            elif code in 'u': # Unicode 16-bit hex literal
1220                theSubsystem.assertUnicode()
1221                hexCode = scanner.chop(4)
1222                result = unichr(string.atoi(hexCode, 16))
1223            elif code in 'U': # Unicode 32-bit hex literal
1224                theSubsystem.assertUnicode()
1225                hexCode = scanner.chop(8)
1226                result = unichr(string.atoi(hexCode, 16))
1227            elif code == 'v': # VT
1228                result = '\x0b'
1229            elif code == 'x': # hexadecimal code
1230                hexCode = scanner.chop(2)
1231                result = chr(string.atoi(hexCode, 16))
1232            elif code == 'z': # EOT
1233                result = '\x04'
1234            elif code == '^': # control character
1235                controlCode = string.upper(scanner.chop(1))
1236                if controlCode >= '@' and controlCode <= '`':
1237                    result = chr(ord(controlCode) - ord('@'))
1238                elif controlCode == '?':
1239                    result = '\x7f'
1240                else:
1241                    raise ParseError, "invalid escape control code"
1242            else:
1243                raise ParseError, "unrecognized escape code"
1244            assert result is not None
1245            self.code = result
1246        except ValueError:
1247            raise ParseError, "invalid numeric escape code"
1249    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1250        interpreter.write(self.code)
1252    def string(self):
1253        return '%s\\x%02x' % (self.prefix, ord(self.code))
1255class SignificatorToken(ExpansionToken):
1256    """A significator markup."""
1257    def scan(self, scanner):
1258        loc = scanner.find('\n')
1259        if loc >= 0:
1260            line = scanner.chop(loc, 1)
1261            if not line:
1262                raise ParseError, "significator must have nonblank key"
1263            if line[0] in ' \t\v\n':
1264                raise ParseError, "no whitespace between % and key"
1265            # Work around a subtle CPython-Jython difference by stripping
1266            # the string before splitting it: 'a '.split(None, 1) has two
1267            # elements in Jython 2.1).
1268            fields = string.split(string.strip(line), None, 1)
1269            if len(fields) == 2 and fields[1] == '':
1270                fields.pop()
1271            self.key = fields[0]
1272            if len(fields) < 2:
1273                fields.append(None)
1274            self.key, self.valueCode = fields
1275        else:
1276            raise TransientParseError, "significator expects newline"
1278    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1279        value = self.valueCode
1280        if value is not None:
1281            value = interpreter.evaluate(string.strip(value), locals)
1282        interpreter.significate(self.key, value)
1284    def string(self):
1285        if self.valueCode is None:
1286            return '%s%%%s\n' % (self.prefix, self.key)
1287        else:
1288            return '%s%%%s %s\n' % (self.prefix, self.key, self.valueCode)
1290class ExpressionToken(ExpansionToken):
1291    """An expression markup."""
1292    def scan(self, scanner):
1293        z = scanner.complex('(', ')', 0)
1294        try:
1295            q = scanner.next('$', 0, z, True)
1296        except ParseError:
1297            q = z
1298        try:
1299            i = scanner.next('?', 0, q, True)
1300            try:
1301                j = scanner.next('!', i, q, True)
1302            except ParseError:
1303                try:
1304                    j = scanner.next(':', i, q, True) # DEPRECATED
1305                except ParseError:
1306                    j = q
1307        except ParseError:
1308            i = j = q
1309        code = scanner.chop(z, 1)
1310        self.testCode = code[:i]
1311        self.thenCode = code[i + 1:j]
1312        self.elseCode = code[j + 1:q]
1313        self.exceptCode = code[q + 1:z]
1315    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1316        try:
1317            result = interpreter.evaluate(self.testCode, locals)
1318            if self.thenCode:
1319                if result:
1320                    result = interpreter.evaluate(self.thenCode, locals)
1321                else:
1322                    if self.elseCode:
1323                        result = interpreter.evaluate(self.elseCode, locals)
1324                    else:
1325                        result = None
1326        except SyntaxError:
1327            # Don't catch syntax errors; let them through.
1328            raise
1329        except:
1330            if self.exceptCode:
1331                result = interpreter.evaluate(self.exceptCode, locals)
1332            else:
1333                raise
1334        if result is not None:
1335            interpreter.write(str(result))
1337    def string(self):
1338        result = self.testCode
1339        if self.thenCode:
1340            result = result + '?' + self.thenCode
1341        if self.elseCode:
1342            result = result + '!' + self.elseCode
1343        if self.exceptCode:
1344            result = result + '$' + self.exceptCode
1345        return '%s(%s)' % (self.prefix, result)
1347class StringLiteralToken(ExpansionToken):
1348    """A string token markup."""
1349    def scan(self, scanner):
1350        scanner.retreat()
1351        assert scanner[0] == self.first
1352        i = scanner.quote()
1353        self.literal = scanner.chop(i)
1355    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1356        interpreter.literal(self.literal)
1358    def string(self):
1359        return '%s%s' % (self.prefix, self.literal)
1361class SimpleExpressionToken(ExpansionToken):
1362    """A simple expression markup."""
1363    def scan(self, scanner):
1364        i = scanner.simple()
1365        self.code = self.first + scanner.chop(i)
1367    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1368        interpreter.serialize(self.code, locals)
1370    def string(self):
1371        return '%s%s' % (self.prefix, self.code)
1373class ReprToken(ExpansionToken):
1374    """A repr markup."""
1375    def scan(self, scanner):
1376        i = scanner.next('`', 0)
1377        self.code = scanner.chop(i, 1)
1379    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1380        interpreter.write(repr(interpreter.evaluate(self.code, locals)))
1382    def string(self):
1383        return '%s`%s`' % (self.prefix, self.code)
1385class InPlaceToken(ExpansionToken):
1386    """An in-place markup."""
1387    def scan(self, scanner):
1388        i = scanner.next(':', 0)
1389        j = scanner.next(':', i + 1)
1390        self.code = scanner.chop(i, j - i + 1)
1392    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1393        interpreter.write("%s:%s:" % (interpreter.prefix, self.code))
1394        try:
1395            interpreter.serialize(self.code, locals)
1396        finally:
1397            interpreter.write(":")
1399    def string(self):
1400        return '%s:%s::' % (self.prefix, self.code)
1402class StatementToken(ExpansionToken):
1403    """A statement markup."""
1404    def scan(self, scanner):
1405        i = scanner.complex('{', '}', 0)
1406        self.code = scanner.chop(i, 1)
1408    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1409        interpreter.execute(self.code, locals)
1411    def string(self):
1412        return '%s{%s}' % (self.prefix, self.code)
1414class CustomToken(ExpansionToken):
1415    """A custom markup."""
1416    def scan(self, scanner):
1417        i = scanner.complex('<', '>', 0)
1418        self.contents = scanner.chop(i, 1)
1420    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1421        interpreter.invokeCallback(self.contents)
1423    def string(self):
1424        return '%s<%s>' % (self.prefix, self.contents)
1426class ControlToken(ExpansionToken):
1428    """A control token."""
1430    PRIMARY_TYPES = ['if', 'for', 'while', 'try', 'def']
1431    SECONDARY_TYPES = ['elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally']
1432    TERTIARY_TYPES = ['continue', 'break']
1433    GREEDY_TYPES = ['if', 'elif', 'for', 'while', 'def', 'end']
1434    END_TYPES = ['end']
1436    IN_RE = re.compile(r"\bin\b")
1438    def scan(self, scanner):
1439        scanner.acquire()
1440        i = scanner.complex('[', ']', 0)
1441        self.contents = scanner.chop(i, 1)
1442        fields = string.split(string.strip(self.contents), ' ', 1)
1443        if len(fields) > 1:
1444            self.type, self.rest = fields
1445        else:
1446            self.type = fields[0]
1447            self.rest = None
1448        self.subtokens = []
1449        if self.type in self.GREEDY_TYPES and self.rest is None:
1450            raise ParseError, "control '%s' needs arguments" % self.type
1451        if self.type in self.PRIMARY_TYPES:
1452            self.subscan(scanner, self.type)
1453            self.kind = 'primary'
1454        elif self.type in self.SECONDARY_TYPES:
1455            self.kind = 'secondary'
1456        elif self.type in self.TERTIARY_TYPES:
1457            self.kind = 'tertiary'
1458        elif self.type in self.END_TYPES:
1459            self.kind = 'end'
1460        else:
1461            raise ParseError, "unknown control markup: '%s'" % self.type
1462        scanner.release()
1464    def subscan(self, scanner, primary):
1465        """Do a subscan for contained tokens."""
1466        while True:
1467            token = scanner.one()
1468            if token is None:
1469                raise TransientParseError, \
1470                      "control '%s' needs more tokens" % primary
1471            if isinstance(token, ControlToken) and \
1472                   token.type in self.END_TYPES:
1473                if token.rest != primary:
1474                    raise ParseError, \
1475                          "control must end with 'end %s'" % primary
1476                break
1477            self.subtokens.append(token)
1479    def build(self, allowed=None):
1480        """Process the list of subtokens and divide it into a list of
1481        2-tuples, consisting of the dividing tokens and the list of
1482        subtokens that follow them.  If allowed is specified, it will
1483        represent the list of the only secondary markup types which
1484        are allowed."""
1485        if allowed is None:
1486            allowed = SECONDARY_TYPES
1487        result = []
1488        latest = []
1489        result.append((self, latest))
1490        for subtoken in self.subtokens:
1491            if isinstance(subtoken, ControlToken) and \
1492               subtoken.kind == 'secondary':
1493                if subtoken.type not in allowed:
1494                    raise ParseError, \
1495                          "control unexpected secondary: '%s'" % subtoken.type
1496                latest = []
1497                result.append((subtoken, latest))
1498            else:
1499                latest.append(subtoken)
1500        return result
1502    def run(self, interpreter, locals):
1503        interpreter.invoke('beforeControl', type=self.type, rest=self.rest, \
1504                           locals=locals)
1505        if self.type == 'if':
1506            info = self.build(['elif', 'else'])
1507            elseTokens = None
1508            if info[-1][0].type == 'else':
1509                elseTokens = info.pop()[1]
1510            for secondary, subtokens in info:
1511                if secondary.type not in ('if', 'elif'):
1512                    raise ParseError, \
1513                          "control 'if' unexpected secondary: '%s'" % secondary.type
1514                if interpreter.evaluate(secondary.rest, locals):
1515                    self.subrun(subtokens, interpreter, locals)
1516                    break
1517            else:
1518                if elseTokens:
1519                    self.subrun(elseTokens, interpreter, locals)
1520        elif self.type == 'for':
1521            sides = self.IN_RE.split(self.rest, 1)
1522            if len(sides) != 2:
1523                raise ParseError, "control expected 'for x in seq'"
1524            iterator, sequenceCode = sides
1525            info = self.build(['else'])
1526            elseTokens = None
1527            if info[-1][0].type == 'else':
1528                elseTokens = info.pop()[1]
1529            if len(info) != 1:
1530                raise ParseError, "control 'for' expects at most one 'else'"
1531            sequence = interpreter.evaluate(sequenceCode, locals)
1532            for element in sequence:
1533                try:
1534                    interpreter.assign(iterator, element, locals)
1535                    self.subrun(info[0][1], interpreter, locals)
1536                except ContinueFlow:
1537                    continue
1538                except BreakFlow:
1539                    break
1540            else:
1541                if elseTokens:
1542                    self.subrun(elseTokens, interpreter, locals)
1543        elif self.type == 'while':
1544            testCode = self.rest
1545            info = self.build(['else'])
1546            elseTokens = None
1547            if info[-1][0].type == 'else':
1548                elseTokens = info.pop()[1]
1549            if len(info) != 1:
1550                raise ParseError, "control 'while' expects at most one 'else'"
1551            atLeastOnce = False
1552            while True:
1553                try:
1554                    if not interpreter.evaluate(testCode, locals):
1555                        break
1556                    atLeastOnce = True
1557                    self.subrun(info[0][1], interpreter, locals)
1558                except ContinueFlow:
1559                    continue
1560                except BreakFlow:
1561                    break
1562            if not atLeastOnce and elseTokens:
1563                self.subrun(elseTokens, interpreter, locals)
1564        elif self.type == 'try':
1565            info = self.build(['except', 'finally'])
1566            if len(info) == 1:
1567                raise ParseError, "control 'try' needs 'except' or 'finally'"
1568            type = info[-1][0].type
1569            if type == 'except':
1570                for secondary, _tokens in info[1:]:
1571                    if secondary.type != 'except':
1572                        raise ParseError, \
1573                              "control 'try' cannot have 'except' and 'finally'"
1574            else:
1575                assert type == 'finally'
1576                if len(info) != 2:
1577                    raise ParseError, \
1578                          "control 'try' can only have one 'finally'"
1579            if type == 'except':
1580                try:
1581                    self.subrun(info[0][1], interpreter, locals)
1582                except FlowError:
1583                    raise
1584                except Exception, e:
1585                    for secondary, tokens in info[1:]:
1586                        exception, variable = interpreter.clause(secondary.rest)
1587                        if variable is not None:
1588                            interpreter.assign(variable, e)
1589                        if isinstance(e, exception):
1590                            self.subrun(tokens, interpreter, locals)
1591                            break
1592                    else:
1593                        raise
1594            else:
1595                try:
1596                    self.subrun(info[0][1], interpreter, locals)
1597                finally:
1598                    self.subrun(info[1][1], interpreter, locals)
1599        elif self.type == 'continue':
1600            raise ContinueFlow, "control 'continue' without 'for', 'while'"
1601        elif self.type == 'break':
1602            raise BreakFlow, "control 'break' without 'for', 'while'"
1603        elif self.type == 'def':
1604            signature = self.rest
1605            definition = self.substring()
1606            code = 'def %s:\n' \
1607                   ' r"""%s"""\n' \
1608                   ' return %s.expand(r"""%s""", locals())\n' % \
1609                   (signature, definition, interpreter.pseudo, definition)
1610            interpreter.execute(code, locals)
1611        elif self.type == 'end':
1612            raise ParseError, "control 'end' requires primary markup"
1613        else:
1614            raise ParseError, \
1615                  "control '%s' cannot be at this level" % self.type
1616        interpreter.invoke('afterControl')
1618    def subrun(self, tokens, interpreter, locals):
1619        """Execute a sequence of tokens."""
1620        for token in tokens:
1621            token.run(interpreter, locals)
1623    def substring(self):
1624        return string.join(map(str, self.subtokens), '')
1626    def string(self):
1627        if self.kind == 'primary':
1628            return '%s[%s]%s%s[end %s]' % \
1629                   (self.prefix, self.contents, self.substring(), \
1630                    self.prefix, self.type)
1631        else:
1632            return '%s[%s]' % (self.prefix, self.contents)
1635class Scanner:
1637    """A scanner holds a buffer for lookahead parsing and has the
1638    ability to scan for special symbols and indicators in that
1639    buffer."""
1641    # This is the token mapping table that maps first characters to
1642    # token classes.
1643    TOKEN_MAP = [
1644        (None,                   PrefixToken),
1645        (' \t\v\r\n',            WhitespaceToken),
1646        (')]}',                  LiteralToken),
1647        ('\\',                   EscapeToken),
1648        ('#',                    CommentToken),
1649        ('?',                    ContextNameToken),
1650        ('!',                    ContextLineToken),
1651        ('%',                    SignificatorToken),
1652        ('(',                    ExpressionToken),
1653        (IDENTIFIER_FIRST_CHARS, SimpleExpressionToken),
1654        ('\'\"',                 StringLiteralToken),
1655        ('`',                    ReprToken),
1656        (':',                    InPlaceToken),
1657        ('[',                    ControlToken),
1658        ('{',                    StatementToken),
1659        ('<',                    CustomToken),
1660    ]
1662    def __init__(self, prefix, data=''):
1663        self.prefix = prefix
1664        self.pointer = 0
1665        self.buffer = data
1666        self.lock = 0
1668    def __nonzero__(self): return self.pointer < len(self.buffer)
1669    def __len__(self): return len(self.buffer) - self.pointer
1670    def __getitem__(self, index): return self.buffer[self.pointer + index]
1672    def __getslice__(self, start, stop):
1673        if stop > len(self):
1674            stop = len(self)
1675        return self.buffer[self.pointer + start:self.pointer + stop]
1677    def advance(self, count=1):
1678        """Advance the pointer count characters."""
1679        self.pointer = self.pointer + count
1681    def retreat(self, count=1):
1682        self.pointer = self.pointer - count
1683        if self.pointer < 0:
1684            raise ParseError, "can't retreat back over synced out chars"
1686    def set(self, data):
1687        """Start the scanner digesting a new batch of data; start the pointer
1688        over from scratch."""
1689        self.pointer = 0
1690        self.buffer = data
1692    def feed(self, data):
1693        """Feed some more data to the scanner."""
1694        self.buffer = self.buffer + data
1696    def chop(self, count=None, slop=0):
1697        """Chop the first count + slop characters off the front, and return
1698        the first count.  If count is not specified, then return
1699        everything."""
1700        if count is None:
1701            assert slop == 0
1702            count = len(self)
1703        if count > len(self):
1704            raise TransientParseError, "not enough data to read"
1705        result = self[:count]
1706        self.advance(count + slop)
1707        return result
1709    def acquire(self):
1710        """Lock the scanner so it doesn't destroy data on sync."""
1711        self.lock = self.lock + 1
1713    def release(self):
1714        """Unlock the scanner."""
1715        self.lock = self.lock - 1
1717    def sync(self):
1718        """Sync up the buffer with the read head."""
1719        if self.lock == 0 and self.pointer != 0:
1720            self.buffer = self.buffer[self.pointer:]
1721            self.pointer = 0
1723    def unsync(self):
1724        """Undo changes; reset the read head."""
1725        if self.pointer != 0:
1726            self.lock = 0
1727            self.pointer = 0
1729    def rest(self):
1730        """Get the remainder of the buffer."""
1731        return self[:]
1733    def read(self, i=0, count=1):
1734        """Read count chars starting from i; raise a transient error if
1735        there aren't enough characters remaining."""
1736        if len(self) < i + count:
1737            raise TransientParseError, "need more data to read"
1738        else:
1739            return self[i:i + count]
1741    def check(self, i, archetype=None):
1742        """Scan for the next single or triple quote, with the specified
1743        archetype.  Return the found quote or None."""
1744        quote = None
1745        if self[i] in '\'\"':
1746            quote = self[i]
1747            if len(self) - i < 3:
1748                for j in range(i, len(self)):
1749                    if self[i] == quote:
1750                        return quote
1751                else:
1752                    raise TransientParseError, "need to scan for rest of quote"
1753            if self[i + 1] == self[i + 2] == quote:
1754                quote = quote * 3
1755        if quote is not None:
1756            if archetype is None:
1757                return quote
1758            else:
1759                if archetype == quote:
1760                    return quote
1761                elif len(archetype) < len(quote) and archetype[0] == quote[0]:
1762                    return archetype
1763                else:
1764                    return None
1765        else:
1766            return None
1768    def find(self, sub, start=0, end=None):
1769        """Find the next occurrence of the character, or return -1."""
1770        if end is not None:
1771            return string.find(self.rest(), sub, start, end)
1772        else:
1773            return string.find(self.rest(), sub, start)
1775    def last(self, char, start=0, end=None):
1776        """Find the first character that is _not_ the specified character."""
1777        if end is None:
1778            end = len(self)
1779        i = start
1780        while i < end:
1781            if self[i] != char:
1782                return i
1783            i = i + 1
1784        else:
1785            raise TransientParseError, "expecting other than %s" % char
1787    def next(self, target, start=0, end=None, mandatory=False):
1788        """Scan for the next occurrence of one of the characters in
1789        the target string; optionally, make the scan mandatory."""
1790        if mandatory:
1791            assert end is not None
1792        quote = None
1793        if end is None:
1794            end = len(self)
1795        i = start
1796        while i < end:
1797            newQuote = self.check(i, quote)
1798            if newQuote:
1799                if newQuote == quote:
1800                    quote = None
1801                else:
1802                    quote = newQuote
1803                i = i + len(newQuote)
1804            else:
1805                c = self[i]
1806                if quote:
1807                    if c == '\\':
1808                        i = i + 1
1809                else:
1810                    if c in target:
1811                        return i
1812                i = i + 1
1813        else:
1814            if mandatory:
1815                raise ParseError, "expecting %s, not found" % target
1816            else:
1817                raise TransientParseError, "expecting ending character"
1819    def quote(self, start=0, end=None, mandatory=False):
1820        """Scan for the end of the next quote."""
1821        assert self[start] in '\'\"'
1822        quote = self.check(start)
1823        if end is None:
1824            end = len(self)
1825        i = start + len(quote)
1826        while i < end:
1827            newQuote = self.check(i, quote)
1828            if newQuote:
1829                i = i + len(newQuote)
1830                if newQuote == quote:
1831                    return i
1832            else:
1833                c = self[i]
1834                if c == '\\':
1835                    i = i + 1
1836                i = i + 1
1837        else:
1838            if mandatory:
1839                raise ParseError, "expecting end of string literal"
1840            else:
1841                raise TransientParseError, "expecting end of string literal"
1843    def nested(self, enter, exit, start=0, end=None):
1844        """Scan from i for an ending sequence, respecting entries and exits
1845        only."""
1846        depth = 0
1847        if end is None:
1848            end = len(self)
1849        i = start
1850        while i < end:
1851            c = self[i]
1852            if c == enter:
1853                depth = depth + 1
1854            elif c == exit:
1855                depth = depth - 1
1856                if depth < 0:
1857                    return i
1858            i = i + 1
1859        else:
1860            raise TransientParseError, "expecting end of complex expression"
1862    def complex(self, enter, exit, start=0, end=None, skip=None):
1863        """Scan from i for an ending sequence, respecting quotes,
1864        entries and exits."""
1865        quote = None
1866        depth = 0
1867        if end is None:
1868            end = len(self)
1869        last = None
1870        i = start
1871        while i < end:
1872            newQuote = self.check(i, quote)
1873            if newQuote:
1874                if newQuote == quote:
1875                    quote = None
1876                else:
1877                    quote = newQuote
1878                i = i + len(newQuote)
1879            else:
1880                c = self[i]
1881                if quote:
1882                    if c == '\\':
1883                        i = i + 1
1884                else:
1885                    if skip is None or last != skip:
1886                        if c == enter:
1887                            depth = depth + 1
1888                        elif c == exit:
1889                            depth = depth - 1
1890                            if depth < 0:
1891                                return i
1892                last = c
1893                i = i + 1
1894        else:
1895            raise TransientParseError, "expecting end of complex expression"
1897    def word(self, start=0):
1898        """Scan from i for a simple word."""
1899        length = len(self)
1900        i = start
1901        while i < length:
1902            if not self[i] in IDENTIFIER_CHARS:
1903                return i
1904            i = i + 1
1905        else:
1906            raise TransientParseError, "expecting end of word"
1908    def phrase(self, start=0):
1909        """Scan from i for a phrase (e.g., 'word', 'f(a, b, c)', 'a[i]', or
1910        combinations like 'x[i](a)'."""
1911        # Find the word.
1912        i = self.word(start)
1913        while i < len(self) and self[i] in '([{':
1914            enter = self[i]
1915            if enter == '{':
1916                raise ParseError, "curly braces can't open simple expressions"
1917            exit = ENDING_CHARS[enter]
1918            i = self.complex(enter, exit, i + 1) + 1
1919        return i
1921    def simple(self, start=0):
1922        """Scan from i for a simple expression, which consists of one
1923        more phrases separated by dots."""
1924        i = self.phrase(start)
1925        length = len(self)
1926        while i < length and self[i] == '.':
1927            i = self.phrase(i)
1928        # Make sure we don't end with a trailing dot.
1929        while i > 0 and self[i - 1] == '.':
1930            i = i - 1
1931        return i
1933    def one(self):
1934        """Parse and return one token, or None if the scanner is empty."""
1935        if not self:
1936            return None
1937        if not self.prefix:
1938            loc = -1
1939        else:
1940            loc = self.find(self.prefix)
1941        if loc < 0:
1942            # If there's no prefix in the buffer, then set the location to
1943            # the end so the whole thing gets processed.
1944            loc = len(self)
1945        if loc == 0:
1946            # If there's a prefix at the beginning of the buffer, process
1947            # an expansion.
1948            prefix = self.chop(1)
1949            assert prefix == self.prefix
1950            first = self.chop(1)
1951            if first == self.prefix:
1952                first = None
1953            for firsts, factory in self.TOKEN_MAP:
1954                if firsts is None:
1955                    if first is None:
1956                        break
1957                elif first in firsts:
1958                    break
1959            else:
1960                raise ParseError, "unknown markup: %s%s" % (self.prefix, first)
1961            token = factory(self.prefix, first)
1962            try:
1963                token.scan(self)
1964            except TransientParseError:
1965                # If a transient parse error occurs, reset the buffer pointer
1966                # so we can (conceivably) try again later.
1967                self.unsync()
1968                raise
1969        else:
1970            # Process everything up to loc as a null token.
1971            data = self.chop(loc)
1972            token = NullToken(data)
1973        self.sync()
1974        return token
1977class Interpreter:
1979    """An interpreter can process chunks of EmPy code."""
1981    # Constants.
1983    VERSION = __version__
1987    # Types.
1989    Interpreter = None # define this below to prevent a circular reference
1990    Hook = Hook # DEPRECATED
1991    Filter = Filter # DEPRECATED
1992    NullFilter = NullFilter # DEPRECATED
1993    FunctionFilter = FunctionFilter # DEPRECATED
1994    StringFilter = StringFilter # DEPRECATED
1995    BufferedFilter = BufferedFilter # DEPRECATED
1996    SizeBufferedFilter = SizeBufferedFilter # DEPRECATED
1997    LineBufferedFilter = LineBufferedFilter # DEPRECATED
1998    MaximallyBufferedFilter = MaximallyBufferedFilter # DEPRECATED
2000    # Tables.
2002    ESCAPE_CODES = {0x00: '0', 0x07: 'a', 0x08: 'b', 0x1b: 'e', 0x0c: 'f', \
2003                    0x7f: 'h', 0x0a: 'n', 0x0d: 'r', 0x09: 't', 0x0b: 'v', \
2004                    0x04: 'z'}
2006    ASSIGN_TOKEN_RE = re.compile(r"[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*|\(|\)|,")
2009                       BUFFERED_OPT: False,
2010                       RAW_OPT: False,
2011                       EXIT_OPT: True,
2012                       FLATTEN_OPT: False,
2013                       OVERRIDE_OPT: True,
2014                       CALLBACK_OPT: False}
2016    _wasProxyInstalled = False # was a proxy installed?
2018    # Construction, initialization, destruction.
2020    def __init__(self, output=None, argv=None, prefix=DEFAULT_PREFIX, \
2021                 pseudo=None, options=None, globals=None, hooks=None):
2022        self.interpreter = self # DEPRECATED
2023        # Set up the stream.
2024        if output is None:
2025            output = UncloseableFile(sys.__stdout__)
2026        self.output = output
2027        self.prefix = prefix
2028        if pseudo is None:
2029            pseudo = DEFAULT_PSEUDOMODULE_NAME
2030        self.pseudo = pseudo
2031        if argv is None:
2032            argv = [DEFAULT_SCRIPT_NAME]
2033        self.argv = argv
2034        self.args = argv[1:]
2035        if options is None:
2036            options = {}
2037        self.options = options
2038        # Initialize any hooks.
2039        self.hooksEnabled = None # special sentinel meaning "false until added"
2040        self.hooks = []
2041        if hooks is None:
2042            hooks = []
2043        for hook in hooks:
2044            self.register(hook)
2045        # Initialize callback.
2046        self.callback = None
2047        # Finalizers.
2048        self.finals = []
2049        # The interpreter stacks.
2050        self.contexts = Stack()
2051        self.streams = Stack()
2052        # Now set up the globals.
2053        self.globals = globals
2054        self.fix()
2055        self.history = Stack()
2056        # Install a proxy stdout if one hasn't been already.
2057        self.installProxy()
2058        # Finally, reset the state of all the stacks.
2059        self.reset()
2060        # Okay, now flatten the namespaces if that option has been set.
2061        if self.options.get(FLATTEN_OPT, False):
2062            self.flatten()
2063        # Set up old pseudomodule attributes.
2064        if prefix is None:
2065            self.SIGNIFICATOR_RE_STRING = None
2066        else:
2067            self.SIGNIFICATOR_RE_STRING = prefix + self.SIGNIFICATOR_RE_SUFFIX
2068        self.Interpreter = self.__class__
2069        # Done.  Now declare that we've started up.
2070        self.invoke('atStartup')
2072    def __del__(self):
2073        self.shutdown()
2075    def __repr__(self):
2076        return '<%s pseudomodule/interpreter at 0x%x>' % \
2077               (self.pseudo, id(self))
2079    def ready(self):
2080        """Declare the interpreter ready for normal operations."""
2081        self.invoke('atReady')
2083    def fix(self):
2084        """Reset the globals, stamping in the pseudomodule."""
2085        if self.globals is None:
2086            self.globals = {}
2087        # Make sure that there is no collision between two interpreters'
2088        # globals.
2089        if self.globals.has_key(self.pseudo):
2090            if self.globals[self.pseudo] is not self:
2091                raise Error, "interpreter globals collision"
2092        self.globals[self.pseudo] = self
2094    def unfix(self):
2095        """Remove the pseudomodule (if present) from the globals."""
2096        UNWANTED_KEYS = [self.pseudo, '__builtins__']
2097        for unwantedKey in UNWANTED_KEYS:
2098            if self.globals.has_key(unwantedKey):
2099                del self.globals[unwantedKey]
2101    def update(self, other):
2102        """Update the current globals dictionary with another dictionary."""
2103        self.globals.update(other)
2104        self.fix()
2106    def clear(self):
2107        """Clear out the globals dictionary with a brand new one."""
2108        self.globals = {}
2109        self.fix()
2111    def save(self, deep=True):
2112        if deep:
2113            copyMethod = copy.deepcopy
2114        else:
2115            copyMethod = copy.copy
2116        """Save a copy of the current globals on the history stack."""
2117        self.unfix()
2118        self.history.push(copyMethod(self.globals))
2119        self.fix()
2121    def restore(self, destructive=True):
2122        """Restore the topmost historic globals."""
2123        if destructive:
2124            fetchMethod = self.history.pop
2125        else:
2126            fetchMethod = self.history.top
2127        self.unfix()
2128        self.globals = fetchMethod()
2129        self.fix()
2131    def shutdown(self):
2132        """Declare this interpreting session over; close the stream file
2133        object.  This method is idempotent."""
2134        if self.streams is not None:
2135            try:
2136                self.finalize()
2137                self.invoke('atShutdown')
2138                while self.streams:
2139                    stream = self.streams.pop()
2140                    stream.close()
2141            finally:
2142                self.streams = None
2144    def ok(self):
2145        """Is the interpreter still active?"""
2146        return self.streams is not None
2148    # Writeable file-like methods.
2150    def write(self, data):
2151        self.stream().write(data)
2153    def writelines(self, stuff):
2154        self.stream().writelines(stuff)
2156    def flush(self):
2157        self.stream().flush()
2159    def close(self):
2160        self.shutdown()
2162    # Stack-related activity.
2164    def context(self):
2165        return self.contexts.top()
2167    def stream(self):
2168        return self.streams.top()
2170    def reset(self):
2171        self.contexts.purge()
2172        self.streams.purge()
2173        self.streams.push(Stream(self.output))
2174        if self.options.get(OVERRIDE_OPT, True):
2175            sys.stdout.clear(self)
2177    def push(self):
2178        if self.options.get(OVERRIDE_OPT, True):
2179            sys.stdout.push(self)
2181    def pop(self):
2182        if self.options.get(OVERRIDE_OPT, True):
2183            sys.stdout.pop(self)
2185    # Higher-level operations.
2187    def include(self, fileOrFilename, locals=None):
2188        """Do an include pass on a file or filename."""
2189        if type(fileOrFilename) is types.StringType:
2190            # Either it's a string representing a filename ...
2191            filename = fileOrFilename
2192            name = filename
2193            file = theSubsystem.open(filename, 'r')
2194        else:
2195            # ... or a file object.
2196            file = fileOrFilename
2197            name = "<%s>" % str(file.__class__)
2198        self.invoke('beforeInclude', name=name, file=file, locals=locals)
2199        self.file(file, name, locals)
2200        self.invoke('afterInclude')
2202    def expand(self, data, locals=None):
2203        """Do an explicit expansion on a subordinate stream."""
2204        outFile = StringIO.StringIO()
2205        stream = Stream(outFile)
2206        self.invoke('beforeExpand', string=data, locals=locals)
2207        self.streams.push(stream)
2208        try:
2209            self.string(data, '<expand>', locals)
2210            stream.flush()
2211            expansion = outFile.getvalue()
2212            self.invoke('afterExpand', result=expansion)
2213            return expansion
2214        finally:
2215            self.streams.pop()
2217    def quote(self, data):
2218        """Quote the given string so that if it were expanded it would
2219        evaluate to the original."""
2220        self.invoke('beforeQuote', string=data)
2221        scanner = Scanner(self.prefix, data)
2222        result = []
2223        i = 0
2224        try:
2225            j = scanner.next(self.prefix, i)
2226            result.append(data[i:j])
2227            result.append(self.prefix * 2)
2228            i = j + 1
2229        except TransientParseError:
2230            pass
2231        result.append(data[i:])
2232        result = string.join(result, '')
2233        self.invoke('afterQuote', result=result)
2234        return result
2236    def escape(self, data, more=''):
2237        """Escape a string so that nonprintable characters are replaced
2238        with compatible EmPy expansions."""
2239        self.invoke('beforeEscape', string=data, more=more)
2240        result = []
2241        for char in data:
2242            if char < ' ' or char > '~':
2243                charOrd = ord(char)
2244                if Interpreter.ESCAPE_CODES.has_key(charOrd):
2245                    result.append(self.prefix + '\\' + \
2246                                  Interpreter.ESCAPE_CODES[charOrd])
2247                else:
2248                    result.append(self.prefix + '\\x%02x' % charOrd)
2249            elif char in more:
2250                result.append(self.prefix + '\\' + char)
2251            else:
2252                result.append(char)
2253        result = string.join(result, '')
2254        self.invoke('afterEscape', result=result)
2255        return result
2257    # Processing.
2259    def wrap(self, callable, args):
2260        """Wrap around an application of a callable and handle errors.
2261        Return whether no error occurred."""
2262        try:
2263            apply(callable, args)
2264            self.reset()
2265            return True
2266        except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
2267            # Handle keyboard interrupts specially: we should always exit
2268            # from these.
2269            self.fail(e, True)
2270        except Exception, e:
2271            # A standard exception (other than a keyboard interrupt).
2272            self.fail(e)
2273        except:
2274            # If we get here, then either it's an exception not derived from
2275            # Exception or it's a string exception, so get the error type
2276            # from the sys module.
2277            e = sys.exc_type
2278            self.fail(e)
2279        # An error occurred if we leak through to here, so do cleanup.
2280        self.reset()
2281        return False
2283    def interact(self):
2284        """Perform interaction."""
2285        self.invoke('atInteract')
2286        done = False
2287        while not done:
2288            result = self.wrap(self.file, (sys.stdin, '<interact>'))
2289            if self.options.get(EXIT_OPT, True):
2290                done = True
2291            else:
2292                if result:
2293                    done = True
2294                else:
2295                    self.reset()
2297    def fail(self, error, fatal=False):
2298        """Handle an actual error that occurred."""
2299        if self.options.get(BUFFERED_OPT, False):
2300            try:
2301                self.output.abort()
2302            except AttributeError:
2303                # If the output file object doesn't have an abort method,
2304                # something got mismatched, but it's too late to do
2305                # anything about it now anyway, so just ignore it.
2306                pass
2307        meta = self.meta(error)
2308        self.handle(meta)
2309        if self.options.get(RAW_OPT, False):
2310            raise
2311        if fatal or self.options.get(EXIT_OPT, True):
2312            sys.exit(FAILURE_CODE)
2314    def file(self, file, name='<file>', locals=None):
2315        """Parse the entire contents of a file-like object, line by line."""
2316        context = Context(name)
2317        self.contexts.push(context)
2318        self.invoke('beforeFile', name=name, file=file, locals=locals)
2319        scanner = Scanner(self.prefix)
2320        first = True
2321        done = False
2322        while not done:
2323            self.context().bump()
2324            line = file.readline()
2325            if first:
2326                if self.options.get(BANGPATH_OPT, True) and self.prefix:
2327                    # Replace a bangpath at the beginning of the first line
2328                    # with an EmPy comment.
2329                    if string.find(line, BANGPATH) == 0:
2330                        line = self.prefix + '#' + line[2:]
2331                first = False
2332            if line:
2333                scanner.feed(line)
2334            else:
2335                done = True
2336            self.safe(scanner, done, locals)
2337        self.invoke('afterFile')
2338        self.contexts.pop()
2340    def binary(self, file, name='<binary>', chunkSize=0, locals=None):
2341        """Parse the entire contents of a file-like object, in chunks."""
2342        if chunkSize <= 0:
2343            chunkSize = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE
2344        context = Context(name, units='bytes')
2345        self.contexts.push(context)
2346        self.invoke('beforeBinary', name=name, file=file, \
2347                    chunkSize=chunkSize, locals=locals)
2348        scanner = Scanner(self.prefix)
2349        done = False
2350        while not done:
2351            chunk = file.read(chunkSize)
2352            if chunk:
2353                scanner.feed(chunk)
2354            else:
2355                done = True
2356            self.safe(scanner, done, locals)
2357            self.context().bump(len(chunk))
2358        self.invoke('afterBinary')
2359        self.contexts.pop()
2361    def string(self, data, name='<string>', locals=None):
2362        """Parse a string."""
2363        context = Context(name)
2364        self.contexts.push(context)
2365        self.invoke('beforeString', name=name, string=data, locals=locals)
2366        context.bump()
2367        scanner = Scanner(self.prefix, data)
2368        self.safe(scanner, True, locals)
2369        self.invoke('afterString')
2370        self.contexts.pop()
2372    def safe(self, scanner, final=False, locals=None):
2373        """Do a protected parse.  Catch transient parse errors; if
2374        final is true, then make a final pass with a terminator,
2375        otherwise ignore the transient parse error (more data is
2376        pending)."""
2377        try:
2378            self.parse(scanner, locals)
2379        except TransientParseError:
2380            if final:
2381                # If the buffer doesn't end with a newline, try tacking on
2382                # a dummy terminator.
2383                buffer = scanner.rest()
2384                if buffer and buffer[-1] != '\n':
2385                    scanner.feed(self.prefix + '\n')
2386                # A TransientParseError thrown from here is a real parse
2387                # error.
2388                self.parse(scanner, locals)
2390    def parse(self, scanner, locals=None):
2391        """Parse and run as much from this scanner as possible."""
2392        self.invoke('atParse', scanner=scanner, locals=locals)
2393        while True:
2394            token = scanner.one()
2395            if token is None:
2396                break
2397            self.invoke('atToken', token=token)
2398            token.run(self, locals)
2400    # Medium-level evaluation and execution.
2402    def tokenize(self, name):
2403        """Take an lvalue string and return a name or a (possibly recursive)
2404        list of names."""
2405        result = []
2406        stack = [result]
2407        for garbage in self.ASSIGN_TOKEN_RE.split(name):
2408            garbage = string.strip(garbage)
2409            if garbage:
2410                raise ParseError, "unexpected assignment token: '%s'" % garbage
2411        tokens = self.ASSIGN_TOKEN_RE.findall(name)
2412        # While processing, put a None token at the start of any list in which
2413        # commas actually appear.
2414        for token in tokens:
2415            if token == '(':
2416                stack.append([])
2417            elif token == ')':
2418                top = stack.pop()
2419                if len(top) == 1:
2420                    top = top[0] # no None token means that it's not a 1-tuple
2421                elif top[0] is None:
2422                    del top[0] # remove the None token for real tuples
2423                stack[-1].append(top)
2424            elif token == ',':
2425                if len(stack[-1]) == 1:
2426                    stack[-1].insert(0, None)
2427            else:
2428                stack[-1].append(token)
2429        # If it's a 1-tuple at the top level, turn it into a real subsequence.
2430        if result and result[0] is None:
2431            result = [result[1:]]
2432        if len(result) == 1:
2433            return result[0]
2434        else:
2435            return result
2437    def significate(self, key, value=None, locals=None):
2438        """Declare a significator."""
2439        self.invoke('beforeSignificate', key=key, value=value, locals=locals)
2440        name = '__%s__' % key
2441        self.atomic(name, value, locals)
2442        self.invoke('afterSignificate')
2444    def atomic(self, name, value, locals=None):
2445        """Do an atomic assignment."""
2446        self.invoke('beforeAtomic', name=name, value=value, locals=locals)
2447        if locals is None:
2448            self.globals[name] = value
2449        else:
2450            locals[name] = value
2451        self.invoke('afterAtomic')
2453    def multi(self, names, values, locals=None):
2454        """Do a (potentially recursive) assignment."""
2455        self.invoke('beforeMulti', names=names, values=values, locals=locals)
2456        # No zip in 1.5, so we have to do it manually.
2457        i = 0
2458        try:
2459            values = tuple(values)
2460        except TypeError:
2461            raise TypeError, "unpack non-sequence"
2462        if len(names) != len(values):
2463            raise ValueError, "unpack tuple of wrong size"
2464        for i in range(len(names)):
2465            name = names[i]
2466            if type(name) is types.StringType:
2467                self.atomic(name, values[i], locals)
2468            else:
2469                self.multi(name, values[i], locals)
2470        self.invoke('afterMulti')
2472    def assign(self, name, value, locals=None):
2473        """Do a potentially complex (including tuple unpacking) assignment."""
2474        left = self.tokenize(name)
2475        # The return value of tokenize can either be a string or a list of
2476        # (lists of) strings.
2477        if type(left) is types.StringType:
2478            self.atomic(left, value, locals)
2479        else:
2480            self.multi(left, value, locals)
2482    def import_(self, name, locals=None):
2483        """Do an import."""
2484        self.invoke('beforeImport', name=name, locals=locals)
2485        self.execute('import %s' % name, locals)
2486        self.invoke('afterImport')
2488    def clause(self, catch, locals=None):
2489        """Given the string representation of an except clause, turn it into
2490        a 2-tuple consisting of the class name, and either a variable name
2491        or None."""
2492        self.invoke('beforeClause', catch=catch, locals=locals)
2493        if catch is None:
2494            exceptionCode, variable = None, None
2495        elif string.find(catch, ',') >= 0:
2496            exceptionCode, variable = string.split(string.strip(catch), ',', 1)
2497            variable = string.strip(variable)
2498        else:
2499            exceptionCode, variable = string.strip(catch), None
2500        if not exceptionCode:
2501            exception = Exception
2502        else:
2503            exception = self.evaluate(exceptionCode, locals)
2504        self.invoke('afterClause', exception=exception, variable=variable)
2505        return exception, variable
2507    def serialize(self, expression, locals=None):
2508        """Do an expansion, involving evaluating an expression, then
2509        converting it to a string and writing that string to the
2510        output if the evaluation is not None."""
2511        self.invoke('beforeSerialize', expression=expression, locals=locals)
2512        result = self.evaluate(expression, locals)
2513        if result is not None:
2514            self.write(str(result))
2515        self.invoke('afterSerialize')
2517    def defined(self, name, locals=None):
2518        """Return a Boolean indicating whether or not the name is
2519        defined either in the locals or the globals."""
2520        self.invoke('beforeDefined', name=name, local=local)
2521        if locals is not None:
2522            if locals.has_key(name):
2523                result = True
2524            else:
2525                result = False
2526        elif self.globals.has_key(name):
2527            result = True
2528        else:
2529            result = False
2530        self.invoke('afterDefined', result=result)
2532    def literal(self, text):
2533        """Process a string literal."""
2534        self.invoke('beforeLiteral', text=text)
2535        self.serialize(text)
2536        self.invoke('afterLiteral')
2538    # Low-level evaluation and execution.
2540    def evaluate(self, expression, locals=None):
2541        """Evaluate an expression."""
2542        if expression in ('1', 'True'): return True
2543        if expression in ('0', 'False'): return False
2544        self.push()
2545        try:
2546            self.invoke('beforeEvaluate', \
2547                        expression=expression, locals=locals)
2548            if locals is not None:
2549                result = eval(expression, self.globals, locals)
2550            else:
2551                result = eval(expression, self.globals)
2552            self.invoke('afterEvaluate', result=result)
2553            return result
2554        finally:
2555            self.pop()
2557    def execute(self, statements, locals=None):
2558        """Execute a statement."""
2559        # If there are any carriage returns (as opposed to linefeeds/newlines)
2560        # in the statements code, then remove them.  Even on DOS/Windows
2561        # platforms,
2562        if string.find(statements, '\r') >= 0:
2563            statements = string.replace(statements, '\r', '')
2564        # If there are no newlines in the statements code, then strip any
2565        # leading or trailing whitespace.
2566        if string.find(statements, '\n') < 0:
2567            statements = string.strip(statements)
2568        self.push()
2569        try:
2570            self.invoke('beforeExecute', \
2571                        statements=statements, locals=locals)
2572            if locals is not None:
2573                exec statements in self.globals, locals
2574            else:
2575                exec statements in self.globals
2576            self.invoke('afterExecute')
2577        finally:
2578            self.pop()
2580    def single(self, source, locals=None):
2581        """Execute an expression or statement, just as if it were
2582        entered into the Python interactive interpreter."""
2583        self.push()
2584        try:
2585            self.invoke('beforeSingle', \
2586                        source=source, locals=locals)
2587            code = compile(source, '<single>', 'single')
2588            if locals is not None:
2589                exec code in self.globals, locals
2590            else:
2591                exec code in self.globals
2592            self.invoke('afterSingle')
2593        finally:
2594            self.pop()
2596    # Hooks.
2598    def register(self, hook, prepend=False):
2599        """Register the provided hook."""
2600        hook.register(self)
2601        if self.hooksEnabled is None:
2602            # A special optimization so that hooks can be effectively
2603            # disabled until one is added or they are explicitly turned on.
2604            self.hooksEnabled = True
2605        if prepend:
2606            self.hooks.insert(0, hook)
2607        else:
2608            self.hooks.append(hook)
2610    def deregister(self, hook):
2611        """Remove an already registered hook."""
2612        hook.deregister(self)
2613        self.hooks.remove(hook)
2615    def invoke(self, _name, **keywords):
2616        """Invoke the hook(s) associated with the hook name, should they
2617        exist."""
2618        if self.hooksEnabled:
2619            for hook in self.hooks:
2620                hook.push()
2621                try:
2622                    method = getattr(hook, _name)
2623                    apply(method, (), keywords)
2624                finally:
2625                    hook.pop()
2627    def finalize(self):
2628        """Execute any remaining final routines."""
2629        self.push()
2630        self.invoke('atFinalize')
2631        try:
2632            # Pop them off one at a time so they get executed in reverse
2633            # order and we remove them as they're executed in case something
2634            # bad happens.
2635            while self.finals:
2636                final = self.finals.pop()
2637                final()
2638        finally:
2639            self.pop()
2641    # Error handling.
2643    def meta(self, exc=None):
2644        """Construct a MetaError for the interpreter's current state."""
2645        return MetaError(self.contexts.clone(), exc)
2647    def handle(self, meta):
2648        """Handle a MetaError."""
2649        first = True
2650        self.invoke('atHandle', meta=meta)
2651        for context in meta.contexts:
2652            if first:
2653                if meta.exc is not None:
2654                    desc = "error: %s: %s" % (meta.exc.__class__, meta.exc)
2655                else:
2656                    desc = "error"
2657            else:
2658                desc = "from this context"
2659            first = False
2660            sys.stderr.write('%s: %s\n' % (context, desc))
2662    def installProxy(self):
2663        """Install a proxy if necessary."""
2664        # Unfortunately, there's no surefire way to make sure that installing
2665        # a sys.stdout proxy is idempotent, what with different interpreters
2666        # running from different modules.  The best we can do here is to try
2667        # manipulating the proxy's test function ...
2668        try:
2669            sys.stdout._testProxy()
2670        except AttributeError:
2671            # ... if the current stdout object doesn't have one, then check
2672            # to see if we think _this_ particularly Interpreter class has
2673            # installed it before ...
2674            if Interpreter._wasProxyInstalled:
2675                # ... and if so, we have a proxy problem.
2676                raise Error, "interpreter stdout proxy lost"
2677            else:
2678                # Otherwise, install the proxy and set the flag.
2679                sys.stdout = ProxyFile(sys.stdout)
2680                Interpreter._wasProxyInstalled = True
2682    #
2683    # Pseudomodule routines.
2684    #
2686    # Identification.
2688    def identify(self):
2689        """Identify the topmost context with a 2-tuple of the name and
2690        line number."""
2691        return self.context().identify()
2693    def atExit(self, callable):
2694        """Register a function to be called at exit."""
2695        self.finals.append(callable)
2697    # Context manipulation.
2699    def pushContext(self, name='<unnamed>', line=0):
2700        """Create a new context and push it."""
2701        self.contexts.push(Context(name, line))
2703    def popContext(self):
2704        """Pop the top context."""
2705        self.contexts.pop()
2707    def setContextName(self, name):
2708        """Set the name of the topmost context."""
2709        context = self.context()
2710        context.name = name
2712    def setContextLine(self, line):
2713        """Set the name of the topmost context."""
2714        context = self.context()
2715        context.line = line
2717    setName = setContextName # DEPRECATED
2718    setLine = setContextLine # DEPRECATED
2720    # Globals manipulation.
2722    def getGlobals(self):
2723        """Retrieve the globals."""
2724        return self.globals
2726    def setGlobals(self, globals):
2727        """Set the globals to the specified dictionary."""
2728        self.globals = globals
2729        self.fix()
2731    def updateGlobals(self, otherGlobals):
2732        """Merge another mapping object into this interpreter's globals."""
2733        self.update(otherGlobals)
2735    def clearGlobals(self):
2736        """Clear out the globals with a brand new dictionary."""
2737        self.clear()
2739    def saveGlobals(self, deep=True):
2740        """Save a copy of the globals off onto the history stack."""
2741        self.save(deep)
2743    def restoreGlobals(self, destructive=True):
2744        """Restore the most recently saved copy of the globals."""
2745        self.restore(destructive)
2747    # Hook support.
2749    def areHooksEnabled(self):
2750        """Return whether or not hooks are presently enabled."""
2751        if self.hooksEnabled is None:
2752            return True
2753        else:
2754            return self.hooksEnabled
2756    def enableHooks(self):
2757        """Enable hooks."""
2758        self.hooksEnabled = True
2760    def disableHooks(self):
2761        """Disable hooks."""
2762        self.hooksEnabled = False
2764    def getHooks(self):
2765        """Get the current hooks."""
2766        return self.hooks[:]
2768    def clearHooks(self):
2769        """Clear all hooks."""
2770        self.hooks = []
2772    def addHook(self, hook, prepend=False):
2773        """Add a new hook; optionally insert it rather than appending it."""
2774        self.register(hook, prepend)
2776    def removeHook(self, hook):
2777        """Remove a preexisting hook."""
2778        self.deregister(hook)
2780    def invokeHook(self, _name, **keywords):
2781        """Manually invoke a hook."""
2782        apply(self.invoke, (_name,), keywords)
2784    # Callbacks.
2786    def getCallback(self):
2787        """Get the callback registered with this interpreter, or None."""
2788        return self.callback
2790    def registerCallback(self, callback):
2791        """Register a custom markup callback with this interpreter."""
2792        self.callback = callback
2794    def deregisterCallback(self):
2795        """Remove any previously registered callback with this interpreter."""
2796        self.callback = None
2798    def invokeCallback(self, contents):
2799        """Invoke the callback."""
2800        if self.callback is None:
2801            if self.options.get(CALLBACK_OPT, False):
2802                raise Error, "custom markup invoked with no defined callback"
2803        else:
2804            self.callback(contents)
2806    # Pseudomodule manipulation.
2808    def flatten(self, keys=None):
2809        """Flatten the contents of the pseudo-module into the globals
2810        namespace."""
2811        if keys is None:
2812            keys = self.__dict__.keys() + self.__class__.__dict__.keys()
2813        dict = {}
2814        for key in keys:
2815            # The pseudomodule is really a class instance, so we need to
2816            # fumble use getattr instead of simply fumbling through the
2817            # instance's __dict__.
2818            dict[key] = getattr(self, key)
2819        # Stomp everything into the globals namespace.
2820        self.globals.update(dict)
2822    # Prefix.
2824    def getPrefix(self):
2825        """Get the current prefix."""
2826        return self.prefix
2828    def setPrefix(self, prefix):
2829        """Set the prefix."""
2830        self.prefix = prefix
2832    # Diversions.
2834    def stopDiverting(self):
2835        """Stop any diverting."""
2836        self.stream().revert()
2838    def createDiversion(self, name):
2839        """Create a diversion (but do not divert to it) if it does not
2840        already exist."""
2841        self.stream().create(name)
2843    def retrieveDiversion(self, name):
2844        """Retrieve the diversion object associated with the name."""
2845        return self.stream().retrieve(name)
2847    def startDiversion(self, name):
2848        """Start diverting to the given diversion name."""
2849        self.stream().divert(name)
2851    def playDiversion(self, name):
2852        """Play the given diversion and then purge it."""
2853        self.stream().undivert(name, True)
2855    def replayDiversion(self, name):
2856        """Replay the diversion without purging it."""
2857        self.stream().undivert(name, False)
2859    def purgeDiversion(self, name):
2860        """Eliminate the given diversion."""
2861        self.stream().purge(name)
2863    def playAllDiversions(self):
2864        """Play all existing diversions and then purge them."""
2865        self.stream().undivertAll(True)
2867    def replayAllDiversions(self):
2868        """Replay all existing diversions without purging them."""
2869        self.stream().undivertAll(False)
2871    def purgeAllDiversions(self):
2872        """Purge all existing diversions."""
2873        self.stream().purgeAll()
2875    def getCurrentDiversion(self):
2876        """Get the name of the current diversion."""
2877        return self.stream().currentDiversion
2879    def getAllDiversions(self):
2880        """Get the names of all existing diversions."""
2881        names = self.stream().diversions.keys()
2882        names.sort()
2883        return names
2885    # Filter.
2887    def resetFilter(self):
2888        """Reset the filter so that it does no filtering."""
2889        self.stream().install(None)
2891    def nullFilter(self):
2892        """Install a filter that will consume all text."""
2893        self.stream().install(0)
2895    def getFilter(self):
2896        """Get the current filter."""
2897        filter = self.stream().filter
2898        if filter is self.stream().file:
2899            return None
2900        else:
2901            return filter
2903    def setFilter(self, shortcut):
2904        """Set the filter."""
2905        self.stream().install(shortcut)
2907    def attachFilter(self, shortcut):
2908        """Attach a single filter to the end of the current filter chain."""
2909        self.stream().attach(shortcut)
2912class Document:
2914    """A representation of an individual EmPy document, as used by a
2915    processor."""
2917    def __init__(self, ID, filename):
2918        self.ID = ID
2919        self.filename = filename
2920        self.significators = {}
2923class Processor:
2925    """An entity which is capable of processing a hierarchy of EmPy
2926    files and building a dictionary of document objects associated
2927    with them describing their significator contents."""
2929    DEFAULT_EMPY_EXTENSIONS = ('.em',)
2932    def __init__(self, factory=Document):
2933        self.factory = factory
2934        self.documents = {}
2936    def identifier(self, pathname, filename): return filename
2938    def clear(self):
2939        self.documents = {}
2941    def scan(self, basename, extensions=DEFAULT_EMPY_EXTENSIONS):
2942        if type(extensions) is types.StringType:
2943            extensions = (extensions,)
2944        def _noCriteria(x):
2945            return True
2946        def _extensionsCriteria(pathname, extensions=extensions):
2947            if extensions:
2948                for extension in extensions:
2949                    if pathname[-len(extension):] == extension:
2950                        return True
2951                return False
2952            else:
2953                return True
2954        self.directory(basename, _noCriteria, _extensionsCriteria, None)
2955        self.postprocess()
2957    def postprocess(self):
2958        pass
2960    def directory(self, basename, dirCriteria, fileCriteria, depth=None):
2961        if depth is not None:
2962            if depth <= 0:
2963                return
2964            else:
2965                depth = depth - 1
2966        filenames = os.listdir(basename)
2967        for filename in filenames:
2968            pathname = os.path.join(basename, filename)
2969            if os.path.isdir(pathname):
2970                if dirCriteria(pathname):
2971                    self.directory(pathname, dirCriteria, fileCriteria, depth)
2972            elif os.path.isfile(pathname):
2973                if fileCriteria(pathname):
2974                    documentID = self.identifier(pathname, filename)
2975                    document = self.factory(documentID, pathname)
2976                    self.file(document, open(pathname))
2977                    self.documents[documentID] = document
2979    def file(self, document, file):
2980        while True:
2981            line = file.readline()
2982            if not line:
2983                break
2984            self.line(document, line)
2986    def line(self, document, line):
2987        match = self.SIGNIFICATOR_RE.search(line)
2988        if match:
2989            key, valueS = match.groups()
2990            valueS = string.strip(valueS)
2991            if valueS:
2992                value = eval(valueS)
2993            else:
2994                value = None
2995            document.significators[key] = value
2998def expand(_data, _globals=None, \
2999           _argv=None, _prefix=DEFAULT_PREFIX, _pseudo=None, _options=None, \
3000           **_locals):
3001    """Do an atomic expansion of the given source data, creating and
3002    shutting down an interpreter dedicated to the task.  The sys.stdout
3003    object is saved off and then replaced before this function
3004    returns."""
3005    if len(_locals) == 0:
3006        # If there were no keyword arguments specified, don't use a locals
3007        # dictionary at all.
3008        _locals = None
3009    output = NullFile()
3010    interpreter = Interpreter(output, argv=_argv, prefix=_prefix, \
3011                              pseudo=_pseudo, options=_options, \
3012                              globals=_globals)
3013    if interpreter.options.get(OVERRIDE_OPT, True):
3014        oldStdout = sys.stdout
3015    try:
3016        result = interpreter.expand(_data, _locals)
3017    finally:
3018        interpreter.shutdown()
3019        if _globals is not None:
3020            interpreter.unfix() # remove pseudomodule to prevent clashes
3021        if interpreter.options.get(OVERRIDE_OPT, True):
3022            sys.stdout = oldStdout
3023    return result
3025def environment(name, default=None):
3026    """Get data from the current environment.  If the default is True
3027    or False, then presume that we're only interested in the existence
3028    or non-existence of the environment variable."""
3029    if os.environ.has_key(name):
3030        # Do the True/False test by value for future compatibility.
3031        if default == False or default == True:
3032            return True
3033        else:
3034            return os.environ[name]
3035    else:
3036        return default
3038def info(table):
3039    DEFAULT_LEFT = 28
3040    maxLeft = 0
3041    maxRight = 0
3042    for left, right in table:
3043        if len(left) > maxLeft:
3044            maxLeft = len(left)
3045        if len(right) > maxRight:
3046            maxRight = len(right)
3047    FORMAT = '  %%-%ds  %%s\n' % max(maxLeft, DEFAULT_LEFT)
3048    for left, right in table:
3049        if right.find('\n') >= 0:
3050            for right in right.split('\n'):
3051                sys.stderr.write(FORMAT % (left, right))
3052                left = ''
3053        else:
3054            sys.stderr.write(FORMAT % (left, right))
3056def usage(verbose=True):
3057    """Print usage information."""
3058    programName = sys.argv[0]
3059    def warn(line=''):
3060        sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % line)
3061    warn("""\
3062Usage: %s [options] [<filename, or '-' for stdin> [<argument>...]]
3063Welcome to EmPy version %s.""" % (programName, __version__))
3064    warn()
3065    warn("Valid options:")
3066    info(OPTION_INFO)
3067    if verbose:
3068        warn()
3069        warn("The following markups are supported:")
3070        info(MARKUP_INFO)
3071        warn()
3072        warn("Valid escape sequences are:")
3073        info(ESCAPE_INFO)
3074        warn()
3075        warn("The %s pseudomodule contains the following attributes:" % \
3077        info(PSEUDOMODULE_INFO)
3078        warn()
3079        warn("The following environment variables are recognized:")
3080        info(ENVIRONMENT_INFO)
3081        warn()
3082        warn(USAGE_NOTES)
3083    else:
3084        warn()
3085        warn("Type %s -H for more extensive help." % programName)
3087def invoke(args):
3088    """Run a standalone instance of an EmPy interpeter."""
3089    # Initialize the options.
3090    _output = None
3091    _options = {BUFFERED_OPT: environment(BUFFERED_ENV, False),
3092                RAW_OPT: environment(RAW_ENV, False),
3093                EXIT_OPT: True,
3094                FLATTEN_OPT: environment(FLATTEN_ENV, False),
3095                OVERRIDE_OPT: not environment(NO_OVERRIDE_ENV, False),
3096                CALLBACK_OPT: False}
3097    _preprocessing = []
3098    _prefix = environment(PREFIX_ENV, DEFAULT_PREFIX)
3099    _pseudo = environment(PSEUDO_ENV, None)
3100    _interactive = environment(INTERACTIVE_ENV, False)
3101    _extraArguments = environment(OPTIONS_ENV)
3102    _binary = -1 # negative for not, 0 for default size, positive for size
3103    _unicode = environment(UNICODE_ENV, False)
3104    _unicodeInputEncoding = environment(INPUT_ENCODING_ENV, None)
3105    _unicodeOutputEncoding = environment(OUTPUT_ENCODING_ENV, None)
3106    _unicodeInputErrors = environment(INPUT_ERRORS_ENV, None)
3107    _unicodeOutputErrors = environment(OUTPUT_ERRORS_ENV, None)
3108    _hooks = []
3109    _pauseAtEnd = False
3110    _relativePath = False
3111    if _extraArguments is not None:
3112        _extraArguments = string.split(_extraArguments)
3113        args = _extraArguments + args
3114    # Parse the arguments.
3115    pairs, remainder = getopt.getopt(args, 'VhHvkp:m:frino:a:buBP:I:D:E:F:', ['version', 'help', 'extended-help', 'verbose', 'null-hook', 'suppress-errors', 'prefix=', 'no-prefix', 'module=', 'flatten', 'raw-errors', 'interactive', 'no-override-stdout', 'binary', 'chunk-size=', 'output=' 'append=', 'preprocess=', 'import=', 'define=', 'execute=', 'execute-file=', 'buffered-output', 'pause-at-end', 'relative-path', 'no-callback-error', 'no-bangpath-processing', 'unicode', 'unicode-encoding=', 'unicode-input-encoding=', 'unicode-output-encoding=', 'unicode-errors=', 'unicode-input-errors=', 'unicode-output-errors='])
3116    for option, argument in pairs:
3117        if option in ('-V', '--version'):
3118            sys.stderr.write("%s version %s\n" % (__program__, __version__))
3119            return
3120        elif option in ('-h', '--help'):
3121            usage(False)
3122            return
3123        elif option in ('-H', '--extended-help'):
3124            usage(True)
3125            return
3126        elif option in ('-v', '--verbose'):
3127            _hooks.append(VerboseHook())
3128        elif option in ('--null-hook',):
3129            _hooks.append(Hook())
3130        elif option in ('-k', '--suppress-errors'):
3131            _options[EXIT_OPT] = False
3132            _interactive = True # suppress errors implies interactive mode
3133        elif option in ('-m', '--module'):
3134            _pseudo = argument
3135        elif option in ('-f', '--flatten'):
3136            _options[FLATTEN_OPT] = True
3137        elif option in ('-p', '--prefix'):
3138            _prefix = argument
3139        elif option in ('--no-prefix',):
3140            _prefix = None
3141        elif option in ('-r', '--raw-errors'):
3142            _options[RAW_OPT] = True
3143        elif option in ('-i', '--interactive'):
3144            _interactive = True
3145        elif option in ('-n', '--no-override-stdout'):
3146            _options[OVERRIDE_OPT] = False
3147        elif option in ('-o', '--output'):
3148            _output = argument, 'w', _options[BUFFERED_OPT]
3149        elif option in ('-a', '--append'):
3150            _output = argument, 'a', _options[BUFFERED_OPT]
3151        elif option in ('-b', '--buffered-output'):
3152            _options[BUFFERED_OPT] = True
3153        elif option in ('-B',): # DEPRECATED
3154            _options[BUFFERED_OPT] = True
3155        elif option in ('--binary',):
3156            _binary = 0
3157        elif option in ('--chunk-size',):
3158            _binary = int(argument)
3159        elif option in ('-P', '--preprocess'):
3160            _preprocessing.append(('pre', argument))
3161        elif option in ('-I', '--import'):
3162            for module in string.split(argument, ','):
3163                module = string.strip(module)
3164                _preprocessing.append(('import', module))
3165        elif option in ('-D', '--define'):
3166            _preprocessing.append(('define', argument))
3167        elif option in ('-E', '--execute'):
3168            _preprocessing.append(('exec', argument))
3169        elif option in ('-F', '--execute-file'):
3170            _preprocessing.append(('file', argument))
3171        elif option in ('-u', '--unicode'):
3172            _unicode = True
3173        elif option in ('--pause-at-end',):
3174            _pauseAtEnd = True
3175        elif option in ('--relative-path',):
3176            _relativePath = True
3177        elif option in ('--no-callback-error',):
3178            _options[CALLBACK_OPT] = True
3179        elif option in ('--no-bangpath-processing',):
3180            _options[BANGPATH_OPT] = False
3181        elif option in ('--unicode-encoding',):
3182            _unicodeInputEncoding = _unicodeOutputEncoding = argument
3183        elif option in ('--unicode-input-encoding',):
3184            _unicodeInputEncoding = argument
3185        elif option in ('--unicode-output-encoding',):
3186            _unicodeOutputEncoding = argument
3187        elif option in ('--unicode-errors',):
3188            _unicodeInputErrors = _unicodeOutputErrors = argument
3189        elif option in ('--unicode-input-errors',):
3190            _unicodeInputErrors = argument
3191        elif option in ('--unicode-output-errors',):
3192            _unicodeOutputErrors = argument
3193    # Set up the Unicode subsystem if required.
3194    if _unicode or \
3195       _unicodeInputEncoding or _unicodeOutputEncoding or \
3196       _unicodeInputErrors or _unicodeOutputErrors:
3197        theSubsystem.initialize(_unicodeInputEncoding, \
3198                                _unicodeOutputEncoding, \
3199                                _unicodeInputErrors, _unicodeOutputErrors)
3200    # Now initialize the output file if something has already been selected.
3201    if _output is not None:
3202        _output = apply(AbstractFile, _output)
3203    # Set up the main filename and the argument.
3204    if not remainder:
3205        remainder.append('-')
3206    filename, arguments = remainder[0], remainder[1:]
3207    # Set up the interpreter.
3208    if _options[BUFFERED_OPT] and _output is None:
3209        raise ValueError, "-b only makes sense with -o or -a arguments"
3210    if _prefix == 'None':
3211        _prefix = None
3212    if _prefix and type(_prefix) is types.StringType and len(_prefix) != 1:
3213        raise Error, "prefix must be single-character string"
3214    interpreter = Interpreter(output=_output, \
3215                              argv=remainder, \
3216                              prefix=_prefix, \
3217                              pseudo=_pseudo, \
3218                              options=_options, \
3219                              hooks=_hooks)
3220    try:
3221        # Execute command-line statements.
3222        i = 0
3223        for which, thing in _preprocessing:
3224            if which == 'pre':
3225                command = interpreter.file
3226                target = theSubsystem.open(thing, 'r')
3227                name = thing
3228            elif which == 'define':
3229                command = interpreter.string
3230                if string.find(thing, '=') >= 0:
3231                    target = '%s{%s}' % (_prefix, thing)
3232                else:
3233                    target = '%s{%s = None}' % (_prefix, thing)
3234                name = '<define:%d>' % i
3235            elif which == 'exec':
3236                command = interpreter.string
3237                target = '%s{%s}' % (_prefix, thing)
3238                name = '<exec:%d>' % i
3239            elif which == 'file':
3240                command = interpreter.string
3241                name = '<file:%d (%s)>' % (i, thing)
3242                target = '%s{execfile("""%s""")}' % (_prefix, thing)
3243            elif which == 'import':
3244                command = interpreter.string
3245                name = '<import:%d>' % i
3246                target = '%s{import %s}' % (_prefix, thing)
3247            else:
3248                assert 0
3249            interpreter.wrap(command, (target, name))
3250            i = i + 1
3251        # Now process the primary file.
3252        interpreter.ready()
3253        if filename == '-':
3254            if not _interactive:
3255                name = '<stdin>'
3256                path = ''
3257                file = sys.stdin
3258            else:
3259                name, file = None, None
3260        else:
3261            name = filename
3262            file = theSubsystem.open(filename, 'r')
3263            path = os.path.split(filename)[0]
3264            if _relativePath:
3265                sys.path.insert(0, path)
3266        if file is not None:
3267            if _binary < 0:
3268                interpreter.wrap(interpreter.file, (file, name))
3269            else:
3270                chunkSize = _binary
3271                interpreter.wrap(interpreter.binary, (file, name, chunkSize))
3272        # If we're supposed to go interactive afterwards, do it.
3273        if _interactive:
3274            interpreter.interact()
3275    finally:
3276        interpreter.shutdown()
3277    # Finally, if we should pause at the end, do it.
3278    if _pauseAtEnd:
3279        try:
3280            raw_input()
3281        except EOFError:
3282            pass
3284def main():
3285    invoke(sys.argv[1:])
3287if __name__ == '__main__': main()