1#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
2# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
4# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Akretion (http://www.akretion.com)
6import base64
7import io
9from odoo import api, fields, models, _
10from odoo.exceptions import UserError
11from odoo.tools import float_is_zero, pycompat
14class AccountFrFec(models.TransientModel):
15    _name = 'account.fr.fec'
16    _description = 'Ficher Echange Informatise'
18    date_from = fields.Date(string='Start Date', required=True)
19    date_to = fields.Date(string='End Date', required=True)
20    fec_data = fields.Binary('FEC File', readonly=True, attachment=False)
21    filename = fields.Char(string='Filename', size=256, readonly=True)
22    test_file = fields.Boolean()
23    export_type = fields.Selection([
24        ('official', 'Official FEC report (posted entries only)'),
25        ('nonofficial', 'Non-official FEC report (posted and unposted entries)'),
26        ], string='Export Type', required=True, default='official')
28    @api.onchange('test_file')
29    def _onchange_export_file(self):
30        if not self.test_file:
31            self.export_type = 'official'
33    def do_query_unaffected_earnings(self):
34        ''' Compute the sum of ending balances for all accounts that are of a type that does not bring forward the balance in new fiscal years.
35            This is needed because we have to display only one line for the initial balance of all expense/revenue accounts in the FEC.
36        '''
38        sql_query = '''
39        SELECT
40            'OUV' AS JournalCode,
41            'Balance initiale' AS JournalLib,
42            'OUVERTURE/' || %s AS EcritureNum,
43            %s AS EcritureDate,
44            '120/129' AS CompteNum,
45            'Benefice (perte) reporte(e)' AS CompteLib,
46            '' AS CompAuxNum,
47            '' AS CompAuxLib,
48            '-' AS PieceRef,
49            %s AS PieceDate,
50            '/' AS EcritureLib,
51            replace(CASE WHEN COALESCE(sum(aml.balance), 0) <= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Debit,
52            replace(CASE WHEN COALESCE(sum(aml.balance), 0) >= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(-SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Credit,
53            '' AS EcritureLet,
54            '' AS DateLet,
55            %s AS ValidDate,
56            '' AS Montantdevise,
57            '' AS Idevise
58        FROM
59            account_move_line aml
60            LEFT JOIN account_move am ON am.id=aml.move_id
61            JOIN account_account aa ON aa.id = aml.account_id
62            LEFT JOIN account_account_type aat ON aa.user_type_id = aat.id
63        WHERE
64            am.date < %s
65            AND am.company_id = %s
66            AND aat.include_initial_balance IS NOT TRUE
67            AND (aml.debit != 0 OR aml.credit != 0)
68        '''
69        # For official report: only use posted entries
70        if self.export_type == "official":
71            sql_query += '''
72            AND am.state = 'posted'
73            '''
74        company = self.env.company
75        formatted_date_from = fields.Date.to_string(self.date_from).replace('-', '')
76        date_from = self.date_from
77        formatted_date_year = date_from.year
78        self._cr.execute(
79            sql_query, (formatted_date_year, formatted_date_from, formatted_date_from, formatted_date_from, self.date_from, company.id))
80        listrow = []
81        row = self._cr.fetchone()
82        listrow = list(row)
83        return listrow
85    def _get_company_legal_data(self, company):
86        """
87        Dom-Tom are excluded from the EU's fiscal territory
88        Those regions do not have SIREN
89        sources:
90            https://www.service-public.fr/professionnels-entreprises/vosdroits/F23570
91            http://www.douane.gouv.fr/articles/a11024-tva-dans-les-dom
92        """
93        dom_tom_group = self.env.ref('l10n_fr.dom-tom')
94        is_dom_tom = company.country_id.code in dom_tom_group.country_ids.mapped('code')
95        if not is_dom_tom and not company.vat:
96            raise UserError(_("Missing VAT number for company %s", company.name))
97        if not is_dom_tom and company.vat[0:2] != 'FR':
98            raise UserError(_("FEC is for French companies only !"))
100        return {
101            'siren': company.vat[4:13] if not is_dom_tom else '',
102        }
104    def generate_fec(self):
105        self.ensure_one()
106        # We choose to implement the flat file instead of the XML
107        # file for 2 reasons :
108        # 1) the XSD file impose to have the label on the account.move
109        # but Odoo has the label on the account.move.line, so that's a
110        # problem !
111        # 2) CSV files are easier to read/use for a regular accountant.
112        # So it will be easier for the accountant to check the file before
113        # sending it to the fiscal administration
114        today = fields.Date.today()
115        if self.date_from > today or self.date_to > today:
116            raise UserError(_('You could not set the start date or the end date in the future.'))
117        if self.date_from >= self.date_to:
118            raise UserError(_('The start date must be inferior to the end date.'))
120        company = self.env.company
121        company_legal_data = self._get_company_legal_data(company)
123        header = [
124            u'JournalCode',    # 0
125            u'JournalLib',     # 1
126            u'EcritureNum',    # 2
127            u'EcritureDate',   # 3
128            u'CompteNum',      # 4
129            u'CompteLib',      # 5
130            u'CompAuxNum',     # 6  We use partner.id
131            u'CompAuxLib',     # 7
132            u'PieceRef',       # 8
133            u'PieceDate',      # 9
134            u'EcritureLib',    # 10
135            u'Debit',          # 11
136            u'Credit',         # 12
137            u'EcritureLet',    # 13
138            u'DateLet',        # 14
139            u'ValidDate',      # 15
140            u'Montantdevise',  # 16
141            u'Idevise',        # 17
142            ]
144        rows_to_write = [header]
145        # INITIAL BALANCE
146        unaffected_earnings_xml_ref = self.env.ref('account.data_unaffected_earnings')
147        unaffected_earnings_line = True  # used to make sure that we add the unaffected earning initial balance only once
148        if unaffected_earnings_xml_ref:
149            #compute the benefit/loss of last year to add in the initial balance of the current year earnings account
150            unaffected_earnings_results = self.do_query_unaffected_earnings()
151            unaffected_earnings_line = False
153        sql_query = '''
154        SELECT
155            'OUV' AS JournalCode,
156            'Balance initiale' AS JournalLib,
157            'OUVERTURE/' || %s AS EcritureNum,
158            %s AS EcritureDate,
159            MIN(aa.code) AS CompteNum,
160            replace(replace(MIN(aa.name), '|', '/'), '\t', '') AS CompteLib,
161            '' AS CompAuxNum,
162            '' AS CompAuxLib,
163            '-' AS PieceRef,
164            %s AS PieceDate,
165            '/' AS EcritureLib,
166            replace(CASE WHEN sum(aml.balance) <= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Debit,
167            replace(CASE WHEN sum(aml.balance) >= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(-SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Credit,
168            '' AS EcritureLet,
169            '' AS DateLet,
170            %s AS ValidDate,
171            '' AS Montantdevise,
172            '' AS Idevise,
173            MIN(aa.id) AS CompteID
174        FROM
175            account_move_line aml
176            LEFT JOIN account_move am ON am.id=aml.move_id
177            JOIN account_account aa ON aa.id = aml.account_id
178            LEFT JOIN account_account_type aat ON aa.user_type_id = aat.id
179        WHERE
180            am.date < %s
181            AND am.company_id = %s
182            AND aat.include_initial_balance = 't'
183            AND (aml.debit != 0 OR aml.credit != 0)
184        '''
186        # For official report: only use posted entries
187        if self.export_type == "official":
188            sql_query += '''
189            AND am.state = 'posted'
190            '''
192        sql_query += '''
193        GROUP BY aml.account_id, aat.type
194        HAVING round(sum(aml.balance), %s) != 0
195        AND aat.type not in ('receivable', 'payable')
196        '''
197        formatted_date_from = fields.Date.to_string(self.date_from).replace('-', '')
198        date_from = self.date_from
199        formatted_date_year = date_from.year
200        currency_digits = 2
202        self._cr.execute(
203            sql_query, (formatted_date_year, formatted_date_from, formatted_date_from, formatted_date_from, self.date_from, company.id, currency_digits))
205        for row in self._cr.fetchall():
206            listrow = list(row)
207            account_id = listrow.pop()
208            if not unaffected_earnings_line:
209                account = self.env['account.account'].browse(account_id)
210                if account.user_type_id.id == self.env.ref('account.data_unaffected_earnings').id:
211                    #add the benefit/loss of previous fiscal year to the first unaffected earnings account found.
212                    unaffected_earnings_line = True
213                    current_amount = float(listrow[11].replace(',', '.')) - float(listrow[12].replace(',', '.'))
214                    unaffected_earnings_amount = float(unaffected_earnings_results[11].replace(',', '.')) - float(unaffected_earnings_results[12].replace(',', '.'))
215                    listrow_amount = current_amount + unaffected_earnings_amount
216                    if float_is_zero(listrow_amount, precision_digits=currency_digits):
217                        continue
218                    if listrow_amount > 0:
219                        listrow[11] = str(listrow_amount).replace('.', ',')
220                        listrow[12] = '0,00'
221                    else:
222                        listrow[11] = '0,00'
223                        listrow[12] = str(-listrow_amount).replace('.', ',')
224            rows_to_write.append(listrow)
226        #if the unaffected earnings account wasn't in the selection yet: add it manually
227        if (not unaffected_earnings_line
228            and unaffected_earnings_results
229            and (unaffected_earnings_results[11] != '0,00'
230                 or unaffected_earnings_results[12] != '0,00')):
231            #search an unaffected earnings account
232            unaffected_earnings_account = self.env['account.account'].search([('user_type_id', '=', self.env.ref('account.data_unaffected_earnings').id)], limit=1)
233            if unaffected_earnings_account:
234                unaffected_earnings_results[4] = unaffected_earnings_account.code
235                unaffected_earnings_results[5] = unaffected_earnings_account.name
236            rows_to_write.append(unaffected_earnings_results)
238        # INITIAL BALANCE - receivable/payable
239        sql_query = '''
240        SELECT
241            'OUV' AS JournalCode,
242            'Balance initiale' AS JournalLib,
243            'OUVERTURE/' || %s AS EcritureNum,
244            %s AS EcritureDate,
245            MIN(aa.code) AS CompteNum,
246            replace(MIN(aa.name), '|', '/') AS CompteLib,
247            CASE WHEN MIN(aat.type) IN ('receivable', 'payable')
248            THEN
249                CASE WHEN rp.ref IS null OR rp.ref = ''
250                THEN rp.id::text
251                ELSE replace(rp.ref, '|', '/')
252                END
253            ELSE ''
254            END
255            AS CompAuxNum,
256            CASE WHEN aat.type IN ('receivable', 'payable')
257            THEN COALESCE(replace(rp.name, '|', '/'), '')
258            ELSE ''
259            END AS CompAuxLib,
260            '-' AS PieceRef,
261            %s AS PieceDate,
262            '/' AS EcritureLib,
263            replace(CASE WHEN sum(aml.balance) <= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Debit,
264            replace(CASE WHEN sum(aml.balance) >= 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(-SUM(aml.balance), '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Credit,
265            '' AS EcritureLet,
266            '' AS DateLet,
267            %s AS ValidDate,
268            '' AS Montantdevise,
269            '' AS Idevise,
270            MIN(aa.id) AS CompteID
271        FROM
272            account_move_line aml
273            LEFT JOIN account_move am ON am.id=aml.move_id
274            LEFT JOIN res_partner rp ON rp.id=aml.partner_id
275            JOIN account_account aa ON aa.id = aml.account_id
276            LEFT JOIN account_account_type aat ON aa.user_type_id = aat.id
277        WHERE
278            am.date < %s
279            AND am.company_id = %s
280            AND aat.include_initial_balance = 't'
281            AND (aml.debit != 0 OR aml.credit != 0)
282        '''
284        # For official report: only use posted entries
285        if self.export_type == "official":
286            sql_query += '''
287            AND am.state = 'posted'
288            '''
290        sql_query += '''
291        GROUP BY aml.account_id, aat.type, rp.ref, rp.id
292        HAVING round(sum(aml.balance), %s) != 0
293        AND aat.type in ('receivable', 'payable')
294        '''
295        self._cr.execute(
296            sql_query, (formatted_date_year, formatted_date_from, formatted_date_from, formatted_date_from, self.date_from, company.id, currency_digits))
298        for row in self._cr.fetchall():
299            listrow = list(row)
300            account_id = listrow.pop()
301            rows_to_write.append(listrow)
303        # LINES
304        sql_query = '''
305        SELECT
306            replace(replace(aj.code, '|', '/'), '\t', '') AS JournalCode,
307            replace(replace(aj.name, '|', '/'), '\t', '') AS JournalLib,
308            replace(replace(am.name, '|', '/'), '\t', '') AS EcritureNum,
309            TO_CHAR(am.date, 'YYYYMMDD') AS EcritureDate,
310            aa.code AS CompteNum,
311            replace(replace(aa.name, '|', '/'), '\t', '') AS CompteLib,
312            CASE WHEN aat.type IN ('receivable', 'payable')
313            THEN
314                CASE WHEN rp.ref IS null OR rp.ref = ''
315                THEN rp.id::text
316                ELSE replace(rp.ref, '|', '/')
317                END
318            ELSE ''
319            END
320            AS CompAuxNum,
321            CASE WHEN aat.type IN ('receivable', 'payable')
322            THEN COALESCE(replace(replace(rp.name, '|', '/'), '\t', ''), '')
323            ELSE ''
324            END AS CompAuxLib,
325            CASE WHEN am.ref IS null OR am.ref = ''
326            THEN '-'
327            ELSE replace(replace(am.ref, '|', '/'), '\t', '')
328            END
329            AS PieceRef,
330            TO_CHAR(am.date, 'YYYYMMDD') AS PieceDate,
331            CASE WHEN aml.name IS NULL OR aml.name = '' THEN '/'
332                WHEN aml.name SIMILAR TO '[\t|\s|\n]*' THEN '/'
333                ELSE replace(replace(replace(replace(aml.name, '|', '/'), '\t', ''), '\n', ''), '\r', '') END AS EcritureLib,
334            replace(CASE WHEN aml.debit = 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(aml.debit, '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Debit,
335            replace(CASE WHEN aml.credit = 0 THEN '0,00' ELSE to_char(aml.credit, '000000000000000D99') END, '.', ',') AS Credit,
336            CASE WHEN rec.name IS NULL THEN '' ELSE rec.name END AS EcritureLet,
337            CASE WHEN aml.full_reconcile_id IS NULL THEN '' ELSE TO_CHAR(rec.create_date, 'YYYYMMDD') END AS DateLet,
338            TO_CHAR(am.date, 'YYYYMMDD') AS ValidDate,
339            CASE
340                WHEN aml.amount_currency IS NULL OR aml.amount_currency = 0 THEN ''
341                ELSE replace(to_char(aml.amount_currency, '000000000000000D99'), '.', ',')
342            END AS Montantdevise,
343            CASE WHEN aml.currency_id IS NULL THEN '' ELSE rc.name END AS Idevise
344        FROM
345            account_move_line aml
346            LEFT JOIN account_move am ON am.id=aml.move_id
347            LEFT JOIN res_partner rp ON rp.id=aml.partner_id
348            JOIN account_journal aj ON aj.id = am.journal_id
349            JOIN account_account aa ON aa.id = aml.account_id
350            LEFT JOIN account_account_type aat ON aa.user_type_id = aat.id
351            LEFT JOIN res_currency rc ON rc.id = aml.currency_id
352            LEFT JOIN account_full_reconcile rec ON rec.id = aml.full_reconcile_id
353        WHERE
354            am.date >= %s
355            AND am.date <= %s
356            AND am.company_id = %s
357            AND (aml.debit != 0 OR aml.credit != 0)
358        '''
360        # For official report: only use posted entries
361        if self.export_type == "official":
362            sql_query += '''
363            AND am.state = 'posted'
364            '''
366        sql_query += '''
367        ORDER BY
368            am.date,
369            am.name,
370            aml.id
371        '''
372        self._cr.execute(
373            sql_query, (self.date_from, self.date_to, company.id))
375        for row in self._cr.fetchall():
376            rows_to_write.append(list(row))
378        fecvalue = self._csv_write_rows(rows_to_write)
379        end_date = fields.Date.to_string(self.date_to).replace('-', '')
380        suffix = ''
381        if self.export_type == "nonofficial":
382            suffix = '-NONOFFICIAL'
384        self.write({
385            'fec_data': base64.encodebytes(fecvalue),
386            # Filename = <siren>FECYYYYMMDD where YYYMMDD is the closing date
387            'filename': '%sFEC%s%s.csv' % (company_legal_data['siren'], end_date, suffix),
388            })
390        # Set fiscal year lock date to the end date (not in test)
391        fiscalyear_lock_date = self.env.company.fiscalyear_lock_date
392        if not self.test_file and (not fiscalyear_lock_date or fiscalyear_lock_date < self.date_to):
393            self.env.company.write({'fiscalyear_lock_date': self.date_to})
394        return {
395            'name': 'FEC',
396            'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
397            'url': "web/content/?model=account.fr.fec&id=" + str(self.id) + "&filename_field=filename&field=fec_data&download=true&filename=" + self.filename,
398            'target': 'self',
399        }
401    def _csv_write_rows(self, rows, lineterminator=u'\r\n'):
402        """
403        Write FEC rows into a file
404        It seems that Bercy's bureaucracy is not too happy about the
405        empty new line at the End Of File.
407        @param {list(list)} rows: the list of rows. Each row is a list of strings
408        @param {unicode string} [optional] lineterminator: effective line terminator
409            Has nothing to do with the csv writer parameter
410            The last line written won't be terminated with it
412        @return the value of the file
413        """
414        fecfile = io.BytesIO()
415        writer = pycompat.csv_writer(fecfile, delimiter='|', lineterminator='')
417        rows_length = len(rows)
418        for i, row in enumerate(rows):
419            if not i == rows_length - 1:
420                row[-1] += lineterminator
421            writer.writerow(row)
423        fecvalue = fecfile.getvalue()
424        fecfile.close()
425        return fecvalue