1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" version="1.2">
3  <file original="controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php" source-language="en-US" target-language="en" datatype="plaintext">
4    <body>
5      <trans-unit id="5ea77a701ee37e948810656ccde89075">
6        <source>Click here to log in.</source>
7        <target>Click here to log in.</target>
8        <note>Line: 775</note>
9      </trans-unit>
10    </body>
11  </file>
12  <file original="src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Module/Includes/menu_top.html.twig" source-language="en-US" target-language="en" datatype="plaintext">
13    <body>
14      <trans-unit id="9e3c05bc84491dcd2464d72fae22e6b6">
15        <source>Search modules: keyword, name, author...</source>
16        <target>Search modules: keyword, name, author...</target>
17        <note>Line: 68</note>
18      </trans-unit>
19    </body>
20  </file>
21  <file original="src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Module/Includes/modal_import.html.twig" source-language="en-US" target-language="en" datatype="plaintext">
22    <body>
23      <trans-unit id="2b11276d6a162d7c1b9894abe5febfdc">
24        <source>Please upload one file at a time, .zip or tarball format (.tar, .tar.gz or .tgz).</source>
25        <target>Please upload one file at a time, .zip or tarball format (.tar, .tar.gz or .tgz).</target>
26        <note>Line: 54</note>
27      </trans-unit>
28      <trans-unit id="e781acd6cefcfbbfce5aa2804d59a4c5">
29        <source>Your module will be installed right after that.</source>
30        <target>Your module will be installed right after that.</target>
31        <note>Line: 55</note>
32      </trans-unit>
33      <trans-unit id="fa692d85f08c92a585ed8b3fed7f1d52">
34        <source>What happened?</source>
35        <target>What happened?</target>
36        <note>Line: 75</note>
37      </trans-unit>
38    </body>
39  </file>
40  <file original="src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Module/Includes/sorting.html.twig" source-language="en-US" target-language="en" datatype="plaintext">
41    <body>
42      <trans-unit id="677b5abd7f9265257543a0f7258bc477">
43        <source>Customize your store with this selection of modules recommended for your shop, based on your country, language and version of PrestaShop. It includes the most popular modules from our Addons marketplace, and free partner modules.</source>
44        <target>Customize your store with this selection of modules recommended for your shop, based on your country, language and version of PrestaShop. It includes the most popular modules from our Addons marketplace, and free partner modules.</target>
45        <note>Line: 30</note>
46      </trans-unit>
47    </body>
48  </file>
49  <file original="src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Module/Includes/tab-module-line.html.twig" source-language="en-US" target-language="en" datatype="plaintext">
50    <body>
51      <trans-unit id="ba6b1bc4d8bfe5e6e835afa72f102a02">
52        <source>You bought this module on PrestaShop Addons. Thank You.</source>
53        <target>You bought this module on PrestaShop Addons. Thank You.</target>
54        <note>Line: 45</note>
55      </trans-unit>
56      <trans-unit id="fe5a7fc9d9c907efdf6a384a71cd53fc">
57        <source>Bought</source>
58        <target>Bought</target>
59        <note>Line: 45</note>
60      </trans-unit>
61      <trans-unit id="aaf8966ccff4445461fe8bcfab2d318d">
62        <source>This module is available on PrestaShop Addons.</source>
63        <target>This module is available on PrestaShop Addons.</target>
64        <note>Line: 47</note>
65      </trans-unit>
66      <trans-unit id="2cc1943d4c0b46bfcf503a75c44f988b">
67        <source>Popular</source>
68        <target>Popular</target>
69        <note>Line: 47</note>
70      </trans-unit>
71      <trans-unit id="f248df0d4d7e4ae98485c5df8af58945">
72        <source>This module is available for free thanks to our partner.</source>
73        <target>This module is available for free thanks to our partner.</target>
74        <note>Line: 49</note>
75      </trans-unit>
76      <trans-unit id="0008feba81a131902ece95d59f1b8f21">
77        <source>Official</source>
78        <target>Official</target>
79        <note>Line: 49</note>
80      </trans-unit>
81      <trans-unit id="28f60d4760851bab00345a3cb86871f7">
82        <source>Need update</source>
83        <target>Need update</target>
84        <note>Line: 52</note>
85      </trans-unit>
86    </body>
87  </file>
88  <file original="src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Module/alerts.html.twig" source-language="en-US" target-language="en" datatype="plaintext">
89    <body>
90      <trans-unit id="5117b40edade2ab3a4f738db0542ca03">
91        <source>These modules require your attention: you need to take some action to ensure they are fully operational.</source>
92        <target>These modules require your attention: you need to take some action to ensure they are fully operational.</target>
93        <note>Line: 39</note>
94      </trans-unit>
95    </body>
96  </file>
97  <file original="src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Module/updates.html.twig" source-language="en-US" target-language="en" datatype="plaintext">
98    <body>
99      <trans-unit id="94fcfae9285e19b611afe17a8565a394">
100        <source>Update these modules to enjoy their latest versions.</source>
101        <target>Update these modules to enjoy their latest versions.</target>
102        <note>Line: 39</note>
103      </trans-unit>
104    </body>
105  </file>