1 /*************************************************************************
2  *									 *
3  * Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Russell L. Smith.	 *
4  * All rights reserved.  Email: russ@q12.org   Web: www.q12.org 	 *
5  *									 *
6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or	 *
7  * modify it under the terms of EITHER: 				 *
8  *   (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free  *
9  *	 Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at  *
10  *	 your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser	 *
11  *	 General Public License is included with this library in the	 *
12  *	 file LICENSE.TXT.						 *
13  *   (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in	 *
14  *	 the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT.					 *
15  *									 *
16  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,	 *
17  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of	 *
19  * LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details.			 *
20  *									 *
21  *************************************************************************/
23 /* C++ interface for non-collision stuff */
26 #ifndef _ODE_ODECPP_H_
27 #define _ODE_ODECPP_H_
28 #ifdef __cplusplus
33 //namespace ode {
35 class dWorld {
36   dWorldID _id;
38   // intentionally undefined, don't use these
39   dWorld (const dWorld &);
40   void operator= (const dWorld &);
42 public:
dWorld()43   dWorld()
44     { _id = dWorldCreate(); }
~dWorld()45   ~dWorld()
46     { dWorldDestroy (_id); }
id()48   dWorldID id() const
49     { return _id; }
dWorldID()50   operator dWorldID() const
51     { return _id; }
setGravity(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)53   void setGravity (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
54     { dWorldSetGravity (_id,x,y,z); }
setGravity(const dVector3 g)55   void setGravity (const dVector3 g)
56     { setGravity (g[0], g[1], g[2]); }
getGravity(dVector3 g)57   void getGravity (dVector3 g) const
58     { dWorldGetGravity (_id,g); }
setERP(dReal erp)60   void setERP (dReal erp)
61     { dWorldSetERP(_id, erp); }
getERP()62   dReal getERP() const
63     { return dWorldGetERP(_id); }
setCFM(dReal cfm)65   void setCFM (dReal cfm)
66     { dWorldSetCFM(_id, cfm); }
getCFM()67   dReal getCFM() const
68     { return dWorldGetCFM(_id); }
step(dReal stepsize)70   void step (dReal stepsize)
71     { dWorldStep (_id,stepsize); }
stepFast1(dReal stepsize,int maxiterations)73   void stepFast1 (dReal stepsize, int maxiterations)
74     { dWorldStepFast1 (_id,stepsize,maxiterations); }
setAutoEnableDepthSF1(int depth)75   void setAutoEnableDepthSF1(int depth)
76     { dWorldSetAutoEnableDepthSF1 (_id, depth); }
getAutoEnableDepthSF1()77   int getAutoEnableDepthSF1() const
78     { return dWorldGetAutoEnableDepthSF1 (_id); }
quickStep(dReal stepsize)80   void quickStep(dReal stepsize)
81     { dWorldQuickStep (_id, stepsize); }
setQuickStepNumIterations(int num)82   void setQuickStepNumIterations(int num)
83     { dWorldSetQuickStepNumIterations (_id, num); }
getQuickStepNumIterations()84   int getQuickStepNumIterations() const
85     { return dWorldGetQuickStepNumIterations (_id); }
setQuickStepW(dReal over_relaxation)86   void setQuickStepW(dReal over_relaxation)
87     { dWorldSetQuickStepW (_id, over_relaxation); }
getQuickStepW()88   dReal getQuickStepW() const
89     { return dWorldGetQuickStepW (_id); }
setAutoDisableLinearThreshold(dReal threshold)91   void  setAutoDisableLinearThreshold (dReal threshold)
92     { dWorldSetAutoDisableLinearThreshold (_id,threshold); }
getAutoDisableLinearThreshold()93   dReal getAutoDisableLinearThreshold() const
94     { return dWorldGetAutoDisableLinearThreshold (_id); }
setAutoDisableAngularThreshold(dReal threshold)95   void setAutoDisableAngularThreshold (dReal threshold)
96     { dWorldSetAutoDisableAngularThreshold (_id,threshold); }
getAutoDisableAngularThreshold()97   dReal getAutoDisableAngularThreshold() const
98     { return dWorldGetAutoDisableAngularThreshold (_id); }
setAutoDisableSteps(int steps)99   void setAutoDisableSteps (int steps)
100     { dWorldSetAutoDisableSteps (_id,steps); }
getAutoDisableSteps()101   int getAutoDisableSteps() const
102     { return dWorldGetAutoDisableSteps (_id); }
setAutoDisableTime(dReal time)103   void setAutoDisableTime (dReal time)
104     { dWorldSetAutoDisableTime (_id,time); }
getAutoDisableTime()105   dReal getAutoDisableTime() const
106     { return dWorldGetAutoDisableTime (_id); }
setAutoDisableFlag(int do_auto_disable)107   void setAutoDisableFlag (int do_auto_disable)
108     { dWorldSetAutoDisableFlag (_id,do_auto_disable); }
getAutoDisableFlag()109   int getAutoDisableFlag() const
110     { return dWorldGetAutoDisableFlag (_id); }
getLinearDampingThreshold()112   dReal getLinearDampingThreshold() const
113     { return dWorldGetLinearDampingThreshold(_id); }
setLinearDampingThreshold(dReal threshold)114   void setLinearDampingThreshold(dReal threshold)
115     { dWorldSetLinearDampingThreshold(_id, threshold); }
getAngularDampingThreshold()116   dReal getAngularDampingThreshold() const
117     { return dWorldGetAngularDampingThreshold(_id); }
setAngularDampingThreshold(dReal threshold)118   void setAngularDampingThreshold(dReal threshold)
119     { dWorldSetAngularDampingThreshold(_id, threshold); }
getLinearDamping()120   dReal getLinearDamping() const
121     { return dWorldGetLinearDamping(_id); }
setLinearDamping(dReal scale)122   void setLinearDamping(dReal scale)
123     { dWorldSetLinearDamping(_id, scale); }
getAngularDamping()124   dReal getAngularDamping() const
125     { return dWorldGetAngularDamping(_id); }
setAngularDamping(dReal scale)126   void setAngularDamping(dReal scale)
127     { dWorldSetAngularDamping(_id, scale); }
setDamping(dReal linear_scale,dReal angular_scale)128   void setDamping(dReal linear_scale, dReal angular_scale)
129     { dWorldSetDamping(_id, linear_scale, angular_scale); }
getMaxAngularSpeed()131   dReal getMaxAngularSpeed() const
132     { return dWorldGetMaxAngularSpeed(_id); }
setMaxAngularSpeed(dReal max_speed)133   void setMaxAngularSpeed(dReal max_speed)
134     { dWorldSetMaxAngularSpeed(_id, max_speed); }
setContactSurfaceLayer(dReal depth)136   void setContactSurfaceLayer(dReal depth)
137     { dWorldSetContactSurfaceLayer (_id, depth); }
getContactSurfaceLayer()138   dReal getContactSurfaceLayer() const
139     { return dWorldGetContactSurfaceLayer (_id); }
impulseToForce(dReal stepsize,dReal ix,dReal iy,dReal iz,dVector3 force)141   void impulseToForce (dReal stepsize, dReal ix, dReal iy, dReal iz,
142 		       dVector3 force)
143     { dWorldImpulseToForce (_id,stepsize,ix,iy,iz,force); }
144 };
147 class dBody {
148   dBodyID _id;
149   // intentionally undefined, don't use these
150   dBody (const dBody &);
151   void operator= (const dBody &);
153 public:
dBody()154   dBody()
155     { _id = 0; }
dBody(dWorldID world)156   dBody (dWorldID world)
157     { _id = dBodyCreate (world); }
dBody(dWorld & world)158   dBody (dWorld& world)
159     { _id = dBodyCreate (world.id()); }
~dBody()160   ~dBody()
161     { if (_id) dBodyDestroy (_id); }
create(dWorldID world)163   void create (dWorldID world) {
164     if (_id) dBodyDestroy (_id);
165     _id = dBodyCreate (world);
166   }
create(dWorld & world)167   void create (dWorld& world) {
168     create(world.id());
169   }
id()171   dBodyID id() const
172     { return _id; }
dBodyID()173   operator dBodyID() const
174     { return _id; }
setData(void * data)176   void setData (void *data)
177     { dBodySetData (_id,data); }
getData()178   void *getData() const
179     { return dBodyGetData (_id); }
setPosition(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)181   void setPosition (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
182     { dBodySetPosition (_id,x,y,z); }
setPosition(const dVector3 p)183   void setPosition (const dVector3 p)
184     { setPosition(p[0], p[1], p[2]); }
setRotation(const dMatrix3 R)186   void setRotation (const dMatrix3 R)
187     { dBodySetRotation (_id,R); }
setQuaternion(const dQuaternion q)188   void setQuaternion (const dQuaternion q)
189     { dBodySetQuaternion (_id,q); }
setLinearVel(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)190   void setLinearVel (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
191     { dBodySetLinearVel (_id,x,y,z); }
setLinearVel(const dVector3 v)192   void setLinearVel (const dVector3 v)
193     { setLinearVel(v[0], v[1], v[2]); }
setAngularVel(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)194   void setAngularVel (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
195     { dBodySetAngularVel (_id,x,y,z); }
setAngularVel(const dVector3 v)196   void setAngularVel (const dVector3 v)
197     { setAngularVel (v[0], v[1], v[2]); }
getPosition()199   const dReal * getPosition() const
200     { return dBodyGetPosition (_id); }
getRotation()201   const dReal * getRotation() const
202     { return dBodyGetRotation (_id); }
getQuaternion()203   const dReal * getQuaternion() const
204     { return dBodyGetQuaternion (_id); }
getLinearVel()205   const dReal * getLinearVel() const
206     { return dBodyGetLinearVel (_id); }
getAngularVel()207   const dReal * getAngularVel() const
208     { return dBodyGetAngularVel (_id); }
setMass(const dMass * mass)210   void setMass (const dMass *mass)
211     { dBodySetMass (_id,mass); }
setMass(const dMass & mass)212   void setMass (const dMass &mass)
213     { setMass (&mass); }
getMass()214   dMass getMass () const
215     { dMass mass; dBodyGetMass (_id,&mass); return mass; }
addForce(dReal fx,dReal fy,dReal fz)217   void addForce (dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz)
218     { dBodyAddForce (_id, fx, fy, fz); }
addForce(const dVector3 f)219   void addForce (const dVector3 f)
220     { addForce (f[0], f[1], f[2]); }
addTorque(dReal fx,dReal fy,dReal fz)221   void addTorque (dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz)
222     { dBodyAddTorque (_id, fx, fy, fz); }
addTorque(const dVector3 t)223   void addTorque (const dVector3 t)
224     { addTorque(t[0], t[1], t[2]); }
addRelForce(dReal fx,dReal fy,dReal fz)226   void addRelForce (dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz)
227     { dBodyAddRelForce (_id, fx, fy, fz); }
addRelForce(const dVector3 f)228   void addRelForce (const dVector3 f)
229     { addRelForce (f[0], f[1], f[2]); }
addRelTorque(dReal fx,dReal fy,dReal fz)230   void addRelTorque (dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz)
231     { dBodyAddRelTorque (_id, fx, fy, fz); }
addRelTorque(const dVector3 t)232   void addRelTorque (const dVector3 t)
233     { addRelTorque (t[0], t[1], t[2]); }
addForceAtPos(dReal fx,dReal fy,dReal fz,dReal px,dReal py,dReal pz)235   void addForceAtPos (dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz,
236 		      dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz)
237     { dBodyAddForceAtPos (_id, fx, fy, fz, px, py, pz); }
addForceAtPos(const dVector3 f,const dVector3 p)238   void addForceAtPos (const dVector3 f, const dVector3 p)
239     { addForceAtPos (f[0], f[1], f[2], p[0], p[1], p[2]); }
addForceAtRelPos(dReal fx,dReal fy,dReal fz,dReal px,dReal py,dReal pz)241   void addForceAtRelPos (dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz,
242                          dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz)
243     { dBodyAddForceAtRelPos (_id, fx, fy, fz, px, py, pz); }
addForceAtRelPos(const dVector3 f,const dVector3 p)244   void addForceAtRelPos (const dVector3 f, const dVector3 p)
245     { addForceAtRelPos (f[0], f[1], f[2], p[0], p[1], p[2]); }
addRelForceAtPos(dReal fx,dReal fy,dReal fz,dReal px,dReal py,dReal pz)247   void addRelForceAtPos (dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz,
248 			 dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz)
249     { dBodyAddRelForceAtPos (_id, fx, fy, fz, px, py, pz); }
addRelForceAtPos(const dVector3 f,const dVector3 p)250   void addRelForceAtPos (const dVector3 f, const dVector3 p)
251     { addRelForceAtPos (f[0], f[1], f[2], p[0], p[1], p[2]); }
addRelForceAtRelPos(dReal fx,dReal fy,dReal fz,dReal px,dReal py,dReal pz)253   void addRelForceAtRelPos (dReal fx, dReal fy, dReal fz,
254 			    dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz)
255     { dBodyAddRelForceAtRelPos (_id, fx, fy, fz, px, py, pz); }
addRelForceAtRelPos(const dVector3 f,const dVector3 p)256   void addRelForceAtRelPos (const dVector3 f, const dVector3 p)
257     { addRelForceAtRelPos (f[0], f[1], f[2], p[0], p[1], p[2]); }
getForce()259   const dReal * getForce() const
260     { return dBodyGetForce(_id); }
getTorque()261   const dReal * getTorque() const
262     { return dBodyGetTorque(_id); }
setForce(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)263   void setForce (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
264     { dBodySetForce (_id,x,y,z); }
setForce(const dVector3 f)265   void setForce (const dVector3 f)
266     { setForce (f[0], f[1], f[2]); }
setTorque(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)267   void setTorque (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
268     { dBodySetTorque (_id,x,y,z); }
setTorque(const dVector3 t)269   void setTorque (const dVector3 t)
270   { setTorque (t[0], t[1], t[2]); }
setDynamic()272   void setDynamic()
273     { dBodySetDynamic (_id); }
setKinematic()274   void setKinematic()
275     { dBodySetKinematic (_id); }
isKinematic()276   bool isKinematic() const
277     { return dBodyIsKinematic (_id) != 0; }
enable()279   void enable()
280     { dBodyEnable (_id); }
disable()281   void disable()
282     { dBodyDisable (_id); }
isEnabled()283   bool isEnabled() const
284     { return dBodyIsEnabled (_id) != 0; }
getRelPointPos(dReal px,dReal py,dReal pz,dVector3 result)286   void getRelPointPos (dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dVector3 result) const
287     { dBodyGetRelPointPos (_id, px, py, pz, result); }
getRelPointPos(const dVector3 p,dVector3 result)288   void getRelPointPos (const dVector3 p, dVector3 result) const
289     { getRelPointPos (p[0], p[1], p[2], result); }
getRelPointVel(dReal px,dReal py,dReal pz,dVector3 result)291   void getRelPointVel (dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dVector3 result) const
292     { dBodyGetRelPointVel (_id, px, py, pz, result); }
getRelPointVel(const dVector3 p,dVector3 result)293   void getRelPointVel (const dVector3 p, dVector3 result) const
294     { getRelPointVel (p[0], p[1], p[2], result); }
getPointVel(dReal px,dReal py,dReal pz,dVector3 result)296   void getPointVel (dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dVector3 result) const
297     { dBodyGetPointVel (_id, px, py, pz, result); }
getPointVel(const dVector3 p,dVector3 result)298   void getPointVel (const dVector3 p, dVector3 result) const
299     { getPointVel (p[0], p[1], p[2], result); }
getPosRelPoint(dReal px,dReal py,dReal pz,dVector3 result)301   void getPosRelPoint (dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dVector3 result) const
302     { dBodyGetPosRelPoint (_id, px, py, pz, result); }
getPosRelPoint(const dVector3 p,dVector3 result)303   void getPosRelPoint (const dVector3 p, dVector3 result) const
304     { getPosRelPoint (p[0], p[1], p[2], result); }
vectorToWorld(dReal px,dReal py,dReal pz,dVector3 result)306   void vectorToWorld (dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dVector3 result) const
307     { dBodyVectorToWorld (_id, px, py, pz, result); }
vectorToWorld(const dVector3 p,dVector3 result)308   void vectorToWorld (const dVector3 p, dVector3 result) const
309     { vectorToWorld (p[0], p[1], p[2], result); }
vectorFromWorld(dReal px,dReal py,dReal pz,dVector3 result)311   void vectorFromWorld (dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz, dVector3 result) const
312     { dBodyVectorFromWorld (_id,px,py,pz,result); }
vectorFromWorld(const dVector3 p,dVector3 result)313   void vectorFromWorld (const dVector3 p, dVector3 result) const
314     { vectorFromWorld (p[0], p[1], p[2], result); }
setFiniteRotationMode(bool mode)316   void setFiniteRotationMode (bool mode)
317     { dBodySetFiniteRotationMode (_id, mode); }
setFiniteRotationAxis(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)319   void setFiniteRotationAxis (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
320     { dBodySetFiniteRotationAxis (_id, x, y, z); }
setFiniteRotationAxis(const dVector3 a)321   void setFiniteRotationAxis (const dVector3 a)
322     { setFiniteRotationAxis (a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
getFiniteRotationMode()324   bool getFiniteRotationMode() const
325     { return dBodyGetFiniteRotationMode (_id) != 0; }
getFiniteRotationAxis(dVector3 result)326   void getFiniteRotationAxis (dVector3 result) const
327     { dBodyGetFiniteRotationAxis (_id, result); }
getNumJoints()329   int getNumJoints() const
330     { return dBodyGetNumJoints (_id); }
getJoint(int index)331   dJointID getJoint (int index) const
332     { return dBodyGetJoint (_id, index); }
setGravityMode(bool mode)334   void setGravityMode (bool mode)
335     { dBodySetGravityMode (_id,mode); }
getGravityMode()336   bool getGravityMode() const
337     { return dBodyGetGravityMode (_id) != 0; }
isConnectedTo(dBodyID body)339   bool isConnectedTo (dBodyID body) const
340     { return dAreConnected (_id, body) != 0; }
setAutoDisableLinearThreshold(dReal threshold)342   void  setAutoDisableLinearThreshold (dReal threshold)
343     { dBodySetAutoDisableLinearThreshold (_id,threshold); }
getAutoDisableLinearThreshold()344   dReal getAutoDisableLinearThreshold() const
345     { return dBodyGetAutoDisableLinearThreshold (_id); }
setAutoDisableAngularThreshold(dReal threshold)346   void setAutoDisableAngularThreshold (dReal threshold)
347     { dBodySetAutoDisableAngularThreshold (_id,threshold); }
getAutoDisableAngularThreshold()348   dReal getAutoDisableAngularThreshold() const
349     { return dBodyGetAutoDisableAngularThreshold (_id); }
setAutoDisableSteps(int steps)350   void setAutoDisableSteps (int steps)
351     { dBodySetAutoDisableSteps (_id,steps); }
getAutoDisableSteps()352   int getAutoDisableSteps() const
353     { return dBodyGetAutoDisableSteps (_id); }
setAutoDisableTime(dReal time)354   void setAutoDisableTime (dReal time)
355     { dBodySetAutoDisableTime (_id,time); }
getAutoDisableTime()356   dReal getAutoDisableTime() const
357     { return dBodyGetAutoDisableTime (_id); }
setAutoDisableFlag(bool do_auto_disable)358   void setAutoDisableFlag (bool do_auto_disable)
359     { dBodySetAutoDisableFlag (_id,do_auto_disable); }
getAutoDisableFlag()360   bool getAutoDisableFlag() const
361     { return dBodyGetAutoDisableFlag (_id) != 0; }
getLinearDamping()363   dReal getLinearDamping() const
364     { return dBodyGetLinearDamping(_id); }
setLinearDamping(dReal scale)365   void setLinearDamping(dReal scale)
366     { dBodySetLinearDamping(_id, scale); }
getAngularDamping()367   dReal getAngularDamping() const
368     { return dBodyGetAngularDamping(_id); }
setAngularDamping(dReal scale)369   void setAngularDamping(dReal scale)
370     { dBodySetAngularDamping(_id, scale); }
setDamping(dReal linear_scale,dReal angular_scale)371   void setDamping(dReal linear_scale, dReal angular_scale)
372     { dBodySetDamping(_id, linear_scale, angular_scale); }
getLinearDampingThreshold()373   dReal getLinearDampingThreshold() const
374     { return dBodyGetLinearDampingThreshold(_id); }
setLinearDampingThreshold(dReal threshold)375   void setLinearDampingThreshold(dReal threshold) const
376     { dBodySetLinearDampingThreshold(_id, threshold); }
getAngularDampingThreshold()377   dReal getAngularDampingThreshold() const
378     { return dBodyGetAngularDampingThreshold(_id); }
setAngularDampingThreshold(dReal threshold)379   void setAngularDampingThreshold(dReal threshold)
380     { dBodySetAngularDampingThreshold(_id, threshold); }
setDampingDefaults()381   void setDampingDefaults()
382     { dBodySetDampingDefaults(_id); }
getMaxAngularSpeed()384   dReal getMaxAngularSpeed() const
385     { return dBodyGetMaxAngularSpeed(_id); }
setMaxAngularSpeed(dReal max_speed)386   void setMaxAngularSpeed(dReal max_speed)
387     { dBodySetMaxAngularSpeed(_id, max_speed); }
getGyroscopicMode()389   bool getGyroscopicMode() const
390     { return dBodyGetGyroscopicMode(_id) != 0; }
setGyroscopicMode(bool mode)391   void setGyroscopicMode(bool mode)
392     { dBodySetGyroscopicMode(_id, mode); }
394 };
397 class dJointGroup {
398   dJointGroupID _id;
400   // intentionally undefined, don't use these
401   dJointGroup (const dJointGroup &);
402   void operator= (const dJointGroup &);
404 public:
dJointGroup()405   dJointGroup ()
406     { _id = dJointGroupCreate (0); }
~dJointGroup()407   ~dJointGroup()
408     { dJointGroupDestroy (_id); }
create()409   void create () {
410     if (_id) dJointGroupDestroy (_id);
411     _id = dJointGroupCreate (0);
412   }
id()414   dJointGroupID id() const
415     { return _id; }
dJointGroupID()416   operator dJointGroupID() const
417     { return _id; }
empty()419   void empty()
420     { dJointGroupEmpty (_id); }
clear()421   void clear()
422     { empty(); }
423 };
426 class dJoint {
427 private:
428   // intentionally undefined, don't use these
429   dJoint (const dJoint &) ;
430   void operator= (const dJoint &);
432 protected:
433   dJointID _id;
dJoint()435   dJoint() // don't let user construct pure dJoint objects
436     { _id = 0; }
438 public:
~dJoint()439   virtual ~dJoint() // :( Destructor must be virtual to suppress compiler warning "class XXX has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor"
440     { if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id); }
id()442   dJointID id() const
443     { return _id; }
dJointID()444   operator dJointID() const
445     { return _id; }
getNumBodies()447   int getNumBodies() const
448     { return dJointGetNumBodies(_id); }
attach(dBodyID body1,dBodyID body2)450   void attach (dBodyID body1, dBodyID body2)
451     { dJointAttach (_id, body1, body2); }
attach(dBody & body1,dBody & body2)452   void attach (dBody& body1, dBody& body2)
453     { attach(body1.id(), body2.id()); }
enable()455   void enable()
456     { dJointEnable (_id); }
disable()457   void disable()
458     { dJointDisable (_id); }
isEnabled()459   bool isEnabled() const
460     { return dJointIsEnabled (_id) != 0; }
setData(void * data)462   void setData (void *data)
463     { dJointSetData (_id, data); }
getData()464   void *getData() const
465     { return dJointGetData (_id); }
getType()467   dJointType getType() const
468     { return dJointGetType (_id); }
getBody(int index)470   dBodyID getBody (int index) const
471     { return dJointGetBody (_id, index); }
setFeedback(dJointFeedback * fb)473   void setFeedback(dJointFeedback *fb)
474     { dJointSetFeedback(_id, fb); }
getFeedback()475   dJointFeedback *getFeedback() const
476     { return dJointGetFeedback(_id); }
478   // If not implemented it will do nothing as describe in the doc
setParam(int,dReal)479   virtual void setParam (int, dReal) {};
getParam(int)480   virtual dReal getParam (int) const { return 0; }
481 };
484 class dBallJoint : public dJoint {
485 private:
486   // intentionally undefined, don't use these
487   dBallJoint (const dBallJoint &);
488   void operator= (const dBallJoint &);
490 public:
dBallJoint()491   dBallJoint() { }
492   dBallJoint (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0)
493     { _id = dJointCreateBall (world, group); }
494   dBallJoint (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
495     { _id = dJointCreateBall (world.id(), group); }
497   void create (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0) {
498     if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id);
499     _id = dJointCreateBall (world, group);
500   }
501   void create (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
502     { create(world.id(), group); }
setAnchor(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)504   void setAnchor (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
505     { dJointSetBallAnchor (_id, x, y, z); }
setAnchor(const dVector3 a)506   void setAnchor (const dVector3 a)
507     { setAnchor (a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
getAnchor(dVector3 result)508   void getAnchor (dVector3 result) const
509     { dJointGetBallAnchor (_id, result); }
getAnchor2(dVector3 result)510   void getAnchor2 (dVector3 result) const
511     { dJointGetBallAnchor2 (_id, result); }
setParam(int parameter,dReal value)512   virtual void setParam (int parameter, dReal value)
513     { dJointSetBallParam (_id, parameter, value); }
getParam(int parameter)514   virtual dReal getParam (int parameter) const
515     { return dJointGetBallParam (_id, parameter); }
516   // TODO: expose params through methods
517 } ;
520 class dHingeJoint : public dJoint {
521   // intentionally undefined, don't use these
522   dHingeJoint (const dHingeJoint &);
523   void operator = (const dHingeJoint &);
525 public:
dHingeJoint()526   dHingeJoint() { }
527   dHingeJoint (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0)
528     { _id = dJointCreateHinge (world, group); }
529   dHingeJoint (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
530     { _id = dJointCreateHinge (world.id(), group); }
532   void create (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0) {
533     if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id);
534     _id = dJointCreateHinge (world, group);
535   }
536   void create (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
537     { create(world.id(), group); }
setAnchor(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)539   void setAnchor (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
540     { dJointSetHingeAnchor (_id, x, y, z); }
setAnchor(const dVector3 a)541   void setAnchor (const dVector3 a)
542     { setAnchor (a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
getAnchor(dVector3 result)543   void getAnchor (dVector3 result) const
544     { dJointGetHingeAnchor (_id, result); }
getAnchor2(dVector3 result)545   void getAnchor2 (dVector3 result) const
546     { dJointGetHingeAnchor2 (_id, result); }
setAxis(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)548   void setAxis (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
549     { dJointSetHingeAxis (_id, x, y, z); }
setAxis(const dVector3 a)550   void setAxis (const dVector3 a)
551     { setAxis(a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
getAxis(dVector3 result)552   void getAxis (dVector3 result) const
553     { dJointGetHingeAxis (_id, result); }
getAngle()555   dReal getAngle() const
556     { return dJointGetHingeAngle (_id); }
getAngleRate()557   dReal getAngleRate() const
558     { return dJointGetHingeAngleRate (_id); }
setParam(int parameter,dReal value)560   virtual void setParam (int parameter, dReal value)
561     { dJointSetHingeParam (_id, parameter, value); }
getParam(int parameter)562   virtual dReal getParam (int parameter) const
563     { return dJointGetHingeParam (_id, parameter); }
564   // TODO: expose params through methods
addTorque(dReal torque)566   void addTorque (dReal torque)
567 	{ dJointAddHingeTorque(_id, torque); }
568 };
571 class dSliderJoint : public dJoint {
572   // intentionally undefined, don't use these
573   dSliderJoint (const dSliderJoint &);
574   void operator = (const dSliderJoint &);
576 public:
dSliderJoint()577   dSliderJoint() { }
578   dSliderJoint (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0)
579     { _id = dJointCreateSlider (world, group); }
580   dSliderJoint (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
581     { _id = dJointCreateSlider (world.id(), group); }
583   void create (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0) {
584     if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id);
585     _id = dJointCreateSlider (world, group);
586   }
587   void create (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
588     { create(world.id(), group); }
setAxis(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)590   void setAxis (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
591     { dJointSetSliderAxis (_id, x, y, z); }
setAxis(const dVector3 a)592   void setAxis (const dVector3 a)
593     { setAxis (a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
getAxis(dVector3 result)594   void getAxis (dVector3 result) const
595     { dJointGetSliderAxis (_id, result); }
getPosition()597   dReal getPosition() const
598     { return dJointGetSliderPosition (_id); }
getPositionRate()599   dReal getPositionRate() const
600     { return dJointGetSliderPositionRate (_id); }
setParam(int parameter,dReal value)602   virtual void setParam (int parameter, dReal value)
603     { dJointSetSliderParam (_id, parameter, value); }
getParam(int parameter)604   virtual dReal getParam (int parameter) const
605     { return dJointGetSliderParam (_id, parameter); }
606   // TODO: expose params through methods
addForce(dReal force)608   void addForce (dReal force)
609 	{ dJointAddSliderForce(_id, force); }
610 };
613 class dUniversalJoint : public dJoint {
614   // intentionally undefined, don't use these
615   dUniversalJoint (const dUniversalJoint &);
616   void operator = (const dUniversalJoint &);
618 public:
dUniversalJoint()619   dUniversalJoint() { }
620   dUniversalJoint (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0)
621     { _id = dJointCreateUniversal (world, group); }
622   dUniversalJoint (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
623     { _id = dJointCreateUniversal (world.id(), group); }
625   void create (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0) {
626     if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id);
627     _id = dJointCreateUniversal (world, group);
628   }
629   void create (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
630     { create(world.id(), group); }
setAnchor(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)632   void setAnchor (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
633     { dJointSetUniversalAnchor (_id, x, y, z); }
setAnchor(const dVector3 a)634   void setAnchor (const dVector3 a)
635     { setAnchor(a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
setAxis1(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)636   void setAxis1 (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
637     { dJointSetUniversalAxis1 (_id, x, y, z); }
setAxis1(const dVector3 a)638   void setAxis1 (const dVector3 a)
639     { setAxis1 (a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
setAxis2(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)640   void setAxis2 (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
641     { dJointSetUniversalAxis2 (_id, x, y, z); }
setAxis2(const dVector3 a)642   void setAxis2 (const dVector3 a)
643     { setAxis2 (a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
getAnchor(dVector3 result)645   void getAnchor (dVector3 result) const
646     { dJointGetUniversalAnchor (_id, result); }
getAnchor2(dVector3 result)647   void getAnchor2 (dVector3 result) const
648     { dJointGetUniversalAnchor2 (_id, result); }
getAxis1(dVector3 result)649   void getAxis1 (dVector3 result) const
650     { dJointGetUniversalAxis1 (_id, result); }
getAxis2(dVector3 result)651   void getAxis2 (dVector3 result) const
652     { dJointGetUniversalAxis2 (_id, result); }
setParam(int parameter,dReal value)654   virtual void setParam (int parameter, dReal value)
655     { dJointSetUniversalParam (_id, parameter, value); }
getParam(int parameter)656   virtual dReal getParam (int parameter) const
657     { return dJointGetUniversalParam (_id, parameter); }
658   // TODO: expose params through methods
getAngles(dReal * angle1,dReal * angle2)660   void getAngles(dReal *angle1, dReal *angle2) const
661     { dJointGetUniversalAngles (_id, angle1, angle2); }
getAngle1()663   dReal getAngle1() const
664     { return dJointGetUniversalAngle1 (_id); }
getAngle1Rate()665   dReal getAngle1Rate() const
666     { return dJointGetUniversalAngle1Rate (_id); }
getAngle2()667   dReal getAngle2() const
668     { return dJointGetUniversalAngle2 (_id); }
getAngle2Rate()669   dReal getAngle2Rate() const
670     { return dJointGetUniversalAngle2Rate (_id); }
addTorques(dReal torque1,dReal torque2)672   void addTorques (dReal torque1, dReal torque2)
673 	{ dJointAddUniversalTorques(_id, torque1, torque2); }
674 };
677 class dHinge2Joint : public dJoint {
678   // intentionally undefined, don't use these
679   dHinge2Joint (const dHinge2Joint &);
680   void operator = (const dHinge2Joint &);
682 public:
dHinge2Joint()683   dHinge2Joint() { }
684   dHinge2Joint (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0)
685     { _id = dJointCreateHinge2 (world, group); }
686   dHinge2Joint (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
687     { _id = dJointCreateHinge2 (world.id(), group); }
689   void create (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0) {
690     if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id);
691     _id = dJointCreateHinge2 (world, group);
692   }
693   void create (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
694     { create(world.id(), group); }
setAnchor(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)696   void setAnchor (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
697     { dJointSetHinge2Anchor (_id, x, y, z); }
setAnchor(const dVector3 a)698   void setAnchor (const dVector3 a)
699     { setAnchor(a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
setAxis1(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)700   void setAxis1 (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
701     { dJointSetHinge2Axis1 (_id, x, y, z); }
setAxis1(const dVector3 a)702   void setAxis1 (const dVector3 a)
703     { setAxis1 (a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
setAxis2(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)704   void setAxis2 (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
705     { dJointSetHinge2Axis2 (_id, x, y, z); }
setAxis2(const dVector3 a)706   void setAxis2 (const dVector3 a)
707     { setAxis2 (a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
getAnchor(dVector3 result)709   void getAnchor (dVector3 result) const
710     { dJointGetHinge2Anchor (_id, result); }
getAnchor2(dVector3 result)711   void getAnchor2 (dVector3 result) const
712     { dJointGetHinge2Anchor2 (_id, result); }
getAxis1(dVector3 result)713   void getAxis1 (dVector3 result) const
714     { dJointGetHinge2Axis1 (_id, result); }
getAxis2(dVector3 result)715   void getAxis2 (dVector3 result) const
716     { dJointGetHinge2Axis2 (_id, result); }
getAngle1()718   dReal getAngle1() const
719     { return dJointGetHinge2Angle1 (_id); }
getAngle1Rate()720   dReal getAngle1Rate() const
721     { return dJointGetHinge2Angle1Rate (_id); }
getAngle2Rate()722   dReal getAngle2Rate() const
723     { return dJointGetHinge2Angle2Rate (_id); }
setParam(int parameter,dReal value)725   virtual void setParam (int parameter, dReal value)
726     { dJointSetHinge2Param (_id, parameter, value); }
getParam(int parameter)727   virtual dReal getParam (int parameter) const
728     { return dJointGetHinge2Param (_id, parameter); }
729   // TODO: expose params through methods
addTorques(dReal torque1,dReal torque2)731   void addTorques(dReal torque1, dReal torque2)
732 	{ dJointAddHinge2Torques(_id, torque1, torque2); }
733 };
736 class dPRJoint : public dJoint {
737   dPRJoint (const dPRJoint &);
738   void operator = (const dPRJoint &);
740 public:
dPRJoint()741   dPRJoint() { }
742   dPRJoint (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0)
743     { _id = dJointCreatePR (world, group); }
744   dPRJoint (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
745     { _id = dJointCreatePR (world.id(), group); }
747   void create (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0) {
748     if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id);
749     _id = dJointCreatePR (world, group);
750   }
751   void create (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
752     { create(world.id(), group); }
setAnchor(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)754   void setAnchor (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
755     { dJointSetPRAnchor (_id, x, y, z); }
setAnchor(const dVector3 a)756   void setAnchor (const dVector3 a)
757     { setAnchor (a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
setAxis1(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)758   void setAxis1 (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
759     { dJointSetPRAxis1 (_id, x, y, z); }
setAxis1(const dVector3 a)760   void setAxis1 (const dVector3 a)
761     { setAxis1(a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
setAxis2(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)762   void setAxis2 (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
763     { dJointSetPRAxis2 (_id, x, y, z); }
setAxis2(const dVector3 a)764   void setAxis2 (const dVector3 a)
765     { setAxis2(a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
getAnchor(dVector3 result)767   void getAnchor (dVector3 result) const
768     { dJointGetPRAnchor (_id, result); }
getAxis1(dVector3 result)769   void getAxis1 (dVector3 result) const
770     { dJointGetPRAxis1 (_id, result); }
getAxis2(dVector3 result)771   void getAxis2 (dVector3 result) const
772     { dJointGetPRAxis2 (_id, result); }
getPosition()774   dReal getPosition() const
775     { return dJointGetPRPosition (_id); }
getPositionRate()776   dReal getPositionRate() const
777     { return dJointGetPRPositionRate (_id); }
getAngle()779   dReal getAngle() const
780     { return dJointGetPRAngle (_id); }
getAngleRate()781   dReal getAngleRate() const
782     { return dJointGetPRAngleRate (_id); }
setParam(int parameter,dReal value)784   virtual void setParam (int parameter, dReal value)
785     { dJointSetPRParam (_id, parameter, value); }
getParam(int parameter)786   virtual dReal getParam (int parameter) const
787     { return dJointGetPRParam (_id, parameter); }
788 };
792 class dPUJoint : public dJoint
793 {
794   dPUJoint (const dPUJoint &);
795   void operator = (const dPUJoint &);
797 public:
dPUJoint()798   dPUJoint() { }
799   dPUJoint (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0)
800     { _id = dJointCreatePU (world, group); }
801   dPUJoint (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
802     { _id = dJointCreatePU (world.id(), group); }
804   void create (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0)
805   {
806     if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id);
807     _id = dJointCreatePU (world, group);
808   }
809   void create (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
810   { create(world.id(), group); }
setAnchor(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)812   void setAnchor (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
813     { dJointSetPUAnchor (_id, x, y, z); }
setAnchor(const dVector3 a)814   void setAnchor (const dVector3 a)
815     { setAnchor (a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
setAxis1(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)816   void setAxis1 (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
817     { dJointSetPUAxis1 (_id, x, y, z); }
setAxis1(const dVector3 a)818   void setAxis1 (const dVector3 a)
819     { setAxis1(a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
setAxis2(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)820   void setAxis2 (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
821   { dJointSetPUAxis2 (_id, x, y, z); }
setAxis3(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)822   void setAxis3 (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
823   { dJointSetPUAxis3 (_id, x, y, z); }
setAxis3(const dVector3 a)824   void setAxis3 (const dVector3 a)
825     { setAxis3(a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
setAxisP(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)826   void setAxisP (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
827   { dJointSetPUAxis3 (_id, x, y, z); }
setAxisP(const dVector3 a)828   void setAxisP (const dVector3 a)
829     { setAxisP(a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
getAnchor(dVector3 result)831   virtual void getAnchor (dVector3 result) const
832     { dJointGetPUAnchor (_id, result); }
getAxis1(dVector3 result)833   void getAxis1 (dVector3 result) const
834     { dJointGetPUAxis1 (_id, result); }
getAxis2(dVector3 result)835   void getAxis2 (dVector3 result) const
836     { dJointGetPUAxis2 (_id, result); }
getAxis3(dVector3 result)837   void getAxis3 (dVector3 result) const
838     { dJointGetPUAxis3 (_id, result); }
getAxisP(dVector3 result)839   void getAxisP (dVector3 result) const
840     { dJointGetPUAxis3 (_id, result); }
getAngle1()842   dReal getAngle1() const
843     { return dJointGetPUAngle1 (_id); }
getAngle1Rate()844   dReal getAngle1Rate() const
845     { return dJointGetPUAngle1Rate (_id); }
getAngle2()846   dReal getAngle2() const
847     { return dJointGetPUAngle2 (_id); }
getAngle2Rate()848   dReal getAngle2Rate() const
849     { return dJointGetPUAngle2Rate (_id); }
getPosition()851   dReal getPosition() const
852     { return dJointGetPUPosition (_id); }
getPositionRate()853   dReal getPositionRate() const
854     { return dJointGetPUPositionRate (_id); }
setParam(int parameter,dReal value)856   virtual void setParam (int parameter, dReal value)
857   { dJointSetPUParam (_id, parameter, value); }
getParam(int parameter)858   virtual dReal getParam (int parameter) const
859     { return dJointGetPUParam (_id, parameter); }
860   // TODO: expose params through methods
861 };
867 class dPistonJoint : public dJoint
868 {
869   // intentionally undefined, don't use these
870   dPistonJoint (const dPistonJoint &);
871   void operator = (const dPistonJoint &);
873 public:
dPistonJoint()874   dPistonJoint() { }
875   dPistonJoint (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0)
876     { _id = dJointCreatePiston (world, group); }
877   dPistonJoint (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
878     { _id = dJointCreatePiston (world, group); }
880   void create (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0)
881   {
882     if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id);
883     _id = dJointCreatePiston (world, group);
884   }
885   void create (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
886     { create(world.id(), group); }
setAnchor(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)888   void setAnchor (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
889     { dJointSetPistonAnchor (_id, x, y, z); }
setAnchor(const dVector3 a)890   void setAnchor (const dVector3 a)
891     { setAnchor (a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
getAnchor(dVector3 result)892   void getAnchor (dVector3 result) const
893     { dJointGetPistonAnchor (_id, result); }
getAnchor2(dVector3 result)894   void getAnchor2 (dVector3 result) const
895     { dJointGetPistonAnchor2 (_id, result); }
setAxis(dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)897   void setAxis (dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
898     { dJointSetPistonAxis (_id, x, y, z); }
setAxis(const dVector3 a)899   void setAxis (const dVector3 a)
900     { setAxis(a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
getAxis(dVector3 result)901   void getAxis (dVector3 result) const
902     { dJointGetPistonAxis (_id, result); }
getPosition()904   dReal getPosition() const
905     { return dJointGetPistonPosition (_id); }
getPositionRate()906   dReal getPositionRate() const
907     { return dJointGetPistonPositionRate (_id); }
setParam(int parameter,dReal value)909   virtual void setParam (int parameter, dReal value)
910   { dJointSetPistonParam (_id, parameter, value); }
getParam(int parameter)911   virtual dReal getParam (int parameter) const
912     { return dJointGetPistonParam (_id, parameter); }
913   // TODO: expose params through methods
addForce(dReal force)915   void addForce (dReal force)
916   { dJointAddPistonForce (_id, force); }
917 };
921 class dFixedJoint : public dJoint
922 {
923   // intentionally undefined, don't use these
924   dFixedJoint (const dFixedJoint &);
925   void operator = (const dFixedJoint &);
927 public:
dFixedJoint()928   dFixedJoint() { }
929   dFixedJoint (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0)
930     { _id = dJointCreateFixed (world, group); }
931   dFixedJoint (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
932     { _id = dJointCreateFixed (world, group); }
934   void create (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0) {
935     if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id);
936     _id = dJointCreateFixed (world, group);
937   }
938   void create (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
939     { create(world.id(), group); }
set()941   void set()
942     { dJointSetFixed (_id); }
setParam(int parameter,dReal value)944   virtual void setParam (int parameter, dReal value)
945     { dJointSetFixedParam (_id, parameter, value); }
getParam(int parameter)947   virtual dReal getParam (int parameter) const
948     { return dJointGetFixedParam (_id, parameter); }
949   // TODO: expose params through methods
950 };
953 class dContactJoint : public dJoint {
954   // intentionally undefined, don't use these
955   dContactJoint (const dContactJoint &);
956   void operator = (const dContactJoint &);
958 public:
dContactJoint()959   dContactJoint() { }
dContactJoint(dWorldID world,dJointGroupID group,dContact * contact)960   dContactJoint (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group, dContact *contact)
961     { _id = dJointCreateContact (world, group, contact); }
dContactJoint(dWorld & world,dJointGroupID group,dContact * contact)962   dContactJoint (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group, dContact *contact)
963     { _id = dJointCreateContact (world.id(), group, contact); }
create(dWorldID world,dJointGroupID group,dContact * contact)965   void create (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group, dContact *contact) {
966     if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id);
967     _id = dJointCreateContact (world, group, contact);
968   }
create(dWorld & world,dJointGroupID group,dContact * contact)970   void create (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group, dContact *contact)
971     { create(world.id(), group, contact); }
972 };
975 class dNullJoint : public dJoint {
976   // intentionally undefined, don't use these
977   dNullJoint (const dNullJoint &);
978   void operator = (const dNullJoint &);
980 public:
dNullJoint()981   dNullJoint() { }
982   dNullJoint (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0)
983     { _id = dJointCreateNull (world, group); }
984   dNullJoint (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
985     { _id = dJointCreateNull (world.id(), group); }
987   void create (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0) {
988     if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id);
989     _id = dJointCreateNull (world, group);
990   }
991   void create (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
992     { create(world.id(), group); }
993 };
996 class dAMotorJoint : public dJoint {
997   // intentionally undefined, don't use these
998   dAMotorJoint (const dAMotorJoint &);
999   void operator = (const dAMotorJoint &);
1001 public:
dAMotorJoint()1002   dAMotorJoint() { }
1003   dAMotorJoint (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0)
1004     { _id = dJointCreateAMotor (world, group); }
1005   dAMotorJoint (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
1006     { _id = dJointCreateAMotor (world.id(), group); }
1008   void create (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0) {
1009     if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id);
1010     _id = dJointCreateAMotor (world, group);
1011   }
1012   void create (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
1013     { create(world.id(), group); }
setMode(int mode)1015   void setMode (int mode)
1016     { dJointSetAMotorMode (_id, mode); }
getMode()1017   int getMode() const
1018     { return dJointGetAMotorMode (_id); }
setNumAxes(int num)1020   void setNumAxes (int num)
1021     { dJointSetAMotorNumAxes (_id, num); }
getNumAxes()1022   int getNumAxes() const
1023     { return dJointGetAMotorNumAxes (_id); }
setAxis(int anum,int rel,dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)1025   void setAxis (int anum, int rel, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
1026     { dJointSetAMotorAxis (_id, anum, rel, x, y, z); }
setAxis(int anum,int rel,const dVector3 a)1027   void setAxis (int anum, int rel, const dVector3 a)
1028     { setAxis(anum, rel, a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
getAxis(int anum,dVector3 result)1029   void getAxis (int anum, dVector3 result) const
1030     { dJointGetAMotorAxis (_id, anum, result); }
getAxisRel(int anum)1031   int getAxisRel (int anum) const
1032     { return dJointGetAMotorAxisRel (_id, anum); }
setAngle(int anum,dReal angle)1034   void setAngle (int anum, dReal angle)
1035     { dJointSetAMotorAngle (_id, anum, angle); }
getAngle(int anum)1036   dReal getAngle (int anum) const
1037     { return dJointGetAMotorAngle (_id, anum); }
getAngleRate(int anum)1038   dReal getAngleRate (int anum)
1039     { return dJointGetAMotorAngleRate (_id,anum); }
setParam(int parameter,dReal value)1041   void setParam (int parameter, dReal value)
1042     { dJointSetAMotorParam (_id, parameter, value); }
getParam(int parameter)1043   dReal getParam (int parameter) const
1044     { return dJointGetAMotorParam (_id, parameter); }
1045   // TODO: expose params through methods
addTorques(dReal torque1,dReal torque2,dReal torque3)1047   void addTorques(dReal torque1, dReal torque2, dReal torque3)
1048 	{ dJointAddAMotorTorques(_id, torque1, torque2, torque3); }
1049 };
1052 class dLMotorJoint : public dJoint {
1053   // intentionally undefined, don't use these
1054   dLMotorJoint (const dLMotorJoint &);
1055   void operator = (const dLMotorJoint &);
1057 public:
dLMotorJoint()1058   dLMotorJoint() { }
1059   dLMotorJoint (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0)
1060     { _id = dJointCreateLMotor (world, group); }
1061   dLMotorJoint (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
1062     { _id = dJointCreateLMotor (world.id(), group); }
1064   void create (dWorldID world, dJointGroupID group=0) {
1065     if (_id) dJointDestroy (_id);
1066     _id = dJointCreateLMotor (world, group);
1067   }
1068   void create (dWorld& world, dJointGroupID group=0)
1069     { create(world.id(), group); }
setNumAxes(int num)1071   void setNumAxes (int num)
1072     { dJointSetLMotorNumAxes (_id, num); }
getNumAxes()1073   int getNumAxes() const
1074     { return dJointGetLMotorNumAxes (_id); }
setAxis(int anum,int rel,dReal x,dReal y,dReal z)1076   void setAxis (int anum, int rel, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
1077     { dJointSetLMotorAxis (_id, anum, rel, x, y, z); }
setAxis(int anum,int rel,const dVector3 a)1078   void setAxis (int anum, int rel, const dVector3 a)
1079     { setAxis(anum, rel, a[0], a[1], a[2]); }
getAxis(int anum,dVector3 result)1080   void getAxis (int anum, dVector3 result) const
1081     { dJointGetLMotorAxis (_id, anum, result); }
setParam(int parameter,dReal value)1083   void setParam (int parameter, dReal value)
1084     { dJointSetLMotorParam (_id, parameter, value); }
getParam(int parameter)1085   dReal getParam (int parameter) const
1086     { return dJointGetLMotorParam (_id, parameter); }
1087   // TODO: expose params through methods
1088 };
1090 //}
1092 #endif
1093 #endif
1095 // Local variables:
1096 // mode:c++
1097 // c-basic-offset:2
1098 // End: