1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //            Copyright (C) 2004-2010 by The Allacrost Project
3 //                         All Rights Reserved
4 //
5 // This code is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2. It is free software
6 // and you may modify it and/or redistribute it under the terms of this license.
7 // See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for details.
8 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10 /** ***************************************************************************
11 *** \file   mode_manager.h
12 *** \author Tyler Olsen, roots@allacrost.org
13 *** \brief  Header file for game mode processingd
14 *** **************************************************************************/
16 #ifndef __MODE_MANAGER_HEADER__
17 #define __MODE_MANAGER_HEADER__
19 #include "utils.h"
20 #include "defs.h"
22 //! All calls to the mode management code are wrapped inside this namespace
23 namespace hoa_mode_manager {
25 //! The singleton pointer responsible for maintaining and updating the game mode state.
26 extern ModeEngine* ModeManager;
28 //! Determines whether the code in the hoa_mode_manager namespace should print debug statements or not.
29 extern bool MODE_MANAGER_DEBUG;
31 //! \name Game States/Modes
32 //@{
33 //! \brief Different modes of operation that the game can be in.
34 const uint8 MODE_MANAGER_DUMMY_MODE  = 0;
35 const uint8 MODE_MANAGER_BOOT_MODE   = 1;
36 const uint8 MODE_MANAGER_MAP_MODE    = 2;
37 const uint8 MODE_MANAGER_BATTLE_MODE = 3;
38 const uint8 MODE_MANAGER_MENU_MODE   = 4;
39 const uint8 MODE_MANAGER_SHOP_MODE   = 5;
40 const uint8 MODE_MANAGER_PAUSE_MODE  = 6;
41 const uint8 MODE_MANAGER_SCENE_MODE  = 7;
42 const uint8 MODE_MANAGER_WORLD_MODE  = 8;
43 const uint8 MODE_MANAGER_SAVE_MODE   = 9;
44 //@}
47 /** ***************************************************************************
48 *** \brief An abstract class that all game mode classes inherit from.
49 ***
50 *** The GameMode class is the starting base for developing a new mode of operation
51 *** for the game. The ModeEngine class handles all of the GameMode class
52 *** objects. One should learn to understand the interaction between these two
53 *** classes.
54 ***
55 *** \note THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Never, under any circumstances should
56 *** you ever invoke the delete function on a pointer to this object or its related
57 *** subclasses. The reason is that all of the memory reference handling is done
58 *** by the ModeEngine class. If you attempt to ignore this warning you \b will
59 *** generate a segmentation fault.
60 *** **************************************************************************/
61 class GameMode {
62 	friend class ModeEngine;
64 protected:
65 	//! Indicates what 'mode' this object is in (what type of inherited class).
66 	uint8 mode_type;
68 private:
69 	//! Copy constructor is private, because making a copy of a game mode object is a \b bad idea.
70 	GameMode(const GameMode& other);
71 	//! Copy assignment operator is private, because making a copy of a game mode object is a \b bad idea.
72 	GameMode& operator=(const GameMode& other);
73 	// Note: Should I make the delete and delete[] operators private too?
74 public:
75 	GameMode();
76 	//! \param mt The mode_type to set the new GameMode object to.
77 	GameMode(uint8 mt);
78 	//! Destructor is virutal, since the inherited class holds all the important data.
79 	virtual ~GameMode();
81 	//! Updates the state of the game mode.
82 	virtual void Update() = 0;
83 	//! Draws the next screen frame for the game mode.
84 	virtual void Draw() = 0;
85 	/** \brief Resets the state of the class.
86 	***
87 	*** This function is called whenever the game mode is made active (ie, it is made the new active game mode
88 	*** on the top of the game modestack). This includes when the game mode is first created and pushed onto the
89 	*** game stack, so in that manner it can also be viewed as a helper function to the constructor.
90 	**/
91 	virtual void Reset() = 0;
92 }; // class GameMode
95 /** ***************************************************************************
96 *** \brief Manages and maintains all of the living game mode objects.
97 ***
98 *** The ModeEngine class keeps a stack of GameMode objects, where the object
99 *** on the top of the stack is the active GameMode (there can only be one active
100 *** game mode at any time). The Update() and Draw() functions for this class are
101 *** wrapper calls to the GameMode functions of the same name, and act on the
102 *** active game mode.
103 ***
104 *** When a condition is encountered in which a game mode wishes to destroy itself
105 *** and/or push a new mode onto the stack, this does not occur until the next
106 *** call to the ModeEngine#Update() function. The GameModeManager#push_stack
107 *** retains all the game modes we wish to push onto the stack on the next call to
108 *** ModeEngine#Update(), and the GameModeManager#pop_count member retains
109 *** how many modes to delete and pop off the ModeEngine#game_stack. Pop
110 *** operations are \b always performed before push operations.
111 ***
112 *** \note 1) This class is a singleton.
113 ***
114 *** \note 2) You might be wondering why the game stack uses a vector container
115 *** rather than a stack container. There are two reasons: the first being that
116 *** we can't do a debug printout of the game_stack without removing elements *if*
117 *** a stack is used. The second reason is "just in case" we need to access a stack
118 *** element that is not on the top of the stack.
119 *** **************************************************************************/
120 class ModeEngine : public hoa_utils::Singleton<ModeEngine> {
121 	friend class hoa_utils::Singleton<ModeEngine>;
123 private:
124 	ModeEngine();
126 	/** \brief A stack containing all the live game modes.
127 	*** \note The back/last element of the vector is the top of the stack.
128 	**/
129 	std::vector<GameMode*> _game_stack;
131 	//! A vector of game modes to push to the stack on the next call to ModeEngine#Update().
132 	std::vector<GameMode*> _push_stack;
134 	//! True if a state change occured and we need to change the active game mode.
135 	bool _state_change;
137 	//! The number of game modes to pop from the back of the stack on the next call to ModeEngine#Update().
138 	uint32 _pop_count;
140 public:
141 	~ModeEngine();
143 	bool SingletonInitialize();
145 	//! \brief Increments by one the number of game modes to pop off the stack
146 	void Pop();
148 	/** \brief Removes all game modes from the stack on the next call to ModeEngine#Update().
149 	***
150 	*** This function sets the ModeEngine#pop_count member to the size of GameModeManager#game_stack.
151 	*** If there is no game mode in ModeEngine#push_stack before the next call to GameModeManager#Update(),
152 	*** The game will encounter a segmentation fault and die. Therefore, be careful with this function.
153 	***
154 	*** \note Typically this function is only used when the game exits, or when a programmer is smoking crack.
155 	**/
156 	void PopAll();
158 	/** \brief Pushes a new GameMode object on top of the stack.
159 	*** \param gm The new GameMode object that will go to the top of the stack.
160 	*** \note This should be obvious, but once you push a new object on the stack
161 	*** top, it will automatically become the new active game state.
162 	**/
163 	void Push(GameMode* gm);
165 	/**  \brief  Gets the type of the currently active game mode.
166 	***  \return The value of the mode_type member of the GameMode object on the top of the stack.
167 	**/
168 	uint8 GetGameType();
170 	/**  \brief  Gets the type of a game mode in the stack.
171 	***  \return The value of the mode_type member of the GameMode object on the top of the stack.
172 	**/
173 	uint8 GetGameType(uint32 index);
175 	/** \brief Gets a pointer to the top game stack object.
176 	*** \return A pointer to the GameMode object on the top of the stack.
177 	**/
178 	GameMode* GetTop();
180 	/** \brief Gets a pointer to a game stack object.
181 	*** \return A pointer to the GameMode object at (index) from the top.
182 	**/
183 	GameMode* Get(uint32 index);
185 	//! \brief Checks if the game stack needs modes pushed or popped, then calls Update on the active game mode.
186 	void Update();
188 	//! \brief Calls the Draw() function on the active game mode.
189 	void Draw();
191 	//! \brief Prints the contents of the game_stack member to standard output.
192 	void DEBUG_PrintStack();
193 }; // class ModeEngine : public hoa_utils::Singleton<ModeEngine>
195 } // namespace hoa_mode_manager
197 #endif