2  {
4    "type": "talk_topic",
5    "dynamic_line": "Are you sure?  This doesn't seem like a particularly safe place for small talk…",
6    "responses": [
7      {
8        "text": "It's fine, we've got a moment.",
9        "topic": "TALK_FRIEND_CONVERSATION",
10        "condition": { "or": [ { "npc_has_trait_flag": "BG_SURVIVAL_STORY" }, { "npc_has_trait": "NPC_STATIC_NPC" } ] },
11        "//": "If the NPC already has a BG story, or started out as a static NPC (and so probably doesn't need a random bg story), then go on.",
12        "switch": true
13      },
14      {
15        "text": "It's fine, we've got a moment.",
16        "topic": "TALK_FRIEND_CONVERSATION",
17        "switch": true,
18        "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "BGSS_No_Past_1" },
19        "//": "If the NPC doesn't have a BG survival story flagged trait, and didn't start the game as a static NPC, give them a BG story.",
20        "//2": "This is a stand-in for some kind of better system to add a random trait."
21      },
22      { "text": "Good point, let's find a more appropriate place.", "topic": "TALK_NONE" },
23      { "text": "You're right.  Forget I said anything, let's get moving.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
24    ]
25  },
26  {
28    "type": "talk_topic",
29    "dynamic_line": "What did you want to talk about?",
30    "responses": [ { "text": "Actually, never mind.", "topic": "TALK_NONE" } ]
31  },
32  {
33    "id": "TALK_FRIEND_CHAT",
34    "type": "talk_topic",
35    "dynamic_line": [
36      {
37        "days_since_cataclysm": 100,
38        "yes": [
39          { "u_has_item": "beer", "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_booze>  <neutralchitchat_later>", "no": "<neutralchitchat_later>" },
40          {
41            "u_has_item": "european_pilsner",
42            "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_booze>  <neutralchitchat_later>",
43            "no": "<neutralchitchat_later>"
44          },
45          {
46            "u_has_item": "pale_ale",
47            "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_booze>  <neutralchitchat_later>",
48            "no": "<neutralchitchat_later>"
49          },
50          {
51            "u_has_item": "india_pale_ale",
52            "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_booze>  <neutralchitchat_later>",
53            "no": "<neutralchitchat_later>"
54          },
55          {
56            "u_has_item": "wine_barley",
57            "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_booze>  <neutralchitchat_later>",
58            "no": "<neutralchitchat_later>"
59          },
60          {
61            "is_season": "summer",
62            "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_summer>  <neutralchitchat_later>",
63            "no": "<neutralchitchat_later>"
64          },
65          {
66            "is_season": "winter",
67            "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_winter>  <neutralchitchat_later>",
68            "no": "<neutralchitchat_later>"
69          },
70          {
71            "npc_has_effect": "infected",
72            "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_infected>  <neutralchitchat_later>",
73            "no": "<neutralchitchat_later>"
74          },
75          { "npc_has_intelligence": 8, "yes": "<insightfulchitchat>", "no": "<thoughtfulchitchat>" },
76          { "npc_has_perception": 8, "yes": "<insightfulchitchat>", "no": "<thoughtfulchitchat>" }
77        ],
78        "no": [
79          { "u_has_item": "beer", "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_booze>  <neutralchitchat>", "no": "<neutralchitchat>" },
80          {
81            "u_has_item": "european_pilsner",
82            "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_booze>  <neutralchitchat>",
83            "no": "<neutralchitchat>"
84          },
85          { "u_has_item": "pale_ale", "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_booze>  <neutralchitchat>", "no": "<neutralchitchat>" },
86          {
87            "u_has_item": "india_pale_ale",
88            "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_booze>  <neutralchitchat>",
89            "no": "<neutralchitchat>"
90          },
91          {
92            "u_has_item": "wine_barley",
93            "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_booze>  <neutralchitchat>",
94            "no": "<neutralchitchat>"
95          },
96          { "is_season": "summer", "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_summer>  <neutralchitchat>", "no": "<neutralchitchat>" },
97          { "is_season": "winter", "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_winter>  <neutralchitchat>", "no": "<neutralchitchat>" },
98          {
99            "npc_has_effect": "infected",
100            "yes": "<chitchat_prefix_infected>  <neutralchitchat>",
101            "no": "<neutralchitchat>"
102          },
103          { "npc_has_intelligence": 8, "yes": "<insightfulchitchat>", "no": "<thoughtfulchitchat>" },
104          { "npc_has_perception": 8, "yes": "<insightfulchitchat>", "no": "<thoughtfulchitchat>" }
105        ]
106      }
107    ],
108    "responses": [
109      {
110        "text": "<chitchat_player_responses>",
111        "topic": "TALK_DONE",
112        "switch": true,
113        "effect": [ "morale_chat_activity", { "npc_add_effect": "asked_to_socialize", "duration": 7000 } ]
114      }
115    ]
116  }