1## 3.1.0 (2019-??-??)
3### General
4  * WAD file autoloading was added - WAD and DEH files can be copied into
5    an autoload folder to be automatically included on every game start.
6  * Music pack configuration has been significantly simplified. By simply
7    copying .flac/.ogg music files into a folder they will be automatically
8    detected by filename and used.
9  * Music packs can now be used with OPL as a fallback, and music pack
10    config files can have any name ending in '.cfg'.
11  * Network synchronization now uses a PID controller by default, which
12    makes games more smooth and more stable, especially for Internet play.
13  * UDP hole punching is now used to make servers behind NAT gateways
14    automatically accessible to the Internet.
15  * OPL emulation now uses Nuked OPL3 v1.8 (thanks nukeykt)
16  * The setup tool now uses "Romero Blue" as a background (see the wiki:
17    <https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Romero_Blue> for more info).
18  * The 0 and 5 keys on the number pad can now be bound independently
19    of any other keyboard key (thanks BlooD2ool).
20  * With aspect ratio correction disabled, the game can scale to any
21    arbitrary size and remove all black borders in full screen mode.
22    (thanks chungy)
23  * The executable's location is now checked when looking for IWADs.
24  * The IWAD files installed by Steam-on-Linux are now detected (thanks
25    chungy).
26  * It's now possible to use `-response` to load response files.
27  * Default savegame name now includes the WAD filename (thanks Fabian).
28  * Mouse movement is no longer read when the game window is inactive
29    (thanks Julia Nechaevskaya).
31### Refactorings
32  * CMake project files have been added, replacing the Microsoft Visual
33    Studio and Code::Blocks files. CMake maintains support for multiple
34    IDEs and versions thereof, and reduces developer overhead when updating
35    Chocolate Doom (huge thanks to AlexMax for this work).
36  * Source code has been retrofitted to fix many compiler warnings and
37    add const annotations to many variables (thanks turol).
38  * Several functions have been hardened against incomplete reads and
39    error conditions, and made safer (thanks turol).
40  * Man page generation has been reworked to use autoconf macro
41    substitution, making it eaiser for downstream forks to change the
42    project name (thanks Jon).
43  * We now print a meaningful error message when a savegame cannot be
44    loaded (thanks Zodomaniac, chungy).
45  * There's now a log file feature for the network code to aid in tracking
46    down multiplayer bugs.
48### Bug fixes
49  * Fixed an exception thrown by the Windows kernel when debugging with
50    GDB (thanks AXDOOMER).
51  * Loop metadata now works properly with music packs on Windows.
52  * Mouse movement is ignored when the game window isn't active (thanks
53    Julia Nechaevskaya).
54  * A bug was fixed where music would not play after pausing on an
55    intermission screen (thanks Julia Nechaevskaya).
56  * Timeouts when connecting to a network server were fixed (thanks
57    @bradc6).
58  * A long-standing bug where some visplane overflows caused crashes was
59    fixed (thanks Mike Francis).
60  * A multiplayer deadlock bug where clients would stop sending tics after
61    missing tics from the server was fixed. There are both client- and
62    server- side fixes to fix the problem when playing with older versions
63    (thanks MadDog and Mortrixs for help tracking this down).
65### Doom
66  * Map33 intermission screen and map33-map35 automap names are
67    emulated (thanks CapnClever).
68  * We now exit gracefully when player starts are missing (thanks Mike
69    Francis).
70  * We now exit gracefully on levels with a boss brain and no boss spitter
71    things (thanks Jason Benaim).
72  * It's now possible to play multiplayer with gameversion=1.2.
74### Heretic
75  * P\_FindNextHighestFloor was changed to match vanilla behavior (thanks
76    AXDOOMER).
77  * WAD hash table is now generated for speed (thanks Mike Francis).
78  * HHE level name replacements now apply on the intermission screen
79    (thanks ETTiNGRiNDER).
81### Hexen
82  * ACS code has been hardened against potential security vulnerabilities.
83  * WAD hash table is now generated for speed (thanks AXDOOMER).
85### Strife
86  * Sehacked replacements of the "empty slot" string now work.
87  * VOICES.WAD is now found in a case-insensitive way (thanks Mike Francis).
89## 3.0.0 (2017-12-30)
91  Chocolate Doom 3.0 is a new major revision. The main change is that
92  the codebase has been ported to SDL 2.0. This brings a number of
93  benefits, although there have also been some other minor changes (all
94  listed below).
96  Huge thanks go to the entire Chocolate Doom team for working on the
97  port to SDL2, and to all the testers who have found and reported bugs
98  during its development.
100### General
101  * All screen scaling is now performed in hardware, meaning that the
102    game can run in arbitrary window sizes in high quality. It can also
103    scale to very large resolutions sizes without using large amounts of
104    CPU or suffering degraded performance (thanks Fabian).
105  * It is now possible to switch between windowed and full screen modes
106    while the game is running by pressing alt + enter (thanks Jon)
107  * Windows binaries now ship with several previously-optional DLLs.
108    This means it is now possible to take PNG screenshots and to use
109    digital music packs (FLAC/Ogg Vorbis formats).
110  * The game now remembers your preferred monitor and will start on the
111    same monitor you were using the last time you played. Windows appear
112    centered on the screen.
113  * The OS X launcher was tweaked somewhat, and now uses proper path
114    controls for choosing files. FreeDM was added as an IWAD.
115  * Configuration files on Mac OS X and Unix are now stored in locations
116    compliant with the XDG standard (thanks chungy):
117    - On Unix: `~/.local/share/chocolate-doom/`
118    - On OS X: `~/Library/Application Support/chocolate-doom/`
119  * Icons when the game is running are now a higher resolution.
120  * Keyboard input is improved and uses the new SDL input API; on
121    systems with on-screen keyboards, this should activate the on-screen
122    keyboard when it is appropriate.
123  * Menu navigation with the joystick is now much more practical, and
124    it’s possible to bind a joystick axis to look up/down in games which
125    support it (thanks Jon, Wintermute0110).
126  * Several command line options were removed that were judged to be
127    useless: `-grabmouse`, `-novert` and `-nonovert`. The mouse grabbing
128    and novert settings can still be configured in the setup tool.
129  * There is no longer any option in the setup tool to specify a screen
130    resolution, since in full screen mode the game just runs at the
131    desktop resolution without changing screen modes. If necessary, the
132    config file options `fullscreen_width` and `fullscreen_height` can
133    be used to explicitly set a screen resolution.
134  * There is no longer a soft dependency on Zenity on Unix systems; the
135    SDL API is now used to display error dialogs.
136  * Joysticks are identified more precisely using GUID now.
137  * A new parameter, `-savedir` allows users to specify a directory from
138    which to load and save games. (thanks CapnClever)
139  * The midiproc code from Eternity Engine has been imported, improving
140    native MIDI playback on Windows and fixing a long-standing bug with
141    music volume adjustment (thanks AlexMax, Quasar).
142  * VGA “porch” emulation was added (thanks Jon).
143  * The codebase now compiles with OpenWatcom (thanks Stephen Finniss).
145### Doom
146  * The GOG install of Doom 3: BFG Edition is now detected (thanks chungy)
147  * A `-shorttics` command line parameter was added that simulates
148    recording a vanilla demo without actually recording a demo.
150### Hexen
151  * The CD audio option for music playback has been removed; the CD
152    playback API has been removed from SDL 2.0. However, it is possible
153    to use digital music packs as an alternative.
155### Strife
156  * `voices.wad` is now correctly loaded before PWADs (thanks
157    @Catoptromancy)
159### libtextscreen
160  * On OS X on machines with retina displays, text screens are rendered
161    using a high detail font.
162  * File selector widgets now look more visually distinctive.
163  * There is now a convenience widget for conditionally hiding widgets.
164  * Font handling was restructured to be based around PNG format fonts
165    which are converted during the build and can be more easily edited.
166  * Handling of code pages was cleaned up, so it is easier to change the
167    code to work with a different code page now.
168  * Lots of the UI code was changed to use UTF-8 strings.
169  * File extensions when using the Zenity file selector are now case
170    insensitive (thanks Jon).
172## 2.3.0 (2016-12-29)
174### General
175  * Bash completion scripts are included (thanks Fabian)
176  * The OS X launcher now supports the .lmp file format (thanks Jon)
177  * Pitch-shifting from early versions of Doom, Heretic, and Hexen.
178    is now supported (thanks Jon)
179  * Aspect ratio-corrected 1600×1200 PNGs are now written (thanks Jon)
180  * OPL emulation is more accurate (thanks Nuke.YKT)
181  * DMX bugs with GUS cards are now better emulated (thanks Nuke.YKT)
182  * The disk activity floppy disk icon is now shown (thanks Fabian, Jon)
183  * Checksum calculations are fixed on big endian systems, allowing
184    multiplayer games to be played in mixed little/big-endian
185    environments (thanks GhostlyDeath, njankowski)
186  * The NES30, SNES30, and SFC30 gamepads are detected and configured
187    automatically by the Setup tool. The automap can also be configured
188    to a joystick button (thanks Jon)
189  * The vanilla limit of 4046 lumps per WAD is now enforced (thanks
190    Jon, Quasar, Edward-san)
191  * Solidsegs overflow is emulated like in vanilla (thanks Quasar)
192  * Multiple capitalizations are now tried when searching for WAD files,
193    for convenience when running on case sensitive filesystems (thanks
194    Fabian).
195  * A new command line argument, `-strictdemos`, was added, to allow
196    more careful control over demo format extensions. Such extensions
197    are now forbidden in WAD files and warning messages are shown.
199### Build systems
200  * There is better compatibility with BSD Make (thanks R.Rebello)
201  * `./configure --with-PACKAGE` checks were repaired to behave
202    logically, rather than disabling the feature (thanks R.Rebello)
203  * Games are now installed to ${bindir} by default, eg.
204    /usr/local/bin, rather than /usr/local/games (thanks chungy)
205  * Visual Studio 2015 is now supported (thanks Azarien)
206  * SDL headers and libraries can now exist in the Microsoft Visual
207    Studio project directory (thanks Quasar)
208  * CodeBlocks projects were repaired by removing non-existent files
209    from the project files (thanks krystalgamer)
211### Doom
212  * Chex Quest’s level warp cheat (LEESNYDER##) now behaves more like
213    like the original EXE (thanks Nuke.YKT)
214  * It’s now possible to start multiplayer Chex Quest games.
215  * Freedoom: Phase 1 <= 0.10.1 can now be loaded with mods, with
216    -gameversion older than ultimate (thanks Fabian, chungy)
217  * The IWAD order preference for GOG.com installs matches vanilla
218    Final Doom: doom2, plutonia, tnt, doom (thanks chungy)
219  * There are better safety checks against write failures when saving
220    a game, such as when the directory is read-only (thanks
221    terrorcide)
222  * Versions 1.666, 1.7, and 1.8 are emulated (thanks Nuke.YKT)
223  * Crashes are now handled more gracefully when a linedef references
224    nonexistent sidedefs (thanks Fabian)
226### Heretic
227  * Map names were added for Episode 6, fixing a crash after completing
228    a level in this episode (thanks J.Benaim)
229  * Support for unlimited demo/savegames was added (thanks CapnClever)
230  * Demo support is expanded: `-demoextend` allows demos to last longer
231    than a single level; `-shortticfix` adjusts low-resolution turning
232    to match Doom’s handling, and there is now `-maxdemo` and `-longtics`
233    support (thanks CapnClever)
235### Hexen
236  * The MRJONES cheat code returns an identical string to vanilla, and
237    enables fully reproducible builds (thanks Fabian)
238  * An issue was fixed where the game crashed while killing the
239    Wraithverge in 64-bit builds (thanks J.Benaim)
240  * Support for unlimited demo/savegames was added (thanks CapnClever)
241  * Mouse buttons for strafe left/right and move backward were added,
242    as well as a “Double click acts as use” mouse option (thanks
243    CapnClever)
244  * Demo support is expanded: `-demoextend` allows demos to last longer
245    than a single level; `-shortticfix` adjusts low-resolution turning
246    to match Doom’s handling, and there is now `-maxdemo` and `-longtics`
247    support (thanks CapnClever)
249### Strife
250  * Support was added for automatic loading of the IWAD from the GOG.com
251    release of Strife: Veteran Edition on Windows (thanks chungy)
252  * Jumping can now be bound to a mouse button (thanks Gez)
253  * Gibbing logic was changed to match vanilla behavior (thanks Quasar)
254  * Several constants differences from vanilla were fixed (thanks
255    Nuke.YKT, Quasar)
256  * When using -iwad, voices.wad from the IWAD’s directory is prefered
257    over auto-detected DOS/Steam/GOG.com installs (thanks Quasar)
259### libtextscreen
260  * The API for creating and managing tables and columns was simplified.
261  * It’s now possible to cycle through tables with the tab key.
262  * Windows can now have multiple columns.
264## 2.2.1 (2015-09-10)
266  Chocolate Doom has not seen a great deal of “stable” patch releases
267  in its history. While the development tree sees major new features
268  and changes, the purpose of this release, and hopefully others to
269  follow like it, is to repair some deficiencies that existed
270  in 2.2.0.
272### General
273  * Preferences for the OS X launcher are now stored with a unique
274    name to not conflict with other applications. (thanks
275    Xeriphas1994)
276  * Unix desktop entry files are now brought up to full desktop entry
277    specification compliance. (thanks chungy, Fabian)
278  * Unix AppData entries are now included, allowing software centers
279    to display detailed information about the engines. (thanks chungy)
280  * Partial XDG base directory specification compliance on Unix
281    systems now exist to search for IWAD paths.  One benefit is that
282    $HOME/.local/share/games/doom is now a valid location to store and
283    automatically find IWADs. (thanks chungy)
285### Build systems
286  * The Microsoft Visual Studio build system was not fully functional
287    in 2.2.0 and has been fixed. (thanks Linguica)
288  * The autoconf build system checks for windres only for Windows
289    toolchains.  Some Linux distributions mistakingly include the
290    program in their native toolchains. (thanks Fabian)
291  * A compiler hint for packed structs has been added, which otherwise
292    broke the games when built under recent GCC releases for
293    Windows. (thanks Fabian)
295### Doom
296  * The GOG.com releases of The Ultimate Doom, Doom II, and Final Doom
297    are now detected and supported on Windows. (thanks chungy)
298  * An integer overflow was used in spawn angle calculation, undefined
299    C behavior which broke with Clang optimization.  (thanks David
300    Majnemer for insight)
302### Setup tool
303  * The help URL for the level warp menu now points to the proper wiki
304    page, rather than the multiplayer page.
305  * The manifest has been updated for Windows 10 compatibility.
306    (thanks chungy)
308## 2.2.0 (2015-06-09)
310  * The Hexen four level demo IWAD is now supported. Thanks to Fabian
311    Greffrath for his careful investigation and emulation of the demo
312    game’s behavior in developing this.
313  * OPL music playback has been improved in a number of ways to match
314    the behavior of Vanilla Doom’s DMX library much more closely. OPL3
315    playback is also now supported. Thanks go to Alexey Khokholov for
316    his excellent research into the Vanilla DMX library that enabled
317    these improvements.
318  * New gamepad configurations:
319      - PS4 DualShock 4 (thanks Matt “3nT” Davis).
320      - Xbox One controller on Linux (thanks chungy).
321      - “Super Joy Box 7” USB/PC gameport adapter.
322  * The Doom reload hack has been added back. See the wiki for more
323    context on this: http://doomwiki.org/wiki/Reload_hack
324  * The IWAD file from Strife: Veteran Edition is now detected
325    automatically (thanks chungy).
326  * It’s now possible to build outside of the source directory (thanks
327    Dave Murphy).
328  * MSVC project files were brought up to date (thanks dbrackett16).
329  * M_StringDuplicate() has been added as a safer replacement for
330    strdup() (thanks Quasar). M_StringCopy() now handles short buffers
331    more gracefully.
332  * The netgame discrepancy window is now dismissed by pressing enter
333    to proceed, not escape (thanks AXDOOMER).
334  * A couple of source files that were in the previous release and
335    were GPL3 have been replaced by GPL2 equivalents. Previous
336    releases that included these files should be retroactively
337    considered GPL3.
339### Bug fixes
340  * A long-standing bug that could cause every display frame to be
341    rendered twice was fixed (thanks Linguica, Harha, AXDOOMER).
342  * Lots of endianness fixes were integrated that were found by Ronald
343    Lasmanowicz during development of his Wii port of Chocolate Doom,
344    including a fix for a bug that could cause monsters to become
345    partially invisible.
346  * DeHackEd files without a newline character at the EOF are now
347    correctly parsed (thanks Fabian).
348  * An infinite loop that could occur in the weapon cycling code was
349    fixed (thanks raithe, Fabian).
350  * Mouse input triggered by cursor warp was fixed (thanks Super6-4).
351  * Loop tags in substitute music files are ignored if both of the
352    loop tags are equal to zero. This makes us consistent with other
353    source ports that support the tags.
354  * It’s now possible to more conveniently play back demo .lmp files
355    with names that end in the all-caps “.LMP” (thanks Ioan Chera).
356  * Some code that accessed memory after freeing it was fixed. Two new
357    parameters, -zonezero and -zonescan, were added to try to help
358    detect these cases.
359  * Mistaken assumptions about representations of booleans that
360    affected some ARM systems were fixed (thanks floppes).
361  * memcpy() uses on overlapping memory were changed to use memmove(),
362    fixing abort traps on OpenBSD (thanks ryan-sg).
363  * Hyphens in manpages were fixed (thanks chungy, Fabian).
364  * Lots of compiler build warnings were fixed (thanks Fabian).
366### Setup tool
367  * The setup tool now has help buttons for its various different
368    screens, which link to articles on the wiki that give more
369    information (thanks to chungy for helping to put the wiki pages
370    together).
371  * A fix was applied for a buffer overrun that could occur if the
372    user had lots of IWAD files installed (thanks Fabian).
373  * A crash related to username lookup was fixed.
374  * It’s now possible to connect via the setup tool to multiplayer
375    servers that are not listening on the default port (thanks
376    AXDOOMER).
378### Doom
379  * Sky transitions when emulating the id anthology version of the
380    Final Doom executable were fixed (thanks AXDOOMER, Fabian,
381    chungy).
382  * Structure fields in the stair-building functions were fixed to be
383    deterministic, fixing a desync in mm09-512.lmp (thanks Fabian).
385### Hexen
386  * A bug with texture names that had long names was fixed (thanks
387    ETTiNGRiNDER).
388  * Minotaur spawn time is now stored in little endian format, fixing
389    a bug that affected compatibility with Vanilla savegames on big
390    endian systems.
391  * Code that starts ACS scripts is no longer compiler-dependent.
393### Strife (all these are thanks to Quasar)
394  * Sound priority was changed, so that the ticking sound that Stalker
395    enemies make while active matches Vanilla behavior (thanks
396    GeoffLedak).
397  * Minor fixes to game behavior to match Vanilla, discovered during
398    development of Strife: Veteran edition.
399  * Behavior of descending stairs was fixed to match Vanilla.
400  * Inventory items beyond the 8-bit range are now allowed in
401    netgames.
402  * Automap behavior better matches Vanilla now.
403  * Multiplayer name changes were fixed.
404  * Sound origin behavior for switches was fixed.
405  * Teleport beacon behavior was fixed.
406  * Default Strife skill level and screen size were changed to match
407    Vanilla.
408  * Bug was fixed where Rowan would not always take Beldin’s ring.
409  * Totally-invisible objects are now displayed correctly, and a
410    Vanilla glitch with Shadow Acolytes is correctly emulated.
411  * The level name for MAP29 (Entity’s Lair) was fixed (thanks
412    chungy).
414### libtextscreen
415  * The main loop now exits immediately once all windows are closed
416    (thanks AXDOOMER).
417  * The large font is no longer selected based entirely on screen
418    size.
420## 2.1.0 (2014-10-22)
422  Chocolate Doom now supports high-quality substitute music packs that
423  are used in place of the original MIDI music tracks. I’m hoping to
424  put together high-quality recordings of the music for all supported
425  games using the Roland SC-55 synthesizer originally used to compose
426  Doom’s music (thanks twipley and MusicallyInspired).
428  Support for joysticks and gamepads has been significantly improved
429  in this version. Most gamepads should now work; if they don’t,
430  please report a bug. A number of gamepads are now automatically
431  detected and configured automatically; if yours is not, you can help
432  by sending in details. See the following page:
434  http://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Adding_your_gamepad
436  OPL MIDI playback has been significantly improved, and problems with
437  most tracks should now be resolved. Multi-track MIDI files now play
438  back properly, MIDI tempo meta events are now supported and problems
439  with stuttering when playing certain tracks have been fixed. If you
440  still have problems with OPL playback, let me know.
442  Also of note is that Chocolate Doom now has a document that
443  describes the philosophy of the project and the reasoning behind its
444  design (see PHILOSOPHY distributed with the source).
446### Other new features
447  * There is now a -dehlump command line parameter to load Dehacked
448    files contained inside WAD files (thanks Fabian Greffrath).
449  * PNG format screenshots are now supported, and there is a dedicated
450    key binding for taking screenshots without needing to always use
451    -devparm (thanks Fabian Greffrath). The PrintScreen key can be
452    used as a key binding (thanks AXDOOMER).
453  * There is now a config file variable (snd_maxslicetime_ms) to
454    control the sound buffer size, and the default is more precise to
455    reduce sound latency (thanks Holering).
456  * You can now use an external command for music playback (thanks
457    Holering).
458  * All games now detect if you’re tring to play using the wrong type
459    of IWAD (doom.wad with Hexen, etc.) and exit with a helpful error
460    message. A couple of users made this mistake after the 2.0 release
461    introduced support for the new games.
462  * The OS X app now associates with .hhe and .seh files.
463  * There is now a -nodes parameter that automatically starts a
464    netgame when a desired number of players have joined the game.
465  * There is now more extensive documentation about music
466    configuration (README.Music).
467  * On Linux, a GUI pop-up is used when the game quits with an error
468    to show the error message (thanks Willy Barro).
469  * There are now Linux .desktop files for all supported games (thanks
470    Mike Swanson).
471  * The -geometry command line parameter can now be used to specify
472    fullscreen or windowed modes, eg. -geometry 640x480w or -geometry
473    1024x768f. (thanks Mike Swanson)
475### Doom
476  * Minor workarounds were added to allow the BFG Edition IWADs to be
477    used without crashing the game (thanks Fabian Greffrath).
478  * GUS patch files included with the BFG Edition are now
479    automatically detected.
480  * The “no fog on spawn west” Vanilla bug is now correctly emulated
481    (thanks xttl).
482  * Behavior of older versions of Doom back to v1.666 can now be
483    emulated.
484  * The new Freedoom IWAD names are now recognized and supported.
485  * Freedoom’s DEHACKED lump can now be parsed and is automatically
486    loaded when a Freedoom IWAD file is used (thanks Fabian
487    Greffrath). A new command line parameter, -nodeh, can be used to
488    prevent this from being loaded.
489  * Behavior of the M_EPI4 menu item is now correctly emulated based
490    on game version (thanks AXDOOMER).
491  * IDCLEV up to MAP40 is now supported, to match Vanilla (thanks
492    AXDOOMER).
493  * Level warping on the command line (-warp) to episodes higher than
494    4 is possible, matching Vanilla behavior (thanks plumsinus).
495  * The -cdrom command line parameter writes savegames to the correct
496    directory now, matching Vanilla Doom behavior (thanks AXDOOMER).
497  * The Doom II mission pack to use can now be specified manually on
498    the command line with the -pack parameter (thanks chungy)
500### Heretic
501  * Weapon cycling keys for mouse and joystick were fixed (thanks
502    Sander van Dijk).
503  * The -timedemo parameter has been fixed, and -playdemo now handles
504    full paths correctly.
505  * A bug when panning the map was fixed (thanks Chris Fielder).
506  * A savegame bug where plat_t structures were not restored correctly
507    was fixed (thanks romeroyakovlev).
508  * Rebinding of the pause key was fixed (thanks Fabian Greffrath).
510### Hexen
511  * Music workarounds have been added so that it is possible to play
512    using the Mac version of the Hexen IWAD file.
513  * Weapon cycling keys for mouse and joystick were fixed (thanks
514    Sander van Dijk).
515  * The -timedemo parameter has been fixed, and -playdemo now handles
516    full paths correctly.
517  * There are now key bindings to allow the artifact keys to be
518    rebound (thanks Fabian Greffrath).
519  * Rebinding of the pause key was fixed (thanks Fabian Greffrath).
520  * Maximum level number was extended to MAP60, allowing multiplayer
521    games using the Deathkings add-on.
522  * The startup screen can now be aborted by pressing escape, like in
523    Vanilla.
524  * Desync when playing back DEMO1 was fixed (thanks alexey.lysiuk).
526### Strife
527  * “Show mission” key is configured properly in setup (thanks Sander
528    van Dijk).
529  * Default music volume level now matches Vanilla (thanks AXDOOMER).
530  * Teleport beacon allegiance was fixed to match Vanilla (thanks
531    Quasar).
532  * The stair building code now more closely matches Vanilla (thanks
533    Quasar).
534  * Torpedo weapon changing behavior now matches Vanilla (thanks
535    Quasar).
537### Cleanups
538  * The copyright headers at the top of all source files have been
539    vastly simplified.
540  * Unsafe string functions have been eliminated from the codebase.
541    Thanks to Theo de Raadt for calling out Chocolate Doom by name
542    (alongside many other packages) for still using unsafe functions
543    like strcpy: http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=138733933417096
544  * vldoor_e enum values are now namespaced to avoid potential
545    conflicts with POSIX standard functions.
547### Bug fixes
548  * WAD and Dehacked checksums are now sent to clients and checked
549    correctly when setting up netgames.
550  * A bug was fixed that caused sound not to work in multiplayer games
551    (thanks to everyone who reported this, and for AXDOOMER and Quasar
552    for help in fixing it).
553  * The “D_DDTBLU disease” bug affecting certain MIDI files has been
554    fixed (thanks plumsinus, Brad Harding and Quasar).
555  * Calculation of the -devparm “ticker” dots was fixed to match
556    Vanilla behavior (thanks _bruce_ and AXDOOMER).
557  * The PC speaker code now supports the full range of sound
558    frequencies (thanks Gez).
559  * Annoying “jumping” behavior when grabbing the mouse cursor was
560    fixed.
561  * The screen is now initialized at the native bit depth by default,
562    to avoid problems with systems that don’t handle 8-bit
563    screenbuffers very well any more.
564  * The --docdir argument to the configure script is now honored
565    (thanks Jan Engelhardt).
566  * Various issues with the build were fixed (thanks Jan Engelhardt
567    and Fabian Greffrath).
568  * Backwards parameters were fixed in the sound code (thanks
569    proteal).
570  * A crash was fixed when running fullscreen with the -2 parameter
571    (thanks Fabian Greffrath).
572  * A crash when using large values of snd_channels was fixed (thanks
573    AXDOOMER).
574  * A resource leak in the BSD PC speaker code was fixed (thanks
575    Edward-san).
576  * Windows resource files were fixed for Windows 7 (thanks Brad
577    Harding).
578  * A hard to trigger crash caused by a realloc() in the WAD code was
579    fixed (thanks Fabian Greffrath for debugging).
580  * A bug has been fixed where Chocolate Doom would stay running in
581    the background on Windows after quitting. SDL_Quit() is called now
582    (thanks johnsirett, Brad Harding, Quasar).
583  * String replacements in dehacked lumps can now be overridden if a
584    subsequent dehacked patch replaces the same string.
586### libtextscreen
587  * Clicking on scrollbars now jumps to the correct position (thanks
588    AXDOOMER).
589  * A use-after-free bug has been fixed where a click in a window that
590    causes the window to close could lead to a crash (thanks DuClare).
591  * Characters that are unprintable in the Extended ASCII chart are
592    just ignored when they’re typed, rather than appearing as an
593    upside-down question mark (thanks AXDOOMER).
595## 2.0.0 (2013-12-09)
597  This is version 2.0 of Chocolate Doom! This new major version is
598  released to celeberate the 20th anniversary of the first release of
599  Doom in 1993. Happy Birthday Doom!
601  This new version has some major changes compared to the 1.0 series:
603  * The codebase now includes Chocolate Heretic and Chocolate
604    Hexen. These are based on the GPL source code released by Raven
605    Software.
606  * Also included is Chocolate Strife. This was developed through a
607    mammoth four year reverse engineering project conducted by James
608    “Quasar” Haley and Samuel “Kaiser” Villareal. The result is the
609    most accurate reproduction of Strife to date, including full demo
610    and savegame compatibility. See README.Strife for more
611    information.
613### Minor features that are nonetheless worth mentioning
614  * Chocolate Doom now includes a -statdump command line option, which
615    emulates the output of the statdump.exe tool. This is used to
616    implement a form of regression testing (statcheck) that directly
617    compares against the Vanilla behavior.
618  * Chocolate Heretic includes HHE patch file support, and I believe
619    is the first Heretic port to include this feature.
620  * GUS “pseudo-emulation” is now supported. This does not fully
621    emulate a GUS, but Doom’s DMXGUS lump can be used to generate a
622    Timidity configuration file that plays music using the GUS patch
623    set.
624  * The setup tool now includes a built-in server browser, for use
625    when selecting a server to join.
627  Version 2.0 of Chocolate Doom has been in development for a long
628  time, and there have been many bugs fixed over this time, too many
629  to list here. Thanks to all the people who have tested it and
630  diligently reported bugs over this time, and to all the people who
631  have tested the beta releases over the past couple of months.  Your
632  contributions have been essential and invaluable.
634## 1.7.0 (2012-06-09)
636  * Fixed gnome-screensaver desktop file (thanks Rahul Sundaram).
637  * Updated COPYING to current version of GPL2 (thanks Rahul
638    Sundaram).
639  * Running servers now re-resolve the address of the master server
640    occasionally, to adapt to DNS address changes.
641  * Error dialog is no longer shown on OS X when running from the
642    console.
643  * The Makefiles no longer use GNU make extensions, so the package
644    builds on OpenBSD.
645  * There is now an OPL MIDI debug option (-opldev), useful for when
646    developing GENMIDI lumps.
647  * A workaround for SDL mouse lag is now only used on Windows (where
648    it is needed), and not on other systems. This fixes Chocolate Doom
649    on AmigaOS (thanks Timo Sievänen).
650  * UTF-8 usernames are supported, and Windows usernames with
651    non-ASCII characters are now supported (thanks AXDOOMER).
653### Compatibility
654  * Palette accuracy is reduced to 6 bits per channel, to more
655    accurately emulate the PC VGA hardware (thanks GhostlyDeath).
656  * Fixed teleport behavior when emulating the alternate Final Doom
657    executable (-gameversion final2) (thanks xttl).
659### Bugs fixed
660  * Fixed weapon cycling keys when playing in Shareware Doom and using
661    the IDKFA cheat (thanks AXDOOMER).
662  * Fixed the default mouse buttons in the setup tool (thanks
663    AXDOOMER).
664  * Chat macros now work when vanilla_keyboard_mapping is turned off.
665  * Default chat macros were fixed in the setup tool.
666  * Ping time calculation was fixed for LAN search, and made more
667    accurate for all searches.
668  * Fixed bug with detection of IWAD type by filename (thanks mether).
670### libtextscreen
671  * There is now limited UTF-8 text support in the textscreen library,
672    used in the label and input box widgets.
673  * Scroll bar behavior was fixed (thanks AXDOOMER).
674  * Input boxes stop editing and save when they lose their focus,
675    correcting a previous counterintuitive behavior (thanks Twelve).
676  * The numeric keypad now works properly when entering text values
677    (thanks Twelve).
679## 1.6.0 (2011-05-17)
681  * The instructions in the INSTALL file are now customized for
682    different platforms, and each binary package contains a version
683    with instructions specific to the platform that it is targetting.
684    This should help to avoid confusion that some users have reported
685    experiencing.
686  * The display settings window in the setup tool has been reorganised
687    to a better arrangement.
688  * It is now possible to load .lmp files (and play back demos) with
689    long filenames (thanks blzut3).
690  * In the setup tool, it is now possible to hold down shift when
691    changing key/mouse/joystick bindings to prevent other bindings to
692    the same key from being cleared (thanks myk).
693  * The joystick menu in the setup tool now has a test button (thanks
694    AXDOOMER).
695  * Specifying the -privateserver option implies -server (thanks
696    Porsche Monty).
697  * The Mac OS X .dmg package now has a background and looks generally
698    more polished.
699  * In Mac OS X, it is now possible to simply double click an IWAD
700    file in the Finder to configure its location within the launcher.
701  * Freedesktop.org desktop files are now installed for Doom and the
702    setup tool, which will appear in the main menu on desktop
703    environments such as Gnome and KDE (thanks Adrián Chaves
704    Fernández).
705  * The Chex Quest dehacked patch (chex.deh) will now be detected if
706    it is in the same directory as the IWAD file.
708### Compatibility
709  * Added support for the alternate version of the Final Doom
710    executable included in some later versions of the Id Anthology.
711    This version fixed the demo loop crash that occurred with the
712    “original” Final Doom executable.
714    This executable can be selected on the command line with
715    -gameversion final2. It has been made the default when playing
716    with the Final Doom IWADs (the original behavior can be selected
717    with -gameversion final).  (thanks Porsche Monty, Enjay).
718  * Very short sound effects are not played, to better emulate the
719    behavior of DMX in Vanilla Doom (thanks to Quasar for help in
720    investigating this).
721  * The null sector dereference emulation code has been imported from
722    Prboom+ - this fixes a desync with CLNJ-506.LMP (thanks entryway).
723  * The IDMUS cheat doesn’t work when emulating the v1.9 executable
724    (thanks AXDOOMER).
726### Bugs fixed
727  * Menu navigation when using joystick/joypad (thanks AXDOOMER).
728  * For configuration file value for shift keys, use scan code for
729    right shift, not left shift (thanks AXDOOMER).
730  * Default joystick buttons for the setup tool now match Vanilla
731    (thanks twipley).
732  * Visual Studio project files work again (thanks GhostlyDeath).
733  * The default sfx/music volume set by the setup tool is now 8
734    instead of 15, matching the game itself. (thanks AXDOOMER).
735  * Weapon cycling from the shotgun to the chaingun in Doom 1 now
736    works properly (thanks AXDOOMER).
737  * MIDI playback that locked up when using an empty MUS / MIDI file
738    (thanks AXDOOMER).
739  * Default sampling rate used by setup tool changed to 44100Hz, to
740    match the game default (thanks AXDOOMER).
741  * Cheat codes and menu hot keys now work when shift is held down or
742    capslock turned on (thanks AXDOOMER).
744### libtextscreen
745  * The background on GUI controls now lights up when hovering over
746    them, so that it is more obvious what you are selecting.
747  * It is now possible to type a “+” in input boxes (thanks AXDOOMER).
748  * It is possible to use the mouse wheel to scroll through scroll
749    panes.
750  * Clicking on scroll bars now moves the scroll handle to a matching
751    location.
752  * Clicking outside a dropdown list popup window now dismisses the
753    window.
754  * Window hotkeys that are an alphabetical letter now work when shift
755    is held down or capslock turned on (thanks AXDOOMER).
757## 1.5.0 (2011-01-02)
759  Big changes in this version:
761  * The DOSbox OPL emulator (DBOPL) has been imported to replace the
762    older FMOPL code.  The quality of OPL emulation is now therefore
763    much better.
764  * The game can now run in screen modes at any color depth (not just
765    8-bit modes).  This is mainly to work around problems with Windows
766    Vista/7, where 8-bit color modes don’t always work properly.
767  * Multiplayer servers now register themselves with an Internet
768    master server.  Use the -search command line parameter to find
769    servers on the Internet to play on.  You can also use DoomSeeker
770    (http://skulltag.net/doomseeker/) which supports this
771    functionality.
772  * When running in windowed mode, it is now possible to dynamically
773    resize the window by dragging the window borders.
774  * Names can be specified for servers with the -servername command
775    line parameter.
776  * There are now keyboard, mouse and joystick bindings to cycle
777    through available weapons, making play with joypads or mobile
778    devices (ie. without a proper keyboard) much more practical.
779  * There is now a key binding to change the multiplayer spy key
780    (usually F12).
781  * The setup tool now has a “warp” button on the main menu, like
782    Vanilla setup.exe (thanks Proteh).
783  * Up to 8 mouse buttons are now supported (including the
784    mousewheel).
785  * A new command line parameter has been added (-solo-net) which can
786    be used to simulate being in a single player netgame.
787  * There is now a configuration file parameter to set the OPL I/O
788    port, for cards that don’t use port 0x388.
789  * The Python scripts used for building Chocolate Doom now work with
790    Python 3 (but also continue to work with Python 2) (thanks arin).
791  * There is now a NOT-BUGS file included that lists some common
792    Vanilla Doom bugs/limitations that you might encounter (thanks to
793    Sander van Dijk for feedback).
795### Compatibility
796  * The -timer and -avg options now work the same as Vanilla when
797    playing back demos (thanks xttl)
798  * A texture lookup bug was fixed that caused the wrong sky to be
799    displayed in Spooky01.wad (thanks Porsche Monty).
800  * The HacX v1.2 IWAD file is now supported, and can be used
801    standalone without the need for the Doom II IWAD (thanks atyth).
802  * The I_Error function doesn’t display “Error:” before the error
803    message, matching the Vanilla behavior.  “Error” has also been
804    removed from the title of the dialog box that appears on Windows
805    when this happens.  This is desirable as not all such messages are
806    actually errors (thanks Proteh).
807  * The setup tool now passes through all command line arguments when
808    launching the game (thanks AXDOOMER).
809  * Demo loop behavior (ie. whether to play DEMO4) now depends on the
810    version being emulated.  When playing Final Doom the game will
811    exit unexpectedly as it tries to play the fourth demo - this is
812    Vanilla behaviour (thanks AXDOOMER).
814### Bugs fixed
815  * A workaround has been a bug in old versions of SDL_mixer (v1.2.8
816    and earlier) that could cause the game to lock up.  Please upgrade
817    to a newer version if you haven’t already.
818  * It is now possible to use OPL emulation at 11025Hz sound sampling
819    rate, due to the new OPL emulator (thanks Porsche Monty).
820  * The span renderer function (used for drawing floors and ceilings)
821    now behaves the same as Vanilla Doom, so screenshots are
822    pixel-perfect identical to Vanilla Doom (thanks Porsche Monty).
823  * The zone memory system now aligns allocated memory to 8-byte
824    boundaries on 64-bit systems, which may fix crashes on systems
825    such as sparc64 (thanks Ryan Freeman and Edd Barrett).
826  * The configure script now checks for libm, fixing compile problems
827    on Fedora Linux (thanks Sander van Dijk).
828  * Sound distortion with certain music files when played back using
829    OPL (eg. Heretic title screen).
830  * Error in Windows when reading response files (thanks Porsche
831    Monty, xttl, Janizdreg).
832  * Windows Vista/7 8-bit color mode issues (the default is now to run
833    in 32-bit color depth on these versions) (thanks to everybody who
834    reported this and helped test the fix).
835  * Screen borders no longer flash when running on widescreen
836    monitors, if you choose a true-color screen mode (thanks exp(x)).
837  * The controller player in a netgame is the first player to join,
838    instead of just being someone who gets lucky.
839  * Command line arguments that take an option now check that an
840    option is provided (thanks Sander van Dijk).
841  * Skill level names in the setup tool are now written the same as
842    they are on the in-game “new game” menu (thanks AXDOOMER).
843  * There is no longer a limit on the lengths of filenames provided to
844    the -record command line parameter (thanks AXDOOMER).
845  * Window title is not lost in setup tool when changing video driver
846    (thanks AXDOOMER).
848### libtextscreen
849  * The font used for the textscreen library can be forced by setting
850    the TEXTSCREEN_FONT environment variable to “small” or “normal”.
851  * Tables or scroll panes that don’t contain any selectable widgets
852    are now themselves not selectable (thanks Proteh).
853  * The actions displayed at the bottom of windows are now laid out in
854    a more aesthetically pleasing way.
856## 1.4.0 (2010-07-10)
858  The biggest change in this version is the addition of OPL emulation.
859  This emulates Vanilla Doom’s MIDI playback when using a Yamaha OPL
860  synthesizer chip, as was found on SoundBlaster compatible cards.
862  A software OPL emulator is included as most modern computers do not
863  have a hardware OPL chip any more.  If you do have one, you can
864  configure Chocolate Doom to use it; see README.OPL.
866  The OPL playback feature is not yet perfect or 100% complete, but is
867  judged to be good enough for general use.  If you find music that
868  does not play back properly, please report it as a bug.
870### Other changes
871  * The REJECT overflow emulation code from PrBoom+ has been
872    imported.  This fixes demo desync on some demos, although
873    others will still desync.
874  * Warnings are now generated for invalid dehacked replacements of
875    printf format strings.  Some potential buffer overflows are also
876    checked.
877  * The installation instructions (INSTALL file) have been clarified
878    and made more platform-agnostic.
879  * The mouse is no longer warped to the center of the screen when the
880    demo sequence advances.
881  * Key bindings can now be changed for the demo recording quit key
882    (normally ‘q’) and the multiplayer messaging keys (normally ‘t’,
883    ‘g’, ‘i’, ‘b’ and ‘r’).
885## 1.3.0 (2010-02-10)
887  * Chocolate Doom now runs on Windows Mobile/Windows CE!
888  * It is possible to rebind most/all of the keys that control the
889    menu, shortcuts, automap and weapon switching.  The main reason
890    for this is to support the Windows CE port and other platforms
891    where a full keyboard may not be present.
892  * Chocolate Doom now includes a proper Mac OS X package; it is no
893    longer necessary to compile binaries for this system by hand.  The
894    package includes a simple graphical launcher program and can be
895    installed simply by dragging the “Chocolate Doom” icon to the
896    Applications folder. (thanks to Rikard Lang for extensive testing
897    and feedback)
898  * The video mode auto-adjust code will automatically choose windowed
899    mode if no fullscreen video modes are available.
900  * The zone memory size is automatically reduced on systems with a
901    small amount of memory.
902  * The “join game” window in the setup tool now has an option to
903    automatically join a game on the local network.
904  * Chocolate Doom includes some initial hacks for compiling under
905    SDL 1.3.
906  * Recent versions of SDL_mixer include rewritten MIDI code on Mac OS
907    X.  If you are using a version of SDL_mixer with the new code,
908    music will now be enabled by default.
909  * Windows Vista and Windows 7 no longer prompt for elevated
910    privileges when running the setup tool (thanks hobbs and MikeRS).
911  * The Windows binaries now have better looking icons (thanks
912    MikeRS).
913  * Magic values specified using the -spechit command line parameter
914    can now be hexadecimal.
915  * DOOMWADDIR/DOOMWADPATH can now specify the complete path to IWAD
916    files, rather than the path to the directory that contains them.
917  * When recording shorttics demos, errors caused by the reduced
918    turning resolution are carried forward, possibly making turning
919    smoother.
920  * The source tarball can now be used to build an RPM package:
921    rpmbuild -tb chocolate-doom-VER.tar.gz
923### Compatibility
924  * The A_BossDeath behavior in v1.9 emulation mode was fixed (thanks
925    entryway)
926  * The “loading” disk icon is drawn more like how it is drawn in
927    Vanilla Doom, also fixing a bug with chook3.wad.
928  * Desync on 64-bit systems with ep1-0500.lmp has (at long last) been
929    fixed (thanks exp(x)).
930  * Donut overrun emulation code imported from Prboom+ (thanks
931    entryway).
932  * The correct level name should now be shown in the automap for
933    pl2.wad MAP33 (thanks Janizdreg).
934  * In Chex Quest, the green radiation suit colormap is now used
935    instead of the red colormaps normally used when taking damage or
936    using the berserk pack.  This matches Vanilla chex.exe behavior
937    (thanks Fuzztooth).
938  * Impassible glass now displays and works the same as in Vanilla,
939    fixing wads such as OTTAWAU.WAD (thanks Never_Again).
941### Bugs fixed
942  * Memory-mapped WAD I/O is disabled by default, as it caused various
943    issues, including a slowdown/crash with Plutonia 2 MAP23.  It can
944    be explicitly re-enabled using the “-mmap” command line parameter.
945  * Crash when saving games due to the ~/.chocolate-doom/savegames
946    directory not being created (thanks to everyone who reported
947    this).
948  * Chocolate Doom will now run under Win95/98, as the
949    SetProcessAffinityMask function is looked up dynamically.
950  * Compilation under Linux with older versions of libc will now work
951    (the semantics for sched_setaffinity were different in older
952    versions)
953  * Sound clipping when using libsamplerate was improved (thanks David
954    Flater)
955  * The audio buffer size is now calculated based on the sample rate,
956    so there is not a noticeable delay when using a lower sample rate.
957  * The manpage documentation for the DOOMWADPATH variable was fixed
958    (thanks MikeRS).
959  * Compilation with FEATURE_MULTIPLAYER and FEATURE_SOUND disabled
960    was fixed.
961  * Fixed crash when using the donut special type and the joining
962    linedef is one sided (thanks Alexander Waldmann).
963  * Key settings in a configuration file that are out of range do not
964    cause a crash (thanks entryway).
965  * Fix ear-piercing whistle when playing the MAP05 MIDI music using
966    timidity with EAWPATS (thanks entryway / HackNeyed).
968### libtextscreen
969  * There is now a second, small textscreen font, so that the ENDOOM
970    screen and setup tool can be used on low resolution devices
971    (eg. PDAs/embedded devices)
972  * The textscreen library now has a scrollable pane widget. Thanks to
973    LionsPhil for contributing code to scroll up and down using the
974    keyboard.
975  * Doxygen documentation was added for the textscreen library.
977## 1.2.1 (2008-12-10)
979  This version just fixes a crash at the intermission screen when
980  playing Doom 1 levels.
982## 1.2.0 (2008-12-10)
984  Happy 15th Birthday, Doom!
986  * Chocolate Doom now has an icon that is not based on the
987    proprietary Doom artwork.
988  * There is now memory-mapped WAD I/O support, which should be useful
989    on some embedded systems.
990  * Chex quest emulation support is now included, although an
991    auxiliary dehacked patch is needed (chexdeh.zip in the idgames
992    archive).
994### Compatibility
995  * The armor class is always set to 2 when picking up a megasphere
996    (thanks entryway).
997  * The quit screen prompts to quit “to dos” instead of just to quit
998    (thanks MikeRS)
999  * The “dimensional shambler” quit message was fixed.
1000  * Fix crash related to A_BFGSpray with NULL target when using
1001    dehacked patches - discovered with insaned2.deh (thanks CSonicGo)
1002  * NUL characters are stripped from dehacked files, to ensure correct
1003    behavior with some dehacked patches (eg. the one with portal.wad).
1005### Bugs fixed
1006  * “Python Image Library” should have been “Python Imaging Library”
1007    (thanks exp(x)).
1008  * The setup tool should no longer ask for elevated permissions on
1009    Windows Vista (this fix possibly may not work).
1010  * The application icon is set properly when running under Windows XP
1011    with the “Luna” theme.
1012  * Fix compilation under Cygwin to detect libraries and headers from
1013    the correct environment.
1014  * The video code does not try to read SDL events before SDL has been
1015    properly initialised - this was causing problems with some older
1016    versions of SDL.
1018## 1.1.1 (2008-04-20)
1020  The previous release (v1.1.0) included a bug that broke compilation
1021  when libsamplerate support was enabled.  The only change in this
1022  version is to fix this bug.
1024## 1.1.0 (2008-04-19)
1026  * The video mode code has been radically restructured.  The video
1027    mode is now chosen by directly specifying the mode to use; the
1028    scale factor is then chosen to fit the screen.  This is helpful
1029    when using widescreen monitors (thanks Linguica)
1030  * MSVC build project files (thanks GhostlyDeath and entryway).
1031  * Unix manpage improvements; the manpage now lists the environment
1032    variables that Chocolate Doom uses.  Manpages have been added for
1033    chocolate-setup and chocolate-server, from the versions for the
1034    Debian Chocolate Doom package (thanks Jon Dowland).
1035  * INSTALL file with installation instructions for installing
1036    Chocolate Doom on Unix systems.
1037  * Support for high quality resampling of sound effects using
1038    libsamplerate (thanks David Flater).
1039  * A low pass filter is applied when doing sound resampling in an
1040    attempt to filter out high frequency noise from the resampling
1041    process.
1042  * R_Main progress box is not displayed if stdout is a file (produces
1043    cleaner output).
1044  * Client/server version checking can be disabled to allow different
1045    versions of Chocolate Doom to play together, or Chocolate Doom
1046    clients to play with Strawberry Doom clients.
1047  * Unix manpages are now generated for the Chocolate Doom
1048    configuration files.
1049  * The BSD PC speaker driver now works on FreeBSD.
1051### Compatibility
1052  * Use the same spechits compatibility value as PrBoom+, for
1053    consistency (thanks Lemonzest).
1054  * The intercepts overrun code has been refactored to work on big
1055    endian machines.
1056  * The default startup delay has been set to one second, to allow
1057    time for the screen to settle before starting the game (some
1058    monitors have a delay before they come back on after changing
1059    modes).
1060  * If a savegame buffer overrun occurs, the savegame does not get
1061    saved and existing savegames are not overwritten (same behaviour
1062    as Vanilla).
1064### Bugs fixed
1065  * Desync with STRAIN demos and dehacked Misc values not being set
1066    properly (thanks Lemonzest)
1067  * Don’t grab the mouse if the mouse is disabled via -nomouse or
1068    use_mouse in the configuration file (thanks MikeRS).
1069  * Don’t center the mouse on startup if the mouse is disabled (thanks
1070    Siggi).
1071  * Reset the palette when the window is restored to clear any screen
1072    corruption (thanks Catoptromancy).
1073  * mus2mid.c should use `MEM_SEEK_SET`, not `SEEK_SET` (thanks
1074    Russell)
1075  * Fast/Respawn options were not being exchanged when starting
1076    netgames (thanks GhostlyDeath).
1077  * Letterbox mode is more accurately described as “pillarboxed” or
1078    “windowboxed” where appropriate (thanks MikeRS)
1079  * Process affinity mask is set to 1 on Windows, to work around a bug
1080    in SDL_mixer that can cause crashes on multi-core machines (thanks
1081    entryway).
1082  * Bugs in the joystick configuration dialog in the setup tool have
1083    been fixed.
1085## 1.0.0 (2007-12-10)
1087  This release is dedicated to Dylan “Toke” McIntosh, who was
1088  tragically killed in a car crash in 2006.  I knew Dylan from IRC and
1089  the Doomworld forums for several years, and he had a deep passion
1090  for this game.  He was also a huge help for me while developing
1091  Chocolate Doom, as he helped point out a lot of small quirks in
1092  Vanilla Doom that I didn’t know about. His death is a great loss.
1093  RIP Toke.
1095  This is the first release to reach full feature parity with Vanilla
1096  Doom.  As a result, I have made this version 1.0.0, so Chocolate
1097  Doom is no longer beta!
1099### Big new features
1100  * Multiplayer!  This version includes an entirely new multiplayer
1101    engine, based on a packet server architecture.  I’d like to thank
1102    joe, pritch, Meph and myk, and everyone else who has helped test
1103    the new code for their support, feedback and help in testing this.
1104    The new code still needs more testing, and I’m eager to hear any
1105    feedback on this.
1106  * A working setup tool.  This has the same look and feel as the
1107    original setup.exe.  I hope people like it!  Note that it has some
1108    advantages over the original setup.exe - for example, you can use
1109    the mouse.
1111### Other new features
1112  * New mus conversion code thanks to Ben Ryves.  This converts the
1113    Doom .mus format to .mid a lot better.  As one example, tnt.wad
1114    Map02 is now a lot closer to how Vanilla says.  Also, the music on
1115    the deca.wad titlescreen now plays!
1116  * x3, x4 and x5 display scale (thanks to MikeRS for x5 scale).
1117  * Fullscreen “letterbox” mode allows Chocolate Doom to run on
1118    machines where 1.6:1 aspect ratio modes are unavailable
1119    (320x200/640x400).  The game runs in 320x240/640x480 instead, with
1120    black borders.  The system automatically adjusts to this if closer
1121    modes are unavailable.
1122  * Aspect ratio correction: you can (also) run at 640x480 without
1123    black borders at the top and bottom of the screen.
1124  * PC speaker sound effect support.  Chocolate Doom can output real
1125    PC speaker sounds on Linux, or emulate a PC speaker through the
1126    sound card.
1127  * Working three-screen mode, as seen in early versions of Doom!  To
1128    test this out, put three computers on a LAN and type:
1130        chocolate-doom -server
1131        chocolate-doom -autojoin -left
1132        chocolate-doom -autojoin -right
1134  * Allow a delay to be specified on startup, to allow the display to
1135    settle after changing modes before starting the game.
1136  * Allow the full path and filename to be specified when loading
1137    demos: It is now possible to type “chocolate-doom -playdemo
1138    /tmp/foo.lmp” for example.
1139  * Savegames are now stored in separate directories depending on the
1140    IWAD: eg. the savegames for Doom II are stored in a different
1141    place to those for Doom I, Final Doom, etc. (this does not affect
1142    Windows).
1143  * New mouse acceleration code works based on a threshold and
1144    acceleration.  Hopefully this should be closer to what the DOS
1145    drivers do.  There is a ‘test’ feature in the setup tool to help
1146    in configuring this.
1147  * New “-nwtmerge” command line option that emulates NWT’s “-merge”
1148    option.  This allows TiC’s Obituary TC to be played.
1149  * The ENDOOM screen no longer closes automatically, you have to
1150    click the window to make it go away.
1151  * Spechit overrun fixes and improvements.  Thanks to entryway for
1152    his continued research on this topic (and because I stole your
1153    improvements :-).  Thanks to Quasar for reporting a bug as well.
1154  * Multiple dehacked patches can be specified on the command line, in
1155    the same way as with WADs - eg. -deh foo.deh bar.deh baz.deh.
1156  * Default zone memory size increased to 16MB; this can be controlled
1157    using the -mb command-line option.
1158  * It is now possible to record demos of unlimited length (by
1159    default, the Vanilla limit still applies, but it can now be
1160    disabled).
1161  * Autoadjusting the screen mode can now be disabled.
1162  * On Windows, the registry is queried to detect installed versions
1163    of Doom and automatically locate IWAD files.  IWADs installed
1164    through Steam are also autodetected.
1165  * Added DOOMWADPATH that can be used like PATH to specify multiple
1166    locations in which to search for IWAD files.  Also, “-iwad” is now
1167    enhanced, so that eg. “-iwad doom.wad” will now search all IWAD
1168    search paths for “doom.wad”.
1169  * Improved mouse tracking that should no longer lag.  Thanks to
1170    entryway for research into this.
1171  * The SDL driver can now be specified in the configuration file.
1172    The setup tool has an option on Windows to select between DirectX
1173    and windib.
1174  * Joystick support.
1175  * Configuration file option to change the sound sample rate.
1176  * More than three mouse buttons are now supported.
1178### Portability improvements
1179  * Chocolate Doom now compiles and runs cleanly on MacOS X.  Huge
1180    thanks go to Insomniak who kindly gave me an account on his
1181    machine so that I could debug this remotely.  Big thanks also go
1182    to athanatos on the Doomworld forums for his patience in testing
1183    various ideas as I tried to get Chocolate Doom up and running on
1184    MacOS.
1185  * Chocolate Doom now compiles and runs natively on AMD64.
1186  * Chocolate Doom now compiles and runs on Solaris/SPARC, including
1187    the Sun compiler.  Thanks to Mike Spooner for some portability
1188    fixes.
1189  * Improved audio rate conversion, so that sound should play properly
1190    on machines that don’t support low bitrate output.
1192### Compatibility fixes
1193  * Check for IWADs in the same order as Vanilla Doom.
1194  * Dehacked code will now not allow string replacements to be longer
1195    than those possible through DOS dehacked.
1196  * Fix sound effects playing too loud on level 8 (thanks to myk for
1197    his continued persistence in getting me to fix this)
1198  * Save demos when quitting normally - it is no longer necessary to
1199    press ‘q’ to quit and save a demo.
1200  * Fix spacing of -devparm mode dots.
1201  * Fix sky behavior to be the same as Vanilla Doom - when playing in
1202    Doom II, the skies never change from the sky on the first level
1203    unless the player loads from a savegame.
1204  * Make -nomouse and config file use_mouse work again.
1205  * Fix the -nomusic command-line parameter.  Make the snd_sfxdevice
1206    snd_musicdevice values in the configuration file work, so that it
1207    is possible to disable sound, as with Vanilla.
1208  * Repeat key presses when the key is held down (this is the Vanilla
1209    behavior) - thanks to Mad_Mac for pointing this out.
1210  * Don’t print a list of all arguments read from response files -
1211    Vanilla doesn’t do this.
1212  * Autorun only when joyb_speed >= 10, not >= 4.  Thanks to Janizdreg
1213    for this.
1214  * Emulate a bug in DOS dehacked that can overflow the dehacked frame
1215    table and corrupt the weaponinfo table.  Note that this means
1216    Batman Doom will no longer play properly (identical behavior to
1217    Vanilla); vbatman.deh needs to also be applied to fix it.  (Thanks
1218    grazza)
1219  * Allow dehacked 2.3 patches to be loaded.
1220  * Add more dehacked string replacements.
1221  * Compatibility option to enable or disable native key mappings.
1222    This means that people with non-US keyboards can decide whether to
1223    use their correct native mapping or behave like Vanilla mapping
1224    (which assumes all keyboards are US).
1225  * Emulate overflow bug in P_FindNextHighestFloor.  Thanks to
1226    entryway for the fix for this.
1227  * Add -netdemo command line parameter, for playing back netgame
1228    demos recorded with a single player.
1229  * The numeric keypad now behaves like Vanilla Doom does.
1230  * Fix some crashes when loading from savegames.
1231  * Add intercepts overrun emulation from PrBoom-plus.  Thanks again
1232    to entryway for his research on this subject.
1233  * Add playeringame overrun emulation.
1235### Bugs fixed
1236  * Fix crash when starting new levels due to the intermission screen
1237    being drawn after the WI_ subsystem is shut down (thanks pritch
1238    and joe)
1239  * Catch failures to initialise sound properly, and fail gracefully.
1240  * Fix crasher in 1427uv01.lmp (thanks ultdoomer)
1241  * Fix crash in udm1.wad.
1242  * Fix crash when loading a savegame with revenant tracer missiles.
1243  * Fix crash when loading a savegame when a mancubus was in the
1244    middle of firing.
1245  * Fix Doom 1 E1-3 intermission screen animations.
1246  * Fix loading of dehacked “sound” sections.
1247  * Make sure that modified copyright banners always end in a newline
1248    - this fixes a bug with av.wad (thanks myk)
1249  * Added missing quit message (“are you sure you want to quit this
1250    great game?”).
1251  * Fix when playing long sound effects - the death sound in
1252    marina.wad now plays properly, for example.
1253  * Fix buffer overrun on the quicksave prompt screen that caused a
1254    mysterious cycling character to appear.
1255  * IDCLEV should not work in net games (thanks Janizdreg)
1256  * Stop music playing at the ENDOOM screen.
1257  * Fix sound sample rate conversion crash.
1258  * Fix “pop” heard at the end of sound effects.
1259  * Fix crash when playing long sounds.
1260  * Fix bug with -timedemo accuracy over multi-level demos.
1261  * Fix bug with the automap always following player 1 in multiplayer
1262    mode (thanks Janizdreg).
1264## 0.1.4 (2006-02-13)
1266  * NWT-style merging command line options (allows Mordeth to be played)
1267  * Unix manpage (thanks Jon Dowland)
1268  * Dehacked improvements/fixes:
1269     * Allow changing the names of graphic lumps used in menu, status bar
1270       intermission screen, etc.
1271     * Allow changing skies, animated flats + textures
1272     * Allow changing more startup strings.
1273     * Allow text replacements on music + sfx lump names
1274  * Fix for plutonia map12 crash.
1275  * Fix bug with playing long sfx at odd sample rates.
1276  * Big Endian fixes (for MacOS X).  Thanks to athanatos for helping
1277    find some of these.
1278  * Install into /usr/games, rather than /usr/bin (thanks Jon Dowland)
1280## 0.1.3 (2006-01-20)
1282  * Imported the spechit overrun emulation code from prboom-plus.  Thanks to
1283    Andrey Budko for this.
1284  * New show_endoom option in the chocolate-doom.cfg config file allows
1285    the ENDOOM screen to be disabled.
1286  * Chocolate Doom is now savegame-compatible with Vanilla Doom.
1288  * Fixes for big endian machines (thanks locust)
1289  * Fixed the behavior of the dehacked maximum health setting.
1290  * Fix the “-skill 0” hack to play without any items (thanks to Janizdreg
1291    for pointing out that this was nonfunctional)
1292  * Fix playing of sounds at odd sample rates (again).  Sound effects
1293    at any sample rate now play, but only sounds with valid headers.
1294    This is the *real* way Vanilla Doom behaves.  Thanks to myk for
1295    pointing out the incorrect behavior.
1297## 0.1.2 (2005-10-29)
1299  * Silence sounds at odd sample rates (rather than bombing out); this
1300    is the way Vanilla Doom behaves.
1301  * Handle multiple replacements of the same sprite in a PWAD.
1302  * Support specifying a specific version to emulate via the command line
1303    (-gameversion)
1304  * Fix help screen orderings and skull positions.  Behave exactly as
1305    the original executables do.
1307## 0.1.1 (2005-10-18)
1309  * Display startup “banners” if they have been modified through
1310    dehacked.
1311  * Dehacked “Misc” section support.
1313### Bugs fixed
1314  * Doom 1 skies always using Episode 1 sky
1315  * Crash when switching applications while running fullscreen
1316  * Lost soul bounce logic (do not bounce in Registered/Shareware)
1317  * Mouse buttons mapped incorrectly (button 1 is right, 2 is middle)
1318  * Music not pausing when game is paused, when using SDL_mixer’s
1319    native MIDI playback.
1320  * Pink icon on startup (palette should be fully set before anything is
1321    loaded)
1323## 0.1.0 (2005-10-09)
1325  * Dehacked support
1326  * WAD merging for TCs
1327  * ENDOOM display
1328  * Fix bug with invalid MUS files causing crashes
1329  * Final Doom fixes
1331## 0.0.4 (2005-09-27)
1333  * Application icon and version info included in Windows .exe files
1334  * Fixes for non-x86 architectures
1335  * Fix uac_dead.wad (platform drop on e1m8 should occur when all
1336    bosses die, not just barons)
1337  * Fix “loading” icon to work for all graphics modes
1339## 0.0.3 (2005-09-17)
1341  * Mouse acceleration code to emulate the behaviour of old DOS mouse
1342    drivers (thanks to Toke for information about this and
1343    suggestions)
1344  * Lock surfaces properly when we have to (fixes crash under
1345    Windows 98)
1347## 0.0.2 (2005-09-13)
1349  * Remove temporary MIDI files generated by sound code.
1350  * Fix sound not playing at the right volume
1351  * Allow alt-tab away while running in fullscreen under Windows
1352  * Add second configuration file (chocolate-doom.cfg) to allow
1353    chocolate-doom specific settings.
1354  * Fix switches not changing in Ultimate Doom
1356## 0.0.1 (2005-09-07)
1358  First beta release