1 // Emacs style mode select   -*- C++ -*-
2 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 //
4 // $Id: action.h 538 2009-09-23 23:24:07Z smite-meister $
5 //
6 // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
7 // Copyright (C) 1998-2011 by DooM Legacy Team.
8 //
9 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11 // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
12 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 //
14 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 // GNU General Public License for more details.
18 //
19 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 #ifndef ACTION_H
22 #define ACTION_H
23 // Actions for info.c and BEX pointer
25 // Doesn't work with g++, needs actionf_p1
26 void A_Light0();
27 void A_WeaponReady();
28 void A_Lower();
29 void A_Raise();
30 void A_Punch();
31 void A_ReFire();
32 void A_FirePistol();
33 void A_Light1();
34 void A_FireShotgun();
35 void A_Light2();
36 void A_FireShotgun2();
37 void A_CheckReload();
38 void A_OpenShotgun2();
39 void A_LoadShotgun2();
40 void A_CloseShotgun2();
41 void A_FireCGun();
42 void A_GunFlash();
43 void A_FireMissile();
44 void A_Saw();
45 void A_FirePlasma();
46 void A_BFGsound();
47 void A_FireBFG();
48 void A_BFGSpray();
49 void A_Explode();
50 void A_Pain();
51 void A_PlayerScream();
52 void A_Fall();
53 void A_XScream();
54 void A_Look();
55 void A_Chase();
56 void A_FaceTarget();
57 void A_PosAttack();
58 void A_Scream();
59 void A_SPosAttack();
60 void A_VileChase();
61 void A_VileStart();
62 void A_VileTarget();
63 void A_VileAttack();
64 void A_StartFire();
65 void A_Fire();
66 void A_FireCrackle();
67 void A_Tracer();
68 void A_SkelWhoosh();
69 void A_SkelFist();
70 void A_SkelMissile();
71 void A_FatRaise();
72 void A_FatAttack1();
73 void A_FatAttack2();
74 void A_FatAttack3();
75 void A_BossDeath();
76 void A_CPosAttack();
77 void A_CPosRefire();
78 void A_TroopAttack();
79 void A_SargAttack();
80 void A_HeadAttack();
81 void A_BruisAttack();
82 void A_SkullAttack();
83 void A_Metal();
84 void A_SpidRefire();
85 void A_BabyMetal();
86 void A_BspiAttack();
87 void A_Hoof();
88 void A_CyberAttack();
89 void A_PainAttack();
90 void A_PainDie();
91 void A_KeenDie();
92 void A_BrainPain();
93 void A_BrainScream();
94 void A_BrainDie();
95 void A_BrainAwake();
96 void A_BrainSpit();
97 void A_SpawnSound();
98 void A_SpawnFly();
99 void A_BrainExplode();
101 // heretic stuff
103 void A_FreeTargMobj ();
104 void A_RestoreSpecialThing1 ();
105 void A_RestoreSpecialThing2 ();
106 void A_HideThing ();
107 void A_UnHideThing ();
108 void A_RestoreArtifact ();
109 void A_HScream ();
110 void A_PodPain ();
111 void A_RemovePod ();
112 void A_MakePod ();
113 void A_InitKeyGizmo ();
114 void A_VolcanoSet ();
115 void A_VolcanoBlast ();
116 void A_BeastPuff ();
117 void A_VolcBallImpact ();
118 void A_SpawnTeleGlitter ();
119 void A_SpawnTeleGlitter2 ();
120 void A_AccTeleGlitter ();
121 void A_Light0 ();
122 void A_WeaponReady ();
123 void A_Lower ();
124 void A_Raise ();
125 void A_StaffAttackPL1 ();
126 void A_ReFire ();
127 void A_StaffAttackPL2 ();
128 void A_BeakReady ();
129 void A_BeakRaise ();
130 void A_BeakAttackPL1 ();
131 void A_BeakAttackPL2 ();
132 void A_GauntletAttack ();
133 void A_FireBlasterPL1 ();
134 void A_FireBlasterPL2 ();
135 void A_SpawnRippers ();
136 void A_FireMacePL1 ();
137 void A_FireMacePL2 ();
138 void A_MacePL1Check ();
139 void A_MaceBallImpact ();
140 void A_MaceBallImpact2 ();
141 void A_DeathBallImpact ();
142 void A_FireSkullRodPL1 ();
143 void A_FireSkullRodPL2 ();
144 void A_SkullRodPL2Seek ();
145 void A_AddPlayerRain ();
146 void A_HideInCeiling ();
147 void A_SkullRodStorm ();
148 void A_RainImpact ();
149 void A_FireGoldWandPL1 ();
150 void A_FireGoldWandPL2 ();
151 void A_FirePhoenixPL1 ();
152 void A_InitPhoenixPL2 ();
153 void A_FirePhoenixPL2 ();
154 void A_ShutdownPhoenixPL2 ();
155 void A_PhoenixPuff ();
156 void A_FlameEnd ();
157 void A_FloatPuff ();
158 void A_FireCrossbowPL1 ();
159 void A_FireCrossbowPL2 ();
160 void A_BoltSpark ();
161 void A_NoBlocking ();
162 void A_AddPlayerCorpse ();
163 void A_SkullPop ();
164 void A_FlameSnd ();
165 void A_CheckBurnGone ();
166 void A_CheckSkullFloor ();
167 void A_CheckSkullDone ();
168 void A_Feathers ();
169 void A_ChicLook ();
170 void A_ChicChase ();
171 void A_ChicPain ();
172 void A_ChicAttack ();
173 void A_MummyAttack ();
174 void A_MummyAttack2 ();
175 void A_MummySoul ();
176 void A_ContMobjSound ();
177 void A_MummyFX1Seek ();
178 void A_BeastAttack ();
179 void A_SnakeAttack ();
180 void A_SnakeAttack2 ();
181 void A_HHeadAttack ();
182 void A_HBossDeath ();
183 void A_HeadIceImpact ();
184 void A_HeadFireGrow ();
185 void A_WhirlwindSeek ();
186 void A_ClinkAttack ();
187 void A_WizAtk1 ();
188 void A_WizAtk2 ();
189 void A_WizAtk3 ();
190 void A_GhostOff ();
191 void A_ImpMeAttack ();
192 void A_ImpMsAttack ();
193 void A_ImpMsAttack2 ();
194 void A_ImpDeath ();
195 void A_ImpXDeath1 ();
196 void A_ImpXDeath2 ();
197 void A_ImpExplode ();
198 void A_KnightAttack ();
199 void A_DripBlood ();
200 void A_Sor1Chase ();
201 void A_Sor1Pain ();
202 void A_Srcr1Attack ();
203 void A_SorZap ();
204 void A_SorcererRise ();
205 void A_SorRise ();
206 void A_SorSightSnd ();
207 void A_Srcr2Decide ();
208 void A_Srcr2Attack ();
209 void A_Sor2DthInit ();
210 void A_SorDSph ();
211 void A_Sor2DthLoop ();
212 void A_SorDExp ();
213 void A_SorDBon ();
214 void A_BlueSpark ();
215 void A_GenWizard ();
216 void A_MinotaurAtk1 ();
217 void A_MinotaurDecide ();
218 void A_MinotaurAtk2 ();
219 void A_MinotaurAtk3 ();
220 void A_MinotaurCharge ();
221 void A_MntrFloorFire ();
222 void A_ESound ();
223 void A_StartFS();		// Exl: Toxicfluff's FS actions
224 void A_StartWeaponFS(); //
225 // [WDJ] MBF functions
226 void A_Die();
227 void A_Detonate();
228 void A_Mushroom();
229 void A_Spawn();
230 void A_Turn();
231 void A_Face();
232 void A_Scratch();
233 void A_PlaySound();
234 void A_RandomJump();
235 void A_LineEffect();
236 void A_KeepChasing();  // EternityEngine
238 #endif