1 /*!
2  * \file
3  * \ingroup 	display
4  * \brief 	Handles rendering and loading 2d objects
5  */
6 #ifndef __OBJ_2D_H__
7 #define __OBJ_2D_H__
9 #include "vmath.h"
10 #include "bbox_tree.h"
12 #ifdef __cplusplus
13 extern "C" {
14 #endif
16 /*!
17  *\name 	2D Object array sizes
18  *		The sizes of the arrays where we keep 2d objects and 2d object definitions
19  */
20 /*! \{ */
21 #define MAX_OBJ_2D 15000 /*!<Maximum number of 2d objects in a map*/
22 #define MAX_OBJ_2D_DEF 1000 /*!<Maximum number of loaded 2d object definitions*/
23 /*! \} */
25 /*!
26  * obj_2d_def is loaded from a .2do-file and is shared amongst all objects of that type in the obj_2d_def_cache array
27  */
28 typedef struct
29 {
31 	char file_name[128];    /*!< name of the file that contains the definition of the 2d object */
32 #endif
34     /*!
35 	 * \name start and end coordinates of the texture
36 	 * @{
37 	 */
38 	float u_start; /*!< start position of the u coordinate */
39 	float u_end; /*!< end position of the u coordinate */
40 	float v_start; /*!< start position of the v coordinate */
41 	float v_end; /*!< end position of the v coordiante */
42     /*! @} */
44     /*!
45 	 * \name size of the 2d object
46 	 * @{
47 	 */
48 	float x_size; /*!< size in x direction */
49 	float y_size; /*!< size in y direction */
50     /*! @} */
52 	float alpha_test; /*!< Use alpha?*/
53 	int object_type; /*!< Is this a ground, fence or plant object?
54 			   * ground: don't change rotation
55 			   * plant: put in an upwards rotation (x_rot+=90) and set z_rot=-rz
56 			   * fence: put in an upwards rotation (x_rot+=90)
57 			   */
58 	int texture_id;  /*!< The location in the texture cache. */
59 } obj_2d_def;
61 /*!
62  * The obj_2d determines the position and rotation of the given 2d object. Furthermore it determines the type
63  */
64 typedef struct
65 {
66 #ifndef FASTER_MAP_LOAD
67 	char file_name[80];    /*!< name of the file that contains the definition of the 2d object */
68 #endif
70     /*!
71 	 * \name position of the object
72 	 * @{
73 	 */
74 	float x_pos;
75 	float y_pos;
76 	float z_pos;
77     /*! @} */
79     /*!
80 	 * \name rotation of the object
81 	 * @{
82 	 */
83 	float x_rot;
84 	float y_rot;
85 	float z_rot;
86     /*! @} */
88 	MATRIX4x4 matrix; /*!< translation and rotaion matrix */
89 	char display;/*!< flag determining whether the object is to be shown on screen. */
90 	char state; /*!< state flag for future expansion & data alignment. */
91 	obj_2d_def *obj_pointer; /**< Points to the 2d object type in the obj_2d_def list */
94 	short cluster;
95 #endif
96 } obj_2d;
98 #ifndef FASTER_MAP_LOAD
99 /*!
100  * This is used for searching the 2d object cache for an already existing instance of the object definition
101  */
102 typedef struct
103 {
104 	char file_name[128];   /*!< the filename of the object */
105 	obj_2d_def *obj_2d_def_id; /*!< a pointer to the header structure of this object */
106 }obj_2d_cache_struct;
108 extern obj_2d_cache_struct obj_2d_def_cache[MAX_OBJ_2D_DEF]; /*!< The 2d object cache array - holds all loaded 2d object definitions*/
109 #endif // FASTER_MAP_LOAD
110 extern obj_2d *obj_2d_list[MAX_OBJ_2D]; /*!< The 2d object array - holds all 2d objects on that map*/
112 extern float texture_scale; /*!< scaling factor for textures */
114 /*!
115  * \ingroup	display_2d
116  * \brief	Displays the 2d object given by object_id
117  *
118  * 	Displays the 2D object given by object_id
119  */
120 void draw_2d_object(obj_2d * object_id);
122 /*!
123  * \ingroup	display_2d
124  * \brief	Displays the 2dobjects in the obj_2d_list array
125  *
126  *         	Parses through the obj_2d_list, checking for an object within the viewing distance (dist_x^2+dist_y^2<=220)
127  *
128  * \sa 		draw_2d_object
129  * \sa		obj_2d_list
130  * \callgraph
131  */
132 void display_2d_objects();
135 /*!
136  * \ingroup	load_2d
137  * \brief	Get the bounding box of a 2D object
138  *
139  * 		Compute the bounding box for the 2D object with ID \a id.
140  *
141  * \param	id  The position on obj_2d_list of the object
142  * \param	box Pointer to the resulting bounding box
143  * \retval int	0 on failure, 1 on success
144  */
145 int get_2d_bbox (int id, AABBOX* box);
146 #endif // CLUSTER_INSIDES
148 #ifdef FASTER_MAP_LOAD
149 /*!
150  * \ingroup     load_2d
151  * \brief       Adds a 2d object at the given location.
152  *
153  * Add a 2d object at the given location.
154  * This is usually called in the map loading process. Requires a location and
155  * rotation for the 2d object, that's loaded from the file \a file_name.
156  *
157  * \param       id_hint   Hint on the position of the object in the list. If
158  *                        this spot is already taken, a vacant spot will be
159  *                        chosen, but chances are that mouse click events on
160  *                        object will not work because of a wrong ID.
161  * \param       file_name The filename of the object we wish to add
162  * \param       x_pos     The x position
163  * \param       y_pos     The y position
164  * \param       z_pos     The z position
165  * \param       x_rot     The x rotation
166  * \param       y_rot     The y rotation
167  * \param       z_rot     The z rotation
168  * \param       dynamic   Whether this is a dynamic object
169  * \retval int  Returns -1 on failure and the location in the obj_2d_list if it succeeds
170  * \note Parameter \a dynamic seems to be always 0 in the current code. It is also
171  * unclear whether it has any use at all.
172  * \callgraph
173  */
174 int add_2d_obj(int id_hint, const char* file_name,
175 	float x_pos, float y_pos, float z_pos,
176 	float x_rot, float y_rot, float z_rot, unsigned int dynamic);
177 #else  // FASTER_MAP_LOAD
178 /*!
179  * \ingroup	load_2d
180  * \brief	Adds a 2d object at the given location.
181  *
182  * 		Adds a 2d object at the given location.
183  * 		It's usually called in the map loading process. Requires a location and rotation for the 2d object, that's loaded from the file given by the first parameter
184  *
185  * \param	file_name The filename of the object we wish to add
186  * \param	x_pos     The x position
187  * \param	y_pos     The y position
188  * \param	z_pos     The z position
189  * \param	x_rot     The x rotation
190  * \param	y_rot     The y rotation
191  * \param	z_rot     The z rotation
192  * \param   dynamic   Whether this is a dynamic object
193  * \retval int 	Returns -1 on failure and the location in the obj_2d_list if it succeeds
194  * \note Parameter \a dynamic seems to be always 0 in the current code. It is also
195  * unclear whether it has any use at all.
196  * \callgraph
197  */
198 int add_2d_obj(char * file_name, float x_pos, float y_pos, float z_pos,
199 			   float x_rot, float y_rot, float z_rot, unsigned int dynamic);
200 #endif // FASTER_MAP_LOAD
202 /*!
203  * \ingroup	load_2d
204  * \brief	Show or hide one or more 2D map objects
205  *
206  * 		Show or hide 2D map objects.
207  *		This routine is usually under server control to allow dynamically enabling or disabling seeing objects
208  *
209  * \param	display whether the objects are to be displayed or not
210  * \param	ptr pointer to an array of object ID's to be affected
211  * \param	len the length in bytes of the array
212  * \callgraph
213  */
214 void set_2d_object (Uint8 display, const void *ptr, int len);
216 /*!
217  * \ingroup	load_2d
218  * \brief	Set the state for one or more 2D map objects
219  *
220  * 		Set the sate for 2D map objects.
221  *		This routine is usually under server control to allow dynamically setting a state for an object, this is for future expansion
222  *
223  * \param	state The state to set for the object or objects
224  * \param	ptr pointer to an array of object ID's to be affected
225  * \param	len the length in bytes of the array
226  * \callgraph
227  */
228 void state_2d_object (Uint8 state, const void *ptr, int len);
230 /*!
231  * \ingroup	display_2d
232  * \brief	Destroys the 2d object at position i in the obj_2d_list
233  *
234  * 		Destroys the 2d object on position i in the obj_2d_list - frees the memory and sets the obj_2d_list[i]=NULL.
235  *
236  * \param	i The position in the obj_2d_list
237  *
238  * \callgraph
239  */
240 void destroy_2d_object(int i);
242 /*!
243  * \ingroup	display_2d
244  * \brief	Destroys all current 2d objects
245  *
246  * 		Destroys all 2d objects currently in the obj_2d_list
247  *
248  * \callgraph
249  */
250 void destroy_all_2d_objects(void);
252 /*!
253  * \ingroup	display_2d
254  * \brief	Destroys all current 2d object defs
255  *
256  * 		Destroys all 2d object defs currently in the obj_2d_def_cache
257  *
258  * \callgraph
259  */
260 void destroy_all_2d_object_defs(void);
262 #ifdef NEW_SOUND
263 /*!
264  * \ingroup	load_2d
265  * \brief	Searches for a 2d ground object at a location
266  *
267  * 		It searches for a 2d ground object at the specified location
268  *
269  * \param	x_pos		The x position to search for
270  * \param	y_pos		The y position to search for
271  * \retval char			Returns the object's filename if found, "" otherwise.
272  *
273  * \sa add_e3d_at_id
274  *
275  * \callgraph
276  */
277 const char* get_2dobject_at_location(float x_pos, float y_pos);
278 #endif // NEW_SOUND
280 #ifdef MAP_EDITOR2
281 /*!
282  * \ingroup	display_2d
283  * \brief Draws all 2D objects and evaluates collision with the mouse pointer
284  *
285  * 	Draws all 2D objects and evaluates collision with the mouse pointer - if there's a collision it sets selected_2d_object accordingly
286  */
287 void get_2d_object_under_mouse();
288 #endif
290 #ifdef __cplusplus
291 } // extern "C"
292 #endif
294 #endif