1 /*
2  * buffs.c
3  *
4  *  Created on: 14.11.2008
5  *      Author: superfloh
6  */
8 #include "buffs.h"
10 #include "client_serv.h"
11 #include "eye_candy_wrapper.h"
12 #include "font.h" // for ALT_INGAME_FONT_X_LEN
13 #include "gl_init.h"
14 #include "elconfig.h" // for poor_man
15 #include "interface.h" // for view_names
16 #include "platform.h"
17 #include "spells.h" // for the sigils texture
18 #include "textures.h"
20 int view_buffs = 1;
21 int buff_icon_size = 32;
update_actor_buffs(int actor_id,Uint32 in_buffs)23 void update_actor_buffs(int actor_id, Uint32 in_buffs)
24 {
25 	actor *act;
26 #ifdef EXTRA_DEBUG
27 	ERR();
28 #endif
29 	act = get_actor_ptr_from_id(actor_id);
31 	if(!act){
32 		//if we got here, it means we don't have this actor, so get it from the server...
33 	} else {
34 		if (in_buffs & BUFF_DOUBLE_SPEED)
35 			act->step_duration = actors_defs[act->actor_type].step_duration / 2;
36 		else
37 			act->step_duration = actors_defs[act->actor_type].step_duration;
38 		if (act->attached_actor >= 0)
39 		{
40 			actors_list[act->attached_actor]->buffs = in_buffs & BUFF_DOUBLE_SPEED;
41 			actors_list[act->attached_actor]->step_duration = act->step_duration;
42 		}
43 		act->buffs = in_buffs;
44 #ifdef BUFF_DEBUG
45 		{
46 			int i, num_buffs = 0;
47 			for (i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFS; i++)
48 			{
49 				if (act->buffs & ((Uint32)pow(2, i))) {
50 					num_buffs++;
51 				}
52 			}
53 			printf("update_actor_buffs: name %s id %i num buffs: %i\n", act->actor_name, act->actor_id, num_buffs);
54 		}
55 		if (in_buffs & BUFF_INVISIBILITY) {
56 			printf(" invisibility ON\n");
57 		}
58 //		else {
59 //			printf(" invisibility off\n");
60 //		}
61 		if (in_buffs & BUFF_MAGIC_IMMUNITY) {
62 			printf(" magic immunity ON\n");
63 		}
64 //		else {
65 //			printf(" magic immunity off\n");
66 //		}
67 		if (in_buffs & BUFF_MAGIC_PROTECTION) {
68 			printf(" magic protection ON\n");
69 		}
70 //		else {
71 //			printf(" magic protection off\n");
72 //		}
73 		if (in_buffs & BUFF_COLD_SHIELD) {
74 			printf(" cold shield ON\n");
75 		}
76 //		else {
77 //			printf(" cold shield off\n");
78 //		}
79 		if (in_buffs & BUFF_HEAT_SHIELD) {
80 			printf(" heat shield ON\n");
81 		}
82 //		else {
83 //			printf(" heat shield off\n");
84 //		}
85 		if (in_buffs & BUFF_RADIATION_SHIELD) {
86 			printf(" radiation shield ON\n");
87 		}
88 //		else {
89 //			printf(" radiation shield off\n");
90 //		}
91 		if (in_buffs & BUFF_SHIELD) {
92 			printf(" shield ON\n");
93 		}
94 //		else {
95 //			printf(" shield off\n");
96 //		}
97 		if (in_buffs & BUFF_TRUE_SIGHT) {
98 			printf(" true sight ON\n");
99 		}
100 //		else {
101 //			printf(" true sight off\n");
102 //		}
103 		if (in_buffs & BUFF_ACCURACY) {
104 			printf(" accuracy ON\n");
105 		}
106 //		else {
107 //			printf(" accuracy off\n");
108 //		}
109 		if (in_buffs & BUFF_EVASION) {
110 			printf(" evasion ON\n");
111 		}
112 //		else {
113 //			printf(" evasion off\n");
114 //		}
115 		if (in_buffs & BUFF_DOUBLE_SPEED) {
116 			printf(" double speed ON\n");
117 		}
118 //		else {
119 //			printf(" double speed off\n");
120 //		}
121 #endif // BUFF_DEBUG
122 		update_buff_eye_candy(actor_id);
123 	}
124 }
update_buff_eye_candy(int actor_id)126 void update_buff_eye_candy(int actor_id) {
127 	actor *act;
128 	act = get_actor_ptr_from_id(actor_id);
129 	if (act) {
130 		int i = 0; // loop index
131 		// turn on eye candy effects
132 		Uint32 buff_index = (Uint32)(0.5 + log(BUFF_SHIELD)/log(2));
133 		if (act->buffs & BUFF_SHIELD && act->ec_buff_reference[buff_index] == NULL) {
134 			act->ec_buff_reference[buff_index] = ec_create_ongoing_shield2(act, 1.0, 1.0, (poor_man ? 6 : 10), 1.0);
135 		}
136 		buff_index = (Uint32)(0.5 + log(BUFF_MAGIC_PROTECTION)/log(2));
137 		if (act->buffs & BUFF_MAGIC_PROTECTION && act->ec_buff_reference[buff_index] == NULL) {
138 			act->ec_buff_reference[buff_index] = ec_create_ongoing_magic_protection2(act, 1.0, 1.0, (poor_man ? 6 : 10), 1.0);
139 		}
140 /*
141  * not yet implemented
142 		if (act->buffs & BUFF_POISONED && act->ec_buff_reference[((Uint32)(log(BUFF_POISONED)/log(2)))] == NULL) {
143 			act->ec_buff_reference[((Uint32)(log(BUFF_POISONED)/log(2)))] = ec_create_ongoing_poison2(act, 1.0, 1.0, (poor_man ? 6 : 10), 1.0);
144 		}
145 */
146 // removed by Roja's request
147 //		if (act->buffs & BUFF_MAGIC_IMMUNITY && act->ec_buff_reference[((Uint32)(log(BUFF_MAGIC_IMMUNITY)/log(2)))] == NULL) {
148 //			act->ec_buff_reference[((Uint32)(log(BUFF_MAGIC_IMMUNITY)/log(2)))] = ec_create_ongoing_magic_immunity2(act, 1.0, 1.0, (poor_man ? 6 : 10), 1.0);
149 //		}
150 		// turn off effects
151 		for (i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFS; i++) {
152 			if (act->ec_buff_reference[i] != NULL && !(act->buffs & ((Uint32)(0.5 + pow(2, i))))) {
153 				ec_recall_effect(act->ec_buff_reference[i]);
154 				act->ec_buff_reference[i] = NULL;
155 			}
156 		}
157 	}
158 }
draw_buffs(int actor_id,float x,float y,float z)160 void draw_buffs(int actor_id, float x, float y,float z)
161 {
162 	int scale_buff_icon_size = (int)(0.5 + buff_icon_size * get_global_scale());
163 	actor *act;
164 	act = get_actor_ptr_from_id(actor_id);
165 	if (act && act->buffs) {
166 		// texture coords
167 		float u_start,v_start,u_end,v_end;
168 		// current texture
169 		int cur_tex = 0;
170 		// loop index
171 		int i;
172 		// number of buffs
173 		int num_buffs = 0;
174 		// x offset
175 		int x_off = 0;
176 		// textures
177 		int texture_ids[NUM_BUFFS];
178 		//enable alpha filtering, so we have some alpha key
179 		glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
180 		glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER,0.1f);
181 		glEnable(GL_BLEND);
183 		glColor3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
184 		bind_texture(sigils_text);
185 		// keep in sync with client_serv.h !!!
186 		if (act->buffs & BUFF_SHIELD) {
187 			texture_ids[num_buffs] = 32;
188 			num_buffs++;
189 		}
190 		if (act->buffs & BUFF_MAGIC_PROTECTION) {
191 			texture_ids[num_buffs] = 33;
192 			num_buffs++;
193 		}
194 		if (act->buffs & BUFF_COLD_SHIELD) {
195 			texture_ids[num_buffs] = 55;
196 			num_buffs++;
197 		}
198 		if (act->buffs & BUFF_HEAT_SHIELD) {
199 			texture_ids[num_buffs] = 56;
200 			num_buffs++;
201 		}
202 		if (act->buffs & BUFF_RADIATION_SHIELD) {
203 			texture_ids[num_buffs] = 57;
204 			num_buffs++;
205 		}
206 /*
207  * not yet implemented
208 		if (act->buffs & BUFF_POISONED) {
209 			texture_ids[num_buffs] = 34;
210 			num_buffs++;
211 		}
212 */
213 		if (act->buffs & BUFF_MAGIC_IMMUNITY) {
214 			texture_ids[num_buffs] = 35;
215 			num_buffs++;
216 		}
217 		// move icons up by actor name and actor health bar
218 		y = y + 1.0f/ALT_INGAME_FONT_X_LEN*SMALL_INGAME_FONT_Y_LEN*font_scales[NAME_FONT]*12.0*view_names // displayed_font_y_size from font.c
219 		      + ALT_INGAME_FONT_Y_LEN*12.0*font_scales[NAME_FONT]*1.0f/ALT_INGAME_FONT_X_LEN; // healthbar_y_len from actors.c
220 		for (i = 0; i < num_buffs; i++)
221 		{
222 			cur_tex = texture_ids[i];
223 			//now get the texture coordinates, copied from spells.c
224 			u_start = 0.125f * (cur_tex % 8);
225 			u_end = u_start + 0.125f;
226 			v_start = 0.125f * (cur_tex / 8);
227 			v_end = v_start + 0.125f;
228 			x_off = (int)(-1.0 * ((float)num_buffs * scale_buff_icon_size) / 2.0f + (scale_buff_icon_size * i));
229 			// draw the spell icon
230 			glBegin(GL_QUADS);
231 			glTexCoord2f(u_start,v_start);
232 			glVertex3f(x + x_off, y + scale_buff_icon_size, z);
234 			glTexCoord2f(u_start,v_end);
235 			glVertex3f(x + x_off,y,z);
237 			glTexCoord2f(u_end,v_end);
238 			glVertex3f(x + scale_buff_icon_size + x_off, y, z);
240 			glTexCoord2f(u_end,v_start);
241 			glVertex3f(x + scale_buff_icon_size + x_off, y + scale_buff_icon_size, z);
242 			glEnd();
243 		}
244 		glDisable(GL_BLEND);
245 		glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
246 	#ifdef OPENGL_TRACE
248 	#endif //OPENGL_TRACE
249 	}
250 }