2; Modifying this file:
3; You should not modify this file except to make bugfixes or
4; for other "maintenance".  If you want to make custom changes,
5; you should create a new datadir subdirectory and copy this file
6; into that directory, and then modify that copy.  Then use the
7; command "rulesetdir <mysubdir>" in the server to have freeciv
8; use your new customized file.
10; See classic/units.ruleset for more information.
13description="Civ1-style unit_type data for Freeciv"
17; Names for custom unit type flags. There can be up to 32 of these.
18; name          = rule name; In some circumstances user may see this
19;                 as part of some sentences, so try to make it descriptive
20;                 and sensible.
21; helptxt       = displayed in the help for units with this flag (optional)
22flags =
23  { "name", "helptxt"
24    _("TradeRoute"), _("Can establish trade routes (must travel to target city).")
25    _("HelpWonder")
26  }
29; What are the names of the levels?
30veteran_names = _("green"), _("veteran")
32; The percentage chance of increasing level through combat
33veteran_raise_chance = 50, 0
35; Power factors are as a percentage.
36; +50% is represented by 150
37veteran_power_fact = 100, 150
39; The percentage chance of a settler/engineer increasing level through
40; performing useful work (per turn)
41veteran_work_raise_chance = 0, 0
43; The additional number of movement points granted for different veteran
44; levels. These are fractional move points as defined by move_fragments in
45; terrain.ruleset.
46veteran_move_bonus = 0, 0
48; /* <-- avoid gettext warnings
50; Unit classes
51; The number can be variable, up to 32
52; When adding new classes, remember to check effects.ruleset also.
53; Eg. if you divide class 'Land' to two separate classes, you may
54; want add effect giving City Walls defence bonus against new class
55; too.
57; The actual tag used (the * in [unitclass_*]) does not matter, except
58; it must be unique within this file, and it may be used in debug
59; output when reading this file.
61; ** Fields **
63; name                = translatable name as seen by user
64; rule_name           = (optional) internal name for savegames, rulesets etc;
65;                       if not present, "name" is used for this purpose too.
66;                       Since the name used in savegames must not change, if
67;                       you want to rename an item after a ruleset has been
68;                       released, you should set "rule_name" to the original
69;                       value of "name".
70; min_speed           = Minimum speed after damage and effects (whole movement points)
71; hp_loss_pct         = Hitpoints lost each turn if unit not in city or native base
72; non_native_def_pct  = Defense power percentage applying when defending on
73;                       non-native terrain (such as ship in harbour)
74; hut_behavior        = What happens to huts when unit enters tile:
75;                       "Normal", "Nothing", or "Frighten"
76; flags               = List of unit class flags (from the following list; you
77;                       cannot add custom unit class flags)
78; helptext            = optional help text string; should escape all raw newlines
79;                       so that xgettext parsing works
81; ** Unit class Flags **
83; "TerrainSpeed"   = Units use terrain specific speed
84; "TerrainDefense" = Units gain defense bonus from terrain
85; "DamageSlows"   = Damaged units are slowed down
86; "CanOccupyCity" = Military units of this class can occupy enemy cities
87; "Missile"       = Unit is destroyed when it attacks
88; "BuildAnywhere" = Unit can be built even in the middle of non-native terrain
89; "Unreachable"   = Unit can be attacked only by units explicitly listing this
90;                   class in its 'targets', unless on a city or native base.
91;                   For class members which are transports, cargo cannot load/
92;                   unload except in a city or native base, unless that unit
93;                   explicitly lists this class in its 'embarks'/'disembarks'.
94; "CollectRansom" = Unit can collect ransom when killing lone barbarian leader
95; "ZOC"           = Unit is subject to ZOC rules. Unit type flag "IgZOC" can
96;                   override this
97; "CanFortify"    = Unit can fortify at land tiles. Unit type flag
98;                   "Cant_Fortify" can override this
99; "CanPillage"    = Unit can pillage tile infrastructure
100; "DoesntOccupyTile"  = Even if this kind of enemy unit is on tile, cities can
101;                       still work that tile
102; "AttackNonNative"   = Unit can attack units on non-native tiles. Unit type
103;                       flag "Only_Native_Attack" can override this
104; "AttFromNonNative"  = Unit can launch attack from non-native tile (against
105;                       native one)
106;                       This applies for both attacking from transport or
107;                       cities. If only some unit types of the class should
108;                       get this property, use type flag "Marines"
109; "KillCitizen"       = Upon successful attack against a city, unit kills one
110;                       citizen. The effect "Unit_No_Lose_Pop" and the server
111;                       setting 'killcitizen' can disable this.
112; "Airliftable"       = Unit may be airlifted
114; */ <-- avoid gettext warnings
117; /* TRANS: Unit class: used adjectivally */
118name          = _("?unitclass:Land")
119min_speed     = 1
120hp_loss_pct   = 0
121flags         = "TerrainSpeed", "CanOccupyCity", "BuildAnywhere",
122                "CollectRansom", "ZOC", "CanFortify", "CanPillage",
123                "TerrainDefense", "KillCitizen"
126; /* TRANS: Unit class: used adjectivally */
127name          = _("?unitclass:Sea")
128min_speed     = 2
129hp_loss_pct   = 0
130flags         = "AttackNonNative", "AttFromNonNative"
133; /* TRANS: Unit class: used adjectivally */
134name          = _("?unitclass:Air")
135min_speed     = 1
136hp_loss_pct   = 0
137hut_behavior  = "Nothing"
138flags         = "Unreachable"
141; /* TRANS: Unit class: used adjectivally */
142name          = _("?unitclass:Missile")
143min_speed     = 1
144hp_loss_pct   = 0
145hut_behavior  = "Nothing"
146flags         = "Missile", "Unreachable"
148; /* <-- avoid gettext warnings
150; Below: The individual units, one per section.
152; The number can be variable, up to 200.
153; However for the "official" rulesets, units should not be removed
154; because that would break backward compatibility with savegames.
156; The order here matters: later units are considered "better" for
157; a given flag or role.
159; The actual tag used (the * in [unit_*]) does not matter, except
160; it must be unique within this file, and it may be used in debug
161; output when reading this file.
163; ** Fields **
165; name          = translatable name as seen by user
166; rule_name     = (optional) internal name for savegames, rulesets etc; if
167;                 not present, "name" is used for this purpose too. Since
168;                 the name used in savegames must not change, if you want
169;                 to rename an item after a ruleset has been released, you
170;                 should set "rule_name" to the original value of "name".
171; graphic       = tag specifying preferred graphic
172; graphic_alt   = tag for alternate graphic if preferred graphic is not
173;                 present; especially if preferred graphic is non-standard,
174;                 this should be a standard tag.  Otherwise can use eg "-"
175;                 for no alternate graphic.
176; tech_req      = required advance, names from techs.ruleset, or special:
177;                 "None" => available from start
178; obsolete_by   = can be upgraded to and made obsolete by another unit by name
179; build_cost    = production shields required to build
180; pop_cost      = population removed from city when built; for 'AddToCity'
181;                 units this is also the population added to the destination
182; attack        = base attack strength (0 = cannot attack)
183; defense       = base defense strength (0 = cannot defend)
184; hitpoints     = how much damage unit can withstand
185; firepower     = number of hitpoints removed per round of combat; at least 1
186; move_rate     = base move rate (whole movement points)
187; vision_radius_sq = base vision of unit: unit can see tile up to the square
188;                 root of this value away
189; convert_to    = can be converted to another type of unit by name
190; convert_time  = number of movement points it takes to convert to
191;                 another unit type
192; class         = One of the classes listed above
193; transport_cap = Number of units (ground, or air/missiles, depending on flags)
194; fuel          = Number of turns unit can spend outside refuel points.
195;                 If more time passes without unit refueling over turn change,
196;                 they are lost. If this is zero, unit has no need to refuel
197; uk_*          = upkeep costs, these are used as base values in the game
198; cargo         = Unit classes this unit can transport
199; city_size     = Initial size of the cities built by 'Cities' type units
200;                 (but 'AddToCity' uses pop_cost)
201; targets       = list of unit classes this unit can attack against even
202;                 if they have Unreachable unit class flag
203; embarks       = list of unit classes this unit may load into while not in
204;                 native base or city even if transporter has Unreachable unit
205;                 class flag
206; disembarks    = list of unit classes this unit may unload from while not in
207;                 native base or city even if transporter has Unreachable unit
208;                 class flag
209; bonuses       = definitions of combat bonuses against specific other units
210; bonuses.flag  = flag of the unit that bonus applies against
211; bonuses.type  = type of the bonus. See below
212; bonuses.value = value of the bonus. Sum of these is used if multiple apply.
213; bonuses.quiet = don't auto generate help text for this bonus. Use this if
214;                 the bonus is documented in the unit type's help text.
215;                 This is useful when the combination of a unit's bonuses
216;                 becomes complex enough to make the auto generated help
217;                 ugly or inaccurate.
218; flags         = special flag strings; list of built-in flags (see
219;                 classic/units.ruleset) and/or user flags defined above
221; veteran_names = Special veteran level for this unit. See the definitions in
222;                 game.ruleset. All of the veteran_* entries have to have the
223;                 same length!
224; veteran_raise_chance =
225; veteran_work_raise_chance =
226; veteran_power_fact =
227; veteran_move_bonus =
229; roles         = special role strings
230; sound_move	= optional sound effect when the unit moves
231; sound_move_alt= optional alternative sound effect if above not
232;		  supported in client
233; sound_fight	= optional sound effect when the unit fights
234; sound_fight_alt= optional alternative sound effect if above not
235;		   supported in client
236; helptext	= optional help text string; should escape all raw newlines
237;		  so that xgettext parsing works
240; ** Bonuses **
242; "DefenseMultiplier" = Multiply defense value (1 + 'value') times.
243;                       Value of 1 means multiplication by 2, value 2 by 3...
244;                       Bonus is defined in defenders entry.
245; "DefenseDivider"    = Divide defense value with (1 + 'value').
246;                       Bonus is defined in attackers entry.
247; "FirePower1"        = Defender firepower is reduced to value 1 when
248;                       ever this has non-zero value.
249;                       Bonus is defined in attackers entry.
252; Following flag strings require extra fields:  (but do not appear in Civ1)
253;  "Paratroopers"
254;   paratroopers_range  = the maximal range the unit can be paradropped to.
255;                         Max range is 65534.
256;   paratroopers_mr_req = the move rate which is required at least for
257;                         paradropping (whole movement points)
258;   paratroopers_mr_sub = the move rate which is subtracted after paradropping
259;                         (whole movement points)
260;  "Bombarder"
261;   bombard_rate = the number of shots fired at enemy units when attacking
263; ** Roles **
265; "FirstBuild"	= first to be built when city founded
266; "Explorer"	= unit to use for exploring
267; "Hut"		= can be found in a hut
268; "HutTech"	= can be found in a hut, but its techs required
269; "Partisan"	= can be created as a partisan (only one unit can have this
270;                 flag), see end of this file for its tech requirements option
271; "DefendOk"	= AI hint: ok for defending with
272; "DefendGood"	= AI hint: good for defending with
273; "Ferryboat"	= AI hint: useful for ferrying
274; "Barbarian"	       = can be created as land barbarian
275; "BarbarianTech"      = can be created as land barbarian, if someone has
276;		         researched its tech requirements
277; "BarbarianBoat"      = can be created as boat for sea barbarian
278; "BarbarianBuild"     = can be built by barbarians
279; "BarbarianBuildTech" = can be built by barbarians if someone has
280;		         researched its tech requirements
281; "BarbarianLeader"    = this unit is the barbarian leader (only one)
282; "BarbarianSea"       = can be created as a barbarian that disembarks from a barbarian boat
283; "BarbarianSeaTech"   = can be created as a barbarian that disembarks from a barbarian boat
284;                        if someone has researched its tech requirements
285; "Settlers"	= can irrigate and build roads
286; "Hunter"      = AI hint: good for hunting other units
287; "CitiesStartUnit"       = Gets granted as 'c' startunit
288; "WorkerStartUnit"       = Gets granted as 'w' startunit
289; "ExplorerStartUnit"     = Gets granted as 'x' startunit
290; "KingStartUnit"         = Gets granted as 'k' startunit
291; "DiplomatStartUnit"     = Gets granted as 's' startunit
292; "FerryStartUnit"        = Gets granted as 'f' startunit
293; "DefendOkStartUnit"     = Gets granted as 'd' startunit
294; "DefendGoodStartUnit"   = Gets granted as 'D' startunit
295; "AttackFastStartUnit"   = Gets granted as 'a' startunit
296; "AttackStrongStartUnit" = Gets granted as 'A' startunit
299; Civ1 does not have initial explorers, but we want to do something
300; sensible if the explorer server option is set non-zero.
301; Likely options:
302; - Diplomat: nonmilitary (good), but a bit incongruous for a
303;   primitive civilization (and may still bribe etc).
304; - Cavalry: in character, but could overwhelm unlucky opponents.
305; - Militia: not much good for exploring, but an ok initial unit.
306;   (not likely to overwhelm anyone too quickly :-)
308; */ <-- avoid gettext warnings
311name          = _("Settlers")
312class         = "Land"
313tech_req      = "None"
314obsolete_by   = "None"
315graphic       = "u.settlers"
316graphic_alt   = "-"
317sound_move    = "m_settlers"
318sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
319sound_fight   = "f_settlers"
320sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
321build_cost    = 40
322pop_cost      = 1
323attack        = 0
324defense       = 1
325hitpoints     = 1
326firepower     = 1
327move_rate     = 1
328vision_radius_sq = 2
329transport_cap = 0
330fuel          = 0
331uk_happy      = 0
332uk_shield     = 1
333uk_food       = 1
334uk_gold       = 0
335flags         = "Settlers", "Cant_Fortify", "NonMil", "AddToCity", "Cities", "NoVeteran"
336roles         = "Settlers", "WorkerStartUnit", "CitiesStartUnit"
337helptext      = _("\
338Settlers are one of the key units in the game, as they are your main \
339means of founding new cities, and can also improve terrain; see the \
340help on Terrain and Terrain Alterations.\
341"), _("\
342Upkeep for Settlers is in food as well as production, and a Settler\
343 can die if its supporting city runs out of food. Settlers in a\
344 Republic or Democracy require twice as much food per turn.\
348name          = _("Militia")        ; Civ2 Warriors
349class         = "Land"
350tech_req      = "None"
351obsolete_by   = "Musketeers"
352graphic       = "u.warriors"
353graphic_alt   = "-"
354sound_move    = "m_warriors"
355sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
356sound_fight   = "f_warriors"
357sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
358build_cost    = 10
359pop_cost      = 0
360attack        = 1
361defense       = 1
362hitpoints     = 1
363firepower     = 1
364move_rate     = 1
365vision_radius_sq = 2
366transport_cap = 0
367fuel          = 0
368uk_happy      = 1
369uk_shield     = 1
370uk_food       = 0
371uk_gold       = 0
372flags         = ""
373roles         = "DefendOk", "DefendOkStartUnit", "FirstBuild"
374helptext      = _("\
375This unit may be built from the start of the game.  It is the\
376 weakest offensive unit.\
380name          = _("Phalanx")
381class         = "Land"
382tech_req      = "Bronze Working"
383obsolete_by   = "Musketeers"
384graphic       = "u.phalanx"
385graphic_alt   = "-"
386sound_move    = "m_phalanx"
387sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
388sound_fight   = "f_phalanx"
389sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
390build_cost    = 20
391pop_cost      = 0
392attack        = 1
393defense       = 2
394hitpoints     = 1
395firepower     = 1
396move_rate     = 1
397vision_radius_sq = 2
398transport_cap = 0
399fuel          = 0
400uk_happy      = 1
401uk_shield     = 1
402uk_food       = 0
403uk_gold       = 0
404flags         = ""
405roles         = "DefendGood", "DefendGoodStartUnit", "FirstBuild"
406helptext      = _("\
407The Phalanx is armored infantry, suitable for defending your cities.\
411name          = _("Legion")
412class         = "Land"
413tech_req      = "Iron Working"
414obsolete_by   = "Musketeers"
415graphic       = "u.legion"
416graphic_alt   = "-"
417sound_move    = "m_legion"
418sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
419sound_fight   = "f_legion"
420sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
421build_cost    = 20
422pop_cost      = 0
423attack        = 3
424defense       = 1
425hitpoints     = 1
426firepower     = 1
427move_rate     = 1
428vision_radius_sq = 2
429transport_cap = 0
430fuel          = 0
431uk_happy      = 1
432uk_shield     = 1
433uk_food       = 0
434uk_gold       = 0
435flags         = ""
436roles         = "DefendOk", "DefendOkStartUnit", "Hut", "BarbarianBuild", "BarbarianSea"
437helptext      = _("\
438Legions are heavily armed and well disciplined infantry\
439 units with an excellent offensive value.\
443name          = _("Musketeers")
444class         = "Land"
445tech_req      = "Gunpowder"
446obsolete_by   = "Riflemen"
447graphic       = "u.musketeers"
448graphic_alt   = "-"
449sound_move    = "m_musketeers"
450sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
451sound_fight   = "f_musketeers"
452sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
453build_cost    = 30
454pop_cost      = 0
455attack        = 2
456defense       = 3
457hitpoints     = 1
458firepower     = 1
459move_rate     = 1
460vision_radius_sq = 2
461transport_cap = 0
462fuel          = 0
463uk_happy      = 1
464uk_shield     = 1
465uk_food       = 0
466uk_gold       = 0
467flags         = ""
468roles         = "DefendGood", "DefendGoodStartUnit", "FirstBuild", "HutTech",
469                "BarbarianTech", "BarbarianBuildTech", "BarbarianSeaTech"
470helptext      = _("\
471Musketeers are infantry equipped with early\
472 firearms and replace Phalanx as the preferred\
473 city defender.\
477name          = _("Riflemen")
478class         = "Land"
479tech_req      = "Conscription"
480obsolete_by   = "None"
481graphic       = "u.riflemen"
482graphic_alt   = "-"
483sound_move    = "m_riflemen"
484sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
485sound_fight   = "f_riflemen"
486sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
487build_cost    = 30
488pop_cost      = 0
489attack        = 3
490defense       = 5
491hitpoints     = 1
492firepower     = 1
493move_rate     = 1
494vision_radius_sq = 2
495transport_cap = 0
496fuel          = 0
497uk_happy      = 1
498uk_shield     = 1
499uk_food       = 0
500uk_gold       = 0
501flags         = ""
502roles         = "DefendGood", "DefendGoodStartUnit", "FirstBuild"
503helptext      = _("\
504Riflemen are World War-era infantry, very good\
505 at defending your cities.\
509name          = _("Mech. Inf.")
510class         = "Land"
511tech_req      = "Labor Union"
512obsolete_by   = "None"
513graphic       = "u.mech_inf"
514graphic_alt   = "-"
515sound_move    = "m_mech_inf"
516sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
517sound_fight   = "f_mech_inf"
518sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
519build_cost    = 50
520pop_cost      = 0
521attack        = 6
522defense       = 6
523hitpoints     = 1
524firepower     = 1
525move_rate     = 3
526vision_radius_sq = 2
527transport_cap = 0
528fuel          = 0
529uk_happy      = 1
530uk_shield     = 1
531uk_food       = 0
532uk_gold       = 0
533flags         = ""
534roles         = "DefendGood", "DefendGoodStartUnit"
535helptext      = _("\
536Mechanized Infantry; this unit has the strongest defense strength\
537 of any land unit, but is only available near the end of the\
538 technology tree.\
542name          = _("Cavalry")          ; Civ2 Horsemen
543class         = "Land"
544tech_req      = "Horseback Riding"
545obsolete_by   = "Musketeers"
546graphic       = "u.horsemen"
547graphic_alt   = "-"
548sound_move    = "m_horsemen"
549sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
550sound_fight   = "f_horsemen"
551sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
552build_cost    = 20
553pop_cost      = 0
554attack        = 2
555defense       = 1
556hitpoints     = 1
557firepower     = 1
558move_rate     = 2
559vision_radius_sq = 2
560transport_cap = 0
561fuel          = 0
562uk_happy      = 1
563uk_shield     = 1
564uk_food       = 0
565uk_gold       = 0
566flags         = ""
567roles         = "AttackFastStartUnit", "Hut", "Barbarian"
568helptext      = _("\
569Cavalry are mounted warriors and an early\
570 shock-troop that can penetrate deep into\
571 enemy territory.\
575name          = _("Chariot")
576class         = "Land"
577tech_req      = "The Wheel"
578obsolete_by   = "Knights"
579graphic       = "u.chariot"
580graphic_alt   = "-"
581sound_move    = "m_chariot"
582sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
583sound_fight   = "f_chariot"
584sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
585build_cost    = 40
586pop_cost      = 0
587attack        = 4
588defense       = 1
589hitpoints     = 1
590firepower     = 1
591move_rate     = 2
592vision_radius_sq = 2
593transport_cap = 0
594fuel          = 0
595uk_happy      = 1
596uk_shield     = 1
597uk_food       = 0
598uk_gold       = 0
599flags         = ""
600roles         = "AttackFastStartUnit", "Hut"
601helptext      = _("\
602Chariots are horse-pulled war wagons, stronger\
603 but more expensive than Cavalry.\
607name          = _("Knights")
608class         = "Land"
609tech_req      = "Chivalry"
610obsolete_by   = "Armor"
611graphic       = "u.knights"
612graphic_alt   = "-"
613sound_move    = "m_knights"
614sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
615sound_fight   = "f_knights"
616sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
617build_cost    = 40
618pop_cost      = 0
619attack        = 4
620defense       = 2
621hitpoints     = 1
622firepower     = 1
623move_rate     = 2
624vision_radius_sq = 2
625transport_cap = 0
626fuel          = 0
627uk_happy      = 1
628uk_shield     = 1
629uk_food       = 0
630uk_gold       = 0
631flags         = ""
632roles         = "AttackFastStartUnit", "HutTech", "BarbarianTech",
633                "BarbarianBuildTech", "BarbarianSeaTech"
634helptext      = _("\
635Knights are mounted and heavily armored warriors.\
639name          = _("Armor")
640class         = "Land"
641tech_req      = "Automobile"
642obsolete_by   = "None"
643graphic       = "u.armor"
644graphic_alt   = "-"
645sound_move    = "m_armor"
646sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
647sound_fight   = "f_armor"
648sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
649build_cost    = 80
650pop_cost      = 0
651attack        = 10
652defense       = 5
653hitpoints     = 1
654firepower     = 1
655move_rate     = 3
656vision_radius_sq = 2
657transport_cap = 0
658fuel          = 0
659uk_happy      = 1
660uk_shield     = 1
661uk_food       = 0
662uk_gold       = 0
663flags         = ""
664roles         = "AttackFastStartUnit"
665helptext      = _("\
666Armors are motorized war wagons that are faster,\
667 stronger, and can take more damage than any\
668 mounted unit.\
672name          = _("Catapult")
673class         = "Land"
674tech_req      = "Mathematics"
675obsolete_by   = "Cannon"
676graphic       = "u.catapult"
677graphic_alt   = "-"
678sound_move    = "m_catapult"
679sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
680sound_fight   = "f_catapult"
681sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
682build_cost    = 40
683pop_cost      = 0
684attack        = 6
685defense       = 1
686hitpoints     = 1
687firepower     = 1
688move_rate     = 1
689vision_radius_sq = 2
690transport_cap = 0
691fuel          = 0
692uk_happy      = 1
693uk_shield     = 1
694uk_food       = 0
695uk_gold       = 0
696flags         = ""
697roles         = "AttackStrongStartUnit"
698helptext      = _("\
699Catapults are large rock-throwing machines of war.\
700 They are very strong attackers but equally weak\
701 defenders and will need an escort to be effective.\
705name          = _("Cannon")
706class         = "Land"
707tech_req      = "Metallurgy"
708obsolete_by   = "Artillery"
709graphic       = "u.cannon"
710graphic_alt   = "-"
711sound_move    = "m_cannon"
712sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
713sound_fight   = "f_cannon"
714sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
715build_cost    = 40
716pop_cost      = 0
717attack        = 8
718defense       = 1
719hitpoints     = 1
720firepower     = 1
721move_rate     = 1
722vision_radius_sq = 2
723transport_cap = 0
724fuel          = 0
725uk_happy      = 1
726uk_shield     = 1
727uk_food       = 0
728uk_gold       = 0
729flags         = ""
730roles         = "AttackStrongStartUnit", "BarbarianTech", "BarbarianBuildTech"
731helptext      = _("\
732Cannons are large firearms that can fire heavy\
733 projectiles over long distances. They are very\
734 strong attackers but equally weak defenders and\
735 will need an escort to be effective.\
739name          = _("Artillery")        ; Civ2 Howitzer
740class         = "Land"
741tech_req      = "Robotics"
742obsolete_by   = "None"
743graphic       = "u.howitzer"
744graphic_alt   = "-"
745sound_move    = "m_howitzer"
746sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
747sound_fight   = "f_howitzer"
748sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
749build_cost    = 60
750pop_cost      = 0
751attack        = 12
752defense       = 2
753hitpoints     = 1
754firepower     = 1
755move_rate     = 2
756vision_radius_sq = 2
757transport_cap = 0
758fuel          = 0
759uk_happy      = 1
760uk_shield     = 1
761uk_food       = 0
762uk_gold       = 0
763flags         = ""
764roles         = "AttackStrongStartUnit"
765helptext      = _("\
766The artillery is an upgraded cannon with improved\
767 defensive as well as offensive capabilities.\
768 It can shoot over city walls, ignoring their effect.\
772name          = _("Fighter")
773class         = "Air"
774tech_req      = "Flight"
775obsolete_by   = "None"
776graphic       = "u.fighter"
777graphic_alt   = "-"
778sound_move    = "m_fighter"
779sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
780sound_fight   = "f_fighter"
781sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
782build_cost    = 60
783pop_cost      = 0
784attack        = 4
785defense       = 2
786hitpoints     = 1
787firepower     = 1
788move_rate     = 10
789vision_radius_sq = 8
790transport_cap = 0
791fuel          = 1
792uk_happy      = 1
793uk_shield     = 1
794uk_food       = 0
795uk_gold       = 0
796targets       = "Air", "Missile"
797flags         = "FieldUnit"
798roles         = ""
799helptext      = _("\
800Fighters are your first airborne units. They can\
801 move anywhere and attack any unit.\
805name          = _("Bomber")
806class         = "Air"
807tech_req      = "Advanced Flight"
808obsolete_by   = "None"
809graphic       = "u.bomber"
810graphic_alt   = "-"
811sound_move    = "m_bomber"
812sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
813sound_fight   = "f_bomber"
814sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
815build_cost    = 120
816pop_cost      = 0
817attack        = 12
818defense       = 1
819hitpoints     = 1
820firepower     = 1
821move_rate     = 8
822vision_radius_sq = 8
823transport_cap = 0
824fuel          = 2
825uk_happy      = 1
826uk_shield     = 1
827uk_food       = 0
828uk_gold       = 0
829flags         = "FieldUnit", "OneAttack"
830roles         = ""
831helptext      = _("\
832Bombers are specialized airborne units that may\
833 only attack ground targets, not other airborne\
834 units.\
838; /* TRANS: unit type */
839name          = _("Trireme")
840class         = "Sea"
841tech_req      = "Map Making"
842obsolete_by   = "Sail"
843graphic       = "u.trireme"
844graphic_alt   = "-"
845sound_move    = "m_trireme"
846sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
847sound_fight   = "f_trireme"
848sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
849build_cost    = 40
850pop_cost      = 0
851attack        = 1
852defense       = 0
853hitpoints     = 1
854firepower     = 1
855move_rate     = 3
856vision_radius_sq = 2
857transport_cap = 2
858fuel          = 0
859uk_happy      = 1
860uk_shield     = 1
861uk_food       = 0
862uk_gold       = 0
863cargo         = "Land"
864flags         = "Trireme"
865roles         = "Ferryboat", "FerryStartUnit"
866helptext      = _("\
867The Trireme is your first boat unit. It can act\
868 as a transport ship and has rudimentary offensive\
869 capabilities, but may not stray too far from the shore.\
873name          = _("Sail")         ; Civ2 Caravel
874class         = "Sea"
875tech_req      = "Navigation"
876obsolete_by   = "Frigate"
877graphic       = "u.caravel"
878graphic_alt   = "-"
879sound_move    = "m_caravel"
880sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
881sound_fight   = "f_caravel"
882sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
883build_cost    = 40
884pop_cost      = 0
885attack        = 1
886defense       = 1
887hitpoints     = 1
888firepower     = 1
889move_rate     = 3
890vision_radius_sq = 2
891transport_cap = 3
892fuel          = 0
893uk_happy      = 1
894uk_shield     = 1
895uk_food       = 0
896uk_gold       = 0
897cargo         = "Land"
898flags         = ""
899roles         = "Ferryboat", "FerryStartUnit", "BarbarianBoat"
900helptext      = _("\
901The Sail replaces the Trireme and is much\
902 more reliable on the open seas.\
906name          = _("Frigate")
907class         = "Sea"
908tech_req      = "Magnetism"
909obsolete_by   = "Transport"
910graphic       = "u.frigate"
911graphic_alt   = "-"
912sound_move    = "m_frigate"
913sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
914sound_fight   = "f_frigate"
915sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
916build_cost    = 40
917pop_cost      = 0
918attack        = 2
919defense       = 2
920hitpoints     = 1
921firepower     = 1
922move_rate     = 3
923vision_radius_sq = 2
924transport_cap = 4
925fuel          = 0
926uk_happy      = 1
927uk_shield     = 1
928uk_food       = 0
929uk_gold       = 0
930cargo         = "Land"
931flags         = ""
932roles         = "Ferryboat", "FerryStartUnit"
933helptext      = _("\
934The Frigate is a highly versatile boat unit,\
935 that is both a strong offensive unit as well\
936 as a decent transport ship.\
940name          = _("Ironclad")
941class         = "Sea"
942tech_req      = "Steam Engine"
943obsolete_by   = "Cruiser"
944graphic       = "u.ironclad"
945graphic_alt   = "-"
946sound_move    = "m_ironclad"
947sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
948sound_fight   = "f_ironclad"
949sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
950build_cost    = 60
951pop_cost      = 0
952attack        = 4
953defense       = 4
954hitpoints     = 1
955firepower     = 1
956move_rate     = 4
957vision_radius_sq = 2
958transport_cap = 0
959fuel          = 0
960uk_happy      = 1
961uk_shield     = 1
962uk_food       = 0
963uk_gold       = 0
964flags         = ""
965roles         = ""
966helptext      = _("\
967The Ironclad is an armored ship that is\
968 much more sturdy than the Frigate but\
969 loses the latter's transport capability.\
973name          = _("Cruiser")
974class         = "Sea"
975tech_req      = "Combustion"
976obsolete_by   = "None"
977graphic       = "u.cruiser"
978graphic_alt   = "-"
979sound_move    = "m_cruiser"
980sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
981sound_fight   = "f_cruiser"
982sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
983build_cost    = 80
984pop_cost      = 0
985attack        = 6
986defense       = 6
987hitpoints     = 1
988firepower     = 1
989move_rate     = 6
990vision_radius_sq = 8
991transport_cap = 0
992fuel          = 0
993uk_happy      = 1
994uk_shield     = 1
995uk_food       = 0
996uk_gold       = 0
997flags         = ""
998roles         = ""
999helptext      = _("\
1000The Cruiser is a strong offensive boat unit.\
1004name          = _("Battleship")
1005class         = "Sea"
1006tech_req      = "Steel"
1007obsolete_by   = "None"
1008graphic       = "u.battleship"
1009graphic_alt   = "-"
1010sound_move    = "m_battleship"
1011sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
1012sound_fight   = "f_battleship"
1013sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
1014build_cost    = 160
1015pop_cost      = 0
1016attack        = 18
1017defense       = 12
1018hitpoints     = 1
1019firepower     = 1
1020move_rate     = 4
1021vision_radius_sq = 8
1022transport_cap = 0
1023fuel          = 0
1024uk_happy      = 1
1025uk_shield     = 1
1026uk_food       = 0
1027uk_gold       = 0
1028flags         = ""
1029roles         = ""
1030helptext      = _("\
1031The Battleship is the supreme naval unit with\
1032 excellent offensive and defensive values.\
1036name          = _("Submarine")
1037class         = "Sea"
1038tech_req      = "Mass Production"
1039obsolete_by   = "None"
1040graphic       = "u.submarine"
1041graphic_alt   = "-"
1042sound_move    = "m_submarine"
1043sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
1044sound_fight   = "f_submarine"
1045sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
1046build_cost    = 50
1047pop_cost      = 0
1048attack        = 8
1049defense       = 2
1050hitpoints     = 1
1051firepower     = 1
1052move_rate     = 3
1053vision_radius_sq = 8
1054transport_cap = 0
1055fuel          = 0
1056uk_happy      = 1
1057uk_shield     = 1
1058uk_food       = 0
1059uk_gold       = 0
1060flags         = "Partial_Invis", "Only_Native_Attack"
1061roles         = "Hunter"
1062helptext      = _("\
1063Traveling under the surface of the ocean, Submarines have\
1064 a very high strategic value, but a weak defense if caught\
1065 off guard.\
1069name          = _("Carrier")
1070class         = "Sea"
1071tech_req      = "Advanced Flight"
1072obsolete_by   = "None"
1073graphic       = "u.carrier"
1074graphic_alt   = "-"
1075sound_move    = "m_carrier"
1076sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
1077sound_fight   = "f_carrier"
1078sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
1079build_cost    = 160
1080pop_cost      = 0
1081attack        = 1
1082defense       = 12
1083hitpoints     = 1
1084firepower     = 1
1085move_rate     = 5
1086vision_radius_sq = 8
1087transport_cap = 8
1088fuel          = 0
1089uk_happy      = 1
1090uk_shield     = 1
1091uk_food       = 0
1092uk_gold       = 0
1093cargo         = "Air", "Missile"
1094flags         = ""
1095roles         = ""
1096helptext      = _("\
1097The Carrier is a mobile airport.\
1098"), _("\
1099TIP:  Guard Carriers with a handful of fast-moving ships and a\
1100 battleship, as losing a fully-equipped Carrier is VERY\
1101 painful and expensive.\
1105name          = _("Transport")
1106class         = "Sea"
1107tech_req      = "Industrialization"
1108obsolete_by   = "None"
1109graphic       = "u.transport"
1110graphic_alt   = "-"
1111sound_move    = "m_transport"
1112sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
1113sound_fight   = "f_transport"
1114sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
1115build_cost    = 50
1116pop_cost      = 0
1117attack        = 0
1118defense       = 3
1119hitpoints     = 1
1120firepower     = 1
1121move_rate     = 4
1122vision_radius_sq = 8
1123transport_cap = 8
1124fuel          = 0
1125uk_happy      = 1
1126uk_shield     = 1
1127uk_food       = 0
1128uk_gold       = 0
1129cargo         = "Land"
1130flags         = ""
1131roles         = "Ferryboat", "FerryStartUnit"
1132helptext      = _("\
1133The Transport cannot attack on its own but\
1134 may defend itself when under attack.\
1138name          = _("Nuclear")
1139class         = "Missile"
1140tech_req      = "Rocketry"
1141obsolete_by   = "None"
1142graphic       = "u.nuclear"
1143graphic_alt   = "-"
1144sound_move    = "m_nuclear"
1145sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
1146sound_fight   = "f_nuclear"
1147sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
1148build_cost    = 160
1149pop_cost      = 0
1150attack        = 99
1151defense       = 0
1152hitpoints     = 1
1153firepower     = 1
1154move_rate     = 16
1155vision_radius_sq = 2
1156transport_cap = 0
1157fuel          = 1
1158uk_happy      = 1
1159uk_shield     = 1
1160uk_food       = 0
1161uk_gold       = 0
1162flags         = "FieldUnit", "OneAttack", "Nuclear"
1163roles         = ""
1164helptext      = _("\
1165You can build Nuclear units when you have the required advance, and\
1166 the Manhattan Project wonder has been built by any player.\
1167"), _("\
1168On impact, the blast will destroy any unit in an area 3 tiles wide\
1169 (3x3 squares for rectangular grids), including friendly units.\
1170 Any city within the blast area loses half its population, and\
1171 land tiles within the blast area are subject to nuclear fallout,\
1172 which appears as pollution and contributes to global warming.\
1173"), _("\
1174TIP 1:  Nuking the ocean will not generate fallout, and is a most\
1175 effective (but expensive!!) way of getting rid of enemy\
1176 ships.\
1177"), _("\
1178TIP 2:  You may be involved in a situation where you've invaded an\
1179 enemy country en masse, but the enemy cities are too strong.\
1180 Before using a Nuclear unit, assemble a gang of Settlers\
1181 next to the city and have them ready to fix\
1182 the fallout on the same turn it occurs!  This minimizes the\
1183 chance of global warming.  Eco-friendly nukes!\
1187name          = _("Diplomat")
1188class         = "Land"
1189tech_req      = "Writing"
1190obsolete_by   = "None"
1191graphic       = "u.diplomat"
1192graphic_alt   = "-"
1193sound_move    = "m_diplomat"
1194sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
1195sound_fight   = "f_diplomat"
1196sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
1197build_cost    = 30
1198pop_cost      = 0
1199attack        = 0
1200defense       = 0
1201hitpoints     = 1
1202firepower     = 1
1203move_rate     = 2
1204vision_radius_sq = 2
1205transport_cap = 0
1206fuel          = 0
1207uk_happy      = 0
1208uk_shield     = 0
1209uk_food       = 0
1210uk_gold       = 0
1211flags         = "Diplomat", "IgZOC", "NonMil", "NoVeteran"
1212veteran_names = _("green"), _("veteran")
1213veteran_raise_chance = 0, 0
1214veteran_work_raise_chance = 0, 0
1215veteran_power_fact = 100, 110
1216veteran_move_bonus = 0, 0
1217roles         = "Explorer", "ExplorerStartUnit", "DiplomatStartUnit"
1218helptext      = _("\
1219A Diplomat is an official that carries your dispatches and\
1220 is authorized to deal with foreign dignitaries. He may\
1221 also undertake various covert operations with the intent of\
1222 harming your opponents; Diplomats in your own cities defend\
1223 them against such actions.\
1224"), _("\
1225Many covert actions may be attempted even in peacetime, but the more\
1226 aggressive actions will be discovered and cause diplomatic incidents,\
1227 which can allow Republics and Democracies to break treaties.\
1228"), _("\
1229If a foreign unit is alone on a tile, you may attempt to bribe it\
1230 with your Diplomat. By paying a sum of gold the unit will immediately\
1231 become yours; the exact sum depends on the status of the unit and\
1232 that of the civilization owning it. However, units belonging to\
1233 Democratic governments cannot be bribed. Bribery when not at war\
1234 will cause a diplomatic incident.\
1235"), _("\
1236Diplomats can also perform a number of actions in another player's\
1237 city, although each Diplomat may attempt only one action. Most of\
1238 these actions have a chance of failure. Also, any enemy Diplomats or\
1239 Spies in the city will oppose hostile actions; in this case, either\
1240 your unit or the defending unit will die. If the defending unit dies,\
1241 you lose one movement point and may try again.\
1242"), _("\
1243The actions available to Diplomats in a city are:\
1244"), _("\
1245 - \"Establish Embassy\": This action always succeeds, and gives\
1246 permanent contact with the city's owner, as well as intelligence\
1247 on their tax rates and technology.\
1248"), _("\
1249 - \"Investigate City\": Your unit attempts to report detailed\
1250 information about the city: its status, what buildings and units are\
1251 within, and what it is currently producing.\
1252"), _("\
1253 - \"Sabotage City\": Your unit attempts either to disrupt all the\
1254 city's work so far towards its current project, or to destroy an\
1255 existing building in the city, at random. Once built, Palaces and\
1256 Wonders cannot be sabotaged, and attempts to sabotage City Walls\
1257 or any building in a capital each halve the chance of success.\
1258 Sabotage may only be attempted when openly at war.\
1259"), _("\
1260 - \"Steal Technology\": Your unit attempts to learn the secrets of a\
1261 random technology known to the city's owner but not to you. Technology\
1262 may only be stolen once from a given enemy city by Diplomats. This\
1263 action may be attempted even when not at war, but will cause a\
1264 diplomatic incident.\
1265"), _("\
1266 - \"Incite a Revolt\": In return for gold a foreign city will change\
1267 allegiance and join your empire, bringing along all nearby units that\
1268 call it home, but reducing its size by 1. Units in other cities\
1269 remain in the enemy's control, but units outside cities are lost to\
1270 both players. The exact sum depends on the status of the city and\
1271 that of the civilization that owns it. It is not possible to incite\
1272 a rebellion in a capital, or in any city governed by a democracy.\
1273 Incitement may be attempted in peacetime, but will cause a\
1274 diplomatic incident.\
1275"), _("\
1276In some game strategies, hordes of Diplomats can be used to wreak\
1277 havoc on the enemy.  Little wonder that Diplomats are often\
1278 viewed with suspicion and fear!\
1282name          = _("Caravan")
1283class         = "Land"
1284tech_req      = "Trade"
1285obsolete_by   = "None"
1286graphic       = "u.caravan"
1287graphic_alt   = "-"
1288sound_move    = "m_caravan"
1289sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
1290sound_fight   = "f_caravan"
1291sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
1292build_cost    = 50
1293pop_cost      = 0
1294attack        = 0
1295defense       = 1
1296hitpoints     = 1
1297firepower     = 1
1298move_rate     = 1
1299vision_radius_sq = 2
1300transport_cap = 0
1301fuel          = 0
1302uk_happy      = 0
1303uk_shield     = 0
1304uk_food       = 0
1305uk_gold       = 0
1306flags         = "TradeRoute", "HelpWonder", "IgZOC", "NonMil"
1307roles         = ""
1308helptext      = _("\
1309A Caravan carries goods or material for trading with distant cities\
1310 and foreign countries, or to help build wonders in your cities.\
1311"), _("\
1312Caravans can establish trade routes with your own cities or those of other\
1313 nations (even enemies) by traveling to them. A route's ongoing revenue\
1314 is doubled if the two cities involved are on different continents, and\
1315 doubled again if the cities are from different civilizations. This last\
1316 condition means the net benefit to your civilization of a trade route\
1317 is the same regardless of whether you own both cities or only one of\
1318 them; if you only own one city, trade in each city is doubled, but you\
1319 only get the benefit from one end of the route. Each city can support a\
1320 maximum of three trade routes.\
1321"), _("\
1322Every Caravan that is used to build a wonder will add 50 shields\
1323 towards the production of the wonder.\
1324"), _("\
1325TIP:  You can stockpile a stack of Caravans in advance and bring\
1326 them all into a city where you have started to build a wonder,\
1327 and finish it in only one turn!\
1331name          = _("Barbarian Leader")
1332class         = "Land"
1333tech_req      = "None"
1334obsolete_by   = "None"
1335graphic       = "u.barbarian_leader"
1336graphic_alt   = "u.diplomat"
1337sound_move    = "m_barbarian_leader"
1338sound_move_alt = "m_generic"
1339sound_fight   = "f_barbarian_leader"
1340sound_fight_alt = "f_generic"
1341build_cost    = 40
1342pop_cost      = 0
1343attack        = 0
1344defense       = 0
1345hitpoints     = 1
1346firepower     = 1
1347move_rate     = 2
1348vision_radius_sq = 2
1349transport_cap = 0
1350fuel          = 0
1351uk_happy      = 0
1352uk_shield     = 0
1353uk_food       = 0
1354uk_gold       = 0
1355flags         = "IgZOC", "NonMil", "NoBuild"
1356roles         = "BarbarianLeader"
1357helptext      = _("\
1358One Barbarian Leader appears every time there is a barbarian uprising\
1359 somewhere in the world.\
1360"), _("\
1361When a Barbarian Leader is killed on a tile without any defending units,\
1362 the ransom is paid, but only to land units.\
1363 Usually the ransom is 100 gold, but can be less if the barbarian has\
1364 less money.\