2; Modifying this file:
3; You should not modify this file except to make bugfixes or
4; for other "maintenance".  If you want to make custom changes
5; you should create a new datadir subdirectory and copy this file
6; into that directory, and then modify that copy.  Then use the
7; command "rulesetdir <mysubdir>" in the server to have freeciv
8; use your new customized file.
10; Note that the freeciv AI may not cope well with anything more
11; than minor changes.
14description="Civ2Civ3 governments data for Freeciv"
20; /* <-- avoid gettext warnings
22; Below: The individual government types, one per section.
24; The actual tag used (the * in [government_*]) does not matter, except
25; it must be unique within this file, and it may be used in debug
26; output when reading this file.
28; For the "official" rulesets, the order of these sections should not
29; be changed because that would break backward compatibility with
30; savegames.  (In particular, if Fundamentalism is added to default
31; ruleset, should be added at end.)
33; Notes on fields:
35; name         = translatable name as seen by user
36; rule_name    = (optional) internal name for savegames, rulesets etc; if
37;                not present, "name" is used for this purpose too. Since
38;                the name used in savegames must not change, if you want
39;                to rename an item after a ruleset has been released, you
40;                should set "rule_name" to the original value of "name".
41; reqs         = requirements for this government (see README.effects)
42; graphic      = tag specifing preferred graphic
43; graphic_alt  = alternate graphics tag if preferred is not found;
44;                should be a standard tag if preferred is not;
45;                otherwise may be "-"
46; ai_better    = AI will not consider this government for use if the
47;                government listed here is available
48; ruler_male_title   = The default male ruler title for the government type.
49;                      It's a format string where name of the ruler is marked
50;                      by '%s'.
51;                      Individual nations may override this by their
52;                      own title.
53; ruler_female_title = The default female ruler title for the government type.
54;                      See above ruler_male_title.
55; helptext     = optional help text string; should escape all raw newlines
56;                so that xgettext parsing works
58; */ <-- avoid gettext warnings
63name        = _("Anarchy")
64; No reqs
65graphic     = "gov.anarchy"
66graphic_alt = "-"
68ruler_male_title = _("Warlord %s")
69ruler_female_title = _("Warlady %s")
71helptext = _("\
72Anarchy is simply the absence of any recognizable government.\
73 Citizens are disorganized and unproductive, and will spend all\
74 income as quickly as possible, rather than paying taxes or\
75 conducting research.\
77; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
79* Buildings and technologies do not require any upkeep.\n\
80* Each worked tile that gives more than 2 Food, Shield, or Trade will\
81 suffer a -1 penalty, unless the city working it is celebrating.\
82 (Cities below size 3 will not celebrate.)\n\
83* Each city can support up to 2 units for free; further units each cost\
84 1 shield per turn.\n\
85* Military units do not cause unhappiness even when deployed aggressively.\n\
86* Military units impose martial law. Up to 3 military units inside a city\
87 will each force 1 unhappy citizen to become content.\n\
88* You have no control over tax rates. All trade income is\
89 converted to luxuries.\n\
90* Half of the luxuries, including those converted from other\
91 trade income, are wasted.\n\
92* Conventional corruption increases with distance from the capital\
93 (half as fast with knowledge of The Corporation).\n\
94* Base production waste is 30%. This increases with distance from the\
95 capital (half as fast with knowledge of Trade).\
101name        = _("Tribal")
102; No reqs
103graphic     = "gov.tribal"
104graphic_alt = "s.tax_luxury"
105ai_better   = "Republic"
107ruler_male_title = _("Warlord %s")
108ruler_female_title = _("Warlady %s")
110helptext = _("\
111Under a Tribal government, you are part ruler of your people. Your\
112 control over your citizens is maintained largely by spiritual counsel.\
113"), _("\
114Compared to Despotism, a Tribal economy is more shield-oriented. Its\
115 bonuses to veterancy can be an advantage in wartime, but it lacks the\
116 martial law of other early governments.\
118; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
120* Increases by half the chance of land units getting the next veteran level\
121 after a battle.\n\
122* Each worked tile that gives more than 2 Food, Shield, or Trade will\
123 suffer a -1 penalty, unless the city working it is celebrating.\
124 (Cities below size 3 will not celebrate.)\n\
125* Each city gets 1 extra content citizen.\n\
126* Each city can support up to 2 units for free; further units each cost\
127 1 shield per turn.\n\
128* Unlike later governments, military units do not cause unhappiness even\
129 when deployed aggressively.\n\
130* Base corruption is 30% (the highest under any government). This\
131 increases with distance from the capital (half as fast with knowledge\
132 of The Corporation).\n\
133* There is no base level of production waste, but an increasing amount\
134 with distance from the capital (half as fast with knowledge of Trade).\
140name        = _("Despotism")
141; No reqs
142graphic     = "gov.despotism"
143graphic_alt = "-"
144ai_better   = "Monarchy"
146ruler_male_title = _("Chief %s")
147ruler_female_title = _("?female:Chief %s")
149helptext = _("\
150Under Despotism, you are the absolute ruler of your people.  Your\
151 control over your citizens is maintained largely by martial law.\
152"), _("\
153Compared to Tribalism, a Despotic economy is more trade-oriented.\
155; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
157* Your centers of government (cities with Palace and Ecclesiastical\
158 Palace) get a +75% bonus to gold production.\n\
159* Each worked tile that gives more than 2 Food, Shield, or Trade will\
160 suffer a -1 penalty, unless the city working it is celebrating.\
161 (Cities below size 3 will not celebrate.)\n\
162* Each city can support up to 2 units for free; further units each cost\
163 1 gold per turn.\n\
164* Unlike later governments, military units do not cause unhappiness even\
165 when deployed aggressively.\n\
166* Military units impose martial law. Up to 3 military units inside a city\
167 will each force 1 unhappy citizen to become content.\n\
168* Base corruption is 20%. This increases with distance from the capital\
169 (half as fast with knowledge of The Corporation).\n\
170* Base production waste is 10%. This increases with distance from the\
171 capital (half as fast with knowledge of Trade).\
177name        = _("Monarchy")
178reqs = { "type", "name", "range"
179         "tech", "Monarchy", "Player"
180       }
181graphic     = "gov.monarchy"
182graphic_alt = "-"
184ruler_male_title = _("King %s")
185ruler_female_title = _("Queen %s")
187helptext = _("\
188Under Monarchy, a king or queen serves as a hereditary figurehead\
189 for your government.\
190"), _("\
191Monarchy gives low unit upkeep costs.\
193; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
195* Your centers of government (cities with Palace and Ecclesiastical\
196 Palace) get a +50% bonus to gold production.\n\
197* Celebrating cities produce one extra trade point for every tile which is\
198 already producing trade. (Cities below size 3 will not celebrate.)\n\
199* Each city can support up to 3 units for free (the maximum possible);\
200 further units each cost 1 gold per turn.\n\
201* Each city tolerates up to 3 aggressively deployed military units;\
202 each further unit causes 1 unhappy citizen.\n\
203* Military units impose martial law. Up to 3 military units inside a city\
204 will each force 1 unhappy citizen to become content.\n\
205* Base corruption is 10%. This increases with distance from the capital\
206 (half as fast with knowledge of The Corporation).\n\
207* Base production waste is 20%. This increases with distance from the\
208 capital (half as fast with knowledge of Trade).\
214name        = _("Communism")
215reqs = { "type", "name", "range"
216         "tech", "Communism", "Player"
217       }
218graphic     = "gov.communism"
219graphic_alt = "-"
221ruler_male_title = _("Comrade %s")
222ruler_female_title = _("?female:Comrade %s")
224helptext = _("\
225A Communist government is based on the ideal that all people are\
226 equal.  All goods are owned by the state, rather than by private\
227 citizens.  Communism gives a balance between military and commercial\
228 styles of government.\
229"), _("\
230Communism is a good government for maximizing shield production, and\
231 for large empires.\
233; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
235* City improvements which would normally have an upkeep of 1 gold are\
236 free of upkeep.\n\
237* Cancels the bonus from Mysticism and Theology (to Temples and Cathedrals).\n\
238* Each city can support up to 3 units for free (the maximum possible);\
239 further units each cost 1 shield per turn.\n\
240* Each city tolerates up to 3 aggressively deployed military units;\
241 each further unit causes 1 unhappy citizen.\n\
242* Military units impose martial law. Up to 3 military units inside a city\
243 will each force 2 unhappy citizens to become content (the maximum\
244 possible).\n\
245* Base corruption is 30%, but is not affected by distance to the capital.\n\
246* There is no production waste.\
252name        = _("Fundamentalism")
253reqs = { "type", "name", "range"
254         "tech", "Theology", "Player"
255       }
256graphic     = "gov.fundamentalism"
257graphic_alt = "-"
259ruler_male_title = _("High Priest %s")
260ruler_female_title = _("High Priestess %s")
262helptext = _("\
263Fundamentalism is a form of government organized around a central\
264 set of beliefs. The beliefs, usually religious in nature, form\
265 a rigid guideline for actions and reactions of both the rulers\
266 and the people.\
267"), _("\
268In a fundamentalist society, the people and the rulers are entirely\
269 devoted to their beliefs, and are usually willing to die to\
270 preserve them.\
271"), _("\
272Improvements that normally convert unhappy citizens to content\
273 citizens, produce `tithes' (gold) equivalent to the number\
274 of people they would convert, and require no maintenance.\
275"), _("\
276Fundamentalism is a good government for maximizing gold, and its Fanatics\
277 are useful in wartime, but it has a heavy penalty to technological\
278 progress.\
280; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
282* Base science production is half that of other governments. (A\
283 Fundamentalist city with a Library produces as much science as a\
284 city under another government does alone.)\n\
285* Each city can support up to 2 units for free; further units each cost\
286 2 gold per turn (except for Fanatics).\n\
287* Each city tolerates up to 2 aggressively deployed military units;\
288 each further unit causes 1 unhappy citizen.\n\
289* Base corruption is 15%. This increases with distance from the capital\
290 (half as fast with knowledge of The Corporation).\n\
291* Base production waste is 15%. This increases with distance from the\
292 capital (half as fast with knowledge of Trade).\
298name        = _("Federation")
299reqs = { "type", "name", "range"
300         "tech", "Economics", "Player"
301       }
302graphic     = "gov.federation"
303graphic_alt = "s.tax_gold"
305ruler_male_title = _("Consul %s")
306ruler_female_title = _("?female:Consul %s")
308helptext = _("\
309Federalism is a system in which the power to govern is shared between\
310 national and provincial governments. \
311 This decentralization minimizes the corruption and waste caused by distance\
312 to capital, and avoids separatist movements.\
314; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
316* Each city gets 2 extra luxury points.\n\
317* Celebrating cities produce one extra trade point for every tile which is\
318 already producing trade. (Cities below size 3 will not celebrate.)\n\
319* Each city can support up to 2 units for free; further units each cost\
320 2 gold per turn.\n\
321* Each city tolerates up to 2 aggressively deployed military units;\
322 each further unit causes 1 unhappy citizen.\n\
323* There is no base level of corruption, but an increasing amount\
324 with distance from the capital (half as much as with most other\
325 governments). Knowledge of The Corporation eliminates this corruption.\n\
326* Base production waste is 30%, but is not affected by distance to the\
327 capital.\n\
328* Has a senate that may prevent declaration of war.\
334name        = _("Republic")
335reqs = { "type", "name", "range"
336         "tech", "The Republic", "Player"
337       }
338graphic     = "gov.republic"
339graphic_alt = "-"
341ruler_male_title = _("President %s")
342ruler_female_title = _("?female:President %s")
344helptext = _("\
345Under a Republican government, citizens hold an election to select a\
346 representative who will govern them; since elected leaders must\
347 remain popular to remain in control, citizens are given a greater\
348 degree of freedom.  Citizens under the Republic become unhappy\
349 easily, but the self-sufficiency of your citizens allows high levels\
350 of trade.\
352; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
354* Cities produce an extra trade point for every worked land tile that is\
355 already producing trade.\n\
356* Celebrating cities produce a further trade point for every worked tile\
357 (land or water) which is already producing trade. (Cities below size 3\
358 will not celebrate.)\n\
359* Each city can support one unit for free; further units each cost\
360 1 shield per turn.\n\
361* Each city tolerates a single aggressively deployed military unit;\
362 each further unit causes 1 unhappy citizen.\n\
363* Base corruption is 25%. This increases with distance from the capital\
364 (half as fast with knowledge of The Corporation).\n\
365* Base production waste is 5%. This increases with distance from the\
366 capital (half as fast with knowledge of Trade).\
372name        = _("Democracy")
373reqs = { "type", "name", "range"
374         "tech", "Democracy", "Player"
375       }
376graphic     = "gov.democracy"
377graphic_alt = "-"
379ruler_male_title = _("Prime Minister %s")
380ruler_female_title = _("?female:Prime Minister %s")
382helptext = _("\
383Under Democracy, citizens govern directly by voting on issues.\
384 Democracy offers the highest possible level of trade, but also\
385 offers the most potential for unhappiness; citizens become very\
386 upset during wars.\
388; /* xgettext:no-c-format */
390* Cities produce an extra trade point for every worked land tile that is\
391 already producing trade.\n\
392* Celebrating cities produce a further trade point for every worked tile\
393 (land or water) which is already producing trade. (Cities below size 3\
394 will not celebrate.)\n\
395* Each city can support one unit for free; further units each cost\
396 2 gold per turn.\n\
397* Each city tolerates a single aggressively deployed military unit;\
398 each further unit causes 2 unhappy citizens.\n\
399* Base corruption is 5%. This increases with distance from the capital\
400 (half as fast with knowledge of The Corporation).\n\
401* Base production waste is 25%. This increases with distance from the\
402 capital (half as fast with knowledge of Trade).\n\
403* Has a senate that may prevent declaration of war.\
406; /* <-- avoid gettext warnings
408; Multipliers (aka policies)
410; name                    = translatable name as seen by user
411; rule_name               = (optional) internal name for savegames, rulesets
412;                           etc; if not present, "name" is used for this
413;                           purpose too. Since the name used in savegames must
414;                           not change, if you want to rename an item after a
415;                           ruleset has been released, you should set
416;                           "rule_name" to the original value of "name".
417; default                 = default value (as presented in UI)
418; start                   = minimum value (as presented in UI)
419; stop                    = maximum value (as presented in UI)
420; step                    = minimum increase/decrease (as presented in UI)
421; offset                  = offset/factor control how UI values are turned
422; factor                  =  into effect values for use in effects.ruleset.
423;                            effect_value = (ui_value + offset) * (factor/100)
424;                            Optional; by default offset=0, factor=100, so
425;                            that UI values are used as-is.
426; helptext                = optional help text string; should escape all raw
427;                           newlines so that xgettext parsing works
429; */ <-- avoid gettext warnings