3name=_("Scottish Gaelic")
4plural=_("?plural:Scottish Gaels")
5groups="Medieval", "European"
6legend=_("Both Gaels and the Gaelic language were brought\
7 to Scotland by the Dalriada dynasty from Ireland. They first\
8 settled in Argyll (Earra Ghaidheal or the Coastland of the\
9 Gael) and soon expanded further into territory held by the\
10 indigenous Picts and culminating in Kenneth MacAlpin uniting\
11 the kingdoms of the Picts and Gaels around 843 CE.\
12 By the time of Malcolm III, Gaelic was the majority language\
13 of Scotland, as far south as Strathclyde, Galloway and parts\
14 of Lothian and the Borders. Today some 60,000 speakers of\
15 Gaelic remain, about half of which live in the Scottish\
16 Highlands and Islands, the other half living all over Scotland,\
17 in particular the Central Belt.")
19leaders = {
20 "name",                        "sex"
21 "Coinneach MacAilpein",	"Male" ; Kenneth I
22 "MacBheatha mac Fhionnlaigh",	"Male" ; Macbeth
23 "Fearghas Mòr mac Eirc",       "Male" ; Fergus Mór
24 "Alastair mac Alastair",	"Male" ; Alexander III
25 "Am Prionnsa Teàrlach",	"Male" ; Charles Edward Stuart
26 "Somhairle mac GilleBrìde",	"Male" ; Somerled
27 "Aonghas Òg Ìle",		"Male" ; Angus Og of Islay
28 "Sìleas na Ceapaich",		"Female" ; Silis of Keppoch
29 "Fionnghal nighean Raghnaill",	"Female" ; Flora MacDonald
34ruler_titles = {
35 "government",  "male_title",           "female_title"
36 "Anarchy",     _("Pretender %s"),      _("?female:Pretender %s")
37 "Despotism",   _("Clan Chief %s"),     _("?female:Clan Chief %s")
38 "Fundamentalism",  _("Elder %s"),      _("?female:Elder %s")
39 "Democracy",   _("First Minister %s"), _("?female:First Minister %s")
44style = "Celtic"
50civilwar_nations="Scottish", "Irish", "Briton", "Manx"
51conflicts_with="Gaelic", "Scottish"
53cities =
55 "Dùn Ada (ocean)",		; Dunadd
56 "Dùn Ollaidh (ocean,hills)",	; Dunollie
57 "Dùn Abhartaich (ocean)", 	; Dunaverty
58 "Dùn Chailleann (river, grassland)", ; Dunkeld
59 "Sruighlea (hills)",		; Stirling
60 "Dùn Breatainn (ocean)",	; Dumbarton
61 "Fionn-lagan (river)", 	; Finlaggan
62 "Peairt (river)",		; Perth
63 "Dùn Bheagain (ocean)", 	; Dunvegan
64 "Bàgh a' Chaisteil (ocean)", 	; Castlebay
65 "Dùn Thuilm (ocean)",		; Duntulm
66 "Eilean Donnain (ocean)", 	; Eilean Donan
67 "Dùn Èideann",			; Edinburgh
68 "Obar Dheathain (ocean, river)", ; Aberdeen
69 "Dùn Dè (ocean, river)",	; Dundee
70 "Inbhir Nis (river)",		; Inverness
71 "Dùn Phàrlain",		; Dunfermline
72 "An Eaglais Bhreac",		; Falkirk
73 "Cille Mheàrnaig",		; Kilmarnock
74 "Dùn Phris (river)",		; Dumfries
75 "Cille Bhrìghde an Ear (hills)", ; East Kilbride
76 "Lannraig (river)",		; Lanark
77 "Cill Rìmhinn (ocean,river)",	; St Andrews
78 "Dùn Stafhanais (ocean)",	; Dunstaffnage
79 "Cathair Chaladain (ocean)",	; Kirkcaldy
80 "Dùn Omhain (ocean)",		; Dunoon
81 "Roghadal (ocean)",		; Rodel
82 "Comar nan Allt",		; Cumbernauld
83 "An t-Òban (ocean)",		; Oban
84 "Glaschu (river)",		; Glasgow
85 "Inbhir Lìobhann (ocean)",	; Leven
86 "Pàislig (ocean, river)",	; Paisley
87 "Dùn Rath (ocean)",		; Dounreay
88 "Goillspidh (ocean)",		; Golspie
89 "Ceann Phàdraig (ocean)",	; Peterhead
90 "An t-Sròn Reamhar (ocean)",	; Stranraer
91 "An t-Àrd Ruigh (hills)",	; Airdrie
92 "Tobar Mhoire (ocean)",	; Tobermory
93 "Inbhir Theòrsa (ocean)",	; Thurso
94 "An t-Sròn (ocean)",		; Troon
95 "Ullapul (ocean)", 		; Ullapool
96 "Inbhir Àir (ocean, river)",	; Ayr
97 "An Aghaidh Mhòr (mountains)",	; Aviemore
98 "Inbhir Ùige (ocean)",		; Wick
99 "Dùn Bhlàthain (river)",	; Dunblane
100 "Ceann a' Ghiùthsaich (mountains)", ; Kingussie
101 "Blàr Athall (hills)",		; Blair Atholl
102 "Monadh Rois (ocean, river)",	; Montrose
103 "Loch Baghastail (ocean)",	; Lochboisdale
104 "An Tòb (ocean)",		; Leverburgh
105 "Monadh Fèithe (ocean)",	; Monifieth
106 "Dùn Barra (ocean, river)",	; Dunbar
107 "Steòrnabhagh (ocean)",	; Stornoway
108 "Calasraid (river)",		; Callander
109 "Crosabol (ocean)",		; Crossapoll
110 "Allt na h-Eirbhe (mountains)", ; Altnaharra
111 "Port Rìgh (ocean)",		; Portree
112 "Càrlabhagh (ocean)",		; Carloway
113 "Cathair Ceann Tulach", 	; Kirkintilloch
114 "Diùirinis (ocean)",		; Durness
115 "Bogha Mòr (ocean)",		; Bowmore
116 "Bràigh Mhàrr (hills)",	; Braemar
117 "Inbhir Uraidh (hills, river)", ; Inverurie
118 "Alamhagh (river)",		; Alloa
119 "Druim na Drochaid (river)",	; Drumnadrochit
120 "Inbhir Gharbhain (ocean, river)", ; Girvan
121 "Cill Chuimein (ocean, river)", ; Fort Augustus
122 "Àird a' Bhàsair (ocean)",	; Ardvasar
123 "Obar Bhrothaig (ocean)",	; Arbroath
124 "Loch nam Madadh (ocean)",	; Lochmaddy
125 "An t-Alltan Fuar (river)",	; Coldstream
126 "Inbhir Eighe (ocean, river)",	; Eyemouth
127 "Baile Bhòid (ocean)",		; Rothesay
128 "Inbhir Aora (ocean)",		; Inveraray
129 "Cuileann Ros (ocean)",	; Culross
130 "Guireag (ocean)",		; Gourock
131 "Cille Chòmhghain (ocean)",	; Kilchoan
132 "Am Machaire (ocean)",		; Machrie
133 "Ceann Fhàil (ocean)",		; /* Bo'ness */
134 "A' Bhruaich (ocean)",		; Fraserburgh
135 "Srath Bhalgaidh (hills)",	; Huntly
136 "Inbhir Ùraidh (river)",	; Inverurie
137 "Na Pùballan (river)",		; Peebles
138 "Eilginn (river)"		; Elgin