1 #ifndef _Supply_h_
2 #define _Supply_h_
4 #include "../util/Export.h"
6 #include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
8 #include <map>
9 #include <set>
10 #include <string>
12 FO_COMMON_API extern const int ALL_EMPIRES;
14 /** Used to calcuate all empires' supply distributions. */
15 class FO_COMMON_API SupplyManager {
16 public:
17     /** \name Structors */ //@{
18     SupplyManager();
19     SupplyManager& operator=(const SupplyManager& rhs);
20     //@}
22     /** \name Accessors */ //@{
23     /** Returns set of directed starlane traversals along which supply can flow.
24       * Results are pairs of system ids of start and end system of traversal. */
25     const std::map<int, std::set<std::pair<int, int>>>&     SupplyStarlaneTraversals() const;
26     const std::set<std::pair<int, int>>&                    SupplyStarlaneTraversals(int empire_id) const;
28     /** Returns set of directed starlane traversals along which supply could
29       * flow for this empire, but which can't due to some obstruction in one
30       * of the systems. */
31     const std::map<int, std::set<std::pair<int, int>>>&     SupplyObstructedStarlaneTraversals() const;
32     const std::set<std::pair<int, int>>&                    SupplyObstructedStarlaneTraversals(int empire_id) const;
34     /** Returns set of system ids where fleets can be supplied by this empire
35       * (as determined by object supply meters and rules of supply propagation
36       * and blockade). */
37     const std::map<int, std::set<int>>&                     FleetSupplyableSystemIDs() const;
38     const std::set<int>&                                    FleetSupplyableSystemIDs(int empire_id) const;
39     std::set<int>                                           FleetSupplyableSystemIDs(int empire_id, bool include_allies) const;
40     int                                                     EmpireThatCanSupplyAt(int system_id) const;
42     /** Returns set of sets of systems that can share industry (systems in
43       * separate groups are blockaded or otherwise separated). */
44     const std::map<int, std::set<std::set<int>>>&           ResourceSupplyGroups() const;
45     const std::set<std::set<int>>&                          ResourceSupplyGroups(int empire_id) const;
47     /** Returns the range from each system some empire can propagate supply.*/
48     const std::map<int, float>&                             PropagatedSupplyRanges() const;
49     /** Returns the range from each system that the empire with id \a empire_id
50       * can propagate supply.*/
51     const std::map<int, float>&                             PropagatedSupplyRanges(int empire_id) const;
53     /** Returns the distance from each system some empire is away
54       * from its closest source of supply without passing
55       * through obstructed systems for that empire. */
56     const std::map<int, float>&                             PropagatedSupplyDistances() const;
57     /** Returns the distance from each system for the empire with id
58       * \a empire_id to the closest source of supply without passing
59       * through obstructed systems for that empire. */
60     const std::map<int, float>&                             PropagatedSupplyDistances(int empire_id) const;
62     /** Returns true if system with id \a system_id is fleet supplyable or in
63       * one of the resource supply groups for empire with id \a empire_id */
64     bool        SystemHasFleetSupply(int system_id, int empire_id) const;
65     bool        SystemHasFleetSupply(int system_id, int empire_id, bool include_allies) const;
67     std::string Dump(int empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES) const;
68     //@}
70     /** \name Mutators */ //@{
71     /** Calculates systems at which fleets of empires can be supplied, and
72       * groups of systems that can exchange resources, and the starlane
73       * traversals used to do so. */
74     void    Update();
75     //@}
77 private:
78     /** ordered pairs of system ids between which a starlane runs that can be
79         used to convey resources between systems. indexed first by empire id. */
80     std::map<int, std::set<std::pair<int, int>>>    m_supply_starlane_traversals;
82     /** ordered pairs of system ids between which a starlane could be used to
83         convey resources between system, but is not because something is
84         obstructing the resource flow.  That is, the resource flow isn't limited
85         by range, but by something blocking its flow. */
86     std::map<int, std::set<std::pair<int, int>>>    m_supply_starlane_obstructed_traversals;
88     /** ids of systems where fleets can be resupplied. indexed by empire id. */
89     std::map<int, std::set<int>>                    m_fleet_supplyable_system_ids;
91     /** sets of system ids that are connected by supply lines and are able to
92         share resources between systems or between objects in systems. indexed
93         by empire id. */
94     std::map<int, std::set<std::set<int>>>          m_resource_supply_groups;
96     /** for whichever empire can propagate supply into this system, what is the
97         additional range from this system that empire can propagate supply */
98     std::map<int, float>                            m_propagated_supply_ranges;
100     /** for each empire, what systems it can propagate supply into, and how many
101       * further supply jumps it could propagate past this system, if not blocked
102       * from doing so by supply obstructions. */
103     std::map<int, std::map<int, float>>             m_empire_propagated_supply_ranges;
105     /** for whichever empire can propagate supply into this system, how far
106       * that system is from the closest source of supply for that empire, along
107       * possible supply propgation connections (ie. not though a supply
108       * obstructed system for that empire) */
109     std::map<int, float>                            m_propagated_supply_distances;
111     /** for each empire, what systems it can propagate supply into, and how far
112       * that system is from the closest source of supply for that empire, along
113       * possible supply propgation connections (ie. not though a supply
114       * obstructed system) */
115     std::map<int, std::map<int, float>>             m_empire_propagated_supply_distances;
118     friend class boost::serialization::access;
119     template <typename Archive>
120     void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version);
121 };
123 #endif // _Supply_h_