1 #ifndef _AIFramework_h_
2 #define _AIFramework_h_
4 #include "../../python/CommonFramework.h"
6 #include <string>
7 #include <vector>
10 // Bugfix for https://github.com/freeorion/freeorion/issues/1228
12 // The problem on OSX is that the boost/python/str.hpp redefines toupper() and
13 // similar functions if they are not already defined.
15 // This includes iostream before the boost/python/str.hpp to fix this issue.
16 // If the subsequent #include <boost/python/str.hpp> is removed then so can this workaround.
17 #include <iostream>
18 #endif
20 #include <boost/python/str.hpp>
22 class DiplomaticMessage;
23 struct DiplomaticStatusUpdateInfo;
26 /** @brief Class allowing AI to recieve basic game events.
27  */
28 class PythonAI : public PythonBase {
29 public:
30     bool Initialize();
32     /** Initializes AI Python imports. */
33     bool InitImports() override;
34     /** Initializes AI Python modules. */
35     bool InitModules() override;
37     /** @brief Call when the server has sent a new turn update.
38      *
39      * The AI subclass should review the new gamestate and send orders for
40      * this turn.
41      */
42     void GenerateOrders();
44     /** @brief Called when another player sends a chat message to this AI.
45      *
46      * The AI subclass should respond or react to the message in a meaningful
47      * way.
48      *
49      * @param sender_id The player identifier representing the player, who sent
50      *      the message.
51      * @param msg The text body of the sent message.
52      */
53     void HandleChatMessage(int sender_id, const std::string& msg);
55     /** @brief Called when another player sends a diplomatic message that
56      *      affects this player
57      *
58      * The AI subclass should respond or react to the message in a meaningful
59      * way.
60      *
61      * @param msg The diplomatic message sent.
62      */
63     void HandleDiplomaticMessage(const DiplomaticMessage& msg);
65     /** @brief Called when two empires diplomatic status changes
66      *
67      * The AI subclass should respond or react to the change in a meaningful
68      * way.
69      *
70      * @param u The diplomatic status changed.
71      */
72     void HandleDiplomaticStatusUpdate(const DiplomaticStatusUpdateInfo& u);
74     /** @brief Called when a new game (not loaded) is started
75      *
76      * The AI subclass should clear its state and prepare to start for a new
77      * game.
78      */
79     void StartNewGame();
81     /** @brief Called when a game is loaded from a save
82      *
83      * The AI subclass should extract any state information stored in
84      * @a save_state so it is able to continue generating orders when
85      * asked to do so.
86      *
87      * @param save_state The serialized state information from a previous game
88      *      run.
89      */
90     void ResumeLoadedGame(const std::string& save_state_string);
92     /** @brief Called when the server is saving the game
93      *
94      * The AI should store any state information it will need to resume at any
95      * later time, and return this information.
96      *
97      * @return The serialized state information of the game running.
98      */
99     const std::string&  GetSaveStateString() const;
101     /** @brief Set the aggressiveness of this AI
102      *
103      * The AI should change their behaviour when setting another aggression
104      * level.
105      *
106      * @param aggr The new aggression level.  The value should be one of
107      *      Aggression.
108      */
109     void SetAggression(int aggr);
111 private:
112     // reference to imported Python AI module
113     boost::python::object m_python_module_ai;
115     /** @brief The current aggressiveness of this AI
116      *
117      * The value should be one of Aggression.
118      */
119     int m_aggression;
120 };
122 #endif // _AIFramework_h_