1<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
2      xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its"
3      type="guide" style="task"
4      id="game-types">
6  <info>
7    <link type="guide" xref="index#preferences"/>
8    <revision pkgversion="3.8" version="0.1" date="2013-05-21" status="draft"/>
9    <revision pkgversion="3.11.90" date="2014-03-26" status="review"/>
10    <revision pkgversion="3.14" date="2015-01-25" status="review"/>
11    <revision pkgversion="3.34" date="2020-01-03" status="review"/>
13    <include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
15    <credit type="author copyright">
16      <name>Aruna Sankaranarayanan</name>
17      <email its:translate="no">safincrazy@gmail.com</email>
18    </credit>
19    <credit type="editor">
20      <name>Rachel Dunstan</name>
21      <email its:translate="no">dunstanrc@gmail.com</email>
22    </credit>
24    <desc>Change the level of difficulty in <app>Robots</app>.</desc>
25  </info>
27  <title>Game type</title>
29  <p>You can play <app>Robots</app> in different ways by choosing a different
30  game type. This changes the level of difficulty involved in playing
31  <app>Robots</app>.</p>
33  <steps>
34    <title>To change the level of difficulty:</title>
35    <item>
36      <p>Press the menu button in the top-right corner of the window and select <gui style="menuitem">Preferences</gui>.</p>
37    </item>
38    <item>
39      <p>Select the <gui>Game</gui> tab.</p>
40    </item>
41    <item>
42      <p>From the drop down menu next to <gui>Game Type</gui>, choose your
43      option.</p>
44      <table frame="top bottom" rules="rows">
45      <thead>
46      <tr>
47        <td><p>Game Type</p></td>
48        <td><p>Initial safe <link xref="moves#teleport">teleports</link></p>
49        </td>
50        <td><p>Initial
51        <link xref="scores#high-low-risk">low-risk enemy
52        robots</link></p></td>
53        <td><p>Initial
54        <link xref="scores#high-low-risk">high-risk enemy
55        robots</link></p></td>
56        <td><p>Do safe teleports increase in successive levels?</p></td>
57      </tr>
58      </thead>
59      <tbody>
60      <tr>
61        <td><p><gui>nightmare</gui></p></td>
62        <td><p>2</p></td>
63        <td><p>2</p></td>
64        <td><p>8</p></td>
65        <td><p>Yes</p></td>
66      </tr>
67      <tr>
68        <td><p><gui>robots2</gui></p></td>
69        <td><p>1</p></td>
70        <td><p>8</p></td>
71        <td><p>2</p></td>
72        <td><p>Yes, but only if robots are killed while
73        <link xref="moves#wait">waiting</link></p></td>
74      </tr>
75      <tr>
76        <td><p><gui>robots with safe teleport</gui></p></td>
77        <td><p>0</p></td>
78        <td><p>10</p></td>
79        <td><p>0</p></td>
80        <td><p>Yes, but only if robots are killed while
81        <link xref="moves#wait">waiting</link></p></td>
82      </tr>
83      <tr>
84        <td><p><gui>classic robots</gui></p></td>
85        <td><p>0</p></td>
86        <td><p>10</p></td>
87        <td><p>0</p></td>
88        <td><p>No</p></td>
89      </tr>
90      <tr>
91        <td><p><gui>robots2 easy</gui></p></td>
92        <td><p>3</p></td>
93        <td><p>8</p></td>
94        <td><p>2</p></td>
95        <td><p>Yes</p></td>
96      </tr>
97      </tbody>
98    </table>
99    </item>
100    <item>
101      <p>If you check the <gui style="checkbox">Use safe moves</gui> checkbox,
102      the game will prevent you from moving if the move would cause a robot to
103      kill you, unless the only way to survive is to teleport. If you check the
104      <gui style="checkbox">Use super safe moves</gui> checkbox, the game will
105      prevent you from making any move in this case, so that you are forced to
106      teleport. This reduces the level of difficulty. You can always uncheck
107      these if you find the game too easy.</p>
108    </item>
109  </steps>