1 // This file is part of Golly.
2 // See docs/License.html for the copyright notice.
4 #ifndef _WXUTILS_H_
5 #define _WXUTILS_H_
7 // Various utility routines:
9 void Note(const wxString& msg, bool showCancel = true);
10 // Display given message in a modal dialog.
11 // If called from a script then an optional Cancel button
12 // can be used to abort the script.
14 void Warning(const wxString& msg, bool showCancel = true);
15 // Beep and display message in a modal dialog.
16 // If called from a script then an optional Cancel button
17 // can be used to abort the script.
19 void Fatal(const wxString& msg);
20 // Beep, display message in a modal dialog, then exit app.
22 void Beep();
23 // Play beep sound, depending on preference setting.
25 bool GetString(const wxString& title, const wxString& prompt,
26                const wxString& instring, wxString& outstring);
27 // Display a dialog box to get a string from the user.
28 // Returns false if user hits Cancel button.
30 bool GetInteger(const wxString& title, const wxString& prompt,
31                 int inval, int minval, int maxval, int* outval);
32 // Display a dialog box to get an integer value from the user.
33 // Returns false if user hits Cancel button.
35 int SaveChanges(const wxString& query, const wxString& msg);
36 // Ask user if changes should be saved and return following result:
37 // 2 if user selects Yes/Save button,
38 // 1 if user selects No/Don't Save button,
39 // 0 if user selects Cancel button.
41 void BeginProgress(const wxString& dlgtitle);
42 // Call at the start of a lengthy task.  The cursor changes to indicate
43 // the app is busy but the progress dialog won't appear immediately.
45 bool AbortProgress(double fraction_done, const wxString& newmsg);
46 // Call frequently while the task is being carried out.  The progress
47 // dialog only appears if the task is likely to take more than a few secs.
48 // Pass in a fraction from 0.0 to 1.0 indicating how much has been done,
49 // or any negative value to show an indeterminate progress gauge.
50 // The given string can be used to display extra information.
51 // The call returns true if the user cancels the progress dialog.
53 void EndProgress();
54 // Call when the task has finished (even if it was aborted).
56 void FillRect(wxDC& dc, wxRect& rect, wxBrush& brush);
57 // Fill given rectangle using given brush.
59 void CreatePaleBitmap(const wxBitmap& inmap, wxBitmap& outmap);
60 // Create a pale gray version of given bitmap.
62 bool IsScriptFile(const wxString& filename);
63 // Return true if the given file is a Lua, Perl or Python script.
64 // It simply checks if the file's extension is .lua or .pl or .py
65 // (ignoring case).
67 bool IsHTMLFile(const wxString& filename);
68 // Return true if the given file's extension is .htm or .html
69 // (ignoring case).
71 bool IsTextFile(const wxString& filename);
72 // Return true if the given file's extension is .txt or .doc,
73 // or if it's not a HTML file and its name contains "readme"
74 // (ignoring case).
76 bool IsZipFile(const wxString& filename);
77 // Return true if the given file's extension is .zip or .gar
78 // (ignoring case).
80 bool IsRuleFile(const wxString& filename);
81 // Return true if the given file is a rule-related file with
82 // an extension of .rule or .table or .tree or .colors or .icons
83 // (ignoring case).
85 // Following macro is used to create a wxBitmap from included XPM data:
87 #if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXMAC__)
88     #define XPM_BITMAP(name) wxBitmap(name##_xpm)
89 #else // other platforms (eg. wxMSW)
90     #define XPM_BITMAP(name) wxBitmap(name##_xpm, wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM)
91 #endif
93 #endif // _WXUTILS_H_