1 /* game.c */
3 # include "game.h"
game(SDL_Surface * screen,uint * state,uint * level)5 void game (SDL_Surface *screen, uint *state, uint *level) {
7 	SDL_Surface *roundscreen = NULL;
8 	SDL_Surface *blocks = NULL;
9 	SDL_Surface *temp = NULL;
10 	SDL_Surface *headgame = NULL;
11 	SDL_Surface *fonts = NULL;
12 	SDL_Surface *blackbox = NULL;
13 	SDL_Surface *window = NULL;
14 	SDL_Surface *doble = NULL;
15 	SDL_Surface *gameoverscreen = NULL;
16 	SDL_Surface *passscreen01 = NULL;
17 	SDL_Surface *passscreen02 = NULL;
18 	SDL_Surface *passscreen03 = NULL;
19 	SDL_Surface *passscreen04 = NULL;
20 	SDL_Surface *passscreen05 = NULL;
21 	SDL_Surface *passscreen06 = NULL;
22 	SDL_Surface *passscreen07 = NULL;
23 	SDL_Surface *passscreen08 = NULL;
24 	SDL_Surface *passscreen09 = NULL;
25 	SDL_Surface *passscreen10 = NULL;
27 	Mix_Music *bsogame;
28 	Mix_Music *gameover;
29 	Mix_Chunk *stageclear;
30 	Mix_Chunk *giveup;
31 	Mix_Chunk *key;
32 	Mix_Chunk *kill;
34 	int map[58][11][16];
36 	uint step = 0;
37 	uint waittime = 0;
38 	uint fadecounter = 255;
39 	int framerate = 0;
40 	uint fademode = 0;
41 	uint i = 0;
42 	uint j = 0;
43 	int round = (*level - 1);
44 	int points = 0;
45 	int counter = 0;
46 	int animationtime = 0;
47 	uint pausa = 0;
48 	uint loadoninit = 0;
49 	uint uplife = 0;
50 	uint soundblock = 0;
51 	uint grieltouch = 0;
52 	uint fullscreench = 0;
54 	/* load files */
55 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/round.png");
56 	roundscreen = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp);
57 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
58 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/blocks.png");
59 	blocks = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(temp);
60 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
61 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/gamehead.png");
62 	headgame = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp);
63 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
64 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/fonts.png");
65 	fonts = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(temp);
66 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
67 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/blackbox.png");
68 	blackbox = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp);
69 	window = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp);
70 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
71 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/gameover.png");
72 	gameoverscreen = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp);
73 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
74 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/passw1.png");
75 	passscreen01 = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp);
76 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
77 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/passw2.png");
78 	passscreen02 = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp);
79 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
80 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/passw3.png");
81 	passscreen03 = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp);
82 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
83 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/passw4.png");
84 	passscreen04 = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp);
85 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
86 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/passw5.png");
87 	passscreen05 = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp);
88 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
89 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/passw6.png");
90 	passscreen06 = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp);
91 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
92 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/passw7.png");
93 	passscreen07 = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp);
94 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
95 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/passw8.png");
96 	passscreen08 = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp);
97 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
98 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/passw9.png");
99 	passscreen09 = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp);
100 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
101 	temp = IMG_Load(DATADIR "/png/passw10.png");
102 	passscreen10 = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp);
103 	SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
104 	stageclear = Mix_LoadWAV(DATADIR "/music/stageclear.ogg");
105 	gameover = Mix_LoadMUS(DATADIR "/music/gameover.ogg");
106 	giveup = Mix_LoadWAV(DATADIR "/fx/fx_giveup.ogg");
107 	key = Mix_LoadWAV(DATADIR "/fx/fx_key.ogg");
108 	kill = Mix_LoadWAV(DATADIR "/fx/fx_kill.ogg");
110 	/* load map data */
111 	loaddata(map);
113 	/* Enable repeat keys */
114 	SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(30, 30);
116 	/* init array */
117 	struct hero griel = {
118 		.score = 0,
119 		.lifes = 3,
120 		.object = 0,
121 		.key = 0,
122 		.x = 112,
123 		.y = 48,
124 		.positionx = 7,
125 		.positiony = 1,
126 		.direction = 2,
127 		.locked = 0,
128 		.movement = 0,
129 		.endanimation = 0,
130 		.deathanimation = 0,
131 		.deathturns = 0,
132 		.killed = 0,
133 		.grial = 0,
134 	};
136 	SDL_Rect srcfonts = {0,128,8,8};
137 	SDL_Rect desfonts = {136,96,8,8};
138 	SDL_Rect srcblocks = {0,0,16,16};
139 	SDL_Rect desblocks = {0,0,16,16};
140 	SDL_Rect srctext = {0,0,256,0};
142 	while (*state == 2) {
143 		framerate = control_frames(1,0);
144 		if (counter < 58)
145 			counter ++;
146 		else
147 			counter = 0;
148 		switch (step) {
149 			case 0: /* Show round screen */
150 							*level = round + 1;
151 							desfonts.x = 144;
152 							SDL_BlitSurface(roundscreen,NULL,window,NULL);
153 							if (*level < 10) {
154 								srcfonts.x = 0;
155 								SDL_BlitSurface(fonts,&srcfonts,window,&desfonts);
156 								srcfonts.x = *level * 8;
157 								desfonts.x = 152;
158 								SDL_BlitSurface(fonts,&srcfonts,window,&desfonts);
159 							}
160 							else {
161 								srcfonts.x = (*level / 10) * 8;
162 								SDL_BlitSurface(fonts,&srcfonts,window,&desfonts);
163 								srcfonts.x = (*level - ((*level / 10) * 10)) * 8;
164 								desfonts.x = 152;
165 								SDL_BlitSurface(fonts,&srcfonts,window,&desfonts);
166 							}
167 							/* Apply transparency */
168 							SDL_SetAlpha(blackbox,SDL_RLEACCEL|SDL_SRCALPHA,(Uint8)fadecounter);
169 							SDL_BlitSurface(blackbox,NULL,window,NULL);
170 							if ((fademode == 0) && (fadecounter == 255))
171 								/* Disable push keys until game start */
172 								SDL_EventState(SDL_KEYDOWN, SDL_IGNORE);
173 							if ((fademode == 0) && (fadecounter > 0))
174 								fadecounter -= 3;
175 							if ((fademode == 1) && (fadecounter < 255))
176 								fadecounter += 3;
177 							if ((fademode == 0) && (fadecounter == 0))
178 								fademode = 1;
179 							if ((fademode == 1) && (fadecounter == 255))
180 								waittime ++;
181 							if (waittime == 60) {
182 								step = 1;
183 								waittime = 0;
184 								loadoninit = 1;
185 								fademode = 0;
186 								SDL_EventState(SDL_KEYDOWN, SDL_ENABLE); /* Enable pushes keys */
187 							}
188 							break;
189 			case 1: /* If stage starts now, load music */
190 							if (loadoninit == 1) {
191 								load_music(bsogame,round);
192 								loadoninit = 0;
193 								set_hero_init (&griel, round);
194 							}
195 							/* If hero have killed, reload map */
196 							if (griel.killed == 1) {
197 								loaddata(map);
198 								griel.killed = 0;
199 							}
200 							/* When hero exits, play stage clear sound */
201 							if (waittime == 1)
202 								Mix_PlayChannel(-1,stageclear,0);
203 							/* Checking score for extra life (every 5000 points), 4 lifes max. */
204 							extralife (&griel, &uplife);
205 							/* Show game screen */
206 							SDL_BlitSurface(headgame,NULL,window,NULL);
207 							/* Show hud */
208 							show_hud (griel, fonts, window, blocks, round);
209 							/* Show titles */
210 							show_tiles (&griel, &animationtime, map, window, blocks, round, counter, key);
211 							/* check for obstacles */
212 							check_obstacles (&griel, round, map, kill, &grieltouch);
213 							/* Griel touched ? */
214 							if (grieltouch == 1)
215 								*state = 3;
216 							/* Show hero */
217 							show_hero(&griel, counter, window, blocks, &round, &step, &waittime, &soundblock, giveup);
218 							/* Key pressed */
219 							controls(&griel,&fullscreench);
220 							if (fullscreench == 1) {
221 								SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen (screen);
222 								fullscreench = 0;
223 							}
224 							break;
225 			case 2: /* gameover screen for 10 seconds */
226 							if (waittime < 600) {
227 								waittime ++;
228 								SDL_BlitSurface(gameoverscreen,NULL,window,NULL);
229 								if (waittime == 1)
230 									Mix_PlayMusic(gameover, 0);
231 							}
232 							else {
233 								*state = 0;
234 								Mix_HaltMusic();
235 							}
236 							break;
237 			case 3: /* show password info, with fade in & out */
238 							if (round == 4)
239 								SDL_BlitSurface(passscreen01,NULL,window,NULL);
240 							if (round == 9)
241 								SDL_BlitSurface(passscreen02,NULL,window,NULL);
242 							if (round == 14)
243 								SDL_BlitSurface(passscreen03,NULL,window,NULL);
244 							if (round == 19)
245 								SDL_BlitSurface(passscreen04,NULL,window,NULL);
246 							if (round == 24)
247 								SDL_BlitSurface(passscreen05,NULL,window,NULL);
248 							if (round == 29)
249 								SDL_BlitSurface(passscreen06,NULL,window,NULL);
250 							if (round == 35)
251 								SDL_BlitSurface(passscreen07,NULL,window,NULL);
252 							if (round == 41)
253 								SDL_BlitSurface(passscreen08,NULL,window,NULL);
254 							if (round == 47)
255 								SDL_BlitSurface(passscreen09,NULL,window,NULL);
256 							if (round == 53)
257 								SDL_BlitSurface(passscreen10,NULL,window,NULL);
258 							SDL_SetAlpha(blackbox,SDL_RLEACCEL|SDL_SRCALPHA,(Uint8)fadecounter);
259 							SDL_BlitSurface(blackbox,NULL,window,NULL);
260 							if ((fademode == 0) && (fadecounter == 255))
261 								SDL_EventState(SDL_KEYDOWN, SDL_IGNORE);
262 							if ((fademode == 0) && (fadecounter > 0))
263 								fadecounter -= 3;
264 							if ((fademode == 1) && (fadecounter < 255))
265 								fadecounter += 3;
266 							if ((fademode == 0) && (fadecounter == 0))
267 								waittime ++;
268 							if (((fademode == 0) && (fadecounter == 0)) && (waittime == 600))
269 								fademode = 1;
270 							if (waittime > 599) {
271 								round ++;
272 								waittime = 0;
273 								step = 0;
274 								fademode = 0;
275 							}
276 							break;
277 		}
279 		/* Zoom 2x */
280 		doble = zoomSurface(window,2,2,0);
281 		SDL_BlitSurface(doble,NULL,screen,NULL);
282 		SDL_Flip(screen);
283 		SDL_FreeSurface(doble);
284 		SDL_FreeSurface(screen);
285 		control_frames(2,framerate);
286 	}
288 	/* Cleaning */
289 	SDL_FreeSurface(roundscreen);
290 	SDL_FreeSurface(blocks);
291 	SDL_FreeSurface(headgame);
292 	SDL_FreeSurface(fonts);
293 	SDL_FreeSurface(blackbox);
294 	SDL_FreeSurface(window);
295 	SDL_FreeSurface(gameoverscreen);
296 	SDL_FreeSurface(passscreen01);
297 	SDL_FreeSurface(passscreen02);
298 	SDL_FreeSurface(passscreen03);
299 	SDL_FreeSurface(passscreen04);
300 	SDL_FreeSurface(passscreen05);
301 	SDL_FreeSurface(passscreen06);
302 	SDL_FreeSurface(passscreen07);
303 	SDL_FreeSurface(passscreen08);
304 	SDL_FreeSurface(passscreen09);
305 	SDL_FreeSurface(passscreen10);
306 	/* Mix_FreeMusic(bsogame); */
307 	Mix_FreeMusic(gameover);
308 	Mix_FreeChunk(stageclear);
309 	Mix_FreeChunk(giveup);
310 	Mix_FreeChunk(key);
311 	Mix_FreeChunk(kill);
313 }
show_tiles(struct hero * griel,int * animationtime,int map[][11][16],SDL_Surface * window,SDL_Surface * blocks,int round,int counter,Mix_Chunk * key)315 void show_tiles (struct hero *griel, int *animationtime, int map[][11][16], SDL_Surface *window, SDL_Surface *blocks, int round, int counter, Mix_Chunk *key) {
317 	SDL_Rect srcblocks = {0,0,16,16};
318 	SDL_Rect desblocks = {0,0,16,16};
320 	int i = 0;
321 	int j = 0;
323 	for (i=0;i<11;i++) {
324 		for (j=0;j<16;j++) {
325 			if (map[round][i][j] > 0) {
326 				if (((map[round][i][j] == 11) || (map[round][i][j] == 13) || (map[round][i][j] == 15)) && (counter > 29))
327 					map[round][i][j] ++;
328 				if (((map[round][i][j] == 12) || (map[round][i][j] == 14) || (map[round][i][j] == 16)) && (counter < 30))
329 					map[round][i][j] --;
330 				if ((map[round][i][j] == 17) && (counter > 29))
331 					map[round][i][j] += 2;
332 				if ((map[round][i][j] == 19) && (counter < 30))
333 					map[round][i][j] -= 2;
334 				if ((map[round][i][j] == 25) && (griel->key == 1)) { /* Got key, so open the door */
335 					Mix_PlayChannel(-1,key,0);
336 					griel->key = 0;
337 					map[round][i][j] = 26;
338 				}
339 				if (map[round][i][j] == 35) { /* Pow tile 2 */
340 					if (*animationtime < 15)
341 						*animationtime += 1;
342 					else {
343 						map[round][i][j] = 0;
344 						*animationtime = 0;
345 					}
346 				}
347 				if (map[round][i][j] == 36) { /* Pow tile 1 */
348 					if (*animationtime < 15)
349 						*animationtime += 1;
350 					else {
351 						map[round][i][j] = 35;
352 						*animationtime = 0;
353 					}
354 				}
355 				srcblocks.x = (map[round][i][j] - ((map[round][i][j] / 10) * 10) - 1) * 16;
356 				srcblocks.y = (map[round][i][j] / 10) * 16;
357 				if (map[round][i][j] == 10) {
358 					srcblocks.x = 144;
359 					srcblocks.y = 0;
360 				}
361 				desblocks.x = j * 16;
362 				desblocks.y = (i * 16) + 32;
363 				SDL_BlitSurface(blocks,&srcblocks,window,&desblocks);
364 			}
365 		}
366 	}
368 }
check_obstacles(struct hero * griel,int round,int map[][11][16],Mix_Chunk * kill,uint * grieltouch)370 void check_obstacles (struct hero *griel, int round, int map[][11][16], Mix_Chunk *kill, uint *grieltouch) {
372 	int deleteobject = 0;
373 	int target[2] = {0,0};
375 	if (griel->locked == 1) {
376 		/* Set block to analyze */
377 		switch (griel->direction) {
378 			case 1: target[0] = map[round][griel->positiony-1][griel->positionx];
379 							if (griel->positiony > 1)
380 								target[1] = map[round][griel->positiony-2][griel->positionx];
381 							else
382 								target[1] = 0;
383 							break;
384 			case 2: target[0] = map[round][griel->positiony+1][griel->positionx];
385 							if (griel->positiony < 9)
386 								target[1] = map[round][griel->positiony+2][griel->positionx];
387 							else
388 								target[1] = 0;
389 							break;
390 			case 3: target[0] = map[round][griel->positiony][griel->positionx-1];
391 							if (griel->positionx > 1)
392 								target[1] = map[round][griel->positiony][griel->positionx-2];
393 							else
394 								target[1] = 0;
395 							break;
396 			case 4: target[0] = map[round][griel->positiony][griel->positionx+1];
397 							if (griel->positionx < 14)
398 								target[1] = map[round][griel->positiony][griel->positionx+2];
399 							else
400 								target[1] = 0;
401 							break;
402 		}
403 		/* Check if its a wall */
404 		if (((target[0] > 0) && (target[0] < 4)) || ((target[0] > 7) && (target[0] < 11)) || ((target[0] > 34) && (target[0] < 37)) || ((target[0] > 40) && (target[0] < 46)) || (target[0] == 25) || (target[0] == 99)) {
405 			griel->locked = 0;
406 			/* griel->direction = 2; */
407 		}
408 		/* Check for "arrow" tile */
409 		if ((target[0] > 3) && (target[0] < 8)) {
410 			if ((griel->direction == 1) && (target[0] == 5)) {
411 				griel->locked = 0;
412 				/* griel->direction = 2; */
413 			}
414 			if ((griel->direction == 2) && (target[0] == 4)) {
415 				griel->locked = 0;
416 				/* griel->direction = 2; */
417 			}
418 			if ((griel->direction == 3) && (target[0] == 7)) {
419 				griel->locked = 0;
420 				/* griel->direction = 2; */
421 			}
422 			if ((griel->direction == 4) && (target[0] == 6)) {
423 				griel->locked = 0;
424 				/* griel->direction = 2; */
425 			}
426 			if ((griel->direction + 3 == target[0]) && ((target[1] > 20) && (target[1] < 24)) && (griel->object > 0)) {
427 			/* Block movement if a object is after the arrow and Griel has a object */
428 				griel->locked = 0;
429 				/* griel->direction = 2; */
430 			}
431 		}
432 		/* Check if its a enemy */
433 		if ((target[0] == 11) || (target[0] == 12)) { /* Slim */
434 			if (griel->object == 1) {
435 				Mix_PlayChannel(-1,kill,0);
436 				deleteobject = 1;
437 				griel->object = 0;
438 				griel->score += 10;
439 			}
440 			else {
441 				griel->locked = 0;
442 				/* griel->direction = 2; */
443 			}
444 		}
445 		if ((target[0] == 13) || (target[0] == 14)) { /* Ghost */
446 			if (griel->object == 2) {
447 				deleteobject = 1;
448 				Mix_PlayChannel(-1,kill,0);
449 				griel->object = 0;
450 				griel->score += 60;
451 			}
452 			else {
453 				griel->locked = 0;
454 				/* griel->direction = 2; */
455 			}
456 		}
457 		if ((target[0] == 15) || (target[0] == 16)) { /* Ogre */
458 			if (griel->object == 3) {
459 				deleteobject = 1;
460 				Mix_PlayChannel(-1,kill,0);
461 				griel->object = 0;
462 				griel->score += 30;
463 			}
464 			else {
465 				griel->locked = 0;
466 				/* griel->direction = 2; */
467 			}
468 		}
469 		/* Check if its a object */
470 		if ((target[0] > 20) && (target[0] < 24)) {
471 			if (griel->object == 0) {
472 				griel->object = target[0] - 20;
473 				/* Add points to score */
474 				griel->score += 50;
475 				deleteobject = 1;
476 			}
477 			else {
478 				griel->locked = 0;
479 				/* griel->direction = 2; */
480 			}
481 		}
482 		if (target[0] == 24) { /* Key */
483 				griel->key = 1;
484 				griel->score += 300; /* Add to score */
485 				deleteobject = 1;
486 		}
487 		if (target[0] == 46) { /* Grial */
488 				griel->grial = 1;
489 				griel->score += 1000; /* Add to score */
490 				deleteobject = 1;
491 				*grieltouch = 1;
492 		}
493 		/* Deleting objects */
494 		if (deleteobject == 1) {
495 			switch (griel->direction) {
496 				case 1: if (map[round][griel->positiony-1][griel->positionx] < 21) {
497 									map[round][griel->positiony-1][griel->positionx] = 36;
498 									griel->locked = 0;
499 									/* griel->direction = 2; */
500 								}
501 								else
502 									map[round][griel->positiony-1][griel->positionx] = 0;
503 								break;
504 				case 2: if (map[round][griel->positiony+1][griel->positionx] < 21) {
505 									map[round][griel->positiony+1][griel->positionx] = 36;
506 									griel->locked = 0;
507 									/* griel->direction = 2; */
508 								}
509 								else
510 									map[round][griel->positiony+1][griel->positionx] = 0;
511 								break;
512 				case 3: if (map[round][griel->positiony][griel->positionx-1] < 21) {
513 									map[round][griel->positiony][griel->positionx-1] = 36;
514 									griel->locked = 0;
515 									/* griel->direction = 2; */
516 								}
517 								else
518 									map[round][griel->positiony][griel->positionx-1] = 0;
519 								break;
520 				case 4: if (map[round][griel->positiony][griel->positionx+1] < 21) {
521 									map[round][griel->positiony][griel->positionx+1] = 36;
522 									griel->locked = 0;
523 									/* griel->direction = 2; */
524 								}
525 								else
526 									map[round][griel->positiony][griel->positionx+1] = 0;
527 								break;
528 			}
529 		}
530 	}
532 	/* Contine moving if you are in arrow */
533 	if (((map[round][griel->positiony][griel->positionx] > 3) && (map[round][griel->positiony][griel->positionx] < 8)) && (griel->movement == 0)) {
534 		griel->locked = 1;
535 		griel->direction = map[round][griel->positiony][griel->positionx] - 3;
536 	}
538 	/* Check for a open door */
539 	if ((map[round][griel->positiony][griel->positionx] == 26) && (griel->locked == 0)) {
540 		griel->direction = 5;
541 		griel->locked = 1;
542 	}
544 }
controls(struct hero * griel,uint * fullscreench)546 void controls (struct hero *griel, uint *fullscreench) {
548 	SDL_Event keystroke;
550 	while (SDL_PollEvent(&keystroke)) {
551 		if (keystroke.type == SDL_QUIT)
552 			exit(0);
553 		if (keystroke.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) {
554 			if (keystroke.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) {
555 				if ((griel->locked == 0) && (griel->deathanimation == 0)) {
556 					griel->locked = 1;
557 					griel->direction = 6;
558 				}
559 			}
560 			if (keystroke.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_UP) {
561 				if ((griel->locked == 0) && (griel->positiony > 0)) {
562 					griel->locked = 1;
563 					griel->direction = 1;
564 				}
565 			}
566 			if (keystroke.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_DOWN) {
567 				if ((griel->locked == 0) && (griel->positiony < 10)) {
568 					griel->locked = 1;
569 					griel->direction = 2;
570 				}
571 			}
572 			if (keystroke.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_LEFT) {
573 				if ((griel->locked == 0) && (griel->positionx > 0)) {
574 					griel->locked = 1;
575 					griel->direction = 3;
576 				}
577 			}
578 			if (keystroke.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RIGHT) {
579 				if ((griel->locked == 0) && (griel->positionx < 15)) {
580 					griel->locked = 1;
581 					griel->direction = 4;
582 				}
583 			}
584 			if (keystroke.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_f)
585 				*fullscreench = 1;
586 			if (keystroke.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_q)
587 				exit(0);
588 		}
589 	}
591 }