1 /*
2 ===========================================================================
4 Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer GPL Source Code
5 Copyright (C) 1999-2010 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
7 This file is part of the Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer GPL Source Code (“RTCW MP Source Code”).
9 RTCW MP Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 (at your option) any later version.
14 RTCW MP Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 GNU General Public License for more details.
19 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 along with RTCW MP Source Code.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 In addition, the RTCW MP Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the RTCW MP Source Code.  If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
24 If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
26 ===========================================================================
27 */
29 #ifndef __UI_SHARED_H
30 #define __UI_SHARED_H
33 #include "../qcommon/q_shared.h"
34 #include "../renderer/tr_types.h"
35 #include "../client/keycodes.h"
37 // TTimo case sensitivity
38 #include "../../MAIN/ui_mp/menudef.h"
40 #define MAX_MENUNAME 32
41 #define MAX_ITEMTEXT 64
42 #define MAX_ITEMACTION 64
43 #define MAX_MENUDEFFILE 4096
44 #define MAX_MENUFILE 32768
45 #define MAX_MENUS 64
46 //#define MAX_MENUITEMS 256
47 #define MAX_MENUITEMS 128 // JPW NERVE q3ta was 96
48 #define MAX_COLOR_RANGES 10
49 #define MAX_MODAL_MENUS 16
51 #define WINDOW_MOUSEOVER        0x00000001  // mouse is over it, non exclusive
52 #define WINDOW_HASFOCUS         0x00000002  // has cursor focus, exclusive
53 #define WINDOW_VISIBLE          0x00000004  // is visible
54 #define WINDOW_GREY             0x00000008  // is visible but grey ( non-active )
55 #define WINDOW_DECORATION       0x00000010  // for decoration only, no mouse, keyboard, etc..
56 #define WINDOW_FADINGOUT        0x00000020  // fading out, non-active
57 #define WINDOW_FADINGIN         0x00000040  // fading in
58 #define WINDOW_MOUSEOVERTEXT    0x00000080  // mouse is over it, non exclusive
59 #define WINDOW_INTRANSITION     0x00000100  // window is in transition
60 #define WINDOW_FORECOLORSET     0x00000200  // forecolor was explicitly set ( used to color alpha images or not )
61 #define WINDOW_HORIZONTAL       0x00000400  // for list boxes and sliders, vertical is default this is set of horizontal
62 #define WINDOW_LB_LEFTARROW     0x00000800  // mouse is over left/up arrow
63 #define WINDOW_LB_RIGHTARROW    0x00001000  // mouse is over right/down arrow
64 #define WINDOW_LB_THUMB         0x00002000  // mouse is over thumb
65 #define WINDOW_LB_PGUP          0x00004000  // mouse is over page up
66 #define WINDOW_LB_PGDN          0x00008000  // mouse is over page down
67 #define WINDOW_ORBITING         0x00010000  // item is in orbit
68 #define WINDOW_OOB_CLICK        0x00020000  // close on out of bounds click
69 #define WINDOW_WRAPPED          0x00040000  // manually wrap text
70 #define WINDOW_AUTOWRAPPED      0x00080000  // auto wrap text
71 #define WINDOW_FORCED           0x00100000  // forced open
72 #define WINDOW_POPUP            0x00200000  // popup
73 #define WINDOW_BACKCOLORSET     0x00400000  // backcolor was explicitly set
74 #define WINDOW_TIMEDVISIBLE     0x00800000  // visibility timing ( NOT implemented )
75 #define WINDOW_IGNORE_HUDALPHA  0x01000000  // window will apply cg_hudAlpha value to colors unless this flag is set
76 #define WINDOW_MODAL                        0x02000000 // window is modal, the window to go back to is stored in a stack
78 // CGAME cursor type bits
79 #define CURSOR_NONE             0x00000001
80 #define CURSOR_ARROW            0x00000002
81 #define CURSOR_SIZER            0x00000004
83 #ifdef CGAME
84 #define STRING_POOL_SIZE    128 * 1024
85 #else
86 #define STRING_POOL_SIZE    384 * 1024
87 #endif
89 #define MAX_STRING_HANDLES  4096
90 #define MAX_SCRIPT_ARGS     12
91 #define MAX_EDITFIELD       256
93 #define ART_FX_BASE         "menu/art/fx_base"
94 #define ART_FX_BLUE         "menu/art/fx_blue"
95 #define ART_FX_CYAN         "menu/art/fx_cyan"
96 #define ART_FX_GREEN        "menu/art/fx_grn"
97 #define ART_FX_RED          "menu/art/fx_red"
98 #define ART_FX_TEAL         "menu/art/fx_teal"
99 #define ART_FX_WHITE        "menu/art/fx_white"
100 #define ART_FX_YELLOW       "menu/art/fx_yel"
102 #define ASSET_GRADIENTBAR           "ui_mp/assets/gradientbar2.tga"
103 #define ASSET_SCROLLBAR             "ui_mp/assets/scrollbar.tga"
104 #define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWDOWN   "ui_mp/assets/scrollbar_arrow_dwn_a.tga"
105 #define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWUP     "ui_mp/assets/scrollbar_arrow_up_a.tga"
106 #define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWLEFT   "ui_mp/assets/scrollbar_arrow_left.tga"
107 #define ASSET_SCROLLBAR_ARROWRIGHT  "ui_mp/assets/scrollbar_arrow_right.tga"
108 #define ASSET_SCROLL_THUMB          "ui_mp/assets/scrollbar_thumb.tga"
109 #define ASSET_SLIDER_BAR            "ui_mp/assets/slider2.tga"
110 #define ASSET_SLIDER_THUMB          "ui_mp/assets/sliderbutt_1.tga"
112 #define SCROLLBAR_SIZE      16.0
113 #define SLIDER_WIDTH        96.0
114 #define SLIDER_HEIGHT       16.0
115 #define SLIDER_THUMB_WIDTH  12.0
116 #define SLIDER_THUMB_HEIGHT 20.0
117 #define NUM_CROSSHAIRS      10
119 typedef struct {
120 	const char *command;
121 	const char *args[MAX_SCRIPT_ARGS];
122 } scriptDef_t;
125 typedef struct {
126 	float x;    // horiz position
127 	float y;    // vert position
128 	float w;    // width
129 	float h;    // height;
130 } rectDef_t;
132 typedef rectDef_t Rectangle;
134 // FIXME: do something to separate text vs window stuff
135 typedef struct {
136 	Rectangle rect;                 // client coord rectangle
137 	Rectangle rectClient;           // screen coord rectangle
138 	const char *name;               //
139 	const char *model;              //
140 	const char *group;              // if it belongs to a group
141 	const char *cinematicName;      // cinematic name
142 	int cinematic;                  // cinematic handle
143 	int style;                      //
144 	int border;                     //
145 	int ownerDraw;                  // ownerDraw style
146 	int ownerDrawFlags;             // show flags for ownerdraw items
147 	float borderSize;               //
148 	int flags;                      // visible, focus, mouseover, cursor
149 	Rectangle rectEffects;          // for various effects
150 	Rectangle rectEffects2;         // for various effects
151 	int offsetTime;                 // time based value for various effects
152 	int nextTime;                   // time next effect should cycle
153 	vec4_t foreColor;               // text color
154 	vec4_t backColor;               // border color
155 	vec4_t borderColor;             // border color
156 	vec4_t outlineColor;            // border color
157 	qhandle_t background;           // background asset
158 } windowDef_t;
160 typedef windowDef_t Window;
163 typedef struct {
164 	vec4_t color;
165 	int type;
166 	float low;
167 	float high;
168 } colorRangeDef_t;
170 // FIXME: combine flags into bitfields to save space
171 // FIXME: consolidate all of the common stuff in one structure for menus and items
172 // THINKABOUTME: is there any compelling reason not to have items contain items
173 // and do away with a menu per say.. major issue is not being able to dynamically allocate
174 // and destroy stuff.. Another point to consider is adding an alloc free call for vm's and have
175 // the engine just allocate the pool for it based on a cvar
176 // many of the vars are re-used for different item types, as such they are not always named appropriately
177 // the benefits of c++ in DOOM will greatly help crap like this
178 // FIXME: need to put a type ptr that points to specific type info per type
179 //
180 #define MAX_LB_COLUMNS 16
182 typedef struct columnInfo_s {
183 	int pos;
184 	int width;
185 	int maxChars;
186 } columnInfo_t;
188 typedef struct listBoxDef_s {
189 	int startPos;
190 	int endPos;
191 	int drawPadding;
192 	int cursorPos;
193 	float elementWidth;
194 	float elementHeight;
195 	int elementStyle;
196 	int numColumns;
197 	columnInfo_t columnInfo[MAX_LB_COLUMNS];
198 	const char *doubleClick;
199 	qboolean notselectable;
200 } listBoxDef_t;
202 typedef struct editFieldDef_s {
203 	float minVal;                   //	edit field limits
204 	float maxVal;                   //
205 	float defVal;                   //
206 	float range;                    //
207 	int maxChars;                   // for edit fields
208 	int maxPaintChars;              // for edit fields
209 	int paintOffset;                //
210 } editFieldDef_t;
212 #define MAX_MULTI_CVARS 32
214 typedef struct multiDef_s {
215 	const char *cvarList[MAX_MULTI_CVARS];
216 	const char *cvarStr[MAX_MULTI_CVARS];
217 	float cvarValue[MAX_MULTI_CVARS];
218 	int count;
219 	qboolean strDef;
220 } multiDef_t;
222 typedef struct modelDef_s {
223 	int angle;
224 	vec3_t origin;
225 	float fov_x;
226 	float fov_y;
227 	int rotationSpeed;
229 	int animated;
230 	int startframe;
231 	int numframes;
232 	int loopframes;
233 	int fps;
235 	int frame;
236 	int oldframe;
237 	float backlerp;
238 	int frameTime;
239 } modelDef_t;
241 #define CVAR_ENABLE     0x00000001
242 #define CVAR_DISABLE    0x00000002
243 #define CVAR_SHOW       0x00000004
244 #define CVAR_HIDE       0x00000008
245 #define CVAR_NOTOGGLE   0x00000010
247 #define UI_MAX_TEXT_LINES 64
249 typedef struct itemDef_s {
250 	Window window;                  // common positional, border, style, layout info
251 	Rectangle textRect;             // rectangle the text ( if any ) consumes
252 	int type;                       // text, button, radiobutton, checkbox, textfield, listbox, combo
253 	int alignment;                  // left center right
254 	int textalignment;              // ( optional ) alignment for text within rect based on text width
255 	float textalignx;               // ( optional ) text alignment x coord
256 	float textaligny;               // ( optional ) text alignment x coord
257 	float textscale;                // scale percentage from 72pts
258 	int font;                       // (SA)
259 	int textStyle;                  // ( optional ) style, normal and shadowed are it for now
260 	const char *text;   // display text
261 	void *parent;                   // menu owner
262 	qhandle_t asset;                // handle to asset
263 	const char *mouseEnterText;     // mouse enter script
264 	const char *mouseExitText;      // mouse exit script
265 	const char *mouseEnter;         // mouse enter script
266 	const char *mouseExit;          // mouse exit script
267 	const char *action;             // select script
268 	const char *onAccept;           // NERVE - SMF - run when the users presses the enter key
269 	const char *onFocus;            // select script
270 	const char *leaveFocus;         // select script
271 	const char *cvar;               // associated cvar
272 	const char *cvarTest;           // associated cvar for enable actions
273 	const char *enableCvar;         // enable, disable, show, or hide based on value, this can contain a list
274 	int cvarFlags;                  //	what type of action to take on cvarenables
275 	sfxHandle_t focusSound;
276 	int numColors;                  // number of color ranges
277 	colorRangeDef_t colorRanges[MAX_COLOR_RANGES];
278 	int colorRangeType;             // either
279 	float special;                  // used for feeder id's etc.. diff per type
280 	int cursorPos;                  // cursor position in characters
281 	void *typeData;                 // type specific data ptr's
282 } itemDef_t;
284 typedef struct {
285 	Window window;
286 	const char  *font;              // font
287 	qboolean fullScreen;            // covers entire screen
288 	int itemCount;                  // number of items;
289 	int fontIndex;                  //
290 	int cursorItem;                 // which item as the cursor
291 	int fadeCycle;                  //
292 	float fadeClamp;                //
293 	float fadeAmount;               //
294 	const char *onOpen;             // run when the menu is first opened
295 	const char *onClose;            // run when the menu is closed
296 	const char *onESC;              // run when the menu is closed
297 	const char *onKey[255];         // NERVE - SMF - execs commands when a key is pressed
298 	const char *soundName;          // background loop sound for menu
300 	vec4_t focusColor;              // focus color for items
301 	vec4_t disableColor;            // focus color for items
302 	itemDef_t *items[MAX_MENUITEMS]; // items this menu contains
303 } menuDef_t;
305 typedef struct {
306 	const char *fontStr;
307 	const char *cursorStr;
308 	const char *gradientStr;
309 	fontInfo_t textFont;
310 	fontInfo_t smallFont;
311 	fontInfo_t bigFont;
312 	qhandle_t cursor;
313 	qhandle_t gradientBar;
314 	qhandle_t scrollBarArrowUp;
315 	qhandle_t scrollBarArrowDown;
316 	qhandle_t scrollBarArrowLeft;
317 	qhandle_t scrollBarArrowRight;
318 	qhandle_t scrollBar;
319 	qhandle_t scrollBarThumb;
320 	qhandle_t buttonMiddle;
321 	qhandle_t buttonInside;
322 	qhandle_t solidBox;
323 	qhandle_t sliderBar;
324 	qhandle_t sliderThumb;
325 	sfxHandle_t menuEnterSound;
326 	sfxHandle_t menuExitSound;
327 	sfxHandle_t menuBuzzSound;
328 	sfxHandle_t itemFocusSound;
329 	float fadeClamp;
330 	int fadeCycle;
331 	float fadeAmount;
332 	float shadowX;
333 	float shadowY;
334 	vec4_t shadowColor;
335 	float shadowFadeClamp;
336 	qboolean fontRegistered;
338 	// player settings
339 	qhandle_t fxBasePic;
340 	qhandle_t fxPic[7];
341 	qhandle_t crosshairShader[NUM_CROSSHAIRS];
343 } cachedAssets_t;
345 typedef struct {
346 	const char *name;
347 	void ( *handler )( itemDef_t *item, char** args );
348 } commandDef_t;
350 typedef struct {
351 	qhandle_t ( *registerShaderNoMip )( const char *p );
352 	void ( *setColor )( const vec4_t v );
353 	void ( *drawHandlePic )( float x, float y, float w, float h, qhandle_t asset );
354 	void ( *drawStretchPic )( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t hShader );
355 	void ( *drawText )( float x, float y, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, float adjust, int limit, int style );
356 	int ( *textWidth )( const char *text, float scale, int limit );
357 	int ( *textHeight )( const char *text, float scale, int limit );
358 	void ( *textFont )( int font );          // NERVE - SMF
359 	qhandle_t ( *registerModel )( const char *p );
360 	void ( *modelBounds )( qhandle_t model, vec3_t min, vec3_t max );
361 	void ( *fillRect )( float x, float y, float w, float h, const vec4_t color );
362 	void ( *drawRect )( float x, float y, float w, float h, float size, const vec4_t color );
363 	void ( *drawSides )( float x, float y, float w, float h, float size );
364 	void ( *drawTopBottom )( float x, float y, float w, float h, float size );
365 	void ( *clearScene )( void );
366 	void ( *addRefEntityToScene )( const refEntity_t *re );
367 	void ( *renderScene )( const refdef_t *fd );
368 	void ( *registerFont )( const char *pFontname, int pointSize, fontInfo_t *font );
369 	void ( *ownerDrawItem )( float x, float y, float w, float h, float text_x, float text_y, int ownerDraw, int ownerDrawFlags, int align, float special, float scale, vec4_t color, qhandle_t shader, int textStyle );
370 	float ( *getValue )( int ownerDraw, int type );
371 	qboolean ( *ownerDrawVisible )( int flags );
372 	void ( *runScript )( char **p );
373 	void ( *getTeamColor )( vec4_t *color );
374 	void ( *getCVarString )( const char *cvar, char *buffer, int bufsize );
375 	float ( *getCVarValue )( const char *cvar );
376 	void ( *setCVar )( const char *cvar, const char *value );
377 	void ( *drawTextWithCursor )( float x, float y, float scale, vec4_t color, const char *text, int cursorPos, char cursor, int limit, int style );
378 	void ( *setOverstrikeMode )( qboolean b );
379 	qboolean ( *getOverstrikeMode )( void );
380 	void ( *startLocalSound )( sfxHandle_t sfx, int channelNum );
381 	qboolean ( *ownerDrawHandleKey )( int ownerDraw, int flags, float *special, int key );
382 	int ( *feederCount )( float feederID );
383 	const char *( *feederItemText )( float feederID, int index, int column, qhandle_t * handle );
384 	const char *( *fileText )( char *flieName );
385 	qhandle_t ( *feederItemImage )( float feederID, int index );
386 	void ( *feederSelection )( float feederID, int index );
387 	void ( *feederAddItem )( float feederID, const char *name, int index );           // NERVE - SMF
388 	char* ( *translateString )( const char *string );                                 // NERVE - SMF
389 	void ( *checkAutoUpdate )( void );                                         // DHM - Nerve
390 	void ( *getAutoUpdate )( void );                                           // DHM - Nerve
392 	void ( *keynumToStringBuf )( int keynum, char *buf, int buflen );
393 	void ( *getBindingBuf )( int keynum, char *buf, int buflen );
394 	void ( *setBinding )( int keynum, const char *binding );
395 	void ( *executeText )( int exec_when, const char *text );
396 	void (*Error)(int level, const char *error, ...) __attribute__ ((noreturn, format (printf, 2, 3)));
397 	void (*Print)(const char *msg, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
398 	void (*DPrint)(const char *msg, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
399 	void ( *Pause )( qboolean b );
400 	int ( *ownerDrawWidth )( int ownerDraw, float scale );
401 //	sfxHandle_t (*registerSound)(const char *name, qboolean compressed);
402 	sfxHandle_t ( *registerSound )( const char *name );
403 	void ( *startBackgroundTrack )( const char *intro, const char *loop );
404 	void ( *stopBackgroundTrack )( void );
405 	int ( *playCinematic )( const char *name, float x, float y, float w, float h );
406 	void ( *stopCinematic )( int handle );
407 	void ( *drawCinematic )( int handle, float x, float y, float w, float h );
408 	void ( *runCinematicFrame )( int handle );
410 	float yscale;
411 	float xscale;
412 	float yscaleStretch;
413 	float xscaleStretch;
414 	float yBias;
415 	float xBias;
416 	float bias;
417 	int realTime;
418 	int frameTime;
419 	int cursorx;
420 	int cursory;
421 	qboolean debug;
423 	cachedAssets_t Assets;
425 	glconfig_t glconfig;
426 	qhandle_t whiteShader;
427 	qhandle_t gradientImage;
428 	qhandle_t cursor;
429 	float FPS;
431 } displayContextDef_t;
433 const char *String_Alloc( const char *p );
434 void String_Init( void );
435 void String_Report( void );
436 void Init_Display( displayContextDef_t *dc );
437 void Display_ExpandMacros( char * buff );
438 void Menu_Init( menuDef_t *menu );
439 void Item_Init( itemDef_t *item );
440 void Menu_PostParse( menuDef_t *menu );
441 menuDef_t *Menu_GetFocused( void );
442 void Menu_HandleKey( menuDef_t *menu, int key, qboolean down );
443 void Menu_HandleMouseMove( menuDef_t *menu, float x, float y );
444 void Menu_ScrollFeeder( menuDef_t *menu, int feeder, qboolean down );
445 qboolean Float_Parse( char **p, float *f );
446 qboolean Color_Parse( char **p, vec4_t *c );
447 qboolean Int_Parse( char **p, int *i );
448 qboolean Rect_Parse( char **p, rectDef_t *r );
449 qboolean String_Parse( char **p, const char **out );
450 qboolean Script_Parse( char **p, const char **out );
451 qboolean PC_Float_Parse( int handle, float *f );
452 qboolean PC_Color_Parse( int handle, vec4_t *c );
453 qboolean PC_Int_Parse( int handle, int *i );
454 qboolean PC_Rect_Parse( int handle, rectDef_t *r );
455 qboolean PC_String_Parse( int handle, const char **out );
456 qboolean PC_Script_Parse( int handle, const char **out );
457 qboolean PC_Char_Parse( int handle, char *out );              // NERVE - SMF
458 int Menu_Count( void );
459 void Menu_New( int handle );
460 void Menu_PaintAll( void );
461 menuDef_t *Menus_ActivateByName( const char *p, qboolean modalStack );
462 void Menu_Reset( void );
463 qboolean Menus_AnyFullScreenVisible( void );
464 void  Menus_Activate( menuDef_t *menu );
466 int UI_SelectForKey(int key);
467 displayContextDef_t *Display_GetContext( void );
468 void        *Display_CaptureItem( int x, int y );
469 qboolean    Display_MouseMove( void *p, int x, int y );
470 int         Display_CursorType( int x, int y );
471 qboolean    Display_KeyBindPending( void );
472 void        Menus_OpenByName( const char *p );
473 menuDef_t   *Menus_FindByName( const char *p );
474 void        Menus_ShowByName( const char *p );
475 void        Menus_CloseByName( const char *p );
476 void        Display_HandleKey( int key, qboolean down, int x, int y );
477 void        LerpColor( vec4_t a, vec4_t b, vec4_t c, float t );
478 void        Menus_CloseAll( void );
479 void        Menu_Paint( menuDef_t *menu, qboolean forcePaint );
480 void        Menu_SetFeederSelection( menuDef_t *menu, int feeder, int index, const char *name );
481 void        Display_CacheAll( void );
483 // TTimo
484 void Menu_ShowItemByName( menuDef_t *menu, const char *p, qboolean bShow );
486 void        *UI_Alloc( int size );
487 void        UI_InitMemory( void );
488 qboolean    UI_OutOfMemory( void );
490 void        Controls_GetConfig( void );
491 void        Controls_SetConfig( qboolean restart );
492 void        Controls_SetDefaults( void );
494 int         trap_PC_AddGlobalDefine( char *define );
495 int         trap_PC_LoadSource( const char *filename );
496 int         trap_PC_FreeSource( int handle );
497 int         trap_PC_ReadToken( int handle, pc_token_t *pc_token );
498 int         trap_PC_SourceFileAndLine( int handle, char *filename, int *line );
500 void UI_SetScreenPlacement(screenPlacement_e hpos, screenPlacement_e vpos);
502 #endif