3equ	trap_Print							-1
4equ	trap_Error							-2
5equ	trap_Milliseconds					-3
6equ	trap_Cvar_Register					-4
7equ	trap_Cvar_Update					-5
8equ	trap_Cvar_Set						-6
9equ trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer		-7
10equ	trap_Argc							-8
11equ	trap_Argv							-9
12equ	trap_Args							-10
13equ	trap_FS_FOpenFile					-11
14equ	trap_FS_Read						-12
15equ	trap_FS_Write						-13
16equ	trap_FS_FCloseFile					-14
17equ	trap_SendConsoleCommand				-15
18equ	trap_AddCommand						-16
19equ	trap_SendClientCommand				-17
20equ	trap_UpdateScreen					-18
21equ	trap_CM_LoadMap						-19
22equ	trap_CM_NumInlineModels				-20
23equ	trap_CM_InlineModel					-21
24equ	trap_CM_LoadModel					-22
25equ	trap_CM_TempBoxModel				-23
26equ	trap_CM_PointContents				-24
27equ	trap_CM_TransformedPointContents	-25
28equ	trap_CM_BoxTrace					-26
29equ	trap_CM_TransformedBoxTrace			-27
30equ trap_CM_CapsuleTrace				-28
31equ trap_CM_TransformedCapsuleTrace		-29
32equ trap_CM_TempCapsuleModel			-30
33equ	trap_CM_MarkFragments				-31
34equ	trap_S_StartSound					-32
35equ trap_S_StartSoundEx					-33
36equ	trap_S_StartLocalSound				-34
37equ	trap_S_ClearLoopingSounds			-35
38equ	trap_S_AddLoopingSound				-36
39equ	trap_S_UpdateEntityPosition			-37
40equ trap_S_GetVoiceAmplitude			-38
41equ	trap_S_Respatialize					-39
42equ	trap_S_RegisterSound				-40
43equ	trap_S_StartBackgroundTrack			-41
44equ	trap_S_FadeBackgroundTrack			-42
45equ	trap_S_FadeAllSound					-43
46equ	trap_S_StartStreamingSound			-44
47equ	trap_R_LoadWorldMap					-45
48equ	trap_R_RegisterModel				-46
49equ	trap_R_RegisterSkin					-47
50equ	trap_R_RegisterShader				-48
51equ trap_R_GetSkinModel					-49
52equ trap_R_GetShaderFromModel			-50
53equ trap_R_RegisterFont					-51
54equ	trap_R_ClearScene					-52
55equ	trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene			-53
56equ trap_GetEntityToken					-54
57equ	trap_R_AddPolyToScene				-55
58equ	trap_R_AddPolysToScene				-56
59equ	trap_RB_ZombieFXAddNewHit			-57
60equ	trap_R_AddLightToScene				-58
61equ trap_R_AddCoronaToScene				-59
62equ trap_R_SetFog						-60
63equ	trap_R_RenderScene					-61
64equ	trap_R_SetColor						-62
65equ	trap_R_DrawStretchPic				-63
66equ trap_R_DrawStretchPicGradient		-64
67equ	trap_R_ModelBounds					-65
68equ	trap_R_LerpTag						-66
69equ	trap_GetGlconfig					-67
70equ	trap_GetGameState					-68
71equ	trap_GetCurrentSnapshotNumber		-69
72equ	trap_GetSnapshot					-70
73equ	trap_GetServerCommand				-71
74equ	trap_GetCurrentCmdNumber			-72
75equ	trap_GetUserCmd						-73
76equ	trap_SetUserCmdValue				-74
77equ	trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip			-75
78equ	trap_MemoryRemaining				-76
79equ trap_Key_IsDown						-77
80equ trap_Key_GetCatcher					-78
81equ trap_Key_SetCatcher					-79
82equ trap_Key_GetKey						-80
83equ trap_PC_AddGlobalDefine				-81
84equ	trap_PC_LoadSource					-82
85equ trap_PC_FreeSource					-83
86equ trap_PC_ReadToken					-84
87equ trap_PC_SourceFileAndLine			-85
88equ trap_S_StopBackgroundTrack			-86
89equ trap_RealTime						-87
90equ trap_SnapVector						-88
91equ trap_RemoveCommand					-89
93; trap_R_LightForPoint ; not currently used (sorry, trying to keep CG_MEMSET @ 100)
95equ trap_SendMoveSpeedsToGame			-90
96equ trap_CIN_PlayCinematic				-91
97equ trap_CIN_StopCinematic				-92
98equ trap_CIN_RunCinematic 				-93
99equ trap_CIN_DrawCinematic				-94
100equ trap_CIN_SetExtents					-95
101equ trap_R_RemapShader					-96
103; trap_S_AddRealLoopingSound ; not currently used (sorry, trying to keep CG_MEMSET @ 100)
105equ trap_S_StopLoopingSound				-97
106equ trap_S_StopStreamingSound			-98
107equ trap_loadCamera						-99
108equ trap_startCamera					-100
109equ trap_stopCamera						-101
110equ trap_getCameraInfo					-102
112equ	memset						-111
113equ	memcpy						-112
114equ	strncpy						-113
115equ	sin							-114
116equ	cos							-115
117equ	atan2						-116
118equ	sqrt						-117
119equ floor						-118
120equ	ceil						-119
121equ	testPrintInt				-120
122equ	testPrintFloat				-121
123equ acos						-122
125equ trap_UI_Popup				-123
126equ trap_UI_ClosePopup			-124
127equ trap_UI_LimboChat			-125
128equ trap_GetModelInfo			-126
130; New in iortcw
131equ trap_Alloc					-901