1 /*
2 ===========================================================================
4 Return to Castle Wolfenstein single player GPL Source Code
5 Copyright (C) 1999-2010 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
7 This file is part of the Return to Castle Wolfenstein single player GPL Source Code (“RTCW SP Source Code”).
9 RTCW SP Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 (at your option) any later version.
14 RTCW SP Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 GNU General Public License for more details.
19 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 along with RTCW SP Source Code.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 In addition, the RTCW SP Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the RTCW SP Source Code.  If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
24 If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
26 ===========================================================================
27 */
30 /*****************************************************************************
31  * name:		ai_dmq3.h
32  *
33  * desc:		Quake3 bot AI
34  *
35  *
36  *****************************************************************************/
38 //setup the deathmatch AI
39 void BotSetupDeathmatchAI( void );
40 //shutdown the deathmatch AI
41 void BotShutdownDeathmatchAI( void );
42 //let the bot live within its deathmatch AI net
43 void BotDeathmatchAI( bot_state_t *bs, float thinktime );
44 //free waypoints
45 void BotFreeWaypoints( bot_waypoint_t *wp );
46 //choose a weapon
47 void BotChooseWeapon( bot_state_t *bs );
48 //setup movement stuff
49 void BotSetupForMovement( bot_state_t *bs );
50 //update the inventory
51 void BotUpdateInventory( bot_state_t *bs );
52 //update the inventory during battle
53 void BotUpdateBattleInventory( bot_state_t *bs, int enemy );
54 //use holdable items during battle
55 void BotBattleUseItems( bot_state_t *bs );
56 //return true if the bot is dead
57 qboolean BotIsDead( bot_state_t *bs );
58 //returns true if the bot is in observer mode
59 qboolean BotIsObserver( bot_state_t *bs );
60 //returns true if the bot is in the intermission
61 qboolean BotIntermission( bot_state_t *bs );
62 //returns true if the bot is in lava
63 qboolean BotInLava( bot_state_t *bs );
64 //returns true if the bot is in slime
65 qboolean BotInSlime( bot_state_t *bs );
66 //returns true if the entity is dead
67 qboolean EntityIsDead( aas_entityinfo_t *entinfo );
68 //returns true if the entity is invisible
69 qboolean EntityIsInvisible( aas_entityinfo_t *entinfo );
70 //returns true if the entity is shooting
71 qboolean EntityIsShooting( aas_entityinfo_t *entinfo );
72 //returns the name of the client
73 char *ClientName( int client, char *name, int size );
74 //returns a simplified client name
75 char *EasyClientName( int client, char *name, int size );
76 //returns the skin used by the client
77 char *ClientSkin( int client, char *skin, int size );
78 //returns the aggression of the bot in the range [0, 100]
79 float BotAggression( bot_state_t *bs );
80 //returns true if the bot wants to retreat
81 int BotWantsToRetreat( bot_state_t *bs );
82 //returns true if the bot wants to chase
83 int BotWantsToChase( bot_state_t *bs );
84 //returns true if the bot wants to help
85 int BotWantsToHelp( bot_state_t *bs );
86 //returns true if the bot can and wants to rocketjump
87 int BotCanAndWantsToRocketJump( bot_state_t *bs );
88 //returns true if the bot wants to and goes camping
89 int BotWantsToCamp( bot_state_t *bs );
90 //the bot will perform attack movements
91 bot_moveresult_t BotAttackMove( bot_state_t *bs, int tfl );
92 //returns true if the bot and the entity are in the same team
93 int BotSameTeam( bot_state_t *bs, int entnum );
94 //returns true if teamplay is on
95 int TeamPlayIsOn( void );
96 //returns true and sets the .enemy field when an enemy is found
97 int BotFindEnemy( bot_state_t *bs, int curenemy );
98 //returns a roam goal
99 void BotRoamGoal( bot_state_t *bs, vec3_t goal );
100 //returns entity visibility in the range [0, 1]
101 float BotEntityVisible( int viewer, vec3_t eye, vec3_t viewangles, float fov, int ent );
102 //the bot will aim at the current enemy
103 void BotAimAtEnemy( bot_state_t *bs );
104 //check if the bot should attack
105 void BotCheckAttack( bot_state_t *bs );
106 //AI when the bot is blocked
107 void BotAIBlocked( bot_state_t *bs, bot_moveresult_t *moveresult, int activate );
108 //returns the CTF team the bot is in
109 int BotCTFTeam( bot_state_t *bs );
110 //returns the flag the bot is carrying (CTFFLAG_?)
111 int BotCTFCarryingFlag( bot_state_t *bs );
112 //set ctf goals (defend base, get enemy flag) during seek
113 void BotCTFSeekGoals( bot_state_t *bs );
114 //set ctf goals (defend base, get enemy flag) during retreat
115 void BotCTFRetreatGoals( bot_state_t *bs );
116 //create a new waypoint
117 bot_waypoint_t *BotCreateWayPoint( char *name, vec3_t origin, int areanum );
118 //find a waypoint with the given name
119 bot_waypoint_t *BotFindWayPoint( bot_waypoint_t *waypoints, char *name );
120 //strstr but case insensitive
121 char *stristr( char *str, char *charset );
122 //returns the number of the client with the given name
123 int ClientFromName( char *name );
124 //
125 int BotPointAreaNum( vec3_t origin );
126 //
127 void BotMapScripts( bot_state_t *bs );
129 //ctf flags
130 #define CTF_FLAG_NONE       0
131 #define CTF_FLAG_RED        1
132 #define CTF_FLAG_BLUE       2
133 //CTF skins
134 #define CTF_SKIN_REDTEAM    "red"
135 #define CTF_SKIN_BLUETEAM   "blue"
136 //CTF teams
137 #define CTF_TEAM_NONE       0
138 #define CTF_TEAM_RED        1
139 #define CTF_TEAM_BLUE       2
141 extern int dmflags;         //deathmatch flags
142 extern int gametype;        //game type
144 // Rafael gameskill
145 extern int gameskill;
146 // done
148 extern vmCvar_t bot_grapple;
149 extern vmCvar_t bot_rocketjump;
150 extern vmCvar_t bot_fastchat;
151 extern vmCvar_t bot_nochat;
152 extern vmCvar_t bot_testrchat;
154 extern bot_goal_t ctf_redflag;
155 extern bot_goal_t ctf_blueflag;