1 /****************************************************************************
2  *    Copyright 2015  Ian Wadham <iandw.au@gmail.com>                       *
3  *                                                                          *
4  *    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
5  *    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as        *
6  *    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of        *
7  *    the License, or (at your option) any later version.                   *
8  *                                                                          *
9  *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
10  *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
12  *    GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
13  *                                                                          *
14  *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
15  *    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
16  ****************************************************************************/
18 #ifndef DLXSOLVER_H
19 #define DLXSOLVER_H
21 #include <QList>
22 #include <QObject>
24 #include "globals.h"
25 #include "skgraph.h"
27 struct DLXNode			// Represents a 1 in a sparse matrix
28 				// containing only ones and zeroes.
29 {
30     DLXNode * left;		// Link to next node left.
31     DLXNode * right;		// Link to next node right.
32     DLXNode * above;		// Link to next node above.
33     DLXNode * below;		// Link to next node below.
35     DLXNode * columnHeader;	// Link to top of column.
36     int       value;		// In col header: count of ones in col.
37 				// In node: row-number of node.
38 };
40 /**
41  * @class DLXSolver dlxsolver.h
42  * @short Provides a solver, based on the DLX algorithm, for Sudoku variants.
43  *
44  * This solver can handle all variants of Sudoku puzzles supported by KSudoku,
45  * including classical 9x9 Sudokus, 2-D variants, 3-D variants, Killer Sudoku
46  * and MathDoku (aka KenKen TM).
47  *
48  * Killer and MathDoku puzzles have cages in which all the numbers must satisfy
49  * an arithmetic constraint, as well as satisfying the usual Sudoku constraints
50  * (using all numbers exactly once each in a column, row or group).  Killer
51  * Sudokus have 9x9 cells and nine 3x3 boxes, but there are no clues and each
52  * cage must add up to a prescribed total.  MathDokus can have N x N cells, for
53  * N >= 3, but no boxes.  Each cage has an operator (+, -, multiply or divide)
54  * which must be used to reach the required value.  In Killers and Mathdokus, a
55  * cage with just one cell is effectively a clue.
56  *
57  * The DLX algorithm (aka Dancing Links) is due to Donald Knuth.
58  */
59 class DLXSolver : public QObject
60 {
61     Q_OBJECT
62 public:
63     explicit DLXSolver (QObject * parent);
64     ~DLXSolver() override;
66     /**
67      * Takes any of the various kinds of 2-D Sudoku or 3-D Roxdoku puzzle
68      * supported by the KSudoku application program and converts it into a
69      * sparse matrix of constraints and possible solution values for each
70      * vacant cell. It then calls the solveDLX method to solve the puzzle,
71      * using Donald Knuth's Dancing Links (DLX) algorithm. The algorithm can
72      * find zero, one or any number of solutions, each of which can converted
73      * back into a KSudoku grid containing a solution.
74      *
75      * Each column in the DLX matrix represents a constraint that must be
76      * satisfied. In a Classic 9x9 Sudoku, there are 81 constraints to say that
77      * each cell must be filled in exactly once. Then there are 9x9 constraints
78      * to say that each of the 9 Sudoku columns must contain the numbers 1 to 9
79      * exactly once. Similarly for the 9 Sudoku rows and the 9 3x3 boxes. In
80      * total, there are 81 + 9x9 + 9x9 + 9x9 = 324 constraints and so there are
81      * 324 columns in the DLX matrix.
82      *
83      * Each row in the DLX matrix represents a position in the Sudoku grid and
84      * a value (1 to 9) that might go there. If it does, it will satisfy 4 of
85      * the constraints: filling in a cell and putting that value in a column, a
86      * row and a 3x3 box. That possibility is represented by a 1 in that row in
87      * each of the corresponding constraint columns. Thus there are 4 ones in
88      * each row of the 9x9 Sudoku's DLX matrix and in total there 9x81 = 729
89      * rows, representing a possible 1 to 9 in each of 81 cells.
90      *
91      * A solution to the 9x9 Sudoku will consist of a set of 81 rows such that
92      * each column contains a single 1. That means that each constraint is
93      * satisfied exactly once, as required by the rules of Sudoku. Each of the
94      * successful 81 rows will still contain its original four 1's, representing
95      * the constraints the corresponding Sudoku cell and value satisfies.
96      *
97      * Applying clues reduces the rows to be found by whatever the number of
98      * clues is --- and it also reduces the size of the DLX matrix considerably.
99      * For example, for a 9x9 Classic Sudoku, the size can reduce from 729x324
100      * to 224x228 or even less. Furthermore, many of the remaining columns
101      * contain a single 1 already, so the solution becomes quite fast.
102      *
103      * KSudoku can handle other sizes and shapes of Sudoku puzzle, including the
104      * 3-D Roxdoku puzzles. For example, an XSudoku is like a Classic 9x9 puzzle
105      * except that the two diagonals must each contain the numbers 1 to 9 once
106      * and once only. In DLX, this can be represented by 18 additional columns
107      * to represent the constraints on the diagonals. Also a group of 9 cells
108      * might not have a simple row, column or 3x3 box shape, as in a jigsaw
109      * type of Sudoku or a 3-D Roxdoku, and a Samurai Sudoku has five 9x9
110      * grids overlapping inside a 21x21 array of cells, some of which must NOT
111      * be used. All this is represented by lists of cells in the SKGraph object,
112      * known as "cliques" or "groups". So, in the more general case, each group
113      * of 9 cells will have its own 9 constraints or DLX matrix columns.
114      *
115      * @param graph          An SKGraph object representing the size, geometric
116      *                       layout and rules of the particular kind of puzzle.
117      * @param boardValues    A vector containing clue values, vacant cells and
118      *                       unused values for the puzzle and its layout.
119      * @param solutionLimit  A limit to the number of solutions to be delivered
120      *                       where 0 = no limit, 1 gets the first solution only
121      *                       and 2 is used to test if there is > 1 solution.
122      *
123      * @return               The number of solutions found (0 to solutionLimit).
124      */
125     int       solveSudoku   (SKGraph * graph, const BoardContents & boardValues,
126                                                 int solutionLimit = 2);
128     /**
129      * Takes a Mathdoku or Killer Sudoku puzzle and converts it into a sparse
130      * matrix of constraints and possible solution values for each cage. The
131      * constraints are that each cage must be filled in and that each column
132      * and row of the puzzle solution must follow Sudoku rules (blocks too, in
133      * Killer Sudoku). The possible solutions are represented by one DLX row per
134      * possible set of numbers for each cage. The solveDLX() method is then used
135      * to test that the puzzle has one and only one solution, which consists of
136      * a subset of the original DLX rows (i.e. one set of numbers per cage). For
137      * more detail, see solveSudoku().
138      *
139      * @param graph          An SKGraph object representing the size, geometric
140      *                       layout and rules of the particular kind of puzzle,
141      *                       as well as its cage layouts, values and operators.
142      * @param solutionMoves  A pointer that returns an ordered list of cells
143      *                       found by the solver when it reaches a solution.
144      * @param possibilities  A pointer to a list of possible values for all the
145      *                       cells in all the cages.
146      * @param possibilitiesIndex
147      *                       An index into the possibilities list, with one
148      *                       index-entry per cage, plus an end-of-list index.
149      * @param solutionLimit  A limit to the number of solutions to be delivered
150      *                       where 0 = no limit, 1 gets the first solution only
151      *                       and 2 is used to test if there is > 1 solution.
152      *
153      * @return               The number of solutions found (0 to solutionLimit).
154      */
155     int       solveMathdoku (SKGraph * graph, QList<int> * solutionMoves,
156                              const QList<int> * possibilities,
157                              const QList<int> * possibilitiesIndex,
158                              int solutionLimit = 2);
160     /**
161      * Copy back to the caller the last solution found by the solver.
162      *
163      * @param solution       A BoardContents object to receive the solution.
164      */
165     void      retrieveSolution (BoardContents & solution);
167     // void      testDLX();  // TODO - Delete this eventually.
169 private:
170     /**
171      * Takes a sparse matrix of ones and zeroes and solves the Exact Cover
172      * Problem for it, using Donald Knuth's Dancing Links (DLX) algorithm.
173      *
174      * A solution is a subset of rows which, when combined, have a single 1 in
175      * each column. If each DLX column represents a constraint or condition that
176      * must be satisfied exactly once and each row represents a possible part of
177      * the solution, then the whole matrix can represent a problem such as
178      * Sudoku or Mathdoku and the subset of rows can represent a solution to
179      * that Sudoku or Mathdoku. A particular matrix can have 0, 1 or any number
180      * of Exact Cover solutions, as can the corresponding puzzle.
181      *
182      * See the code in file dlxsolver.cpp for a description of the algorithm.
183      *
184      * @param solutionLimit  A limit to the number of solutions to be delivered
185      *                       where 0 = no limit, 1 gets the first solution only
186      *                       and 2 is used to test if there is > 1 solution.
187      *
188      * @return               The number of solutions found (0 to solutionLimit).
189      *                       Actual solutions are returned progressively a Qt
190      *                       signal-slot mechanism.
191      */
192     int       solveDLX      (int solutionLimit);
194     /**
195      * Temporarily remove a column from the DLX matrix, along with all of the
196      * rows that have nodes (1's) in this column.
197      *
198      * @param colDLX        A pointer to the header of the column.
199      */
200     void      coverColumn   (DLXNode * colDLX);
202     /**
203      * Re-insert a column into the DLX matrix, along with all of the rows that
204      * have nodes (1's) in this column.
205      *
206      * @param colDLX        A pointer to the header of the column.
207      */
208     void      uncoverColumn (DLXNode * colDLX);
210     void recordSolution (const int solutionNum, QList<DLXNode *> & solution);
212     // Empty the DLX matrix, but do not deallocate the nodes.
213     void      clear();
215     // Add a node (i.e. a 1) to the sparse DLX matrix.
216     void      addNode       (int rowNum, int colNum);
218     // Get a node-structure, allocating or re-using as needed.
219     DLXNode * allocNode();
221     // Initialise a node to point to itself and contain value 0.
222     void      initNode      (DLXNode * node);
224     // Circularly link a node to the end of a DLX matrix row.
225     void      addAtRight    (DLXNode * node, DLXNode * start);
227     // Circularly link a node to the end of a DLX matrix column.
228     void      addBelow      (DLXNode * node, DLXNode * start);
230     // Deallocate all nodes.
231     void      deleteAll();
233     DLXNode *        mCorner;
234     QList<DLXNode *> mColumns;
235     QList<DLXNode *> mRows;
236     QList<DLXNode *> mNodes;
237     int              mEndColNum;
238     int              mEndRowNum;
239     int              mEndNodeNum;
241     BoardContents    mBoardValues;	// Holds Sudoku problem and solution.
242     QList<int> *     mSolutionMoves;	// Sequence of cells used in solution.
243     SKGraph *        mGraph;
244     const QList<int> *     mPossibilities;
245     const QList<int> *     mPossibilitiesIndex;
247     // Print the current state of the Sudoku puzzle.
248     void printSudoku();
250     // Print DLX matrix (default is to skip printing those that are too large).
251     void      printDLX (bool forced = false);
252 };
254 #endif // DLXSOLVER_H