1 /**********************************************************************
3     SP0256 Narrator Speech Processor emulation
5     Copyright MESS Team.
6     Visit http://mamedev.org for licensing and usage restrictions.
8 **********************************************************************
9                             _____   _____
10                    Vss   1 |*    \_/     | 28  OSC 2
11                 _RESET   2 |             | 27  OSC 1
12            ROM DISABLE   3 |             | 26  ROM CLOCK
13                     C1   4 |             | 25  _SBY RESET
14                     C2   5 |             | 24  DIGITAL OUT
15                     C3   6 |             | 23  Vdi
16                    Vdd   7 |    SP0256   | 22  TEST
17                    SBY   8 |             | 21  SER IN
18                   _LRQ   9 |             | 20  _ALD
19                     A8  10 |             | 19  SE
20                     A7  11 |             | 18  A1
21                SER OUT  12 |             | 17  A2
22                     A6  13 |             | 16  A3
23                     A5  14 |_____________| 15  A4
25 **********************************************************************/
27 /*
28    GI SP0256 Narrator Speech Processor
30    By Joe Zbiciak. Ported to MESS by tim lindner.
32  Copyright Joseph Zbiciak, all rights reserved.
33  Copyright tim lindner, all rights reserved.
35  - This source code is released as freeware for non-commercial purposes.
36  - You are free to use and redistribute this code in modified or
37    unmodified form, provided you list us in the credits.
38  - If you modify this source code, you must add a notice to each
39    modified source file that it has been changed.  If you're a nice
40    person, you will clearly mark each change too.  :)
41  - If you wish to use this for commercial purposes, please contact us at
42    intvnut@gmail.com (Joe Zbiciak), tlindner@macmess.org (tim lindner)
43  - This entire notice must remain in the source code.
45 */
47 void sp0256_reset();
48 void sp0256_init(UINT8 *rom, INT32 clock);
49 void sp0256_set_drq_cb(void (*cb)(UINT8));
50 void sp0256_set_sby_cb(void (*cb)(UINT8));
51 void sp0256_set_clock(INT32 clock);
52 void sp0256_exit();
53 void sp0256_scan(INT32 nAction, INT32* pnMin);
55 void sp0256_ald_write(UINT8 data);
56 UINT8 sp0256_lrq_read();
57 UINT8 sp0256_sby_read();
58 UINT16 sp0256_spb640_read();
59 void sp0256_spb640_write(UINT16 offset, UINT16 data);
60 void sp0256_set_clock(INT32 clock);
62 void sp0256_update(INT16 *sndbuff, INT32 samples);