1 // Copyright (C) 2006-2010, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2020 Ben Asselstine
2 // Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Ole Laursen
3 //
4 //  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 //  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 //  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
7 //  (at your option) any later version.
8 //
9 //  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 //  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 //  GNU Library General Public License for more details.
13 //
14 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 //  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 //  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
17 //  02110-1301, USA.
19 #pragma once
20 #ifndef GAME_H
21 #define GAME_H
23 #include <sigc++/signal.h>
24 #include <glibmm/ustring.h>
25 #include <sigc++/connection.h>
26 #include <memory>
27 #include <list>
29 #include "sidebar-stats.h"
30 #include "map-tip-position.h"
31 #include "callback-enums.h"
32 #include "army.h"
33 #include "fight.h"
34 #include "player.h"
35 #include "select-city-map.h"
37 class NextTurn;
38 class GameBigMap;
39 class SmallMap;
40 class GameScenario;
41 class Hero;
42 class City;
43 class Stack;
44 class Player;
45 class Temple;
46 class Ruin;
47 class Signpost;
48 class Fight;
49 class Quest;
50 class Reward;
51 class StackTile;
52 class Sage;
54 //! Connects the various game classes with the GameWindow through signals.
55 /** Controls a game.
56   *
57   * Manages the big and small map, the game scenario and who's turn it is, etc.
58   * It's mostly a puppeteer class that connects the various other classes with
59   * signals and callbacks.
60   *
61   */
62 class Game
63 {
64  public:
65     Game(GameScenario* gameScenario, NextTurn *nextTurn, bool headless = false);
66     ~Game();
68     void redraw();
69     void blank(bool on);
71     void select_next_movable_stack();
72     void center_selected_stack();
73     void defend_selected_stack();
74     void park_selected_stack();
75     void deselect_selected_stack();
76     void search_selected_stack();
77     void select_item_to_use();
78     void search_stack(Stack *stack, bool &gotquest, bool &stackdied);
79     void move_selected_stack_along_path();
80     void move_all_stacks();
81     void end_turn();
82     void recalculate_moves_for_stack(Stack *s);
83     void update_sidebar_stats();
85     void startGame(); // initiate game flow
86     void loadGame();
87     void stopGame(); // stop game flow, clean up
88     // save current game, returns true if successful
89     bool saveGame(Glib::ustring file);
91     static GameScenario *getScenario();
92     GameBigMap &get_bigmap();
93     SmallMap &get_smallmap();
95     // signals
96     sigc::signal<void, Vector<int> > current_map_position;
97     sigc::signal<void, Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Surface>, Gdk::Rectangle> smallmap_changed;
98     sigc::signal<void, Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Surface> > bigmap_changed;
99     sigc::signal<void, SidebarStats> sidebar_stats_changed;
100     sigc::signal<void, Glib::ustring> progress_status_changed;
101     sigc::signal<void> progress_changed;
102     sigc::signal<void, bool>
103 	can_select_next_movable_stack,
104 	can_center_selected_stack,
105 	can_defend_selected_stack,
106 	can_park_selected_stack,
107 	can_deselect_selected_stack,
108 	can_search_selected_stack,
109 	can_inspect,
110 	can_see_hero_levels,
111 	can_use_item,
112 	can_plant_standard_selected_stack,
113 	can_move_selected_stack_along_path,
114 	can_move_selected_stack,
115 	can_group_ungroup_selected_stack,
116 	can_move_all_stacks,
117 	can_disband_stack,
118 	can_change_signpost,
119 	can_see_history,
120 	can_see_diplomacy,
121 	received_diplomatic_proposal,
122 	city_too_poor_to_produce,
123 	can_end_turn;
124     sigc::signal<void, Stack *> stack_info_changed;
125     sigc::signal<void, Glib::ustring, MapTipPosition, bool> map_tip_changed;
126     sigc::signal<void, StackTile *, MapTipPosition> stack_tip_changed;
127     sigc::signal<void,  City *, MapTipPosition> city_tip_changed;
128     sigc::signal<void, Ruin*, Stack*, Reward*> ruin_searched;
129     sigc::signal<Reward*, Ruin*, Sage*, Stack*> sage_visited;
130     sigc::signal<void, LocationBox, Fight &> fight_started;
131     sigc::signal<void, LocationBox> abbreviated_fight_started;
132     sigc::signal<void, Stack *, Keeper*> ruinfight_started;
133     sigc::signal<void, float> advice_asked;
134     sigc::signal<void, Fight::Result> ruinfight_finished;
135     sigc::signal<bool, Player *, HeroProto *, City *, int> hero_offers_service;
136     sigc::signal<bool, int > enemy_offers_surrender;
137     sigc::signal<void, bool> surrender_answered;
138     sigc::signal<bool, Stack *, Player *, Vector<int> > stack_considers_treachery;
139     sigc::signal<bool, Hero *, Temple *, int> temple_searched;
140     sigc::signal<void, Hero *, Quest *> quest_assigned;
141     sigc::signal<CityDefeatedAction, City *, int> city_defeated;
142     sigc::signal<void, City *, int, unsigned int> city_pillaged;
143     sigc::signal<void, City *, int, std::list<guint32> > city_sacked;
144     sigc::signal<void, City *> city_razed;
145     sigc::signal<void, City *> city_visited;
146     sigc::signal<void, Ruin *> ruin_visited;
147     sigc::signal<void, Temple *> temple_visited;
148     sigc::signal<void, Player *, unsigned int> next_player_turn;
149     sigc::signal<void> remote_next_player_turn;
150     sigc::signal<void, int> hero_arrives;
151     sigc::signal<void, Army *, int> medal_awarded_to_army;
152     sigc::signal<Army::Stat, Hero *> hero_gains_level;
153     sigc::signal<void, Player *> game_loaded;
154     sigc::signal<void, Player *> game_over;
155     sigc::signal<void, Player *> player_died;
156     sigc::signal<void> game_stopped;
157     sigc::signal<void, Glib::ustring> commentator_comments;
158     sigc::signal<void, Stack*, Vector<int> > stack_moves;
159     sigc::signal<Item*, std::list<Item*> > select_item;
160     sigc::signal<Player*> select_item_victim_player;
161     sigc::signal<City*, SelectCityMap::Type> select_city_to_use_item_on;
163     //! Results of using items
164     sigc::signal<void, Player*, guint32> stole_gold;
165     sigc::signal<void, Player*, guint32> sunk_ships;
166     sigc::signal<void, Hero*, guint32> bags_picked_up;
167     sigc::signal<void, Hero *, guint32> mp_added_to_hero_stack;
168     sigc::signal<void, Hero *, Glib::ustring, guint32> worms_killed;
169     sigc::signal<void, Hero *> bridge_burned;
170     sigc::signal<void, Hero *, Ruin*, Glib::ustring> keeper_captured;
171     sigc::signal<void, Hero *, Glib::ustring> monster_summoned;
172     sigc::signal<void, Hero *, Glib::ustring, guint32> city_diseased;
173     sigc::signal<void, Hero *, Glib::ustring, Glib::ustring, guint32> city_defended;
174     sigc::signal<void, Hero *, Glib::ustring, guint32> city_persuaded;
175     sigc::signal<void, Hero *, Glib::ustring> stack_teleported;
176     sigc::signal<void, Stack*> popup_stack_actions_menu;
177     sigc::signal<void, Vector<int> > pointing_at_new_tile;
179     void addPlayer(Player *p);
181     void inhibitAutosaveRemoval(bool inhibit);
183     void endOfGameRoaming(Player *winner);
184  private:
185     static Game *current_game;
187     // centers the map on a city of the active player
188     void center_view_on_city();
190     void update_control_panel();
191     void update_stack_info();	// emit stack_info_changed
192     void clear_stack_info();
194     // locks/unlocks the input widgets during computer turns
195     void lock_inputs();
196     void unlock_inputs();
198     //! Maybe peform treachery
199     bool maybeTreachery(Stack *stack, Player *them, Vector<int> pos);
201     // bigmap callbacks
202     void on_stack_selected();
203     void on_stack_grouped_or_ungrouped();
204     void on_city_visted (City* c);
205     void on_ruin_queried (Ruin* r, bool brief);
206     void on_temple_queried (Temple* t, bool brief);
207     void on_signpost_queried (Signpost* s);
208     void on_show_path_turns (Vector<int> tile, guint32 turns);
209     void on_stack_queried (Vector<int> tile);
210     void on_stack_unqueried ();
211     void on_city_visited(City *city); // for city window
212     void on_city_queried (Vector<int>, City *city); // for city info tip
213     void on_city_unqueried ();
215     // smallmap callbacks
216     void on_smallmap_changed(Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Surface> map);
217     void on_bigmap_changed(Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Surface> map);
219     // misc. callbacks
220     void invading_city(City* city, int gold);
221     void init_turn_for_player(Player* p);
222     void on_player_died(Player *p);
223     bool stack_searches_ruin(Stack *stack);
224     bool stack_searches_temple(Stack *stack);
225     void on_use_item(Item *item);
226     void on_ruinfight_started(Stack *attacker, Keeper *keeper);
227     void on_ruinfight_finished(Fight::Result result);
229     //! Callback when the army of a human player reaches a new level.
230     Army::Stat heroGainsLevel(Hero * a);
231     //! Callback when an army gets a new medal.
232     void newMedalArmy(Army* a, int medaltype);
233     //! Called whenever a stack has changed, updates the map etc.
234     void stackUpdate(Stack* s);
235     //! Called whenever players fight
236     void on_fight_started(Fight &fight);
237     //! Called whenever a player receives an offer of surrender
238     void on_surrender_offered(Player *recipient);
239     void nextRound();
240     //! Called after a player's stack attacks a city
241     void on_city_fight_finished(City *city, Fight::Result result);
243     void looting_city(City *city, int &gold);
244     void unselect_active_stack();
245     void select_active_stack();
246     bool recruitHero(HeroProto *hero, City *city, int gold);
248     void on_stack_grouped(Stack *stack);
249     void stack_arrives_on_tile(Stack *stack, Vector<int> tile);
250     void stack_leaves_tile(Stack *stack, Vector<int> tile);
251     void on_stack_halted(Stack *stack);
252     void on_stack_stopped();
253     void on_stack_starts_moving();
255     bool ask_if_treachery(Stack *stack, Player *them, Vector<int> pos);
256     void on_save_game(Glib::ustring filename);
257     guint32 on_get_round();
258     void on_pointing_at_new_tile (Vector<int> tile);
260     void on_bag_dropped ();
261     void on_stack_died ();
263     GameScenario* d_gameScenario;
264     NextTurn* d_nextTurn;
265     std::unique_ptr<GameBigMap> bigmap;
266     std::unique_ptr<SmallMap> smallmap;
269     bool input_locked;
271     std::list<sigc::connection> connections[MAX_PLAYERS + 1];
272 };
274 #endif