1$ ! vms/vmsbuild.com -- compile and link NetHack 3.6.*			[pr]
2$	version_number = "3.6.6"
3$ ! $NHDT-Date: 1557701518 2019/05/12 22:51:58 $  $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.23 $
4$ ! Copyright (c) 2018 by Robert Patrick Rankin
5$ ! NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details.
6$ !
7$ ! usage:
8$ !   $ set default [.src]	!or [-.-.src] if starting from [.sys.vms]
9$ !   $ @[-.sys.vms]vmsbuild  [compiler-option]  [link-option]  [cc-switches] -
10$ !			      [linker-switches]  [interface]
11$ ! options:
12$ !	compiler-option :  either "VAXC", "DECC" or "GNUC" or "" !default VAXC
13$ !	link-option	:  either "SHARE[able]" or "LIB[rary]"	!default SHARE
14$ !	cc-switches	:  optional qualifiers for CC (such as "/noOpt/Debug")
15$ !     linker-switches :  optional qualifers for LINK (/Debug or /noTraceback)
16$ !     interface	:  "TTY" or "CURSES" or "TTY+CURSES" or "CURSES+TTY"
17$ ! notes:
18$ !	If the symbol "CC" is defined, compiler-option is not used (unless it
19$ !	  is "LINK").
20$ !	The link-option refers to VAXCRTL (C Run-Time Library) handling;
21$ !	  to specify it while letting compiler-option default, use "" as
22$ !	  the compiler-option.
23$ !	To re-link without compiling, use "LINK" as special 'compiler-option';
24$ !	  to re-link with GNUC library, 'CC' must begin with "G" (or "g").
25$ !	All options are positional; to specify a later one without an earlier
26$ !	  one, use "" in the earlier one's position, such as
27$ !	$ @[-.sys.vms]vmsbuild "" "" "" "" "TTY+CURSES"
29$	  decc_dflt = f$trnlnm("DECC$CC_DEFAULT")
30$	  j = (decc_dflt.nes."") .and. 1
31$	vaxc_ = "CC" + f$element(j,"#","#/VAXC") + "/NOLIST/OPTIMIZE=NOINLINE"
32$	decc_ = "CC" + f$element(j,"#","#/DECC") + "/PREFIX=ALL/NOLIST"
33$	gnuc_ = "GCC"
34$     if f$type(gcc).eqs."STRING" then  gnuc_ = gcc
35$	gnulib = "gnu_cc:[000000]gcclib/Library"    !(not used w/ vaxc)
36$ ! common CC options (/obj=file doesn't work for GCC 1.36, use rename instead)
37$	c_c_  = "/INCLUDE=[-.INCLUDE]"
38$	veryold_vms = f$extract(1,1,f$getsyi("VERSION")).eqs."4" -
39		.and. f$extract(3,3,f$getsyi("VERSION")).lts."6"
40$	if veryold_vms then  c_c_ = c_c_ + "/DEFINE=(""VERYOLD_VMS"")"
41$	axp = (f$getsyi("CPU").ge.128)	!f$getsyi("ARCH_NAME").eqs."Alpha"
42$ ! miscellaneous setup
43$	ivqual = %x00038240	!DCL-W-IVQUAL (used to check for ancient vaxc)
44$	abort := exit %x1000002A
45$	cur_dir  = f$environment("DEFAULT")
46$	vmsbuild = f$environment("PROCEDURE")
47$ ! validate first parameter
48$	p1 := 'p1'
49$	if p1.eqs."" .and. (axp .or. decc_dflt.eqs."/DECC") then  p1 = "DECC"
50$	o_VAXC =  0	!(c_opt substring positions)
51$	o_DECC =  5
52$	o_GNUC = 10
53$	o_LINK = 15
54$	o_SPCL = 20
55$	c_opt = f$locate("|"+p1, "|VAXC|DECC|GNUC|LINK|SPECIAL|") !5
56$     if (c_opt/5)*5 .eq. c_opt then  goto p1_ok
57$	copy sys$input: sys$error:	!p1 usage
58%first arg is compiler option; it must be one of
59       "VAXC" -- use VAX C to compile everything
60   or  "DECC" -- use DEC C to compile everything
61   or  "GNUC" -- use GNU C to compile everything
62   or  "LINK" -- skip compilation, just relink nethack.exe
63   or  "SPEC[IAL]" -- just compile and link lev_comp.exe
64   or    ""   -- default operation (VAXC unless 'CC' is defined)
66Note: if a DCL symbol for CC is defined, "VAXC" and "GNUC" are no-ops.
67      If the symbol value begins with "G" (or "g"), then the GNU C
68      library will be included in all link operations.  Do not rebuild
69      lev_comp with "SPECIAL" unless you have a CC symbol setup with
70      the proper options.
71$	abort
73$ ! validate second parameter
74$	p2 := 'p2'
75$	l_opt = f$locate("|"+p2, "|SHAREABLE|LIBRARY__|NONE_____|") !10
76$     if (l_opt/10)*10 .eq. l_opt then	goto p2_ok
77$	copy sys$input: sys$error:	!p2 usage
78%second arg is C run-time library handling; it must be one of
81   or    "NONE"    -- explicitly indicate DECC$SHR
82   or      ""      -- default operation (use shareable image)
84Note: for MicroVMS 4.x, "SHAREABLE" (which is the default) is required.
85      Specify "NONE" if using DEC C with a CC symbol overriding 1st arg.
86$	abort
88$ ! start from a known location -- [.sys.vms], then move to [-.-.src]
89$	set default 'f$parse(vmsbuild,,,"DEVICE")''f$parse(vmsbuild,,,"DIRECTORY")'
90$	set default [-.-.src]	!move to source directory
91$ ! compiler setup; if a symbol for "CC" is already defined it will be used
92$     if f$type(cc).eqs."STRING" then  goto got_cc
93$	cc = vaxc_			!assume "VAXC" requested or defaulted
94$	if c_opt.eq.o_GNUC then  goto chk_gcc !explicitly invoked w/ "GNUC" option
95$	if c_opt.eq.o_DECC then  cc = decc_
96$	if c_opt.ne.o_VAXC then  goto got_cc !"SPEC" or "LINK", skip compiler check
97$	! we want to prevent function inlining with vaxc v3.x (/opt=noinline)
98$	!   but we can't use noInline with v2.x, so need to determine version
99$	  set noOn
100$	  msgenv = f$environment("MESSAGE")
101$	  set message/noFacil/noSever/noIdent/noText
102$	  cc/noObject _NLA0:/Include=[]     !strip 'noinline' if error
103$	  sts = $status
104$	if sts then  goto reset_msg	!3.0 or later will check out OK
105$	! must be dealing with vaxc 2.x; ancient version (2.2 or earlier)
106$	!   can't handle /include='dir', needs c$include instead
107$	  cc = cc - "=NOINLINE" - ",NOINLINE" - "NOINLINE,"
108$	  if sts.ne.IVQUAL then  goto reset_msg
109$	    define/noLog c$include [-.INCLUDE]
110$	    c_c_ = "/DEFINE=(""ANCIENT_VAXC"")"
111$	    if veryold_vms then  c_c_ = c_c_ - ")" + ",""VERYOLD_VMS"")"
113$	  set message 'msgenv'
114$	  set On
115$	  goto got_cc
116$ !
118$	cc = gnuc_
119$ ! old versions of gcc-vms don't have <varargs.h> or <stdarg.h> available
120$	  c_c_ = "/DEFINE=(""USE_OLDARGS"")"
121$	  if veryold_vms then  c_c_ = c_c_ - ")" + ",""VERYOLD_VMS"")"
122$	  if veryold_vms then  goto chk_gas	!avoid varargs & stdarg
123$	  if f$search("gnu_cc_include:[000000]varargs.h").nes."" then -
124		c_c_ = "/DEFINE=(""USE_VARARGS"")"
125$	  if f$search("gnu_cc_include:[000000]stdarg.h").nes."" then -
126		c_c_ = "/DEFINE=(""USE_STDARG"")"
128$ ! test whether this version of gas handles the 'const' construct correctly
129$ gas_chk_tmp = "sys$scratch:gcc-gas-chk.tmp"
130$ if f$search(gas_chk_tmp).nes."" then  delete/noconfirm/nolog 'gas_chk_tmp';*
131$ gas_ok = 0	!assume bad
132$ on warning then goto skip_gas
133$ define/user/nolog sys$error 'gas_chk_tmp'
134$ mcr gnu_cc:[000000]gcc-as sys$input: -o _NLA0:
137.comm dummy,0
139.comm dummy,0
141$ gas_ok = 1	!assume good
142$ if f$search(gas_chk_tmp).eqs."" then  goto skip_gas
143$ ! if the error file is empty, gas can deal properly with const
144$  gas_ok = f$file_attrib(gas_chk_tmp,"EOF") .eq. 0
145$  delete/noconfirm/nolog 'gas_chk_tmp';*
147$ on warning then continue
148$	  if .not.gas_ok then  c_c_ = c_c_ - ")" + ",""const="")"
149$	  c_c_ = "/INCLUDE=[-.INCLUDE]" + c_c_
150$ !
152$	cc = cc + c_c_			!append common qualifiers
153$	if p3.nes."" then  cc = cc + p3 !append optional user preferences
154$	g := 'f$extract(0,1,cc)'
155$	if g.eqs."$" then  g := 'f$extract(1,1,cc)'	!"foreign" gcc
156$	if f$edit(f$extract(1,1,cc),"UPCASE").eqs."E" then  g := X	!GEMC
157$	if g.nes."G" .and. c_opt.ne.o_GNUC then  gnulib = ""
158$ ! linker setup; if a symbol for "LINK" is defined, we'll use it
159$	if f$type(link).nes."STRING" then  link = "LINK/NOMAP"
160$	if p4.nes."" then  link = link + p4 !append optional user preferences
161$	if f$trnlnm("F").nes."" then  close/noLog f
162$	create crtl.opt	!empty
163$	open/Append f crtl.opt
164$	write f "! crtl.opt"
165$   if c_opt.eq.o_DECC .or. l_opt.eq.20
166$   then  $! l_opt=="none", leave crtl.opt empty (shs$share:decc$shr.exe/Share)
167$   else
168$	! gnulib order:  vaxcrtl.exe+gcclib.olb vs gcclib.olb+vaxcrtl.olb
169$	if l_opt.eq.0 then  write f "sys$share:vaxcrtl.exe/Shareable"
170$	if gnulib.nes."" then  write f gnulib
171$	if l_opt.ne.0 then  write f "sys$library:vaxcrtl.olb/Library"
172$   endif
173$	close f
174$	if f$search("crtl.opt;-2").nes."" then  purge/Keep=2/noLog crtl.opt
175$ ! version ID info for linker to record in .EXE files
176$	create ident.opt
177$	open/Append f ident.opt
178$	write f "! ident.opt"
179$	write f "identification=""",version_number,"""	!version"
180$	close f
181$	if f$search("ident.opt;-1").nes."" then  purge/noLog ident.opt
182$ ! final setup
183$	nethacklib = "[-.src]nethack.olb"
184$	create nethack.opt
185! nethack.opt
187! lib$initialize is used to call a routine (before main()) in vmsunix.c that
188! tries to check whether debugger support has been linked in, for PANICTRACE
190! psect_attr=lib$initialize, Con,Usr,noPic,Rel,Gbl,noShr,noExe,Rd,noWrt,Long
191! IA64 linker doesn't support Usr or Pic and complains that Long is too small
192psect_attr=lib$initialize, Con,Rel,Gbl,noShr,noExe,Rd,noWrt
193! increase memory available to RMS (the default iosegment is probably adequate)
195$	if f$search("nethack.opt;-2").nes."" then  purge/Keep=2/noLog nethack.opt
196$	milestone = "write sys$output f$fao("" !5%T "",0),"
197$     if c_opt.eq.o_LINK then  goto link  !"LINK" requested, skip compilation
198$	rename	 := rename/New_Vers
199$	touch	 := set file/Truncate
200$	makedefs := $sys$disk:[-.util]makedefs
201$	show symbol cc
202$	goto begin	!skip subroutines
204$compile_file:	!input via 'c_file'
205$	no_lib = ( f$extract(0,1,c_file) .eqs. "#" )
206$	if no_lib then	c_file = f$extract(1,255,c_file)
207$	c_name = f$edit(f$parse(c_file,,,"NAME"),"LOWERCASE")
208$	f_opts = ""	!options for this file
209$	if f$type('c_name'_options).nes."" then  f_opts = 'c_name'_options
210$	milestone " (",c_name,")"
211$	if f$search("''c_name'.obj").nes."" then  delete 'c_name'.obj;*
212$	cc 'f_opts' 'c_file'
213$	if .not.no_lib then  nh_obj_list == nh_obj_list + ",''c_name'.obj;0"
214$     return
216$compile_list:	!input via 'c_list'
217$	nh_obj_list == ""
218$	j = -1
219$ c_loop:
220$	j = j + 1
221$	c_file = f$element(j,",",c_list)  !get next file
222$	if c_file.eqs."," then	goto c_done
223$	c_file = c_file + ".c"
224$	gosub compile_file
225$	goto c_loop
226$ c_done:
227$	nh_obj_list == f$extract(1,999,nh_obj_list)
228$	if nh_obj_list.nes."" then  libr/Obj 'nethacklib' 'nh_obj_list'/Replace
229$	if nh_obj_list.nes."" then  delete 'nh_obj_list'
230$	delete/symbol/global nh_obj_list
231$     return
235$! miscellaneous special source file setup
237$ if f$search("pmatchregex.c").eqs."" then  copy [-.sys.share]pmatchregex.c []*.*
238$ if f$search("random.c").eqs."" then  copy [-.sys.share]random.c []*.*
239$ if f$search("tclib.c") .eqs."" then  copy [-.sys.share]tclib.c  []*.*
240$ if f$search("[-.util]lev_yacc.c").eqs."" then  @[-.sys.vms]spec_lev.com
242$	p5 := 'p5'
243$	ttysrc = "[-.win.tty]getline,[-.win.tty]termcap" -
244		+ ",[-.win.tty]topl,[-.win.tty]wintty"
245$	cursessrc = "[-.win.curses]cursdial,[-.win/curses]cursmesg" -
246		+ ",[-.win.curses]cursinit,[-.win.curses]cursmisc" -
247		+ ",[-.win.curses]cursinvt,[-.win.curses]cursstat" -
248		+ ",[-.win.curses]cursmain,[-.win.curses]curswins"
249$	interface = ttysrc !default
250$	if p5.eqs."CURSES" then  interface = cursessrc
251$	if p5.eqs."TTY+CURSES" then  interface = ttysrc + "," + cursessrc
252$	if p5.eqs."CURSES+TTY" then  interface = cursessrc + "," + ttysrc
254$! create object library
256$     if c_opt.ne.o_SPCL .or. f$search(nethacklib).eqs."" then -
257  libr/Obj 'nethacklib'/Create=(Block=3000,Hist=0)
258$ if f$search("''nethacklib';-1").nes."" then  purge 'nethacklib'
260$! compile and link makedefs, then nethack, lev_comp+dgn_comp, dlb+recover.
262$ milestone "<compiling...>"
263$ c_list = "[-.sys.vms]vmsmisc,[-.sys.vms]vmsfiles,[]alloc,dlb,monst,objects"
264$     if c_opt.eq.o_SPCL then  c_list = c_list + ",decl,drawing"
265$ gosub compile_list
266$     if c_opt.eq.o_SPCL then  goto special !"SPECIAL" requested, skip main build
267$ set default [-.util]
268$ c_list = "#makedefs"
269$ gosub compile_list
270$ link makedefs.obj,'nethacklib'/Lib,[-.src]ident.opt/Opt,[-.src]crtl/Opt
271$ milestone "makedefs"
272$! create some build-time files
273$ makedefs -p	!pm.h
274$ makedefs -o	!onames.h
275$ makedefs -v	!date.h
276$ milestone " (*.h)"
277$ makedefs -z	!../src/vis_tab.c, ../include/vis_tab.h
278$ milestone " (*.c)"
279$ set default [-.src]
280$! compile most of the source files:
281$ c_list = "decl,version,[-.sys.vms]vmsmain,[-.sys.vms]vmsunix" -
282	+ ",[-.sys.vms]vmstty,[-.sys.vms]vmsmail" -
283	+ ",[]isaac64" -			!already in [.src]
284	+ ",[]random,[]tclib,[]pmatchregex"	!copied from [-.sys.share]
285$ gosub compile_list
286$ c_list = interface !ttysrc or cursessrc or both
287$ gosub compile_list
288$ c_list = "allmain,apply,artifact,attrib,ball,bones,botl,cmd,dbridge,detect" -
289	+ ",dig,display,do,do_name,do_wear,dog,dogmove,dokick,dothrow,drawing" -
290	+ ",dungeon,eat,end,engrave,exper,explode,extralev,files,fountain"
291$ gosub compile_list
292$ c_list = "hack,hacklib,invent,light,lock,mail,makemon,mapglyph,mcastu" -
293	+ ",mhitm,mhitu,minion,mklev,mkmap,mkmaze,mkobj,mkroom,mon,mondata" -
294	+ ",monmove,mplayer,mthrowu,muse,music,o_init,objnam,options" -
295	+ ",pager,pickup"
296$ gosub compile_list
297$ c_list = "pline,polyself,potion,pray,priest,quest,questpgr,read" -
298	+ ",rect,region,restore,rip,rnd,role,rumors,save,shk,shknam,sit" -
299	+ ",sounds,sp_lev,spell,steal,steed,sys,teleport,timeout,topten" -
300	+ ",track,trap,u_init"
301$ gosub compile_list
302$ c_list = "uhitm,vault,vision,vis_tab,weapon,were,wield,windows" -
303	+ ",wizard,worm,worn,write,zap"
304$ gosub compile_list
307$ milestone "<linking...>"
308$ link/Exe=nethack.exe nethack.opt/Options,ident.opt/Options,crtl.opt/Options
309$ milestone "NetHack"
310$     if c_opt.eq.o_LINK then  goto done	!"LINK" only
313$! build special level and dungeon compilers
315$ set default [-.util]
316$ c_list = "#panic,#lev_main,#lev_yacc,#dgn_main,#dgn_yacc"
317$     if c_opt.eq.o_SPCL then  c_list = "[-.sys.vms]vmsfiles," + c_list
318$ gosub compile_list
319$ c_list = "#lev_lex,#dgn_lex"
320$ copy [-.sys.vms]lev_lex.h stdio.*/Prot=(s:rwd,o:rwd)
321$ gosub compile_list
322$ rename stdio.h lev_lex.*
323$ link/exe=lev_comp.exe lev_main.obj,lev_yacc.obj,lev_lex.obj,-
324	panic.obj,'nethacklib'/Lib,[-.src]ident.opt/Opt,[-.src]crtl.opt/Opt
325$ milestone "lev_comp"
326$ link/exe=dgn_comp.exe dgn_main.obj,dgn_yacc.obj,dgn_lex.obj,-
327	panic.obj,'nethacklib'/Lib,[-.src]ident.opt/Opt,[-.src]crtl.opt/Opt
328$ milestone "dgn_comp"
330$ c_list = "#dlb_main,#recover"
331$ gosub compile_list
332$ link/exe=dlb.exe dlb_main.obj,-
333	panic.obj,'nethacklib'/Lib,[-.src]ident.opt/Opt,[-.src]crtl.opt/Opt
334$ milestone "dlb"
335$ link/exe=recover.exe recover.obj,-
336	'nethacklib'/Lib,[-.src]ident.opt/Opt,[-.src]crtl.opt/Opt
337$ milestone "recover"
340$	set default 'cur_dir'
341$ exit