2 /*
3 this code written by Forest Hale, on 2004-10-17, and placed into public domain
4 this implements Quadratic BSpline surfaces as seen in Quake3 by id Software
6 a small rant on misuse of the name 'bezier': many people seem to think that
7 bezier is a generic term for splines, but it is not, it is a term for a
8 specific type of bspline (4 control points, cubic bspline), bsplines are the
9 generalization of the bezier spline to support dimensions other than cubic.
11 example equations for 1-5 control point bsplines being sampled as t=0...1
12 1: flat (0th dimension)
13 o = a
14 2: linear (1st dimension)
15 o = a * (1 - t) + b * t
16 3: quadratic bspline (2nd dimension)
17 o = a * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 2 * b * (1 - t) * t + c * t * t
18 4: cubic (bezier) bspline (3rd dimension)
19 o = a * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 3 * b * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t + 3 * c * (1 - t) * t * t + d * t * t * t
20 5: quartic bspline (4th dimension)
21 o = a * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 4 * b * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t + 6 * c * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * t + 4 * d * (1 - t) * t * t * t + e * t * t * t * t
23 arbitrary dimension bspline
24 double factorial(int n)
25 {
26 	int i;
27 	double f;
28 	f = 1;
29 	for (i = 1;i < n;i++)
30 		f = f * i;
31 	return f;
32 }
33 double bsplinesample(int dimensions, double t, double *param)
34 {
35 	double o = 0;
36 	for (i = 0;i < dimensions + 1;i++)
37 		o += param[i] * factorial(dimensions)/(factorial(i)*factorial(dimensions-i)) * pow(t, i) * pow(1 - t, dimensions - i);
38 	return o;
39 }
40 */
42 #include "quakedef.h"
43 #include "mathlib.h"
45 #include <math.h>
46 #include "curves.h"
48 // Calculate number of resulting vertex rows/columns by given patch size and tesselation factor
49 // tess=0 means that we reduce detalization of base 3x3 patches by removing middle row and column of vertices
50 // "DimForTess" is "DIMension FOR TESSelation factor"
51 // NB: tess=0 actually means that tess must be 0.5, but obviously it can't because it is of int type. (so "a*tess"-like code is replaced by "a/2" if tess=0)
Q3PatchDimForTess(int size,int tess)52 int Q3PatchDimForTess(int size, int tess)
53 {
54 	if (tess > 0)
55 		return (size - 1) * tess + 1;
56 	else if (tess == 0)
57 		return (size - 1) / 2 + 1;
58 	else
59 		return 0; // Maybe warn about wrong tess here?
60 }
62 // usage:
63 // to expand a 5x5 patch to 21x21 vertices (4x4 tesselation), one might use this call:
64 // Q3PatchSubdivideFloat(3, sizeof(float[3]), outvertices, 5, 5, sizeof(float[3]), patchvertices, 4, 4);
Q3PatchTesselateFloat(int numcomponents,int outputstride,float * outputvertices,int patchwidth,int patchheight,int inputstride,float * patchvertices,int tesselationwidth,int tesselationheight)65 void Q3PatchTesselateFloat(int numcomponents, int outputstride, float *outputvertices, int patchwidth, int patchheight, int inputstride, float *patchvertices, int tesselationwidth, int tesselationheight)
66 {
67 	int k, l, x, y, component, outputwidth = Q3PatchDimForTess(patchwidth, tesselationwidth);
68 	float px, py, *v, a, b, c, *cp[3][3], temp[3][64];
69 	int xmax = max(1, 2*tesselationwidth);
70 	int ymax = max(1, 2*tesselationheight);
72 	// iterate over the individual 3x3 quadratic spline surfaces one at a time
73 	// expanding them to fill the output array (with some overlap to ensure
74 	// the edges are filled)
75 	for (k = 0;k < patchheight-1;k += 2)
76 	{
77 		for (l = 0;l < patchwidth-1;l += 2)
78 		{
79 			// set up control point pointers for quicker lookup later
80 			for (y = 0;y < 3;y++)
81 				for (x = 0;x < 3;x++)
82 					cp[y][x] = (float *)((unsigned char *)patchvertices + ((k+y)*patchwidth+(l+x)) * inputstride);
83 			// for each row...
84 			for (y = 0;y <= ymax;y++)
85 			{
86 				// calculate control points for this row by collapsing the 3
87 				// rows of control points to one row using py
88 				py = (float)y / (float)ymax;
89 				// calculate quadratic spline weights for py
90 				a = ((1.0f - py) * (1.0f - py));
91 				b = ((1.0f - py) * (2.0f * py));
92 				c = ((       py) * (       py));
93 				for (component = 0;component < numcomponents;component++)
94 				{
95 					temp[0][component] = cp[0][0][component] * a + cp[1][0][component] * b + cp[2][0][component] * c;
96 					temp[1][component] = cp[0][1][component] * a + cp[1][1][component] * b + cp[2][1][component] * c;
97 					temp[2][component] = cp[0][2][component] * a + cp[1][2][component] * b + cp[2][2][component] * c;
98 				}
99 				// fetch a pointer to the beginning of the output vertex row
100 				v = (float *)((unsigned char *)outputvertices + ((k * ymax / 2 + y) * outputwidth + l * xmax / 2) * outputstride);
101 				// for each column of the row...
102 				for (x = 0;x <= xmax;x++)
103 				{
104 					// calculate point based on the row control points
105 					px = (float)x / (float)xmax;
106 					// calculate quadratic spline weights for px
107 					// (could be precalculated)
108 					a = ((1.0f - px) * (1.0f - px));
109 					b = ((1.0f - px) * (2.0f * px));
110 					c = ((       px) * (       px));
111 					for (component = 0;component < numcomponents;component++)
112 						v[component] = temp[0][component] * a + temp[1][component] * b + temp[2][component] * c;
113 					// advance to next output vertex using outputstride
114 					// (the next vertex may not be directly following this
115 					// one, as this may be part of a larger structure)
116 					v = (float *)((unsigned char *)v + outputstride);
117 				}
118 			}
119 		}
120 	}
121 #if 0
122 	// enable this if you want results printed out
123 	printf("vertices[%i][%i] =\n{\n", (patchheight-1)*tesselationheight+1, (patchwidth-1)*tesselationwidth+1);
124 	for (y = 0;y < (patchheight-1)*tesselationheight+1;y++)
125 	{
126 		for (x = 0;x < (patchwidth-1)*tesselationwidth+1;x++)
127 		{
128 			printf("(");
129 			for (component = 0;component < numcomponents;component++)
130 				printf("%f ", outputvertices[(y*((patchwidth-1)*tesselationwidth+1)+x)*numcomponents+component]);
131 			printf(") ");
132 		}
133 		printf("\n");
134 	}
135 	printf("}\n");
136 #endif
137 }
Q3PatchTesselation(float largestsquared3xcurvearea,float tolerance)139 static int Q3PatchTesselation(float largestsquared3xcurvearea, float tolerance)
140 {
141 	float f;
142 	// f is actually a squared 2x curve area... so the formula had to be adjusted to give roughly the same subdivisions
143 	f = pow(largestsquared3xcurvearea / 64.0f, 0.25f) / tolerance;
144 	//if(f < 0.25) // VERY flat patches
145 	if(f < 0.0001) // TOTALLY flat patches
146 		return 0;
147 	else if(f < 2)
148 		return 1;
149 	else
150 		return (int) floor(log(f) / log(2.0f)) + 1;
151 		// this is always at least 2
152 		// maps [0.25..0.5[ to -1 (actually, 1 is returned)
153 		// maps [0.5..1[ to 0 (actually, 1 is returned)
154 		// maps [1..2[ to 1
155 		// maps [2..4[ to 2
156 		// maps [4..8[ to 4
157 }
Squared3xCurveArea(const float * a,const float * control,const float * b,int components)159 float Squared3xCurveArea(const float *a, const float *control, const float *b, int components)
160 {
161 #if 0
162 	// mimicing the old behaviour with the new code...
164 	float deviation;
165 	float quartercurvearea = 0;
166 	int c;
167 	for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
168 	{
169 		deviation = control[c] * 0.5f - a[c] * 0.25f - b[c] * 0.25f;
170 		quartercurvearea += deviation*deviation;
171 	}
173 	// But as the new code now works on the squared 2x curve area, let's scale the value
174 	return quartercurvearea * quartercurvearea * 64.0;
176 #else
177 	// ideally, we'd like the area between the spline a->control->b and the line a->b.
178 	// but as this is hard to calculate, let's calculate an upper bound of it:
179 	// the area of the triangle a->control->b->a.
180 	//
181 	// one can prove that the area of a quadratic spline = 2/3 * the area of
182 	// the triangle of its control points!
183 	// to do it, first prove it for the spline through (0,0), (1,1), (2,0)
184 	// (which is a parabola) and then note that moving the control point
185 	// left/right is just shearing and keeps the area of both the spline and
186 	// the triangle invariant.
187 	//
188 	// why are we going for the spline area anyway?
189 	// we know that:
190 	//
191 	//   the area between the spline and the line a->b is a measure of the
192 	//   error of approximation of the spline by the line.
193 	//
194 	//   also, on circle-like or parabola-like curves, you easily get that the
195 	//   double amount of line approximation segments reduces the error to its quarter
196 	//   (also, easy to prove for splines by doing it for one specific one, and using
197 	//   affine transforms to get all other splines)
198 	//
199 	// so...
200 	//
201 	// let's calculate the area! but we have to avoid the cross product, as
202 	// components is not necessarily 3
203 	//
204 	// the area of a triangle spanned by vectors a and b is
205 	//
206 	// 0.5 * |a| |b| sin gamma
207 	//
208 	// now, cos gamma is
209 	//
210 	// a.b / (|a| |b|)
211 	//
212 	// so the area is
213 	//
214 	// 0.5 * sqrt(|a|^2 |b|^2 - (a.b)^2)
215 	int c;
216 	float aa = 0, bb = 0, ab = 0;
217 	for (c = 0;c < components;c++)
218 	{
219 		float xa = a[c] - control[c];
220 		float xb = b[c] - control[c];
221 		aa += xa * xa;
222 		ab += xa * xb;
223 		bb += xb * xb;
224 	}
225 	// area is 0.5 * sqrt(aa*bb - ab*ab)
226 	// 2x TRIANGLE area is sqrt(aa*bb - ab*ab)
227 	// 3x CURVE area is sqrt(aa*bb - ab*ab)
228 	return aa * bb - ab * ab;
229 #endif
230 }
232 // returns how much tesselation of each segment is needed to remain under tolerance
Q3PatchTesselationOnX(int patchwidth,int patchheight,int components,const float * in,float tolerance)233 int Q3PatchTesselationOnX(int patchwidth, int patchheight, int components, const float *in, float tolerance)
234 {
235 	int x, y;
236 	const float *patch;
237 	float squared3xcurvearea, largestsquared3xcurvearea;
238 	largestsquared3xcurvearea = 0;
239 	for (y = 0;y < patchheight;y++)
240 	{
241 		for (x = 0;x < patchwidth-1;x += 2)
242 		{
243 			patch = in + ((y * patchwidth) + x) * components;
244 			squared3xcurvearea = Squared3xCurveArea(&patch[0], &patch[components], &patch[2*components], components);
245 			if (largestsquared3xcurvearea < squared3xcurvearea)
246 				largestsquared3xcurvearea = squared3xcurvearea;
247 		}
248 	}
249 	return Q3PatchTesselation(largestsquared3xcurvearea, tolerance);
250 }
252 // returns how much tesselation of each segment is needed to remain under tolerance
Q3PatchTesselationOnY(int patchwidth,int patchheight,int components,const float * in,float tolerance)253 int Q3PatchTesselationOnY(int patchwidth, int patchheight, int components, const float *in, float tolerance)
254 {
255 	int x, y;
256 	const float *patch;
257 	float squared3xcurvearea, largestsquared3xcurvearea;
258 	largestsquared3xcurvearea = 0;
259 	for (y = 0;y < patchheight-1;y += 2)
260 	{
261 		for (x = 0;x < patchwidth;x++)
262 		{
263 			patch = in + ((y * patchwidth) + x) * components;
264 			squared3xcurvearea = Squared3xCurveArea(&patch[0], &patch[patchwidth*components], &patch[2*patchwidth*components], components);
265 			if (largestsquared3xcurvearea < squared3xcurvearea)
266 				largestsquared3xcurvearea = squared3xcurvearea;
267 		}
268 	}
269 	return Q3PatchTesselation(largestsquared3xcurvearea, tolerance);
270 }
272 // Find an equal vertex in array. Check only vertices with odd X and Y
FindEqualOddVertexInArray(int numcomponents,float * vertex,float * vertices,int width,int height)273 static int FindEqualOddVertexInArray(int numcomponents, float *vertex, float *vertices, int width, int height)
274 {
275 	int x, y, j;
276 	for (y=0; y<height; y+=2)
277 	{
278 		for (x=0; x<width; x+=2)
279 		{
280 			qboolean found = true;
281 			for (j=0; j<numcomponents; j++)
282 				if (fabs(*(vertex+j) - *(vertices+j)) > 0.05)
283 				// div0: this is notably smaller than the smallest radiant grid
284 				// but large enough so we don't need to get scared of roundoff
285 				// errors
286 				{
287 					found = false;
288 					break;
289 				}
290 			if(found)
291 				return y*width+x;
292 			vertices += numcomponents*2;
293 		}
294 		vertices += numcomponents*(width-1);
295 	}
296 	return -1;
297 }
299 #define SIDE_INVALID -1
300 #define SIDE_X 0
301 #define SIDE_Y 1
GetSide(int p1,int p2,int width,int height,int * pointdist)303 static int GetSide(int p1, int p2, int width, int height, int *pointdist)
304 {
305 	int x1 = p1 % width, y1 = p1 / width;
306 	int x2 = p2 % width, y2 = p2 / width;
307 	if (p1 < 0 || p2 < 0)
308 		return SIDE_INVALID;
309 	if (x1 == x2)
310 	{
311 		if (y1 != y2)
312 		{
313 			*pointdist = abs(y2 - y1);
314 			return SIDE_Y;
315 		}
316 		else
317 			return SIDE_INVALID;
318 	}
319 	else if (y1 == y2)
320 	{
321 		*pointdist = abs(x2 - x1);
322 		return SIDE_X;
323 	}
324 	else
325 		return SIDE_INVALID;
326 }
328 // Increase tesselation of one of two touching patches to make a seamless connection between them
329 // Returns 0 in case if patches were not modified, otherwise 1
Q3PatchAdjustTesselation(int numcomponents,patchinfo_t * patch1,float * patchvertices1,patchinfo_t * patch2,float * patchvertices2)330 int Q3PatchAdjustTesselation(int numcomponents, patchinfo_t *patch1, float *patchvertices1, patchinfo_t *patch2, float *patchvertices2)
331 {
332 	// what we are doing here is:
333 	//   we take for each corner of one patch
334 	//   and check if the other patch contains that corner
335 	//   once we have a pair of such matches
337 	struct {int id1,id2;} commonverts[8];
338 	int i, j, k, side1, side2, *tess1, *tess2;
339 	int dist1, dist2;
340 	qboolean modified = false;
342 	// Potential paired vertices (corners of the first patch)
343 	commonverts[0].id1 = 0;
344 	commonverts[1].id1 = patch1->xsize-1;
345 	commonverts[2].id1 = patch1->xsize*(patch1->ysize-1);
346 	commonverts[3].id1 = patch1->xsize*patch1->ysize-1;
347 	for (i=0;i<4;++i)
348 		commonverts[i].id2 = FindEqualOddVertexInArray(numcomponents, patchvertices1+numcomponents*commonverts[i].id1, patchvertices2, patch2->xsize, patch2->ysize);
350 	// Corners of the second patch
351 	commonverts[4].id2 = 0;
352 	commonverts[5].id2 = patch2->xsize-1;
353 	commonverts[6].id2 = patch2->xsize*(patch2->ysize-1);
354 	commonverts[7].id2 = patch2->xsize*patch2->ysize-1;
355 	for (i=4;i<8;++i)
356 		commonverts[i].id1 = FindEqualOddVertexInArray(numcomponents, patchvertices2+numcomponents*commonverts[i].id2, patchvertices1, patch1->xsize, patch1->ysize);
358 	for (i=0;i<8;++i)
359 		for (j=i+1;j<8;++j)
360 		{
361 			side1 = GetSide(commonverts[i].id1,commonverts[j].id1,patch1->xsize,patch1->ysize,&dist1);
362 			side2 = GetSide(commonverts[i].id2,commonverts[j].id2,patch2->xsize,patch2->ysize,&dist2);
364 			if (side1 == SIDE_INVALID || side2 == SIDE_INVALID)
365 				continue;
367 			if(dist1 != dist2)
368 			{
369 				// no patch welding if the resolutions mismatch
370 				continue;
371 			}
373 			// Update every lod level
374 			for (k=0;k<PATCH_LODS_NUM;++k)
375 			{
376 				tess1 = side1 == SIDE_X ? &patch1->lods[k].xtess : &patch1->lods[k].ytess;
377 				tess2 = side2 == SIDE_X ? &patch2->lods[k].xtess : &patch2->lods[k].ytess;
378 				if (*tess1 != *tess2)
379 				{
380 					if (*tess1 < *tess2)
381 						*tess1 = *tess2;
382 					else
383 						*tess2 = *tess1;
384 					modified = true;
385 				}
386 			}
387 		}
389 	return modified;
390 }
392 #undef SIDE_INVALID
393 #undef SIDE_X
394 #undef SIDE_Y
396 // calculates elements for a grid of vertices
397 // (such as those produced by Q3PatchTesselate)
398 // (note: width and height are the actual vertex size, this produces
399 // (width-1)*(height-1)*2 triangles, 3 elements each)
Q3PatchTriangleElements(int * elements,int width,int height,int firstvertex)400 void Q3PatchTriangleElements(int *elements, int width, int height, int firstvertex)
401 {
402 	int x, y, row0, row1;
403 	for (y = 0;y < height - 1;y++)
404 	{
405 		if(y % 2)
406 		{
407 			// swap the triangle order in odd rows as optimization for collision stride
408 			row0 = firstvertex + (y + 0) * width + width - 2;
409 			row1 = firstvertex + (y + 1) * width + width - 2;
410 			for (x = 0;x < width - 1;x++)
411 			{
412 				*elements++ = row1;
413 				*elements++ = row1 + 1;
414 				*elements++ = row0 + 1;
415 				*elements++ = row0;
416 				*elements++ = row1;
417 				*elements++ = row0 + 1;
418 				row0--;
419 				row1--;
420 			}
421 		}
422 		else
423 		{
424 			row0 = firstvertex + (y + 0) * width;
425 			row1 = firstvertex + (y + 1) * width;
426 			for (x = 0;x < width - 1;x++)
427 			{
428 				*elements++ = row0;
429 				*elements++ = row1;
430 				*elements++ = row0 + 1;
431 				*elements++ = row1;
432 				*elements++ = row1 + 1;
433 				*elements++ = row0 + 1;
434 				row0++;
435 				row1++;
436 			}
437 		}
438 	}
439 }