1# Copyright 2013-2017 the openage authors. See copying.md for legal info.
3# TODO pylint: disable=C,R
5from ..dataformat.exportable import Exportable
6from ..dataformat.members import SubdataMember
7from ..dataformat.member_access import READ
10class ResearchResourceCost(Exportable):
11    name_struct        = "research_resource_cost"
12    name_struct_file   = "research"
13    struct_description = "amount definition for a single type resource for researches."
15    data_format = [
16        (READ, "resource_id", "int16_t"),  # see unit/resource_cost, TODO: type xref
17        (READ, "amount", "int16_t"),
18        (READ, "enabled", "int8_t"),
19    ]
22class Research(Exportable):
23    name_struct        = "research"
24    name_struct_file   = "research"
25    struct_description = "one researchable technology."
27    data_format = [
28        (READ, "required_techs", "int16_t[6]"),         # research ids of techs that are required for activating the possible research
29        (READ, "research_resource_costs", SubdataMember(
30            ref_type=ResearchResourceCost,
31            length=3,
32        )),
33        (READ, "required_tech_count", "int16_t"),       # a subset of the above required techs may be sufficient, this defines the minimum amount
34    ]
36    # TODO: Enable conversion for AOE1; replace "civilisation_id", "full_tech_mode"
37    # ===========================================================================
38    # if (GameVersion.aoe_1 or GameVersion.aoe_ror) not in game_versions:
39    #     data_format.extend([
40    #         (READ, "civilisation_id", "int16_t"),           # id of the civ that gets this technology
41    #         (READ, "full_tech_mode", "int16_t"),            # 1: research is available when the full tech tree is activated on game start, 0: not
42    #     ])
43    # ===========================================================================
44    data_format.extend([
45        (READ, "civilisation_id", "int16_t"),           # id of the civ that gets this technology
46        (READ, "full_tech_mode", "int16_t"),            # 1: research is available when the full tech tree is activated on game start, 0: not
47    ])
49    data_format.extend([
50        (READ, "research_location_id", "int16_t"),      # unit id, where the tech will appear to be researched
51        (READ, "language_dll_name", "uint16_t"),
52        (READ, "language_dll_description", "uint16_t"),
53        (READ, "research_time", "int16_t"),             # time in seconds that are needed to finish this research
54        (READ, "tech_effect_id", "int16_t"),            # techage id that actually contains the research effect information
55        (READ, "tech_type", "int16_t"),                 # 0: research is not dependant on current age, 2: implied by new age
56        (READ, "icon_id", "int16_t"),                   # frame id - 1 in icon slp (57029)
57        (READ, "button_id", "int8_t"),                  # button id as defined in the unit.py button matrix
58        (READ, "language_dll_help", "int32_t"),         # 100000 + the language file id for the name/description
59        (READ, "language_dll_techtree", "int32_t"),     # 149000 + lang_dll_description
60        (READ, "hotkey", "int32_t"),                    # -1 for every tech
61        (READ, "name_length", "uint16_t"),
62        (READ, "name", "char[name_length]"),
63    ])
65    # TODO: Enable conversion for SWGB
66    # ===========================================================================
67    # if (GameVersion.swgb_10 or GameVersion.swgb_cc) in game_versions:
68    #     data_format.extend([
69    #         (READ, "name2_length", "uint16_t"),
70    #         (READ, "name2", "char[name2_length]"),
71    #     ])
72    # ===========================================================================