1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
2<!DOCTYPE funcs
3  SYSTEM '../../../clonk.dtd'>
4<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../../../clonk.xsl"?>
6  <func>
7    <title>CheckConstructionSite</title>
8    <category>Objects</category>
9    <subcat>Creation</subcat>
10    <version>5.2 OC</version>
11    <syntax>
12      <rtype>bool</rtype>
13      <params>
14        <param>
15          <type>id</type>
16          <name>object_id</name>
17          <desc>Type of object to be checked.</desc>
18        </param>
19        <param>
20          <type>int</type>
21          <name>xoffset</name>
22          <desc>X coordinate</desc>
23        </param>
24        <param>
25          <type>int</type>
26          <name>yoffset</name>
27          <desc>Y coordinate</desc>
28        </param>
29      </params>
30    </syntax>
31    <desc>Checks whether the given location is suitable for the construction of object_id. The same check is used before creation in <funclink>CreateConstruction</funclink> if check_side is true. In local calls the specified position will be an offset to the position of the calling object.</desc>
32    <examples>
33      <example>
34        <code>if(CheckConstructionSite(WindGenerator, 150,100))
35	Log("It is possible to construct a wind generator at position 150,100.");</code>
36      </example>
37    </examples>
38    <related>
39      <funclink>CreateConstruction</funclink>
40      <funclink>FindConstructionSite</funclink>
41    </related>
42  </func>
43  <author>Clonkonaut</author><date>2012-03</date>