1# WARNING: If this file is named settings-default.cfg or was generated
2# from defaults.bin, then editing this file might have no effect, as
3# these settings may be overwritten by your user settings.cfg file
4# (see documentation for its location).
6# This file provides minimal documentation for each setting, and
7# ranges of recommended values.  For detailed explanations of the
8# significance of each setting, interaction with other settings, hard
9# limits on value ranges and more information in general, please read
10# the detailed documentation at:
12#   https://openmw.readthedocs.io/en/master/reference/modding/settings/index.html
17# Near clipping plane (>0.0, e.g. 0.01 to 18.0).
18near clip = 3
20# Cull objects that occupy less than 'small feature culling pixel size' on the screen.
21small feature culling = true
23small feature culling pixel size = 2.0
25# Maximum visible distance. Caution: this setting
26# can dramatically affect performance, see documentation for details.
27viewing distance = 7168.0
29# Camera field of view in degrees (e.g. 30.0 to 110.0).
30# Does not affect the player's hands in the first person camera.
31field of view = 60.0
33# Field of view for first person meshes (i.e. the player's hands)
34# Best to leave this at the default since vanilla assets are not complete enough to adapt to high FoV's. Too low FoV would clip the hands off screen.
35first person field of view = 60.0
37# Distance from the camera to the character in third person mode.
38third person camera distance = 192
40# If enabled then third person camera is positioned above character's shoulder and crosshair is visible.
41view over shoulder = false
43# Makes sense only if 'view over shoulder' is true. First number is horizontal offset (negative value means offset to the left), second number is vertical offset.
44view over shoulder offset = 30 -10
46# Switch shoulder automatically when player is close to an obstacle.
47auto switch shoulder = true
49# Slightly pulls camera away when the character moves. Works only in 'view over shoulder' mode. Set to 0 to disable.
50zoom out when move coef = 20
52# Automatically enable preview mode when player doesn't move.
53preview if stand still = false
55# Rotate the character to the view direction after exiting preview mode.
56deferred preview rotation = true
58# Enables head bobbing in first person mode
59head bobbing = false
61# Length of each step
62head bobbing step = 90.0
64# Amplitude of the bobbing effect
65head bobbing height = 3.0
67# Maximum camera roll angle (degrees)
68head bobbing roll = 0.2
72# Preload cells in a background thread. All settings starting with 'preload' have no effect unless this is enabled.
73preload enabled = true
75# The number of threads to be used for preloading operations.
76preload num threads = 1
78# Preload adjacent cells when moving close to an exterior cell border.
79preload exterior grid = true
81# Preload possible fast travel destinations.
82preload fast travel = false
84# Preload the locations that doors lead to.
85preload doors = true
87# Preloading distance threshold
88preload distance = 1000
90# Controls whether or not the nodes/collision shapes are pre-"instanced" (i.e. cloned) when a cell is preloaded.
91# Enabling this option slightly reduces the time it takes to transition into a preloaded cell, but also results in higher memory usage
92# proportional to the number of cells that are preloaded.
93preload instances = true
95# The minimum amount of cells in the preload cache before unused cells start to get thrown out (see "preload cell expiry delay").
96# This value should be lower or equal to 'preload cell cache max'.
97preload cell cache min = 12
99# The maximum amount of cells in the preload cache. A too high value could cause you to run out of memory.
100# You may need to reduce this setting when running lots of mods or high-res texture replacers.
101preload cell cache max = 20
103# How long to keep preloaded cells in cache after they're no longer referenced/required (in seconds)
104preload cell expiry delay = 5
106# The predicted position of the player N seconds in the future will be used for preloading cells and distant terrain
107prediction time = 1
109# How long to keep models/textures/collision shapes in cache after they're no longer referenced/required (in seconds)
110cache expiry delay = 5
112# Affects the time to be set aside each frame for graphics preloading operations
113target framerate = 60
115# The count of pointers, that will be saved for a faster search by object ID.
116pointers cache size = 40
120# If true, use paging and LOD algorithms to display the entire terrain. If false, only display terrain of the loaded cells
121distant terrain = false
123# Controls how the Quad Tree is split. This affects Vertex LOD, Texture LOD and load times. Values > 1 increase detail, values < 1 reduce detail.
124lod factor = 1.0
126# Controls only the Vertex LOD. Change in increments of 1, each change doubles (or halves) the number of vertices. Values > 0 increase detail, values < 0 reduce detail.
127vertex lod mod = 0
129# Controls when the distant terrain will flip to composited textures instead of high-detail textures, should be >= -3.
130# Higher value is more detailed textures.
131composite map level = 0
133# Controls the resolution of composite maps.
134composite map resolution = 512
136# Controls the maximum size of composite geometry, should be >= 1.0. With low values there will be many small chunks, with high values - lesser count of bigger chunks.
137max composite geometry size = 4.0
139# Use object paging for non active cells
140object paging = true
142# Use object paging for active cells grid
143object paging active grid = true
145# Affects the likelyhood of objects being merged. A higher value means merging is more likely and may improve FPS at the cost of memory.
146object paging merge factor = 250
148# Cull objects smaller than this size divided by distance
149object paging min size = 0.01
151# Adjusts 'min size' based on merging decision. Allows inexpensive objects to be rendered from a greater distance.
152object paging min size merge factor = 0.3
154# Controls how inexpensive an object needs to be to utilize 'min size merge factor'.
155object paging min size cost multiplier = 25
157# Assign a random color to merged batches.
158object paging debug batches = false
162# If true, use extended fog parameters for distant terrain not controlled by
163# viewing distance. If false, use the standard fog calculations.
164use distant fog = false
166distant land fog start = 16384
168distant land fog end = 40960
170distant underwater fog start = -4096
172distant underwater fog end = 2457.6
174distant interior fog start = 0
176distant interior fog end = 16384
180# Size of each exterior cell in pixels in the world map. (e.g. 12 to 24).
181# Warning: affects explored areas in save files, see documentation.
182global map cell size = 18
184# Zoom level in pixels for HUD map widget.  64 is one cell, 128 is 1/4
185# cell, 256 is 1/8 cell.  See documentation for details. (e.g. 64 to 256).
186local map hud widget size = 256
188# Enables Fog of War rendering on the HUD map. Default is Off since with default settings
189# the map is so small that the fog would not obscure anything, just darken the edges slightly.
190local map hud fog of war = false
192# Resolution of local map in GUI window in pixels.  See documentation
193# for details which may affect cell load performance. (e.g. 128 to 1024).
194local map resolution = 256
196# Size of local map in GUI window in pixels.  (e.g. 256 to 1024).
197local map widget size = 512
199# If true, map in world mode, otherwise in local mode
200global = false
204# Scales GUI window and widget size. (<1.0 is smaller, >1.0 is larger).
205scaling factor = 1.0
207# Size of in-game fonts
208font size = 16
210# Resolution of TrueType fonts glyphs
211ttf resolution = 96
213# Transparency of GUI windows (0.0 to 1.0, transparent to opaque).
214menu transparency = 0.84
216# Time until tool tip appears when hovering over an object (0.0 is
217# instantly, 1.0 is the maximum delay of about 1.5 seconds).
218tooltip delay = 0.0
220# Stretch menus, load screens, etc. to the window aspect ratio.
221stretch menu background = false
223# Subtitles for NPC spoken dialog and some sound effects.
224subtitles = false
226# Red flash visually showing player damage.
227hit fader = true
229# Werewolf overlay border around screen or window.
230werewolf overlay = true
232# Color for tool tips and crosshair when owned by an NPC (R G B A).
233color background owned = 0.15 0.0 0.0 1.0
234color crosshair owned = 1.0 0.15 0.15 1.0
236# Controls whether Arrow keys, Movement keys, Tab/Shift-Tab and Spacebar/Enter/Activate may be used to navigate GUI buttons.
237keyboard navigation = true
239# Apply the defined color to dialogue topic.
240color topic enable = false
242# The color of dialogue topic keywords that gives unique actor responses
243# Format R G B A or empty for no special formatting
244# Default to blue
245color topic specific = 0.45 0.5 0.8 1
247# The color of dialogue topic keywords that gives already read responses
248# Format R G B A or empty for no special formatting
249# Default to grey
250color topic exhausted = 0.3 0.3 0.3 1
254# Displays the crosshair or reticle when not in GUI mode.
255crosshair = true
259# Color crosshair and tool tip when object is owned by an NPC. (O is
260# no color, 1 is tool tip only, 2 is crosshair only, and 3 is both).
261show owned = 0
263# Show damage bonus of arrow and bolts.
264show projectile damage = false
266# Show additional weapon info: reach and attack speed
267show melee info = false
269# Show success probability in self-enchant dialog
270show enchant chance = false
272# Always use the best mode of attack: e.g. chop, slash or thrust.
273best attack = false
275# Difficulty.  Expressed as damage dealt and received. (e.g. -100 to 100).
276difficulty = 0
278# The maximum range of actor AI, animations and physics updates.
279actors processing range = 7168
281# Make reflected Absorb spells have no practical effect, like in Morrowind.
282classic reflected absorb spells behavior = true
284# Show duration of magic effect and lights in the spells window.
285show effect duration = false
287# Prevent merchants from equipping items that are sold to them.
288prevent merchant equipping = false
290# Make enchanted weaponry without Magical flag bypass normal weapons resistance
291enchanted weapons are magical = true
293# Make player followers and escorters start combat with enemies who have started combat with them
294# or the player. Otherwise they wait for the enemies or the player to do an attack first.
295followers attack on sight = false
297# Can loot non-fighting actors during death animation
298can loot during death animation = true
300# Make the value of filled soul gems dependent only on soul magnitude (with formula from the Morrowind Code Patch)
301rebalance soul gem values = false
303# Allow to load per-group KF-files from Animations folder
304use additional anim sources = false
306# Make the disposition change of merchants caused by barter dealings permanent
307barter disposition change is permanent = false
309# Uses the MCP formula (damage * (strength / 40)) to factor Strength into hand-to-hand combat.
310# (0 means it does not factor it in, 1 means it factors into werewolves damage calculation and
311# 2 means werewolves are ignored)
312strength influences hand to hand = 0
314# Render holstered weapons (with quivers and scabbards), requires modded assets
315weapon sheathing = false
317# Render holstered shield when it is not in actor's hands, requires modded assets
318shield sheathing = false
320# Allow non-standard ammunition solely to bypass normal weapon resistance or weakness
321only appropriate ammunition bypasses resistance = false
323# Use casting animations for magic items, just as for spells
324use magic item animations = false
326# Don't use race weight in NPC movement speed calculations
327normalise race speed = false
329# Adjusts the number of projectiles you can enchant at once:
330# count = (soul gem charge * projectiles enchant multiplier) / enchantment strength
331# A value of 0 means that you can only enchant one projectile.
332projectiles enchant multiplier = 0
334# Make Damage Fatigue magic effect uncapped like Drain Fatigue effect.
335# This means that unlike Morrowind you will be able to knock down actors using this effect.
336uncapped damage fatigue = false
338# Turn lower body to movement direction. 'true' makes diagonal movement more realistic.
339turn to movement direction = false
341# Makes all movements of NPCs and player more smooth.
342smooth movement = false
344# Max delay of turning (in seconds) if player drastically changes direction on the run.
345smooth movement player turning delay = 0.333
347# All actors avoid collisions with other actors.
348NPCs avoid collisions = false
350# Give way to moving actors when idle. Requires 'NPCs avoid collisions' to be enabled.
351NPCs give way = true
353# Makes player swim a bit upward from the line of sight.
354swim upward correction = false
356# Strength of the 'swim upward correction' effect (if enabled).
357swim upward coef = 0.2
359# Make the training skills proposed by a trainer based on its base attribute instead of its modified ones
360trainers training skills based on base skill = false
362# Make stealing items from NPCs that were knocked down possible during combat.
363always allow stealing from knocked out actors = false
365# Enables visually harvesting plants for models that support it.
366graphic herbalism = true
368# Give actors an ability to swim over water surface when they follow other actor independently from their ability to swim
369# (true, false)
370allow actors to follow over water surface = true
374# Anisotropy reduces distortion in textures at low angles (e.g. 0 to 16).
375anisotropy = 4
377# File format for screenshots.  (jpg, png, tga, and possibly more).
378screenshot format = png
380# Texture magnification filter type.  (nearest or linear).
381texture mag filter = linear
383# Texture minification filter type.  (nearest or linear).
384texture min filter = linear
386# Texture mipmap type.  (none, nearest, or linear).
387texture mipmap = nearest
391# Force rendering with shaders. By default, only bump-mapped objects will use shaders.
392# Enabling this option may cause slightly different visuals if the "clamp lighting" option
393# is set to false. Otherwise, there should not be a visual difference.
394force shaders = false
396# Force the use of per pixel lighting. By default, only bump mapped objects use per-pixel lighting.
397# Has no effect if the 'force shaders' option is false.
398# Enabling per-pixel lighting can result in visual differences to the original MW engine. It is not
399# recommended to enable this option when using vanilla Morrowind files, because certain lights in Morrowind
400# rely on vertex lighting to look as intended.
401force per pixel lighting = false
403# Restrict the amount of lighting that an object can receive to a maximum of (1,1,1).
404# Only affects objects that render with shaders (see 'force shaders' option). Always affects terrain.
405# Setting this option to 'true' results in fixed-function compatible lighting, but the lighting
406# may appear 'dull' and there might be color shifts.
407# Setting this option to 'false' results in more realistic lighting.
408clamp lighting = true
410# If this option is enabled, normal maps are automatically recognized and used if they are named appropriately
411# (see 'normal map pattern', e.g. for a base texture foo.dds, the normal map texture would have to be named foo_n.dds).
412# If this option is disabled, normal maps are only used if they are explicitly listed within the mesh file (.nif or .osg file).
413# Affects objects.
414auto use object normal maps = false
416# If this option is enabled, specular maps are automatically recognized and used if they are named appropriately
417# (see 'specular map pattern', e.g. for a base texture foo.dds, the specular map texture would have to be named foo_spec.dds).
418# If this option is disabled, normal maps are only used if they are explicitly listed within the mesh file (.osg file, not supported in .nif files).
419# Affects objects.
420auto use object specular maps = false
422# See 'auto use object normal maps'. Affects terrain.
423auto use terrain normal maps = false
425# If a file with pattern 'terrain specular map pattern' exists, use that file as a 'diffuse specular' map. The texture
426# must contain the layer color in the RGB channel (as usual), and a specular multiplier in the alpha channel.
427auto use terrain specular maps = false
429# The filename pattern to probe for when detecting normal maps (see 'auto use object normal maps', 'auto use terrain normal maps')
430normal map pattern = _n
432# Alternative filename pattern to probe for when detecting normal maps. Files with this pattern are expected to include 'height' in the alpha channel.
433# This height is used for parallax effects. Works for both terrain and objects.
434normal height map pattern = _nh
436# The filename pattern to probe for when detecting object specular maps (see 'auto use object specular maps')
437specular map pattern = _spec
439# The filename pattern to probe for when detecting terrain specular maps (see 'auto use terrain specular maps')
440terrain specular map pattern = _diffusespec
442# Apply lighting to reflections on the environment-mapped objects like in Morrowind Code Patch.
443# Affected objects use shaders.
444apply lighting to environment maps = false
446# Determine fog intensity based on the distance from the eye point.
447# This makes fogging independent from the viewing angle. Shaders will be used to render all objects.
448radial fog = false
450# Internal handling of lights, ignored if 'force shaders' is off. "legacy"
451# provides fixed function pipeline emulation."shaders compatibility" (default)
452# uncaps the light limit, enables groundcover lighting, and uses a modified
453# attenuation formula to reduce popping and light seams. "shaders" comes with
454# all these benefits and is meant for larger light limits, but may not be
455# supported on older hardware and may be slower on weaker hardware when
456# 'force per pixel lighting' is enabled.
457lighting method = shaders compatibility
459# Sets the bounding sphere multiplier of light sources if 'lighting method' is
460# not 'legacy'. These are used to determine if an object should receive
461# lighting. Higher values will allow for smoother transitions of light sources,
462# but may carry a performance cost and requires a higher number of 'max lights'
463# set.
464light bounds multiplier = 1.65
466# The distance from the camera at which lights fade away completely.
467# Set to 0 to disable fading.
468maximum light distance = 8192
470# Fraction of the maximum distance at which lights begin to gradually fade away.
471light fade start = 0.85
473# Set maximum number of lights per object.
474# When 'lighting method' is set to 'legacy', this setting will have no effect.
475max lights = 8
477# Sets minimum ambient brightness of interior cells. Levels below this threshold will have their
478# ambient values adjusted to balance the darker interiors.
479# When 'lighting method' is set to 'legacy', this setting will have no effect.
480minimum interior brightness = 0.08
482# Convert the alpha test (cutout/punchthrough alpha) to alpha-to-coverage.
483# This allows MSAA to work with alpha-tested meshes, producing better-looking edges without pixelation.
484# When MSAA is off, this setting will have no visible effect, but might have a performance cost.
485antialias alpha test = false
489# Capture control of the cursor prevent movement outside the window.
490grab cursor = true
492# Key controlling sneak toggles setting instead of being held down.
493toggle sneak = false
495# Player is running by default.
496always run = false
498# Camera sensitivity when not in GUI mode. (>0.0, e.g. 0.1 to 5.0).
499camera sensitivity = 1.0
501# Vertical camera sensitivity multiplier when not in GUI mode.
502# (>0.0, Because it's a multiplier values should be near 1.0)
503camera y multiplier = 1.0
505# Invert the horizontal axis while not in GUI mode.
506invert x axis = false
508# Invert the vertical axis while not in GUI mode.
509invert y axis = false
511# Enable controller support.
512enable controller = true
514# Emulated gamepad cursor sensitivity.
515gamepad cursor speed = 1.0
517# Set dead zone for joysticks (gamepad or on-screen ones)
518joystick dead zone = 0.1
520# Enable gyroscope support.
521enable gyroscope = false
523# Gyroscope axis that corresponds to horizontal camera axis.
524gyro horizontal axis = -x
526# Gyroscope axis that corresponds to vertical camera axis.
527gyro vertical axis = y
529# The minimum gyroscope movement that is able to rotate the camera.
530gyro input threshold = 0.01
532# Horizontal camera axis sensitivity to gyroscope movement.
533gyro horizontal sensitivity = 1.0
535# Vertical camera axis sensitivity to gyroscope movement.
536gyro vertical sensitivity = 1.0
540# Name of last character played, and default for loading save files.
541character =
543# Automatically save the game whenever the player rests.
544autosave = true
546# Display the time played on each save file in the load menu.
547timeplayed = false
549# The maximum number of quick (or auto) save slots to have.
550# If all slots are used, the  oldest save is reused
551max quicksaves = 1
555# Name of audio device file.  Blank means use the default device.
556device =
558# Volumes are 0.0 for silent and 1.0 for the maximum volume.
560# Master volume.  Controls all other volumes.
561master volume = 1.0
563# Footsteps volume.
564footsteps volume = 0.2
566# Music tracks volume.
567music volume = 0.5
569# Sound effects volume.
570sfx volume = 1.0
572# Voice dialog volume.
573voice volume = 0.8
575# Minimum size to use for the sound buffer cache, in MB. When the cache is
576# filled, old buffers will be unloaded until it's using no more than this much
577# memory. Must be less than or equal to 'buffer cache max'.
578buffer cache min = 56
580# Maximum size to use for the sound buffer cache, in MB. The cache can use up
581# to this much memory until old buffers get purged.
582buffer cache max = 64
584# Specifies whether to enable HRTF processing. Valid values are: -1 = auto,
585# 0 = off, 1 = on.
586hrtf enable = -1
588# Specifies which HRTF to use when HRTF is used. Blank means use the default.
589hrtf =
593# Resolution of the OpenMW window or screen.
594resolution x = 800
595resolution y = 600
597# OpenMW takes complete control of the screen.
598fullscreen = false
600# Determines which screen OpenMW is on.  (>=0).
601screen = 0
603# Minimize OpenMW if it loses cursor or keyboard focus.
604minimize on focus loss = true
606# An operating system border is drawn around the OpenMW window.
607window border = true
609# Anti-aliasing reduces jagged polygon edges.  (0, 2, 4, 8, 16).
610antialiasing = 0
612# Enable vertical syncing to reduce tearing defects.
613vsync = false
615# Maximum frames per second. 0.0 is unlimited, or >0.0 to limit.
616framerate limit = 300
618# Game video contrast.  (>0.0).  No effect in Linux.
619contrast = 1.0
621# Video gamma setting.  (>0.0).  No effect in Linux.
622gamma = 1.0
624# Type of screenshot to take (regular, cylindrical, spherical or planet), optionally followed by
625# screenshot width, height and cubemap resolution in pixels. (e.g. spherical 1600 1000 1200)
626screenshot type = regular
630# Enable water shader with reflections and optionally refraction.
631shader = false
633# Reflection and refraction texture size in pixels. (512, 1024, 2048).
634rtt size = 512
636# Enable refraction which affects visibility through water plane.
637refraction = false
639# Draw objects on water reflections.
640reflection detail = 2
642# Overrides the value in '[Camera] small feature culling pixel size' specifically for water reflection/refraction textures.
643small feature culling pixel size = 20.0
645# By what factor water downscales objects. Only works with water shader and refractions on.
646refraction scale = 1.0
650# Location and sizes of windows as a fraction of the OpenMW window or
651# screen size. (0.0 to 1.0).  X & Y, Width & Height.
653# Stats window displaying level, race, class, skills and stats.
654stats x = 0.015
655stats y = 0.015
656stats w = 0.4275
657stats h = 0.45
658stats maximized x = 0.0
659stats maximized y = 0.0
660stats maximized w = 1.0
661stats maximized h = 1.0
662stats pin = false
663stats hidden = false
664stats maximized = false
666# Spells window displaying powers, spells, and magical items.
667spells x = 0.63
668spells y = 0.39
669spells w = 0.36
670spells h = 0.51
671spells maximized x = 0.0
672spells maximized y = 0.0
673spells maximized w = 1.0
674spells maximized h = 1.0
675spells pin = false
676spells hidden = false
677spells maximized = false
679# Local and world map window.
680map x = 0.63
681map y = 0.015
682map w = 0.36
683map h = 0.37
684map maximized x = 0.0
685map maximized y = 0.0
686map maximized w = 1.0
687map maximized h = 1.0
688map pin = false
689map hidden = false
690map maximized = false
692# Player inventory window when explicitly opened.
693inventory x = 0.0
694inventory y = 0.54
695inventory w = 0.45
696inventory h = 0.38
697inventory maximized x = 0.0
698inventory maximized y = 0.0
699inventory maximized w = 1.0
700inventory maximized h = 1.0
701inventory pin = false
702inventory hidden = false
703inventory maximized = false
705# Player inventory window when searching a container.
706inventory container x = 0.015
707inventory container y = 0.54
708inventory container w = 0.45
709inventory container h = 0.38
710inventory container maximized x = 0.0
711inventory container maximized y = 0.5
712inventory container maximized w = 1.0
713inventory container maximized h = 0.5
714inventory container maximized = false
716# Player inventory window when bartering with a shopkeeper.
717inventory barter x = 0.015
718inventory barter y = 0.54
719inventory barter w = 0.45
720inventory barter h = 0.38
721inventory barter maximized x = 0.0
722inventory barter maximized y = 0.5
723inventory barter maximized w = 1.0
724inventory barter maximized h = 0.5
725inventory barter maximized = false
727# Player inventory window when trading with a companion.
728inventory companion x = 0.015
729inventory companion y = 0.54
730inventory companion w = 0.45
731inventory companion h = 0.38
732inventory companion maximized x = 0.0
733inventory companion maximized y = 0.5
734inventory companion maximized w = 1.0
735inventory companion maximized h = 0.5
736inventory companion maximized = false
738# Dialog window for talking with NPCs.
739dialogue x = 0.15
740dialogue y = 0.5
741dialogue w = 0.7
742dialogue h = 0.45
743dialogue maximized x = 0.0
744dialogue maximized y = 0.0
745dialogue maximized w = 1.0
746dialogue maximized h = 1.0
747dialogue maximized = false
749# Alchemy window for crafting potions.
750alchemy x = 0.25
751alchemy y = 0.25
752alchemy w = 0.5
753alchemy h = 0.5
754alchemy maximized x = 0.0
755alchemy maximized y = 0.0
756alchemy maximized w = 1.0
757alchemy maximized h = 1.0
758alchemy maximized = false
760# Console command window for debugging commands.
761console x = 0.015
762console y = 0.015
763console w = 1.0
764console h = 0.5
765console maximized x = 0.0
766console maximized y = 0.0
767console maximized w = 1.0
768console maximized h = 1.0
769console maximized = false
771# Container inventory when searching a container.
772container x = 0.49
773container y = 0.54
774container w = 0.39
775container h = 0.38
776container maximized x = 0.0
777container maximized y = 0.0
778container maximized w = 1.0
779container maximized h = 0.5
780container maximized = false
782# NPC inventory window when bartering with a shopkeeper.
783barter x = 0.6
784barter y = 0.27
785barter w = 0.38
786barter h = 0.63
787barter maximized x = 0.0
788barter maximized y = 0.0
789barter maximized w = 1.0
790barter maximized h = 0.5
791barter maximized = false
793# NPC inventory window when trading with a companion.
794companion x = 0.6
795companion y = 0.27
796companion w = 0.38
797companion h = 0.63
798companion maximized x = 0.0
799companion maximized y = 0.0
800companion maximized w = 1.0
801companion maximized h = 0.5
802companion maximized = false
806# Enable navigator (true, false). When enabled background threads are started to build navmesh for world geometry.
807# Pathfinding system uses navmesh to build paths. When disabled only pathgrid is used to build paths.
808enable = true
810# Scale of NavMesh coordinates to world coordinates (value > 0.0). Recastnavigation builds voxels for world geometry.
811# Basically voxel size is 1 / "cell size". To reduce amount of voxels we apply scale factor, to make voxel size
812# "recast scale factor" / "cell size". Default value calculates by this equation:
813# sStepSizeUp * "recast scale factor" / "cell size" = 5 (max climb height should be equal to 4 voxels)
814recast scale factor = 0.029411764705882353
816# The z-axis cell size to use for fields. (value > 0.0)
817# Defines voxel/grid/cell size. So their values have significant
818# side effects on all parameters defined in voxel units.
819# The minimum value for this parameter depends on the platform's floating point
820# accuracy, with the practical minimum usually around 0.05.
821# Same default value is used in RecastDemo.
822cell height = 0.2
824# The xy-plane cell size to use for fields. (value > 0.0)
825# Defines voxel/grid/cell size. So their values have significant
826# side effects on all parameters defined in voxel units.
827# The minimum value for this parameter depends on the platform's floating point
828# accuracy, with the practical minimum usually around 0.05.
829# Same default value is used in RecastDemo.
830cell size = 0.2
832# Sets the sampling distance to use when generating the detail mesh. (value = 0.0 or value >= 0.9)
833detail sample dist = 6.0
835# The maximum distance the detail mesh surface should deviate from heightfield data. (value >= 0.0)
836detail sample max error = 1.0
838# The maximum distance a simplfied contour's border edges should deviate the original raw contour. (value >= 0.0)
839max simplification error = 1.3
841# The width and height of each tile. (value > 0)
842tile size = 128
844# The size of the non-navigable border around the heightfield. (value >= 0)
845border size = 16
847# The maximum allowed length for contour edges along the border of the mesh. (value >= 0)
848max edge len = 12
850# Maximum number of search nodes. (0 < value <= 65535)
851max nav mesh query nodes = 2048
853# Maximum number of polygons per navmesh tile (value = 2^n, 0 < n < 22). Maximum number of navmesh tiles depends on
854# this value. 22 bits is a limit to store both tile identifier and polygon identifier (tiles = 2^(22 - log2(polygons))).
855# See recastnavigation for more details.
856max polygons per tile = 4096
858# The maximum number of vertices allowed for polygons generated during the contour to polygon conversion process. (value >= 3)
859max verts per poly = 6
861# Any regions with a span count smaller than this value will, if possible, be merged with larger regions. (value >= 0)
862region merge size = 20
864# The minimum number of cells allowed to form isolated island areas. (value >= 0)
865region min size = 8
867# Number of background threads to update nav mesh (value >= 1)
868async nav mesh updater threads = 1
870# Maximum total cached size of all nav mesh tiles in bytes (value >= 0)
871max nav mesh tiles cache size = 268435456
873# Maximum size of path over polygons (value > 0)
874max polygon path size = 1024
876# Maximum size of smoothed path (value > 0)
877max smooth path size = 1024
879# Write recast mesh to file in .obj format for each use to update nav mesh (true, false)
880enable write recast mesh to file = false
882# Write NavMesh to file to be able to open by RecastDemo (true, false)
883enable write nav mesh to file = false
885# Write each recast mesh file with revision in name. Otherwise will rewrite same file. (true, false)
886enable recast mesh file name revision = false
888# Write each nav mesh file with revision in name. Otherwise will rewrite same file. (true, false)
889enable nav mesh file name revision = false
891# Write recast mesh file at path with this prefix
892recast mesh path prefix =
894# Write nav mesh file at path with this prefix
895nav mesh path prefix =
897# Render nav mesh (true, false)
898enable nav mesh render = false
900# Render agents paths (true, false)
901enable agents paths render = false
903# Render recast mesh (true, false)
904enable recast mesh render = false
906# Max number of navmesh tiles (value >= 0)
907max tiles number = 512
909# Min time duration for the same tile update in milliseconds (value >= 0)
910min update interval ms = 250
912# Keep loading screen until navmesh is generated around the player for all tiles within manhattan distance (value >= 0).
913# Distance is measured in the number of tiles and can be only an integer value.
914wait until min distance to player = 5
918# Enable or disable shadows. Bear in mind that this will force OpenMW to use shaders as if "[Shaders]/force shaders" was set to true.
919enable shadows = false
921# How many shadow maps to use - more of these means each shadow map texel covers less area, producing better looking shadows, but may decrease performance.
922number of shadow maps = 3
924# The distance from the camera at which shadows fade away completely. Set to 0 to make the distance infinite.
925maximum shadow map distance = 8192
927# Fraction of the maximum distance at which shadows begin to gradually fade away.
928shadow fade start = 0.9
930# If true, allow shadow maps to overlap. Counter-intuitively, will produce better results when the light is behind the camera. When enabled, OpenMW uses Cascaded Shadow Maps and when disabled, it uses Parallel Split Shadow Maps.
931allow shadow map overlap = true
933# Indirectly controls where to split the shadow map(s). Values closer to 1.0 bring more detail closer to the camera (potentially excessively so), and values closer to 0.0 spread it more evenly across the whole viewing distance. 0.5 is recommended for most viewing distances by the original Parallel Split Shadow Maps paper, but this does not take into account use of a Light Space Perspective transformation, so other values may be preferable. If some of the terms used here go over your head, you might not want to change this, especially not without reading the associated papers first. When "allow shadow map overlap" is combined with a higher-than-default viewing distance, values closer to 1.0 will prevent nearby shadows losing a lot of quality.
934split point uniform logarithmic ratio = 0.5
936# Indirectly controls where to split the shadow map(s). Positive values move split points away from the camera and negative values move them towards the camera. Intended to be used in conjunction with changes to 'split point uniform logarithmic ratio' to counteract side effects, but may cause additional, more serious side effects. Read the Parallel Split Shadow Maps paper by F Zhang et al before changing.
937split point bias = 0.0
939# Enable the debug hud to see what the shadow map(s) contain.
940enable debug hud = false
942# Enable the debug overlay to see where each shadow map affects.
943enable debug overlay = false
945# Used to set the type of tight scene bound calculation method to be used by the shadow map that covers a smaller area. "bounds" (default) is less precise shadows but better performance or "primitives" for more precise shadows at expense of CPU.
946compute scene bounds = bounds
948# How large to make the shadow map(s). Higher values increase GPU load, but can produce better-looking results. Power-of-two values may turn out to be faster on some GPU/driver combinations.
949shadow map resolution = 1024
951# Controls the minimum near/far ratio for the Light Space Perspective Shadow Map transformation. Helps prevent too much detail being brought towards the camera at the expense of detail further from the camera. Increasing this pushes detail further away.
952minimum lispsm near far ratio = 0.25
954# Used as the factor parameter for the polygon offset used for shadow map rendering. Higher values reduce shadow flicker, but risk increasing Peter Panning. See https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL-Refpages/gl4/html/glPolygonOffset.xhtml for details.
955polygon offset factor = 1.1
957# Used as the units parameter for the polygon offset used for shadow map rendering. Higher values reduce shadow flicker, but risk increasing Peter Panning. See https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL-Refpages/gl4/html/glPolygonOffset.xhtml for details.
958polygon offset units = 4.0
960# How far along the surface normal to project shadow coordinates. Higher values significantly reduce shadow flicker, usually with a lower increase of Peter Panning than the Polygon Offset settings. This value is in in-game units, so 1.0 is roughly 1.4 cm.
961normal offset distance = 1.0
963# Excludes theoretically unnecessary faces from shadow maps, slightly increasing performance. In practice, Peter Panning can be much less visible with these faces included, so if you have high polygon offset values, leave this off to minimise the side effects.
964use front face culling = false
966# Allow actors to cast shadows. Potentially decreases performance.
967actor shadows = false
969# Allow the player to cast shadows. Potentially decreases performance.
970player shadows = false
972# Allow terrain to cast shadows. Potentially decreases performance.
973terrain shadows = false
975# Allow world objects to cast shadows. Potentially decreases performance.
976object shadows = false
978# Allow shadows indoors. Due to limitations with Morrowind's data, only actors can cast shadows indoors, which some might feel is distracting.
979enable indoor shadows = true
982# Set the number of background threads used for physics.
983# If no background threads are used, physics calculations are processed in the main thread
984# and the settings below have no effect.
985async num threads = 0
987# Set the number of frames an inactive line-of-sight request will be kept
988# refreshed in the background physics thread cache.
989# If this is set to -1, line-of-sight requests are never cached.
990lineofsight keep inactive cache = 0
992# Defer bounding boxes update until collision detection.
993defer aabb update = true
997# Attempt to load any valid NIF file regardless of its version and track the progress.
998# Loading arbitrary meshes is not advised and may cause instability.
999load unsupported nif files = false
1001# 3rd person base animation model that looks also for the corresponding kf-file
1002xbaseanim = meshes/xbase_anim.nif
1004# 3rd person base model with textkeys-data
1005baseanim = meshes/base_anim.nif
1007# 1st person base animation model that looks also for corresponding kf-file
1008xbaseanim1st = meshes/xbase_anim.1st.nif
1010# 3rd person beast race base model with textkeys-data
1011baseanimkna = meshes/base_animkna.nif
1013# 1st person beast race base animation model
1014baseanimkna1st = meshes/base_animkna.1st.nif
1016# 3rd person female base animation model
1017xbaseanimfemale = meshes/xbase_anim_female.nif
1019# 3rd person female base model with textkeys-data
1020baseanimfemale = meshes/base_anim_female.nif
1022# 1st person female base model with textkeys-data
1023baseanimfemale1st = meshes/base_anim_female.1st.nif
1025# 3rd person werewolf skin
1026wolfskin = meshes/wolf/skin.nif
1028# 1st person werewolf skin
1029wolfskin1st = meshes/wolf/skin.1st.nif
1031# Argonian smimkna
1032xargonianswimkna = meshes/xargonian_swimkna.nif
1034# File to load xbaseanim 3rd person animations
1035xbaseanimkf = meshes/xbase_anim.kf
1037# File to load xbaseanim 3rd person animations
1038xbaseanim1stkf = meshes/xbase_anim.1st.kf
1040# File to load xbaseanim animations from
1041xbaseanimfemalekf = meshes/xbase_anim_female.kf
1043# File to load xargonianswimkna animations from
1044xargonianswimknakf = meshes/xargonian_swimkna.kf
1046# Sky atmosphere mesh
1047skyatmosphere = meshes/sky_atmosphere.nif
1049# Sky clouds mesh
1050skyclouds = meshes/sky_clouds_01.nif
1052# Sky stars mesh 01
1053skynight01 = meshes/sky_night_01.nif
1055# Sky stars mesh 02
1056skynight02 = meshes/sky_night_02.nif
1058# Ash clouds weather effect
1059weatherashcloud = meshes/ashcloud.nif
1061# Blight clouds weather effect
1062weatherblightcloud = meshes/blightcloud.nif
1064# Snow falling weather effect
1065weathersnow = meshes/snow.nif
1067# Blizzard weather effect
1068weatherblizzard = meshes/blizzard.nif
1072# enable separate groundcover handling
1073enabled = false
1075# A groundcover density (0.0 <= value <= 1.0)
1076# 1.0 means 100% density
1077density = 1.0
1079# A maximum distance in game units on which groundcover is rendered.
1080rendering distance = 6144.0
1082# A minimum size of groundcover chunk in cells (0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0)
1083min chunk size = 0.5
1085# Whether grass should respond to the player treading on it.
1086# 0 - Grass cannot be trampled.
1087# 1 - The player's XY position is taken into account.
1088# 2 - The player's height above the ground is taken into account, too.
1089stomp mode = 2
1091# How far away from the player grass can be before it's unaffected by being trod on, and how far it moves when it is.
1092# 2 - MGE XE levels. Generally excessive, but what existing mods were made with in mind
1093# 1 - Reduced levels.
1094# 0 - Gentle levels.
1095stomp intensity = 1