2   Copyright 2007-2020 The OpenRA Developers (see AUTHORS)
3   This file is part of OpenRA, which is free software. It is made
4   available to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License
5   as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
6   the License, or (at your option) any later version. For more
7   information, see COPYING.
9CameraTriggerArea = { CPos.New(42, 45), CPos.New(43, 45), CPos.New(44, 45), CPos.New(45, 45), CPos.New(46, 45), CPos.New(47, 45), CPos.New(48, 45), CPos.New(48, 56), CPos.New(48, 57), CPos.New(48, 58), CPos.New(48, 59), CPos.New(40, 63), CPos.New(41, 63), CPos.New(42, 63), CPos.New(43, 63), CPos.New(44, 63), CPos.New(45, 63), CPos.New(46, 63), CPos.New(47, 63) }
10PassingBridgeLocation = { CPos.New(59, 56), CPos.New(60, 56) }
12CmdAtk = { Attacker1, Attacker2, Attacker3, Attacker4 }
13FleeingUnits = { Fleeing1, Fleeing2 }
14HuntingUnits = { Hunter1, Hunter2, Hunter3, Hunter4 }
16WorldLoaded = function()
17	player = Player.GetPlayer("USSR")
18	greece = Player.GetPlayer("Greece")
20	Trigger.OnObjectiveAdded(player, function(p, id)
21		Media.DisplayMessage(p.GetObjectiveDescription(id), "New " .. string.lower(p.GetObjectiveType(id)) .. " objective")
22	end)
23	Trigger.OnObjectiveCompleted(player, function(p, id)
24		Media.DisplayMessage(p.GetObjectiveDescription(id), "Objective completed")
25	end)
26	Trigger.OnObjectiveFailed(player, function(p, id)
27		Media.DisplayMessage(p.GetObjectiveDescription(id), "Objective failed")
28	end)
30	CommandCenterIntact = player.AddPrimaryObjective("Protect the Command Center.")
31	DestroyAllAllied = player.AddPrimaryObjective("Destroy all Allied units and structures.")
33	Trigger.OnPlayerWon(player, function()
34		Media.PlaySpeechNotification(player, "MissionAccomplished")
35	end)
36	Trigger.OnPlayerLost(player, function()
37		Media.PlaySpeechNotification(player, "MissionFailed")
38	end)
40	Camera.Position	= CameraWaypoint.CenterPosition
42	Trigger.OnKilled(CommandCenter, function()
43		player.MarkFailedObjective(CommandCenterIntact)
44	end)
46	Trigger.AfterDelay(0, function()
47		local buildings = Utils.Where(Map.ActorsInWorld, function(self) return self.Owner == greece and self.HasProperty("StartBuildingRepairs") end)
48		Utils.Do(buildings, function(actor)
49			Trigger.OnDamaged(actor, function(building, attacker)
50				if building.Owner == greece and building.Health < building.MaxHealth * 0.8 then
51					building.StartBuildingRepairs()
52					if attacker.Type ~= "yak" and not AlreadyHunting then
53						AlreadyHunting = true
54						Utils.Do(greece.GetGroundAttackers(), function(unit)
55							Trigger.OnIdle(unit, unit.Hunt)
56						end)
57					end
58				end
59			end)
60		end)
62		-- Find the bridge actors
63		bridgepart1 = Map.ActorsInBox(Box1.CenterPosition, Box2.CenterPosition, function(self) return self.Type == "br1" end)[1]
64		bridgepart2 = Map.ActorsInBox(Box1.CenterPosition, Box2.CenterPosition, function(self) return self.Type == "br2" end)[1]
65	end)
67	-- Discover the area around the bridge exposing the two german soldiers
68	-- When the two infantry near the bridge are discovered move them across the bridge to waypoint4
69	-- in the meanwhile one USSR soldier hunts them down
70	Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Seconds(1), function()
71		Actor.Create("camera", true, { Owner = player, Location = Box1.Location })
73		Utils.Do(FleeingUnits, function(unit)
74			unit.Move(RifleRetreat.Location)
75		end)
76		Follower.AttackMove(RifleRetreat.Location)
77	end)
79	-- To make it look more smooth we will blow up the bridge when the barrel closest to it blows up
80	Trigger.OnAnyKilled({ BridgeBarrel1, BridgeBarrel2 }, function()
81		-- Destroy the bridge
82		if not bridgepart1.IsDead then
83			bridgepart1.Kill()
84		end
85		if not bridgepart2.IsDead then
86			bridgepart2.Kill()
87		end
88	end)
90	-- If player passes over the bridge, blow up the barrel and destroy the bridge
91	Trigger.OnEnteredFootprint(PassingBridgeLocation, function(unit, id)
92		if unit.Owner == player then
93			Trigger.RemoveFootprintTrigger(id)
95			-- Also don't if the bridge is already dead
96			if bridgepart1.IsDead and bridgepart2.IsDead then
97				return
98			end
100			-- Don't "shoot" at the barrels if there is no-one to shoot
101			if not FleeingUnits[1].IsDead then
102				FleeingUnits[1].Attack(Barrel, true, true)
103			elseif not FleeingUnits[2].IsDead then
104				FleeingUnits[2].Attack(Barrel, true, true)
105			end
106		end
107	end)
109	-- Four infantry from the small island move towards the USSR command center and attack it after 24 Seconds
110	Trigger.AfterDelay(DateTime.Seconds(24), function()
111		Utils.Do(CmdAtk, function(unit)
112			unit.AttackMove(AttackWaypoint1.Location)
113			Trigger.OnIdle(unit, unit.Hunt)
114		end)
115	end)
117	-- Start hunting
118	Hunter4.AttackMove(AttackWaypoint2.Location) -- Move the unit in the correct direction first
119	Utils.Do(HuntingUnits, function(unit)
120		Trigger.OnIdle(unit, unit.Hunt)
121	end)
123	-- When destroying the allied radar dome or the refinery drop 2 badgers with 5 grenadiers each
124	Trigger.OnAnyKilled({ AlliedDome, AlliedProc }, function()
125		local powerproxy = Actor.Create("powerproxy.paratroopers", true, { Owner = player })
126		powerproxy.ActivateParatroopers(ParadropLZ.CenterPosition, Facing.South)
127		powerproxy.ActivateParatroopers(ParadropLZ.CenterPosition, Facing.SouthEast)
128		powerproxy.Destroy()
129	end)
132Tick = function()
133	if greece.HasNoRequiredUnits() then
134		player.MarkCompletedObjective(CommandCenterIntact)
135		player.MarkCompletedObjective(DestroyAllAllied)
136	end
138	if player.HasNoRequiredUnits() then
139		player.MarkFailedObjective(DestroyAllAllied)
140	end
142	if greece.Resources > greece.ResourceCapacity / 2 then
143		greece.Resources = greece.ResourceCapacity / 2
144	end