1^BaseWorld: 2 Inherits: ^Palettes 3 AlwaysVisible: 4 ActorMap: 5 ScreenMap: 6 Selection: 7 MusicPlaylist: 8 VictoryMusic: score 9 DefeatMusic: map 10 TerrainGeometryOverlay: 11 DebugVisualizations: 12 Locomotor@FOOT: 13 Name: foot 14 Crushes: mine, crate 15 SharesCell: true 16 TerrainSpeeds: 17 Clear: 90 18 Rough: 80 19 Road: 100 20 Bridge: 100 21 Ore: 80 22 Gems: 80 23 Beach: 80 24 Locomotor@WHEELED: 25 Name: wheeled 26 Crushes: mine, crate 27 TerrainSpeeds: 28 Clear: 80 29 Rough: 40 30 Road: 100 31 Bridge: 100 32 Ore: 70 33 Gems: 70 34 Beach: 40 35 Locomotor@HEAVYWHEELED: 36 Name: heavywheeled 37 Crushes: wall, mine, crate, infantry 38 TerrainSpeeds: 39 Clear: 80 40 Rough: 40 41 Road: 100 42 Bridge: 100 43 Ore: 70 44 Gems: 70 45 Beach: 40 46 Locomotor@LIGHTTRACKED: 47 Name: lighttracked 48 Crushes: wall, mine, crate 49 TerrainSpeeds: 50 Clear: 80 51 Rough: 70 52 Road: 100 53 Bridge: 100 54 Ore: 70 55 Gems: 70 56 Beach: 70 57 Locomotor@TRACKED: 58 Name: tracked 59 Crushes: wall, infantry, mine, crate 60 TerrainSpeeds: 61 Clear: 80 62 Rough: 70 63 Road: 100 64 Bridge: 100 65 Ore: 70 66 Gems: 70 67 Beach: 70 68 Locomotor@HEAVYTRACKED: 69 Name: heavytracked 70 Crushes: wall, infantry, mine, crate, heavywall 71 TerrainSpeeds: 72 Clear: 80 73 Rough: 70 74 Road: 100 75 Bridge: 100 76 Ore: 70 77 Gems: 70 78 Beach: 70 79 Locomotor@NAVAL: 80 Name: naval 81 Crushes: crate 82 TerrainSpeeds: 83 Water: 100 84 Locomotor@LANDINGCRAFT: 85 Name: lcraft 86 Crushes: crate 87 TerrainSpeeds: 88 Water: 100 89 Beach: 70 90 Locomotor@IMMOBILE: 91 Name: immobile 92 TerrainSpeeds: 93 TerrainRenderer: 94 ShroudRenderer: 95 FogVariants: shroud 96 Index: 255, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 208, 224, 240, 20, 40, 56, 65, 97, 130, 148, 194, 24, 33, 66, 132, 28, 41, 67, 134, 1, 2, 4, 8, 3, 6, 12, 9, 7, 14, 13, 11, 5, 10, 15, 255 97 UseExtendedIndex: true 98 Faction@0: 99 Name: Allies 100 InternalName: allies 101 Side: Allies 102 Selectable: False 103 Faction@1: 104 Name: England 105 InternalName: england 106 Side: Allies 107 Description: England: Counterintelligence\nSpecial Unit: British Spy\nSpecial Unit: Mobile Gap Generator 108 Faction@2: 109 Name: France 110 InternalName: france 111 Side: Allies 112 Description: France: Deception\nSpecial Ability: Can build fake structures\nSpecial Unit: Phase Transport 113 Faction@3: 114 Name: Germany 115 InternalName: germany 116 Side: Allies 117 Description: Germany: Technology\nSpecial Ability: Advanced Chronoshift\nSpecial Unit: Chrono Tank 118 Faction@4: 119 Name: Soviet 120 InternalName: soviet 121 Side: Soviet 122 Selectable: False 123 Faction@5: 124 Name: Russia 125 InternalName: russia 126 Side: Soviet 127 Description: Russia: Tesla Weapons\nSpecial Unit: Tesla Tank\nSpecial Unit: Shock Trooper 128 Faction@6: 129 Name: Ukraine 130 InternalName: ukraine 131 Side: Soviet 132 Description: Ukraine: Demolitions\nSpecial Ability: Parabombs\nSpecial Unit: Demolition Truck 133 Faction@random: 134 Name: Any 135 InternalName: Random 136 RandomFactionMembers: RandomAllies, RandomSoviet 137 Side: Random 138 Description: Random Country\nA random country will be chosen when the game starts. 139 Faction@randomallies: 140 Name: Allies 141 InternalName: RandomAllies 142 RandomFactionMembers: england, france, germany 143 Side: Random 144 Description: Random Allied Country\nA random Allied country will be chosen when the game starts. 145 Faction@randomsoviet: 146 Name: Soviet 147 InternalName: RandomSoviet 148 RandomFactionMembers: russia, ukraine 149 Side: Random 150 Description: Random Soviet Country\nA random Soviet country will be chosen when the game starts. 151 ResourceType@ore: 152 Type: Ore 153 Name: Valuable Minerals 154 PipColor: Yellow 155 ResourceType: 1 156 TerrainType: Ore 157 Palette: player 158 Sequences: gold01,gold02,gold03,gold04 159 MaxDensity: 12 160 ValuePerUnit: 25 161 AllowedTerrainTypes: Clear,Road 162 AllowUnderActors: true 163 ResourceType@gem: 164 Type: Gems 165 Name: Valuable Minerals 166 PipColor: Red 167 ResourceType: 2 168 TerrainType: Gems 169 Palette: player 170 Sequences: gem01,gem02,gem03,gem04 171 MaxDensity: 3 172 ValuePerUnit: 50 173 AllowedTerrainTypes: Clear,Road 174 AllowUnderActors: true 175 176World: 177 Inherits: ^BaseWorld 178 ChatCommands: 179 DevCommands: 180 DebugVisualizationCommands: 181 PlayerCommands: 182 HelpCommand: 183 ScreenShaker: 184 BuildingInfluence: 185 ProductionQueueFromSelection: 186 ProductionPaletteWidget: PRODUCTION_PALETTE 187 LegacyBridgeLayer: 188 Bridges: bridge1, bridge2, bridge3, bridge4, br1, br2, br3, sbridge1, sbridge2, sbridge3, sbridge4 189 CustomTerrainDebugOverlay: 190 CrateSpawner: 191 DeliveryAircraft: badr 192 QuantizedFacings: 16 193 Minimum: 1 194 Maximum: 3 195 SpawnInterval: 3000 196 WaterChance: 20 197 InitialSpawnDelay: 1500 198 CheckboxDisplayOrder: 1 199 DomainIndex: 200 SmudgeLayer@SCORCH: 201 Type: Scorch 202 Sequence: scorches 203 SmokePercentage: 50 204 SmudgeLayer@CRATER: 205 Type: Crater 206 Sequence: craters 207 ResourceLayer: 208 ResourceRenderer: 209 RenderTypes: Ore, Gems 210 ResourceClaimLayer: 211 WarheadDebugOverlay: 212 SpawnMapActors: 213 MapBuildRadius: 214 AllyBuildRadiusCheckboxDisplayOrder: 4 215 BuildRadiusCheckboxDisplayOrder: 5 216 MapOptions: 217 ShortGameCheckboxDisplayOrder: 2 218 TechLevelDropdownDisplayOrder: 2 219 GameSpeedDropdownDisplayOrder: 3 220 CreateMPPlayers: 221 MPStartUnits@mcvonly: 222 Class: none 223 ClassName: MCV Only 224 Factions: allies, england, france, germany, soviet, russia, ukraine 225 BaseActor: mcv 226 MPStartUnits@lightallies: 227 Class: light 228 ClassName: Light Support 229 Factions: allies, england, france, germany 230 BaseActor: mcv 231 SupportActors: e1,e1,e1,e3,e3,jeep,1tnk 232 InnerSupportRadius: 3 233 OuterSupportRadius: 5 234 MPStartUnits@lightsoviet: 235 Class: light 236 ClassName: Light Support 237 Factions: soviet, russia, ukraine 238 BaseActor: mcv 239 SupportActors: e1,e1,e1,e3,e3,apc,ftrk 240 InnerSupportRadius: 3 241 OuterSupportRadius: 5 242 MPStartUnits@heavyallies: 243 Class: heavy 244 ClassName: Heavy Support 245 Factions: allies, england, france, germany 246 BaseActor: mcv 247 SupportActors: e1,e1,e1,e3,e3,jeep,1tnk,2tnk,2tnk,2tnk 248 InnerSupportRadius: 3 249 OuterSupportRadius: 5 250 MPStartUnits@heavysoviet: 251 Class: heavy 252 ClassName: Heavy Support 253 Factions: soviet, russia, ukraine 254 BaseActor: mcv 255 SupportActors: e1,e1,e1,e3,e3,apc,ftrk,3tnk,3tnk 256 InnerSupportRadius: 3 257 OuterSupportRadius: 5 258 MPStartLocations: 259 SeparateTeamSpawnsCheckboxDisplayOrder: 6 260 SpawnMPUnits: 261 DropdownDisplayOrder: 1 262 PathFinder: 263 ValidateOrder: 264 DebugPauseState: 265 RadarPings: 266 StartGameNotification: 267 ObjectivesPanel: 268 PanelName: SKIRMISH_STATS 269 LoadWidgetAtGameStart: 270 ScriptTriggers: 271 TimeLimitManager: 272 TimeLimitWarnings: 273 40: FourtyMinutesRemaining 274 30: ThirtyMinutesRemaining 275 20: TwentyMinutesRemaining 276 10: TenMinutesRemaining 277 5: WarningFiveMinutesRemaining 278 4: WarningFourMinutesRemaining 279 3: WarningThreeMinutesRemaining 280 2: WarningTwoMinutesRemaining 281 1: WarningOneMinuteRemaining 282 283EditorWorld: 284 Inherits: ^BaseWorld 285 EditorActorLayer: 286 EditorCursorLayer: 287 EditorResourceLayer: 288 EditorSelectionLayer: 289 LoadWidgetAtGameStart: 290 EditorActionManager: 291