1 /*
2  * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3  * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4  * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5  * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
6  */
8 /** @file script_vehicle.hpp Everything to query and build vehicles. */
13 #include "script_road.hpp"
15 /**
16  * Class that handles all vehicle related functions.
17  * @api ai game
18  */
19 class ScriptVehicle : public ScriptObject {
20 public:
21 	/**
22 	 * All vehicle related error messages.
23 	 */
24 	enum ErrorMessages {
25 		/** Base for vehicle related errors */
28 		/** Too many vehicles in the game, can't build any more. */
31 		/** Vehicle is not available */
34 		/** Vehicle can't be build due to game settigns */
37 		/** Vehicle can't be build in the selected depot */
40 		/** Vehicle can't return to the depot */
43 		/** Vehicle can't start / stop */
46 		/** Vehicle can't turn */
49 		/** Vehicle can't be refit */
52 		/** Vehicle is destroyed */
55 		/** Vehicle is not in a depot */
58 		/** Vehicle is flying */
61 		/** Vehicle is without power */
64 		/** Vehicle would get too long during construction. */
65 		ERR_VEHICLE_TOO_LONG,                   // [STR_ERROR_TRAIN_TOO_LONG]
66 	};
68 	/**
69 	 * The type of a vehicle available in the game. Trams for example are
70 	 *  road vehicles, as maglev is a rail vehicle.
71 	 */
72 	enum VehicleType {
73 		VT_RAIL,           ///< Rail type vehicle.
74 		VT_ROAD,           ///< Road type vehicle (bus / truck).
75 		VT_WATER,          ///< Water type vehicle.
76 		VT_AIR,            ///< Air type vehicle.
77 		VT_INVALID = 0xFF, ///< Invalid vehicle type.
78 	};
80 	/**
81 	 * The different states a vehicle can be in.
82 	 */
83 	enum VehicleState {
84 		VS_RUNNING,        ///< The vehicle is currently running.
85 		VS_STOPPED,        ///< The vehicle is stopped manually.
86 		VS_IN_DEPOT,       ///< The vehicle is stopped in the depot.
87 		VS_AT_STATION,     ///< The vehicle is stopped at a station and is currently loading or unloading.
88 		VS_BROKEN,         ///< The vehicle has broken down and will start running again in a while.
89 		VS_CRASHED,        ///< The vehicle is crashed (and will never run again).
91 		VS_INVALID = 0xFF, ///< An invalid vehicle state.
92 	};
94 	static const VehicleID VEHICLE_INVALID = 0xFFFFF; ///< Invalid VehicleID.
96 	/**
97 	 * Checks whether the given vehicle is valid and owned by you.
98 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to check.
99 	 * @return True if and only if the vehicle is valid.
100 	 */
101 	static bool IsValidVehicle(VehicleID vehicle_id);
103 	/**
104 	 * Get the number of wagons a vehicle has.
105 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the number of wagons from.
106 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
107 	 * @return The number of wagons the vehicle has.
108 	 */
109 	static int32 GetNumWagons(VehicleID vehicle_id);
111 	/**
112 	 * Set the name of a vehicle.
113 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to set the name for.
114 	 * @param name The name for the vehicle (can be either a raw string, or a ScriptText object).
115 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
116 	 * @pre name != nullptr && len(name) != 0.
117 	 * @game @pre Valid ScriptCompanyMode active in scope.
118 	 * @exception ScriptError::ERR_NAME_IS_NOT_UNIQUE
119 	 * @return True if and only if the name was changed.
120 	 */
121 	static bool SetName(VehicleID vehicle_id, Text *name);
123 	/**
124 	 * Get the name of a vehicle.
125 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the name of.
126 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
127 	 * @return The name the vehicle has.
128 	 */
129 	static char *GetName(VehicleID vehicle_id);
131 	/**
132 	 * Get the owner of a vehicle.
133 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the owner of.
134 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
135 	 * @return The owner the vehicle has.
136 	 * @api -ai
137 	 */
138 	static ScriptCompany::CompanyID GetOwner(VehicleID vehicle_id);
140 	/**
141 	 * Get the current location of a vehicle.
142 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the location of.
143 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
144 	 * @return The tile the vehicle is currently on.
145 	 */
146 	static TileIndex GetLocation(VehicleID vehicle_id);
148 	/**
149 	 * Get the engine-type of a vehicle.
150 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the engine-type of.
151 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
152 	 * @return The engine type the vehicle has.
153 	 */
154 	static EngineID GetEngineType(VehicleID vehicle_id);
156 	/**
157 	 * Get the engine-type of a wagon.
158 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the engine-type of.
159 	 * @param wagon The wagon in the vehicle to get the engine-type of.
160 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
161 	 * @pre wagon < GetNumWagons(vehicle_id).
162 	 * @return The engine type the vehicle has.
163 	 */
164 	static EngineID GetWagonEngineType(VehicleID vehicle_id, int wagon);
166 	/**
167 	 * Get the unitnumber of a vehicle.
168 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the unitnumber of.
169 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
170 	 * @return The unitnumber the vehicle has.
171 	 */
172 	static int32 GetUnitNumber(VehicleID vehicle_id);
174 	/**
175 	 * Get the current age of a vehicle.
176 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the age of.
177 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
178 	 * @return The current age the vehicle has.
179 	 * @note The age is in days.
180 	 */
181 	static int32 GetAge(VehicleID vehicle_id);
183 	/**
184 	 * Get the current age of a second (or third, etc.) engine in a train vehicle.
185 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the age of.
186 	 * @param wagon The wagon in the vehicle to get the age of.
187 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
188 	 * @pre wagon < GetNumWagons(vehicle_id).
189 	 * @return The current age the vehicle has.
190 	 * @note The age is in days.
191 	 */
192 	static int32 GetWagonAge(VehicleID vehicle_id, int wagon);
194 	/**
195 	 * Get the maximum age of a vehicle.
196 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the age of.
197 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
198 	 * @return The maximum age the vehicle has.
199 	 * @note The age is in days.
200 	 */
201 	static int32 GetMaxAge(VehicleID vehicle_id);
203 	/**
204 	 * Get the age a vehicle has left (maximum - current).
205 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the age of.
206 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
207 	 * @return The age the vehicle has left.
208 	 * @note The age is in days.
209 	 */
210 	static int32 GetAgeLeft(VehicleID vehicle_id);
212 	/**
213 	 * Get the current speed of a vehicle.
214 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the speed of.
215 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
216 	 * @return The current speed of the vehicle.
217 	 * @note The speed is in OpenTTD's internal speed unit.
218 	 *       This is mph / 1.6, which is roughly km/h.
219 	 *       To get km/h multiply this number by 1.00584.
220 	 */
221 	static int32 GetCurrentSpeed(VehicleID vehicle_id);
223 	/**
224 	 * Get the current state of a vehicle.
225 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the state of.
226 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
227 	 * @return The current state of the vehicle.
228 	 */
229 	static VehicleState GetState(VehicleID vehicle_id);
231 	/**
232 	 * Get the running cost of this vehicle.
233 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the running cost of.
234 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
235 	 * @return The running cost of the vehicle per year.
236 	 * @note Cost is per year; divide by 365 to get per day.
237 	 * @note This is not equal to ScriptEngine::GetRunningCost for Trains, because
238 	 *   wagons and second engines can add up in the calculation too.
239 	 */
240 	static Money GetRunningCost(VehicleID vehicle_id);
242 	/**
243 	 * Get the current profit of a vehicle.
244 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the profit of.
245 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
246 	 * @return The current profit the vehicle has.
247 	 */
248 	static Money GetProfitThisYear(VehicleID vehicle_id);
250 	/**
251 	 * Get the profit of last year of a vehicle.
252 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the profit of.
253 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
254 	 * @return The profit the vehicle had last year.
255 	 */
256 	static Money GetProfitLastYear(VehicleID vehicle_id);
259 	/**
260 	 * Get the current value of a vehicle.
261 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the value of.
262 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
263 	 * @return The value the vehicle currently has (the amount you should get
264 	 *  when you would sell the vehicle right now).
265 	 */
266 	static Money GetCurrentValue(VehicleID vehicle_id);
268 	/**
269 	 * Get the type of vehicle.
270 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the type of.
271 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
272 	 * @return The vehicle type.
273 	 */
274 	static ScriptVehicle::VehicleType GetVehicleType(VehicleID vehicle_id);
276 	/**
277 	 * Get the RoadType of the vehicle.
278 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the RoadType of.
279 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
280 	 * @pre GetVehicleType(vehicle_id) == VT_ROAD.
281 	 * @return The RoadType the vehicle has.
282 	 */
283 	static ScriptRoad::RoadType GetRoadType(VehicleID vehicle_id);
285 	/**
286 	 * Check if a vehicle is in a depot.
287 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to check.
288 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
289 	 * @return True if and only if the vehicle is in a depot.
290 	 */
291 	static bool IsInDepot(VehicleID vehicle_id);
293 	/**
294 	 * Check if a vehicle is in a depot and stopped.
295 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to check.
296 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
297 	 * @return True if and only if the vehicle is in a depot and stopped.
298 	 */
299 	static bool IsStoppedInDepot(VehicleID vehicle_id);
301 	/**
302 	 * Builds a vehicle with the given engine at the given depot.
303 	 * @param depot The depot where the vehicle will be build.
304 	 * @param engine_id The engine to use for this vehicle.
305 	 * @pre The tile at depot has a depot that can build the engine and
306 	 *   is owned by you.
307 	 * @pre ScriptEngine::IsBuildable(engine_id).
308 	 * @game @pre Valid ScriptCompanyMode active in scope.
309 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_TOO_MANY
310 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_BUILD_DISABLED
311 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_WRONG_DEPOT
312 	 * @return The VehicleID of the new vehicle, or an invalid VehicleID when
313 	 *   it failed. Check the return value using IsValidVehicle. In test-mode
314 	 *   0 is returned if it was successful; any other value indicates failure.
315 	 * @note Unlike the GUI, wagons are not automatically attached to trains,
316 	 *   only to existing free wagons. This means that BuildVehicle can sometimes
317 	 *   return an ID indicating success, but IsValidVehicle check will
318 	 *   fail. You should use MoveWagon to attach free wagons to trains.
319 	 * @note In Test Mode it means you can't assign orders yet to this vehicle,
320 	 *   as the vehicle isn't really built yet. Build it for real first before
321 	 *   assigning orders.
322 	 */
323 	static VehicleID BuildVehicle(TileIndex depot, EngineID engine_id);
325 	/**
326 	 * Builds a vehicle with the given engine at the given depot and refits it to the given cargo.
327 	 * @param depot The depot where the vehicle will be build.
328 	 * @param engine_id The engine to use for this vehicle.
329 	 * @param cargo The cargo to refit to.
330 	 * @pre The tile at depot has a depot that can build the engine and
331 	 *   is owned by you.
332 	 * @pre ScriptEngine::IsBuildable(engine_id).
333 	 * @pre ScriptCargo::IsValidCargo(cargo).
334 	 * @game @pre Valid ScriptCompanyMode active in scope.
335 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_TOO_MANY
336 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_BUILD_DISABLED
337 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_WRONG_DEPOT
338 	 * @return The VehicleID of the new vehicle, or an invalid VehicleID when
339 	 *   it failed. Check the return value using IsValidVehicle. In test-mode
340 	 *   0 is returned if it was successful; any other value indicates failure.
341 	 * @note In Test Mode it means you can't assign orders yet to this vehicle,
342 	 *   as the vehicle isn't really built yet. Build it for real first before
343 	 *   assigning orders.
344 	 */
345 	static VehicleID BuildVehicleWithRefit(TileIndex depot, EngineID engine_id, CargoID cargo);
347 	/**
348 	 * Gets the capacity of a vehicle built at the given depot with the given engine and refitted to the given cargo.
349 	 * @param depot The depot where the vehicle will be build.
350 	 * @param engine_id The engine to use for this vehicle.
351 	 * @param cargo The cargo to refit to.
352 	 * @pre The tile at depot has a depot that can build the engine and
353 	 *   is owned by you.
354 	 * @pre ScriptEngine::IsBuildable(engine_id).
355 	 * @pre ScriptCargo::IsValidCargo(cargo).
356 	 * @return The capacity the vehicle will have when refited.
357 	 */
358 	static int GetBuildWithRefitCapacity(TileIndex depot, EngineID engine_id, CargoID cargo);
360 	/**
361 	 * Clones a vehicle at the given depot, copying or cloning its orders.
362 	 * @param depot The depot where the vehicle will be build.
363 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to use as example for the new vehicle.
364 	 * @param share_orders Should the orders be copied or shared?
365 	 * @pre The tile 'depot' has a depot on it, allowing 'vehicle_id'-type vehicles.
366 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
367 	 * @game @pre Valid ScriptCompanyMode active in scope.
368 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_TOO_MANY
369 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_BUILD_DISABLED
370 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_WRONG_DEPOT
371 	 * @return The VehicleID of the new vehicle, or an invalid VehicleID when
372 	 *   it failed. Check the return value using IsValidVehicle. In test-mode
373 	 *   0 is returned if it was successful; any other value indicates failure.
374 	 */
375 	static VehicleID CloneVehicle(TileIndex depot, VehicleID vehicle_id, bool share_orders);
377 	/**
378 	 * Move a wagon after another wagon.
379 	 * @param source_vehicle_id The vehicle to move a wagon away from.
380 	 * @param source_wagon The wagon in source_vehicle to move.
381 	 * @param dest_vehicle_id The vehicle to move the wagon to, or -1 to create a new vehicle.
382 	 * @param dest_wagon The wagon in dest_vehicle to place source_wagon after.
383 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(source_vehicle_id).
384 	 * @pre source_wagon < GetNumWagons(source_vehicle_id).
385 	 * @pre dest_vehicle_id == -1 || (IsValidVehicle(dest_vehicle_id) && dest_wagon < GetNumWagons(dest_vehicle_id)).
386 	 * @pre GetVehicleType(source_vehicle_id) == VT_RAIL.
387 	 * @pre dest_vehicle_id == -1 || GetVehicleType(dest_vehicle_id) == VT_RAIL.
388 	 * @game @pre Valid ScriptCompanyMode active in scope.
389 	 * @return Whether or not moving the wagon succeeded.
390 	 */
391 	static bool MoveWagon(VehicleID source_vehicle_id, int source_wagon, int dest_vehicle_id, int dest_wagon);
393 	/**
394 	 * Move a chain of wagons after another wagon.
395 	 * @param source_vehicle_id The vehicle to move a wagon away from.
396 	 * @param source_wagon The first wagon in source_vehicle to move.
397 	 * @param dest_vehicle_id The vehicle to move the wagons to, or -1 to create a new vehicle.
398 	 * @param dest_wagon The wagon in dest_vehicle to place source_wagon and following wagons after.
399 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(source_vehicle_id).
400 	 * @pre source_wagon < GetNumWagons(source_vehicle_id).
401 	 * @pre dest_vehicle_id == -1 || (IsValidVehicle(dest_vehicle_id) && dest_wagon < GetNumWagons(dest_vehicle_id)).
402 	 * @pre GetVehicleType(source_vehicle_id) == VT_RAIL.
403 	 * @pre dest_vehicle_id == -1 || GetVehicleType(dest_vehicle_id) == VT_RAIL.
404 	 * @game @pre Valid ScriptCompanyMode active in scope.
405 	 * @return Whether or not moving the wagons succeeded.
406 	 */
407 	static bool MoveWagonChain(VehicleID source_vehicle_id, int source_wagon, int dest_vehicle_id, int dest_wagon);
409 	/**
410 	 * Gets the capacity of the given vehicle when refitted to the given cargo type.
411 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to refit.
412 	 * @param cargo The cargo to refit to.
413 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
414 	 * @pre ScriptCargo::IsValidCargo(cargo).
415 	 * @pre You must own the vehicle.
416 	 * @pre The vehicle must be stopped in the depot.
417 	 * @return The capacity the vehicle will have when refited.
418 	 */
419 	static int GetRefitCapacity(VehicleID vehicle_id, CargoID cargo);
421 	/**
422 	 * Refits a vehicle to the given cargo type.
423 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to refit.
424 	 * @param cargo The cargo to refit to.
425 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
426 	 * @pre ScriptCargo::IsValidCargo(cargo).
427 	 * @pre You must own the vehicle.
428 	 * @pre The vehicle must be stopped in the depot.
429 	 * @game @pre Valid ScriptCompanyMode active in scope.
430 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_CANNOT_REFIT
431 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_IS_DESTROYED
432 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_NOT_IN_DEPOT
433 	 * @return True if and only if the refit succeeded.
434 	 */
435 	static bool RefitVehicle(VehicleID vehicle_id, CargoID cargo);
437 	/**
438 	 * Sells the given vehicle.
439 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to sell.
440 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
441 	 * @pre You must own the vehicle.
442 	 * @pre The vehicle must be stopped in the depot.
443 	 * @game @pre Valid ScriptCompanyMode active in scope.
444 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_IS_DESTROYED
445 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_NOT_IN_DEPOT
446 	 * @return True if and only if the vehicle has been sold.
447 	 */
448 	static bool SellVehicle(VehicleID vehicle_id);
450 	/**
451 	 * Sells the given wagon from the vehicle.
452 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to sell a wagon from.
453 	 * @param wagon The wagon to sell.
454 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
455 	 * @pre wagon < GetNumWagons(vehicle_id).
456 	 * @pre You must own the vehicle.
457 	 * @pre The vehicle must be stopped in the depot.
458 	 * @game @pre Valid ScriptCompanyMode active in scope.
459 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_IS_DESTROYED
460 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_NOT_IN_DEPOT
461 	 * @return True if and only if the wagon has been sold.
462 	 */
463 	static bool SellWagon(VehicleID vehicle_id, int wagon);
465 	/**
466 	 * Sells all wagons from the vehicle starting from a given position.
467 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to sell a wagon from.
468 	 * @param wagon The wagon to sell.
469 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
470 	 * @pre wagon < GetNumWagons(vehicle_id).
471 	 * @pre You must own the vehicle.
472 	 * @pre The vehicle must be stopped in the depot.
473 	 * @game @pre Valid ScriptCompanyMode active in scope.
474 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_IS_DESTROYED
475 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_NOT_IN_DEPOT
476 	 * @return True if and only if the wagons have been sold.
477 	 */
478 	static bool SellWagonChain(VehicleID vehicle_id, int wagon);
480 	/**
481 	 * Sends the given vehicle to a depot. If the vehicle has already been
482 	 * sent to a depot it continues with its normal orders instead.
483 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to send to a depot.
484 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
485 	 * @game @pre Valid ScriptCompanyMode active in scope.
486 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_CANNOT_SEND_TO_DEPOT
487 	 * @return True if the current order was changed.
488 	 */
489 	static bool SendVehicleToDepot(VehicleID vehicle_id);
491 	/**
492 	 * Sends the given vehicle to a depot for servicing. If the vehicle has
493 	 * already been sent to a depot it continues with its normal orders instead.
494 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to send to a depot for servicing.
495 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
496 	 * @game @pre Valid ScriptCompanyMode active in scope.
497 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_CANNOT_SEND_TO_DEPOT
498 	 * @return True if the current order was changed.
499 	 */
500 	static bool SendVehicleToDepotForServicing(VehicleID vehicle_id);
502 	/**
503 	 * Starts or stops the given vehicle depending on the current state.
504 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to start/stop.
505 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
506 	 * @game @pre Valid ScriptCompanyMode active in scope.
507 	 * @exception ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_CANNOT_START_STOP
508 	 * @exception (For aircraft only): ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_IN_FLIGHT
509 	 * @exception (For trains only): ScriptVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_NO_POWER
510 	 * @return True if and only if the vehicle has been started or stopped.
511 	 */
512 	static bool StartStopVehicle(VehicleID vehicle_id);
514 	/**
515 	 * Turn the given vehicle so it'll drive the other way.
516 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to turn.
517 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
518 	 * @pre GetVehicleType(vehicle_id) == VT_ROAD || GetVehicleType(vehicle_id) == VT_RAIL.
519 	 * @game @pre Valid ScriptCompanyMode active in scope.
520 	 * @return True if and only if the vehicle has started to turn.
521 	 * @note Vehicles cannot always be reversed. For example busses and trucks need to be running
522 	 *  and not be inside a depot.
523 	 */
524 	static bool ReverseVehicle(VehicleID vehicle_id);
526 	/**
527 	 * Get the maximum amount of a specific cargo the given vehicle can transport.
528 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the capacity of.
529 	 * @param cargo The cargo to get the capacity for.
530 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
531 	 * @pre ScriptCargo::IsValidCargo(cargo).
532 	 * @return The maximum amount of the given cargo the vehicle can transport.
533 	 */
534 	static int32 GetCapacity(VehicleID vehicle_id, CargoID cargo);
536 	/**
537 	 * Get the length of a the total vehicle in 1/16's of a tile.
538 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the length of.
539 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
540 	 * @pre GetVehicleType(vehicle_id) == VT_ROAD || GetVehicleType(vehicle_id) == VT_RAIL.
541 	 * @return The length of the engine.
542 	 */
543 	static int GetLength(VehicleID vehicle_id);
545 	/**
546 	 * Get the amount of a specific cargo the given vehicle is transporting.
547 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the load amount of.
548 	 * @param cargo The cargo to get the loaded amount for.
549 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
550 	 * @pre ScriptCargo::IsValidCargo(cargo).
551 	 * @return The amount of the given cargo the vehicle is currently transporting.
552 	 */
553 	static int32 GetCargoLoad(VehicleID vehicle_id, CargoID cargo);
555 	/**
556 	 * Get the group of a given vehicle.
557 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the group from.
558 	 * @return The group of the given vehicle.
559 	 */
560 	static GroupID GetGroupID(VehicleID vehicle_id);
562 	/**
563 	 * Check if the vehicle is articulated.
564 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to check.
565 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
566 	 * @pre GetVehicleType(vehicle_id) == VT_ROAD || GetVehicleType(vehicle_id) == VT_RAIL.
567 	 * @return True if the vehicle is articulated.
568 	 */
569 	static bool IsArticulated(VehicleID vehicle_id);
571 	/**
572 	 * Check if the vehicle has shared orders.
573 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to check.
574 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
575 	 * @return True if the vehicle has shared orders.
576 	 */
577 	static bool HasSharedOrders(VehicleID vehicle_id);
579 	/**
580 	 * Get the current reliability of a vehicle.
581 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to check.
582 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
583 	 * @return The current reliability (0-100%).
584 	 */
585 	static int GetReliability(VehicleID vehicle_id);
587 	/**
588 	 * Get the maximum allowed distance between two orders for a vehicle.
589 	 * The distance returned is a vehicle-type specific distance independent from other
590 	 * map distances, you may use the result of this function to compare it
591 	 * with the result of ScriptOrder::GetOrderDistance.
592 	 * @param vehicle_id The vehicle to get the distance for.
593 	 * @pre IsValidVehicle(vehicle_id).
594 	 * @return The maximum distance between two orders for this vehicle
595 	 *         or 0 if the distance is unlimited.
596 	 * @note   The unit of the order distances is unspecified and should
597 	 *         not be compared with map distances
598 	 * @see ScriptOrder::GetOrderDistance
599 	 */
600 	static uint GetMaximumOrderDistance(VehicleID vehicle_id);
602 private:
603 	/**
604 	 * Internal function used by BuildVehicle(WithRefit).
605 	 */
606 	static VehicleID _BuildVehicleInternal(TileIndex depot, EngineID engine_id, CargoID cargo);
608 	/**
609 	 * Internal function used by SellWagon(Chain).
610 	 */
611 	static bool _SellWagonInternal(VehicleID vehicle_id, int wagon, bool sell_attached_wagons);
613 	/**
614 	 * Internal function used by MoveWagon(Chain).
615 	 */
616 	static bool _MoveWagonInternal(VehicleID source_vehicle_id, int source_wagon, bool move_attached_wagons, int dest_vehicle_id, int dest_wagon);
617 };
619 #endif /* SCRIPT_VEHICLE_HPP */