1;Rebindable key file.
2;Copy to ~/.oes/binds.cfg
4;Recognized binds:
5; 'mousex	Horizontal mouse motion (positive=right)
6; 'mousey	Vertical mouse motion (positive=down)
7; 'joyx		Horizontal joystick position (positive = right)
8; 'joyy		Vertical joystick position (positive = down)
9; 'joyz		Zoom joystick position (positive = zoom in)
10; 'fire		Fire weapon
11; 'zoom		Zoom mode (while pressed, up/down changes zoom level)
12; 'zoomin	Zoom in one step
13; 'zoomout	Zoom out one step
14; 'verbosity	Cycle through crosshair verbosity
15; 'screenshot	Take a screenshot
16; 'fullscreen	Toggle fullscreen
17; 'hide		Boss key (pauses, mutes, and minimizes window) (also Control-Z)
18; 'abandon	Abort gameplay (but not entire program)
19; 'pause	Pause game
20; 'grab		Toggle mouse grab (also Control-G)
23 (LCTRL 'fire)
24 (RCTRL 'fire)
25 (MOUSE1 'fire)
26 (MOUSE2 'zoom)
27 (MOUSE3 'zoom)
28 (MWHEELUP 'zoomout)
29 (MWHEELDOWN 'zoomin)
30 (p 'pause)
31 (v 'verbosity)
32 (s 'screenshot)
33 (z 'zoomout)
34 (x 'zoomin)
35 (c 'zoom)
36 (esc 'abandon)
37 (F12 'quit)
38 (F11 'fullscren)
39 (F10 'hide)
40 (F9 'grab)
41 (JOY1 'fire)
42 (JOY2 'zoom)
43 (JOY3 'zoomin)
44 (JOY4 'zoomout)
45; (axis<axisnum> <func> <scale>)
46 (AXIS1 'joyx 10)
47 (AXIS2 'joyy 10)
48 (AXIS3 'joyz)
49 )