1# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00
2SOURCELONG:Outcastia Campaign Book II	SOURCESHORT:OCS_II	SOURCEWEB:http://www.nitehawk-games.biz/products/ocs_b2.html	SOURCEDATE:09-2011
3# ORIGINAL ENTRY BY: Andrew Maitland
4# ORIGINAL ENTRY DATE: 2011-11-26
6###Block: Epic Feats
7# Feat Name					Type				Required Ability									Required Feat					Required Skill									Required Stat		Required Text							Description																					Source Page
8# Ability Name				Category of Ability	Type				Required Ability									Required Skill									Required Stat		Required Text							Description																					Source Page
9Craft Epic Psionic Arms and Armor	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Epic.Item Creation	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Craft Psionic Arms and Armor		PRESKILL:2,Knowledge (Psionics)=28,Psicraft=28																	DESC:The character can craft psionic arms and armor which exceed the normal limits for such items						SOURCEPAGE:p.165
10Craft Epic Psicrown			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Epic.Item Creation	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Craft Psicrown					PRESKILL:2,Knowledge (psionics)=35,Psicraft=35																	DESC:The character can craft psicrowns that exceed the normal limits for such items.								SOURCEPAGE:p.165
11Craft Epic Universal Item		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Epic.Item Creation	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Craft Universal Item				PRESKILL:2,Knowledge (Psionics)=26,Psicraft=26																	DESC:The character can craft universal items that exceed the normal limits for such items.							SOURCEPAGE:p.165
12Desert Rose					CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Epic														PRESKILL:2,Knowledge (Nature)=12,Survival=12																	DESC:You are at your best when environmental conditions are at their worst.										SOURCEPAGE:p.165
14#TODO: You receive a +2 competency bonus to Will saves. Even on a failed save, any mental effect such as suggestion and charm is reduced to ? normal duration. You also receive a +2 competency bonus to all Spot and Search checks, as well as initiative. Finally, you receive the following bonuses to Dra-Di Ki feats: Dra-Di Ki Agility-an additional +1 competency bonus on all Dexterity related checks; Dra-Di Ki Defense-the dodge bonus of the Defense ability increases to +4; Dra-Di Ki Power-unarmed strikes do an additional +2 damage; #Dra-Di Ki Speed-+10 to base speed, with an additional +2 on Jump checks made after a running start
15Dra-Di Ki Grandmaster			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Epic																													PRETEXT:All Dra-Di Ki feats, train with a grandmaster	DESC:Your long devotion to the art of Dra-Di Ki has honed your skills and raised your mind and spirit to an enlightened state.	SOURCEPAGE:p.165
16Epic Manifesting				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Epic														PRESKILL:2,Psicraft=24,Knowledge (Psionics)=24								PRETEXT:ability to manifest 9th-level powers.																								SOURCEPAGE:p.165
17Imprint Epic Stone			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Epic.Item Creation	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Imprint Stone					PRESKILL:2,Knowledge (psionics)=24,Psicraft=24																																							SOURCEPAGE:p.165
18King of Thieves				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Epic														PRESKILL:4,Bluff=18,Hide=18,Move Silently=18,Sleight of Hand=18	PRESTAT:2,DEX=18,CHA=14										DESC:Your long experience slinking around in dark alleys and back ways has sharpened your thievery skills to their maximum.		SOURCEPAGE:p.165
19Shrewd Merchant				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Epic																									PRESTAT:2,WIS=16,CHA=20										DESC:Commerce and finance are as natural to you as breathing, and money seems to gravitate towards you.					SOURCEPAGE:p.166
20Voice of the Dead				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Epic.Divine		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Turn Undead,Rebuke Undead												PRESTAT:1,CHA=20											DESC:You have a particularly strong command over legions of undead.											SOURCEPAGE:p.166