1# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00
2SOURCELONG:Blood and Secrets	SOURCESHORT:BnSec	SOURCEWEB:http://www.rpgobjects.com/index.php?page=pro&product_id=191	SOURCEDATE:2005-01
4#I put CHOOSE:NOCHOICE into the Enemy feat as it was missing a CHOOSE. This will show how many Enemy selections the character
5#has chosen. The user should list the actual enemies in the character notes - Frank Kliewe
7# Feat Name									Unique Key				Type					Required Feat													Required Skill				Required Stat		Required Text				Special ABility																						Define			Description																											Stackable?	Multiple?	Choose		Modify VAR				Source Page
8# Ability Name								Unique Key				Category of Ability	Type					Required Ability																			Required Skill				Required Stat		Required Text				Special ABility																						Define			Description																											Stackable?	Multiple?	Choose		Modify VAR				Source Page
9Cover Fire														CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General.Dedicated		PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Personal Firearms Proficiency,Teamwork																											SAB:You gain a +% increase in cover fire bonus|max(CoverFire,1.5*DEX)													DEFINE:CoverFire|0	DESC:You are highly skilled at providing cover fire.																											BONUS:VAR|CoverFire|3		SOURCEPAGE:p.9
10Enemy															CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																																				DESC:You have one allegiance or group that you detest.																			STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE						SOURCEPAGE:p.9
11Evasive Maneuvers								KEY:BNS_EVASIVE_MANEUVERS	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General.Fast.Daredevil	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Aircraft Operation														PRESKILL:1,Pilot=5																																									DESC:You are a master of aerial acrobatics which make any craft you pilot a hard target to latch onto in a dogfight.																					SOURCEPAGE:p.9
12Exotic Firearms Proficiency ~ Fixed Wing Vehicle Weapons						CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Aircraft Operation (Jet Fighters)																																																							DESC:You are proficient in Fixed-Wing mounted vehicle weapons. This feat replaces the more generic Exotic Firearms Proficiency- Cannon feat.																	SOURCEPAGE:p.9
13Exotic Firearms Proficiency ~ Helicopter Vehicle Weapons						CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Aircraft Operation (Helicopters)																																																								DESC:You are proficient in Helicopter mounted vehicle weapons. This feat replaces the more generic Exotic Firearms Proficiency- Cannon feat.																	SOURCEPAGE:p.9
14Exotic Firearms Proficiency ~ Mortar/Indirect Fire Weapons						CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																																				DESC:You understand the basics of indirect fire and can fire them without penalty.																											SOURCEPAGE:p.9
15Exotic Firearms Proficiency ~ Tank/APC Weapons								CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Surface Vehicle Operation (Tracked)											PRESKILL:1,Drive=5																																									DESC:You are proficient with large vehicle-mounted weapons found on tanks and APCs. This feat replaces the more generic Exotic Firearms Proficiency- Cannon feat.														SOURCEPAGE:p.10
16Fast Track														CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																																				DESC:You have gained the notice of your superiors and are marked for rapid promotion, either through demonstrating your ability to lead, or your ability to brown-nose.													SOURCEPAGE:p.10
17Fighter Escort								KEY:BNS_FIGHTER_ESCORT		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Teamwork																																																												DESC:You are able to provide support and protection to a large allied aircraft, usually a bomber or transport.																						SOURCEPAGE:p.10
18Formation Flying								KEY:BNS_FORMATION_FLYING	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General			PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Aircraft Operation,Teamwork																																																								DESC:You are skilled at flying in formation with other aircraft. This allows one pilot to provide cover for a friendly aircraft in combat.																	SOURCEPAGE:p.10
19Tactician														CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Teamwork																PRESKILL:1,Knowledge (Tactics)=5	PRESTAT:2,INT=13,CHA=13																																			DESC:The character is a skilled leader, with a strong grasp of tactics and an ability to make those around her better in combat.																			SOURCEPAGE:p.11
20Teamwork														CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General.Dedicated																																	PRETEXT:Allegiance (Specific Team)	SAB:Whenever you are working with someone with the Teamwork feat for the same group, you gain +% to attack and skill checks.|TeamworkBonus	DEFINE:TeamworkBonus|0	DESC:You have trained with a specific group and gain bonuses when working with members of that group.																			BONUS:VAR|TeamworkBonus|2	SOURCEPAGE:p.11
21Wingman									KEY:BNS_WINGMAN			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General			PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Aircraft Operation,Teamwork	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Formation Flying,BNS_FORMATION_FLYING																																													DESC:You are skilled at providing cover for teammates in aerial combat.																													SOURCEPAGE:p.11