1# CVS $Revision: 21399 $ $Author: evilmynex $ -- Fri Jun 17 21:51:56 2016 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00
2SOURCELONG:Advanced Player's Guide	SOURCESHORT:APG	SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/store/downloads/pathfinder/pathfinderRPG/v5748btpy8fo1	SOURCEDATE:2010-08
3# Original Entry by: Stefan Radermacher & Andrew Maitland
6# TO DO: Add correct bonuses
8###Block: Dwarf Racial Trait Abilities
9# Ability Name	Unique Key				Category of Ability		Type															Multiple Requirements																														Description																																																																																																												Caster level					Modify VAR						Spell Res.		Cost		Source Page		Aspects
10Ancient Enmity	KEY:Dwarf ~ Ancient Enmity	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialAttack.Extraordinary.DwarfRacialTrait.DwarfHatred			PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Dwarf ~ Ancient Enmity],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.DwarfHatred]												DESC:Dwarves have long been in conflict with elves, especially the hated drow. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the elf subtype.																																																																																															COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.11
11Craftsman		KEY:Dwarf ~ Craftsman		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.DwarfRacialTrait.DwarfGreed			PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Dwarf ~ Craftsman],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.DwarfGreed]													DESC:Dwarves are known for their superior craftsmanship when it comes to metal and stone works. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on all Craft or Profession checks that create objects from metal or stone.																																																																																									COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.11
12Deep Warrior	KEY:Dwarf ~ Deep Warrior	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.DwarfRacialTrait.DwarfDefensiveTraining	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Dwarf ~ Deep Warrior],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.DwarfDefensiveTraining],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,Dwarf_Trait_DefensiveTraining=True]	DESC:Dwarves with this racial trait grew up facing the abominations that live deep beneath the surface. They receive a +2 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the aberration type and a +2 racial bonus to their CMB on attempts made to grapple such creatures (or to continue a grapple).																																																																															COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.11
13Lorekeeper		KEY:Dwarf ~ Lorekeeper		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.DwarfRacialTrait.DwarfGreed			PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Dwarf ~ Lorekeeper],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.DwarfGreed]													DESC:Dwarves keep extensive records about their history and the world around them. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (history) skill checks that pertain to dwarves or their enemies. They can make such skill checks untrained.																																																																																			COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.11
14Magic Resistant	KEY:Dwarf ~ Magic Resistant	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.DwarfRacialTrait.DwarfHardy			PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Dwarf ~ Magic Resistant],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.DwarfHardy]												DESC:Some of the older dwarven clans are particularly resistant to magic. Dwarves with this racial trait gain spell resistance equal to 5 + their character level. This resistance can be lowered for 1 round as a standard action. Dwarves with this racial trait take a -2 penalty on all concentration checks made in relation to arcane spells.																																																																			SR:5+(TL-HD)	COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.11
15Relentless		KEY:Dwarf ~ Relentless		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialAttack.Extraordinary.DwarfRacialTrait.DwarfStability			PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Dwarf ~ Relentless],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.DwarfStability]												DESC:Dwarves are skilled at pushing their way through a battlefield, tossing aside lesser foes with ease. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 bonus on Combat Maneuver checks made to bull rush or overrun an opponent. This bonus only applies while both the dwarf and his opponent are standing on the ground.																																																																BONUS:VAR|CMB_BullRush,CMB_Overrun|2				COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.11
16Stonesinger		KEY:Dwarf ~ Stonesinger		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.DwarfRacialTrait.DwarfStonecunning		PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Dwarf ~ Stonesinger],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.DwarfStonecunning],[!PREFACT:1,ABILITIES,Dwarf_Trait_Stonecunning=True]		DESC:Some dwarves' affinity with the earth grants them greater powers. Dwarves with this racial trait are treated as 1 level higher when casting spells with the earth descriptor or using granted powers of the Earth domain, the bloodline powers of the earth elemental bloodline, and revelations of the oracle's stone mystery. This ability does not give the dwarf early access to level-based powers; it only affects powers the dwarf could use without this ability.																																BONUS:CASTERLEVEL|DESCRIPTOR.Earth|1											COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.11
17Stubborn		KEY:Dwarf ~ Stubborn		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.DwarfRacialTrait.DwarfHardy			PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Dwarf ~ Stubborn],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.DwarfHardy]													DESC:Dwarves are renowned for being stubborn. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on Will saves to resist spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment (charm) and enchantment (compulsion) schools. In addition, if they fail such a save, they receive another save 1 round later to prematurely end the effect (assuming it has a duration greater than 1 round). This second save is made at the same DC as the first. If the dwarf has a similar ability from another source (such as a rogue's slippery mind), he can only use one of these abilities per round, but can try one on the second round (if the first reroll ability fails).																		COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.11	ASPECT:SaveBonus|+2 racial bonus on Will saves vs. enchantment (charm) and enchantment (compulsion) spells and spell-like abilities
19###Block: Elf Racial Trait Abilities
20# Ability Name		Unique Key					Category of Ability		Type																Multiple Requirements																								Innate Spells									Description																																																																										Auto Weapon Prof					Bonus DC				Bonus to skill					Cost		Source Page		Aspects
21Desert Runner		KEY:Elf ~ Desert Runner			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.ElfRacialTrait.ElfMagic					PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Elf ~ Desert Runner],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.ElfMagic]																		DESC:Some elves thrive in the deepest deserts, forever roaming across burned and parched lands. Elves with this racial trait receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue, exhaustion, or ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, or hot or cold environments.																																										COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.13	ASPECT:SaveBonus|+4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue, exhaustion, or ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, or hot or cold environments
22Dreamspeaker		KEY:Elf ~ Dreamspeaker			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.ElfRacialTrait.ElfImmunities				PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Elf ~ Dreamspeaker],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.ElfImmunities]						SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Dream|PRESTAT:1,CHA=15		DESC:A few elves have the ability to tap into the power of sleep, dreams, and prescient reverie. Elves with this racial trait add +1 to saving throw DCs for spells of the divination school and sleep effects they cast. In addition, elves with a Charisma of 15 or higher may use dream once per day as a spell-like ability.																													BONUS:DC|SCHOOL.Divination|1								COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.13
23Eternal Grudge		KEY:Elf ~ Eternal Grudge		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialAttack.Extraordinary.ElfRacialTrait.ElfMagic					PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Elf ~ Eternal Grudge],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.ElfMagic]																		DESC:Elves with this racial trait grew up in secluded, isolationist communities where generations-old slights and quarrels linger as eternal blood feuds. They receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoids of the dwarf and orc subtypes due to special training against these hated foes.																																														COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.13
24Lightbringer		KEY:Elf ~ Lightbringer			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.ElfRacialTrait.ElfImmunities.ElfMagic		PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Elf ~ Lightbringer],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.ElfImmunities,TYPE.ElfMagic]				SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Light|PRESTAT:1,INT=10	DESC:Many elves revere the sun, moon, and stars, but some are literally infused with the radiant power of the heavens. Elves with this racial trait are immune to light-based blindness and dazzle effects, and are treated as one level higher when determining the effects of any light-based spell or effect they cast (including spell-like and supernatural abilities). Elves with Intelligence 10 or higher may use light at will as a spell-like ability.																				COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.13
25Silent Hunter		KEY:Elf ~ Silent Hunter			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.ElfRacialTrait.ElfMagic					PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Elf ~ Silent Hunter],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.ElfMagic]																		DESC:Elves are renowned for their subtlety and skill. Elves with this racial trait reduce the penalty for using Stealth while moving by 5 and can make Stealth checks while running at a -20 penalty (this number includes the penalty reduction from this racial trait).																																																		COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.13
26Spirit of the Waters	KEY:Elf ~ Spirit of the Waters	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.ElfRacialTrait.ElfMagic.ElfWeaponFamiliarity	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Elf ~ Spirit of the Waters],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.ElfMagic,TYPE.ElfWeaponFamiliarity]												DESC:Some elves have adapted to life in tune with the sea or along the reedy depths of wild rivers and lakes. They gain a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks, can always take 10 while swimming, and may choose Aquan as a bonus language. They are proficient with longspear, trident, and net.																												AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Longspear|Net|Trident						BONUS:SKILL|Swim|4|TYPE=Racial		COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.13
27Woodcraft			KEY:Elf ~ Woodcraft			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.Extraordinary.ElfRacialTrait.ElfMagic					PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Elf ~ Woodcraft],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.ElfMagic]																		DESC:Elves know the deep secrets of the wild like no others, especially those of the forests. Elves with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks. In forest terrain, these bonuses improve to +2.																																																	BONUS:SKILL|Knowledge (Nature),Survival|1	COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.13
29###Block: Gnome Racial Trait abilities	POOL:5
30# Ability Name			Unique Key					Category of Ability		Type															Multiple Requirements																								Define					Innate Spells																		Description																																																																																																																																				Stackable?	Multiple?	Choose				Selections	Auto Language	Bonus Ability Pool								Caster level				Bonus to skill			Modify VAR											Cost		Source Page		Aspects
31Academician				KEY:Gnome ~ Academician			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.GnomeRacialTrait.GnomeObsessive					PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Gnome ~ Academician],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.GnomeObsessive]																																DESC:Some gnomes are more academically inclined than their kin. Gnomes with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on any one Knowledge skill. This racial trait replaces the obsessive racial trait.																																																																																																																			BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Gnome Racial Knowledge|1																											COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.15
32Eternal Hope			KEY:Gnome ~ Eternal Hope		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.GnomeRacialTrait.GnomeDefensiveTraining.GnomeHatred	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Gnome ~ Eternal Hope],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.GnomeDefensiveTraining,TYPE.GnomeHatred]																											DESC:Gnomes rarely lose hope and are always confident that even hopeless situations will work out. Gnomes with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear and despair effects. Once per day, after rolling a 1 on a d20, the gnome may reroll and use the second result. This racial trait replaces the defensive training and hatred racial traits.																																																																																																																								COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.15	ASPECT:SaveBonus|+2 racial bonus against fear and despair effects
33Gift of Tongues			KEY:Gnome ~ Gift of Tongues		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.GnomeRacialTrait.GnomeDefensiveTraining.GnomeHatred	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Gnome ~ Gift of Tongues],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.GnomeDefensiveTraining,TYPE.GnomeHatred]	DEFINE:LinguisticsLanguageCount|0																					DESC:Gnomes love languages and learning about those they meet. Gnomes with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks, and they learn one additional language every time they put a rank in the Linguistics skill. This racial trait replaces the defensive training and hatred racial traits.																																																																																																BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Additional Language|LinguisticsLanguageCount							BONUS:SKILL|Bluff,Diplomacy|1	BONUS:VAR|LinguisticsLanguageCount|skillinfo("TOTALRANK","Linguistics")	COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.15
34Magical Linguist			KEY:Gnome ~ Magical Linguist		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.GnomeRacialTrait.GnomeMagic.GnomeIllusionResistance	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Gnome ~ Magical Linguist],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.GnomeMagic,TYPE.GnomeIllusionResistance]							SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Arcane Mark|Comprehend Languages|Message|Read Magic|PRESTAT:1,CHA=11			DESC:Gnomes study languages in both their mundane and supernatural manifestations. Gnomes with this racial trait add +1 to the DC of spells they cast with the language-dependent descriptor or those that create glyphs, symbols, or other magical writings. They gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against such spells. Gnomes with a Charisma of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day - arcane mark, comprehend languages, message, read magic. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level. This racial trait replaces the gnome magic and illusion resistance racial traits.																																																																															COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.15	ASPECT:SaveBonus|+2 racial bonus vs. spells with the language-dependent descriptor or those that create glyphs, symbols, or other magical writings.
35Master Tinker			KEY:Gnome ~ Master Tinker		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.GnomeRacialTrait.GnomeDefensiveTraining.GnomeHatred	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Gnome ~ Master Tinker],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.GnomeDefensiveTraining,TYPE.GnomeHatred]																											DESC:Gnomes experiment with all manner of mechanical devices. Gnomes with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks. They are treated as proficient with any weapon they have personally crafted. This racial trait replaces the defensive training and hatred racial traits.																																																																																																																																	COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.15
36Pyromaniac				KEY:Gnome ~ Pyromaniac			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.GnomeRacialTrait.GnomeMagic.GnomeIllusionResistance	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Gnome ~ Pyromaniac],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.GnomeMagic,TYPE.GnomeIllusionResistance]								SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=1|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Dancing Lights|Flare,10+CHA|Prestidigitation|Produce Flame,11+CHA|PRESTAT:1,CHA=11	DESC:Gnomes with this racial trait are treated as one level higher when casting spells with the fire descriptor, using granted powers of the Fire domain, using the bloodline powers of the fire elemental bloodline or the revelations of the oracle's flame mystery, and when determining the damage of alchemist bombs that deal fire damage (this ability does not give gnomes early access to level-based powers, only affecting the powers they could use without this ability). Gnomes with Charisma of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day - dancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce flame. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level; the DCs are Charisma-based. This racial trait replaces the gnome magic and illusion resistance racial traits.																										BONUS:CASTERLEVEL|DESCRIPTOR.Fire|1																		COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.15
37Warden of Nature			KEY:Gnome ~ Warden of Nature		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.GnomeRacialTrait.GnomeDefensiveTraining.GnomeHatred	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Gnome ~ Warden of Nature],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.GnomeDefensiveTraining,TYPE.GnomeHatred]																											DESC:Gnomes must often protect their homes against unnatural or pestilential infestations. Gnomes with this racial trait get a +2 dodge bonus to AC against aberrations, oozes, and vermin, and a +1 bonus on attack rolls against them because of their special training. This racial trait replaces the defensive training and hatred racial traits.																																																																																																																												COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.15
39Gnome Knowledge Selection	KEY:Gnome Knowledge Selection		CATEGORY:Special Ability																																																																																																																																																																																																										STACK:NO	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:SKILL|TYPE=Knowledge	SELECT:1																					BONUS:SKILL|LIST|2
41Additional Language		KEY:Additional Language Selection	CATEGORY:Internal																																																																							DESC:Gain additional languages.																																																																																																																																		MULT:YES	CHOOSE:LANG|!PC,QUALIFIED			AUTO:LANG|%LIST
44###Block: Half-Elf Racial Trait Abilities
45# Ability Name	Unique Key					Category of Ability		Type																Multiple Requirements																									Define						Description																																																																						Template				Bonus Ability Pool				Save bonus		Bonus to skill						Modify VAR																Cost		Source Page
46Ancestral Arms	KEY:Half-Elf ~ Ancestral Arms		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfElfRacialTrait.HalfElfAdaptability					PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Elf ~ Ancestral Arms],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfElfAdaptability]					DEFINE:BypassExoticWeaponBABRequirement|0	DESC:Some half-elves receive training in an unusual weapon. Half-elves with this racial trait receive Exotic Weapon Proficiency or Martial Weapon Proficiency with one weapon as a bonus feat at 1st level. This racial trait replaces the adaptability racial trait.																																	BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Half-Elf Bonus Weapon|1												BONUS:VAR|BypassExoticWeaponBABRequirement|1|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Exotic Weapon Proficiency	COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.17
47Arcane Training	KEY:Half-Elf ~ Arcane Training	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfElfRacialTrait.HalfElfMultitalented				PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Elf ~ Arcane Training],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfElfMultitalented]												DESC:Half-elves occasionally seek tutoring to help them master the magic in their blood. Half-elves with this racial trait have only one favored class and it must be an arcane spellcasting class. They can use spell trigger and spell completion items for their favored class as if 1 level higher (or as a 1st-level character if they have no levels in that class). This racial trait replaces the multitalented racial trait.																																									COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.17
48# TODO: Code work? Not sure how we can limit the selection without reworking the core completely
49Dual Minded		KEY:Half-Elf ~ Dual Minded		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfElfRacialTrait.HalfElfAdaptability					PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Elf ~ Dual Minded],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfElfAdaptability]												DESC:The mixed ancestry of some half-elves makes them resistant to mental attacks. Half-elves with this racial trait get a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws. This racial trait replaces the adaptability racial trait.																																															BONUS:SAVE|Will|2																										COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.17
50Integrated		KEY:Half-Elf ~ Integrated		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfElfRacialTrait.HalfElfAdaptability					PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Elf ~ Integrated],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfElfAdaptability]													DESC:Many half-elves are skilled in the art of ingratiating themselves into a community as if they were natives. Half-elves with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Bluff, Disguise, and Knowledge (local) checks. This racial trait replaces the adaptability racial trait.																																									BONUS:SKILL|Bluff,Disguise,Knowledge (Local)|1																		COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.17
51Sociable		KEY:Half-Elf ~ Sociable			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfElfRacialTrait.HalfElfAdaptability					PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Elf ~ Sociable],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfElfAdaptability]													DESC:Half-elves are skilled at charming others and recovering from faux pas. If halfelves with this racial trait attempt to change a creature's attitude with a Diplomacy check and fail by 5 or more, they can try to influence the creature a second time even if 24 hours have not passed. This racial trait replaces the adaptability racial trait.																																																						COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.17
52Water Child		KEY:Half-Elf ~ Water Child		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfElfRacialTrait.HalfElfAdaptability.HalfElfMultitalented	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Elf ~ Water Child],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfElfAdaptability,TYPE.HalfElfMultitalented]								DESC:Some half-elves are born of elves adapted to life on or near the water. These half-elves gain a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks, can always take 10 while swimming, and may choose Aquan as a bonus language. This racial trait replaces the half-elf's adaptability and multitalented racial traits.																						TEMPLATE:Aquan Bonus Language											BONUS:SKILL|Swim|4|TYPE=Racial																				COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.17
54###Block: Half-Orc Racial Trait Abilities
55# Ability Name	Unique Key				Category of Ability		Type															Multiple Requirements																									Description																																																																							Auto Weapon Prof				Save bonus							Bonus to Situation																		Bonus to skill					Modify VAR			Change Weapon Prof. Category				Cost		Source Page		Natural Attacks
56Beastmaster		KEY:Half-Orc ~ Beastmaster	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfOrcRacialTrait.HalfOrcFerocity				PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Orc ~ Beastmaster],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfOrcFerocity]						DESC:Some half-orcs have a spiritual kinship with fantastical beasts, capturing them for sport or living and hunting with them. A half-orc with this trait treats whip and net as martial weapons and gains a +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks. This racial trait replaces the orc ferocity racial trait.																																																										BONUS:SKILL|Handle Animal|2							CHANGEPROF:Net,Whip=Martial				COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.19
57Bestial		KEY:Half-Orc ~ Bestial		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfOrcRacialTrait.HalfOrcFerocity				PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Orc ~ Bestial],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfOrcFerocity]							DESC:The orc blood of some half-orcs manifests in the form of particularly prominent orc features, exacerbating their bestial appearances but improving their already keen senses. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks. This racial trait replaces the orc ferocity racial trait.																																																												BONUS:SKILL|Perception|2|TYPE=Racial													COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.19
58Cavewight		KEY:Half-Orc ~ Cavewight	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfOrcRacialTrait.HalfOrcIntimidating				PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Orc ~ Cavewight],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfOrcIntimidating]						DESC:Some half-orcs live far from the surface, seeking solace in winding cave complexes. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Survival checks made underground. This racial trait replaces the intimidating racial trait.																																																																																			COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.19
59Chain Fighter	KEY:Half-Orc ~ Chain Fighter	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfOrcRacialTrait.HalfOrcWeaponFamiliarity			PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Orc ~ Chain Fighter],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfOrcWeaponFamiliarity]				DESC:Some half-orcs have escaped from slavery and reforged the chains of their imprisonment into deadly weapons. Half-orcs with this racial trait are proficient with flails and heavy flails, and treat dire flails and spiked chains as martial weapons. This trait replaces the weapon familiarity racial trait.																					AUTO:WEAPONPROF|Flail|Flail (Heavy)																																									CHANGEPROF:Chain (Spiked),Flail (Dire)=Martial	COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.19
60Gatecrasher		KEY:Half-Orc ~ Gatecrasher	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfOrcRacialTrait.HalfOrcFerocity				PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Orc ~ Gatecrasher],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfOrcFerocity]						DESC:Many half-orcs revel in acts of wanton destruction. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on Strength checks to break objects and a +2 bonus on sunder attempts. This racial trait replaces the orc ferocity racial trait.																																																																											BONUS:VAR|CMB_Sunder|2									COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.19
61Plagueborn		KEY:Half-Orc ~ Plagueborn	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfOrcRacialTrait.HalfOrcIntimidating.HalfOrcFerocity	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Orc ~ Plagueborn],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfOrcIntimidating,TYPE.HalfOrcWeaponFamiliarity]	DESC:Half-orcs are sometimes forced to live on the rancid and unsanitary margins of society, becoming inured to all manner of sickness. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, ingested poisons, and becoming nauseated or sickened. This racial trait replaces the intimidating and orc ferocity racial traits.																																																																			COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.19
62Rock Climber	KEY:Half-Orc ~ Rock Climber	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfOrcRacialTrait.HalfOrcIntimidating				PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Orc ~ Rock Climber],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfOrcIntimidating]					DESC:Half-orcs from mountainous regions are excellent climbers, and sometimes ambush prey by leaping down from above. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks. This racial trait replaces the intimidating trait.																																																																		BONUS:SKILL|Acrobatics,Climb|1														COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.19
63Sacred Tattoo	KEY:Half-Orc ~ Sacred Tattoo	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfOrcRacialTrait.HalfOrcFerocity				PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Orc ~ Sacred Tattoo],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfOrcFerocity]						DESC:Tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarification are sacred markings to many half-orcs. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. This racial trait replaces the orc ferocity racial trait.																																									BONUS:SAVE|ALL|1+Global_LuckBonus|TYPE=Luck																																									COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.19
64Scavenger		KEY:Half-Orc ~ Scavenger	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfOrcRacialTrait.HalfOrcIntimidating				PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Orc ~ Scavenger],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfOrcIntimidating]						DESC:Some half-orcs eke out a leaving picking over the garbage heaps of society, and must learn to separate rare finds from the inevitable dross. Half-orcs with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks and on Perception checks to find hidden objects (including traps and secret doors), determine if food is spoiled, or identify a potion by taste. This racial trait replaces the intimidating racial trait.															BONUS:SITUATION|Perception=Notice Hidden Object,Perception=Determine Food Spoiled,Perception=Identify Potion|2|TYPE=Racial	BONUS:SKILL|Appraise|2|TYPE=Racial														COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.19
65Toothy		KEY:Half-Orc ~ Toothy		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalfOrcRacialTrait.HalfOrcFerocity				PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Half-Orc ~ Toothy],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalfOrcFerocity]							DESC:Some half-orcs' vestigial tusks are massive and sharp, granting a bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of piercing damage. This racial trait replaces the orc ferocity racial trait.																																																																																										COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.19	NATURALATTACKS:Bite,Natural.Weapon.Melee.Finesseable.Piercing,*1,1d4
67#Half-Orc ~
68###Block: Halfling Racial Trait Abilities
69# Ability Name	Unique Key					Category of Ability		Type															Multiple Requirements																								Description																																																																																	Multiple?	Choose								Combat bonus			Bonus to skill						Cost		Source Page
70Craven		KEY:Halfling ~ Craven			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalflingRacialTrait.HalflingFearless.HalflingLuck		PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Halfling ~ Craven],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalflingFearless,TYPE.HalflingLuck]			DESC:While most halflings are fearless, some are skittish, making them particularly alert. Halflings with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks and a +1 bonus on attack rolls when flanking. They suffer a -2 penalty on fear saves and gain no benefit from morale bonuses on fear saves. When affected by a fear effect, their base speed increases by 10 feet and they gain a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class. This racial trait replaces the fearless and halfling luck racial traits.												BONUS:COMBAT|INITIATIVE|1									COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.21
71Low Blow		KEY:Halfling ~ Low Blow			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalflingRacialTrait.HalflingKeenSenses				PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Halfling ~ Low Blow],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalflingKeenSenses]					DESC:Some halflings train extensively in how to attack larger creatures. Halflings with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on critical confirmation rolls against opponents larger than themselves. This racial trait replaces the keen senses racial trait.																																																																	COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.21
72Outrider		KEY:Halfling ~ Outrider			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalflingRacialTrait.HalflingSureFooted				PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Halfling ~ Outrider],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalflingSureFooted]					DESC:Some halflings specialize in mounted combat. Halflings with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks. This racial trait replaces the sure-footed racial trait.																																																																			BONUS:SKILL|Handle Animal,Ride|2			COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.21
73Practicality	KEY:Halfling ~ Practicality		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalflingRacialTrait.HalflingSureFooted.HalflingFearless	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Halfling ~ Practicality],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalflingSureFooted,TYPE.HalflingFearless]	DESC:Halflings are grounded in hard work and common sense. Halflings with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on any one Craft or Profession skill, as well as on Sense Motive checks and saves against illusions. This racial trait replaces the fearless and sure-footed racial traits.																																				MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=1|SKILL|TYPE=Craft|TYPE=Profession						BONUS:SKILL|%LIST,Sense Motive|2			COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.21
74Swift as Shadows	KEY:Halfling ~ Swift as Shadows	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalflingRacialTrait.HalflingSureFooted				PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Halfling ~ Swift as Shadows],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalflingSureFooted]				DESC:Halflings possess incredible stealth even while moving through obstructed areas. Halflings with this racial trait reduce the penalty for using Stealth while moving by 5, and reduce the Stealth check penalty for sniping by 10. This racial trait replaces the surefooted racial trait.																																																											COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.21
75Underfoot		KEY:Halfling ~ Underfoot		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalflingRacialTrait.HalflingLuck					PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Halfling ~ Underfoot],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalflingLuck]						DESC:Halflings must train hard to effectively fight bigger opponents. Halflings with this racial trait gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC against foes larger than themselves and a +1 bonus on Reflex saving throws to avoid trample attacks. This racial trait replaces the halfling luck racial trait.																																																										COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.21
76Wanderlust		KEY:Halfling ~ Wanderlust		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalflingRacialTrait.HalflingFearless.HalflingLuck		PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Halfling ~ Wanderlust],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalflingFearless,TYPE.HalflingLuck]		DESC:Halflings love travel and maps. Halflings with this racial trait receive a +2 bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Survival checks. When casting spells or using abilities that provide or enhance movement, halflings treat their caster level as +1 higher than normal. This racial trait replaces the fearless and halfling luck racial traits.																																										BONUS:SKILL|Knowledge (Geography),Survival|2	COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.21
77Warslinger		KEY:Halfling ~ Warslinger		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HalflingRacialTrait.HalflingSureFooted				PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Halfling ~ Warslinger],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HalflingSureFooted]					DESC:Halflings are experts at the use of the sling. Halflings with this racial trait can reload a sling as a free action. Reloading a sling still requires two hands and provokes attacks of opportunity. This racial trait replaces the sure-footed racial trait.																																																															COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.21
79###Block: Human Racial Trait Abilities
80# Ability Name		Unique Key					Category of Ability		Type											Multiple Requirements																					Description																																																																				Multiple?	Choose								Bonus to skill			Cost		Source Page
81Eye for Talent		KEY:Human ~ Eye for Talent		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HumanRacialTrait.HumanBonusFeat	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Human ~ Eye for Talent],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HumanBonusFeat]		DESC:Humans have great intuition for hidden potential. They gain a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks. In addition, when they acquire an animal companion, bonded mount, cohort, or familiar, that creature gains a +2 bonus to one ability score of the character's choice. This racial trait replaces the bonus feat racial trait.																											BONUS:SKILL|Sense Motive|2	COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.23
82Heart of the Fields	KEY:Human ~ Heart of the Fields	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HumanRacialTrait.HumanSkilled	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Human ~ Heart of the Fields],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HumanSkilled]		DESC:Humans born in rural areas are used to hard labor. They gain a bonus equal to half their character level to any one Craft or Profession skill, and once per day they may ignore an effect that would cause them to become fatigued or exhausted. This racial trait replaces the skilled racial trait.																				MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=1|SKILL|TYPE=Craft|TYPE=Profession	BONUS:SKILL|%LIST|TL/2		COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.23
83Heart of the Streets	KEY:Human ~ Heart of the Streets	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HumanRacialTrait.HumanSkilled	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Human ~ Heart of the Streets],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HumanSkilled]		DESC:Humans from bustling cities are skilled with crowds. They gain a +1 bonus on Reflex saves and a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class when adjacent to at least two other allies. Crowds do not count as difficult terrain for them. This racial trait replaces the skilled racial trait.																																							COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.23
84Heart of the Wilderness	KEY:Human ~ Heart of the Wilderness	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:RacialTraits.SpecialQuality.HumanRacialTrait.HumanSkilled	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Human ~ Heart of the Wilderness],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.HumanSkilled]	DESC:Humans raised in the wild learn the hard way that only the strong survive. They gain a bonus equal to half their character level on Survival checks. They also gain a +5 bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize when dying and add half their character level to their Constitution score when determining the negative hit point total necessary to kill them. This racial trait replaces the skilled racial trait.												BONUS:SKILL|Survival|TL/2	COST:0	SOURCEPAGE:p.23
86###Block: Favored Classes
87# Ability Name	Category of Ability		Type			Visible		Stackable?	Multiple?	Bonus Ability Pool
88Alchemist		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:FavoredClass	VISIBLE:DISPLAY	STACK:NO	MULT:NO	BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Favored Class Bonus|var("CL=Alchemist")
89Cavalier		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:FavoredClass	VISIBLE:DISPLAY	STACK:NO	MULT:NO	BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Favored Class Bonus|var("CL=Cavalier")
90Inquisitor		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:FavoredClass	VISIBLE:DISPLAY	STACK:NO	MULT:NO	BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Favored Class Bonus|var("CL=Inquisitor")
91Oracle		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:FavoredClass	VISIBLE:DISPLAY	STACK:NO	MULT:NO	BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Favored Class Bonus|var("CL=Oracle")
92Summoner		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:FavoredClass	VISIBLE:DISPLAY	STACK:NO	MULT:NO	BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Favored Class Bonus|var("CL=Summoner")
93Witch			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:FavoredClass	VISIBLE:DISPLAY	STACK:NO	MULT:NO	BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Favored Class Bonus|var("CL=Witch")
96###Block: Favored Class Bonus Abilities
98# Gnome Ranger
99# Ability Name						Unique Key										Category of Ability		Type													Visible		Required Ability							Required Class			Multiple Prohibitions						Required Race									Define																																Description																																																													Stackable?	Multiple?	Choose		Ability										Bonus Ability Pool						Modify VAR
100Bonus Animal Companion Damage Resistance		KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Animal Companion Damage Resistance	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassRanger				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Ranger		PRECLASS:1,Ranger=1											PRERACE:1,Gnome%,RACESUBTYPE=Gnome						DEFINE:AnimalCompDR|0																														DESC:Add DR 1/magic to the ranger's animal companion. Each time the ranger selects this benefit, the DR/magic increases by +1/2 (maximum DR 10/magic). If the gnome ever replaces his animal companion, the new companion gains this DR.																								STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																					BONUS:VAR|AnimalCompDR|1
101# Half-Orc Ranger, Human Ranger
102Bonus Animal Companion Hit Point			KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Animal Companion Hit Point			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassRanger				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Ranger		PRECLASS:1,Ranger=1											PRERACE:1,Half-Orc%,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human				DEFINE:AnimalCompHP|0																														DESC:Add +1 hit point to your animal companion. If you ever replace your animal companion, the new animal companion gains these bonus hit points.																																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																					BONUS:VAR|AnimalCompHP|1
103# Half-Elf Druid, Half-Elf Ranger, Human Ranger
104Bonus Animal Companion Skill Rank			KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Animal Companion Skill Rank			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassDruid				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Druid,Ranger	PRECLASS:1,Druid=1,Ranger=1	!PREMULT:2,[PRECLASS:1,Druid=1],[PRERACE:1,Human%]	PRERACE:1,Half-Elf%,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human																																					DESC:Add +1 skill rank to your animal companion. If you ever replace your companion, the new companion gains these bonus skill ranks.																																								STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																					BONUS:VAR|AnimalCompSP|1
105# Elf Wizard, Gnome Wizard
106Bonus Arcane School Power Use				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Arcane School Power Use			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassWizard				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Wizard		PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1											PRERACE:1,Elf%,RACESUBTYPE=Elf,Gnome%,RACESUBTYPE=Gnome																																			DESC:Select one arcane school power at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the wizard's Intelligence modifier. The wizard adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that arcane school power.																									STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
107# Human Cavalier
108Bonus Banner Ability					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Banner Ability					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassCavalier				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Cavalier		PRECLASS:1,TYPE.Cavalier=1										PRERACE:1,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human																																							DESC:Add +1/4 to the cavalier's banner bonus.																																																							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																					BONUS:VAR|BonusBannerCount|1
109# Human Bard
110Bonus Bard Spell						KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Bard Spell					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassBard				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bard		PRECLASS:1,Bard=1												PRERACE:1,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human																																							DESC:Add one spell known from the bard spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the bard can cast.																																								STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE												BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Bard Favored Bonus Spell|1
111# Gnome Bard, Half-Elf Bard
112Bonus Bardic Performance Round			KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Bardic Performance Round			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassBard				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bard		PRECLASS:1,Bard=1												PRERACE:1,Gnome%,RACESUBTYPE=Gnome,Half-Elf%																																					DESC:Add 1 to the bard's total number of bardic performance rounds per day.																																																		STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
113# Elf Sorcerer
114Bonus Bloodline Power Use				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Bloodline Power Use				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassSorcerer				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Sorcerer		PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1											PRERACE:1,Elf%,RACESUBTYPE=Elf																																							DESC:Select one bloodline power at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the sorcerer's Charisma modifier. The sorcerer adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that bloodline power.																										STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
115# Half-Orc Alchemist
116Bonus Bomb Damage						KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Bomb Damage					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassAlchemist				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Alchemist		PRECLASS:1,Alchemist=1											PRERACE:1,Half-Orc%								DEFINE:BonusBombDamageCount|0																													DESC:Add +1/2 to bomb damage.																																																										STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Bonus Bomb Damage Tracker												BONUS:VAR|BonusBombDamageCount|1
117# Gnome Alchemist
118Bonus Bombs							KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Bombs						CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassAlchemist				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Alchemist		PRECLASS:1,Alchemist=1											PRERACE:1,Gnome%,RACESUBTYPE=Gnome						DEFINE:BonusBombCount|0																														DESC:Add +1/2 to the number of bombs per day the alchemist can create.																																																			STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Bonus Bomb Tracker													BONUS:VAR|BonusBombCount|1
119# Dwarf Cleric, Halfling Cleric
120Bonus Cleric Domain Power Use				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Cleric Domain Power Use			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassCleric				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Cleric		PRECLASS:1,Cleric=1											PRERACE:1,Dwarf%,RACESUBTYPE=Dwarf,Halfling%,RACESUBTYPE=Halfling																																		DESC:Select one domain power granted at 1st level that is normally usable for a number of times per day equal to 3 + the cleric's Wisdom modifier. The cleric adds 1/2 to the number of uses per day of that domain power.																										STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Favored Bonus Count Tracker
121# Human Fighter
122Bonus CMD							KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ CMD							CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassFighter				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Fighter		PRECLASS:1,Fighter=1											PRERACE:1,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human						DEFINE:BonusCMDCount|0																														DESC:Add +1 to the fighter's CMD when resisting two combat maneuvers of the character's choice.																																															STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE												BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Bonus CMD Choice|2			BONUS:VAR|BonusCMDCount|1
123# Dwarf Fighter
124Bonus CMD (Bull Rush & Trip)				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ CMD BullRush Trip				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassFighter				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Fighter		PRECLASS:1,Fighter=1											PRERACE:1,Dwarf%,RACESUBTYPE=Dwarf																																							DESC:Add +1 to the fighter's CMD when resisting a bull rush or trip.																																																			STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																					BONUS:VAR|CMD_BullRush|1	BONUS:VAR|CMD_Trip|1
125# Half-Elf Fighter
126Bonus CMD (Disarm & Overrun)				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ CMD Disarm Overrun				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassFighter				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Fighter		PRECLASS:1,Fighter=1											PRERACE:1,Half-Elf%																																									DESC:Add +1 to the fighter's CMD when resisting a disarm or overrun.																																																			STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																					BONUS:VAR|CMD_Disarm|1	BONUS:VAR|CMD_Overrun|1
127# Elf Bard, Elf Fighter
128Bonus CMD (Disarm & Sunder)				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ CMD Disarm Sunder				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassBard.FavoredClassFighter	VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bard		PRECLASS:1,Bard=1,Fighter=1										PRERACE:1,Elf%,RACESUBTYPE=Elf																																							DESC:Add +1 to the elf's CMD when resisting a disarm or sunder attempt.																																																			STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																					BONUS:VAR|CMD_Disarm|1	BONUS:VAR|CMD_Sunder|1
129# Halfling Fighter
130Bonus CMD (Grapple & Trip)				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ CMD Grapple Trip				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassFighter				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Fighter		PRECLASS:1,Fighter=1											PRERACE:1,Halfling%,RACESUBTYPE=Halfling																																						DESC:Add +1 to the fighter's CMD when resisting a grapple or trip.																																																			STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																					BONUS:VAR|CMD_Grapple|1	BONUS:VAR|CMD_Trip|1
131# Halfling Monk
132Bonus CMD (Grapple) & Stunning Fist			KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ CMD Grapple Stunning Fist			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassMonk				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Monk		PRECLASS:1,Monk=1												PRERACE:1,Halfling%,RACESUBTYPE=Halfling																																						DESC:Add +1 to the monk's CMD when resisting a grapple and +1/2 to the number of stunning attacks he can attempt per day.																																										STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Monk Attack Favored Class Tracker										BONUS:VAR|CMD_Grapple|1
133# Elf Ranger
134Bonus Critical Confirmation (Elf Weapons)		KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Critical Confirmation Elf Weapons		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassRanger				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Ranger		PRECLASS:1,Ranger=1											PRERACE:1,Elf%,RACESUBTYPE=Elf																																							DESC:Choose a weapon from the following list: longbow, longsword, rapier, shortbow, short sword, or any weapon with "elven" in its name. Add a +1/2 circumstance bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls with that weapon (maximum bonus of +4). This bonus does not stack with Critical Focus.														STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
135# Halfling Rogue
136Bonus Critical Confirmation (Halfling Weapons)	KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Critical Confirmation Halfling Weapons	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassRogue				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Rogue		PRECLASS:1,TYPE.Rogue=1											PRERACE:1,Halfling%,RACESUBTYPE=Halfling																																						DESC:Choose a weapon from the following list: sling, dagger, or any weapon with "halfling" in its name. Add a +1/2 circumstance bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls with that weapon (maximum bonus of +4). This bonus does not stack with Critical Focus.																				STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
137# Half-Elf Druid
138Bonus Druid Domain Power Use				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Druid Domain Power Use			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassDruid				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Druid		PRECLASS:1,Druid=1											PRERACE:1,Half-Elf%																																									DESC:Select one cleric domain power at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the druid's Wisdom modifier. The druid adds 1/2 to the number of uses per day of that domain power.																											STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
139# Gnome Summoner
140Bonus Eidolon Hit Point					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Eidolon Hit Point				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassSummoner				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Summoner		PRECLASS:1,Summoner=1											PRERACE:1,Gnome%,RACESUBTYPE=Gnome,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human		DEFINE:EidolonHP|0																														DESC:Add +1 hit point to the summoner's eidolon.																																																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																					BONUS:VAR|EidolonHP|1
141# Half-Elf Summoner
142Bonus Eidolon Evolution					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Eidolon Evolution				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassSummoner				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Summoner		PRECLASS:1,Summoner=1											PRERACE:1,Half-Elf%								DEFINE:EidolonFavoredClassBonusEvolutionPointsEveryFour|0																									DESC:Add +1/4 to the eidolon's evolution pool.																																																							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																					BONUS:VAR|EidolonFavoredClassBonusEvolutionPointsEveryFour|1							ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Bonus Eidolon Evolution Var Tracker
144Bonus Eidolon Evolution Var Tracker	CATEGORY:Internal	DEFINE:EidolonFavoredClassBonusEvolutionPointsEveryFour|0	BONUS:VAR|EidolonEvolution|EidolonFavoredClassBonusEvolutionPointsEveryFour/4
145# Halfling Summoner
146Bonus Eidolon Skill Rank				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Eidolon Skill Rank				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassSummoner				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Summoner		PRECLASS:1,Summoner=1											PRERACE:1,Halfling%,RACESUBTYPE=Halfling,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human	DEFINE:EidolonSP|0																														DESC:Add +1 skill rank to the summoner's eidolon.																																																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																					BONUS:VAR|EidolonSP|1
147# Gnome Druid
148Bonus Energy Resistance					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Energy Resistance Druid			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassDruid				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Druid		PRECLASS:1,Druid=1											PRERACE:1,Gnome%,RACESUBTYPE=Gnome																																							DESC:Gain energy resistance 1 against acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Each time the druid selects this reward, increase her resistance to one of these energy types by 1 (maximum 10 for any one type).																													STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
149# Human Paladin
150Bonus Energy Resistance					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Energy Resistance Paladin			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassPaladin				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Paladin		PRECLASS:1,Paladin=1											PRERACE:1,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human																																							DESC:Add +1 to the paladin's energy resistance to one kind of energy (maximum +10).																																																	STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Paladin Energy Resistance Tracker	BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Paladin Energy Resistance|1
152Paladin Energy Resistance Tracker														CATEGORY:Internal																																																					DEFINE:PaladinAcidResistanceBonus|0	DEFINE:PaladinColdResistanceBonus|0	DEFINE:PaladinElectricityResistanceBonus|0	DEFINE:PaladinFireResistanceBonus|0	DEFINE:PaladinSonicResistanceBonus|0																																																																																										BONUS:VAR|AcidResistanceBonus|min(PaladinAcidResistanceBonus,10)|TYPE=Resistance	BONUS:VAR|ColdResistanceBonus|min(PaladinColdResistanceBonus,10)|TYPE=Resistance	BONUS:VAR|ElectricityResistanceBonus|min(PaladinElectricityResistanceBonus,10)|TYPE=Resistance	BONUS:VAR|FireResistanceBonus|min(PaladinFireResistanceBonus,10)|TYPE=Resistance	BONUS:VAR|SonicResistanceBonus|min(PaladinSonicResistanceBonus,10)|TYPE=Resistance
153Acid								KEY:Paladin Resistance ~ Acid							CATEGORY:Internal			TYPE:PaladinFavoredEnergyResistance								VISIBLE:DISPLAY																																																																																																																																		STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Resistance to Acid												BONUS:VAR|PaladinAcidResistanceBonus|1
154Cold								KEY:Paladin Resistance ~ Cold							CATEGORY:Internal			TYPE:PaladinFavoredEnergyResistance								VISIBLE:DISPLAY																																																																																																																																		STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Resistance to Cold												BONUS:VAR|PaladinColdResistanceBonus|1
155Electricity							KEY:Paladin Resistance ~ Electricity					CATEGORY:Internal			TYPE:PaladinFavoredEnergyResistance								VISIBLE:DISPLAY																																																																																																																																		STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Resistance to Electricity											BONUS:VAR|PaladinElectricityResistanceBonus|1
156Fire								KEY:Paladin Resistance ~ Fire							CATEGORY:Internal			TYPE:PaladinFavoredEnergyResistance								VISIBLE:DISPLAY																																																																																																																																		STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Resistance to Fire												BONUS:VAR|PaladinFireResistanceBonus|1
157Sonic								KEY:Paladin Resistance ~ Sonic						CATEGORY:Internal			TYPE:PaladinFavoredEnergyResistance								VISIBLE:DISPLAY																																																																																																																																		STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Resistance to Sonic												BONUS:VAR|PaladinSonicResistanceBonus|1
158# Human Alchemist
159Bonus Extract Formula					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Extract Formula					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassAlchemist				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Alchemist		PRECLASS:1,Alchemist=1											PRERACE:1,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human																																							DESC:Add one extract formulae from the alchemist's list to the character's formulae book. This formulae must be at least one level below the highest formulae level the alchemist can create.																															STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
160# Elf Barbarian
161Bonus Fast Movement					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Fast Movement					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassBarbarian				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Barbarian		PRECLASS:1,Barbarian=1											PRERACE:1,Elf%,RACESUBTYPE=Elf						DEFINE:ElfBarbarianFastMovement|0	DEFINE:ElfBarbarianFastMovementBonus|0																					DESC:Add %1 to the elf's base speed. In combat this has no effect unless the elf has selected this reward 5 times (or another increment of 5); a speed of 34 feet is effectively the same as a speed of 30 feet, for example. This bonus stacks with a class's fast movement feature and applies only under the same conditions as that ability.|ElfBarbarianFastMovementBonus*5	STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Elf Barbarian Counter											BONUS:VAR|ElfBarbarianFastMovement|1
162# Halfling Ranger
163Bonus Favored Enemy Armor Class			KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Favored Enemy Armor Class			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassRanger				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Ranger		PRECLASS:1,Ranger=1											PRERACE:1,Halfling%,RACESUBTYPE=Halfling																																						DESC:Add +1/3 dodge bonus to Armor Class against the halfling's favored enemies.																																																	STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
164# Half-Orc Sorcerer
165Bonus Fire Damage						KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Fire Damage					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassSorcerer				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Sorcerer		PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1											PRERACE:1,Half-Orc																																									DESC:Add +1/2 to fire spell damage.																																																									STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
166# Human Inquisitor
167Bonus Inquisitor Spell					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Inquisitor Spell				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassInquisitor			VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Inquisitor	PRECLASS:1,Inquisitor=1											PRERACE:1,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human																																							DESC:Add one spell known from the inquisitor spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the inquisitor can cast.																																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE												BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Inquisitor Favored Bonus Spell|1
168# Human Monk
169Bonus Ki							KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Ki							CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassMonk				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Monk		PRECLASS:1,Monk=1												PRERACE:1,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human																																							DESC:Add +1/4 to the monk's ki pool.																																																								STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
170# Halfling Paladin
171Bonus Lay On Hands Hit Point				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Lay On Hands Hit Point			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassPaladin				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Paladin		PRECLASS:1,Paladin=1											PRERACE:1,Halfling%,RACESUBTYPE=Halfling																																						DESC:Add +1/2 hp to the paladin's lay on hands ability (whether using it to heal or harm).																																															STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
172# Elf Cavalier
173Bonus Mount Hit Point					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Mount Hit Points				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassCavalier				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Cavalier		PRECLASS:1,TYPE.Cavalier=1										PRERACE:1,Elf%,RACESUBTYPE=Elf						DEFINE:CavalierMountHP|0																													DESC:Add +1 hit point to the cavalier's mount. If the elf ever replaces his mount, the new mount gains these bonus hit points. These bonuses only apply to a single mount gained as part of the cavalier's class.																												STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																					BONUS:VAR|CavalierMountHP|1
174# Human Oracle
175Bonus Oracle Spell					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Oracle Spell					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassOracle				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Oracle		PRECLASS:1,Oracle=1											PRERACE:1,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human																																							DESC:Add one spell known from the sorcerer spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast.																																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE												BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Oracle Favored Bonus Spell|1
176# Gnome Oracle
177Bonus Oracle's Curse Level				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Oracle's Curse Level				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassOracle				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Oracle		PRECLASS:1,Oracle=1											PRERACE:1,Gnome%,RACESUBTYPE=Gnome						DEFINE:OracleCurseBonusCount|0																												DESC:Treat the gnome's level as +1/2 higher for the purpose of determining the effects of the oracle's curse ability.																																											STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Oracle Curse Bonus Tracker												BONUS:VAR|OracleCurseBonusCount|1
178# Dwarf Paladin
179Bonus Paladin Spell Concentration			KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Paladin Spell Concentration			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassPaladin				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Paladin		PRECLASS:1,Paladin=1											PRERACE:1,Dwarf%,RACESUBTYPE=Dwarf																																							DESC:Add a +1 bonus on concentration checks when casting paladin spells.																																																		STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
180# Dwarf Oracle
181Bonus Proficient Weapon					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Proficient Weapon				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassOracle				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Oracle		PRECLASS:1,Oracle=1											PRERACE:1,Dwarf%,RACESUBTYPE=Dwarf																																							DESC:Reduce the non-proficient penalty for one weapon by 1. When the non-proficient penalty for a weapon becomes 0 because of this ability, the oracle is treated as having the appropriate Martial or Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat with that weapon.																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
182# Dwarf Barbarian, Half-Orc Barbarian
183Bonus Rage Round						KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Rage Round					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassBarbarian				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Barbarian		PRECLASS:1,Barbarian=1											PRERACE:1,Dwarf%,RACESUBTYPE=Dwarf,Half-Orc%																																					DESC:Add 1 to the barbarian's total number of rage rounds per day.																																																			STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																					BONUS:VAR|RageDuration|1
184# Human Rogue
185Bonus Rogue Talent					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Rogue Talent					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassRogue				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Rogue		PRECLASS:1,TYPE.Rogue=1											PRERACE:1,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human						DEFINE:RogueBonusTalentCount|0																												DESC:The human gains +1/6 of a new rogue talent.																																																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Rogue Talent Bonus Tracker												BONUS:VAR|RogueBonusTalentCount|1
186# Human Druid
187Bonus Skills (Creature Attitude)			KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Skills Creature Attitude			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassDruid				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Druid		PRECLASS:1,Druid=1											PRERACE:1,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human																																							DESC:Add a +1/2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks to change a creature's attitude.																																																STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
188# Half-Elf Rogue
189Bonus Skills (Feint & Gather Information)		KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Skills Feint Gather Information		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassRogue				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Rogue		PRECLASS:1,TYPE.Rogue=1											PRERACE:1,Half-Elf%																																									DESC:Add a +1/2 bonus on Bluff checks to feint and Diplomacy checks to gather information.																																															STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
190# Half-Orc Inquisitor
191Bonus Skills (Intimidate & Identify Creatures)	KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Skills Intimidate Identify Creatures	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassInquisitor			VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Inquisitor	PRECLASS:1,Inquisitor=1											PRERACE:1,Half-Orc%																																									DESC:Add +1/2 on Intimidate checks and Knowledge checks to identify creatures.																																																	STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
192# Halfling Bard
193Bonus Skills (Social)					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Skills Social					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassBard				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bard		PRECLASS:1,Bard=1												PRERACE:1,Halfling%,RACESUBTYPE=Halfling																																						DESC:Add +1/2 on Bluff checks to pass secret messages, +1/2 on Diplomacy checks to gather information, and +1/2 on Disguise checks to appear as an elven, half-elven, or human child.																																STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
194# Dwarf Rogue
195Bonus Skills (Stone Traps)				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Skills Stone Traps				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassRogue				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Rogue		PRECLASS:1,TYPE.Rogue=1											PRERACE:1,Dwarf%,RACESUBTYPE=Dwarf																																							DESC:Add a +1/2 bonus on Disable Device checks regarding stone traps and a +1/2 bonus to trap sense regarding stone traps.																																										STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
196# Gnome Rogue
197Bonus Skills (Magical Writings)			KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Skills Magical Writings			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassRogue				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Rogue		PRECLASS:1,TYPE.Rogue=1											PRERACE:1,Gnome%,RACESUBTYPE=Gnome																																							DESC:Gnome rogues gain a +1 bonus on Disable Device and Use Magic Device checks related to glyphs, symbols, scrolls, and other magical writings each time they gain a level of rogue.																																STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
198# Human Sorcerer
199Bonus Sorcerer Spell					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Sorcerer Spell					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassSorcerer				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Sorcerer		PRECLASS:1,Sorcerer=1											PRERACE:1,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human																																							DESC:Add one spell known from the sorcerer spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast.																																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE												BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Sorcerer Favored Bonus Spell|1
200# Human Cleric
201Bonus Spell Penetration (Outsiders)			KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Spell Penetration Outsiders			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassCleric				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Cleric		PRECLASS:1,Cleric=1											PRERACE:1,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human																																							DESC:Add +1 on caster level checks made to overcome the spell resistance of outsiders.																																																STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
202# Half-Orc Fighter
203Bonus Stabilization					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Stabilization					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassFighter				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Fighter		PRECLASS:1,Fighter=1											PRERACE:1,Half-Orc%																																									DESC:Add +2 on rolls to stabilize when dying.																																																							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
204# Human Barbarian
205Bonus Superstitious Rage				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Superstitious Rage				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassBarbarian				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Barbarian		PRECLASS:1,Barbarian=1											PRERACE:1,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human						DEFINE:SuperstitionBonusCount|0																												DESC:Add +1/3 to the bonus from the superstitious rage power.																																																				STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Barbarian Superstition Counter											BONUS:VAR|SuperstitionBonusCount|1
206# Human Barbarian
207Bonus Trap Sense						KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Trap Sense					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassBarbarian				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Barbarian		PRECLASS:1,Barbarian=1											PRERACE:1,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human																																							DESC:Add a +1/2 bonus to trap sense.																																																								STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
208# Dwarf Ranger
209Bonus Wild Empathy (Underground)			KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Wild Empathy Underground			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassRanger				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Ranger		PRECLASS:1,Ranger=1											PRERACE:1,Dwarf%,RACESUBTYPE=Dwarf																																							DESC:Add a +1/2 bonus on wild empathy checks to influence animals and magical beasts that live underground.																																													STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
210# Half-Elf Witch
211Bonus Witch Spell						KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Witch Spell					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassWitch				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Witch		PRECLASS:1,Witch=1											PRERACE:1,Half-Elf%,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human																																					DESC:Add one spell from the witch spell list to the witch's familiar. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level she can cast. If the witch ever replaces her familiar, the new familiar knows these bonus spells.																							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
212# Half-Orc Witch
213Bonus Witch Familiar Skill Rank			KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Witch Familiar Skill Rank			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassWitch				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Witch		PRECLASS:1,Witch=1											PRERACE:1,Half-Orc%																																									DESC:Add 1 skill rank to the witch's familiar. If the half-orc ever replaces her familiar, the new familiar gains these bonus skill ranks.																																							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
214# Human Wizard
215Bonus Wizard Spell					KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ Wizard Spell					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialQuality.FavoredClassBonus.FavoredClassWizard				VISIBLE:YES		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Wizard		PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1											PRERACE:1,Human%,RACESUBTYPE=Human																																							DESC:Add one spell from the wizard spell list to the wizard's spellbook. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level he can cast.																																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE
217###Block: Favored Class helper abilities
218# Alchemist
219# Ability Name				Unique Key						Category of Ability		Type						Visible	Var. Min. Value												Var. Must Be Lower					Define										Stackable?	Multiple?	Choose		Bonus Ability Pool																												Add to base move																												Bonus to spell known/L					Modify VAR
220Bonus Bomb Tracker										CATEGORY:Internal																																																																																																																								BONUS:VAR|AlchemistBombTimes|var("BonusBombCount")/2
221Bonus Bomb Damage Tracker									CATEGORY:Internal																																	DEFINE:BonusBombDamageCount|0																																																																																			BONUS:VAR|AlchemistBombDamageBonus|var("BonusBombDamageCount")/2
222# Barbarian
223Elf Barbarian Counter										CATEGORY:Special Ability																																																																																BONUS:MOVEADD|TYPE.Walk|ElfBarbarianFastMovementBonus*5|PREMULT:2,[PREVARLT:ENCUMBERANCE,2,var("COUNT[EQTYPE.ARMOR.EQUIPPED.IS.HEAVY]"),1],[PREVARGTEQ:ElfBarbarianFastMovement,5]									BONUS:VAR|ElfBarbarianFastMovementBonus|ElfBarbarianFastMovement/5
224Barbarian Superstition Counter								CATEGORY:Internal																																																																																																																								BONUS:VAR|SuperstitionSaveBonus|SuperstitionBonusCount/3
225# Bard
226Bard Spell Level 0										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownBard				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Bard") + classlevel("Bard")),1																							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Bard;LEVEL=0|1
227Bard Spell Level 1										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownBard				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Bard") + classlevel("Bard")),4																							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Bard;LEVEL=1|1
228Bard Spell Level 2										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownBard				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Bard") + classlevel("Bard")),7																							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Bard;LEVEL=2|1
229Bard Spell Level 3										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownBard				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Bard") + classlevel("Bard")),10																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Bard;LEVEL=3|1
230Bard Spell Level 4										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownBard				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Bard") + classlevel("Bard")),13																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Bard;LEVEL=4|1
231Bard Spell Level 5										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownBard				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Bard") + classlevel("Bard")),16																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Bard;LEVEL=5|1
232# Fighter
233#COMMENT: To prevent illegal numbers, using PREVAR to keep the max any one CMD to the total number of times the Bonus CMD has been taken.
234Bonus CMD Bull Rush			KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ CMD Bull Rush	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:FighterBonusCMDChoice																		PREVARLT:BonusCMDBullRushCount,BonusCMDCount	DEFINE:BonusCMDBullRushCount|0						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																						BONUS:VAR|CMD_BullRush,BonusCMDBullRushCount|1
235Bonus CMD Disarm				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ CMD Disarm	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:FighterBonusCMDChoice																		PREVARLT:BonusCMDDisarmCount,BonusCMDCount	DEFINE:BonusCMDDisarmCount|0							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																						BONUS:VAR|CMD_Disarm,BonusCMDDisarmCount|1
236Bonus CMD Grapple				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ CMD Grapple	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:FighterBonusCMDChoice																		PREVARLT:BonusCMDGrappleCount,BonusCMDCount	DEFINE:BonusCMDGrappleCount|0							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																						BONUS:VAR|CMD_Grapple,BonusCMDGrappleCount|1
237Bonus CMD Overrun				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ CMD Overrun	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:FighterBonusCMDChoice																		PREVARLT:BonusCMDOverrunCount,BonusCMDCount	DEFINE:BonusCMDOverrunCount|0							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																						BONUS:VAR|CMD_Overrun,BonusCMDOverrunCount|1
238Bonus CMD Sunder				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ CMD Sunder	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:FighterBonusCMDChoice																		PREVARLT:BonusCMDSunderCount,BonusCMDCount	DEFINE:BonusCMDSunderCount|0							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																						BONUS:VAR|CMD_Sunder,BonusCMDSunderCount|1
239Bonus CMD Trip				KEY:Favored Class Bonus ~ CMD Trip		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:FighterBonusCMDChoice																		PREVARLT:BonusCMDTripCount,BonusCMDCount		DEFINE:BonusCMDTripCount|0							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																						BONUS:VAR|CMD_Trip,BonusCMDTripCount|1
240# Inquisitor
241Inquisitor Spell Level 0									CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownInquisitor			PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Inquisitor") + classlevel("Inquisitor")),1																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Inquisitor;LEVEL=0|1
242Inquisitor Spell Level 1									CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownInquisitor			PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Inquisitor") + classlevel("Inquisitor")),4																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Inquisitor;LEVEL=1|1
243Inquisitor Spell Level 2									CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownInquisitor			PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Inquisitor") + classlevel("Inquisitor")),7																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Inquisitor;LEVEL=2|1
244Inquisitor Spell Level 3									CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownInquisitor			PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Inquisitor") + classlevel("Inquisitor")),10																				STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Inquisitor;LEVEL=3|1
245Inquisitor Spell Level 4									CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownInquisitor			PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Inquisitor") + classlevel("Inquisitor")),13																				STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Inquisitor;LEVEL=4|1
246Inquisitor Spell Level 5									CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownInquisitor			PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Inquisitor") + classlevel("Inquisitor")),16																				STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Inquisitor;LEVEL=5|1
247# Monk
248# COMMENT: Solves the issue of tracking the Monk Attack Times
249Monk Attack Favored Class Tracker								CATEGORY:Internal									VISIBLE:NO																																																																																																														BONUS:VAR|StunningFistAttack|count("ABILITIES","CATEGORY=Special Ability","KEY=Favored Class Bonus ~ CMD Grapple Stunning Fist")/2
250# Oracle
251Oracle Spell Level 0										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownOracle				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Oracle") + classlevel("Oracle")),1																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Oracle;LEVEL=0|1
252Oracle Spell Level 1										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownOracle				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Oracle") + classlevel("Oracle")),4																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Oracle;LEVEL=1|1
253Oracle Spell Level 2										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownOracle				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Oracle") + classlevel("Oracle")),6																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Oracle;LEVEL=2|1
254Oracle Spell Level 3										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownOracle				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Oracle") + classlevel("Oracle")),8																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Oracle;LEVEL=3|1
255Oracle Spell Level 4										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownOracle				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Oracle") + classlevel("Oracle")),10																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Oracle;LEVEL=4|1
256Oracle Spell Level 5										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownOracle				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Oracle") + classlevel("Oracle")),12																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Oracle;LEVEL=5|1
257Oracle Spell Level 6										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownOracle				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Oracle") + classlevel("Oracle")),14																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Oracle;LEVEL=6|1
258Oracle Spell Level 7										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownOracle				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Oracle") + classlevel("Oracle")),16																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Oracle;LEVEL=7|1
259Oracle Spell Level 8										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownOracle				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Oracle") + classlevel("Oracle")),18																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Oracle;LEVEL=8|1
260Oracle Curse Bonus Tracker									CATEGORY:Internal																																	DEFINE:OracleCurseLVL|0																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|OracleCurseLVL|var("OracleCurseBonusCount")/2
261# Rogue
262Rogue Talent Bonus Tracker									CATEGORY:Internal																																	DEFINE:BonusRogueTalent|0	DEFINE:RogueBonusTalentCount|0								BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Rogue Talent|BonusRogueTalent																																																														BONUS:VAR|BonusRogueTalent|var("RogueBonusTalentCount")/6
263# Sorcerer
264Sorcerer Spell Level 0										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownSorcerer				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Sorcerer") + classlevel("Sorcerer")),1																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Sorcerer;LEVEL=0|1
265Sorcerer Spell Level 1										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownSorcerer				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Sorcerer") + classlevel("Sorcerer")),4																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Sorcerer;LEVEL=1|1
266Sorcerer Spell Level 2										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownSorcerer				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Sorcerer") + classlevel("Sorcerer")),6																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Sorcerer;LEVEL=2|1
267Sorcerer Spell Level 3										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownSorcerer				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Sorcerer") + classlevel("Sorcerer")),8																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Sorcerer;LEVEL=3|1
268Sorcerer Spell Level 4										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownSorcerer				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Sorcerer") + classlevel("Sorcerer")),10																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Sorcerer;LEVEL=4|1
269Sorcerer Spell Level 5										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownSorcerer				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Sorcerer") + classlevel("Sorcerer")),12																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Sorcerer;LEVEL=5|1
270Sorcerer Spell Level 6										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownSorcerer				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Sorcerer") + classlevel("Sorcerer")),14																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Sorcerer;LEVEL=6|1
271Sorcerer Spell Level 7										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownSorcerer				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Sorcerer") + classlevel("Sorcerer")),16																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Sorcerer;LEVEL=7|1
272Sorcerer Spell Level 8										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:BonusSpellKnownSorcerer				PREVARGTEQ:(charbonusto("PCLEVEL","Sorcerer") + classlevel("Sorcerer")),18																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																														BONUS:SPELLKNOWN|CLASS=Sorcerer;LEVEL=8|1
273# Misc
274Favored Bonus Count Tracker									CATEGORY:Internal																																																			BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|First Level Domain Power Times|count("ABILITIES","KEY=Favored Class Bonus ~ Cleric ~ Drow")/2+count("ABILITIES","KEY=Favored Class Bonus ~ Cleric Domain Power Use")/2
278# End