1 /* pMARS -- a portable Memory Array Redcode Simulator
2  * Copyright (C) 1993-1995 Albert Ma, Na'ndor Sieben, Stefan Strack and Mintardjo Wangsawidjaja
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
17  */
19 /*
20  * xgraphio.c: input/output functions for DOS DJGPP/GRX display
21  *
22  * $Id: xgraphio.c,v 2000/08/20 13:29:48 iltzu Exp $
23  */
25 #include <bios.h>
26 /* #include <alloc.h> */
27 #include <string.h>
28 #include <conio.h>
29 #include <dos.h>
31 #define ESC 27
32 #define BS 8
33 #define LF 10
34 #define CR 13
35 #define CLEAR 219
36 #define MAXLENGTH 160
37 #define HORIZSPACE 8
39 int     posx, posy;                /* for current panel */
40 int     posx1, posy1;                /* for panel 1 */
41 int     posx2, posy2;                /* for panel 2 */
42 int     scrollx1, scrollx2;
43 char    outstr[MAXLENGTH];
44 int     point;
45 int     grwindx0;
46 int     grwindy0;
47 int     grwindx1;
48 int     grwindy1;
49 int     verspace = 8;
50 int     scrollPixel;                /* how many pixels in a scrolled line */
51 int     scrollLines;                /* hom many lines to scroll           */
52 int     lastLine;                /* last scrolled line                 */
53 int     bgiTextLines;                /* how many lines has cdb */
54 char    str[2] = " ";
55 int     graphioColor;
56 extern int curPanel;
58 extern char *ckey2macro(int ccode, char *buf);
59 extern char *ukey2macro(int, char *);
60 extern char *xkey2macro(int, char *);
62 void    grputs(char *);
64 void
grupdate(int newcurPanel)65 grupdate(int newcurPanel)
66 {
67   if (curPanel == newcurPanel)
68     return;
69   if (curPanel == 0 && newcurPanel != 0) {
70     posx1 = posx;
71     posy1 = posy;
72     grwindx0 = GrMaxX() / 2;
73     grwindx1 = GrMaxX() - HORIZSPACE;
74     grclear();
75     posx2 = posx;
76     posy2 = posy;
77     curPanel = 2;
78   }
79   switch (newcurPanel) {
80   case 0:                        /* only one panel */
81     if (curPanel == 1) {
82       posx1 = posx;
83       posy1 = posy;
84     }
85     grwindx0 = GrMaxX() / 2;
86     grwindx1 = GrMaxX() - HORIZSPACE;
87     grclear();
88     grwindx0 = 1;
89     grwindx1 = GrMaxX() - HORIZSPACE;
90     posx = posx1;
91     posy = posy1;
92     scrollx1 = 1;
93     scrollx2 = 79;
94     break;
95   case 1:                        /* first panel */
96     grwindx0 = 1;
97     grwindx1 = GrMaxX() / 2 - HORIZSPACE;
98     if (curPanel == 2) {
99       posx2 = posx;
100       posy2 = posy;
101       posx = posx1;
102       posy = posy1;
103     }
104     scrollx1 = 1;
105     scrollx2 = 39;
106     break;
107   case 2:                        /* second panel */
108     grwindx0 = GrMaxX() / 2;
109     grwindx1 = GrMaxX() - 10;
110     switch (curPanel) {
111     case 1:
112       posx1 = posx;
113       posy1 = posy;
114       posx = posx2;
115       posy = posy2;
116       break;
117     case 0:
118       posx1 = posx;
119       posy1 = posy;
120       grclear();
121     }
122     scrollx1 = 40;
123     scrollx2 = 79;
124     break;
125   }
126   curPanel = newcurPanel;
127 }
129 void
graphio_init(void)130 graphio_init(void)
131 {
132   switch (graphdriver) {
133     default:scrollPixel = 16;
134     lastLine = 29;
135     verspace = 10;                /* 8 */
136     break;
137 /*      case EGA : scrollPixel= 14;
138      lastLine = 24;
139      verspace = 8;
140          break;
141       case CGA : scrollPixel= 8;
142          lastLine = 24;
143          verspace = 8;
144 */
145   }
146   scrollLines = (GrMaxY() - grwindy0) / scrollPixel;
147   grwindy0 = 1 + GrMaxY() - scrollPixel * (scrollLines);
148   bgiTextLines = (GrMaxY() - grwindy0) / verspace;        /* used for pausing in
149                                                          * cdb */
150 }
153 void
grclear()154 grclear()
155 {
156   posx = grwindx0;
157   posy = grwindy0;
158 /*  setfillstyle(EMPTY_FILL, WHITE); */
159   GrFilledBox(grwindx0, grwindy0, grwindx1 + HORIZSPACE - 1, GrMaxY(), GrBlack());
160 }
162 void
newline(void)163 newline(void)
164 {
165   union REGS regs;
166   posx = grwindx0;
167   posy += verspace;
168   if (posy > grwindy1) {
169     posy -= verspace;
170     switch (graphdriver) {
171     default:
172       GrBitBlt(NULL, grwindx0, grwindy0, NULL, grwindx0, grwindy0 + verspace,
173                grwindx1 + HORIZSPACE - 1, GrMaxX(), GrWRITE);
174       GrFilledBox(grwindx0, posy, grwindx1 + HORIZSPACE - 1, GrMaxY(), GrBlack());
175 /*    case VGA :
176     case EGA :
177     case CGA :
179   regs.x.ax=0x0600+ 1 ;
180   regs.x.bx= 0;
181   regs.x.cx=( (lastLine-scrollLines+1) <<8)+ scrollx1 ;
182   regs.x.dx=( lastLine <<8)+ scrollx2 ;
183   int86(0x10,&regs,&regs);
184   posy -= (scrollPixel-verspace) ;
185      break;
186       default:
187       grclear();
188 */
189     }
190   }
191 }
193 void
newchar(void)194 newchar(void)
195 {
196   posx += HORIZSPACE;
197   if (posx > grwindx1 - HORIZSPACE)
198     newline();
199 }
201 #define cursoron() outtextxy(posx, posy, "_")
203 #define cursoroff() setcolor(BLACK); \
204 str[0]=CLEAR;                        \
205 outtextxy(posx, posy, str);          \
206 setcolor(graphioColor)
208 void
delchar(void)209 delchar(void)
210 {
211   if (point) {
212     cursoroff();
213     posx -= HORIZSPACE;
214     if (posx < grwindx0) {
215       posx = grwindx0;
216       cursoron();
217     } else {
218       --point;
219       cursoroff();
220       cursoron();
221     }
222   }
223 }
225 char   *
grgets(char * result,int maxchar)226 grgets(char *result, int maxchar)
227 {
228   if (inputRedirection) {
229     return fgets(result, maxchar, stdin);
230   } else {
231     int     lo;
232     result[0] = 0;
233     point = 0;
234     cursoron();
236     do {
237       if (mouse_or_key(result))
238         return result;
239       lo = getch();
240       if (lo) {
241         switch (lo) {
242         case BS:
243           delchar();
244           break;
245         case ESC:
246           while (point)
247             delchar();
248           break;
249         case CR:
250           cursoroff();
251           newline();
252           break;
253 /*       case '\t':
254     cursoroff();
255     grputs("    ");
256     lo=' ';    I'd like tab to be a macro for switch, Nandor */
257         default:
258           if (lo >= 32 && lo < 128) {
259             result[point++] = lo;
260             if (point > maxchar - 1)
261               lo = CR;
262             cursoroff();
263             str[0] = lo;
264             outtextxy(posx, posy, str);
265             newchar();
266             cursoron();
267           } else if (lo > 127) {
268             ukey2macro(lo, result);
269             cursoroff();
270             grputs(result);
271             return result;
272           } else {
273             ckey2macro(lo, result);
274             cursoroff();
275             grputs(result);
276             return result;
277           }
278         }
280       } else {
281         xkey2macro(getch(), result);
282         cursoroff();
283         grputs(result);                /* Stefan you might want to change this,
284                                  * Nandor */
285         return result;
286       }
287     } while (lo != CR);
288     result[point++] = '\n';
289     result[point] = 0;
290     if (point)
291       return result;
292     else
293       return NULL;
294   }                                /* !inputRedirection */
295 }
297 void
grputs(char * sss)298 grputs(char *sss)
299 {
300   if (printAttr) {
301     graphioColor = colors[printAttr - 1];
302     setcolor(graphioColor);
303   } else {
304     graphioColor = WHITE;
305     setcolor(graphioColor);
306   }
307   while (*sss) {
308     switch (*sss) {
309     case '\n':
310       newline();
311       break;
312     default:
313       str[0] = *sss;
314       outtextxy(posx, posy, str);
315       newchar();
316     }
317     ++sss;
318   }
319 }
323 /*
324  * void main(void) {       char result[160]; int             graphdriver =
325  * DETECT; int             graphmode;
326  *
327  * initgraph(&graphdriver, &graphmode, ""); grclear();
328  *
329  * grgets(result,10); grputs("first\nsecond"); grclear(); }
330  *
331  */