1 #include "GameSave.h"
3 #include <iostream>
4 #include <cmath>
5 #include <climits>
6 #include <memory>
7 #include <set>
8 #include <bzlib.h>
9 #include <cmath>
11 #include "Config.h"
12 #include "Format.h"
13 #include "hmap.h"
15 #include "simulation/Simulation.h"
16 #include "simulation/ElementClasses.h"
GameSave(GameSave & save)18 GameSave::GameSave(GameSave & save):
19     majorVersion(save.majorVersion),
20 	waterEEnabled(save.waterEEnabled),
21 	legacyEnable(save.legacyEnable),
22 	gravityEnable(save.gravityEnable),
23 	aheatEnable(save.aheatEnable),
24 	paused(save.paused),
25 	gravityMode(save.gravityMode),
26 	airMode(save.airMode),
27 	edgeMode(save.edgeMode),
28 	signs(save.signs),
29 	stkm(save.stkm),
30 	palette(save.palette),
31 	pmapbits(save.pmapbits),
32 	expanded(save.expanded),
33 	hasOriginalData(save.hasOriginalData),
34 	originalData(save.originalData)
35 {
36 	InitData();
37 	hasPressure = save.hasPressure;
38 	hasAmbientHeat = save.hasAmbientHeat;
39 	if (save.expanded)
40 	{
41 		setSize(save.blockWidth, save.blockHeight);
43 		std::copy(save.particles, save.particles+NPART, particles);
44 		for (int j = 0; j < blockHeight; j++)
45 		{
46 			std::copy(save.blockMap[j], save.blockMap[j]+blockWidth, blockMap[j]);
47 			std::copy(save.fanVelX[j], save.fanVelX[j]+blockWidth, fanVelX[j]);
48 			std::copy(save.fanVelY[j], save.fanVelY[j]+blockWidth, fanVelY[j]);
49 			std::copy(save.pressure[j], save.pressure[j]+blockWidth, pressure[j]);
50 			std::copy(save.velocityX[j], save.velocityX[j]+blockWidth, velocityX[j]);
51 			std::copy(save.velocityY[j], save.velocityY[j]+blockWidth, velocityY[j]);
52 			std::copy(save.ambientHeat[j], save.ambientHeat[j]+blockWidth, ambientHeat[j]);
53 		}
54 	}
55 	else
56 	{
57 		blockWidth = save.blockWidth;
58 		blockHeight = save.blockHeight;
59 	}
60 	particlesCount = save.particlesCount;
61 	authors = save.authors;
62 }
GameSave(int width,int height)64 GameSave::GameSave(int width, int height)
65 {
66 	InitData();
67 	InitVars();
68 	hasOriginalData = false;
69 	expanded = true;
70 	setSize(width, height);
71 }
GameSave(std::vector<char> data)73 GameSave::GameSave(std::vector<char> data)
74 {
75 	blockWidth = 0;
76 	blockHeight = 0;
78 	InitData();
79 	InitVars();
80 	expanded = false;
81 	hasOriginalData = true;
82 	originalData = data;
83 	try
84 	{
85 		Expand();
86 	}
87 	catch(ParseException & e)
88 	{
89 		std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
90 		dealloc();	//Free any allocated memory
91 		throw;
92 	}
93 	Collapse();
94 }
GameSave(std::vector<unsigned char> data)96 GameSave::GameSave(std::vector<unsigned char> data)
97 {
98 	blockWidth = 0;
99 	blockHeight = 0;
101 	InitData();
102 	InitVars();
103 	expanded = false;
104 	hasOriginalData = true;
105 	originalData = std::vector<char>(data.begin(), data.end());
106 	try
107 	{
108 		Expand();
109 	}
110 	catch(ParseException & e)
111 	{
112 		std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
113 		dealloc();	//Free any allocated memory
114 		throw;
115 	}
116 	Collapse();
117 }
GameSave(char * data,int dataSize)119 GameSave::GameSave(char * data, int dataSize)
120 {
121 	blockWidth = 0;
122 	blockHeight = 0;
124 	InitData();
125 	InitVars();
126 	expanded = false;
127 	hasOriginalData = true;
128 	originalData = std::vector<char>(data, data+dataSize);
129 #ifdef DEBUG
130 	std::cout << "Creating Expanded save from data" << std::endl;
131 #endif
132 	try
133 	{
134 		Expand();
135 	}
136 	catch(ParseException & e)
137 	{
138 		std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
139 		dealloc();	//Free any allocated memory
140 		throw;
141 	}
142 	//Collapse();
143 }
145 // Called on every new GameSave, including the copy constructor
InitData()146 void GameSave::InitData()
147 {
148 	blockMap = NULL;
149 	fanVelX = NULL;
150 	fanVelY = NULL;
151 	particles = NULL;
152 	pressure = NULL;
153 	velocityX = NULL;
154 	velocityY = NULL;
155 	ambientHeat = NULL;
156 	fromNewerVersion = false;
157 	hasPressure = false;
158 	hasAmbientHeat = false;
159 	authors.clear();
160 }
162 // Called on every new GameSave, except the copy constructor
InitVars()163 void GameSave::InitVars()
164 {
165 	majorVersion = 0;
166 	minorVersion = 0;
167 	waterEEnabled = false;
168 	legacyEnable = false;
169 	gravityEnable = false;
170 	aheatEnable = false;
171 	paused = false;
172 	gravityMode = 0;
173 	airMode = 0;
174 	edgeMode = 0;
175 	translated.x = translated.y = 0;
176 	pmapbits = 8; // default to 8 bits for older saves
177 }
Collapsed()179 bool GameSave::Collapsed()
180 {
181 	return !expanded;
182 }
Expand()184 void GameSave::Expand()
185 {
186 	if(hasOriginalData && !expanded)
187 	{
188 		InitVars();
189 		expanded = true;
190 		read(&originalData[0], originalData.size());
191 	}
192 }
Collapse()194 void GameSave::Collapse()
195 {
196 	if(expanded && hasOriginalData)
197 	{
198 		expanded = false;
199 		dealloc();
200 		signs.clear();
201 	}
202 }
read(char * data,int dataSize)204 void GameSave::read(char * data, int dataSize)
205 {
206 	if(dataSize > 15)
207 	{
208 		if ((data[0]==0x66 && data[1]==0x75 && data[2]==0x43) || (data[0]==0x50 && data[1]==0x53 && data[2]==0x76))
209 		{
210 			readPSv(data, dataSize);
211 		}
212 		else if(data[0] == 'O' && data[1] == 'P' && data[2] == 'S')
213 		{
214 			if (data[3] != '1')
215 				throw ParseException(ParseException::WrongVersion, "Save format from newer version");
216 			readOPS(data, dataSize);
217 		}
218 		else
219 		{
220 			std::cerr << "Got Magic number '" << data[0] << data[1] << data[2] << "'" << std::endl;
221 			throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Invalid save format");
222 		}
223 	}
224 	else
225 	{
226 		throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "No data");
227 	}
228 }
230 template <typename T>
Allocate2DArray(int blockWidth,int blockHeight,T defaultVal)231 T ** GameSave::Allocate2DArray(int blockWidth, int blockHeight, T defaultVal)
232 {
233 	T ** temp = new T*[blockHeight];
234 	for (int y = 0; y < blockHeight; y++)
235 	{
236 		temp[y] = new T[blockWidth];
237 		std::fill(&temp[y][0], &temp[y][0]+blockWidth, defaultVal);
238 	}
239 	return temp;
240 }
setSize(int newWidth,int newHeight)242 void GameSave::setSize(int newWidth, int newHeight)
243 {
244 	this->blockWidth = newWidth;
245 	this->blockHeight = newHeight;
247 	particlesCount = 0;
248 	particles = new Particle[NPART];
250 	blockMap = Allocate2DArray<unsigned char>(blockWidth, blockHeight, 0);
251 	fanVelX = Allocate2DArray<float>(blockWidth, blockHeight, 0.0f);
252 	fanVelY = Allocate2DArray<float>(blockWidth, blockHeight, 0.0f);
253 	pressure = Allocate2DArray<float>(blockWidth, blockHeight, 0.0f);
254 	velocityX = Allocate2DArray<float>(blockWidth, blockHeight, 0.0f);
255 	velocityY = Allocate2DArray<float>(blockWidth, blockHeight, 0.0f);
256 	ambientHeat = Allocate2DArray<float>(blockWidth, blockHeight, 0.0f);
257 }
Serialise()259 std::vector<char> GameSave::Serialise()
260 {
261 	unsigned int dataSize;
262 	char * data = Serialise(dataSize);
263 	if (data == NULL)
264 		return std::vector<char>();
265 	std::vector<char> dataVect(data, data+dataSize);
266 	delete[] data;
267 	return dataVect;
268 }
Serialise(unsigned int & dataSize)270 char * GameSave::Serialise(unsigned int & dataSize)
271 {
272 	try
273 	{
274 		return serialiseOPS(dataSize);
275 	}
276 	catch (BuildException & e)
277 	{
278 		std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
279 		return NULL;
280 	}
281 }
Translate(vector2d translate)283 vector2d GameSave::Translate(vector2d translate)
284 {
285 	if (Collapsed())
286 		Expand();
287 	int nx, ny;
288 	vector2d pos;
289 	vector2d translateReal = translate;
290 	float minx = 0, miny = 0, maxx = 0, maxy = 0;
291 	// determine minimum and maximum position of all particles / signs
292 	for (size_t i = 0; i < signs.size(); i++)
293 	{
294 		pos = v2d_new(signs[i].x, signs[i].y);
295 		pos = v2d_add(pos,translate);
296 		nx = floor(pos.x+0.5f);
297 		ny = floor(pos.y+0.5f);
298 		if (nx < minx)
299 			minx = nx;
300 		if (ny < miny)
301 			miny = ny;
302 		if (nx > maxx)
303 			maxx = nx;
304 		if (ny > maxy)
305 			maxy = ny;
306 	}
307 	for (int i = 0; i < particlesCount; i++)
308 	{
309 		if (!particles[i].type) continue;
310 		pos = v2d_new(particles[i].x, particles[i].y);
311 		pos = v2d_add(pos,translate);
312 		nx = floor(pos.x+0.5f);
313 		ny = floor(pos.y+0.5f);
314 		if (nx < minx)
315 			minx = nx;
316 		if (ny < miny)
317 			miny = ny;
318 		if (nx > maxx)
319 			maxx = nx;
320 		if (ny > maxy)
321 			maxy = ny;
322 	}
323 	// determine whether corrections are needed. If moving in this direction would delete stuff, expand the save
324 	vector2d backCorrection = v2d_new(
325 		(minx < 0) ? (-floor(minx / CELL)) : 0,
326 		(miny < 0) ? (-floor(miny / CELL)) : 0
327 	);
328 	int blockBoundsX = int(maxx / CELL) + 1, blockBoundsY = int(maxy / CELL) + 1;
329 	vector2d frontCorrection = v2d_new(
330 		(blockBoundsX > blockWidth) ? (blockBoundsX - blockWidth) : 0,
331 		(blockBoundsY > blockHeight) ? (blockBoundsY - blockHeight) : 0
332 	);
334 	// get new width based on corrections
335 	int newWidth = (blockWidth + backCorrection.x + frontCorrection.x) * CELL;
336 	int newHeight = (blockHeight + backCorrection.y + frontCorrection.y) * CELL;
337 	if (newWidth > XRES)
338 		frontCorrection.x = backCorrection.x = 0;
339 	if (newHeight > YRES)
340 		frontCorrection.y = backCorrection.y = 0;
342 	// call Transform to do the transformation we wanted when calling this function
343 	translate = v2d_add(translate, v2d_multiply_float(backCorrection, CELL));
344 	Transform(m2d_identity, translate, translateReal,
345 	    (blockWidth + backCorrection.x + frontCorrection.x) * CELL,
346 	    (blockHeight + backCorrection.y + frontCorrection.y) * CELL
347 	);
349 	// return how much we corrected. This is used to offset the position of the current stamp
350 	// otherwise it would attempt to recenter it with the current size
351 	return v2d_add(v2d_multiply_float(backCorrection, -CELL), v2d_multiply_float(frontCorrection, CELL));
352 }
Transform(matrix2d transform,vector2d translate)354 void GameSave::Transform(matrix2d transform, vector2d translate)
355 {
356 	if (Collapsed())
357 		Expand();
359 	int width = blockWidth*CELL, height = blockHeight*CELL, newWidth, newHeight;
360 	vector2d tmp, ctl, cbr;
361 	vector2d cornerso[4];
362 	vector2d translateReal = translate;
363 	// undo any translation caused by rotation
364 	cornerso[0] = v2d_new(0,0);
365 	cornerso[1] = v2d_new(width-1,0);
366 	cornerso[2] = v2d_new(0,height-1);
367 	cornerso[3] = v2d_new(width-1,height-1);
368 	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
369 	{
370 		tmp = m2d_multiply_v2d(transform,cornerso[i]);
371 		if (i==0) ctl = cbr = tmp; // top left, bottom right corner
372 		if (tmp.x<ctl.x) ctl.x = tmp.x;
373 		if (tmp.y<ctl.y) ctl.y = tmp.y;
374 		if (tmp.x>cbr.x) cbr.x = tmp.x;
375 		if (tmp.y>cbr.y) cbr.y = tmp.y;
376 	}
377 	// casting as int doesn't quite do what we want with negative numbers, so use floor()
378 	tmp = v2d_new(floor(ctl.x+0.5f),floor(ctl.y+0.5f));
379 	translate = v2d_sub(translate,tmp);
380 	newWidth = floor(cbr.x+0.5f)-floor(ctl.x+0.5f)+1;
381 	newHeight = floor(cbr.y+0.5f)-floor(ctl.y+0.5f)+1;
382 	Transform(transform, translate, translateReal, newWidth, newHeight);
383 }
385 // transform is a matrix describing how we want to rotate this save
386 // translate can vary depending on whether the save is bring rotated, or if a normal translate caused it to expand
387 // translateReal is the original amount we tried to translate, used to calculate wall shifting
Transform(matrix2d transform,vector2d translate,vector2d translateReal,int newWidth,int newHeight)388 void GameSave::Transform(matrix2d transform, vector2d translate, vector2d translateReal, int newWidth, int newHeight)
389 {
390 	if (Collapsed())
391 		Expand();
393 	if (newWidth>XRES) newWidth = XRES;
394 	if (newHeight>YRES) newHeight = YRES;
396 	int x, y, nx, ny, newBlockWidth = newWidth / CELL, newBlockHeight = newHeight / CELL;
397 	vector2d pos, vel;
399 	unsigned char ** blockMapNew;
400 	float **fanVelXNew, **fanVelYNew, **pressureNew, **velocityXNew, **velocityYNew, **ambientHeatNew;
402 	blockMapNew = Allocate2DArray<unsigned char>(newBlockWidth, newBlockHeight, 0);
403 	fanVelXNew = Allocate2DArray<float>(newBlockWidth, newBlockHeight, 0.0f);
404 	fanVelYNew = Allocate2DArray<float>(newBlockWidth, newBlockHeight, 0.0f);
405 	pressureNew = Allocate2DArray<float>(newBlockWidth, newBlockHeight, 0.0f);
406 	velocityXNew = Allocate2DArray<float>(newBlockWidth, newBlockHeight, 0.0f);
407 	velocityYNew = Allocate2DArray<float>(newBlockWidth, newBlockHeight, 0.0f);
408 	ambientHeatNew = Allocate2DArray<float>(newBlockWidth, newBlockHeight, 0.0f);
410 	// rotate and translate signs, parts, walls
411 	for (size_t i = 0; i < signs.size(); i++)
412 	{
413 		pos = v2d_new(signs[i].x, signs[i].y);
414 		pos = v2d_add(m2d_multiply_v2d(transform,pos),translate);
415 		nx = floor(pos.x+0.5f);
416 		ny = floor(pos.y+0.5f);
417 		if (nx<0 || nx>=newWidth || ny<0 || ny>=newHeight)
418 		{
419 			signs[i].text[0] = 0;
420 			continue;
421 		}
422 		signs[i].x = nx;
423 		signs[i].y = ny;
424 	}
425 	for (int i = 0; i < particlesCount; i++)
426 	{
427 		if (!particles[i].type) continue;
428 		pos = v2d_new(particles[i].x, particles[i].y);
429 		pos = v2d_add(m2d_multiply_v2d(transform,pos),translate);
430 		nx = floor(pos.x+0.5f);
431 		ny = floor(pos.y+0.5f);
432 		if (nx<0 || nx>=newWidth || ny<0 || ny>=newHeight)
433 		{
434 			particles[i].type = PT_NONE;
435 			continue;
436 		}
437 		particles[i].x = nx;
438 		particles[i].y = ny;
439 		vel = v2d_new(particles[i].vx, particles[i].vy);
440 		vel = m2d_multiply_v2d(transform, vel);
441 		particles[i].vx = vel.x;
442 		particles[i].vy = vel.y;
443 	}
445 	// translate walls and other grid items when the stamp is shifted more than 4 pixels in any direction
446 	int translateX = 0, translateY = 0;
447 	if (translateReal.x > 0 && ((int)translated.x%CELL == 3
448 	                        || (translated.x < 0 && (int)translated.x%CELL == 0)))
449 		translateX = CELL;
450 	else if (translateReal.x < 0 && ((int)translated.x%CELL == -3
451 	                             || (translated.x > 0 && (int)translated.x%CELL == 0)))
452 		translateX = -CELL;
453 	if (translateReal.y > 0 && ((int)translated.y%CELL == 3
454 	                        || (translated.y < 0 && (int)translated.y%CELL == 0)))
455 		translateY = CELL;
456 	else if (translateReal.y < 0 && ((int)translated.y%CELL == -3
457 	                             || (translated.y > 0 && (int)translated.y%CELL == 0)))
458 		translateY = -CELL;
460 	for (y=0; y<blockHeight; y++)
461 		for (x=0; x<blockWidth; x++)
462 		{
463 			pos = v2d_new(x*CELL+CELL*0.4f+translateX, y*CELL+CELL*0.4f+translateY);
464 			pos = v2d_add(m2d_multiply_v2d(transform,pos),translate);
465 			nx = pos.x/CELL;
466 			ny = pos.y/CELL;
467 			if (pos.x<0 || nx>=newBlockWidth || pos.y<0 || ny>=newBlockHeight)
468 				continue;
469 			if (blockMap[y][x])
470 			{
471 				blockMapNew[ny][nx] = blockMap[y][x];
472 				if (blockMap[y][x]==WL_FAN)
473 				{
474 					vel = v2d_new(fanVelX[y][x], fanVelY[y][x]);
475 					vel = m2d_multiply_v2d(transform, vel);
476 					fanVelXNew[ny][nx] = vel.x;
477 					fanVelYNew[ny][nx] = vel.y;
478 				}
479 			}
480 			pressureNew[ny][nx] = pressure[y][x];
481 			velocityXNew[ny][nx] = velocityX[y][x];
482 			velocityYNew[ny][nx] = velocityY[y][x];
483 			ambientHeatNew[ny][nx] = ambientHeat[y][x];
484 		}
485 	translated = v2d_add(m2d_multiply_v2d(transform, translated), translateReal);
487 	for (int j = 0; j < blockHeight; j++)
488 	{
489 		delete[] blockMap[j];
490 		delete[] fanVelX[j];
491 		delete[] fanVelY[j];
492 		delete[] pressure[j];
493 		delete[] velocityX[j];
494 		delete[] velocityY[j];
495 		delete[] ambientHeat[j];
496 	}
498 	blockWidth = newBlockWidth;
499 	blockHeight = newBlockHeight;
501 	delete[] blockMap;
502 	delete[] fanVelX;
503 	delete[] fanVelY;
504 	delete[] pressure;
505 	delete[] velocityX;
506 	delete[] velocityY;
507 	delete[] ambientHeat;
509 	blockMap = blockMapNew;
510 	fanVelX = fanVelXNew;
511 	fanVelY = fanVelYNew;
512 	pressure = pressureNew;
513 	velocityX = velocityXNew;
514 	velocityY = velocityYNew;
515 	ambientHeat = ambientHeatNew;
516 }
CheckBsonFieldUser(bson_iterator iter,const char * field,unsigned char ** data,unsigned int * fieldLen)518 void GameSave::CheckBsonFieldUser(bson_iterator iter, const char *field, unsigned char **data, unsigned int *fieldLen)
519 {
520 	if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&iter), field))
521 	{
522 		if (bson_iterator_type(&iter)==BSON_BINDATA && ((unsigned char)bson_iterator_bin_type(&iter))==BSON_BIN_USER && (*fieldLen = bson_iterator_bin_len(&iter)) > 0)
523 		{
524 			*data = (unsigned char*)bson_iterator_bin_data(&iter);
525 		}
526 		else
527 		{
528 			fprintf(stderr, "Invalid datatype for %s: %d[%d] %d[%d] %d[%d]\n", field, bson_iterator_type(&iter), bson_iterator_type(&iter)==BSON_BINDATA, (unsigned char)bson_iterator_bin_type(&iter), ((unsigned char)bson_iterator_bin_type(&iter))==BSON_BIN_USER, bson_iterator_bin_len(&iter), bson_iterator_bin_len(&iter)>0);
529 		}
530 	}
531 }
CheckBsonFieldBool(bson_iterator iter,const char * field,bool * flag)533 void GameSave::CheckBsonFieldBool(bson_iterator iter, const char *field, bool *flag)
534 {
535 	if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&iter), field))
536 	{
537 		if (bson_iterator_type(&iter) == BSON_BOOL)
538 		{
539 			*flag = bson_iterator_bool(&iter);
540 		}
541 		else
542 		{
543 			fprintf(stderr, "Wrong type for %s\n", bson_iterator_key(&iter));
544 		}
545 	}
546 }
CheckBsonFieldInt(bson_iterator iter,const char * field,int * setting)548 void GameSave::CheckBsonFieldInt(bson_iterator iter, const char *field, int *setting)
549 {
550 	if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&iter), field))
551 	{
552 		if (bson_iterator_type(&iter) == BSON_INT)
553 		{
554 			*setting = bson_iterator_int(&iter);
555 		}
556 		else
557 		{
558 			fprintf(stderr, "Wrong type for %s\n", bson_iterator_key(&iter));
559 		}
560 	}
561 }
readOPS(char * data,int dataLength)563 void GameSave::readOPS(char * data, int dataLength)
564 {
565 	unsigned char *inputData = (unsigned char*)data, *bsonData = NULL, *partsData = NULL, *partsPosData = NULL, *fanData = NULL, *wallData = NULL, *soapLinkData = NULL;
566 	unsigned char *pressData = NULL, *vxData = NULL, *vyData = NULL, *ambientData = NULL;
567 	unsigned int inputDataLen = dataLength, bsonDataLen = 0, partsDataLen, partsPosDataLen, fanDataLen, wallDataLen, soapLinkDataLen;
568 	unsigned int pressDataLen, vxDataLen, vyDataLen, ambientDataLen;
569 	unsigned partsCount = 0;
570 	unsigned int blockX, blockY, blockW, blockH, fullX, fullY, fullW, fullH;
571 	int savedVersion = inputData[4];
572 	majorVersion = savedVersion;
573 	minorVersion = 0;
574 	bool fakeNewerVersion = false; // used for development builds only
576 	bson b;
577 	b.data = NULL;
578 	bson_iterator iter;
579 	auto bson_deleter = [](bson * b) { bson_destroy(b); };
580 	// Use unique_ptr with a custom deleter to ensure that bson_destroy is called even when an exception is thrown
581 	std::unique_ptr<bson, decltype(bson_deleter)> b_ptr(&b, bson_deleter);
583 	//Block sizes
584 	blockX = 0;
585 	blockY = 0;
586 	blockW = inputData[6];
587 	blockH = inputData[7];
589 	//Full size, normalised
590 	fullX = blockX*CELL;
591 	fullY = blockY*CELL;
592 	fullW = blockW*CELL;
593 	fullH = blockH*CELL;
595 	//From newer version
596 	if (savedVersion > SAVE_VERSION)
597 	{
598 		fromNewerVersion = true;
599 		//throw ParseException(ParseException::WrongVersion, "Save from newer version");
600 	}
602 	//Incompatible cell size
603 	if (inputData[5] != CELL)
604 		throw ParseException(ParseException::InvalidDimensions, "Incorrect CELL size");
606 	//Too large/off screen
607 	if (blockX+blockW > XRES/CELL || blockY+blockH > YRES/CELL)
608 		throw ParseException(ParseException::InvalidDimensions, "Save too large");
610 	setSize(blockW, blockH);
612 	bsonDataLen = ((unsigned)inputData[8]);
613 	bsonDataLen |= ((unsigned)inputData[9]) << 8;
614 	bsonDataLen |= ((unsigned)inputData[10]) << 16;
615 	bsonDataLen |= ((unsigned)inputData[11]) << 24;
617 	//Check for overflows, don't load saves larger than 200MB
618 	unsigned int toAlloc = bsonDataLen+1;
619 	if (toAlloc > 209715200 || !toAlloc)
620 		throw ParseException(ParseException::InvalidDimensions, "Save data too large, refusing");
622 	bsonData = (unsigned char*)malloc(toAlloc);
623 	if (!bsonData)
624 		throw ParseException(ParseException::InternalError, "Unable to allocate memory");
626 	//Make sure bsonData is null terminated, since all string functions need null terminated strings
627 	//(bson_iterator_key returns a pointer into bsonData, which is then used with strcmp)
628 	bsonData[bsonDataLen] = 0;
630 	int bz2ret;
631 	if ((bz2ret = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress((char*)bsonData, &bsonDataLen, (char*)(inputData+12), inputDataLen-12, 0, 0)) != BZ_OK)
632 	{
633 		throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, String::Build("Unable to decompress (ret ", bz2ret, ")"));
634 	}
636 	set_bson_err_handler([](const char* err) { throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "BSON error when parsing save: " + ByteString(err).FromUtf8()); });
637 	bson_init_data_size(&b, (char*)bsonData, bsonDataLen);
638 	bson_iterator_init(&iter, &b);
640 	std::vector<sign> tempSigns;
642 	while (bson_iterator_next(&iter))
643 	{
644 		CheckBsonFieldUser(iter, "parts", &partsData, &partsDataLen);
645 		CheckBsonFieldUser(iter, "partsPos", &partsPosData, &partsPosDataLen);
646 		CheckBsonFieldUser(iter, "wallMap", &wallData, &wallDataLen);
647 		CheckBsonFieldUser(iter, "pressMap", &pressData, &pressDataLen);
648 		CheckBsonFieldUser(iter, "vxMap", &vxData, &vxDataLen);
649 		CheckBsonFieldUser(iter, "vyMap", &vyData, &vyDataLen);
650 		CheckBsonFieldUser(iter, "ambientMap", &ambientData, &ambientDataLen);
651 		CheckBsonFieldUser(iter, "fanMap", &fanData, &fanDataLen);
652 		CheckBsonFieldUser(iter, "soapLinks", &soapLinkData, &soapLinkDataLen);
653 		CheckBsonFieldBool(iter, "legacyEnable", &legacyEnable);
654 		CheckBsonFieldBool(iter, "gravityEnable", &gravityEnable);
655 		CheckBsonFieldBool(iter, "aheat_enable", &aheatEnable);
656 		CheckBsonFieldBool(iter, "waterEEnabled", &waterEEnabled);
657 		CheckBsonFieldBool(iter, "paused", &paused);
658 		CheckBsonFieldInt(iter, "gravityMode", &gravityMode);
659 		CheckBsonFieldInt(iter, "airMode", &airMode);
660 		CheckBsonFieldInt(iter, "edgeMode", &edgeMode);
661 		CheckBsonFieldInt(iter, "pmapbits", &pmapbits);
662 		if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&iter), "signs"))
663 		{
664 			if (bson_iterator_type(&iter)==BSON_ARRAY)
665 			{
666 				bson_iterator subiter;
667 				bson_iterator_subiterator(&iter, &subiter);
668 				while (bson_iterator_next(&subiter))
669 				{
670 					if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&subiter), "sign"))
671 					{
672 						if (bson_iterator_type(&subiter) == BSON_OBJECT)
673 						{
674 							bson_iterator signiter;
675 							bson_iterator_subiterator(&subiter, &signiter);
677 							sign tempSign("", 0, 0, sign::Left);
678 							while (bson_iterator_next(&signiter))
679 							{
680 								if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&signiter), "text") && bson_iterator_type(&signiter) == BSON_STRING)
681 								{
682 									tempSign.text = format::CleanString(ByteString(bson_iterator_string(&signiter)).FromUtf8(), true, true, true).Substr(0, 45);
683 									if (majorVersion < 94 || (majorVersion == 94 && minorVersion < 2))
684 									{
685 										if (tempSign.text == "{t}")
686 										{
687 											tempSign.text = "Temp: {t}";
688 										}
689 										else if (tempSign.text == "{p}")
690 										{
691 											tempSign.text = "Pressure: {p}";
692 										}
693 									}
694 								}
695 								else if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&signiter), "justification") && bson_iterator_type(&signiter) == BSON_INT)
696 								{
697 									tempSign.ju = (sign::Justification)bson_iterator_int(&signiter);
698 								}
699 								else if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&signiter), "x") && bson_iterator_type(&signiter) == BSON_INT)
700 								{
701 									tempSign.x = bson_iterator_int(&signiter)+fullX;
702 								}
703 								else if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&signiter), "y") && bson_iterator_type(&signiter) == BSON_INT)
704 								{
705 									tempSign.y = bson_iterator_int(&signiter)+fullY;
706 								}
707 								else
708 								{
709 									fprintf(stderr, "Unknown sign property %s\n", bson_iterator_key(&signiter));
710 								}
711 							}
712 							tempSigns.push_back(tempSign);
713 						}
714 						else
715 						{
716 							fprintf(stderr, "Wrong type for %s\n", bson_iterator_key(&subiter));
717 						}
718 					}
719 				}
720 			}
721 			else
722 			{
723 				fprintf(stderr, "Wrong type for %s\n", bson_iterator_key(&iter));
724 			}
725 		}
726 		else if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&iter), "stkm"))
727 		{
728 			if (bson_iterator_type(&iter) == BSON_OBJECT)
729 			{
730 				bson_iterator stkmiter;
731 				bson_iterator_subiterator(&iter, &stkmiter);
732 				while (bson_iterator_next(&stkmiter))
733 				{
734 					CheckBsonFieldBool(stkmiter, "rocketBoots1", &stkm.rocketBoots1);
735 					CheckBsonFieldBool(stkmiter, "rocketBoots2", &stkm.rocketBoots2);
736 					CheckBsonFieldBool(stkmiter, "fan1", &stkm.fan1);
737 					CheckBsonFieldBool(stkmiter, "fan2", &stkm.fan2);
738 					if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&stkmiter), "rocketBootsFigh") && bson_iterator_type(&stkmiter) == BSON_ARRAY)
739 					{
740 						bson_iterator fighiter;
741 						bson_iterator_subiterator(&stkmiter, &fighiter);
742 						while (bson_iterator_next(&fighiter))
743 						{
744 							if (bson_iterator_type(&fighiter) == BSON_INT)
745 								stkm.rocketBootsFigh.push_back(bson_iterator_int(&fighiter));
746 						}
747 					}
748 					else if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&stkmiter), "fanFigh") && bson_iterator_type(&stkmiter) == BSON_ARRAY)
749 					{
750 						bson_iterator fighiter;
751 						bson_iterator_subiterator(&stkmiter, &fighiter);
752 						while (bson_iterator_next(&fighiter))
753 						{
754 							if (bson_iterator_type(&fighiter) == BSON_INT)
755 								stkm.fanFigh.push_back(bson_iterator_int(&fighiter));
756 						}
757 					}
758 				}
759 			}
760 			else
761 			{
762 				fprintf(stderr, "Wrong type for %s\n", bson_iterator_key(&iter));
763 			}
764 		}
765 		else if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&iter), "palette"))
766 		{
767 			palette.clear();
768 			if (bson_iterator_type(&iter) == BSON_ARRAY)
769 			{
770 				bson_iterator subiter;
771 				bson_iterator_subiterator(&iter, &subiter);
772 				while (bson_iterator_next(&subiter))
773 				{
774 					if (bson_iterator_type(&subiter) == BSON_INT)
775 					{
776 						ByteString id = bson_iterator_key(&subiter);
777 						int num = bson_iterator_int(&subiter);
778 						palette.push_back(PaletteItem(id, num));
779 					}
780 				}
781 			}
782 		}
783 		else if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&iter), "origin"))
784 		{
785 			if (bson_iterator_type(&iter) == BSON_OBJECT)
786 			{
787 				bson_iterator subiter;
788 				bson_iterator_subiterator(&iter, &subiter);
789 				while (bson_iterator_next(&subiter))
790 				{
791 					if (bson_iterator_type(&subiter) == BSON_INT)
792 					{
793 						if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&subiter), "minorVersion"))
794 						{
795 							minorVersion = bson_iterator_int(&subiter);
796 						}
797 					}
798 				}
799 			}
800 			else
801 			{
802 				fprintf(stderr, "Wrong type for %s\n", bson_iterator_key(&iter));
803 			}
804 		}
805 		else if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&iter), "minimumVersion"))
806 		{
807 			if (bson_iterator_type(&iter) == BSON_OBJECT)
808 			{
809 				int major = INT_MAX, minor = INT_MAX;
810 				bson_iterator subiter;
811 				bson_iterator_subiterator(&iter, &subiter);
812 				while (bson_iterator_next(&subiter))
813 				{
814 					if (bson_iterator_type(&subiter) == BSON_INT)
815 					{
816 						if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&subiter), "major"))
817 							major = bson_iterator_int(&subiter);
818 						else if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&subiter), "minor"))
819 							minor = bson_iterator_int(&subiter);
820 					}
821 				}
822 #if defined(SNAPSHOT) || defined(DEBUG)
823 				if (major > FUTURE_SAVE_VERSION || (major == FUTURE_SAVE_VERSION && minor > FUTURE_MINOR_VERSION))
824 #else
825 				if (major > SAVE_VERSION || (major == SAVE_VERSION && minor > MINOR_VERSION))
826 #endif
827 				{
828 					String errorMessage = String::Build("Save from a newer version: Requires version ", major, ".", minor);
829 					throw ParseException(ParseException::WrongVersion, errorMessage);
830 				}
831 #if defined(SNAPSHOT) || defined(DEBUG)
832 				else if (major > SAVE_VERSION || (major == SAVE_VERSION && minor > MINOR_VERSION))
833 					fakeNewerVersion = true;
834 #endif
835 			}
836 			else
837 			{
838 				fprintf(stderr, "Wrong type for %s\n", bson_iterator_key(&iter));
839 			}
840 		}
841 #ifndef RENDERER
842 		else if (!strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&iter), "authors"))
843 		{
844 			if (bson_iterator_type(&iter) == BSON_OBJECT)
845 			{
846 				// we need to clear authors because the save may be read multiple times in the stamp browser (loading and rendering twice)
847 				// seems inefficient ...
848 				authors.clear();
849 				ConvertBsonToJson(&iter, &authors);
850 			}
851 			else
852 			{
853 				fprintf(stderr, "Wrong type for %s\n", bson_iterator_key(&iter));
854 			}
855 		}
856 #endif
857 	}
859 	//Read wall and fan data
860 	if(wallData)
861 	{
862 		unsigned int j = 0;
863 		if (blockW * blockH > wallDataLen)
864 			throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough wall data");
865 		for (unsigned int x = 0; x < blockW; x++)
866 		{
867 			for (unsigned int y = 0; y < blockH; y++)
868 			{
869 				if (wallData[y*blockW+x])
870 					blockMap[blockY+y][blockX+x] = wallData[y*blockW+x];
872 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_WALLELEC)
873 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_WALLELEC;
874 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_EWALL)
875 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_EWALL;
876 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_DETECT)
877 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_DETECT;
878 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_STREAM)
879 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_STREAM;
880 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_FAN||blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_FANHELPER)
881 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_FAN;
882 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_ALLOWLIQUID)
883 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWLIQUID;
884 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_DESTROYALL)
885 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_DESTROYALL;
886 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_ERASE)
887 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_ERASE;
888 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_WALL)
889 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_WALL;
890 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_ALLOWAIR)
891 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWAIR;
892 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_ALLOWSOLID)
893 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWPOWDER;
894 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_ALLOWALLELEC)
895 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWALLELEC;
896 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_EHOLE)
897 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_EHOLE;
898 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_ALLOWGAS)
899 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWGAS;
900 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_GRAV)
901 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_GRAV;
902 				if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_ALLOWENERGY)
903 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWENERGY;
905 				if (blockMap[y][x] == WL_FAN && fanData)
906 				{
907 					if(j+1 >= fanDataLen)
908 					{
909 						fprintf(stderr, "Not enough fan data\n");
910 					}
911 					fanVelX[blockY+y][blockX+x] = (fanData[j++]-127.0f)/64.0f;
912 					fanVelY[blockY+y][blockX+x] = (fanData[j++]-127.0f)/64.0f;
913 				}
915 				if (blockMap[y][x] >= UI_WALLCOUNT)
916 					blockMap[y][x] = 0;
917 			}
918 		}
919 	}
921 	//Read pressure data
922 	if (pressData)
923 	{
924 		unsigned int j = 0;
925 		unsigned char i, i2;
926 		if (blockW * blockH > pressDataLen)
927 			throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough pressure data");
928 		for (unsigned int x = 0; x < blockW; x++)
929 		{
930 			for (unsigned int y = 0; y < blockH; y++)
931 			{
932 				i = pressData[j++];
933 				i2 = pressData[j++];
934 				pressure[blockY+y][blockX+x] = ((i+(i2<<8))/128.0f)-256;
935 			}
936 		}
937 		hasPressure = true;
938 	}
940 	//Read vx data
941 	if (vxData)
942 	{
943 		unsigned int j = 0;
944 		unsigned char i, i2;
945 		if (blockW * blockH > vxDataLen)
946 			throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough vx data");
947 		for (unsigned int x = 0; x < blockW; x++)
948 		{
949 			for (unsigned int y = 0; y < blockH; y++)
950 			{
951 				i = vxData[j++];
952 				i2 = vxData[j++];
953 				velocityX[blockY+y][blockX+x] = ((i+(i2<<8))/128.0f)-256;
954 			}
955 		}
956 	}
958 	//Read vy data
959 	if (vyData)
960 	{
961 		unsigned int j = 0;
962 		unsigned char i, i2;
963 		if (blockW * blockH > vyDataLen)
964 			throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough vy data");
965 		for (unsigned int x = 0; x < blockW; x++)
966 		{
967 			for (unsigned int y = 0; y < blockH; y++)
968 			{
969 				i = vyData[j++];
970 				i2 = vyData[j++];
971 				velocityY[blockY+y][blockX+x] = ((i+(i2<<8))/128.0f)-256;
972 			}
973 		}
974 	}
976 	//Read ambient data
977 	if (ambientData)
978 	{
979 		unsigned int i = 0, tempTemp;
980 		if (blockW * blockH > ambientDataLen)
981 			throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough ambient heat data");
982 		for (unsigned int x = 0; x < blockW; x++)
983 		{
984 			for (unsigned int y = 0; y < blockH; y++)
985 			{
986 				tempTemp = ambientData[i++];
987 				tempTemp |= (((unsigned)ambientData[i++]) << 8);
988 				ambientHeat[blockY+y][blockX+x] = tempTemp;
989 			}
990 		}
991 		hasAmbientHeat = true;
992 	}
994 	//Read particle data
995 	if (partsData && partsPosData)
996 	{
997 		int newIndex = 0, fieldDescriptor, tempTemp;
998 		int posCount, posTotal, partsPosDataIndex = 0;
999 		if (fullW * fullH * 3 > partsPosDataLen)
1000 			throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough particle position data");
1002 		partsCount = 0;
1004 		unsigned int i = 0;
1005 		unsigned int saved_x, saved_y, x, y;
1006 		newIndex = 0;
1007 		for (saved_y = 0; saved_y < fullH; saved_y++)
1008 		{
1009 			for (saved_x = 0; saved_x < fullW; saved_x++)
1010 			{
1011 				//Read total number of particles at this position
1012 				posTotal = 0;
1013 				posTotal |= partsPosData[partsPosDataIndex++]<<16;
1014 				posTotal |= partsPosData[partsPosDataIndex++]<<8;
1015 				posTotal |= partsPosData[partsPosDataIndex++];
1016 				//Put the next posTotal particles at this position
1017 				for (posCount = 0; posCount < posTotal; posCount++)
1018 				{
1019 					particlesCount = newIndex+1;
1020 					//i+3 because we have 4 bytes of required fields (type (1), descriptor (2), temp (1))
1021 					if (i+3 >= partsDataLen)
1022 						throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Ran past particle data buffer");
1023 					x = saved_x + fullX;
1024 					y = saved_y + fullY;
1025 					fieldDescriptor = partsData[i+1];
1026 					fieldDescriptor |= partsData[i+2] << 8;
1027 					if (x >= fullW || y >= fullH)
1028 						throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Particle out of range");
1030 					if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex >= NPART)
1031 						throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Too many particles");
1033 					//Clear the particle, ready for our new properties
1034 					memset(&(particles[newIndex]), 0, sizeof(Particle));
1036 					//Required fields
1037 					particles[newIndex].type = partsData[i];
1038 					particles[newIndex].x = x;
1039 					particles[newIndex].y = y;
1040 					i+=3;
1042 					// Read type (2nd byte)
1043 					if (fieldDescriptor & 0x4000)
1044 						particles[newIndex].type |= (((unsigned)partsData[i++]) << 8);
1046 					//Read temp
1047 					if(fieldDescriptor & 0x01)
1048 					{
1049 						//Full 16bit int
1050 						tempTemp = partsData[i++];
1051 						tempTemp |= (((unsigned)partsData[i++]) << 8);
1052 						particles[newIndex].temp = tempTemp;
1053 					}
1054 					else
1055 					{
1056 						//1 Byte room temp offset
1057 						tempTemp = (char)partsData[i++];
1058 						particles[newIndex].temp = tempTemp+294.15f;
1059 					}
1061 					//Read life
1062 					if(fieldDescriptor & 0x02)
1063 					{
1064 						if (i >= partsDataLen)
1065 							throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Ran past particle data buffer while loading life");
1066 						particles[newIndex].life = partsData[i++];
1067 						//i++;
1068 						//Read 2nd byte
1069 						if(fieldDescriptor & 0x04)
1070 						{
1071 							if (i >= partsDataLen)
1072 								throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Ran past particle data buffer while loading life");
1073 							particles[newIndex].life |= (((unsigned)partsData[i++]) << 8);
1074 						}
1075 					}
1077 					//Read tmp
1078 					if(fieldDescriptor & 0x08)
1079 					{
1080 						if (i >= partsDataLen)
1081 							throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Ran past particle data buffer while loading tmp");
1082 						particles[newIndex].tmp = partsData[i++];
1083 						//Read 2nd byte
1084 						if(fieldDescriptor & 0x10)
1085 						{
1086 							if (i >= partsDataLen)
1087 								throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Ran past particle data buffer while loading tmp");
1088 							particles[newIndex].tmp |= (((unsigned)partsData[i++]) << 8);
1089 							//Read 3rd and 4th bytes
1090 							if(fieldDescriptor & 0x1000)
1091 							{
1092 								if (i+1 >= partsDataLen)
1093 									throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Ran past particle data buffer while loading tmp");
1094 								particles[newIndex].tmp |= (((unsigned)partsData[i++]) << 24);
1095 								particles[newIndex].tmp |= (((unsigned)partsData[i++]) << 16);
1096 							}
1097 						}
1098 					}
1100 					//Read ctype
1101 					if(fieldDescriptor & 0x20)
1102 					{
1103 						if (i >= partsDataLen)
1104 							throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Ran past particle data buffer while loading ctype");
1105 						particles[newIndex].ctype = partsData[i++];
1106 						//Read additional bytes
1107 						if(fieldDescriptor & 0x200)
1108 						{
1109 							if (i+2 >= partsDataLen)
1110 								throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Ran past particle data buffer while loading ctype");
1111 							particles[newIndex].ctype |= (((unsigned)partsData[i++]) << 24);
1112 							particles[newIndex].ctype |= (((unsigned)partsData[i++]) << 16);
1113 							particles[newIndex].ctype |= (((unsigned)partsData[i++]) << 8);
1114 						}
1115 					}
1117 					//Read dcolour
1118 					if(fieldDescriptor & 0x40)
1119 					{
1120 						if (i+3 >= partsDataLen)
1121 							throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Ran past particle data buffer while loading deco");
1122 						particles[newIndex].dcolour = (((unsigned)partsData[i++]) << 24);
1123 						particles[newIndex].dcolour |= (((unsigned)partsData[i++]) << 16);
1124 						particles[newIndex].dcolour |= (((unsigned)partsData[i++]) << 8);
1125 						particles[newIndex].dcolour |= ((unsigned)partsData[i++]);
1126 					}
1128 					//Read vx
1129 					if(fieldDescriptor & 0x80)
1130 					{
1131 						if (i >= partsDataLen)
1132 							throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Ran past particle data buffer while loading vx");
1133 						particles[newIndex].vx = (partsData[i++]-127.0f)/16.0f;
1134 					}
1136 					//Read vy
1137 					if(fieldDescriptor & 0x100)
1138 					{
1139 						if (i >= partsDataLen)
1140 							throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Ran past particle data buffer while loading vy");
1141 						particles[newIndex].vy = (partsData[i++]-127.0f)/16.0f;
1142 					}
1144 					//Read tmp2
1145 					if(fieldDescriptor & 0x400)
1146 					{
1147 						if (i >= partsDataLen)
1148 							throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Ran past particle data buffer while loading tmp2");
1149 						particles[newIndex].tmp2 = partsData[i++];
1150 						if(fieldDescriptor & 0x800)
1151 						{
1152 							if (i >= partsDataLen)
1153 								throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Ran past particle data buffer while loading tmp2");
1154 							particles[newIndex].tmp2 |= (((unsigned)partsData[i++]) << 8);
1155 						}
1156 					}
1158 					//Read pavg
1159 					if(fieldDescriptor & 0x2000)
1160 					{
1161 						if (i+3 >= partsDataLen)
1162 							throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Ran past particle data buffer while loading pavg");
1163 						int pavg;
1164 						pavg = partsData[i++];
1165 						pavg |= (((unsigned)partsData[i++]) << 8);
1166 						particles[newIndex].pavg[0] = (float)pavg;
1167 						pavg = partsData[i++];
1168 						pavg |= (((unsigned)partsData[i++]) << 8);
1169 						particles[newIndex].pavg[1] = (float)pavg;
1171 						switch (particles[newIndex].type)
1172 						{
1173 						// List of elements that save pavg with a multiplicative bias of 2**6
1174 						// (or not at all if pressure is not saved).
1175 						// If you change this list, change it in Simulation::Load and GameSave::serialiseOPS too!
1176 						case PT_QRTZ:
1177 						case PT_GLAS:
1178 						case PT_TUNG:
1179 							particles[newIndex].pavg[0] /= 64;
1180 							particles[newIndex].pavg[1] /= 64;
1181 							break;
1182 						}
1183 					}
1185 					//Particle specific parsing:
1186 					switch(particles[newIndex].type)
1187 					{
1188 					case PT_SOAP:
1189 						//Clear soap links, links will be added back in if soapLinkData is present
1190 						particles[newIndex].ctype &= ~6;
1191 						break;
1192 					case PT_BOMB:
1193 						if (particles[newIndex].tmp!=0 && savedVersion < 81)
1194 						{
1195 							particles[newIndex].type = PT_EMBR;
1196 							particles[newIndex].ctype = 0;
1197 							if (particles[newIndex].tmp==1)
1198 								particles[newIndex].tmp = 0;
1199 						}
1200 						break;
1201 					case PT_DUST:
1202 						if (particles[newIndex].life>0 && savedVersion < 81)
1203 						{
1204 							particles[newIndex].type = PT_EMBR;
1205 							particles[newIndex].ctype = (particles[newIndex].tmp2<<16) | (particles[newIndex].tmp<<8) | particles[newIndex].ctype;
1206 							particles[newIndex].tmp = 1;
1207 						}
1208 						break;
1209 					case PT_FIRW:
1210 						if (particles[newIndex].tmp>=2 && savedVersion < 81)
1211 						{
1212 							int caddress = restrict_flt(restrict_flt((float)(particles[newIndex].tmp-4), 0.0f, 200.0f)*3, 0.0f, (200.0f*3)-3);
1213 							particles[newIndex].type = PT_EMBR;
1214 							particles[newIndex].tmp = 1;
1215 							particles[newIndex].ctype = (((firw_data[caddress]))<<16) | (((firw_data[caddress+1]))<<8) | ((firw_data[caddress+2]));
1216 						}
1217 						break;
1218 					case PT_PSTN:
1219 						if (savedVersion < 87 && particles[newIndex].ctype)
1220 							particles[newIndex].life = 1;
1221 						if (savedVersion < 91)
1222 							particles[newIndex].temp = 283.15;
1223 						break;
1224 					case PT_FILT:
1225 						if (savedVersion < 89)
1226 						{
1227 							if (particles[newIndex].tmp<0 || particles[newIndex].tmp>3)
1228 								particles[newIndex].tmp = 6;
1229 							particles[newIndex].ctype = 0;
1230 						}
1231 						break;
1232 					case PT_QRTZ:
1233 					case PT_PQRT:
1234 						if (savedVersion < 89)
1235 						{
1236 							particles[newIndex].tmp2 = particles[newIndex].tmp;
1237 							particles[newIndex].tmp = particles[newIndex].ctype;
1238 							particles[newIndex].ctype = 0;
1239 						}
1240 						break;
1241 					case PT_PHOT:
1242 						if (savedVersion < 90)
1243 						{
1244 							particles[newIndex].flags |= FLAG_PHOTDECO;
1245 						}
1246 						break;
1247 					case PT_VINE:
1248 						if (savedVersion < 91)
1249 						{
1250 							particles[newIndex].tmp = 1;
1251 						}
1252 						break;
1253 					case PT_DLAY:
1254 						// correct DLAY temperature in older saves
1255 						// due to either the +.5f now done in DLAY (higher temps), or rounding errors in the old DLAY code (room temperature temps),
1256 						// the delay in all DLAY from older versions will always be one greater than it should
1257 						if (savedVersion < 91)
1258 						{
1259 							particles[newIndex].temp = particles[newIndex].temp - 1.0f;
1260 						}
1261 						break;
1262 					case PT_CRAY:
1263 						if (savedVersion < 91)
1264 						{
1265 							if (particles[newIndex].tmp2)
1266 							{
1267 								particles[newIndex].ctype |= particles[newIndex].tmp2<<8;
1268 								particles[newIndex].tmp2 = 0;
1269 							}
1270 						}
1271 						break;
1272 					case PT_CONV:
1273 						if (savedVersion < 91)
1274 						{
1275 							if (particles[newIndex].tmp)
1276 							{
1277 								particles[newIndex].ctype |= particles[newIndex].tmp<<8;
1278 								particles[newIndex].tmp = 0;
1279 							}
1280 						}
1281 						break;
1282 					case PT_PIPE:
1283 					case PT_PPIP:
1284 						if (savedVersion < 93 && !fakeNewerVersion)
1285 						{
1286 							if (particles[newIndex].ctype == 1)
1287 								particles[newIndex].tmp |= 0x00020000; //PFLAG_INITIALIZING
1288 							particles[newIndex].tmp |= (particles[newIndex].ctype-1)<<18;
1289 							particles[newIndex].ctype = particles[newIndex].tmp&0xFF;
1290 						}
1291 						break;
1292 					case PT_TSNS:
1293 					case PT_HSWC:
1294 					case PT_PSNS:
1295 					case PT_PUMP:
1296 						if (savedVersion < 93 && !fakeNewerVersion)
1297 						{
1298 							particles[newIndex].tmp = 0;
1299 						}
1300 						break;
1301 					}
1302 					//note: PSv was used in version 77.0 and every version before, add something in PSv too if the element is that old
1303 					newIndex++;
1304 					partsCount++;
1305 				}
1306 			}
1307 		}
1309 		if (i != partsDataLen)
1310 			throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Didn't reach end of particle data buffer");
1311 	}
1313 	if (soapLinkData)
1314 	{
1315 		unsigned int soapLinkDataPos = 0;
1316 		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < partsCount; i++)
1317 		{
1318 			if (particles[i].type == PT_SOAP)
1319 			{
1320 				// Get the index of the particle forward linked from this one, if present in the save data
1321 				unsigned int linkedIndex = 0;
1322 				if (soapLinkDataPos+3 > soapLinkDataLen) break;
1323 				linkedIndex |= soapLinkData[soapLinkDataPos++]<<16;
1324 				linkedIndex |= soapLinkData[soapLinkDataPos++]<<8;
1325 				linkedIndex |= soapLinkData[soapLinkDataPos++];
1326 				// All indexes in soapLinkData and partsSimIndex have 1 added to them (0 means not saved/loaded)
1327 				if (!linkedIndex || linkedIndex-1 >= partsCount)
1328 					continue;
1329 				linkedIndex = linkedIndex-1;
1331 				//Attach the two particles
1332 				particles[i].ctype |= 2;
1333 				particles[i].tmp = linkedIndex;
1334 				particles[linkedIndex].ctype |= 4;
1335 				particles[linkedIndex].tmp2 = i;
1336 			}
1337 		}
1338 	}
1340 	if (tempSigns.size())
1341 	{
1342 		for (size_t i = 0; i < tempSigns.size(); i++)
1343 		{
1344 			if(signs.size() == MAXSIGNS)
1345 				break;
1346 			signs.push_back(tempSigns[i]);
1347 		}
1348 	}
1349 }
readPSv(char * saveDataChar,int dataLength)1351 void GameSave::readPSv(char * saveDataChar, int dataLength)
1352 {
1353 	unsigned char * saveData = (unsigned char *)saveDataChar;
1354 	int q,j,k,x,y,p=0, ver, pty, ty, legacy_beta=0;
1355 	int bx0=0, by0=0, bw, bh, w, h, y0 = 0, x0 = 0;
1356 	int new_format = 0, ttv = 0;
1358 	std::vector<sign> tempSigns;
1359 	char tempSignText[255];
1360 	sign tempSign("", 0, 0, sign::Left);
1362 	//Gol data used to read older saves
1363 	std::vector<int> goltype = LoadGOLTypes();
1364 	std::vector<std::array<int, 10> > grule = LoadGOLRules();
1366 	std::vector<Element> elements = GetElements();
1368 	//New file header uses PSv, replacing fuC. This is to detect if the client uses a new save format for temperatures
1369 	//This creates a problem for old clients, that display and "corrupt" error instead of a "newer version" error
1371 	if (dataLength<16)
1372 		throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "No save data");
1373 	if (!(saveData[2]==0x43 && saveData[1]==0x75 && saveData[0]==0x66) && !(saveData[2]==0x76 && saveData[1]==0x53 && saveData[0]==0x50))
1374 		throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Unknown format");
1375 	if (saveData[2]==0x76 && saveData[1]==0x53 && saveData[0]==0x50) {
1376 		new_format = 1;
1377 	}
1378 	if (saveData[4]>SAVE_VERSION)
1379 		throw ParseException(ParseException::WrongVersion, "Save from newer version");
1380 	ver = saveData[4];
1381 	majorVersion = saveData[4];
1382 	minorVersion = 0;
1384 	if (ver<34)
1385 	{
1386 		legacyEnable = 1;
1387 	}
1388 	else
1389 	{
1390 		if (ver>=44) {
1391 			legacyEnable = saveData[3]&0x01;
1392 			paused = (saveData[3]>>1)&0x01;
1393 			if (ver>=46) {
1394 				gravityMode = ((saveData[3]>>2)&0x03);// | ((c[3]>>2)&0x01);
1395 				airMode = ((saveData[3]>>4)&0x07);// | ((c[3]>>4)&0x02) | ((c[3]>>4)&0x01);
1396 			}
1397 			if (ver>=49) {
1398 				gravityEnable = ((saveData[3]>>7)&0x01);
1399 			}
1400 		} else {
1401 			if (saveData[3]==1||saveData[3]==0) {
1402 				legacyEnable = saveData[3];
1403 			} else {
1404 				legacy_beta = 1;
1405 			}
1406 		}
1407 	}
1409 	bw = saveData[6];
1410 	bh = saveData[7];
1411 	if (bx0+bw > XRES/CELL)
1412 		bx0 = XRES/CELL - bw;
1413 	if (by0+bh > YRES/CELL)
1414 		by0 = YRES/CELL - bh;
1415 	if (bx0 < 0)
1416 		bx0 = 0;
1417 	if (by0 < 0)
1418 		by0 = 0;
1420 	if (saveData[5]!=CELL || bx0+bw>XRES/CELL || by0+bh>YRES/CELL)
1421 		throw ParseException(ParseException::InvalidDimensions, "Save too large");
1422 	int size = (unsigned)saveData[8];
1423 	size |= ((unsigned)saveData[9])<<8;
1424 	size |= ((unsigned)saveData[10])<<16;
1425 	size |= ((unsigned)saveData[11])<<24;
1427 	if (size > 209715200 || !size)
1428 		throw ParseException(ParseException::InvalidDimensions, "Save data too large");
1430 	auto dataPtr = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>(new unsigned char[size]);
1431 	unsigned char *data = dataPtr.get();
1432 	if (!data)
1433 		throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Cannot allocate memory");
1435 	setSize(bw, bh);
1437 	int bzStatus = 0;
1438 	if ((bzStatus = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress((char *)data, (unsigned *)&size, (char *)(saveData+12), dataLength-12, 0, 0)))
1439 		throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, String::Build("Cannot decompress: ", bzStatus));
1440 	dataLength = size;
1442 #ifdef DEBUG
1443 	std::cout << "Parsing " << dataLength << " bytes of data, version " << ver << std::endl;
1444 #endif
1446 	if (dataLength < bw*bh)
1447 		throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Save data corrupt (missing data)");
1449 	// normalize coordinates
1450 	x0 = bx0*CELL;
1451 	y0 = by0*CELL;
1452 	w  = bw *CELL;
1453 	h  = bh *CELL;
1455 	if (ver<46) {
1456 		gravityMode = 0;
1457 		airMode = 0;
1458 	}
1460 	auto particleIDMapPtr = std::unique_ptr<int[]>(new int[XRES*YRES]);
1461 	int *particleIDMap = particleIDMapPtr.get();
1462 	std::fill(&particleIDMap[0], &particleIDMap[XRES*YRES], 0);
1463 	if (!particleIDMap)
1464 		throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Cannot allocate memory");
1466 	// load the required air state
1467 	for (y=by0; y<by0+bh; y++)
1468 		for (x=bx0; x<bx0+bw; x++)
1469 		{
1470 			if (data[p])
1471 			{
1472 				//In old saves, ignore walls created by sign tool bug
1473 				//Not ignoring other invalid walls or invalid walls in new saves, so that any other bugs causing them are easier to notice, find and fix
1474 				if (ver>=44 && ver<71 && data[p]==O_WL_SIGN)
1475 				{
1476 					p++;
1477 					continue;
1478 				}
1479 				blockMap[y][x] = data[p];
1480 				if (blockMap[y][x]==1)
1481 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_WALL;
1482 				else if (blockMap[y][x]==2)
1483 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_DESTROYALL;
1484 				else if (blockMap[y][x]==3)
1485 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWLIQUID;
1486 				else if (blockMap[y][x]==4)
1487 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_FAN;
1488 				else if (blockMap[y][x]==5)
1489 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_STREAM;
1490 				else if (blockMap[y][x]==6)
1491 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_DETECT;
1492 				else if (blockMap[y][x]==7)
1493 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_EWALL;
1494 				else if (blockMap[y][x]==8)
1495 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_WALLELEC;
1496 				else if (blockMap[y][x]==9)
1497 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWAIR;
1498 				else if (blockMap[y][x]==10)
1499 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWPOWDER;
1500 				else if (blockMap[y][x]==11)
1501 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWALLELEC;
1502 				else if (blockMap[y][x]==12)
1503 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_EHOLE;
1504 				else if (blockMap[y][x]==13)
1505 					blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWGAS;
1507 				if (ver>=44)
1508 				{
1509 					/* The numbers used to save walls were changed, starting in v44.
1510 					 * The new numbers are ignored for older versions due to some corruption of bmap in saves from older versions.
1511 					 */
1512 					if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_WALLELEC)
1513 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_WALLELEC;
1514 					else if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_EWALL)
1515 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_EWALL;
1516 					else if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_DETECT)
1517 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_DETECT;
1518 					else if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_STREAM)
1519 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_STREAM;
1520 					else if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_FAN||blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_FANHELPER)
1521 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_FAN;
1522 					else if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_ALLOWLIQUID)
1523 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWLIQUID;
1524 					else if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_DESTROYALL)
1525 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_DESTROYALL;
1526 					else if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_ERASE)
1527 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_ERASE;
1528 					else if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_WALL)
1529 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_WALL;
1530 					else if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_ALLOWAIR)
1531 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWAIR;
1532 					else if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_ALLOWSOLID)
1533 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWPOWDER;
1534 					else if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_ALLOWALLELEC)
1535 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWALLELEC;
1536 					else if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_EHOLE)
1537 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_EHOLE;
1538 					else if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_ALLOWGAS)
1539 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWGAS;
1540 					else if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_GRAV)
1541 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_GRAV;
1542 					else if (blockMap[y][x]==O_WL_ALLOWENERGY)
1543 						blockMap[y][x]=WL_ALLOWENERGY;
1544 				}
1546 				if (blockMap[y][x] >= UI_WALLCOUNT)
1547 					blockMap[y][x] = 0;
1548 			}
1550 			p++;
1551 		}
1552 	for (y=by0; y<by0+bh; y++)
1553 		for (x=bx0; x<bx0+bw; x++)
1554 			if (data[(y-by0)*bw+(x-bx0)]==4||(ver>=44 && data[(y-by0)*bw+(x-bx0)]==O_WL_FAN))
1555 			{
1556 				if (p >= dataLength)
1557 					throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1558 				fanVelX[y][x] = (data[p++]-127.0f)/64.0f;
1559 			}
1560 	for (y=by0; y<by0+bh; y++)
1561 		for (x=bx0; x<bx0+bw; x++)
1562 			if (data[(y-by0)*bw+(x-bx0)]==4||(ver>=44 && data[(y-by0)*bw+(x-bx0)]==O_WL_FAN))
1563 			{
1564 				if (p >= dataLength)
1565 					throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1566 				fanVelY[y][x] = (data[p++]-127.0f)/64.0f;
1567 			}
1569 	// load the particle map
1570 	int i = 0;
1571 	k = 0;
1572 	pty = p;
1573 	for (y=y0; y<y0+h; y++)
1574 		for (x=x0; x<x0+w; x++)
1575 		{
1576 			if (p >= dataLength)
1577 				throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1578 			j=data[p++];
1579 			if (j >= PT_NUM) {
1580 				j = PT_DUST;//throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1581 			}
1582 			if (j)
1583 			{
1584 				memset(particles+k, 0, sizeof(Particle));
1585 				particles[k].type = j;
1586 				if (j == PT_COAL)
1587 					particles[k].tmp = 50;
1588 				if (j == PT_FUSE)
1589 					particles[k].tmp = 50;
1590 				if (j == PT_PHOT)
1591 					particles[k].ctype = 0x3fffffff;
1592 				if (j == PT_SOAP)
1593 					particles[k].ctype = 0;
1594 				if (j==PT_BIZR || j==PT_BIZRG || j==PT_BIZRS)
1595 					particles[k].ctype = 0x47FFFF;
1596 				particles[k].x = (float)x;
1597 				particles[k].y = (float)y;
1598 				particleIDMap[(x-x0)+(y-y0)*w] = k+1;
1599 				particlesCount = ++k;
1600 			}
1601 		}
1603 	// load particle properties
1604 	for (j=0; j<w*h; j++)
1605 	{
1606 		i = particleIDMap[j];
1607 		if (i)
1608 		{
1609 			i--;
1610 			if (p+1 >= dataLength)
1611 				throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1612 			if (i < NPART)
1613 			{
1614 				particles[i].vx = (data[p++]-127.0f)/16.0f;
1615 				particles[i].vy = (data[p++]-127.0f)/16.0f;
1616 			}
1617 			else
1618 				p += 2;
1619 		}
1620 	}
1621 	for (j=0; j<w*h; j++)
1622 	{
1623 		i = particleIDMap[j];
1624 		if (i)
1625 		{
1626 			if (ver>=44) {
1627 				if (p >= dataLength) {
1628 					throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1629 				}
1630 				if (i <= NPART) {
1631 					ttv = (data[p++])<<8;
1632 					ttv |= (data[p++]);
1633 					particles[i-1].life = ttv;
1634 				} else {
1635 					p+=2;
1636 				}
1637 			} else {
1638 				if (p >= dataLength)
1639 					throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1640 				if (i <= NPART)
1641 					particles[i-1].life = data[p++]*4;
1642 				else
1643 					p++;
1644 			}
1645 		}
1646 	}
1647 	if (ver>=44) {
1648 		for (j=0; j<w*h; j++)
1649 		{
1650 			i = particleIDMap[j];
1651 			if (i)
1652 			{
1653 				if (p >= dataLength) {
1654 					throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1655 				}
1656 				if (i <= NPART) {
1657 					ttv = (data[p++])<<8;
1658 					ttv |= (data[p++]);
1659 					particles[i-1].tmp = ttv;
1660 					if (ver<53 && !particles[i-1].tmp)
1661 						for (q = 1; q<=NGOL; q++) {
1662 							if (particles[i-1].type==goltype[q-1] && grule[q][9]==2)
1663 								particles[i-1].tmp = grule[q][9]-1;
1664 						}
1665 					if (ver>=51 && ver<53 && particles[i-1].type==PT_PBCN)
1666 					{
1667 						particles[i-1].tmp2 = particles[i-1].tmp;
1668 						particles[i-1].tmp = 0;
1669 					}
1670 				} else {
1671 					p+=2;
1672 				}
1673 			}
1674 		}
1675 	}
1676 	if (ver>=53) {
1677 		for (j=0; j<w*h; j++)
1678 		{
1679 			i = particleIDMap[j];
1680 			ty = data[pty+j];
1681 			if (i && (ty==PT_PBCN || (ty==PT_TRON && ver>=77)))
1682 			{
1683 				if (p >= dataLength)
1684 					throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1685 				if (i <= NPART)
1686 					particles[i-1].tmp2 = data[p++];
1687 				else
1688 					p++;
1689 			}
1690 		}
1691 	}
1692 	//Read ALPHA component
1693 	for (j=0; j<w*h; j++)
1694 	{
1695 		i = particleIDMap[j];
1696 		if (i)
1697 		{
1698 			if (ver>=49) {
1699 				if (p >= dataLength) {
1700 					throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1701 				}
1702 				if (i <= NPART) {
1703 					particles[i-1].dcolour = data[p++]<<24;
1704 				} else {
1705 					p++;
1706 				}
1707 			}
1708 		}
1709 	}
1710 	//Read RED component
1711 	for (j=0; j<w*h; j++)
1712 	{
1713 		i = particleIDMap[j];
1714 		if (i)
1715 		{
1716 			if (ver>=49) {
1717 				if (p >= dataLength) {
1718 					throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1719 				}
1720 				if (i <= NPART) {
1721 					particles[i-1].dcolour |= data[p++]<<16;
1722 				} else {
1723 					p++;
1724 				}
1725 			}
1726 		}
1727 	}
1728 	//Read GREEN component
1729 	for (j=0; j<w*h; j++)
1730 	{
1731 		i = particleIDMap[j];
1732 		if (i)
1733 		{
1734 			if (ver>=49) {
1735 				if (p >= dataLength) {
1736 					throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1737 				}
1738 				if (i <= NPART) {
1739 					particles[i-1].dcolour |= data[p++]<<8;
1740 				} else {
1741 					p++;
1742 				}
1743 			}
1744 		}
1745 	}
1746 	//Read BLUE component
1747 	for (j=0; j<w*h; j++)
1748 	{
1749 		i = particleIDMap[j];
1750 		if (i)
1751 		{
1752 			if (ver>=49) {
1753 				if (p >= dataLength) {
1754 					throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1755 				}
1756 				if (i <= NPART) {
1757 					particles[i-1].dcolour |= data[p++];
1758 				} else {
1759 					p++;
1760 				}
1761 			}
1762 		}
1763 	}
1764 	for (j=0; j<w*h; j++)
1765 	{
1766 		i = particleIDMap[j];
1767 		ty = data[pty+j];
1768 		if (i)
1769 		{
1770 			if (ver>=34&&legacy_beta==0)
1771 			{
1772 				if (p >= dataLength)
1773 				{
1774 					throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1775 				}
1776 				if (i <= NPART)
1777 				{
1778 					if (ver>=42) {
1779 						if (new_format) {
1780 							ttv = (data[p++])<<8;
1781 							ttv |= (data[p++]);
1782 							if (particles[i-1].type==PT_PUMP) {
1783 								particles[i-1].temp = ttv + 0.15;//fix PUMP saved at 0, so that it loads at 0.
1784 							} else {
1785 								particles[i-1].temp = ttv;
1786 							}
1787 						} else {
1788 							particles[i-1].temp = (data[p++]*((MAX_TEMP+(-MIN_TEMP))/255))+MIN_TEMP;
1789 						}
1790 					} else {
1791 						particles[i-1].temp = ((data[p++]*((O_MAX_TEMP+(-O_MIN_TEMP))/255))+O_MIN_TEMP)+273;
1792 					}
1793 				}
1794 				else
1795 				{
1796 					p++;
1797 					if (new_format) {
1798 						p++;
1799 					}
1800 				}
1801 			}
1802 			else
1803 			{
1804 				particles[i-1].temp = elements[particles[i-1].type].DefaultProperties.temp;
1805 			}
1806 		}
1807 	}
1808 	for (j=0; j<w*h; j++)
1809 	{
1810 		int gnum = 0;
1811 		i = particleIDMap[j];
1812 		ty = data[pty+j];
1813 		if (i && (ty==PT_CLNE || (ty==PT_PCLN && ver>=43) || (ty==PT_BCLN && ver>=44) || (ty==PT_SPRK && ver>=21) || (ty==PT_LAVA && ver>=34) || (ty==PT_PIPE && ver>=43) || (ty==PT_LIFE && ver>=51) || (ty==PT_PBCN && ver>=52) || (ty==PT_WIRE && ver>=55) || (ty==PT_STOR && ver>=59) || (ty==PT_CONV && ver>=60)))
1814 		{
1815 			if (p >= dataLength)
1816 				throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1817 			if (i <= NPART)
1818 				particles[i-1].ctype = data[p++];
1819 			else
1820 				p++;
1821 		}
1822 		// no more particle properties to load, so we can change type here without messing up loading
1823 		if (i && i<=NPART)
1824 		{
1825 			if (ver<90 && particles[i-1].type == PT_PHOT)
1826 			{
1827 				particles[i-1].flags |= FLAG_PHOTDECO;
1828 			}
1829 			if (ver<79 && particles[i-1].type == PT_SPNG)
1830 			{
1831 				if (fabs(particles[i-1].vx)>0.0f || fabs(particles[i-1].vy)>0.0f)
1832 					particles[i-1].flags |= FLAG_MOVABLE;
1833 			}
1835 			if (ver<48 && (ty==OLD_PT_WIND || (ty==PT_BRAY&&particles[i-1].life==0)))
1836 			{
1837 				// Replace invisible particles with something sensible and add decoration to hide it
1838 				x = (int)(particles[i-1].x+0.5f);
1839 				y = (int)(particles[i-1].y+0.5f);
1840 				particles[i-1].dcolour = 0xFF000000;
1841 				particles[i-1].type = PT_DMND;
1842 			}
1843 			if(ver<51 && ((ty>=78 && ty<=89) || (ty>=134 && ty<=146 && ty!=141))){
1844 				//Replace old GOL
1845 				particles[i-1].type = PT_LIFE;
1846 				for (gnum = 0; gnum<NGOL; gnum++){
1847 					if (ty==goltype[gnum])
1848 						particles[i-1].ctype = gnum;
1849 				}
1850 				ty = PT_LIFE;
1851 			}
1852 			if(ver<52 && (ty==PT_CLNE || ty==PT_PCLN || ty==PT_BCLN)){
1853 				//Replace old GOL ctypes in clone
1854 				for (gnum = 0; gnum<NGOL; gnum++){
1855 					if (particles[i-1].ctype==goltype[gnum])
1856 					{
1857 						particles[i-1].ctype = PT_LIFE;
1858 						particles[i-1].tmp = gnum;
1859 					}
1860 				}
1861 			}
1862 			if(ty==PT_LCRY){
1863 				if(ver<67)
1864 				{
1865 					//New LCRY uses TMP not life
1866 					if(particles[i-1].life>=10)
1867 					{
1868 						particles[i-1].life = 10;
1869 						particles[i-1].tmp2 = 10;
1870 						particles[i-1].tmp = 3;
1871 					}
1872 					else if(particles[i-1].life<=0)
1873 					{
1874 						particles[i-1].life = 0;
1875 						particles[i-1].tmp2 = 0;
1876 						particles[i-1].tmp = 0;
1877 					}
1878 					else if(particles[i-1].life < 10 && particles[i-1].life > 0)
1879 					{
1880 						particles[i-1].tmp = 1;
1881 					}
1882 				}
1883 				else
1884 				{
1885 					particles[i-1].tmp2 = particles[i-1].life;
1886 				}
1887 			}
1889 			if (ver<81)
1890 			{
1891 				if (particles[i-1].type==PT_BOMB && particles[i-1].tmp!=0)
1892 				{
1893 					particles[i-1].type = PT_EMBR;
1894 					particles[i-1].ctype = 0;
1895 					if (particles[i-1].tmp==1)
1896 						particles[i-1].tmp = 0;
1897 				}
1898 				if (particles[i-1].type==PT_DUST && particles[i-1].life>0)
1899 				{
1900 					particles[i-1].type = PT_EMBR;
1901 					particles[i-1].ctype = (particles[i-1].tmp2<<16) | (particles[i-1].tmp<<8) | particles[i-1].ctype;
1902 					particles[i-1].tmp = 1;
1903 				}
1904 				if (particles[i-1].type==PT_FIRW && particles[i-1].tmp>=2)
1905 				{
1906 					int caddress = restrict_flt(restrict_flt((float)(particles[i-1].tmp-4), 0.0f, 200.0f)*3, 0.0f, (200.0f*3)-3);
1907 					particles[i-1].type = PT_EMBR;
1908 					particles[i-1].tmp = 1;
1909 					particles[i-1].ctype = (((firw_data[caddress]))<<16) | (((firw_data[caddress+1]))<<8) | ((firw_data[caddress+2]));
1910 				}
1911 			}
1912 			if (ver < 89)
1913 			{
1914 				if (particles[i-1].type == PT_FILT)
1915 				{
1916 					if (particles[i-1].tmp<0 || particles[i-1].tmp>3)
1917 						particles[i-1].tmp = 6;
1918 					particles[i-1].ctype = 0;
1919 				}
1920 				else if (particles[i-1].type == PT_QRTZ || particles[i-1].type == PT_PQRT)
1921 				{
1922 					particles[i-1].tmp2 = particles[i-1].tmp;
1923 					particles[i-1].tmp = particles[i-1].ctype;
1924 					particles[i-1].ctype = 0;
1925 				}
1926 			}
1927 			if (ver < 91)
1928 			{
1929 				if (particles[i-1].type == PT_VINE)
1930 					particles[i-1].tmp = 1;
1931 				else if (particles[i-1].type == PT_CONV)
1932 				{
1933 					if (particles[i-1].tmp)
1934 					{
1935 						particles[i-1].ctype |= particles[i-1].tmp<<8;
1936 						particles[i-1].tmp = 0;
1937 					}
1938 				}
1939 			}
1940 			if (ver < 93)
1941 			{
1942 				if (particles[i-1].type == PT_PIPE || particles[i-1].type == PT_PPIP)
1943 				{
1944 					if (particles[i-1].ctype == 1)
1945 						particles[i-1].tmp |= 0x00020000; //PFLAG_INITIALIZING
1946 					particles[i-1].tmp |= (particles[i-1].ctype-1)<<18;
1947 					particles[i-1].ctype = particles[i-1].tmp&0xFF;
1948 				}
1949 				else if (particles[i-1].type == PT_HSWC || particles[i-1].type == PT_PUMP)
1950 				{
1951 					particles[i-1].tmp = 0;
1952 				}
1953 			}
1954 		}
1955 	}
1957 	if (p >= dataLength)
1958 		throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Ran past data buffer");
1960 	j = data[p++];
1961 	for (i=0; i<j; i++)
1962 	{
1963 		if (p+6 > dataLength)
1964 			throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1965 		x = data[p++];
1966 		x |= ((unsigned)data[p++])<<8;
1967 		tempSign.x = x+x0;
1968 		x = data[p++];
1969 		x |= ((unsigned)data[p++])<<8;
1970 		tempSign.y = x+y0;
1971 		x = data[p++];
1972 		tempSign.ju = (sign::Justification)x;
1973 		x = data[p++];
1974 		if (p+x > dataLength)
1975 			throw ParseException(ParseException::Corrupt, "Not enough data at line " MTOS(__LINE__) " in " MTOS(__FILE__));
1976 		if(x>254)
1977 			x = 254;
1978 		memcpy(tempSignText, data+p, x);
1979 		tempSignText[x] = 0;
1980 		tempSign.text = format::CleanString(ByteString(tempSignText).FromUtf8(), true, true, true).Substr(0, 45);
1981 		if (tempSign.text == "{t}")
1982 		{
1983 			tempSign.text = "Temp: {t}";
1984 		}
1985 		else if (tempSign.text == "{p}")
1986 		{
1987 			tempSign.text = "Pressure: {p}";
1988 		}
1989 		tempSigns.push_back(tempSign);
1990 		p += x;
1991 	}
1993 	for (size_t i = 0; i < tempSigns.size(); i++)
1994 	{
1995 		if(signs.size() == MAXSIGNS)
1996 			break;
1997 		signs.push_back(tempSigns[i]);
1998 	}
1999 }
2001 // restrict the minimum version this save can be opened with
2002 #define RESTRICTVERSION(major, minor) if ((major) > minimumMajorVersion || (((major) == minimumMajorVersion && (minor) > minimumMinorVersion))) {\
2003 	minimumMajorVersion = major;\
2004 	minimumMinorVersion = minor;\
2005 }
2007 // restrict the minimum version this save can be rendered with
2008 #define RESTRICTRENDERVERSION(major, minor) if ((major) > blameSimon_major || (((major) == blameSimon_major && (minor) > blameSimon_minor))) {\
2009 	blameSimon_major = major;\
2010 	blameSimon_minor = minor;\
2011 }
serialiseOPS(unsigned int & dataLength)2013 char * GameSave::serialiseOPS(unsigned int & dataLength)
2014 {
2015 	int blockX, blockY, blockW, blockH, fullX, fullY, fullW, fullH;
2016 	int x, y, i;
2017 	// minimum version this save is compatible with
2018 	// when building, this number may be increased depending on what elements are used
2019 	// or what properties are detected
2020 	int minimumMajorVersion = 90, minimumMinorVersion = 2;
2021 	// blame simon for always being slow updating the renderer
2022 	int blameSimon_major = 92, blameSimon_minor = 0;
2024 	//Get coords in blocks
2025 	blockX = 0;//orig_x0/CELL;
2026 	blockY = 0;//orig_y0/CELL;
2028 	//Snap full coords to block size
2029 	fullX = blockX*CELL;
2030 	fullY = blockY*CELL;
2032 	//Original size + offset of original corner from snapped corner, rounded up by adding CELL-1
2033 	blockW = blockWidth;//(blockWidth-fullX+CELL-1)/CELL;
2034 	blockH = blockHeight;//(blockHeight-fullY+CELL-1)/CELL;
2035 	fullW = blockW*CELL;
2036 	fullH = blockH*CELL;
2038 	// Copy fan and wall data
2039 	auto wallData = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>(new unsigned char[blockWidth*blockHeight]);
2040 	bool hasWallData = false;
2041 	auto fanData = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>(new unsigned char[blockWidth*blockHeight*2]);
2042 	auto pressData = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>(new unsigned char[blockWidth*blockHeight*2]);
2043 	auto vxData = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>(new unsigned char[blockWidth*blockHeight*2]);
2044 	auto vyData = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>(new unsigned char[blockWidth*blockHeight*2]);
2045 	auto ambientData = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>(new unsigned char[blockWidth*blockHeight*2]);
2046 	std::fill(&ambientData[0], &ambientData[blockWidth*blockHeight*2], 0);
2047 	if (!wallData || !fanData || !pressData || !vxData || !vyData || !ambientData)
2048 		throw BuildException("Save error, out of memory (blockmaps)");
2049 	unsigned int wallDataLen = blockWidth*blockHeight, fanDataLen = 0, pressDataLen = 0, vxDataLen = 0, vyDataLen = 0, ambientDataLen = 0;
2051 	for (x = blockX; x < blockX+blockW; x++)
2052 	{
2053 		for (y = blockY; y < blockY+blockH; y++)
2054 		{
2055 			wallData[(y-blockY)*blockW+(x-blockX)] = blockMap[y][x];
2056 			if (blockMap[y][x])
2057 				hasWallData = true;
2059 			if (hasPressure)
2060 			{
2061 				//save pressure and x/y velocity grids
2062 				float pres = std::max(-255.0f,std::min(255.0f,pressure[y][x]))+256.0f;
2063 				float velX = std::max(-255.0f,std::min(255.0f,velocityX[y][x]))+256.0f;
2064 				float velY = std::max(-255.0f,std::min(255.0f,velocityY[y][x]))+256.0f;
2065 				pressData[pressDataLen++] = (unsigned char)((int)(pres*128)&0xFF);
2066 				pressData[pressDataLen++] = (unsigned char)((int)(pres*128)>>8);
2068 				vxData[vxDataLen++] = (unsigned char)((int)(velX*128)&0xFF);
2069 				vxData[vxDataLen++] = (unsigned char)((int)(velX*128)>>8);
2071 				vyData[vyDataLen++] = (unsigned char)((int)(velY*128)&0xFF);
2072 				vyData[vyDataLen++] = (unsigned char)((int)(velY*128)>>8);
2073 			}
2075 			if (hasAmbientHeat)
2076 			{
2077 				int tempTemp = (int)(ambientHeat[y][x]+0.5f);
2078 				ambientData[ambientDataLen++] = tempTemp;
2079 				ambientData[ambientDataLen++] = tempTemp >> 8;
2080 			}
2082 			if (blockMap[y][x] == WL_FAN)
2083 			{
2084 				i = (int)(fanVelX[y][x]*64.0f+127.5f);
2085 				if (i<0) i=0;
2086 				if (i>255) i=255;
2087 				fanData[fanDataLen++] = i;
2088 				i = (int)(fanVelY[y][x]*64.0f+127.5f);
2089 				if (i<0) i=0;
2090 				if (i>255) i=255;
2091 				fanData[fanDataLen++] = i;
2092 			}
2093 			else if (blockMap[y][x] == WL_STASIS)
2094 			{
2095 				RESTRICTVERSION(94, 0);
2096 			}
2097 		}
2098 	}
2100 	//Index positions of all particles, using linked lists
2101 	//partsPosFirstMap is pmap for the first particle in each position
2102 	//partsPosLastMap is pmap for the last particle in each position
2103 	//partsPosCount is the number of particles in each position
2104 	//partsPosLink contains, for each particle, (i<<8)|1 of the next particle in the same position
2105 	auto partsPosFirstMap = std::unique_ptr<unsigned[]>(new unsigned[fullW*fullH]);
2106 	auto partsPosLastMap = std::unique_ptr<unsigned[]>(new unsigned[fullW*fullH]);
2107 	auto partsPosCount = std::unique_ptr<unsigned[]>(new unsigned[fullW*fullH]);
2108 	auto partsPosLink = std::unique_ptr<unsigned[]>(new unsigned[NPART]);
2109 	if (!partsPosFirstMap || !partsPosLastMap || !partsPosCount || !partsPosLink)
2110 		throw BuildException("Save error, out of memory  (partmaps)");
2111 	std::fill(&partsPosFirstMap[0], &partsPosFirstMap[fullW*fullH], 0);
2112 	std::fill(&partsPosLastMap[0], &partsPosLastMap[fullW*fullH], 0);
2113 	std::fill(&partsPosCount[0], &partsPosCount[fullW*fullH], 0);
2114 	std::fill(&partsPosLink[0], &partsPosLink[NPART], 0);
2115 	unsigned int soapCount = 0;
2116 	for(i = 0; i < particlesCount; i++)
2117 	{
2118 		if(particles[i].type)
2119 		{
2120 			x = (int)(particles[i].x+0.5f);
2121 			y = (int)(particles[i].y+0.5f);
2122 			//Coordinates relative to top left corner of saved area
2123 			x -= fullX;
2124 			y -= fullY;
2125 			if (!partsPosFirstMap[y*fullW + x])
2126 			{
2127 				//First entry in list
2128 				partsPosFirstMap[y*fullW + x] = (i<<8)|1;
2129 				partsPosLastMap[y*fullW + x] = (i<<8)|1;
2130 			}
2131 			else
2132 			{
2133 				//Add to end of list
2134 				partsPosLink[partsPosLastMap[y*fullW + x]>>8] = (i<<8)|1;//link to current end of list
2135 				partsPosLastMap[y*fullW + x] = (i<<8)|1;//set as new end of list
2136 			}
2137 			partsPosCount[y*fullW + x]++;
2138 		}
2139 	}
2141 	//Store number of particles in each position
2142 	auto partsPosData = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>(new unsigned char[fullW*fullH*3]);
2143 	unsigned int partsPosDataLen = 0;
2144 	if (!partsPosData)
2145 		throw BuildException("Save error, out of memory (partposdata)");
2146 	for (y=0;y<fullH;y++)
2147 	{
2148 		for (x=0;x<fullW;x++)
2149 		{
2150 			unsigned int posCount = partsPosCount[y*fullW + x];
2151 			partsPosData[partsPosDataLen++] = (posCount&0x00FF0000)>>16;
2152 			partsPosData[partsPosDataLen++] = (posCount&0x0000FF00)>>8;
2153 			partsPosData[partsPosDataLen++] = (posCount&0x000000FF);
2154 		}
2155 	}
2157 	//Copy parts data
2158 	/* Field descriptor format:
2159 	 |      0       |      14       |      13       |      12       |      11       |      10       |       9       |       8       |       7       |       6       |       5       |       4       |       3       |       2       |       1       |       0       |
2160 	 |   RESERVED   |    type[2]    |     pavg      |   tmp[3+4]    |   tmp2[2]     |     tmp2      |   ctype[2]    |      vy       |      vx       |  decorations  |   ctype[1]    |    tmp[2]     |    tmp[1]     |    life[2]    |    life[1]    | temp dbl len  |
2161 	 life[2] means a second byte (for a 16 bit field) if life[1] is present
2162 	 last bit is reserved. If necessary, use it to signify that fieldDescriptor will have another byte
2163 	 That way, if we ever need a 17th bit, we won't have to change the save format
2164 	 */
2165 	auto partsData = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>(new unsigned char[NPART * (sizeof(Particle)+1)]);
2166 	unsigned int partsDataLen = 0;
2167 	auto partsSaveIndex = std::unique_ptr<unsigned[]>(new unsigned[NPART]);
2168 	unsigned int partsCount = 0;
2169 	if (!partsData || !partsSaveIndex)
2170 		throw BuildException("Save error, out of memory (partsdata)");
2171 	std::fill(&partsSaveIndex[0], &partsSaveIndex[NPART], 0);
2172 	for (y=0;y<fullH;y++)
2173 	{
2174 		for (x=0;x<fullW;x++)
2175 		{
2176 			//Find the first particle in this position
2177 			i = partsPosFirstMap[y*fullW + x];
2179 			//Loop while there is a pmap entry
2180 			while (i)
2181 			{
2182 				unsigned short fieldDesc = 0;
2183 				int fieldDescLoc = 0, tempTemp, vTemp;
2185 				//Turn pmap entry into a particles index
2186 				i = i>>8;
2188 				//Store saved particle index+1 for this partsptr index (0 means not saved)
2189 				partsSaveIndex[i] = (partsCount++) + 1;
2191 				//Type (required)
2192 				partsData[partsDataLen++] = particles[i].type;
2194 				//Location of the field descriptor
2195 				fieldDescLoc = partsDataLen++;
2196 				partsDataLen++;
2198 				// Extra type byte if necessary
2199 				if (particles[i].type & 0xFF00)
2200 				{
2201 					partsData[partsDataLen++] = particles[i].type >> 8;
2202 					fieldDesc |= 1 << 14;
2203 					RESTRICTVERSION(93, 0);
2205 				}
2207 				//Extra Temperature (2nd byte optional, 1st required), 1 to 2 bytes
2208 				//Store temperature as an offset of 21C(294.15K) or go into a 16byte int and store the whole thing
2209 				if(fabs(particles[i].temp-294.15f)<127)
2210 				{
2211 					tempTemp = floor(particles[i].temp-294.15f+0.5f);
2212 					partsData[partsDataLen++] = tempTemp;
2213 				}
2214 				else
2215 				{
2216 					fieldDesc |= 1;
2217 					tempTemp = (int)(particles[i].temp+0.5f);
2218 					partsData[partsDataLen++] = tempTemp;
2219 					partsData[partsDataLen++] = tempTemp >> 8;
2220 				}
2222 				//Life (optional), 1 to 2 bytes
2223 				if(particles[i].life)
2224 				{
2225 					int life = particles[i].life;
2226 					if (life > 0xFFFF)
2227 						life = 0xFFFF;
2228 					else if (life < 0)
2229 						life = 0;
2230 					fieldDesc |= 1 << 1;
2231 					partsData[partsDataLen++] = life;
2232 					if (life & 0xFF00)
2233 					{
2234 						fieldDesc |= 1 << 2;
2235 						partsData[partsDataLen++] = life >> 8;
2236 					}
2237 				}
2239 				//Tmp (optional), 1, 2, or 4 bytes
2240 				if(particles[i].tmp)
2241 				{
2242 					fieldDesc |= 1 << 3;
2243 					partsData[partsDataLen++] = particles[i].tmp;
2244 					if(particles[i].tmp & 0xFFFFFF00)
2245 					{
2246 						fieldDesc |= 1 << 4;
2247 						partsData[partsDataLen++] = particles[i].tmp >> 8;
2248 						if(particles[i].tmp & 0xFFFF0000)
2249 						{
2250 							fieldDesc |= 1 << 12;
2251 							partsData[partsDataLen++] = (particles[i].tmp&0xFF000000)>>24;
2252 							partsData[partsDataLen++] = (particles[i].tmp&0x00FF0000)>>16;
2253 						}
2254 					}
2255 				}
2257 				//Ctype (optional), 1 or 4 bytes
2258 				if(particles[i].ctype)
2259 				{
2260 					fieldDesc |= 1 << 5;
2261 					partsData[partsDataLen++] = particles[i].ctype;
2262 					if(particles[i].ctype & 0xFFFFFF00)
2263 					{
2264 						fieldDesc |= 1 << 9;
2265 						partsData[partsDataLen++] = (particles[i].ctype&0xFF000000)>>24;
2266 						partsData[partsDataLen++] = (particles[i].ctype&0x00FF0000)>>16;
2267 						partsData[partsDataLen++] = (particles[i].ctype&0x0000FF00)>>8;
2268 					}
2269 				}
2271 				//Dcolour (optional), 4 bytes
2272 				if(particles[i].dcolour && (particles[i].dcolour & 0xFF000000))
2273 				{
2274 					fieldDesc |= 1 << 6;
2275 					partsData[partsDataLen++] = (particles[i].dcolour&0xFF000000)>>24;
2276 					partsData[partsDataLen++] = (particles[i].dcolour&0x00FF0000)>>16;
2277 					partsData[partsDataLen++] = (particles[i].dcolour&0x0000FF00)>>8;
2278 					partsData[partsDataLen++] = (particles[i].dcolour&0x000000FF);
2279 				}
2281 				//VX (optional), 1 byte
2282 				if(fabs(particles[i].vx) > 0.001f)
2283 				{
2284 					fieldDesc |= 1 << 7;
2285 					vTemp = (int)(particles[i].vx*16.0f+127.5f);
2286 					if (vTemp<0) vTemp=0;
2287 					if (vTemp>255) vTemp=255;
2288 					partsData[partsDataLen++] = vTemp;
2289 				}
2291 				//VY (optional), 1 byte
2292 				if(fabs(particles[i].vy) > 0.001f)
2293 				{
2294 					fieldDesc |= 1 << 8;
2295 					vTemp = (int)(particles[i].vy*16.0f+127.5f);
2296 					if (vTemp<0) vTemp=0;
2297 					if (vTemp>255) vTemp=255;
2298 					partsData[partsDataLen++] = vTemp;
2299 				}
2301 				//Tmp2 (optional), 1 or 2 bytes
2302 				if(particles[i].tmp2)
2303 				{
2304 					fieldDesc |= 1 << 10;
2305 					partsData[partsDataLen++] = particles[i].tmp2;
2306 					if(particles[i].tmp2 & 0xFF00)
2307 					{
2308 						fieldDesc |= 1 << 11;
2309 						partsData[partsDataLen++] = particles[i].tmp2 >> 8;
2310 					}
2311 				}
2313 				//Pavg, 4 bytes
2314 				// save pavg if there's useful pavg to save
2315 				// and either we save pressure data too
2316 				// or the current particle is not one that cares about pressure
2317 				if (particles[i].pavg[0] || particles[i].pavg[1])
2318 				{
2319 					float pavg0 = particles[i].pavg[0];
2320 					float pavg1 = particles[i].pavg[1];
2321 					switch (particles[i].type)
2322 					{
2323 					// List of elements that save pavg with a multiplicative bias of 2**6
2324 					// (or not at all if pressure is not saved).
2325 					// If you change this list, change it in Simulation::Load and GameSave::readOPS too!
2326 					case PT_QRTZ:
2327 					case PT_GLAS:
2328 					case PT_TUNG:
2329 						if (!hasPressure)
2330 							break;
2331 						pavg0 *= 64;
2332 						pavg1 *= 64;
2333 						// fallthrough!
2335 					default:
2336 						fieldDesc |= 1 << 13;
2337 						partsData[partsDataLen++] = (int)pavg0;
2338 						partsData[partsDataLen++] = ((int)pavg0)>>8;
2339 						partsData[partsDataLen++] = (int)pavg1;
2340 						partsData[partsDataLen++] = ((int)pavg1)>>8;
2341 						break;
2342 					}
2343 				}
2345 				//Write the field descriptor
2346 				partsData[fieldDescLoc] = fieldDesc;
2347 				partsData[fieldDescLoc+1] = fieldDesc>>8;
2349 				if (particles[i].type == PT_SOAP)
2350 					soapCount++;
2352 				if (particles[i].type == PT_RPEL && particles[i].ctype)
2353 				{
2354 					RESTRICTVERSION(91, 4);
2355 				}
2356 				else if (particles[i].type == PT_NWHL && particles[i].tmp)
2357 				{
2358 					RESTRICTVERSION(91, 5);
2359 				}
2360 				if (particles[i].type == PT_HEAC || particles[i].type == PT_SAWD || particles[i].type == PT_POLO
2361 						|| particles[i].type == PT_RFRG || particles[i].type == PT_RFGL || particles[i].type == PT_LSNS)
2362 				{
2363 					RESTRICTVERSION(92, 0);
2364 				}
2365 				else if ((particles[i].type == PT_FRAY || particles[i].type == PT_INVIS) && particles[i].tmp)
2366 				{
2367 					RESTRICTVERSION(92, 0);
2368 				}
2369 				else if (particles[i].type == PT_PIPE || particles[i].type == PT_PPIP)
2370 				{
2371 					RESTRICTVERSION(93, 0);
2372 				}
2373 				if (particles[i].type == PT_TSNS || particles[i].type == PT_PSNS
2374 				        || particles[i].type == PT_HSWC || particles[i].type == PT_PUMP)
2375 				{
2376 					if (particles[i].tmp == 1)
2377 					{
2378 						RESTRICTVERSION(93, 0);
2379 					}
2380 				}
2381 				if (PMAPBITS > 8)
2382 				{
2383 					if (TypeInCtype(particles[i].type, particles[i].ctype) && particles[i].ctype > 0xFF)
2384 					{
2385 						RESTRICTVERSION(93, 0);
2386 					}
2387 					else if (TypeInTmp(particles[i].type) && particles[i].tmp > 0xFF)
2388 					{
2389 						RESTRICTVERSION(93, 0);
2390 					}
2391 					else if (TypeInTmp2(particles[i].type, particles[i].tmp2) && particles[i].tmp2 > 0xFF)
2392 					{
2393 						RESTRICTVERSION(93, 0);
2394 					}
2395 				}
2396 				if (particles[i].type == PT_LDTC)
2397 				{
2398 					RESTRICTVERSION(94, 0);
2399 				}
2400 				if (particles[i].type == PT_TSNS || particles[i].type == PT_PSNS)
2401 				{
2402 					if (particles[i].tmp == 2)
2403 					{
2404 						RESTRICTVERSION(94, 0);
2405 					}
2406 				}
2407 				if (particles[i].type == PT_LSNS)
2408 				{
2409 					if (particles[i].tmp >= 1 || particles[i].tmp <= 3)
2410 					{
2411 						RESTRICTVERSION(95, 0);
2412 					}
2413 				}
2415 				//Get the pmap entry for the next particle in the same position
2416 				i = partsPosLink[i];
2417 			}
2418 		}
2419 	}
2421 	unsigned char *soapLinkData = NULL;
2422 	auto soapLinkDataPtr = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>();
2423 	unsigned int soapLinkDataLen = 0;
2424 	if (soapCount)
2425 	{
2426 		soapLinkData = new unsigned char[3*soapCount];
2427 		if (!soapLinkData)
2428 			throw BuildException("Save error, out of memory (SOAP)");
2429 		soapLinkDataPtr = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>(soapLinkData);
2431 		//Iterate through particles in the same order that they were saved
2432 		for (y=0;y<fullH;y++)
2433 		{
2434 			for (x=0;x<fullW;x++)
2435 			{
2436 				//Find the first particle in this position
2437 				i = partsPosFirstMap[y*fullW + x];
2439 				//Loop while there is a pmap entry
2440 				while (i)
2441 				{
2442 					//Turn pmap entry into a partsptr index
2443 					i = i>>8;
2445 					if (particles[i].type==PT_SOAP)
2446 					{
2447 						//Only save forward link for each particle, back links can be deduced from other forward links
2448 						//linkedIndex is index within saved particles + 1, 0 means not saved or no link
2450 						unsigned linkedIndex = 0;
2451 						if ((particles[i].ctype&2) && particles[i].tmp>=0 && particles[i].tmp<NPART)
2452 						{
2453 							linkedIndex = partsSaveIndex[particles[i].tmp];
2454 						}
2455 						soapLinkData[soapLinkDataLen++] = (linkedIndex&0xFF0000)>>16;
2456 						soapLinkData[soapLinkDataLen++] = (linkedIndex&0x00FF00)>>8;
2457 						soapLinkData[soapLinkDataLen++] = (linkedIndex&0x0000FF);
2458 					}
2460 					//Get the pmap entry for the next particle in the same position
2461 					i = partsPosLink[i];
2462 				}
2463 			}
2464 		}
2465 	}
2467 	for (size_t i = 0; i < signs.size(); i++)
2468 	{
2469 		if(signs[i].text.length() && signs[i].x>=0 && signs[i].x<=fullW && signs[i].y>=0 && signs[i].y<=fullH)
2470 		{
2471 			int x, y, w, h;
2472 			bool v95 = false;
2473 			signs[i].getDisplayText(nullptr, x, y, w, h, true, &v95);
2474 			if (v95)
2475 			{
2476 				RESTRICTVERSION(95, 0);
2477 			}
2478 		}
2479 	}
2481 	bson b;
2482 	b.data = NULL;
2483 	auto bson_deleter = [](bson * b) { bson_destroy(b); };
2484 	// Use unique_ptr with a custom deleter to ensure that bson_destroy is called even when an exception is thrown
2485 	std::unique_ptr<bson, decltype(bson_deleter)> b_ptr(&b, bson_deleter);
2487 	set_bson_err_handler([](const char* err) { throw BuildException("BSON error when parsing save: " + ByteString(err).FromUtf8()); });
2488 	bson_init(&b);
2489 	bson_append_start_object(&b, "origin");
2490 	bson_append_int(&b, "majorVersion", SAVE_VERSION);
2491 	bson_append_int(&b, "minorVersion", MINOR_VERSION);
2492 	bson_append_int(&b, "buildNum", BUILD_NUM);
2493 	bson_append_int(&b, "snapshotId", SNAPSHOT_ID);
2494 	bson_append_int(&b, "modId", MOD_ID);
2495 	bson_append_string(&b, "releaseType", IDENT_RELTYPE);
2496 	bson_append_string(&b, "platform", IDENT_PLATFORM);
2497 	bson_append_string(&b, "builtType", IDENT_BUILD);
2498 	bson_append_finish_object(&b);
2499 	bson_append_start_object(&b, "minimumVersion");
2500 	bson_append_int(&b, "major", minimumMajorVersion);
2501 	bson_append_int(&b, "minor", minimumMinorVersion);
2502 	bson_append_int(&b, "rendermajor", blameSimon_major);
2503 	bson_append_int(&b, "renderminor", blameSimon_minor);
2504 	bson_append_finish_object(&b);
2507 	bson_append_bool(&b, "waterEEnabled", waterEEnabled);
2508 	bson_append_bool(&b, "legacyEnable", legacyEnable);
2509 	bson_append_bool(&b, "gravityEnable", gravityEnable);
2510 	bson_append_bool(&b, "aheat_enable", aheatEnable);
2511 	bson_append_bool(&b, "paused", paused);
2512 	bson_append_int(&b, "gravityMode", gravityMode);
2513 	bson_append_int(&b, "airMode", airMode);
2514 	bson_append_int(&b, "edgeMode", edgeMode);
2516 	if (stkm.hasData())
2517 	{
2518 		bson_append_start_object(&b, "stkm");
2519 		if (stkm.rocketBoots1)
2520 			bson_append_bool(&b, "rocketBoots1", stkm.rocketBoots1);
2521 		if (stkm.rocketBoots2)
2522 			bson_append_bool(&b, "rocketBoots2", stkm.rocketBoots2);
2523 		if (stkm.fan1)
2524 			bson_append_bool(&b, "fan1", stkm.fan1);
2525 		if (stkm.fan2)
2526 			bson_append_bool(&b, "fan2", stkm.fan2);
2527 		if (stkm.rocketBootsFigh.size())
2528 		{
2529 			bson_append_start_array(&b, "rocketBootsFigh");
2530 			for (unsigned int fighNum : stkm.rocketBootsFigh)
2531 				bson_append_int(&b, "num", fighNum);
2532 			bson_append_finish_array(&b);
2533 		}
2534 		if (stkm.fanFigh.size())
2535 		{
2536 			bson_append_start_array(&b, "fanFigh");
2537 			for (unsigned int fighNum : stkm.fanFigh)
2538 				bson_append_int(&b, "num", fighNum);
2539 			bson_append_finish_array(&b);
2540 		}
2541 		bson_append_finish_object(&b);
2542 	}
2544 	bson_append_int(&b, "pmapbits", pmapbits);
2545 	if (partsData && partsDataLen)
2546 	{
2547 		bson_append_binary(&b, "parts", BSON_BIN_USER, (const char *)partsData.get(), partsDataLen);
2549 		if (palette.size())
2550 		{
2551 			bson_append_start_array(&b, "palette");
2552 			for(std::vector<PaletteItem>::iterator iter = palette.begin(), end = palette.end(); iter != end; ++iter)
2553 			{
2554 				bson_append_int(&b, (*iter).first.c_str(), (*iter).second);
2555 			}
2556 			bson_append_finish_array(&b);
2557 		}
2559 		if (partsPosData && partsPosDataLen)
2560 			bson_append_binary(&b, "partsPos", BSON_BIN_USER, (const char *)partsPosData.get(), partsPosDataLen);
2561 	}
2562 	if (wallData && hasWallData)
2563 		bson_append_binary(&b, "wallMap", BSON_BIN_USER, (const char *)wallData.get(), wallDataLen);
2564 	if (fanData && fanDataLen)
2565 		bson_append_binary(&b, "fanMap", BSON_BIN_USER, (const char *)fanData.get(), fanDataLen);
2566 	if (pressData && hasPressure && pressDataLen)
2567 		bson_append_binary(&b, "pressMap", (char)BSON_BIN_USER, (const char*)pressData.get(), pressDataLen);
2568 	if (vxData && hasPressure && vxDataLen)
2569 		bson_append_binary(&b, "vxMap", (char)BSON_BIN_USER, (const char*)vxData.get(), vxDataLen);
2570 	if (vyData && hasPressure && vyDataLen)
2571 		bson_append_binary(&b, "vyMap", (char)BSON_BIN_USER, (const char*)vyData.get(), vyDataLen);
2572 	if (ambientData && hasAmbientHeat && this->aheatEnable && ambientDataLen)
2573 		bson_append_binary(&b, "ambientMap", (char)BSON_BIN_USER, (const char*)ambientData.get(), ambientDataLen);
2574 	if (soapLinkData && soapLinkDataLen)
2575 		bson_append_binary(&b, "soapLinks", BSON_BIN_USER, (const char *)soapLinkData, soapLinkDataLen);
2576 	unsigned int signsCount = 0;
2577 	for (size_t i = 0; i < signs.size(); i++)
2578 	{
2579 		if(signs[i].text.length() && signs[i].x>=0 && signs[i].x<=fullW && signs[i].y>=0 && signs[i].y<=fullH)
2580 		{
2581 			signsCount++;
2582 		}
2583 	}
2584 	if (signsCount)
2585 	{
2586 		bson_append_start_array(&b, "signs");
2587 		for (size_t i = 0; i < signs.size(); i++)
2588 		{
2589 			if(signs[i].text.length() && signs[i].x>=0 && signs[i].x<=fullW && signs[i].y>=0 && signs[i].y<=fullH)
2590 			{
2591 				bson_append_start_object(&b, "sign");
2592 				bson_append_string(&b, "text", signs[i].text.ToUtf8().c_str());
2593 				bson_append_int(&b, "justification", signs[i].ju);
2594 				bson_append_int(&b, "x", signs[i].x);
2595 				bson_append_int(&b, "y", signs[i].y);
2596 				bson_append_finish_object(&b);
2597 			}
2598 		}
2599 		bson_append_finish_array(&b);
2600 	}
2601 	if (authors.size())
2602 	{
2603 		bson_append_start_object(&b, "authors");
2604 		ConvertJsonToBson(&b, authors);
2605 		bson_append_finish_object(&b);
2606 	}
2607 	if (bson_finish(&b) == BSON_ERROR)
2608 		throw BuildException("Error building bson data");
2610 	unsigned char *finalData = (unsigned char*)bson_data(&b);
2611 	unsigned int finalDataLen = bson_size(&b);
2612 	auto outputData = std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]>(new unsigned char[finalDataLen*2+12]);
2613 	if (!outputData)
2614 		throw BuildException(String::Build("Save error, out of memory (finalData): ", finalDataLen*2+12));
2616 	outputData[0] = 'O';
2617 	outputData[1] = 'P';
2618 	outputData[2] = 'S';
2619 	outputData[3] = '1';
2620 	outputData[4] = SAVE_VERSION;
2621 	outputData[5] = CELL;
2622 	outputData[6] = blockW;
2623 	outputData[7] = blockH;
2624 	outputData[8] = finalDataLen;
2625 	outputData[9] = finalDataLen >> 8;
2626 	outputData[10] = finalDataLen >> 16;
2627 	outputData[11] = finalDataLen >> 24;
2629 	unsigned int compressedSize = finalDataLen*2, bz2ret;
2630 	if ((bz2ret = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress((char*)(outputData.get()+12), &compressedSize, (char*)finalData, bson_size(&b), 9, 0, 0)) != BZ_OK)
2631 	{
2632 		throw BuildException(String::Build("Save error, could not compress (ret ", bz2ret, ")"));
2633 	}
2635 #ifdef DEBUG
2636 	printf("compressed data: %d\n", compressedSize);
2637 #endif
2638 	dataLength = compressedSize + 12;
2640 	char *saveData = new char[dataLength];
2641 	std::copy(&outputData[0], &outputData[dataLength], &saveData[0]);
2642 	return saveData;
2643 }
ConvertBsonToJson(bson_iterator * iter,Json::Value * j,int depth)2645 void GameSave::ConvertBsonToJson(bson_iterator *iter, Json::Value *j, int depth)
2646 {
2647 	bson_iterator subiter;
2648 	bson_iterator_subiterator(iter, &subiter);
2649 	while (bson_iterator_next(&subiter))
2650 	{
2651 		ByteString key = bson_iterator_key(&subiter);
2652 		if (bson_iterator_type(&subiter) == BSON_STRING)
2653 			(*j)[key] = bson_iterator_string(&subiter);
2654 		else if (bson_iterator_type(&subiter) == BSON_BOOL)
2655 			(*j)[key] = bson_iterator_bool(&subiter);
2656 		else if (bson_iterator_type(&subiter) == BSON_INT)
2657 			(*j)[key] = bson_iterator_int(&subiter);
2658 		else if (bson_iterator_type(&subiter) == BSON_LONG)
2659 			(*j)[key] = (Json::Value::UInt64)bson_iterator_long(&subiter);
2660 		else if (bson_iterator_type(&subiter) == BSON_ARRAY && depth < 5)
2661 		{
2662 			bson_iterator arrayiter;
2663 			bson_iterator_subiterator(&subiter, &arrayiter);
2664 			int length = 0, length2 = 0;
2665 			while (bson_iterator_next(&arrayiter))
2666 			{
2667 				if (bson_iterator_type(&arrayiter) == BSON_OBJECT && !strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&arrayiter), "part"))
2668 				{
2669 					Json::Value tempPart;
2670 					ConvertBsonToJson(&arrayiter, &tempPart, depth + 1);
2671 					(*j)["links"].append(tempPart);
2672 					length++;
2673 				}
2674 				else if (bson_iterator_type(&arrayiter) == BSON_INT && !strcmp(bson_iterator_key(&arrayiter), "saveID"))
2675 				{
2676 					(*j)["links"].append(bson_iterator_int(&arrayiter));
2677 				}
2678 				length2++;
2679 				if (length > (int)(40 / ((depth+1) * (depth+1))) || length2 > 50)
2680 					break;
2681 			}
2682 		}
2683 	}
2684 }
GetNestedSaveIDs(Json::Value j)2686 std::set<int> GetNestedSaveIDs(Json::Value j)
2687 {
2688 	Json::Value::Members members = j.getMemberNames();
2689 	std::set<int> saveIDs = std::set<int>();
2690 	for (Json::Value::Members::iterator iter = members.begin(), end = members.end(); iter != end; ++iter)
2691 	{
2692 		ByteString member = *iter;
2693 		if (member == "id" && j[member].isInt())
2694 			saveIDs.insert(j[member].asInt());
2695 		else if (j[member].isArray())
2696 		{
2697 			for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < j[member].size(); i++)
2698 			{
2699 				// only supports objects and ints here because that is all we need
2700 				if (j[member][i].isInt())
2701 				{
2702 					saveIDs.insert(j[member][i].asInt());
2703 					continue;
2704 				}
2705 				if (!j[member][i].isObject())
2706 					continue;
2707 				std::set<int> nestedSaveIDs = GetNestedSaveIDs(j[member][i]);
2708 				saveIDs.insert(nestedSaveIDs.begin(), nestedSaveIDs.end());
2709 			}
2710 		}
2711 	}
2712 	return saveIDs;
2713 }
2715 // converts a json object to bson
ConvertJsonToBson(bson * b,Json::Value j,int depth)2716 void GameSave::ConvertJsonToBson(bson *b, Json::Value j, int depth)
2717 {
2718 	Json::Value::Members members = j.getMemberNames();
2719 	for (Json::Value::Members::iterator iter = members.begin(), end = members.end(); iter != end; ++iter)
2720 	{
2721 		ByteString member = *iter;
2722 		if (j[member].isString())
2723 			bson_append_string(b, member.c_str(), j[member].asCString());
2724 		else if (j[member].isBool())
2725 			bson_append_bool(b, member.c_str(), j[member].asBool());
2726 		else if (j[member].type() == Json::intValue)
2727 			bson_append_int(b, member.c_str(), j[member].asInt());
2728 		else if (j[member].type() == Json::uintValue)
2729 			bson_append_long(b, member.c_str(), j[member].asInt64());
2730 		else if (j[member].isArray())
2731 		{
2732 			bson_append_start_array(b, member.c_str());
2733 			std::set<int> saveIDs = std::set<int>();
2734 			int length = 0;
2735 			for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < j[member].size(); i++)
2736 			{
2737 				// only supports objects and ints here because that is all we need
2738 				if (j[member][i].isInt())
2739 				{
2740 					saveIDs.insert(j[member][i].asInt());
2741 					continue;
2742 				}
2743 				if (!j[member][i].isObject())
2744 					continue;
2745 				if (depth > 4 || length > (int)(40 / ((depth+1) * (depth+1))))
2746 				{
2747 					std::set<int> nestedSaveIDs = GetNestedSaveIDs(j[member][i]);
2748 					saveIDs.insert(nestedSaveIDs.begin(), nestedSaveIDs.end());
2749 				}
2750 				else
2751 				{
2752 					bson_append_start_object(b, "part");
2753 					ConvertJsonToBson(b, j[member][i], depth+1);
2754 					bson_append_finish_object(b);
2755 				}
2756 				length++;
2757 			}
2758 			for (std::set<int>::iterator iter = saveIDs.begin(), end = saveIDs.end(); iter != end; ++iter)
2759 			{
2760 				bson_append_int(b, "saveID", *iter);
2761 			}
2762 			bson_append_finish_array(b);
2763 		}
2764 	}
2765 }
2767 // deallocates a pointer to a 2D array and sets it to NULL
2768 template <typename T>
Deallocate2DArray(T *** array,int blockHeight)2769 void GameSave::Deallocate2DArray(T ***array, int blockHeight)
2770 {
2771 	if (*array)
2772 	{
2773 		for (int y = 0; y < blockHeight; y++)
2774 			delete[] (*array)[y];
2775 		delete[] (*array);
2776 		*array = NULL;
2777 	}
2778 }
TypeInCtype(int type,int ctype)2780 bool GameSave::TypeInCtype(int type, int ctype)
2781 {
2782 	return ctype >= 0 && ctype < PT_NUM &&
2783 	        (type == PT_CLNE || type == PT_PCLN || type == PT_BCLN || type == PT_PBCN ||
2784 	        type == PT_STOR || type == PT_CONV || type == PT_STKM || type == PT_STKM2 ||
2785 	        type == PT_FIGH || type == PT_LAVA || type == PT_SPRK || type == PT_PSTN ||
2786 	        type == PT_CRAY || type == PT_DTEC || type == PT_DRAY || type == PT_PIPE ||
2787 	        type == PT_PPIP || type == PT_LDTC);
2788 }
TypeInTmp(int type)2790 bool GameSave::TypeInTmp(int type)
2791 {
2792 	return type == PT_STOR;
2793 }
TypeInTmp2(int type,int tmp2)2795 bool GameSave::TypeInTmp2(int type, int tmp2)
2796 {
2797 	return (type == PT_VIRS || type == PT_VRSG || type == PT_VRSS) && (tmp2 >= 0 && tmp2 < PT_NUM);
2798 }
dealloc()2800 void GameSave::dealloc()
2801 {
2802 	if (particles)
2803 	{
2804 		delete[] particles;
2805 		particles = NULL;
2806 	}
2807 	Deallocate2DArray<unsigned char>(&blockMap, blockHeight);
2808 	Deallocate2DArray<float>(&fanVelX, blockHeight);
2809 	Deallocate2DArray<float>(&fanVelY, blockHeight);
2810 	Deallocate2DArray<float>(&pressure, blockHeight);
2811 	Deallocate2DArray<float>(&velocityX, blockHeight);
2812 	Deallocate2DArray<float>(&velocityY, blockHeight);
2813 	Deallocate2DArray<float>(&ambientHeat, blockHeight);
2814 }
~GameSave()2816 GameSave::~GameSave()
2817 {
2818 	dealloc();
2819 }
operator <<(Particle & v)2821 GameSave& GameSave::operator << (Particle &v)
2822 {
2823 	if(particlesCount<NPART && v.type)
2824 	{
2825 		particles[particlesCount++] = v;
2826 	}
2827 	return *this;
2828 }
operator <<(sign & v)2830 GameSave& GameSave::operator << (sign &v)
2831 {
2832 	if(signs.size()<MAXSIGNS && v.text.length())
2833 		signs.push_back(v);
2834 	return *this;
2835 }