1# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
3import shutil
4import collections
5import os
6from io import StringIO
7from os.path import getmtime
8import re
9import textwrap
11import pexpect
13from sqlalchemy import String
15from pychess.external.scoutfish import Scoutfish
16from pychess.external.chess_db import Parser
18from pychess.Utils.const import WHITE, BLACK, reprResult, FEN_START, FEN_EMPTY, \
22from pychess.System import conf
23from pychess.System.Log import log
24from pychess.System.protoopen import PGN_ENCODING
25from pychess.System.prefix import getEngineDataPrefix
26from pychess.Utils.lutils.LBoard import LBoard
27from pychess.Utils.GameModel import GameModel
28from pychess.Utils.lutils.lmove import toSAN, parseAny, ParsingError
29from pychess.Utils.Move import Move
30from pychess.Utils.elo import get_elo_rating_change_pgn
31from pychess.Utils.logic import getStatus
32from pychess.Variants import name2variant, NormalBoard, variants
33from pychess.Utils import formatTime
34from pychess.Savers.ChessFile import ChessFile, LoadingError
35from pychess.Savers.database import col2label, TagDatabase, parseDateTag
36from pychess.System.cpu import get_cpu
37from pychess.Database import model as dbmodel
38from pychess.Database.PgnImport import TAG_REGEX, pgn2Const, PgnImport
39from pychess.Database.model import game, create_indexes, drop_indexes, metadata, ini_schema_version
41__label__ = _("Chess Game")
42__ending__ = "pgn"
43__append__ = True
46# token categories
49    RESULT, FULL_MOVE, MOVE, MOVE_COMMENT = range(1, 10)
51pattern = re.compile(r"""
52    (\;.*?[\n\r])        # comment, rest of line style
53    |(\{.*?\})           # comment, between {}
54    |(\$[0-9]+)          # comment, Numeric Annotation Glyph
55    |(\()                # variation start
56    |(\))                # variation end
57    |(\*|1-0|0-1|1/2)    # result (spec requires 1/2-1/2 for draw, but we want to tolerate simple 1/2 too)
58    |(
59    ([a-hKkQqRrBNnMmSsF][a-hxKQRBNMSF1-8+#=\-]{1,6}
60    |[PNBRQMSFK]@[a-h][1-8][+#]?  # drop move
61    |o\-?o(?:\-?o)?      # castling notation using letter 'o' with or without '-'
62    |O\-?O(?:\-?O)?      # castling notation using letter 'O' with or without '-'
63    |0\-0(?:\-0)?        # castling notation using zero with required '-'
64    |\-\-)               # non standard '--' is used for null move inside variations
65    ([\?!]{1,2})*
66    )    # move (full, count, move with ?!, ?!)
67    """, re.VERBOSE | re.DOTALL)
69move_eval_re = re.compile(r"\[%eval\s+([+\-])?(?:#)?(\d+)(?:[,\.](\d{1,2}))?(?:/(\d{1,2}))?\]")
70move_time_re = re.compile(r"\[%emt\s+(\d:)?(\d{1,2}:)?(\d{1,4})(?:\.(\d{1,3}))?\]")
72# Chessbase style circles/arrows {[%csl Ra3][%cal Gc2c3,Rc3d4]}
73comment_circles_re = re.compile(r"\[%csl\s+((?:[RGBY]\w{2},?)+)\]")
74comment_arrows_re = re.compile(r"\[%cal\s+((?:[RGBY]\w{4},?)+)\]")
76# Mandatory tags (except "Result")
77mandatory_tags = ("Event", "Site", "Date", "Round", "White", "Black")
80def msToClockTimeTag(ms):
81    """
82    Converts milliseconds to a chess clock time string in 'WhiteClock'/
83    'BlackClock' PGN header format
84    """
85    msec = ms % 1000
86    sec = ((ms - msec) % (1000 * 60)) / 1000
87    minute = ((ms - sec * 1000 - msec) % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60)
88    hour = ((ms - minute * 1000 * 60 - sec * 1000 - msec) %
89            (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60)
90    return "%01d:%02d:%02d.%03d" % (hour, minute, sec, msec)
93def parseClockTimeTag(tag):
94    """
95    Parses 'WhiteClock'/'BlackClock' PGN headers and returns the time the
96    player playing that color has left on their clock in milliseconds
97    """
98    match = re.match(r"(\d{1,2}):(\d\d):(\d\d).(\d{1,3})", tag)
99    if match:
100        hour, minute, sec, msec = match.groups()
101        return int(msec) + int(sec) * 1000 + int(minute) * 60 * 1000 + int(
102            hour) * 60 * 60 * 1000
105def parseTimeControlTag(tag):
106    """
107    Parses 'TimeControl' PGN header and returns the time and gain the
108    players have on game start in seconds
109    """
110    match = re.match(r"^(\d+)\+?(\-?\d+)?$", tag)
111    if match:
112        secs, gain = match.groups()
113        return int(secs), int(gain) if gain is not None else 0, 0
114    else:
115        match = re.match(r"^(\d+)\/(\d+)$", tag)
116        if match:
117            moves, secs = match.groups()
118            return int(secs), 0, int(moves)
119        else:
120            return None
123def save(handle, model, position=None, flip=False):
124    """ Saves the game from GameModel to .pgn """
125    processed_tags = []
127    def write_tag(tag, value, roster=False):
128        nonlocal processed_tags
129        if tag in processed_tags or (not roster and not value):
130            return
131        try:
132            pval = str(value)
133            pval = pval.replace("\\", "\\\\")
134            pval = pval.replace("\"", "\\\"")
135            print('[%s "%s"]' % (tag, pval), file=handle)
136        except UnicodeEncodeError:
137            pval = bytes(pval, "utf-8").decode(PGN_ENCODING, errors="ignore")
138            print('[%s "%s"]' % (tag, pval), file=handle)
139        processed_tags = processed_tags + [tag]
141    # Mandatory ordered seven-tag roster
142    status = reprResult[model.status]
143    for tag in mandatory_tags:
144        value = model.tags[tag]
145        if tag == "Date":
146            y, m, d = parseDateTag(value)
147            y = "%04d" % y if y is not None else "????"
148            m = "%02d" % m if m is not None else "??"
149            d = "%02d" % d if d is not None else "??"
150            value = "%s.%s.%s" % (y, m, d)
151        elif value == "":
152            value = "?"
153        write_tag(tag, value, roster=True)
154    write_tag("Result", reprResult[model.status], roster=True)
156    # Variant
157    if model.variant.variant != NORMALCHESS:
158        write_tag("Variant", model.variant.cecp_name.capitalize())
160    # Initial position
161    if model.boards[0].asFen() != FEN_START:
162        write_tag("SetUp", "1")
163        write_tag("FEN", model.boards[0].asFen())
165    # Number of moves
166    write_tag("PlyCount", model.ply - model.lowply)
168    # Final position
169    if model.reason in ABORTED_REASONS:
170        value = "abandoned"
171    elif model.reason == WON_ADJUDICATION and model.isEngine2EngineGame():
172        value = "rules infraction"
173    elif model.reason in ADJUDICATION_REASONS:
174        value = "adjudication"
175    elif model.reason in DEATH_REASONS:
176        value = "death"
177    elif model.reason in CALLFLAG_REASONS:
178        value = "time forfeit"
179    elif model.reason in ADJOURNED_REASONS or status == "*":
180        value = "unterminated"
181    else:
182        value = "normal"
183    write_tag("Termination", value)
185    # ELO and its variation
186    if conf.get("saveRatingChange"):
187        welo = model.tags["WhiteElo"]
188        belo = model.tags["BlackElo"]
189        if welo != "" and belo != "":
190            write_tag("WhiteRatingDiff", get_elo_rating_change_pgn(model, WHITE))  # Unofficial
191            write_tag("BlackRatingDiff", get_elo_rating_change_pgn(model, BLACK))  # Unofficial
193    # Time
194    if model.timed:
195        write_tag('WhiteClock', msToClockTimeTag(int(model.timemodel.getPlayerTime(WHITE) * 1000)))
196        write_tag('BlackClock', msToClockTimeTag(int(model.timemodel.getPlayerTime(BLACK) * 1000)))
198    # Write all the unprocessed tags
199    for tag in model.tags:
200        # Debug: print(">> %s = %s" % (tag, str(model.tags[tag])))
201        write_tag(tag, model.tags[tag])
203    # Discovery of the moves and comments
204    save_emt = conf.get("saveEmt")
205    save_eval = conf.get("saveEval")
206    result = []
207    walk(model.boards[0].board, result, model, save_emt, save_eval)
209    # Alignment of the fetched elements
210    indented = conf.get("indentPgn")
211    if indented:
212        buffer = ""
213        depth = 0
214        crlf = False
215        for text in result:
216            # De/Indentation
217            crlf = (buffer[-1:] if len(buffer) > 0 else "") in ["\r", "\n"]
218            if text == "(":
219                depth += 1
220                if indented and not crlf:
221                    buffer += os.linesep
222                    crlf = True
223            # Space between each term
224            last = buffer[-1:] if len(buffer) > 0 else ""
225            crlf = last in ["\r", "\n"]
226            if not crlf and last != " " and last != "\t" and last != "(" and not text.startswith("\r") and not text.startswith("\n") and text != ")" and len(buffer) > 0:
227                buffer += " "
228            # New line for a new main move
229            if len(buffer) == 0 or (indented and depth == 0 and last != "\r" and last != "\n" and re.match(r"^[0-9]+\.", text) is not None):
230                buffer += os.linesep
231                crlf = True
232            # Alignment
233            if crlf and depth > 0:
234                for j in range(0, depth):
235                    buffer += "    "
236            # Term
237            buffer += text
238            if indented and text == ")":
239                buffer += os.linesep
240                crlf = True
241                depth -= 1
242    else:
243        # Add new line to separate tag section and movetext
244        print('', file=handle)
245        buffer = textwrap.fill(" ".join(result), width=80)
247    # Final
248    status = reprResult[model.status]
249    print(buffer, status, file=handle)
250    # Add new line to separate next game
251    print('', file=handle)
253    output = handle.getvalue() if isinstance(handle, StringIO) else ""
254    handle.close()
255    return output
258def walk(node, result, model, save_emt=False, save_eval=False, vari=False):
259    """Prepares a game data for .pgn storage.
260       Recursively walks the node tree to collect moves and comments
261       into a resulting movetext string.
263       Arguments:
264       node - list (a tree of lboards created by the pgn parser)
265       result - str (movetext strings)"""
267    while True:
268        if node is None:
269            break
271        # Initial game or variation comment
272        if node.prev is None:
273            for child in node.children:
274                if isinstance(child, str):
275                    result.append("{%s}%s" % (child, os.linesep))
276            node = node.next
277            continue
279        movecount = move_count(node,
280                               black_periods=(save_emt or save_eval) and
281                               "TimeControl" in model.tags)
282        if movecount is not None:
283            if movecount:
284                result.append(movecount)
285            move = node.lastMove
286            result.append(toSAN(node.prev, move))
287            if (save_emt or save_eval) and not vari:
288                emt_eval = ""
289                if "TimeControl" in model.tags and save_emt:
290                    elapsed = model.timemodel.getElapsedMoveTime(
291                        node.plyCount - model.lowply)
292                    emt_eval = "[%%emt %s]" % formatTime(elapsed, clk2pgn=True)
293                if node.plyCount in model.scores and save_eval:
294                    moves, score, depth = model.scores[node.plyCount]
295                    if node.color == BLACK:
296                        score = -score
297                    emt_eval += "[%%eval %0.2f/%s]" % (score / 100.0, depth)
298                if emt_eval:
299                    result.append("{%s}" % emt_eval)
301        for nag in node.nags:
302            if nag:
303                result.append(nag)
305        for child in node.children:
306            if isinstance(child, str):
307                # comment
308                if child:
309                    result.append("{%s}" % child)
310            else:
311                # variations
312                if node.fen_was_applied:
313                    result.append("(")
314                    walk(child[0],
315                         result,
316                         model,
317                         save_emt,
318                         save_eval,
319                         vari=True)
320                    result.append(")")
321                    # variation after last played move is not valid pgn
322                    # but we will save it as in comment
323                else:
324                    result.append("{%s:" % _("Analyzer's primary variation"))
325                    walk(child[0],
326                         result,
327                         model,
328                         save_emt,
329                         save_eval,
330                         vari=True)
331                    result.append("}")
333        if node.next:
334            node = node.next
335        else:
336            break
339def move_count(node, black_periods=False):
340    mvcount = None
341    if node.fen_was_applied:
342        ply = node.plyCount
343        if ply % 2 == 1:
344            mvcount = "%d." % (ply // 2 + 1)
345        # initial game move, or initial variation move
346        # it can be the same position as the main line! this is the reason using id()
347        elif node.prev.prev is None or id(node) != id(
348                node.prev.next) or black_periods:
349            mvcount = "%d..." % (ply // 2)
350        elif node.prev.children:
351            # move after real(not [%foo bar]) comment
352            need_mvcount = False
353            for child in node.prev.children:
354                if isinstance(child, str):
355                    if not child.startswith("[%"):
356                        need_mvcount = True
357                        break
358                else:
359                    need_mvcount = True
360                    break
361            if need_mvcount:
362                mvcount = "%d..." % (ply // 2)
363            else:
364                mvcount = ""
365        else:
366            mvcount = ""
367    return mvcount
370def load(handle, progressbar=None):
371    return PGNFile(handle, progressbar)
374cpuinfo = get_cpu()
375MODERN = "-modern" if cpuinfo['popcnt'] else ""
377altpath = getEngineDataPrefix()
379scoutfish = "scoutfish_x%s%s%s" % (cpuinfo['bitness'], MODERN, cpuinfo['binext'])
380scoutfish_path = shutil.which(scoutfish, mode=os.X_OK, path=altpath)
382parser = "parser_x%s%s%s" % (cpuinfo['bitness'], MODERN, cpuinfo['binext'])
383chess_db_path = shutil.which(parser, mode=os.X_OK, path=altpath)
386class PGNFile(ChessFile):
387    def __init__(self, handle, progressbar=None):
388        ChessFile.__init__(self, handle)
389        self.handle = handle
390        self.progressbar = progressbar
391        self.pgn_is_string = isinstance(handle, StringIO)
393        if self.pgn_is_string:
394            self.games = [self.load_game_tags(), ]
395        else:
396            self.skip = 0
397            self.limit = 100
398            self.order_col = game.c.offset
399            self.is_desc = False
400            self.reset_last_seen()
402            # filter expressions to .sqlite .bin .scout
403            self.tag_query = None
404            self.fen = None
405            self.scout_query = None
407            self.scoutfish = None
408            self.chess_db = None
410            self.sqlite_path = os.path.splitext(self.path)[0] + '.sqlite'
411            self.engine = dbmodel.get_engine(self.sqlite_path)
412            self.tag_database = TagDatabase(self.engine)
414            self.games, self.offs_ply = self.get_records(0)
415            log.info("%s contains %s game(s)" % (self.path, self.count), extra={"task": "SQL"})
417    def get_count(self):
418        """ Number of games in .pgn database """
419        if self.pgn_is_string:
420            return len(self.games)
421        else:
422            return self.tag_database.count
423    count = property(get_count)
425    def get_size(self):
426        """ Size of .pgn file in bytes """
427        return os.path.getsize(self.path)
428    size = property(get_size)
430    def close(self):
431        self.tag_database.close()
432        ChessFile.close(self)
434    def init_tag_database(self, importer=None):
435        """ Create/open .sqlite database of game header tags """
436        # Import .pgn header tags to .sqlite database
438        sqlite_path = self.path.replace(".pgn", ".sqlite")
439        if os.path.isfile(self.path) and os.path.isfile(sqlite_path) and getmtime(self.path) > getmtime(sqlite_path):
440            metadata.drop_all(self.engine)
441            metadata.create_all(self.engine)
442            ini_schema_version(self.engine)
444        size = self.size
445        if size > 0 and self.tag_database.count == 0:
446            if size > 10000000:
447                drop_indexes(self.engine)
448            if self.progressbar is not None:
449                from gi.repository import GLib
450                GLib.idle_add(self.progressbar.set_text, _("Importing game headers..."))
451            if importer is None:
452                importer = PgnImport(self)
453            importer.initialize()
454            importer.do_import(self.path, progressbar=self.progressbar)
455            if size > 10000000 and not importer.cancel:
456                create_indexes(self.engine)
458        return importer
460    def init_chess_db(self):
461        """ Create/open polyglot .bin file with extra win/loss/draw stats
462            using chess_db parser from https://github.com/mcostalba/chess_db
463        """
464        if chess_db_path is not None and self.path and self.size > 0:
465            try:
466                if self.progressbar is not None:
467                    from gi.repository import GLib
468                    GLib.idle_add(self.progressbar.set_text, _("Creating .bin index file..."))
469                self.chess_db = Parser(engine=(chess_db_path, ))
470                self.chess_db.open(self.path)
471                bin_path = os.path.splitext(self.path)[0] + '.bin'
472                if not os.path.isfile(bin_path):
473                    log.debug("No valid games found in %s" % self.path)
474                    self.chess_db = None
475                elif getmtime(self.path) > getmtime(bin_path):
476                    self.chess_db.make()
477            except OSError as err:
478                self.chess_db = None
479                log.warning("Failed to sart chess_db parser. OSError %s %s" % (err.errno, err.strerror))
480            except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
481                self.chess_db = None
482                log.warning("chess_db parser failed (pexpect.TIMEOUT)")
483            except pexpect.EOF:
484                self.chess_db = None
485                log.warning("chess_db parser failed (pexpect.EOF)")
487    def init_scoutfish(self):
488        """ Create/open .scout database index file to help querying
489            using scoutfish from https://github.com/mcostalba/scoutfish
490        """
491        if scoutfish_path is not None and self.path and self.size > 0:
492            try:
493                if self.progressbar is not None:
494                    from gi.repository import GLib
495                    GLib.idle_add(self.progressbar.set_text, _("Creating .scout index file..."))
496                self.scoutfish = Scoutfish(engine=(scoutfish_path, ))
497                self.scoutfish.open(self.path)
498                scout_path = os.path.splitext(self.path)[0] + '.scout'
499                if getmtime(self.path) > getmtime(scout_path):
500                    self.scoutfish.make()
501            except OSError as err:
502                self.scoutfish = None
503                log.warning("Failed to sart scoutfish. OSError %s %s" % (err.errno, err.strerror))
504            except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
505                self.scoutfish = None
506                log.warning("scoutfish failed (pexpect.TIMEOUT)")
507            except pexpect.EOF:
508                self.scoutfish = None
509                log.warning("scoutfish failed (pexpect.EOF)")
511    def get_book_moves(self, fen):
512        """ Get move-games-win-loss-draw stat of fen position """
513        rows = []
514        if self.chess_db is not None:
515            move_stat = self.chess_db.find("limit %s skip %s %s" % (1, 0, fen))
516            for mstat in move_stat["moves"]:
517                rows.append((mstat["move"], int(mstat["games"]), int(mstat["wins"]), int(mstat["losses"]), int(mstat["draws"])))
518        return rows
520    def has_position(self, fen):
521        # ChessDB (prioritary)
522        if self.chess_db is not None:
523            ret = self.chess_db.find("limit %s skip %s %s" % (1, 0, fen))
524            if len(ret["moves"]) > 0:
525                return TOOL_CHESSDB, True
526        # Scoutfish (alternate by approximation)
527        if self.scoutfish is not None:
528            q = {"limit": 1, "skip": 0, "sub-fen": fen}
529            ret = self.scoutfish.scout(q)
530            if ret["match count"] > 0:
531                return TOOL_SCOUTFISH, True
532        return TOOL_NONE, False
534    def set_tag_order(self, order_col, is_desc):
535        self.order_col = order_col
536        self.is_desc = is_desc
537        self.tag_database.build_order_by(self.order_col, self.is_desc)
539    def reset_last_seen(self):
540        col_max = "ZZZ" if isinstance(self.order_col.type, String) else 2 ** 32
541        col_min = "" if isinstance(self.order_col.type, String) else -1
542        if self.is_desc:
543            self.last_seen = [(col_max, 2 ** 32)]
544        else:
545            self.last_seen = [(col_min, -1)]
547    def set_tag_filter(self, query):
548        """ Set (now prefixing) text and
549            create where clause we will use to query header tag .sqlite database
550        """
551        self.tag_query = query
552        self.tag_database.build_where_tags(self.tag_query)
554    def set_fen_filter(self, fen):
555        """ Set fen string we will use to get game offsets from .bin database """
556        if self.chess_db is not None and fen is not None and fen != FEN_START:
557            self.fen = fen
558        else:
559            self.fen = None
560            self.tag_database.build_where_offs8(None)
562    def set_scout_filter(self, query):
563        """ Set json string we will use to get game offsets from  .scout database """
564        if self.scoutfish is not None and query:
565            self.scout_query = query
566        else:
567            self.scout_query = None
568            self.tag_database.build_where_offs(None)
569            self.offs_ply = {}
571    def get_offs(self, skip, filtered_offs_list=None):
572        """ Get offsets from .scout database and
573            create where clause we will use to query header tag .sqlite database
574        """
575        if self.scout_query:
576            limit = (10000 if self.tag_query else self.limit) + 1
577            self.scout_query["skip"] = skip
578            self.scout_query["limit"] = limit
579            move_stat = self.scoutfish.scout(self.scout_query)
581            offsets = []
582            for mstat in move_stat["matches"]:
583                offs = mstat["ofs"]
584                if filtered_offs_list is None:
585                    offsets.append(offs)
586                    self.offs_ply[offs] = mstat["ply"][0]
587                elif offs in filtered_offs_list:
588                    offsets.append(offs)
589                    self.offs_ply[offs] = mstat["ply"][0]
591            if filtered_offs_list is not None:
592                # Continue scouting until we get enough good offset if needed
593                # print(0, move_stat["match count"], len(offsets))
594                i = 1
595                while len(offsets) < self.limit and move_stat["match count"] == limit:
596                    self.scout_query["skip"] = i * limit - 1
597                    move_stat = self.scoutfish.scout(self.scout_query)
599                    for mstat in move_stat["matches"]:
600                        offs = mstat["ofs"]
601                        if offs in filtered_offs_list:
602                            offsets.append(offs)
603                            self.offs_ply[offs] = mstat["ply"][0]
605                    # print(i, move_stat["match count"], len(offsets))
606                    i += 1
608            if len(offsets) > self.limit:
609                self.tag_database.build_where_offs(offsets[:self.limit])
610            else:
611                self.tag_database.build_where_offs(offsets)
613    def get_offs8(self, skip, filtered_offs_list=None):
614        """ Get offsets from .bin database and
615            create where clause we will use to query header tag .sqlite database
616        """
617        if self.fen:
618            move_stat = self.chess_db.find("limit %s skip %s %s" % (self.limit, skip, self.fen))
620            offsets = []
621            for mstat in move_stat["moves"]:
622                offs = mstat["pgn offsets"]
623                if filtered_offs_list is None:
624                    offsets += offs
625                elif offs in filtered_offs_list:
626                    offsets += offs
628            if len(offsets) > self.limit:
629                self.tag_database.build_where_offs8(sorted(offsets)[:self.limit])
630            else:
631                self.tag_database.build_where_offs8(sorted(offsets))
633    def get_records(self, direction=FIRST_PAGE):
634        """ Get game header tag records from .sqlite database in paginated way """
635        if direction == FIRST_PAGE:
636            self.skip = 0
637            self.reset_last_seen()
638        elif direction == NEXT_PAGE:
639            if not self.tag_query:
640                self.skip += self.limit
641        elif direction == PREV_PAGE:
642            if len(self.last_seen) == 2:
643                self.reset_last_seen()
644            elif len(self.last_seen) > 2:
645                self.last_seen = self.last_seen[:-2]
647            if not self.tag_query and self.skip >= self.limit:
648                self.skip -= self.limit
650        if self.fen:
651            self.reset_last_seen()
653        filtered_offs_list = None
654        if self.tag_query and (self.fen or self.scout_query):
655            filtered_offs_list = self.tag_database.get_offsets_for_tags(self.last_seen[-1])
657        if self.fen:
658            self.get_offs8(self.skip, filtered_offs_list=filtered_offs_list)
660        if self.scout_query:
661            self.get_offs(self.skip, filtered_offs_list=filtered_offs_list)
662            # No game satisfied scout_query
663            if self.tag_database.where_offs is None:
664                return [], {}
666        records = self.tag_database.get_records(self.last_seen[-1], self.limit)
668        if records:
669            self.last_seen.append((records[-1][col2label[self.order_col]], records[-1]["Offset"]))
670            return records, self.offs_ply
671        else:
672            return [], {}
674    def load_game_tags(self):
675        """ Reads header tags from pgn if pgn is a one game only StringIO object """
677        header = collections.defaultdict(str)
678        header["Id"] = 0
679        header["Offset"] = 0
680        for line in self.handle.readlines():
681            line = line.strip()
682            if line.startswith('[') and line.endswith(']'):
683                tag_match = TAG_REGEX.match(line)
684                if tag_match:
685                    value = tag_match.group(2)
686                    value = value.replace("\\\"", "\"")
687                    value = value.replace("\\\\", "\\")
688                    header[tag_match.group(1)] = value
689            else:
690                break
691        return header
693    def loadToModel(self, rec, position=-1, model=None):
694        """ Parse game text and load game record header tags to a GameModel object """
696        if model is None:
697            model = GameModel()
699        if self.pgn_is_string:
700            rec = self.games[0]
702        # Load mandatory tags
703        for tag in mandatory_tags:
704            model.tags[tag] = rec[tag]
706        # Load other tags
707        for tag in ('WhiteElo', 'BlackElo', 'ECO', 'TimeControl', 'Annotator'):
708            model.tags[tag] = rec[tag]
710        if self.pgn_is_string:
711            for tag in rec:
712                if isinstance(rec[tag], str) and rec[tag]:
713                    model.tags[tag] = rec[tag]
714        else:
715            model.info = self.tag_database.get_info(rec)
716            extra_tags = self.tag_database.get_exta_tags(rec)
717            for et in extra_tags:
718                model.tags[et['tag_name']] = et['tag_value']
720        if self.pgn_is_string:
721            variant = rec["Variant"].capitalize()
722        else:
723            variant = self.get_variant(rec)
725        if model.tags['TimeControl']:
726            tc = parseTimeControlTag(model.tags['TimeControl'])
727            if tc is not None:
728                secs, gain, moves = tc
729                model.timed = True
730                model.timemodel.secs = secs
731                model.timemodel.gain = gain
732                model.timemodel.minutes = secs / 60
733                model.timemodel.moves = moves
734                for tag, color in (('WhiteClock', WHITE), ('BlackClock', BLACK)):
735                    if tag in model.tags:
736                        try:
737                            millisec = parseClockTimeTag(model.tags[tag])
738                            # We need to fix when FICS reports negative clock time like this
739                            # [TimeControl "180+0"]
740                            # [WhiteClock "0:00:15.867"]
741                            # [BlackClock "23:59:58.820"]
742                            start_sec = (
743                                millisec - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
744                            ) / 1000. if millisec > 23 * 60 * 60 * 1000 else millisec / 1000.
745                            model.timemodel.intervals[color][0] = start_sec
746                        except ValueError:
747                            raise LoadingError(
748                                "Error parsing '%s'" % tag)
749        fenstr = rec["FEN"]
751        if variant:
752            if variant not in name2variant:
753                raise LoadingError("Unknown variant %s" % variant)
755            model.tags["Variant"] = variant
756            # Fixes for some non statndard Chess960 .pgn
757            if (fenstr is not None) and variant == "Fischerandom":
758                parts = fenstr.split()
759                parts[0] = parts[0].replace(".", "/").replace("0", "")
760                if len(parts) == 1:
761                    parts.append("w")
762                    parts.append("-")
763                    parts.append("-")
764                fenstr = " ".join(parts)
766            model.variant = name2variant[variant]
767            board = LBoard(model.variant.variant)
768        else:
769            model.variant = NormalBoard
770            board = LBoard()
772        if fenstr:
773            try:
774                board.applyFen(fenstr)
775                model.tags["FEN"] = fenstr
776            except SyntaxError as err:
777                board.applyFen(FEN_EMPTY)
778                raise LoadingError(
779                    _("The game can't be loaded, because of an error parsing FEN"),
780                    err.args[0])
781        else:
782            board.applyFen(FEN_START)
784        boards = [board]
786        del model.moves[:]
787        del model.variations[:]
789        self.error = None
790        movetext = self.get_movetext(rec)
791        boards = self.parse_movetext(movetext, boards[0], position)
793        # The parser built a tree of lboard objects, now we have to
794        # create the high level Board and Move lists...
796        for board in boards:
797            if board.lastMove is not None:
798                model.moves.append(Move(board.lastMove))
800        self.has_emt = False
801        self.has_eval = False
803        def _create_board(model, node):
804            if node.prev is None:
805                # initial game board
806                board = model.variant(setup=node.asFen(), lboard=node)
807            else:
808                move = Move(node.lastMove)
809                try:
810                    board = node.prev.pieceBoard.move(move, lboard=node)
811                except Exception:
812                    raise LoadingError(
813                        _("Invalid move."),
814                        "%s%s" % (move_count(node, black_periods=True), move))
816            return board
818        def walk(model, node, path):
819            boards = path
820            stack = []
821            current = node
823            while current is not None:
824                board = _create_board(model, current)
825                boards.append(board)
826                stack.append(current)
827                current = current.next
828            else:
829                model.variations.append(list(boards))
831            while stack:
832                current = stack.pop()
833                boards.pop()
834                for child in current.children:
835                    if isinstance(child, list):
836                        if len(child) > 1:
837                            # non empty variation, go walk
838                            walk(model, child[1], list(boards))
839                    else:
840                        if not self.has_emt:
841                            self.has_emt = child.find("%emt") >= 0
842                        if not self.has_eval:
843                            self.has_eval = child.find("%eval") >= 0
845        # Collect all variation paths into a list of board lists
846        # where the first one will be the boards of mainline game.
847        # model.boards will allways point to the current shown variation
848        # which will be model.variations[0] when we are in the mainline.
849        walk(model, boards[0], [])
850        model.boards = model.variations[0]
851        self.has_emt = self.has_emt and model.timed
852        if self.has_emt or self.has_eval:
853            if self.has_emt:
854                blacks = len(model.moves) // 2
855                whites = len(model.moves) - blacks
857                model.timemodel.intervals = [
858                    [model.timemodel.intervals[0][0]] * (whites + 1),
859                    [model.timemodel.intervals[1][0]] * (blacks + 1),
860                ]
861                model.timemodel.intervals[0][0] = secs
862                model.timemodel.intervals[1][0] = secs
863            for ply, board in enumerate(boards):
864                for child in board.children:
865                    if isinstance(child, str):
866                        if self.has_emt:
867                            match = move_time_re.search(child)
868                            if match:
869                                movecount, color = divmod(ply + 1, 2)
870                                hour, minute, sec, msec = match.groups()
871                                prev = model.timemodel.intervals[color][
872                                    movecount - 1]
873                                hour = 0 if hour is None else int(hour[:-1])
874                                minute = 0 if minute is None else int(minute[:-1])
875                                msec = 0 if msec is None else int(msec)
876                                msec += int(sec) * 1000 + int(minute) * 60 * 1000 + int(hour) * 60 * 60 * 1000
877                                model.timemodel.intervals[color][movecount] = prev - msec / 1000. + gain
879                        if self.has_eval:
880                            match = move_eval_re.search(child)
881                            if match:
882                                sign, num, fraction, depth = match.groups()
883                                sign = 1 if sign is None or sign == "+" else -1
884                                num = int(num)
885                                fraction = 0 if fraction is None else int(
886                                    fraction)
887                                value = sign * (num * 100 + fraction)
888                                depth = "" if depth is None else depth
889                                if board.color == BLACK:
890                                    value = -value
891                                model.scores[ply] = ("", value, depth)
892            log.debug("pgn.loadToModel: intervals %s" %
893                      model.timemodel.intervals)
895        # Find the physical status of the game
896        model.status, model.reason = getStatus(model.boards[-1])
898        # Apply result from .pgn if the last position was loaded
899        if position == -1 or len(model.moves) == position - model.lowply:
900            if self.pgn_is_string:
901                result = rec["Result"]
902                if result in pgn2Const:
903                    status = pgn2Const[result]
904                else:
905                    status = RUNNING
906            else:
907                status = rec["Result"]
909            if status in (WHITEWON, BLACKWON) and status != model.status:
910                model.status = status
911                model.reason = WON_RESIGN
912            elif status == DRAW and status != model.status:
913                model.status = DRAW
914                model.reason = DRAW_AGREE
916        if model.timed:
917            model.timemodel.movingColor = model.boards[-1].color
919        # If parsing gave an error we throw it now, to enlarge our possibility
920        # of being able to continue the game from where it failed.
921        if self.error:
922            raise self.error
924        return model
926    def parse_movetext(self, string, board, position, variation=False):
927        """Recursive parses a movelist part of one game.
929           Arguments:
930           srting - str (movelist)
931           board - lboard (initial position)
932           position - int (maximum ply to parse)
933           variation- boolean (True if the string is a variation)"""
935        boards = []
936        boards_append = boards.append
938        last_board = board
939        if variation:
940            # this board used only to hold initial variation comments
941            boards_append(LBoard(board.variant))
942        else:
943            # initial game board
944            boards_append(board)
946        # status = None
947        parenthesis = 0
948        v_string = ""
949        v_last_board = None
950        for m in re.finditer(pattern, string):
951            group, text = m.lastindex, m.group(m.lastindex)
952            if parenthesis > 0:
953                v_string += ' ' + text
955            if group == VARIATION_END:
956                parenthesis -= 1
957                if parenthesis == 0:
958                    if last_board.prev is None:
959                        errstr1 = _("Error parsing %(mstr)s") % {"mstr": string}
960                        self.error = LoadingError(errstr1, "")
961                        return boards  # , status
963                    v_last_board.children.append(
964                        self.parse_movetext(v_string[:-1], last_board.prev, position, variation=True))
965                    v_string = ""
966                    continue
968            elif group == VARIATION_START:
969                parenthesis += 1
970                if parenthesis == 1:
971                    v_last_board = last_board
973            if parenthesis == 0:
974                if group == FULL_MOVE:
975                    if not variation:
976                        if position != -1 and last_board.plyCount >= position:
977                            break
979                    mstr = m.group(MOVE)
980                    try:
981                        lmove = parseAny(last_board, mstr)
982                    except ParsingError as err:
983                        # TODO: save the rest as comment
984                        # last_board.children.append(string[m.start():])
985                        notation, reason, boardfen = err.args
986                        ply = last_board.plyCount
987                        if ply % 2 == 0:
988                            moveno = "%d." % (ply // 2 + 1)
989                        else:
990                            moveno = "%d..." % (ply // 2 + 1)
991                        errstr1 = _(
992                            "The game can't be read to end, because of an error parsing move %(moveno)s '%(notation)s'.") % {
993                                'moveno': moveno,
994                                'notation': notation}
995                        errstr2 = _("The move failed because %s.") % reason
996                        self.error = LoadingError(errstr1, errstr2)
997                        break
998                    except Exception:
999                        ply = last_board.plyCount
1000                        if ply % 2 == 0:
1001                            moveno = "%d." % (ply // 2 + 1)
1002                        else:
1003                            moveno = "%d..." % (ply // 2 + 1)
1004                        errstr1 = _(
1005                            "Error parsing move %(moveno)s %(mstr)s") % {
1006                                "moveno": moveno,
1007                                "mstr": mstr}
1008                        self.error = LoadingError(errstr1, "")
1009                        break
1011                    new_board = last_board.clone()
1012                    new_board.applyMove(lmove)
1014                    if m.group(MOVE_COMMENT):
1015                        new_board.nags.append(symbol2nag(m.group(
1016                            MOVE_COMMENT)))
1018                    new_board.prev = last_board
1020                    # set last_board next, except starting a new variation
1021                    if variation and last_board == board:
1022                        boards[0].next = new_board
1023                    else:
1024                        last_board.next = new_board
1026                    boards_append(new_board)
1027                    last_board = new_board
1029                elif group == COMMENT_REST:
1030                    last_board.children.append(text[1:])
1032                elif group == COMMENT_BRACE:
1033                    comm = text.replace('{\r\n', '{').replace('\r\n}', '}')
1034                    # Preserve new lines of lichess study comments
1035                    if self.path is not None and "lichess_study_" in self.path:
1036                        comment = comm[1:-1]
1037                    else:
1038                        comm = comm[1:-1].splitlines()
1039                        comment = ' '.join([line.strip() for line in comm])
1040                    if variation and last_board == board:
1041                        # initial variation comment
1042                        boards[0].children.append(comment)
1043                    else:
1044                        last_board.children.append(comment)
1046                elif group == COMMENT_NAG:
1047                    last_board.nags.append(text)
1049                # TODO
1050                elif group == RESULT:
1051                    # if text == "1/2":
1052                    #    status = reprResult.index("1/2-1/2")
1053                    # else:
1054                    #    status = reprResult.index(text)
1055                    break
1057                else:
1058                    print("Unknown:", text)
1060        return boards  # , status
1062    def get_movetext(self, rec):
1063        self.handle.seek(rec["Offset"])
1064        in_comment = False
1065        lines = []
1066        line = self.handle.readline()
1067        if not line.strip():
1068            line = self.handle.readline()
1070        while line:
1071            # escape non-PGN data line
1072            if line.startswith("%"):
1073                line = self.handle.readline()
1074                continue
1076            # header tag line
1077            if not in_comment and line.startswith("["):
1078                line = self.handle.readline()
1079                continue
1081            # update in_comment state
1082            if (not in_comment and "{" in line) or (in_comment and "}" in line):
1083                in_comment = line.rfind("{") > line.rfind("}")
1085            # if there is something add it
1086            if line.strip():
1087                if not self.pgn_is_string and self.handle.pgn_encoding != PGN_ENCODING:
1088                    line = line.encode(PGN_ENCODING).decode(self.handle.pgn_encoding)
1089                lines.append(line)
1090                line = self.handle.readline()
1091            # if line is empty it should be the game separator line except...
1092            elif len(lines) == 0 or in_comment:
1093                if in_comment:
1094                    lines.append(line)
1095                line = self.handle.readline()
1096            else:
1097                break
1098        return "".join(lines)
1100    def get_variant(self, rec):
1101        variant = rec["Variant"]
1102        return variants[variant].cecp_name.capitalize() if variant else ""
1105nag2symbolDict = {
1106    "$0": "",
1107    "$1": "!",
1108    "$2": "?",
1109    "$3": "!!",
1110    "$4": "??",
1111    "$5": "!?",
1112    "$6": "?!",
1113    "$7": "□",  # forced move
1114    "$8": "□",
1115    "$9": "??",
1116    "$10": "=",
1117    "$11": "=",
1118    "$12": "=",
1119    "$13": "∞",  # unclear
1120    "$14": "+=",
1121    "$15": "=+",
1122    "$16": "±",
1123    "$17": "∓",
1124    "$18": "+-",
1125    "$19": "-+",
1126    "$20": "+--",
1127    "$21": "--+",
1128    "$22": "⨀",  # zugzwang
1129    "$23": "⨀",
1130    "$24": "◯",  # space
1131    "$25": "◯",
1132    "$26": "◯",
1133    "$27": "◯",
1134    "$28": "◯",
1135    "$29": "◯",
1136    "$32": "⟳",  # development
1137    "$33": "⟳",
1138    "$36": "↑",  # initiative
1139    "$37": "↑",
1140    "$40": "→",  # attack
1141    "$41": "→",
1142    "$44": "~=",  # compensation
1143    "$45": "=~",
1144    "$132": "⇆",  # counterplay
1145    "$133": "⇆",
1146    "$136": "⨁",  # time
1147    "$137": "⨁",
1148    "$138": "⨁",
1149    "$139": "⨁",
1150    "$140": "∆",  # with the idea
1151    "$141": "∇",  # aimed against
1152    "$142": "⌓",  # better is
1153    "$146": "N",  # novelty
1156symbol2nagDict = {}
1157for k, v in nag2symbolDict.items():
1158    if v not in symbol2nagDict:
1159        symbol2nagDict[v] = k
1162def nag2symbol(nag):
1163    return nag2symbolDict.get(nag, nag)
1166def symbol2nag(symbol):
1167    return symbol2nagDict[symbol]